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What are glycine tablets for and their use. Glycine - what is it for: how to take the drug. What does glycine help with?

The article will tell you about the drug “Glycine”. About the simplest amino acid that has a calming effect.

Glycine is a non-essential simple amino acid of the aliphatic series. Normally, it is produced in every healthy human body. When it enters the digestive system, the amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, where it is subsequently used to build the necessary protein structures.

"Glycine" instructions for use

When the drug is administered sublingually, glycine bypasses the intestinal transit phase and travels directly to the brain through the bloodstream. Getting to the brain structures, glycine acts as a neurotransmitter that affects brain receptors. Under the influence of the amino acid, the brain begins to produce less excitatory mediators and increases the production of GABA, which has an inhibitory effect.

"Glycine" effect on the body
  • Glycine reduces emotional and mental stress, reduces conflict and aggressive attitudes, and helps increase adaptive activity in society. Glycine also helps normalize sleep and makes it easier to fall asleep
  • The amino acid improves mood and activates brain activity, increasing performance. To people suffering vegetative-vascular dystonia, helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Glycine helps reduce the manifestations of brain disorders in ischemic stroke or TBI. It also reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and other drugs that have a detrimental effect on the central nervous system.

"Glycine" indications for use

Indications for the use of this amino acid arise from the effects listed above.

These indications are:

Emotional and mental tension during stressful situations
Decreased mental ability to work
Hyperactive behavior in children adolescence
History of ischemic brain injury
Diseases nervous system associated with increased excitability, nervousness, frustration vegetative-vascular systems

It should be understood that the effectiveness of the drug does not manifest itself immediately, but acts over an accumulation process.

"Glycine" contraindications

There are no specific contraindications to taking the amino acid under discussion. Since glycine is a substance that is normally present in the human body, medicinal product well tolerated and not contraindicated not by age category, not pregnant.

The only limitation to taking glycine is poor tolerability of the drug by humans.

"Glycine" for children

"Glycine" for children

Glycine is one of the few drugs that not contraindicated for use in children and not may cause no side effects in the child, provided there is no individual intolerance.

This not a pharmaceutically synthesized drug and not sedative of plant origin, and naturally reproducible amino acid of the body.

"Glycine" side effect

  • The advantage of this proposed remedy is the absence of bright and pronounced side effects.
    Their manifestation can be observed only if there are allergic reactions to the drug
  • Allergy symptoms in in this case classic - in the form of urticaria or hyperemia skin, there may be itching or a slight increase in body temperature
  • All of the above symptoms disappear on their own with dose reduction or withdrawal. medicine

"Glycine" dosage

Of course, the dosage of the drug depends on the disease and age of the patient. But the principle of taking medicine is the same for everyone.

"Glycine" dosage
  • Glycine is prescribed to be taken sublingually, that is, under the tongue. The tablet is left in the sublingual fossa until it is completely dissolved.
  • In case of emotional and mental overload, memory impairment, decreased performance and when hyperactivity For adolescents, glycine is prescribed in a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day. In this case, the course of treatment should be at least two weeks, but not exceed a duration of more than a month.
  • In case of increased excitability, which is in the nature of organic or functional disorders, or in case of apathy and sleep rhythm disturbances, also at the age of less than 3 years, the medicine is prescribed in a dose of 0.05 g up to 3 times a day. The course lasts up to 14 days, then the daily dosage is reduced to a single dose
  • If the child’s age is more than 3 years, then the dose corresponds to adult calculations
  • For sleep rhythm disturbances, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before bedtime in a dose of 0.5 to 1 tablet
  • If there is a history of ischemic brain damage, then the medicine is prescribed in a large dose: 10 tablets put behind the cheek and pour 1 tsp. water in an acute state of cerebral ischemia (the first 6 hours), then leave the same dose for another 5 days, after 5 days the dose is reduced to 2 tablets 3 times a day for a month
  • The drug is used in narcology as a means of increasing mental performance, for psychological problems and manifestations of pathologies of brain activity in a dose of 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month

"Glycine" interaction with other drugs

The amino acid has a weakening effect when using antipsychotics, antidepressants drugs , anxiolytic drugs, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.


Structural analogues of the active substance:
Glycine ozone
Glycine forte
Glycine Forte Evalar

"Glycine" reviews

This is a fairly inexpensive drug and at the same time quite effective. It should be noted that at the beginning of use there is a fairly strong hypnotic effect, but it goes away after a short time adaptation.
The big advantage is that the drug can be used in young children and there are no side effects of the drug.

Video: Amino acid glycine. Real effects. Sedation

First of all, Glycine must be classified as a pharmacological group of drugs that directly affect metabolic processes. Thus, penetrating the body through the gastrointestinal tract, the aliphatic amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrates the liver, where Glycine is spent on the need for protein synthesis. If this medication is used by resorption under the tongue, then after absorption into the bloodstream it enters the brain through the bloodstream, where it has a direct effect on the receptors in the brain.

Glycine's formula is simple. The active ingredient is the amino acid glycocol, which is so necessary for the normalization of processes in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. The presence of such a component in the body is quite natural, since it is naturally produced by nervous tissue. This is precisely what explains the productive absorption of Glycine in the body and further breakdown into carbon dioxide. The drug does not interfere with the body's metabolic processes and does not have a negative effect on them. Having systematized the information received, we can summarize that Glycine positions itself as a powerful antioxidant with antitoxic properties.

Glycine is available in tablet form and has analogues. These are Enerion, Parkon, Glycised, Memsidol, Tenoten, Phenibut and others, the action of which is identical.

Glycine: Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

The list of indications for Glycine is quite long. Thus, Glycine is recommended for patients with increased nervous excitability, in particular, to quickly relieve a state of heightened emotionality. In addition, this medicine is indicated for stress of various forms and intensity, as well as for mental stress and insomnia. It is also involved in the rehabilitation period after a stroke or traumatic brain injury.

This medical drug has very gentle properties, therefore, among the contraindications, there is exclusively individual hypersensitivity of the sick organism to its individual components. There are no restrictions in other clinical pictures.

Glycine: Side effects and overdose during drug treatment

It is important to note here that, in general, the use of Glycine is well tolerated by the body, and the only known side effects are allergic reactions on the skin, which disappear as unexpectedly as they worsen, and sometimes do not even require a change in the chosen treatment regimen, which is good news.

There are also no cases of overdose.

Glycine: Instructions for use of the drug

The method of using Glycine is limited to taking the tablet under the tongue. If we are talking about children, and the use of Glycine is necessary to increase performance, concentration and memory development of the child’s body, then it should be taken one tablet three times a day. If there are functional and organic lesions of the nervous system, then the acceptable course of treatment for children is half a tablet three times a day for a couple of weeks. Often it is advisable to repeat such therapy.

If we talk about the adult category of patients, it should be clarified that the daily dose depends entirely on the nature of the pathology and the symptoms that accompany it, therefore treatment in such cases should be determined by a doctor, although all possible combinations of taking Glycine are described in detail in the annotation.

Features of the use of the drug Glycine

If we touch on the topic “Drug interactions,” it is necessary to clarify that Glycine significantly inhibits the activity of antipsychotic and anticonvulsants, as well as antidepressants and barbiturates, so combining them is not recommended.

Glycine: Reviews of the drug

Reviews about Glycine are radically different, since patients’ opinions about such treatment are divided. Some patients find it quite productive and often use it to relieve stress and speed up the process of falling asleep.

Students take Glycine during the session to enhance mental abilities, but this does not affect the grades they receive. Glycine is recommended for children to weaken their emotional state, but noticeable results visible only in half of the cases.

Therefore, we can safely say that Glycine’s productivity is rather selective, and this medicine cannot be considered a panacea on the path to achieving complete calm.

One way or another, a doctor should prescribe such treatment, and a correct diagnosis will only contribute to the onset of noticeable improvements in health. In general, we should hope for the effectiveness of the drug Glycine, especially since, against the background of its noticeable activity in the body, many patients are also captivated by its moderate cost.

Price for Glycine 0.1 50 tablets. - from 20 rubles.

Instructions for Glycine sublingual tablets from the manufacturer of the drug - MNPC LLCBiotics(Russia)

13:25 Glycine: instructions, use, reviews -

Glycine in modern pharmacology is represented by a trivial aminoacetic acid, but its action in the body is simply irreplaceable in a number of clinical situations, but first things first. General description of the drug Glycine First of all, Glycine must be classified as a pharmacological group of drugs that directly affect metabolic processes. Thus, penetrating the body through the gastrointestinal tract, the aliphatic amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrates [...]

Hello. Another note about various bodybuilding supplements is ready. Today we will talk about one amino acid that, after reading the article, you may want to use. This thing has quite a lot of properties, but I tried to describe the main ones in the article.

Among the many products that athletes use, the well-known glycine in bodybuilding is not the last one. Glycine is essentially an amino acid that is part of proteins. In bodybuilding, amino acids play an important role, since muscles are made of proteins.

Being neurotransmitter amino acid glycine is largely responsible for the processes of the nervous system.

  • It helps provide oxygen during the formation of new cells.
  • Participates in the production of hormones that strengthen the immune system.
  • Helps in the breakdown of glucose.

NEUROMEDIATORS- these are biological active substances chemical nature, which allow the transmission of electrochemical impulses from a nerve cell. For example, when a muscle cell receives an impulse from neurons.

BRAIN WORK. During research, the doctor proved that the amino acid has a positive effect on the functioning of certain receptors in the brain, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system. After this therapy, patients became more concentrated and attentive, and the ability to better remember information was observed.

One of the largest studies of glycine confirmed that it increases the performance of a person who slept only 75% of normal.

The amino acid is involved in the formation of immunoglobulins and antibodies, thus glycine fights infections and improves immunity.

IMMUNITY. There are even some studies from where I live now! Research of the Kuban State medical university in Krasnodar showed that the amino acid has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

The experiment was carried out by scientists Kutumov and Nuschik. The subjects in the study were schoolchildren of the same age. The experiment showed that six months after taking glycine, only 8% of the total students fell ill. And the duration of the illness after therapy was 4 days. While before taking immune drugs with the named amino acid, these same students were sick for an average of 7-12 days.

The connection with immunity is due to the fact that glycine helps increase LYSOZYME in our saliva. This substance neutralizes viruses and bacteria. In addition, the level in the blood itself increases IMMUNOGLOBULINS(these proteins destroy bacteria).

Other experiments have proven that glycine perfectly prevents stroke, and is even a preventative against cancer.

GLYCINE AND ALCOHOL. The amino acid is an excellent hangover remedy. The glycine drug is prescribed for alcohol poisoning, and is also used in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

The product helps neutralize the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and other human organs. The amino acid, entering the body, accelerates the elimination of ethanol and minimizes the negative and unpleasant consequences of a hangover. This occurs due to the property of glycine to bind to various poisons, neutralizing their toxicity.

Research has shown that glycine neutralizes the most dangerous toxin after a hangover - ACETALDEHYDE. It converts it into acetylglycine, which is further used to produce various enzymes and proteins.

Choronic “alconauts” can crack glycine in batches for this useful property. Which is what they do.

All components of the glycine supplement are quickly and easily absorbed by the body; the elements penetrate deep into the tissues and, being metabolized, are excreted naturally.

It has a mild sedative effect on the human body (calming, slowing down the body's reactions, suppressing consciousness). While other drugs that depress the nervous system are harsher, glycine helps eliminate the causes of its problems, also through its natural properties.

Dosages and method of administration

The drug is prescribed for both children over 3 years of age and adults. Indications for use indicate the following dosages:

  1. In case of nervous excitement, to relax the nervous system, during emotional instability, a tablet is prescribed before meals or after meals 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days. Also, if necessary, after examination by a doctor, extension of the drug is allowed.
  2. For insomnia and other sleep disorders, you should drink 100 mg of the supplement 25 minutes before going to bed.
  3. After an ischemic stroke, doctors prescribe 1 gram of the drug for 5-6 hours after the incident, then 1 gram of the supplement in the next 5 days, and the next month, 2 tablets three times a day.
  4. To use the product as an additional growth hormone supplement for preventive purposes: 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals. The course is approximately 14 days. For further use, it is better to consult a doctor.

How can an adult take glycine tablets when treating alcoholism? The drug is used as an additional remedy, one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment lasts up to 30 days. The doctor may prescribe additional treatment up to 6 times a year.

Features of the use of dietary supplements

It should be remembered that the product may affect the reaction speed when driving. The effects of the supplement during breastfeeding have not been studied, so taking the drug is not recommended. It is possible for pregnant women only after a doctor’s prescription, but Pharmaceutical companies also recommend not taking the supplement during pregnancy.

And patients who suffer from arterial hypotension are advised to monitor their blood pressure levels. If necessary, make adjustments in the number of doses of the drug. If blood pressure is below normal, the drug should be stopped.

Side effects

As a rule, when correct technique drug side effects don't appear. However, there is a risk of individual intolerance to glycine, which is expressed in allergic reactions, including rhinitis, sore throat, rash, and scabies.

Possible nausea, poor concentration, headache, irritation. Since the drug is of natural origin, it can rarely cause side effects and is not addictive.

What you need to remember

Reception biologically active additive for bodybuilders it must be controlled. It is important to always remember that both the stimulation of the nervous system, its performance, and the increase in hormones through glycine can only appear when the recommended dose is followed.

Remember that doses without a certain type of disease that exceed the norm may disrupt the metabolic energy chain. And thus, the amino acid will displace glucose from the body to undesirable levels. This can lead to fatigue, nervous exhaustion and other negative consequences.

It is still not known how glycine lowers glucose in the body (up to 50%), without affecting insulin in any way. But this is a fact!

Therefore, it is very important to know how much dietary supplement you can take in different cases.

Where to buy other drugs

The product has its own analogues: Glycine Active, Glycine-Vis, Glycine Forte Evalar, Glycine Canon. These preparations contain B vitamins; they improve the effect of glycine on the functioning of the nervous system. All products also belong to dietary supplements, but not to medications.

Piracetam, tryptophan, Mexidol - these nootropic drugs are also often classified as analogues. However, the effect of these drugs differs from the effects of glycine, and they cannot completely replace the amino acid.

You can purchase glycine online. Now there are no problems with this. For example, on the famous American website iHerb.

That's all for me, friends. Write your comments below and share your impressions of taking this supplement.

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Glycine is one of the natural amino acids produced by the human body. On Greek"glycine" means "sweet". This substance is responsible for mental function and calmness, and is present in various foods.

With its deficiency in the body, a person develops absent-mindedness, nervousness, forgetfulness, irritability, and fatigue. To replenish the deficiency of this amino acid, you can purchase it in pharmacies in the form of tablets under the same name: Glycine. It is sold without a prescription. Doctors prescribe it to children and adults for the treatment of brain pathologies. But in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to become more familiar with this drug; it is especially important for hypertensive patients to know about it, knowing for sure whether glycine increases or decreases blood pressure?

Description of the drug Glycine, its formula and composition

The medication is available in the form of white convex or flat-convex tablets. In addition to the main substance, that is, microencapsulated glycine, the drug contains stearic acid (approximately 1 mg per 100 mg of glycine) and methylcellulose in the same amount. The product is available in different dosages: 100, 150 mg, as well as 400 or 500 mg. Contour type packaging. There are 50 tablets in each package. They are designed to be absorbed and are pleasant to the taste.

The formula of the drug is NH2-CH2-COOH.

Why should you take it?

The drug helps solve numerous health problems. You should know what glycine helps with in order to use it correctly. It can be taken for:

  • improving brain activity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • reducing nervous tension;
  • strengthening and normalizing sleep;
  • relief of general condition;
  • improving mood, increasing calmness;
  • withdrawals negative influence alcohol on the body;
  • reducing symptoms of vascular and intracranial dystonia;
  • reducing nervous tension after a stroke or with the onset of menopause in women;
  • adaptation of a person in a team.

The drug belongs to nootropics (means for activating brain activity). It affects memory and reduces muscle tone. The benefits of glycine in this case are obvious, especially when used together with other means.

Indications for use

The instructions for use indicate what glycine tablets help with. Indications for the use of glycine are:

  • decreased physical and mental activity;
  • deterioration of memory and performance;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • depression, stress, prolonged tension;
  • behavioral deviations in children;
  • stroke;
  • pathologies of the nervous system, accompanied by insomnia, excitability, decreased ability to work;
  • encephalopathy;
  • rehabilitation after a traumatic brain injury, if you often have a headache;
  • attention disorders;
  • emotional instability;
  • decreased performance, physical or mental;
  • sleep disturbances.

The drug is popular among students of technical schools and universities, where there is a high level of mental stress, especially during sessions. Glycine also helps against headaches caused by a nervous disorder. But if the drug is taken for a long time, it, on the contrary, causes a headache.

Clinical picture

Glycine activates the body's production of collagen. This property helps cosmetologists use the medicine. In addition, the drug is used by diabetics because it lowers blood sugar, improves liver function, and speeds up metabolism.

Attention! The medication has antacid properties, which makes it comparable to antibiotics.

The medication is involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins with antibodies, which means it plays a big role in the body’s work to strengthen the immune system.

The product reduces blood acidity, which helps strengthen the leucine balance. A deficiency or excess of this substance is manifested by an unpleasant body odor and bad breath. The drug also catalyzes the production of growth and stress hormones. When using the medicine, you may not follow the drinking regime of water and liquids. At night, it is also placed under the tongue and dissolved.

The drug is rarely used on its own, often simultaneously with other medications.

You can find out how glycine works by reading the instructions. The instructions for using glycine indicate at what pressure it can be used.

What doctors say about hypertension

Glycine improves metabolic processes and thereby can act to eliminate excess stress hormones; for this reason, glycine is partially prescribed for high blood pressure, it lowers blood pressure. But heart pressure cannot be normalized with its help.

A decrease in pressure also occurs under the influence of medication, which is aimed at eliminating irritation caused by hypertension. The tablets do not dilate blood vessels. But there is no research on this issue. This remedy cannot be used as the main medicine for the treatment of hypertension, but with a complex course of therapy, many doctors pathological conditions which accompanies increased level pressure, Glycine is also used.

If hypertension is accompanied by attacks of tachycardia, consuming the amino acid will not lead to a positive result. Doctors also do not advise hypertensive patients to use the medicine for a long time. Pills also do not relieve a hypertensive crisis.

Contraindications and side effects

Since glycine is a naturally occurring amino acid produced in the human body, this medicine is harmless. It also differs in that it does not accumulate in the body, but is released by breaking down quite quickly.

The drug is safe, therefore it is prescribed to infants, nursing women and pregnant women.

When taking the drug for a long period of time, there are cases of low blood pressure, lethargy with weakness, therefore it is not prescribed to hypotensive patients, and if prescribed, then carefully. Sometimes consumption can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bowel movements.

Glycine, when interacting with antidepressants, anticonvulsants, sleeping pills and antipsychotics, will weaken their effect.

The product should not be used by people who cannot tolerate the active substance or auxiliary components. For example, if redness, itching or other allergy symptoms appear on the body, you should stop using the drug.

The compatibility of the product with many other medications has been proven by practice, but you should still consult a doctor.

Using the product together with Corvalol may lead to too much low pressure. Therefore, it is permissible to use these two remedies only with the permission of a doctor. The drug also cannot increase blood pressure on its own, so it is unacceptable to use it for this purpose.

The use of the drug for hypotension is contraindicated because it lowers blood pressure.

Glycine during pregnancy

Thanks to its natural composition, the drug is completely safe for pregnant women. Unlike chemical drugs, Glycine does not cross the placenta.

When carrying a fetus in female body many changes occur, including in the endocrine glands and immune system. These changes lead to disturbances in the woman’s emotional state. She is often worried, irritated, nervous and often cries.

  • a woman complains of a headache;
  • suffers from insomnia;
  • blood pressure surges occur;
  • emotional disturbances are observed;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • there are signs of ischemic brain disorder;
  • increased cholesterol levels in the body;
  • epileptic seizures appeared;
  • it is necessary to remove toxins from the body.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the medication should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, since at this time almost all the child’s organs are formed. The medicine is safe in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. A woman, after consulting a doctor, can take it on her own. But it should be remembered that the dose during treatment with the drug should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the cause of the disease. For example, for sleep disorders, use 1 tablet 30 minutes before going to bed.

Attention! The standard dose of the drug is a tablet (100 mg) three times a day.

Glycine in sports

The medication is often recommended for use by athletes. For what? Athletes, especially bodybuilders, need constant use medicine. It is the main component of creatine, which is responsible for the functioning of muscle tissue, as well as lowering the blood pressure threshold.

It is used if the body really needs an amino acid, and in cases where the athlete’s body absorbs it best. This happens about a third of an hour before meals and before bed.

How to take Glycine, dosage

The doses prescribed by the doctor depend on age:

  • up to the age of three, 50 mg is prescribed two to three times a day;
  • from three to seven years, doctor’s medicine 100 mg three times a day for 1–2 weeks;
  • adults are prescribed doses depending on the purpose for which the medicine is to be used.

The medicine is taken by placing it under the tongue, under the cheek or dissolving in the mouth. There is no need to take the medicine with water. For children, grind the tablet into powder and give the prescribed dose. No need to chew.

The prescribed dosage of the drug depends on the pathology. Adults suffering from decreased brain function are sometimes prescribed 100 mg 2 or 3 times a day.

If sleep patterns are disturbed, it is enough to take the tablet once half an hour before going to bed.

For brain damage, the duration of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks.

During the rehabilitation period after a stroke, the dose is: 10 tablets after 3-4 hours when the onset of the disease is diagnosed, and then for 5 days, the same dose is also extended over the course of a day. Then the dosage is reduced to 3 tablets per day. The course of therapy with the drug lasts a month.

This remedy is not suitable for prevention, unless there is a threat of stress.

Glycine overdose

Cases of overdose in adult patients are very rare. But still, according to experts, long-term use of the medication can cause an imbalance mental state, associated with excitation and inhibition of nervous activity, and sudden refusal to take it leads to disruption of the nervous system and dizziness.

Overdose in children often lowers blood pressure, sometimes causing fainting. In most cases, an overdose does not lead to serious consequences, but some actions should still be taken, for example:

  • induce vomiting;
  • give the child an activated carbon tablet;
  • call emergency doctors;
  • If itching occurs, you can use Atarax.

Is Glycine compatible with alcohol?

In case of alcohol and drug addiction, acid must be taken three times, 100 mg three times a day for a couple of weeks.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to a month. But such an extension of the course of treatment is carried out after a 2-week break.

The drug is often prescribed after a binge to neutralize the effects of alcohol, in order to also quickly remove the remains of alcohol from the blood, as well as cleanse it of toxins. Glycine also helps get rid of the hangover syndrome. If you drink it during a feast (a tablet every hour), your brain cells will be protected from the destructive effects of alcoholism. But an overdose in this case with a large dose of alcohol will cause harm, increasing the state of intoxication several times, or manifest itself as symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Glycine analogs

  • Glycine-Forte;
  • Glycine-Bio;
  • Glycine-Canon;
  • Glycine-MCfP.

They are distinguished by the percentage of active and auxiliary components, as well as cost.

Sometimes it is better to replace this remedy with Diacarb. It works the same way.

As an analogue that differs in the main composition, you can use. But it should be remembered that the use of valerian gives a slightly weaker effect in some cases.

It should be said that the medicine does not affect cardiac pathologies. Heartbeats decrease only when they are caused by nervous tension. It also cannot constrict blood vessels. If symptoms of such disorders appear, a similar medication is used - Mildronate. It also calms the pulse rate. And when high level For heart pressure, doctors prefer to use another analogue of the drug - nitroglycerin.

Picalon, considered an analogue of the glycine amino acid, is a nootropic drug that calms the nervous system but does not affect blood pressure.

It is an analogue of the glycine amino acid, but its principle of action is somewhat different. It does not affect blood pressure. Eltacin is often used instead of glycine. But it is not prescribed to children under 11 years of age.

Drug price

Glycine is available to all patients. Why? Because the cost in different regions ranges from 25 to 45 rubles. The difference is apparently small.

But Glycine-Forte tablets cost a little more: 60–120 rubles.

An effective drug that helps normalize the functioning of cerebral vessels is Glycine. What does this medicine help with? Glycine improves intellectual performance, relieves nervous tension, and helps with headaches.

Release form and composition

Glycine is produced in the form of sublingual tablets: flat-cylindrical, white with marbling elements, with a bevel (50 pcs. in blister packs, 1 pack in a cardboard box). 1 tablet contains:

  • Active substance: microencapsulated glycine – 100 mg.
  • Auxiliary components: magnesium stearate – 1 mg, water-soluble methylcellulose – 1 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Glycine is a nonessential amino acid. The instructions for use indicate that this is a central neurotransmitter that has an inhibitory type of effect. That is, the amino acid is a kind of transmitter of nervous excitation. The medicine Glycine, which helps with emotional stress, provides a sedative effect and has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Also, under its influence, the body improves metabolism in brain tissue. There is a positive effect on the development of muscular dystrophy in humans. In chemistry, a qualitative reaction to a drug is used to determine an amino acid. Widely used reactions are the production of copper salt of glycine, the production of dipeptide from glycine, etc. In addition, glycine, methylamine, and other amino acids are widely used in the chemical industry.

Glycine tablets: what does the drug help with?

Indications for use include:

  • Decreased mental performance;
  • Deviant forms of behavior in children and adolescents;
  • Psycho-emotional stress, stressful situations(conflict situation, exam period);
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • Glycine helps against various organic and functional diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by emotional instability, increased excitability, sleep disturbance and decreased mental performance: neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) and neurosis-like conditions, consequences of traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathies ( including those of alcoholic origin).

The medicine is recommended as a remedy that reduces desire for alcoholic drinks. The dosage for adult patients is prescribed by a doctor, who will explain why the tablets are used and whether there is a need to take them in a particular case. Indications for its use also exist in the presence of withdrawal symptoms due to a sudden suspension of systematic alcohol intake (with a hangover), as well as other phenomena in people with chronic alcoholism. You can learn more about what Glycine tablets help with and whether their use is advisable by visiting a specialist.


The abstract indicates that only high sensitivity to the components that this drug contains is defined as a contraindication.

Side effects

Negative reactions of the body during treatment with this drug are rare. Side effects of Glycine may occur in the form of allergic manifestations.

Glycine tablets: instructions for use

Glycine should be administered buccally or sublingually at 100 mg (in tablets or as a powder after crushing the tablets). In practically healthy adults and children with reduced mental performance, memory and attention, psycho-emotional stress, mental retardation, deviant forms of behavior, Glycine is prescribed 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet. Duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Children under 3 years of age with lesions of the nervous system (organic and functional), which are accompanied by increased excitability, sleep disturbances and emotional lability, are prescribed 2-3 times a day, 1/2 tablet (50 mg) for 1-2 weeks. Subsequently, for 7-10 days, Glycine is taken once a day. Daily dose is 100-150 mg, course course - from 2000 to 2600 mg.

Adults and children over 3 years of age are prescribed 100 mg 2-3 times a day. The average duration of a treatment course is 1-2 weeks. If necessary, therapy can be carried out for 1 month. According to indications, it is possible to conduct a repeat course with an interval of 30 days.

The medicine Glycine, which helps with sleep disorders, should be taken immediately before bedtime or 20 minutes before bedtime. Depending on age, the dose may vary between 50-100 mg.

For ischemic cerebral stroke, Glycine is administered sublingually or buccally with one teaspoon of water at a dose of 1000 mg during the first 3-6 hours after the onset of stroke. The drug should be taken at the same dose for 1-5 days. Over the next 30 days, Glycine is prescribed 3 times a day, 1-2 tablets.

In narcology, the drug is used as a means of increasing mental performance, as well as to reduce psycho-emotional stress during the period of remission in case of organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system and phenomena of encephalopathy. Glycine is usually prescribed for 14-30 days, 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet. If necessary, courses can be repeated (4-6 times a year).

Glycine for children

Healthy children and adolescents with deterioration of memory and performance, serious emotional stress are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Treatment can continue for 2-4 weeks. The specialist will tell you in detail when prescribing how to give Glycine to children or how to give infants Glycine for other diagnoses.

It should be noted that the buccal use of Glycine involves its placement in oral cavity or between the gum and upper lip until completely dissolved. This use of the drug ensures that the active substance enters the body through the mucous membranes. Sublingual administration is also possible.

Price and analogues

How much Glycine costs in a pharmacy depends on the number of tablets in the package and the place of sale. The price of Glycine tablets (pack of 50 pieces) averages 45 - 50 rubles. You can buy Glycine at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. A similar effect is created by the following drugs: Pantogam, Thiocetam, Noopept, Cogitum, Cephabol, Cerebrolysate, Pramistar, Vinpotropil, Sidnocarb, Lucetam, Pantocalcin.