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Smarter and increase your intelligence level. How to increase your intellectual level. Sunday – do computer training

The topic of increasing the intellectual level. The most popular answer, with 1.6 thousand votes, was given by Steve Denton, a holder of a degree in theoretical physics. The editors of the CPU selected the key practical advice from this post.

The brain needs intellectual challenges

By solving complex problems, such as learning a new language, a field of mathematics, or mastering an unfamiliar musical instrument, the brain becomes more plastic and flexible. According to Denton, one of the win-win options is to study various areas of mathematics - this science opens up wide opportunities for brain development. Mathematics allows you to train logical, numerical and visual abstract thinking, while improving concentration skills and “mental endurance”.

Steve Denton

You should associate with well-educated people

Meeting and talking with highly intelligent people can improve the functioning of your own brain. During such conversations you can learn a lot of new things, in addition, understand the train of thought smart people very helpful.

Computer games can be used to train intelligence

There are different games - shooters and sports simulators allow you to have a good time and train your reaction, but in terms of developing intelligence, they are not particularly useful. Denton recommends choosing games that involve solving complex problems and making multiple decisions. The physicist himself is a fan of the EVE game - in his opinion, it is the most complex and versatile of all computer games(the gaming system operates on the most powerful gaming supercomputer called Tranquility).

You need to read at least one serious book a week

Brain training using special software

Denton advises using special software for brain development, with the only caveat - you must use only services that have proven their effectiveness. Most of these projects in reality do not achieve the results that their creators promise - most often with their help you can only learn to play a certain game well, which does not translate into improving a person’s general cognitive abilities. However, the Dual N-Back project was able to prove its effectiveness. Another positive point is that it can be downloaded completely free of charge.

A healthy lifestyle is important

Exercising has a positive effect on brain function, healthy and not too short sleep also increases productivity (however, “oversleeping” can be even more harmful than not getting enough sleep). It is important to approach alcohol consumption wisely - in small quantities it helps you relax and communicate more freely - as mentioned above, communication with other people is good for the brain. But overuse alcoholic drinks(like smoking) causes obvious harm to the body. In addition, the brain needs proper nutrition to function most effectively. The body can obtain the required amount of nutrients only when balanced diet— a person should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

It is necessary to get rid of limiting ideas about your own intellectual level

Many people are actually smarter than they think they are. Often such a modest attitude towards their mental abilities does not allow them to achieve more in life. This phenomenon is called the “Dunning-Kruger effect” - according to it, people with below average intelligence often overestimate their intelligence, while those with above average intelligence often underestimate their abilities. You can get rid of this attitude towards yourself with the help of a simple logical refutation of myths about your own insolvency.

IQ depends not only on the natural characteristics that a person has from birth, but also on the lifestyle that he has chosen for himself.

If mental abilities are practically not used for a long time, they undergo regression, however, this is a manifestation of one of the basic laws of our world. A stop in development always leads to degradation, there is no other way. Today we will talk about several ways in which you can increase your IQ, that is, become smarter.

Method number 1 - healthy food

If we understand that brain activity directly depends on the functional state of the cells of the gray matter of the brain, then there is no need to dwell on the importance of the qualitative composition of the diet. Only a diet composed of sufficient amounts natural products, is able to satisfy the human body’s needs for microelements, vitamins, proteins, fats and other essential nutritional factors. As for high brain activity, then reverse Special attention necessary not for chocolate and sugar, but for deep sea sea ​​fish and seafood. The fact is that it is seafood that contains a sufficient amount of iodine, which is necessary to increase brain activity, and fish oil is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that increase IQ.

Method number 2 - daily routine

Working hard always leads to high fatigue and depletion of the body's reserves. For those who want to maintain their mental abilities sufficiently high level, it is necessary to adhere to a daily routine, a prerequisite for which is night sleep lasting at least six and a half hours a day. Have you probably heard about those phenomenal discoveries that were made in a dream? So, sleep is the most effective method relieving mental stress, it is as necessary for a person as air and quality food.

Method number 3 - reading

Writing is one of the largest inventions of mankind, the importance of which is truly impossible to overestimate. And today, despite the spread of high-speed communications and high technology, mental abilities are still closely dependent on one’s own vocabulary and the amount of accumulated knowledge. While wandering around the Internet, do not limit yourself to viewing pictures or videos, try to read as much as possible, paying attention to the latest scientific developments in various fields of human knowledge.

Method number 4 – communication skills

A high IQ will have absolutely no benefit if you don't interact with people. New acquaintances not only help you move yourself up the social and career ladder, but also improve your mental abilities. Anyone who has communication problems can learn a lot from books and articles on networking. Networking is a whole science, the goal of which is promotion, and the means is communication. By the way, thanks social networks Finding like-minded people and making useful contacts has become much easier.

Method No. 5 – broadening your horizons

Why do you think a child develops at an incredible speed during the first three years of life, while the speed of development of an adult is hundreds of times lower? The whole point is that the baby actively strives for knowledge, and adults think that they already know everything. To increase your own intelligence index, start expanding your own horizons, studying foreign languages, master new areas of knowledge, travel to unfamiliar places.

Method number 6 - leaving your comfort zone

All people strive for comfort. If during the first two to three decades of life a person is engaged in building his own cozy zone, that is, he receives an education, arranges his home, gets used to his place of work and a certain social circle, then in the future he lives in this skillfully created comfort zone, not wanting to leave beyond its limits. Of course, living this way is convenient and safe, but a quiet life kills not only instincts, but also intellect. To give your own mental abilities a new impetus, you can change your job or place of residence. Choose what suits you.

Method number 7 - training

Detectives, puzzles, crosswords and intellectual electronic games are suitable for training the mind.

With a few life hacks, you can raise your IQ by a full standard deviation. Challenge your brain - change your habits and routines, read more, solve puzzles and be open to new experiences that will increase your IQ level. Reinforce your efforts by eating plenty of protein, vitamin B, and rest, all of which improve your brain's ability to stay active. Proper nutrition And healthy image lives can work miracles. You are ready?


Part 1

Change your daily routine

    Follow daily tasks differently. Force your brain to form new connections and pathways by doing differently what you already do on autopilot. Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand (left if you're right-handed, right if you're left-handed). Walk as if you are going back through time. Talk to yourself in a different language. Do everything you can to change your routine.

    • Activities like these form new connections and pathways in your brain. We often take the simplicity of life for granted, especially when we have already developed a certain pattern of behavior. But when you break your usual routine, the brain has to relearn the skill, and this stimulates its work very well.
  1. Meditate. Many studies have shown that meditation is not only good for relieving stress and improving mood, it also improves brain function. Practice shows that they improve blood flow to the brain, train patience, concentration and memory. In addition, meditation is extremely relaxing.

    • Try meditating for 30 minutes a day. You can divide this process into 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to meditate in the morning when you wake up, after physical exercise and at night before bed.
  2. Consider taking supplements. The safest alternative to “smart” drugs are natural supplements. Just make sure you're taking the right amount by checking with your doctor first. All of the supplements listed below have proven benefits in scientific research:

    Start doing aerobic exercise regularly. Research by Win Wenger shows that breathing is directly related to attention span. Try scuba diving or running. If this doesn't suit you, then any other aerobic exercise will help. Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes, after you wake up and before you go to bed. You can end these sessions with meditation.

    • Such exercise stress good for the figure, and good appearance in turn improves mood. The more endorphins released during exercise, the more active your brain will be and the better you will feel.
  3. Sleep when your brain really wants you to. For some people, the most productive time of the day is 9 am, for others it is 9 pm. For some it may even be 3 am, or only after the third cup of coffee. Since we are all different, sleep when your brain needs it. Do you work best at night? Don't be shy, sleep until lunchtime. This doesn't mean that you are lazy, it means that you are wise.

    • Also try to sleep 7-9 hours a night. When you feel tired, your brain may not function at 100%. In this state, it downplays its abilities, putting you in a kind of hibernation mode, and does only the most necessary to breathe and maintain vitality. important processes in organism. Constant shortage Sleep also prevents the brain from developing to its full potential and can lead to various mental and physical illnesses in the long term.

    Part 2

    Practice your skills
    1. Read as much as possible. Genetics aside, education is a huge factor in developing your IQ. Try reading about science, such as mathematics and physics. Various sciences increase understanding of the world around us, which in turn improves perception, vocabulary, logic, spatial and mathematical abilities.

      • Nowadays you can find many educational resources on the Internet. Sources such as Universarium, Lectorium or even materials on YouTube will be useful.
    2. Make word puzzles and play various logic games. To prevent dementia and to keep your brain active, do puzzles and problems regularly - which means (in this day and age) spending more time on the internet and on your phone! Download apps like Lumosity, What Saying, Quiz Up and other games that activate all the inner reserves of your brain. Quit Candy Crush and spend more time improving your IQ.

    3. Take the tests again and again. An IQ test is no different from the chemistry test you took 4 times in school to finally pass the exam. An IQ test has the same basic structure and type of questions every time. Therefore, the more tests you take, the better your results will be.

      • The tests you can take online for free are not exactly the same ones you might have taken at a job center or a psychiatrist. If you want to know your real IQ level, you will have to deal with a real test. There is usually a fee for this test, so always try your best.
    4. Gain new experiences. When you do the same thing day after day, your brain goes into autopilot mode. He stops responding to stimuli in his familiar environment. But when you have new experiences, your brain wakes up and absorbs everything, invigorated for change. Therefore, instead of watching another movie in the evening, lying on your favorite comfortable sofa, look for a museum, an exhibition or some new place that will be interesting to visit in order to always keep your brain in good shape.

      • Even if you just visit a new place or try new food, it will be a good experience. This way you expand your knowledge and become better informed for future decisions. But the more they differ, the better. Consider this an excuse for an exotic vacation!
    5. Learn something new. Active learning Trying new things helps your brain learn and make connections that weren't possible before. Learning a new skill like juggling, playing chess or lacrosse, or any other activity you've never tried before will be incredibly beneficial for your brain.

      • Learning a new language is a great way to get your brain working in new ways. It awakens inactive parts of the brain and is also impressive and usable in real world.

    Part 3

    Change your diet
    1. Eat plenty of protein for breakfast. Protein has the ability to increase the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, which in turn increases levels of norepinephrine and dopamine - all of which increases your alertness and improves problem-solving skills.

      • This is especially important because breakfast prepares you for the day ahead and fills you with energy. Sugar at breakfast simply causes your energy levels to plummet a couple of hours later, slowing you down and making you even hungrier than before.

The level of a person’s intelligence depends, contrary to popular belief, not only on the number of books read and lectures memorized. Here is the presence healthy eating, and the number of sports loads, and even the speed of fire in computer games. In today's article, read about how to increase your IQ level by 16 points in just one week.

More vitamins

Day: Monday. Time taken: 30 seconds. Result: +2 IQ points

Athletes take creatine to increase their muscle mass, but this carboxylic acid is also a great brain booster. Research by Australian scientists from the Universities of Sydney and Macquarie shows that taking just 5 grams of pure creatine per day for a month will increase your intelligence level by as much as 14 points, and especially your ability to quickly calculate and perform logical operations.

Just remember this

Day: Tuesday. Time spent: 30 minutes. Result: +5 IQ points

An elastic and agile brain, capable of absorbing and remembering a large amount of information, is the key to success both in life and in passing iq tests. To develop short-term memory, Dr. Suzanne Jaeggi (University of Michigan) suggests playing the so-called at least once every two days. dual n-back games in which you need to remember a sequence of images and sounds.

Make up words

Day: Wednesday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result: +1 IQ point

IN Soviet time the game "Scrabble" was in deserved demand, but over time it was somehow forgotten. And completely in vain! From now on, Scrabble (the modern interpretation) should be your great friend. Because composing words from a limited number of letters is both the development of literate speech and the activation of vocabulary, which will undoubtedly have the best effect on your IQ. Moreover, you can play anywhere and however you want - various variations of the game exist for all major desktop and mobile operating systems.

When you're too lazy and want to sleep... hit the treadmill

Day: Thursday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result: +2 IQ points

Researchers at the Institute of Neurology and Psychology, located in Sweden, assure that a healthy and well-functioning the cardiovascular system can increase the level of intelligence by as much as 50% (although it seems to me that the process is more likely the opposite - the less health, the lower the intelligence). “Intense cardio training clearly has a positive effect on human cognitive abilities,” says Maria Aberg, who led the study. And by the way, for those who still doubt it, I remind you that it’s already spring outside and very soon you will be able to run in any park you like.

Get more diverse knowledge

Day: Friday. Time spent: 40 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

Another key point in increasing Iq is the variety of knowledge gained. And the point here is not only in the general expansion of horizons, but also in training the brain, like ordinary muscles. Instead of your favorite NTV, turn on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic with its murders and series about cops. Read on the road not jokes from bashorg, but science fiction (for example). Don't get hung up on just one thing!

Give up meat

Day: Saturday. Time spent: 15 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

It seems incredible, but the results of many studies conducted by different scientists in different countries and in completely different years he says one thing - vegetarianism can really improve your intelligence. I have not found any justification for such a cause-and-effect relationship, and to be honest, I myself am not yet ready to give up meat, but if you are already thinking about a vegetarian diet, then here is another argument in favor of this decision.

Play video games

Day: Sunday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result +2 IQ points

Everything is good in moderation, and computer toys are no exception. Military first-person shooters are a good way to improve the perception of visual cues and coordination of movements in the real world. For example, a person who plays CS once a week is more likely to have time to react to a car suddenly flying onto the sidewalk and save his own life. Also a kind of increase in the level of intelligence.

The inclinations of intellectuality are given to us at birth, the habit of using mental abilities is instilled by parents and teachers, and the desire to develop intelligence depends on each individual.

Modern science says that a person’s thinking abilities are 50% dependent on the genetic factor, that is, half of the potential of intelligence is laid down by parents - this is a type of character, a set of neurons, neurotransmitters. At the age of 5, a child has already formed a set of neurons and connections between them, most of which will remain with him for life. And then a lot depends on how his parents develop him, and when he grows up - on himself.

The goal of many people who want to realize their potential as fully as possible. And the surest way to achieve this goal is to never stop working to improve your intelligence. Anyone who actively works to develop their thinking abilities will be able to radically change themselves intellectually within a year.

So how can you get your brain to work at its full potential? Indeed, in our world, where competition reigns, it is not the strongest who wins, but the most intelligent, enterprising and resourceful.

Improving your mental abilities is not a problem - if only you have the desire and patience. Of course, we are unlikely to become second - these are exceptional personalities-nuggets. But, having engaged in self-development, we will be convinced that our brain has such capabilities that we did not even suspect.

Of course, many people would like to become a genius easily and quickly, without spending much effort. Now there are many books on the development of thinking abilities, for example Stanislav Muller’s “Become a Genius! Secrets of Super Thinking" from the series "Yourself a Psychologist", but most people are too lazy to even read them.

For them, the solution would be a magic pill like the one that, by chance, went to the main character of the American film “Dark Areas” (2011) with Bradley Cooper in leading role. Thanks to this pill, the brain of a failed New York writer begins to work with incredible power, and the depressed hero turns into a brilliant stock player with great prospects. But without a pill he is nothing. In addition, it turned out that the wonderful pills that improve brain function have serious side effects.

Although the hero finds a way out of the difficult situation in which he finds himself, it is better for us to be guided common sense and do exercises to develop intelligence. For the brain to work, it needs to be loaded, but the exercises should be interesting and not monotonous. IN otherwise we will subconsciously avoid them by practicing. And exercise will only give results when it becomes a habit.

What is IQ

In 1912, German psychologist Wilhelm Stern introduced the concept of “intelligence quotient” - IQ. It is determined using various tests with tasks of increasing complexity. The average value is 100. A value of 70 qualifies as mental retardation.

Intelligence does not mean the amount of knowledge accumulated by a person, but his ability to remember and analyze new information, and also be able to use it to solve subsequent problems.

American Andrea Kuszewski is a consultant physician and specialist in the field of behavioral therapy. She works with children with autism who have impaired cognitive abilities. One of her first patients was a boy with mental retardation: his IQ indicated slight mental retardation. After three years of learning reading, mathematics, playing skills, and communication using the method she developed, his IQ was 100. The same successes in the development of intelligence were observed in other children with cognitive disorders with whom classes were conducted.

Consequently, if children with learning problems can develop rapidly, then the average person who does not have such problems, as they say, is in the cards.

Andrea Kuszewski made the following conclusions:

  • intelligence is trainable;
  • the more you train it, the better the result will be;
  • Everyone can develop intelligence, regardless of the level of their initial abilities.

Developing mental abilities

1. We are looking for innovations

All geniuses are usually erudite - people with great knowledge in many areas of life. For example, he was not only a talented artist, but also a writer, musician, scientist and inventor.

People who strive to develop their intelligence should be open to everything new: knowledge, activities, events. After all, every new activity promotes the formation of new connections - synapses, which connect one neuron with the others and through which they exchange impulses.

The production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter hormone that stimulates the formation of new neurons and helps increase motivation, also directly depends on innovations that trigger this process.

Anyone who wants to have a high IQ should not think that after graduating from a university, they can forget about studying forever, because this is a direct path to degradation. Therefore, we do not stop looking for new food for the mind: we study new sciences, new languages, sign up for courses - for example, painting, playing the guitar, Latin American dancing, engage in a new sport, go on a trip for new experiences.

The value for the development of thinking abilities is not so much the knowledge itself as the learning process itself.

2. Challenge ourselves

Much has been said about the benefits of educational games for the brain that train memory and concentration: poker, preference, chess, backgammon, computer games like Tetris, Sudoku.

True, psychologists involved in the development of intelligence advise, having achieved mastery in one game, to move on to the next. After all, the brain, having understood how to play, for example, begins to become lazy, and new synaptic connections are no longer formed so actively. In order for the brain to be loaded and continue to work hard, you need to constantly keep it in a state of some difficulty.

3. Learning to think creatively

3.1. , the ability to create original ideas And think outside the box.

For example, we take a certain problem and find from 10 to 20 ways to solve it, especially without limiting our imagination. So,

  • We were caught in heavy rain outside, there was no umbrella, it was a long way from home, and the rain would most likely last for a long time;
  • we are rushing to an important meeting, and our heel suddenly breaks;
  • a wallet with money and credit cards disappeared, and we are in a foreign city;
  • we were invited to a party where we don’t know anyone except the hostess of the house, who was urgently called to work;

3.2. After watching a movie come up with our own name for it;

3.3. We open any book and write out 10 words from it, taken at random. Now let's try to find a connection between them and make a short story out of them from 10 sentences;

3.4. Imagine ourselves as an architect, to whom the customer set the task of designing a house. The house is not simple: the project must reflect 10 words invented by the customer: fish, nut, brick, cat, water, etc. We fantasize and draw a brick house, next to it is a walnut tree, on which a cat sits and looks at the fish swimming in pond, etc.;

3.5. Choose any item you like, located in the room, and select 5 adjectives that best correspond to it. For example, an orange is juicy, Spanish, orange, tasty, sweet. And 5 adjectives that suit him least: feline, sharp, scarf, grassy, ​​cloudy;

3.6. On a piece of paper draw 20 crosses and based on each of them we depict an object that our imagination tells us: for example, a mill, a saucepan, a dragonfly, a chessboard. Instead of crosses, you can draw circles or two perpendicular lines as a template for future pictures.

4. We don’t look for easy ways

Progress makes many tasks easier for us, but our brain, deprived of stress, relaxes. Take, for example, thanks to which we have successfully forgotten how to perform even the simplest arithmetic operations in our heads or on paper.

Or GPS, which helps you navigate the terrain. Those who have become accustomed to it eventually discover that they are no longer able to do without it, so much so have they lost their own sense of orientation.

They have been created to help us, which at the same time worsen our knowledge of languages, since they deprive the brain of the opportunity to practice them.

Technology makes life easier, but at the same time cognitive abilities suffer, because the brain needs training. Of course, there is no need to give up the benefits of civilization and products modern technologies, but sometimes it’s worth letting your brain work to keep it in good shape.