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Interview tests for attention. Logic tests when applying for a job - what they are. Testing for placement in the MFC and government services

There are many challenges along the way to finding a good job. In addition to choosing the right vacancy, you need to write your resume correctly, withstand the phone conversation with dignity and get to the most difficult stage - the interview. This is where the candidate's compliance with the requirements will be checked and the final decision will be made. And the winner will receive everything: the desired vacancy and accompanying benefits.

Why is it so scary for most applicants? Firstly, the unknown. It is impossible to guess what to expect at the next meeting. HR managers try their best to find the strangest logical problems during an interview. Secondly, deceptive irresistibility. Many applicants prepare in advance for failure and do not hope for their capabilities, but sometimes you just have to believe and the goal will be achieved.

Why are logic tasks needed?

  1. The Mystery of the Sewer Manholes

The question is simple: why are they round?

  1. We divide the cake among eight people

There is one cake and eight people. It is necessary to divide it into pieces with three cuts for the people present.

  1. Closed room and light bulbs

We have a room with a closed door and three switches. It is known that there are three light bulbs in the room. Find out the minimum number of door openings to determine whether the switches match the light bulbs (incandescent light bulbs).

  1. Mysterious incident on the field

A dead man is found in a rye field. IN right hand he clutches the match tightly. What did the person die from? Explain the circumstances of his death.

  1. The Mystery of Bird Eggs

There's a reason why all bird eggs are asymmetrical - one end is blunt and the other is sharp. Name it and justify it.

The tasks listed above are just a small part of the huge number that exist on this moment. Interviewers are constantly looking for new puzzles and improving old ones. The tests depend on the specialty for which the applicant is applying. And the success of passing depends on the candidate’s ability to find non-standard solutions for strange situations.

Answers to assignments

In most cases, future employment depends on the ability to quickly solve puzzles during an interview. For this reason, you should carefully prepare for testing and train your ingenuity. If the problems listed above could not be solved, then you can use the answers. They will help you understand the principle of approach to this type of tests.

  1. Rope and equator

A mathematical solution is applicable to this problem. It is known that the length of the equator is 40,075 km. Let's determine the radius based on the formula for calculating the circumference (L = 2πR). It is equal to R = L/2π = 40075000/2x3.14 = 6381369.43 m. If we increase the length by 10 meters, we get 6381371.02 m. The gap is 1.59 m. The answer is obvious, a person can not only crawl through, but also walk slightly bending down.

  1. Tablets and jars

This task is one of the easy ones. The first thing to do is number the jars. Next, we take a different amount from each (for convenience - from No. 1 - 1 piece, from No. 2 - 2 pieces, from No. 3 - 3 pieces, from No. 4 - 4 pieces, from No. 5 - 5 pieces). We put them all together on the scales and look at the resulting number. The maximum weight of all ten gram tablets will be 150 (the total number of tablets is multiplied by 10). Now we subtract the number obtained when weighing: 150 – 141 = 9. This is the weight of one poisonous tablet. Accordingly, the poisonous ones are in jar number one, because one piece was taken from it.

  1. Tunnel, man and train

Unlike previous problems, there is no need to carry out mathematical calculations in this one. It's enough to just speculate. First, let's determine where the person is. Judging by the test conditions, when moving towards the entrance to the tunnel, he will meet the train at the entrance, and when moving to the exit a quarter, the train will be at the entrance. We conclude that the person is in the middle of the tunnel, and the train is at the entrance. The conditions indicate that they will be at the exit at the same time. This means that in the time it takes a person to overcome a half-tunnel segment, the train travels through the entire tunnel. Based on this, we find that the speed of a train is twice as fast as the speed of a person.

  1. Bird eggs and a hundred-story building

To solve, we will use a linear search for one floor. We find the most optimal number of segments into which the building should be divided. We will need this to shorten the search using the second egg. Now let's introduce the variable Y - the number of attempts that need to be made. If an egg breaks, another one must be thrown (Y – 1) times. With each subsequent attempt, the number of attempts made is subtracted. The next stage will require (Y – 2) attempts, and so on.

We need to find the ideal number of attempts, provided that zero experiments are needed at the final stage. The sequence looks like this: (1 + B) + (1 + (B – 1)) + (1 + (B – 2)) + (1 + (B – 3) + … + (1 + 0) ≥ 100. Here (1 + B) is the number of necessary experiments, let’s denote it Y and solve quadratic equation of the form Y (Y + 1)/2 ≥ 100. The answer will be 14. Following the line of thought, you need to check the floors numbered - 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95, 99, 100 (provided that the egg is not broken during the experiment). If an egg breaks, then you should check the segment from the maximum floor where it remained intact to the place where it broke. The answer is that up to 14 tests are needed to accurately determine the floor.

If the candidate proposes the option below, he may be advised to think about the decision further. So here it is. To minimize the number of tests, use a second egg. We divide the number of floors in half and the first attempt is to reset from the 50th floor. If the egg breaks, then we drop the remaining egg from the 1st to the 49th floors sequentially. If it is still whole, then we divide the remaining segment in half and throw it at 75. If it breaks, we check floors from 51 to 74, if not, we continue. With this approach, the minimum number of attempts depends on the outcome of the first check.

  1. Buckets and water

There are two feasible solutions. First. Take a five liter bucket and fill it. Pour some of the water into a three-liter bottle. A large bucket contains two liters. We empty a three-liter bucket of water and pour two of the five-liter bucket into it. Now let's fill the big bucket. We drain the water from the five-liter container until the three-liter container is full. There are four liters in the large bucket (there were two in the small one, one liter was poured from the large one).

The second is the displacement method. Fill a large bucket with water and lower a small one into it. Three liters will pour out of it, two will remain. We merge them into a small one and repeat the procedure again. We fill the five-liter bottle and immerse the three-liter bottle in it. Again there are two liters left. We add them to those available in the three-liter.

  1. The Mystery of the Sewer Manholes

Examples of job interview questions and answers:

First answer: the probability of a round hatch falling into a well is minimal, since it has the same diameter, whatever one may say.

Second answer: the reason is the ease of transportation and work with this form.

The question allows you to show your imagination and find a non-trivial solution to the question posed.

  1. We divide the cake among eight people

Option #1: Divide the cake into equal pieces crosswise using two cuts. We get four parts. Now cut the cake in half horizontally. Total eight pieces.

Option No. 2: divide, as in the first option, the cake into four equal pieces. Then we stack them on top of each other and divide them in half with one cut. There is little appetizing in this, but the task is solved!

  1. Closed room and light bulbs

It will take one opening. Let's number the switches: 1, 2 and 3. Next, you need to turn on two switches: 1 and 2. After 5 minutes, turn off No. 1. Let's go to the room. Let's analyze the situation. If the light is on, then No. 2 corresponds to the light on. Let's touch them: cold - this is No. 3; warm - No. 1.

  1. Mysterious incident on the field

This task is creative. The most common answer is the legend of a plane crash. This is what is most often told during interviews. The bottom line is this: the plane was flying, the engine failed. The passengers discovered that there were not enough parachutes for everyone. We decided to draw lots. The loser is the person on the field.

This test involves many decisions. Think and find an equally original explanation for what happened.

  1. The Mystery of Bird Eggs

The main reason is to guarantee the survival of chicks when rolling off unsafe surfaces. The asymmetrical shape does not allow the egg to roll in a straight line, gaining greater speed. It rolls in a circle, slowing down. The shape prevents the death of chicks.

When solving logical problems during an interview, you need to remain calm and have a clear mind. Simple and real advice always helps. Stay calm in stressful situation Constant training and preparation for tests will help. You should listen carefully to the conditions and understand where you need to make accurate calculations, and where you just need to think creatively in a given direction.

Such techniques, in the hands of an experienced interviewer, will benefit not only the company, but also the candidate. They will allow him to reveal sides of his personality that he did not even suspect about. In case of inept use, nothing will be achieved except wasted nerves (of the interviewer and the applicant). Logic tests need to be able to be selected for a specific specialty and interpreted correctly. Without this, tasks are a waste of time and effort.

Sometimes communication during an interview is not limited to conversation. The applicant is asked to take one or more tests. What tests are there at an interview? Tests can determine the applicant's level of competence (professional testing). The candidate may be asked to undergo psychological testing in order for the employer to gain a more complete understanding of the character traits, motives, and behavioral characteristics of the applicant for the position. Logic tests can be classified as a separate group.

Interview tests that measure an applicant’s ability to think logically can be offered to representatives of many professions: not only “technicians,” but also humanitarian professionals (managers, secretaries, administrators, etc.). These tests do not require special knowledge - for example, mathematics - only the ability to concentrate and find a logical connection between several facts (or lack thereof).

The wording of the questions may seem absurd. For example, that elephants are books. Don't be confused - these are just words for groups of objects. Turn off your imaginative thinking, don’t try to imagine mutant elephants; use only logic to solve.

If there are tests coming up during a job interview, can you prepare for them? Can. This is not like preparing for an exam by memorizing tickets - you will still have to improvise at the interview. But you can develop a technical skill. The more similar problems you solve, the easier it will be to cope with them during an interview. Training is also useful because an interview is stressful, and under conditions of psychological stress we think more slowly and not as effectively as in a familiar environment. If you see a task that is familiar (even if the type of task is familiar), you are more likely to succeed.

What if you don't answer the test questions correctly? Does this mean that the employer will lose interest in you? Not necessary. Of course, you need to try to answer correctly, but if you can’t, it’s important to show your train of thought; For the employer, it is also indicative of the fact that you do not give up searching for a solution, that you are not nervous, that you are trying to think and reason logically.

Below are 12 questions on logic: you may encounter a similar test when applying for a job. The answers are given at the end. Try to answer on your own without looking at the result. During an interview, time may be limited, but, as a rule, there is enough time - the important thing is not to think faster, but to relax and calm down.

1. Some rabbits are trees. All trees love dogs. So all rabbits love dogs.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

2. All books can run. All elephants are books. This means that all elephants can run.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

3. Two carrots are never alike. Birches and chestnuts look exactly the same. This means that birches and chestnuts are not two carrots.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

4. Some potatoes are cars. Some cars play a tambourine. This means that some potatoes play the tambourine.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

5. No bird can become a minister if he has a blue nose. All birds have a blue nose. This means that none of the birds can become a minister.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

6. All nightingales collect bananas. Some banana pickers sit in a doghouse. This means that some nightingales are sitting in a doghouse.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

7. Only smart people steal or cheat. Sveta is stupid.

a) Sveta is deceiving.
b) Doesn’t steal light.
c) Sveta steals.
d) Sveta steals and deceives.
d) There is no correct answer.

8. All swans cannot crawl. All swans have tickets.

a) Swans cannot crawl without tickets.
b) Some swans do not have tickets.
c) Swans cannot crawl because they have tickets.
d) All swans who have tickets cannot crawl.
e) Swans cannot crawl and they do not have tickets.
f) There is no correct answer.

9. Some cats are Chinese. The Chinese have three legs.

a) Cats with four legs are not Chinese.
b) The Chinese, who are cats, sometimes have three legs.
c) Chinese people with four legs are sometimes cats.
d) There are no non-Chinese cats with three legs.
e) Cats have three legs because they are Chinese.
f) There is no correct answer.

10. Trees are green cats. Trees drink beer.

a) All green cats drink beer.
b) All green cats are trees.
c) Some green cats drink beer.
d) Green cats don't drink beer.
e) Green cats are not trees.
f) There is no correct answer.

11. Smart leaders fall from the sky. Stupid leaders can smoke.

a) Stupid leaders fall from the sky.
b) Smart leaders who know how to fall can smoke.
c) Some stupid managers cannot smoke.
d) Some smart managers are stupid because they know how to smoke.
d) There is no correct answer.

12. Each triangle is square. All triangles are orange.

a) There are triangles with orange corners.
b) There are triangles with square corners.
c) There are triangular orange corners.
d) Corners and triangles - square and orange.
d) There is no correct answer.

Right answers:

1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7b, 8d, 9a, 10c, 11d, 12d.

Elena Nabatchikova

Logical or abstract reasoning tests measure your ability to perceive and understand abstract forms and the logical rules behind those forms. Imagination, visualization and abstract thinking skills play a major role in determining the level of logical thinking skills required to solve any logic test. In the article on HRLider you will find examples various types logic tests, explanations of their solutions and preparation tips.

What is the purpose of logical thinking tests?

Einstein once said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.”

The point of logic and reasoning tests is to assess your abstract thinking and imagination abilities. Developed imagination and the ability to draw conclusions based on abstract ideas is a quality that is required for many modern positions in the labor market. Both employers and HR agencies love logic tests because they help you quickly and easily determine the overall intellectual level a person, the development of his mind and ability for critical thinking and creativity.

The ability to determine the logic of abstract forms is the ability to analyze, visualize, comprehend and express these figurative signs and forms. This is what helps you identify forms from patterns and, conversely, find patterns and rules in forms. It helps you solve critical problems in complex real world. But what's more important is developed ability to logical analysis will help you get your dream job.

Tests of logic and abstract reasoning have been the focus of psychologists for the past several decades. Dr. Howard Gardner's ideas opened new opportunity for their application in the HR industry for personnel selection. Gardner's theory was that intelligence is not one measurable entity. He proposed that spatial reasoning ability is one of eight cognitive skills that can be collectively called information processing skills.

Thurston then described three types of spatial reasoning ability:

  • Ability to visualize the rotation of shapes and forms.
  • Ability to reorient objects from different angles.
  • Finding relationships between different spatial objects.

Types of work that require logical thinking

For some types of work, a developed ability for spatial logical thinking is a mandatory requirement. Such work implies constant use visualization, abstract thinking and imagination in everyday work. And it is precisely for such work that logic tests are usually used.

Natural Sciences

All natural Sciences require a certain degree of ability to construct abstract theories and test them with experiments. For example, you must be able to imagine the complex structure of atoms and the movement of their particles. Or must infer from the complex structure of cells to solve medical problem. You must also be able to express your vision on paper or in computer models. Accordingly, companies where scientific works, use logic tests when hiring.

Works related to calculations

If you have good result If you pass logic tests, then you will most likely show the same good result on numerical tests. Although it is not always necessary to use calculation skills to solve logical problems. But in most cases, these skills help each other. Since, in fact, the same mental abilities are behind both abilities. Thus, logical analysis abilities are just as important for careers in mathematics, physics, accounting, audit, economics, etc. Logical tests when applying for a job are required in banks: Sberbank, Raffisenbank, VTB, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc., auditing companies: E&Y, Deloitte, PWC, etc., in financial and insurance companies.

Engineering work

Logical thinking is very important for building a successful engineering career. After all, an engineer or designer initially needs to create models in his mind before he can transfer them to paper or a computer screen. Logic tests during interviews are used in companies Sibur, Rosatom, Henkel, Ford, Toyota, etc.

Architectural and design work

Architects, like engineers, must use spatial skills to create their models. They must be able to visualize a lot and correctly in the process of their work. Most large architectural firms use logic tests when hiring.

Works related to computer technology

Computer technologies are based on the use of spatial logical models. It is not surprising that computers play an important role in developing the logical skills of professionals who deal with them. If you are building a career in IT, you definitely need a certain degree of logical thinking ability. Microsoft, Apple, ABBYY, Kaspersky Lab and other IT companies use logical tests to select candidates.

As a final point, we would like to add that logical tests are widely used to evaluate government candidates. Russian Federation. Many ministries and departments use them to assess the intellectual abilities of candidates. Logical tests are used especially widely during the Leaders of Russia competition. It uses logical tests from the ECOPSY company, which you will also find on our website.

Geometric shapes test

Logic tests are mainly built on the use of abstract forms. The most popular types of personality tests when applying for a job:

  • Most logic tests contain several abstract forms. The task is to find general rule for all figures. Such tests are also called tests of abstract logical thinking.
  • Another type of logic test offers different sizes of shapes. It is required to identify shapes based on size. Forms can change their designs or composition of elements with changes in size.
  • Some jobs may contain different planes with different shapes. They may offer 2D or 3D shapes. And the task is to determine the direction of their rotation in different planes. These tests are also called spatial memory tasks.
  • You may need to visualize taking the shape apart and reassembling it in another location. You must find the topographical relationship between the different shapes.
  • You may need to see objects from a different angle. You must be able to reorient your position in relation to other objects. These tests are called spatial orientation tests.

Examples of logic tests

Test with geometric shapes

Logic test - matrices

The answer and solution to this logic test can be found at the end of the article. Try to find the answer yourself first - test yourself. Please note that it usually takes 45-60 seconds to solve such a logic test.

The answer and solution to this logic test can be found at the end of the article. Try to find the answer yourself first - test yourself. Please note that it usually takes 45-60 seconds to solve such a logic test. How long will it take you to solve this test?

How to prepare to take abstract logic tests?

Spatial abilities and logic develop from early childhood. We learn to compare things and their properties, learn to analyze the experience gained and draw conclusions based on it. Of all the inhabitants of the Earth, only people are capable of abstract thinking and drawing abstract logical conclusions. That is, every person has certain abilities to solve logic tests.

However, experiments have shown that specific practice on abstract logic tests leads to a sharp increase in performance on logic tests. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to prepare in advance. After all, getting the job you want is at stake.

When actually testing, it is important to be calm and collected. The state of mind and attitude can significantly affect the final result. Preliminary preparation can make a significant difference in how you show up for your pre-employment test. If you have prepared and already know exactly or at least approximately what will await you during testing, you will obviously feel calmer and more confident.

As we wrote above, 45-60 seconds are given to solve 1 test task in logic tests, but after preparation, 30 seconds will be enough for you to solve such logic tests. Preparation guarantees success.

We recommend passing all types of logic tests available on the website resource, since they cover most of the possible types and types of logic tests that can be encountered in real testing in large and medium-sized Russian companies who use pre-employment testing.

If your employer has informed you that you will have logic tests when applying for a job, start preparing without delay. Remember: it’s better to spend a couple of evenings preparing now than to fail the real tests and regret the missed chance later!

Answers and solutions to logic tests:

Geometric shapes test

Logic test - matrices

Logical Sequence Test

Interview tests help to quickly identify the most worthy candidates among many applicants, and then proceed with them to individual interviews. This saves time and financial resources of the company - not many people can afford to arrange individual interviews with everyone. So we have to resort to tests and group interviews.

The main tests will be aimed at checking the professional qualities of a candidate for a position, because if he does not have the skills necessary for the job, then such an employee is worthless. If the candidate has established himself as an expert in his field, then he will most likely have to take tests that will evaluate him as a person and help check whether he can work worthily in this organization. Tests can reveal:

  • The candidate's loyalty to the organization.
  • What is his stress resistance?
  • Does he know how and like to lie?
  • If he has a problem with alcohol and/or drugs.

Testing is, of course, not the only source of information about a candidate for a position. The employer can obtain the rest of the information about the person from his biography, recommendations from his previous place of work, etc. But the benefits of tests should in no way be denied.

What are they?

There are several types of tests, which together allow you to characterize the candidate from all necessary aspects.

Examples of test tasks and answers to them


Professional tests are carried out most often. They include questions on a given qualification and allow you to accurately determine the completeness of the test taker’s knowledge. Usually the topic is limited to only one specialty, but if the position involves combining two or more, then the topic of the questions becomes more extensive. But the verification takes place exclusively within the framework of the current qualification level.

Note! Professional testing is one of the most difficult. And not only for the candidate himself, but also for the employer, since he will have to create an accurate test that should reveal all the weaknesses of the test taker.

Therefore, anxiety on the part of both the candidate and the employer is not something sudden and wrong.

Examples of questions for marketers:

  1. You need to make a list of businesses that consume…. What sources will you use (give specific names). Justify your choice.
  2. How long will it take you to search?
  3. You need to find out the volume of consumption... in the Tver region. Tell us how you will do this. How is the accuracy of the assessment guaranteed, what is the range of acceptable errors? How long will it take you to do this?

You can view a list of non-standard and tricky questions and learn how to answer them correctly at.

Intelligence Test

These tests are conducted to assess the candidate’s intelligence, as the name suggests. If a position requires high mental abilities of a person, then an IQ test is simply indispensable.

In this case, the employer does not need to invent something new. For a full test, tasks from the book of the man who made the IQ test so popular - G. Eysenck - are quite suitable.

Of course, tests will not be able to absolutely fully characterize a candidate’s intelligence, but this will at least give him the opportunity to express himself in this regard. The disadvantage of this testing is that the candidate may have already passed Eysenck tests. Some questions in this case may completely coincide, which will give the candidate a certain (and somewhat unfair) advantage over the others.

Examples of questions for an IQ test:

  1. Solve the given anagrams and choose the extra word:
    • AALTERK;
    • SKIN;
    • DMONCEA;
  2. Find the pattern and insert the missing number in brackets:
    • 196 (25) 324;
    • 325 (…) 137.

Correct answers: 3, 21.

Assessment of general and special abilities

Quite often, in addition to assessing professional qualities and level of intelligence, it is necessary to assess other skills of the candidate for the position. These tests evaluate:

  • attentiveness;
  • logic;
  • ability to remember and process large amounts of information;
  • reaction speed, etc.

There can be many categories. These tests are especially popular among HR managers in large companies, especially international ones. An example is one of the attentiveness tests:

The pictures show the names different colors, only the word “Green” is written in red letters, the word “Yellow” is written in blue, the word “Black” is written in yellow. It is necessary to correctly name the color of the text itself.


These tests are classified as psychological. They are used to determine a person's personality characteristics, adaptability and social behavior. Tests can also find out what the candidate’s expectations are from his future work.

The following tests are mainly used during job interviews:

  • Luscher color;
  • Rorschach;
  • Markert;
  • Rosenzweig.

Questions usually have multiple answer options and do not have a time limit for choosing to avoid answering incorrectly. Psychological tests are difficult to consider objective, because some characteristics (like stress resistance) are quite difficult to identify without a real situation. However, it is possible to read a person’s temperament, and thereby identify unsuitable qualities of a candidate, if any.

As an example, it is worth considering the color test. The candidate will be offered cards of different colors. You need to arrange the colors in any desired sequence. The ideal order of colors is from warm to cold shades: red - yellow - green - purple - blue - brown - gray - black.

Mindfulness tasks

Attentiveness tests are often used to test secretaries, personal assistants, clerks, and similar professions. A lot of tests have been invented to test attentiveness.

One of the simplest and most effective: A candidate for a position is offered a chaotic set of letters, and two to three minutes to find and mark all the words he knows. During this time you need to find as many words as possible.

With figures

The shape test is to determine the dominant character traits of a person. It is done very simply. The candidate is offered five geometric shapes: square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag. And they should be arranged in whatever order you prefer. The meaning of the figures in this testing is as follows:

brain teaser

These tests assess the candidate's logical thinking. The difficulty and number of questions may vary depending on the standards adopted by the organization.

Remember! In such tests you should not use personal life experience; you should rely only on the information in the task and logical thinking.

Examples of multiple-choice logic questions:

  1. Some rabbits are trees. All trees love dogs. So all rabbits love dogs.
    • a) correct;
    • b) wrong.
  2. All books can run. All elephants are books. This means that all elephants can run.
    • a) correct;
    • b) wrong.
  3. Two carrots are never alike. Birches and chestnuts look exactly the same. This means that birches and chestnuts are not two carrots.
    • a) correct;
    • b) wrong.

Correct answers: 1b, 2a, 3a.

How to get?

Attention! To successfully pass any test, you need to overcome anxiety. You need to answer questions with maximum concentration, giving the most accurate and detailed answer. If you cannot cope with your feelings, then you should resort to the help of sedatives.

Testing should be completed without delay - it is better to skip difficult questions and leave them for later. If some questions seem unclear, you should not be shy and ask questions to the boss who is conducting the interview.

Do you need to prepare?

Of course, you need to prepare for testing, but only if you really know what tests you will have to take at the interview. It is worth trying to find out about this, and if the candidate is faced with tasks on logic, intelligence or professional abilities, then he needs to act. The best thing to do would be to find similar tests on the Internet and solve them.

But it should be understood that There is no point in preparing for psychological tests. Of course, you can familiarize yourself with possible questions, but it is simply impossible to find out exactly which character traits are important to the employer. Well, if you guess and choose false answers, and since the HR manager wants to see this, then when you get hired, working in the organization will most likely be uncomfortable.

We talked more about how to prepare for a job interview in.

Video on the topic

Watch a video about why tests are needed and whether you should be afraid of tests.


Testing can significantly save time and money when recruiting employees. Especially if we are talking about a large number of candidates, when conducting individual interviews with each individually will be more than irrational. Moreover, the available tests will be enough to characterize candidates from most aspects.

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Nowadays it is not so easy to get a prestigious job. To do this, you must have a sufficient level of qualifications, be able to solve technical, organizational and other issues, especially if the applicant is applying for a high position. In addition, many modern employers use new technology selecting worthy candidates using a hiring diligence test.

What is the difficulty?

It is worth noting that not every applicant can pass the attentiveness test when applying for a job. To successfully pass it you must have the following qualities:

  • increased attentiveness;
  • the ability to solve assigned problems in such a way as to get out of the situation with a minimum of losses;
  • make clear and informed decisions.

We have recently started a similar practice among employers. Therefore, university graduates, even if they graduated with honors educational institution, have a difficult time in a job interview if they are asked to take an attentiveness test. You can find many examples of these tests with answers and solutions; they are just called differently, but have a similar essence. Click the button below to try them for free.

General classification of attentiveness tests

Many applicants vacant positions Prestigious companies, before going through an interview, ask what an “attentiveness test when applying for a job” is? In fact, when a person is confronted with specific task, given a certain amount of time to solve it and several answer options, this task can already be called a test of attentiveness.

What's the catch?

Particularly difficult can be attentiveness tests with answers, which are most often used when selecting candidates for a position. All answers are usually similar to each other; if you choose one incorrect answer, the knowledge assessment scale immediately changes.

In addition to the fact that you need to choose the correct answer in the attentiveness test, you must first make calculations that can be done without the help of additional computing devices. That is, when passing an attentiveness test when applying for a job, all logical and abstract problems must be solved in the head (maximum on paper using computational formulas).

Special tests when applying for a job

There are tests for attentiveness when applying for a job using pictures, when passing which you need to be extremely careful:

  • for attentiveness;
  • tests aimed at and working with numbers;
  • on the ability to decide.

Today, you can take attentiveness tests for work online. However, there is some time limit that is allotted to solve each problem. There is so little time that you shouldn’t even think about where to find a clue. In order to pass everything correctly, you just need to be well prepared for it.

About the developers of attentiveness tests

It is important that the attentiveness tests taken are usually presented in pairs. These can be logical and numerical, or verbal and numerical tasks. For one round with questions in mathematics or logic, there are usually 15 - 20 tasks with suggested answer options.

The vast majority of attentiveness tests for work were created by famous corporations and. Both companies have developed similar tasks, but it is worth understanding that all developments are strictly automated. The latest technologies analyze applicants’ knowledge independently, without human help. After processing the data, automated systems provide information to employers, who ultimately decide whether to pass the candidate through to the next stage of the interview.

Features of logic tests

Attention and logic are tested in abstract logical examples. Tests for logical thinking can be called tests for attentiveness solely because their solution does not require the use of mathematical formulas, logarithms, etc.

An example of an abstract logic test problem is locating a triangle or part of a triangle that is moving in a circle, rotating 90 degrees. This simplest example tasks from tests for attentiveness when applying for a job, but from it you can imagine what awaits candidates when solving these problems.

Features of numerical tests

To solve numerical attention tests, you need to use your math skills. Since candidates are offered non-standard tasks, Special attention required when studying them.

Tables, graphs, and diagrams were used to create task conditions. In addition to mathematical abilities, to solve numerical tests for attentiveness, you must again resort to logic, since one incorrect calculation or incorrectly made decision can ruin the entire test. Correctly selected data for solving tasks is the key to successfully passing the attentiveness test when applying for a job. Below you can take examples of attentiveness tests with numbers.

Features of solving verbal tests

The previous tests are completely different from the upcoming verbal attentiveness test. It is not entirely clear to many young professionals (university graduates). This does not imply a lack of knowledge or skills, it’s just that verbal tasks have never been used in our education system before, much less at the job interview level.

The applicant is given a set of phrases that must be divided into several categories: “truth”, “lie”, “ineffective solution”. The peculiarity of the verbal attentiveness test is that you need to think about a specific phrase and give the correct answer to it, without taking into account your own experience.

In order to feel confident when you come to an interview, you need to properly prepare for the attentiveness tests. On our website there are programs with answers to attention tests. Having studied the tasks well, you can imagine a certain situation that may be presented at an interview, and make the right decision.