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Decoration of tangerines for the New Year's table. Topiary from tangerines master class. Video on this topic

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The feeling of New Year comes when everything around looks festive. Every winter, closer to January, we decorate our homes, and every time we want to surprise ourselves and our loved ones with something new and unusual. To do this, you don’t have to run to the store for new toys, candles, garlands - you can create a New Year’s atmosphere if you make the decorations yourself.

For inspiration and fresh ideas website turned to InMyRoom.

Holiday candles

To make New Year's Eve truly special, dim the lights and place candles around the house. You can make candlesticks with your own hands: jars, flower pots, pine cones and even cinnamon sticks are suitable for this.

Made with love

You can also make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands: for example, mold them from plasticine or sew them from felt or velvet. And if you don't like to sew, try making toys from clear balloons or old light bulbs. To do this, cover the glass surface with glue and place a ball or light bulb in a bowl with glitter.

Let there be light

Glowing garlands are guaranteed to create a New Year's mood. Hang them literally everywhere: on staircase railings, ceilings and walls, along cabinets and doorways and, of course, on the Christmas tree. You can make garlands yourself - for example, from corrugated paper or foil.

Small, but remote

An excellent New Year's decoration would be a Christmas tree made from pine cones, buttons, lace, woolen threads or multi-colored stickers. Decorate the finished Christmas tree with sparkles, beads and ribbons - and it will be able to compete with a real Christmas tree.

Drawing with Santa Claus

Don't forget about window decor and draw beautiful frosty patterns. To do this, cut out stencils from thick paper and prepare paint: mix toothpaste with water until thick. Now all that remains is to attach the stencils to the windows and blot them with a sponge.

Delicious garlands

If you're looking for an original way to decorate your home for the upcoming holiday, bake fragrant gingerbread cookies and poke small holes in them. Thread a ribbon through the holes and please your loved ones with an original edible garland.

A little nostalgia

The Christmas tree can be decorated not only with tinsel, garlands or New Year's toys. Make the holiday brighter and hang printed family photographs on the tree - such original decor will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Joy for children

Don't forget about the children - make a beautiful New Year's decoration for them with your own hands. To do this, simply put a children's toy and a Christmas tree in a jar, and use rice or cotton wool as snow.

To keep the toys warmer

You can make Christmas tree decorations from anything - even from an old scarf or sweater. It won't take much time: take a Christmas ball and cover it tightly with woolen fabric. Now secure the fabric at the base of the ball with tape - and you can hang the ball on the Christmas tree, windows or railings.

Tangerine mood

Let tangerines decorate not only the festive table this year, but also the Christmas tree. Place fruit in simple plywood boxes lined with craft paper. Once dry, decorate them with ribbons or cinnamon sticks. Such simple but fragrant crafts will look great next to other Christmas tree decorations.

Holidays everywhere

You can decorate not only the New Year tree with Christmas balls: they will look no worse on windows or a chandelier. The balls can be easily attached to colored ribbons and hung, for example, on a cornice.

Master Class Orange-fragrant decoration for the Christmas tree

New Year and the smell of citrus fruits are a favorite association with childhood!

This year my Christmas tree is dressed up in country style. In general, we decorated the Christmas tree with everything that came to hand. And, although oranges and tangerines were not even close to the village (at least in our latitudes), they are also a “harvest”. As my child joked, looking at the result: “it only lacks sausage, everything else is already there” :))

But there’s no way without handmade items, so I decided to make jewelry from citrus fruits:

Cut the orange, lemon and lime (it would be nice to also have grapefruit, but I didn’t have any) into thin slices. I cut the first batch 0.5 cm and threw the result in the trash. You need to cut into 2-3 mm slices, then when dried they do not lose color and turn out translucent. Place on baking paper, top with chili peppers and place in the oven overnight (temperature 60 degrees).

We got completely dry slices.

I painted the clothespins with acrylic and “aged” them with potassium permanganate:

The peppers turned out translucent :). We tie them to clothespins:

And here is the result:

For such a tree and balls you need villagers. To do this, I replaced the tinsel in the transparent balls with straw (I think it could be replaced with thick yarn, it should also turn out interesting).

And now it's all for the Christmas tree!

You can also make vases, baskets, boxes, candlesticks...

Interior decor

Look at this wonderful composition that can decorate any interior. You won’t believe it, but making one like this is as easy as shelling pears. And you don't have to buy anything for it. And if before this you threw citrus peels into the trash, now you will learn how to create roses like these from them. There are several simple secrets for creating a winter floral arrangement.

Starting at the top of the fruit, cut a thin strip of peel in a spiral. Top edge trying capture without white stripe.

Starting from the center, roll the crust tightly into a rose shape.

If you peel the orange thinly enough, after removing the first layer, similarly cut off the second layer - the white one. The resulting white roses will complement the composition.

Place the prepared fresh “roses” on a piece of cardboard and place them on the central heating radiator. Roses dry in about two days. They become hard and hold their shape well.

Apple peels make roses just as good.

If you cut a tangerine or orange (you can also use lemon or lime) into thin slices and dry them on a radiator, you will get fashionable additions to a dry flower arrangement.

Now use all your imagination, add dried rose petals, beads, coffee beans, beans, aromatic herbs and create a miracle in an ordinary glass jar or plain glass vase.

Orange peel box

Unusual handmade jewelry boxes can be made from orange peel!

To make the box you will need:

- orange (or other citrus),
- jars that will be used as a mold (glass or plastic),
- oil or acrylic paints, outline, beads, sequins (for painting the box),
- baking soda (sodium bicarbonate),
- rubber bands

How to make a box with your own hands:

1. Cut the orange in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

2. Place the orange peel in a cup of hot water, add 1 tablespoon of soda (not heaped).

Leave the orange peels in the soda solution for about twelve hours - you need to wait until they become elastic and soft. In this case, when molding the box and lid, the zest did not crack.

3. Turn out the crust and “pull” it onto the jars that you prepared as a mold for the box. In this case, one of the halves of the orange will be the box, and the other will be its lid. Experiment with bottom-lids,

Secure the orange peel halves to the mold using rubber bands.

4. Now leave the crust to dry completely. They must dry naturally, so the process will take a long time - about one to two weeks. Drying time will depend on air humidity.
Once completely dry, remove the molded crust.

5, 6. The lid of the box now needs to be decorated with some kind of ornament using a pen with a fine tip, for example a gel pen.

Then paint the lid with acrylic or oil paints and outline. You can use beads (glue them onto a “moment crystal”) or a silicone gun).

The original do-it-yourself box is ready.

Crafts made from orange peel "Orange Cosmos"

Roses and fancy flowers made from tangerine peel

It turns out to be such a beautiful composition.

Here's another option.

This is what the flowers will look like when they dry.

And more ideas for crafts and decor:

I will probably not be original if I say that tangerine is the most New Year's fruit. Many people associate its aroma with the holiday since childhood. Someone will probably even remember the bright orange balls on the spruce branches - was it such a delicious decoration?

Let's see how you can use tangerines in New Year's decor.

1. Snowmen and company

Tangerines and oranges are wonderful materials for crafts. Carnation buds and wooden skewers or toothpicks plus some imagination - and now funny orange snowmen will take up residence on your table.

Don't feel like making snowmen? You can complement the bright fruits lying in the basket with funny winter accessories, for example, like this:

And here’s another funny orange monster)) Children will surely be happy with this:

2. Tangerine calendar

To be honest, I could never really understand why numbers are so often used in New Year’s decorations, reminding us what year is coming. But there is a tradition, and many adhere to it. Perhaps you too will be accompanied throughout the holiday by a four-digit number decorated in a variety of ways. Why not use your favorite holiday fruit here? For example, this is what someone’s reminder last year looked like:

A great way when there is enough space to “paint with oranges”. If it is not enough, there is an idea for this case:

Bright, unusual, fragrant))

3. Tangerines and spices

Since we're talking about scents... Tangerines just with their smell lift your spirits, don't you agree? Or you can complement it with the aromas of your favorite spices, creating laconic but attractive holiday compositions - for example, like this:

Most likely, such decor will not last long either, but you can make a lot of similar compositions - it’s quick, easy and very exciting!

4. Delicious Christmas tree decorations

Yes, yes, those same tangerines on the Christmas tree that we already remembered. An eternal classic of the New Year genre... If there are children in the house, rest assured: they will definitely appreciate such decorations!

If you think that such “balls” are too heavy for your Christmas tree, or you simply don’t want its decorations to be eaten on New Year’s Eve, don’t give up on the idea completely - just change it a little. How do you like this idea, for example?

5. Zest - go to work!

Orange and tangerine zest can serve as a decorative element, even if its contents have already been eaten)) In order to carefully remove it in the form of a flower, you need to try and be patient...

But the result of your labor can be used, for example, as an original fragrant candlestick or dessert stand, as in this photo:

You can see how to make a candlestick from the zest here (there are other ideas for homemade candlesticks there). And if you remove the skin from the fruit in an even, thin spiral, it will make an original serpentine - either hang it on a Christmas tree or use it in the decoration of a holiday table

Surely you also have interesting ideas on how you can decorate your home or Christmas tree with tangerines and other citrus fruits. It will be very interesting to know about them, please share!