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The sacred books of the alliance of the “Nine Unknowns” who ruled the world. Secret societies: the Union of Nine - who they are The nuclear confrontation between the Superpowers is controlled by the secret organization “The Union of Nine”

Secret societies of Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians... Not everything is known about them - they hid their secrets too well. But the undisputed champion in secrecy is the society of the Nine Unknowns. This brotherhood is so well-kept that for several centuries historians and researchers have been arguing: does it really exist?

The first mention of this society dates back to the 3rd century BC. Legend connects its appearance with the Indian ruler Ashoka. He pursued a policy of unifying India, mired in civil strife. Filled with ambition, he set out to conquer the neighboring state of Kalinga, located between present-day Calcutta and Madras. The war turned out to be bloody, the large number of casualties horrified Ashoka. He abandoned the policy of “fire and sword” and decided to conquer the hearts of his subjects: if he were to unite India, it would be done according to the laws of duty and piety. Wanting to benefit people, Ashoka forbade the use of the creations of the mind for evil. To do this, it was necessary to create an organization whose members would protect humanity from the people themselves. This is how the powerful secret society of the Nine Unknowns appeared - anonymous guardians of ancient wisdom and knowledge. Ensuring that progressive knowledge does not fall into the hands of malicious and overly ambitious individuals has become the main task of this fraternity.

Ashoka tried to attract to his side the greatest scientists, magicians, astrologers and philosophers of that time - so that they would continue their research in various fields of knowledge, but would not rush to publish discoveries and inventions. Many great minds then became part of the Nine Unknowns. But only eight people were initiated into the global plan of ruler Ashoka. Everyone else knew only part of the Great Plan, which extended over centuries. Under the guise of merchants, the king sent emissaries of the union to Tibet, China, Japan and Arabia - to recruit scientists from other countries and draw knowledge from them. All information obtained was collected and analyzed in secluded places specially created for these purposes. The archives were kept in well-protected caches. Playing it safe, members of the brotherhood deliberately spread rumors that secret laboratories and storage facilities were guarded by terrible monsters...

The composition of the union has changed and remains a big mystery. It is only known that when one of the brothers died, another took his place - equally gifted, well able to keep secrets. There are hypotheses about this.

Pope Sylvester II, also known as Herbert of Aurillac, is called a member of the Nine Unknowns. A great encyclopedist, he collected unusual manuscripts and wrote treatises on astronomical instruments, geometry and music. His knowledge of mathematics, physics and mechanics was ahead of his time. He tried to create a universal Christian state and reconcile people of different faiths.

Akbar, the padishah of India from the Great Mughal dynasty, is also considered one of the Nine Unknowns. In 1578, he issued a decree, astonishing for its time, proclaiming freedom of religion, and abolished death penalty for apostasy. The Nine Unknowns also include Leonardo da Vinci, Roger Bacon and Paracelsus.

Some facts indeed hint at the existence of some secret “knowledge bank”. In the 13th century, the English monk and philosopher Roger Bacon predicted the invention of the telescope, airplane, automobile and telephone. What about Leonardo da Vinci's ideas about a helicopter, a submarine, ball bearings and caterpillar tracks? Is this all just wild guesswork? In 1636, a certain Schwenter, in his work “Physical and Mathematical Entertainment,” outlined the principles of operation of the electric telegraph and spoke about the possibility of communication between two people through a “magnetic beam.” Another unidentified author from Monteberg (Flanders) published a description of the process of black-and-white and color photography in 1729. From his work it follows that he obtained photographic images using a ready-made “recipe”, without knowing either the physical principle of action or the composition of the chemical compounds of the developer and fixer. The question of who suggested this “recipe” to him remains open.

What sources did Jonathan Swift use when he spoke in Gulliver's Travels about the two satellites of Mars 156 years before their discovery? Where did Dante Alighieri get the description of the Southern Cross constellation (given by him in the Divine Comedy) 200 years before Europeans knew about it?

In the 19th century, Louis Jacolliot told the world about the society of the Nine Unknowns. As French consul in Calcutta under Napoleon III, he had access to many secret documents. He left behind a library of rare books dedicated to the great mysteries of humanity. In one of his works, he directly stated that the alliance of the Nine Unknowns existed and still exists to this day. In this regard, he mentioned technologies that were completely unimaginable in 1860, such as energy release, sterilization by radiation and psychological warfare. According to Jacolliot, for twenty-two centuries, secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were recorded in special books. And this most valuable treasure of scientific thought and technology is located in the area of ​​​​the main activity of the union of the Nine Unknowns... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. So, in any case, the Frenchman argued in his book “Fire Eaters,” published in Russia on the eve of the October Revolution.

In 1927, Talbot Mandy, who served in the British Indian Police for 25 years, published a half-novel, half-investigation. In it, the English resident argued that the society of the Nine Unknowns really exists. According to Mandy, each of its members is the custodian of one of the Books dedicated to a particular branch of knowledge. This collection is constantly updated, being, in fact, the most complete collection of scientific works in the entire history of mankind. The Books, in particular, contain information about propaganda techniques and methods of conducting psychological warfare; they talk about the mutual transformation and transmutation of metals, about extraterrestrial means of communication; the secrets of gravity, the laws of space development, the evolution of society are revealed...

Some believe: if such a brotherhood does not yet exist, then it must be created. For who else will save a man from himself?

There is a legend that the Indian emperor Ashoka founded the “Society of Nine Unknowns” in the 3rd century BC, the purpose of which was to classify knowledge dangerous to humanity. Emperor Ashok, reigned in India from 273 BC. H.G. Wells, in his A Brief History of the World, gives him the following assessment: “Among the tens of thousands of names of monarchs crowded on the pages of history, the name of Ashoka sparkles like a lone star.” Why did this ruler receive such a flattering description? He was the grandson of Chandragupti, the first unifier of India. Full of ambition, like his grandfather, whose work he wanted to continue, he undertook the conquest of the Kalinga country, which extended from present-day Calcutta to Madras. The people of Kalinga resisted and lost a THOUSAND people in the battle. The sight of so many dead shocked Ashoka, and the full horror of the war was revealed to him. He abandoned plans for the further annexation of countries not yet subject to him, declaring that true conquest consists in uniting the hearts of people by the law of duty and piety, because God wants all living beings to live in security, peace and happiness, and enjoy the freedom to dispose yourself.

Respecting everything religious sects, Ashoka, by example of his own virtue, spread Buddhism throughout his empire, which extended to Malaysia, Ceylon and Indonesia. He preached vegetarianism, introduced Prohibition and banned animal sacrifices.

Wise from the horrors of war, the emperor decided to forever ban the use of reason for evil. During his reign, the science of nature, the past and the future was classified. Since that time, research, ranging from the structure of matter to the technology of collective psychology, began to hide behind the mystical face of a people that the whole world began to consider as doing nothing more than ecstasy and the supernatural. The owners of secrets can only be 9 people who are members of the most powerful secret organization on earth - the Society of Nine Unknowns. Their goal is to continue research that benefits humanity. The tradition of classifying knowledge was ubiquitous in ancient times.

One can only guess about the degree of power of the secrets, the owners of which can be nine people who directly benefit from the experience, works, and documents collected over two decades. What are the goals of these people? Probably - to prevent the means of destruction from falling into the hands of profane people. Continue research beneficial to humanity.

Each of the Nine Unknowns possesses a Book that contains detailed description certain sciences and is constantly updated. The first book is devoted to propaganda techniques and psychological warfare. Talbot Mandy emphasizes: “Of all the sciences, the most dangerous is the science of controlling the thoughts of the crowd, because it allows you to control the whole world.” (Let us remember that Korzybski published his “General Semantics” only in 1937. And it was necessary to wait for the experience of the last world war for the technique of the psychology of language, that is, propaganda, to begin to crystallize. And the first American college for the study of semantics appeared only in 1960. By that time, for example, France knew nothing except “Mob Violence” by Serge Chakhotin, whose influence in the circles of the intelligentsia close to politics was quite large, although this book only touched on the problem superficially.) The second book is devoted to physiology. In particular, it describes ways to kill a person with one touch - death occurs from a change in the direction of the nerve current.

They say that judo is a leak from this book. The third is devoted to microbiology, and in particular to protective colloids. The fourth book talks about the transformation of metals. Legend has it that in times of need, temples and religious charities received large quantities of gold of the highest standard from this source.

The fifth contains the doctrine of all means of communication, terrestrial and extraterrestrial. The sixth book is dedicated to the mysteries of gravity. The seventh is the most extensive cosmogony created by humanity. The eighth book treats light. The ninth is devoted to sociology and contains the laws of the evolution of societies, allowing us to foresee their fall.

The most detailed information about this deeply secret organization was provided by Mandy Talbot in his book, published in 1927. The author served for a quarter of a century with the British police in India. His book is half novel, half investigation.

The books spoke in detail about the “Society of Nine Unknowns” and the knowledge it possessed. Among them, in particular, microbiology is mentioned (by the way, in the ancient Indian “Vedas” you can read detailed description vaccinations), research on means of communication - terrestrial and extraterrestrial, the secrets of gravity, transmutation of metals, knowledge of the laws of the universe, the properties of light, etc. The Society's contacts with the outside world are little known, but there was a version according to which many amazing scientific and technical achievements various periods of the Middle Ages, for example, were associated with the "leakage" of information from this society. For example, in the 10th century, Pope Sylvester II was suspected of having connections with him. The automaton he created in the form of a bronze human head, which performed the simplest two-digit operation, was born after Sylvester (even before his election as pope) spent a number of years in India. One of them is connected with the fate of one of the most mysterious people West - Pope Sylvester II, also known as Herbert of Aurillac. Born in Auvergne in 920, died in 1002, Herbert was a Benedictine monk, teacher at the University of Reims and pope by the grace of Emperor Otto III. He lived for some time in Spain, then a mysterious journey led him to India, where he gained various knowledge that amazed those around him. So, in his palace there was a bronze head that answered “yes” or “no” to questions about politics and general situation Christianity. According to Sylvester II (volume CXXXXIX of Migne’s “Latin Paterology”). this method was very simple and corresponded to binary calculus. We are talking about an automaton similar to our modern binary machines. This "magic head" was destroyed after his death, and the knowledge he brought was carefully hidden. There is no doubt that the Vatican Library contains many surprises for researchers who may someday have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them. In 1954, Computer and Automation magazine wrote that to have extraordinary knowledge and even greater mechanical skill...

In the second half of the 19th century, at the dawn of the modern era, there was a galaxy of desperately reactionary thinkers. They saw the mystery of social progress as a deception; in scientific and technological progress - a race to the abyss. I was introduced to them by Philippe Levastin, a new incarnation of the hero of Balzac’s “The Unknown Masterpiece” and a follower of Gurdjieff. At that time, reading René Guenon, the prophet of anti-progressivism, and visiting Lance de Vasto, who had returned from India, I was close to joining the ideas of these thinkers in a spirit of protest. This happened in the post-war years. Einstein had just sent his famous telegram: “Our world is facing a crisis not yet noticed by those who have the power to make great decisions for good or evil. The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our habits of thought, and we are adrift towards a colossal catastrophe. We, the scientists who have released this immense power, bear the gravest responsibility in this worldwide struggle for life or death, we are obliged to study the atom for the benefit of humanity, and not for the sake of its destruction. The Federation of American Scientists joins me in this call. We ask you to support our efforts to make America feel that the fate of the human race is being decided now, today, this minute. We urgently need two hundred thousand dollars to finance a national campaign that will let humanity know that if it is to survive and reach a higher level, a special way of thinking is required. I make this appeal to you only after long reflection on the immense crisis we face. Please send a check addressed to me, Chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, at Princeton, New Jersey. We ask for your help at this fateful moment, as a sign that we, people of science, are not alone."

I thought that my teachers had foreseen this disaster and that two hundred thousand dollars would not help here. As Blanc de Saint-Bonnet said: “Man is a child of obstacles,” for God offered the human spirit an obstacle in the form of matter. Contemporaries, emancipated from principles, wanted to remove this obstacle, and, trying to defeat matter, approached the gates of hell.

Two thousand years ago, Origen famously said that “matter is the absorber of injustice.” But the injustice of our century has long been overflowing, and no Extraordinary Committee will absorb it. The ancients, undoubtedly, were as stupid as we are, but their wisdom lay precisely in the fact that they knew about it and therefore restrained themselves within certain boundaries. One papal bull condemns the use of a tripod designed to strengthen the bow: this machine, which increases the natural capabilities of the archer, makes the fight inhuman. The bull was respected for two hundred years. Roland of Roncels, killed by crowds of Saracens, exclaimed: “Cursed be the coward who invented a weapon capable of killing at a distance.” Closer to our time, in 1775, the French engineer Du Perron introduced the young Louis XVI to a “military organ” operated by a handle, which ejected 24 bullets at a time. The inventor accompanied this tool, a prototype of modern machine guns, with instructions. But the machine seemed so murderous to the king and his ministers Malzerbe and Turgot that it was rejected, and its inventor was considered an enemy of humanity. In our indefatigable desire for emancipation, we have emancipated war itself, which was once an instrument of defense or attack for some, but has now become a curse for all.

At that time, I dreamed of publishing an anthology of “reactionary thinkers” whose voices were drowned out in their time by the chorus of romantic progressives. These writers, who went against the tide, these prophets of the Apocalypse, who cried out in the desert, were called Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, Emile Montagu, Albert Sorel, Donso Cortes, etc. In a spirit of rebellion, close to the voice of the ancestors, I created a pamphlet entitled “The Time of the Assassins "together with Aldous Huxley and Albert Camus. The American press responded to this pamphlet, which strongly attacked scientists, military men and politicians, and expressed the desire to organize the Nuremberg Trials for all who create destructive technology.

Of course, you can brush aside this whole not very reliable story about a Society that has been preserving esotic knowledge for two thousand years, like Gogbsek. But other strange facts also hint at the existence of some “bank of knowledge”. What sources prompted the 13th century English monk and philosopher Roger Bacon (by the way, he was condemned for his adherence to esotic knowledge) to predict that science would (again?) invent the telescope, the airplane, the automobile, the telephone? Could Leonardo's ideas about a helicopter, a submarine, ball bearings, caterpillar tracks, etc., be just dazzling guesses (historically unjustified for our era), a universal genius, we are again faced with the continuity of esoteric knowledge, even if only in the form of a crude idea /

Another unidentified author from Monteborg published a description of the process of black-and-white and color (!) photography in 1729. From his work it follows that the author, who received photographic images, uses a ready-made “recipe” for the technology, without knowing either the physical principle of operation or the composition of the chemical compounds of the developer and fixer. There is no mention of the device itself. However, the author emphasizes that it is necessary to study the effect of light on the substance with which the sheet is covered, and how it “intercepts and holds the image.”

What sources did Jonathan Swift use when talking about the two moons of Mars 156 years before their discovery? About methods of building houses from roofs (an “invention” of our time)? What gave him the idea of ​​a Laputan “flying island” that could rise, fall and move through space using a giant magnet? Where did Dante Alighieri get the description of the Southern Cross constellation (given by him in The Divine Comedy) 200 years before it became known to Europeans? ……where is the beginning of knowledge….where is the “bank” of knowledge…..who guards it….may accidents and catastrophes prove the existence of the “Society of Nine Unknowns”.

Outward manifestations of the Nine Unknowns are rare.

...recently, more and more information has appeared confirming that in the depths of the governments of some countries, secretly from all humanity, secret work is being carried out to study UFO technology and even contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Only an ignorant person can doubt this. Too many disparate pieces of evidence add up to a single scenario. All of this evidence, in particular documents obtained in the United States under the Freedom of Information Act, inexorably points to the fact that the world is pursuing a policy of secrecy around UFOs that is unprecedented in its scope and significance. Everything connected with it is persistently treated with leading means mass media and television, especially domestic, despite the obvious commercial attractiveness of this topic for the media. Instead, people are fed low-grade fiction and charlatan occultism, which do not in the least increase mass awareness of the true state of affairs. Why the secrecy policy is being implemented and who or what is behind it - this is what we will try to figure out. All famous story Humanity is permeated with evidence of the existence of certain “secret societies” among people. Even the most skeptical historians have no doubt that they existed in the past. Naturally, secret societies still exist today, and according to some data, their activities have long since acquired a global, worldwide character. As a rule, prominent scientists, thinkers, politicians - all those whose intellectual level several orders of magnitude higher than the level ordinary people. Due to the activities of secret societies on our planet, there has always been a two-level science: elitist and “consumer” science. Moreover, the lag between “mass” science and technology and the secret developments of secret societies, according to some estimates, ranged from 30 to 80 years or more.

So there is fairly well-founded evidence that radio was known to secret societies back in the days of A.S. Pushkin, that is, at least six decades before its discovery by A.S. Popov (1895) and G. Markov (1897). Moreover, there is evidence that the prototype of modern radio equipment was used already in the 16th century by the famous German medieval scientist Johann Heidenberg - Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516).

There is a version that anti-gravity engines, which science is just beginning to create today, were known already at the end of the last century. If this is true, then there is a completely natural explanation for the numerous evidence of the late 19th - early 20th centuries about observations of strange aircraft with people on board. The financial rationale for hiding the latest discoveries is obvious: money is made from what is constantly being bought. Thus, according to information, one of the companies producing electrical equipment bought and “froze” the patent for “eternal” electric light bulbs, invented at the end of the last century. (Three of them, as reported, still shine in one of the old American fire stations ). Apparently, for the same reasons, all information about the most significant inventions of the brilliant Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), in particular about the “solid state converter” (1931), which converted the energy permeating outer space into electricity, was also withdrawn. The device, the size of a two-liter jar, was tested for a week, providing absolutely free electricity to propel a car at a speed of 130 km/h. There was plenty to worry about for oil companies and power producers.

It is logical to assume that there are other reasons why secret societies “hold back” some of their scientific and technological achievements. It is possible that many of those who have been systematically confiscating or destroying books and manuscripts with secret knowledge since ancient times do this for understandable humane reasons. After all, some discoveries and inventions, if they fall into the hands of criminals or mentally unstable people, can pose a threat to all humanity.

For example, it is not difficult to imagine the consequences of terrorists using the amazing and very dangerous discovery of the Russian scientist M.M. Filippova. He was a truly outstanding thinker who discovered and understood K.E. Tsiolkovsky, who was the first to introduce the world to the periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev, the author of three hundred scientific works, whose idea about the inexhaustible nature of the electron was translated almost word for word by V.I. Lenin in his "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism". In one of his letters to his comrades, the convinced revolutionary M.M. Filippov claimed: “I can reproduce the full force of an explosion with a beam of short (radio) waves. The blast wave is completely transmitted along the carrier electromagnetic wave, and thus a charge of dynamite detonated in Moscow can transmit its effect to Constantinople. The experiments I have carried out show that this phenomenon can be caused at a distance of several thousand kilometers.” In 1903, this unique man was killed in his own laboratory at the age of 45. It’s not hard to guess why. By whom - history is silent...

Secret societies are extremely interested in the sole possession of elite knowledge and high technology. Promising research suddenly ends, promising scientists disappear from view without a trace, their works are confiscated from libraries, names disappear from catalogs and reference books. Where and for whom do they work?..

They say that there is a whole list of scientific and technical areas and areas on which information is taboo. Here are just a few of them: “psychological optics”, known back in Ancient Egypt and which found its development in the works of Goethe and the secret laboratories of Mussolini; trans mutation chemical elements at ordinary temperature (cold nuclear fusion, alchemy); wireless energy transfer over a distance; antigravity; space-time control; some aspects of genetic engineering and parapsychology (in particular, mental influence at a distance) and much more). The list compiled by the French military is said to contain more than eight hundred such names. This also includes information about UFOs.

Although there has always been hidden competition between secret societies, since the beginning of the 20th century there have been trends towards their unification and globalization of activities. According to one of the leading researchers of the behind-the-scenes springs of history, David Icke, today we can already talk about the existence of a rather powerful secret organization that is able to seriously influence various aspects of human life. She is far from omnipotent, but her ambitions are great - to become at least a secret world government.

The main outlines of this “government,” according to the same Ike, began to take shape at the beginning of the century. The secret societies of the Illuminati (“enlightened”) of Great Britain and the USA in 1919 joined forces in a structure called the “Round Table”. The visible part of this iceberg on the shores of Foggy Albion became the Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs, and in the New World (since 1921) - the Council for international relations. From now on American President Only an “initiated” member of this Council could become. (The only exception was John Kennedy, and this may have determined his tragic fate.) In 1954, the consolidation of the world's political, financial, industrial and military elite led to the creation of the next generation of a secret society known as the Bilderberg Group. And in 1973, another modification of it appeared - the so-called Trilateral Commission, designed to ensure planetary control by the United States, Europe and Japan. David Icke believes that the elite at the top of this pyramid (which is much higher than the level of modern governments) is today already capable of manipulation in such a way that the upper echelons of power in different countries their people came.

American scientist Bob Frissell believes that the secret government consists mainly of the richest people on the planet. “There are about two thousand of them, but they have been controlling our so-called government for a long time. They determine who and when should be elected to a certain post... Presidential candidates from both parties are selected by secret government organizations. They control the world's food supply, the rise and fall of inflation of world currencies... They decide whether a war will be fought and when it will end... You cannot lose if both sides are yours. First you create the conditions that lead to war, and then you offer a “solution” to the problem...”

According to American ufologists from the Phoenix Project - all of whom formerly worked for the American government - in 1954, President Eisenhower signed the secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5410 creating a committee called "Majority-12", designed to oversee and control all covert activities regarding extraterrestrial civilizations. The Majority 12 included Nelson Rockefeller, CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson, Chief of the Unified Command Admiral Arthur Redford, FBI Director Edgar Gouvet, a member of the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations, known as called "Wise Men". These six were members of a secret society of scientists called The Jason Society. The Jason Society recruited members from the Skull and Bones and Scroll and Key societies at Harvard and Yale Universities.

The "Wise Men" were key figures at the Council on Foreign Relations. These included twelve people, including six in government positions in the Majority 12. Over the years, this group consisted of senior officers and leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and later the Trilateral Commission. Among them were Gordon Dean, George Bush, Zbigniew Zbierzynski. The most important and influential of the "Wise Men" who served in the Majestic 12 (predecessor to the Majority 12) were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlan, George Kennan and Dean Aitchson. It is important to note that President Eisenhower, like the first six members of the Majestic 12, was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. However, not only people from Harvard and Yale became “Wise Men” and not all of them were selected from the Skull and Bones and Bundle and Key societies. There were also invitees from other places, in particular from the Eastern Establishment. The Jason Society is alive and well to this day. It now also includes members of the Trilateral Commission. This commission existed in secret for several years until 1973. Organizations have played the role of conscious intermediaries between humanity and other space-faring civilizations for thousands of years. If this is so, then the care with which information is hidden is understandable. that this government was provided with a number of technologies foreshadowing its desire to dominate the world, in exchange for ensuring the secrecy of the activities on Earth of the civilization of the “grays” from the Zeta Reticuli star system and non-interference in their affairs.

It seems the secret government is ready to do anything to ensure such secrecy. Here is a list of English scientists published in the Western press who worked on projects like “ Star Wars”, and died under mysterious circumstances within just six years. All of them were engaged in the development of electronic weapons and, by the nature of their activities, the study of UFOs.

  1. Professor Keith Bowden - died in a car accident in 1982.
  2. Jay Wolfenden - died in a glider accident in July 1982.
  3. Ernst Brockway - committed suicide in November 1982.
  4. Stephen Drinkwater - hanged himself in 1983.
  5. Colonel Anthony Godley - went missing in April 1983 and was declared deceased.
  6. George Franks - committed suicide by hanging himself.
  7. Stephen Oak - committed suicide in 1985 by hanging himself.
  8. Jonathan Wash - committed suicide by jumping from a high-rise building in November 1985.
  9. Dr. John Brittan - committed suicide in 1986 by poisoning.
  10. Arshad Sharif committed suicide in October 1986. Sitting in the car, he tied the end of the rope to a tree, put a noose around his neck and abruptly pulled the car from its place. The suicide took place in Bristol, a hundred miles from his home in London.
  11. Vimal Dazibai - committed suicide by jumping from a bridge in Bristol, one hundred miles from his home in London, in October 1986.
  12. Avtar Sing-Gida - went missing in January 1987, declared dead.
  13. Peter Pippel - committed suicide, crushed to death by a car in a garage in February 1987.
  14. David Sands - committed suicide in March 1987 by driving a car at high speed into a cafe building.
  15. Mark Wisner - suicide by strangulation in April 1987.
  16. Stuart Gooding - Killed in Cyprus on April 10, 1987.
  17. David Greenhalgh - fell from a bridge on April 10, 1987.
  18. Shani Warren - committed suicide in April 1987 by drowning.
  19. Michael Baker - died in a car accident in May 1987.
  20. Trepor Kite - committed suicide in May 1988.
  21. Alistair Beckham - committed suicide with electric current in August 1988.
  22. Brigadier Peter Ferry - committed suicide by electrocution in August 1988.
  23. Victor More - committed suicide. Date unknown...

It is possible that US President John Kennedy is in this row. “The decision to kill him was made by the political committee of the Bilderberg Group, and the sentence was carried out by agents in Dallas,” says the famous American ufologist and former US Navy intelligence officer William Cooper. There is information indirectly confirming that John Kennedy was killed because he was going to speak to the American people with an exposure of the secrecy policy regarding UFOs. The president's intentions caused a stir in secret circles, especially since he had previously removed Allen Dulles and his entire inner circle from the post of CIA director, and this is not forgiven. Shots fired on November 22, 1963 in Dallas prevented the most sensational confession in human history.

“I am confident that US Navy intelligence was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy,” says William Cooper. “It was the Secret Service agent driving the presidential limousine who shot Kennedy in the head.”

John Kennedy's passage through the city was filmed not only by television crews, but also by amateurs. The CIA did everything possible to seize these tapes. Later, in films that were shown around the world, Cooper said, the moment when the driver with a gun in his hand turns around and shoots the president in the head was retouched.

Famous for his seventeen world records, US Air Force pilot John Lear, who also conducted a private investigation, managed to discover three authentic films. Computer analysis proved not only the authenticity of these films, but also made it possible to clearly see the driver of the presidential car shooting at Kennedy with his left hand over his right shoulder, and even to determine the type and caliber of the weapon. It was a device specially developed by the CIA for such operations. One of these films was shown on November 21, 1993 on the American channel RTL. Japanese television also published original amateur films several times.

For a long time, Lear and Cooper tried to familiarize as many people as possible with the results of their investigations. They gave numerous public lectures accompanied by screenings of unedited film footage. Someone really didn’t like this, and during one of the lectures an attempt was made on Cooper’s life. It was only by pure chance that he did not die. But he suffered seriously: as a result of the wound, he lost his right leg.

According to Professor Lawrence Merrick, the power of the secret government is so great that “no US president since Kennedy has had the courage to tell Americans the whole truth about UFOs.” A ex-president USA Bill Clinton is a member of all three organizations associated with the secret government at the same time: the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group... Today it seems that everything is not so simple - the turns of history are not accidental. However, in the turbulent post-war period, this trend of thought left a sparkling trace in the ocean of fears in which intellectuals who did not want to be “neither victims nor executioners” were immersed. Indeed, after Einstein’s telegram, things only got worse. “What the scientists have in their portfolio is terrifying,” Khrushchev said in 1960. “They will end up blowing everything up.” After Aldous Huxley's fierce criticism in Counterpoint and Brave New World, optimism about science was finally dispelled. In 1951, American chemist Anthony Standen published a book called Science Is a Sacred Cow, which protested against the fetishization of science. In October 1953, the famous law professor from Athens, O. Despotopoulos, addressed a manifesto to UNESCO, where he demanded, if not the cessation of scientific development, then at least its classification. “Research,” he proposed, “must henceforth be entrusted to a council of scientists elected in all countries of the world and obliged to remain silent.” This idea, no matter how utopian it may be, is not without interest. It describes the possibility of the future and, as we see now, coincides with one of the great traditions of bygone civilizations. In another letter, which he addressed to us in 1957, Professor Despotopoulos clarified his thought: “The science of nature is one of the most worthy achievements in the history of mankind. But by releasing forces capable of destroying this humanity, from a moral point of view it ceases to be what it was before. The difference between “pure science” and its technical application today is so striking that it is no longer possible to speak of science as a value in itself. Moreover, in some of the most important directions, science becomes a negative value to the extent that it escapes the control of conscience and spreads its harmful influence at the will of those in positions of power and political responsibility. It is possible that in other civilizations there was not a lack of science, but its secrecy. This, it seems to us, is the origin of the Legend of the Nine Unknowns. .. what's next? V. Konstantinov “Interesting newspaper. Mysteries of civilization" No. 22 2007

"Cursed be the coward who invented a weapon capable of killing at a distance." Roland of Ronseilles, medieval knight.

As long as human civilization has existed, secret societies have existed on earth. Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians... Little is known about them - they hid their secrets too well. But the undisputed champion in secrecy, undoubtedly, has become the society of the “Nine Unknowns”: today it remains the most mysterious and little-studied. This brotherhood is so well-kept that for several centuries historians and researchers have been arguing: does the union of the “Nine Unknowns” really exist?

Dangerous knowledge

The first mention of the Nine Unknowns society dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. Legend connects its appearance with the Indian ruler Ashoka. Continuing the work of his grandfather King Chandragupta, Ashoka pursued a policy of unifying India, mired in civil strife. But then, filled with ambition, he set off to conquer the neighboring state of Kalinga, located between present-day Calcutta and Madras. The war turned out to be bloody: thousands of people died in brutal battles. The number of those killed horrified Ashoka. He refused to further annex lands “by fire and sword,” soberly concluding that real conquest lies in winning the hearts of his subjects. Ashoka decided that if India were to be united, it would be done according to the laws of duty and piety, because God wants all people to live in safety, peace and happiness and enjoy the freedom to choose themselves.

In a word, the king had a complete reassessment of values: Ashoka seemed to have been replaced. Wanting to benefit living people and their descendants, he forbade the use of the creations of the mind for evil. However, the wise ruler understood perfectly well: one ban, even from a powerful king, cannot control not only the future, but even the present. To do this, it was necessary to create an organization whose members would protect humanity from the people themselves.

This is how the powerful secret society of the “Nine Unknowns” appeared - anonymous guardians of ancient wisdom and knowledge. Ensuring that progressive knowledge does not fall into the hands of profane people, fools and overly ambitious individuals has become the main task of the brotherhood.

Many sciences, which, according to Ashoka, could harm humanity, were classified. Of course, the Indian king understood that progress, like human thought, cannot be prohibited. Therefore, he tried to win over to his side the greatest scientists, magicians, astrologers and philosophers of that time - so that they would continue their research in various fields of knowledge, but would not rush to make their discoveries and inventions public. Many great minds then became part of the secret society. But only eight people were initiated into the global plan of ruler Ashoka. Everyone else knew only part of the Great Plan, which extended over centuries. Under the guise of merchants, the king sent emissaries of the union to Tibet, China, Japan and Arabia - to recruit scientists from other countries and draw knowledge from them. All obtained “intelligence data” was accumulated and analyzed in secluded places specially created for these purposes. The archives were also kept in well-protected caches.

Playing it safe, members of the brotherhood deliberately spread rumors that secret laboratories and storage facilities were guarded by terrible monsters, in order to discourage adventurers from poking their noses where they shouldn’t. Century after century, the nine chosen ones guarded progressive knowledge and technology from people, waiting until humanity was ready to properly respond to news of new discoveries and inventions. The brothers wanted people to use the knowledge they gained only for good, but not for harm. But this did not always work out. The human mind is too inventive a “prisoner”, and its thoughts are capable of fooling even the most vigilant guards. The “Nine Unknowns” failed to save the world from cruelty, wars, or epidemics. But who knows, maybe there would have been even more disasters if the watchful eye of the Nine had not been next to us?

Who are they

The composition of the “Nine Unknowns” is perhaps the biggest mystery. It is only known that when one of the brothers died, another took his place - equally gifted, just as good at keeping secrets. One can only guess who received such a high honor (hard fate?). But such assumptions exist.

Pope Sylvester II, also known as Herbert of Aurillac (999-1003), is called a member of the “Nine Unknowns”. A great encyclopedist, he collected unusual manuscripts and wrote treatises on astronomical instruments, geometry and music. His knowledge of mathematics, physics and mechanics was ahead of his time. But most importantly, he tried to create a universal Christian state and reconcile people of different faiths.

Akbar, the padishah of India from the Great Mughal dynasty who lived in the 16th century, is also included in the “Nine Unknowns”. The chronicles of Akbar's reign are reminiscent of a fairy tale from the Arabian Nights: it was at this time that the empire reached its heyday. In 1578, Akbar issued a striking decree for its time, proclaiming freedom of religion, and abolished the death penalty for apostasy. He gathered the best scientists, practitioners and philosophers at his court. As usual, most of the archives disappeared without a trace after his death.

Among the “Nine Unknowns” are Leonardo da Vinci, Roger Bacon and Paracelsus. But, alas, there is no documentary evidence of this. A chatterbox is a godsend for a spy.

Of course, you can dismiss this whole not very reliable story about a society that has been storing and hiding advanced knowledge from unprepared humanity for more than two thousand years. But some facts that have taken place in history clearly hint at the existence of some secret “bank of knowledge.”

In the 13th century, the English monk and philosopher Roger Bacon predicted the invention of the telescope, airplane, automobile and telephone. What is this? Foresight or carelessness, as a result of which the secret was revealed ahead of time?

What about Leonardo da Vinci's ideas about a helicopter, a submarine, ball bearings and caterpillar tracks? Also just blinding guesses?

In 1636, a certain Schwenter, in his work “Physical and Mathematical Entertainment,” outlined the principles of operation of the electric telegraph and spoke about the possibility of communication between two people through a “magnetic beam.” Another unidentified author from Monteberg (Flanders) published a description of the process of black-and-white and color (!) photography in 1729. From his work it follows that he obtained photographic images using a ready-made “recipe”, without knowing either the physical principle of action or the composition of the chemical compounds of the developer and fixer. The question of who suggested this “recipe” to him remains open.

What sources did Jonathan Swift use when he spoke in Gulliver about the two satellites of Mars 156 years before their discovery? Where did Dante Alighieri get his description of the Southern Cross constellation (given in The Divine Comedy) 200 years before it became known to Europeans? Apparently, the members of the “Nine Unknowns” union (if there really is one) did not always keep their mouths shut. Well, in the end, they are only people...

But a miracle happened!

In the 19th century, Louis Jacolliot told the world about the society of the “Nine Unknowns”. As French consul in Calcutta under Napoleon III, he had access to many secret documents. He left behind a library of rare books dedicated to the great mysteries of humanity. In one of his own works, he directly stated that the union of the “Nine Unknowns” existed and still exists to this day. In this regard, he mentioned technologies completely unimaginable in 1860, such as energy release, sterilization by radiation and psychological warfare. According to Jacolliot, for twenty-two centuries, in the territory controlled by the Union of Nine (which is the entire civilized world), secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were recorded in special books. And this most valuable treasury of scientific thought and technology is located in the area of ​​​​the main activity of the union of “Nine Unknowns” ... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. So, in any case, the Frenchman argued in his book “Fire Eaters,” which was published in Russia in a limited edition on the eve of the revolution.

Samara local historian O.V. Ratnik, interested in this information, tried to establish the exact location of the “dislocation” of the “Nine Unknowns”. Alas, he only managed to find out that in the Orenburg steppes archaeologists found a mysterious mound, tentatively dated to the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. The burial contained the skeleton of an elderly man, rich grave goods and... a sword-club made of copper, according to appearance very similar to the sacred weapon of the ancient Indian thunder god. The Orenburg-Samara registration of the “Nine Unknowns” is indirectly confirmed by the information of the historian and ethnographer Kirill Serebrenitsky, according to which in the Orenburg steppes since ancient times there lived a certain “dynasty” of hermits who possessed secret powers...

Nine Holy Books

In 1927, Mandy Talbot, who served in the British Indian Police for 25 years, published half a novel, half an investigation. In it, the English resident claimed that the “Nine Unknowns” really exist. According to Mandy, each member of society is the custodian of one Book dedicated to a particular branch of knowledge. These Talmuds are constantly being replenished, being, in fact, the most complete collections of scientific works in the entire history of humankind.

The first book is devoted to propaganda techniques and methods of psychological warfare. “Of all the sciences,” Mandy writes, “the most dangerous is the science of controlling the thoughts of the crowd, because it allows you to control the whole world.” The second is dedicated nervous system.

In connection with the above, one can only guess about the degree of power of those who use the experience, works and documents of the “Nine Unknowns”... However, does this secret society really exist? Each of us has the right to look for the answer to this question ourselves. But if the alliance of the “Nine” is a reality, this is encouraging: I really want to believe that the brothers will be able to protect humanity from nuclear wars and neutron weapons. If not, let us at least be consoled by the fact that this myth, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries, shows humanity the direction in which it is necessary to move... people. It describes in detail how to control the flow of nerve currents in the body, how to kill and revive a person with just one touch. By the way, some researchers believe that many martial arts were born thanks to the leakage of information from this “reader”. The third book is devoted to micro- and macrobiology. The fourth is chemistry. In particular, it talks about the mutual transformation and transmutation of metals. If this is so, then it turns out that the hopes of medieval alchemists to learn how to turn lead into gold were justified. The fifth book is about terrestrial and extraterrestrial means of communication. The sixth book is devoted to physics and mathematics, in particular - the mystery of gravity. The seventh talks about the phenomenon of light - solar, electric, etc. The eighth contains information on cosmogony and the laws of cosmic development. And finally, the ninth is devoted to sociology and talks about the laws of the evolution of society. It allows us to predict their origin, stages of development and extinction.

Einstein telegram

“Our world is facing a crisis not yet noticed by those who have the power to make great decisions for evil. Unleashed power has changed everything except our habits of thought, and we are adrift towards a monumental catastrophe. We, the scientists who have released this immense Power, bear the gravest responsibility in this worldwide struggle for life or death, we are obliged to study the atom for the benefit of humanity, and not for the sake of its destruction. The Federation of American Scientists joins me in this call. We ask you to support our efforts to make America feel that the fate of the human race is being decided now, today, this minute. We urgently need two hundred thousand dollars to finance a national campaign that would let humanity know that if it wants to survive and reach a higher level, a special way of thinking is needed." Albert Einstein sent this telegram to the American government several years before the disaster in Hiroshima.

Did not help. The atomic bomb dropped on a Japanese city claimed millions of lives. That is why the activities of the Nine Unknowns alliance seem more than necessary.


The Union of Nine is a mythical organization that supposedly continuously monitors scientific research activities in the world in order to prevent the development and implementation of inventions that could lead to the destruction of humanity.

According to one of the legends, it was created after the Great Battle on the Kuru field (Kurukshetra), in which, according to the Mahabharata, “weapons of the gods” were used, with a damaging effect similar to modern nuclear and chemical ones. According to another, it was founded by the Indian emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BC. e. %B8

The union of nine unknowns - the legend says in the 3rd century. BC. Emperor Ashoka saw the battlefield and realized that humanity could destroy itself if it had the necessary weapons, the king gathered nine sages and founded a council of nine, the purpose of which was to hinder in every possible way the technological improvement of humanity.

The legend also says that the best scientists, magicians, astrologers and philosophers were gathered in order to continue their research but not make their discoveries public; such a group of researchers could be needed to strengthen their capabilities and their influence, but the main goal of the Union of Nine remained to prevent the introduction and even creation of inventions, knowledge and discoveries capable of moving humanity to the next level of knowledge.

The consequences of the activities of the “Council of Nine” are often traced in history; scientists capable of taking science to the next level were destroyed, their research was lost.

Information leakage In the 19th century, Louis Jacolliot reported on the Nine Unknowns society. As French consul in Calcutta under Napoleon III, Louis had access to many secret documents. Louis Jacolliot left a library of rare books dedicated to the great mysteries of humanity. In one of his works, Louis Jacolliot stated that the union of the “Nine Unknowns” existed and still exists to this day.
In this regard, Louis Jacolliot mentioned technologies that were completely unthinkable in 1860, in particular: energy release and psychological warfare.

Louis Jacolliot argued that for twenty-two centuries, in the territory controlled by the alliance of the “Nine Unknowns” (the entire civilized world), secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were recorded in special books. And this most valuable treasure trove of scientific thought and technology is located in the area of ​​main activity of the Nine Unknowns union... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. Whether this is true or not is unknown, in any case, the Frenchman asserted in his book “The Fire Eaters,” which was published in Russia in a limited edition on the eve of the revolution, in any case, even if the book was in Russia, it was hidden after the publication of Louis Jacolliot’s book.

Nine sacred books (Nine books of knowledge) Legend says that there are nine books that contain the wisdom and knowledge of mankind, including knowledge that came from previous civilizations, each book is about its own branch of science, nine books are carefully hidden and protected by the union of nine.

The existence of the books became publicly known in 1927 when Talbot Mandy, who served in the British Indian Police for 25 years, published a half-novel, half-investigation. In it, the English resident argued that the “Nine Unknowns” really exist and that each of the 9 supreme members of the union is the custodian of one Book dedicated to one or another branch of knowledge. These books are constantly updated, being, in fact, the most complete collections of scientific works in the entire history of humankind.

Is the goal truly noble? It is assumed that the Union of Nine Unknowns was involved in the withdrawal of electricity from ancient Sumer and Egypt, scientists conducting successful research in the field of subtle energy, telepathy of energy transfer over a distance often disappeared or died, their research also disappeared.

Not all of the disappeared research was of a military nature; sometimes knowledge that had nothing to do with weapons was destroyed, in particular, electricity of antiquity and research in the field of telepathy and other human superpowers. Of course, with a strong desire, everything can be changed in the form of weapons, and yet some lost knowledge brought would be of significant benefit to humanity, and now this knowledge is inaccessible.

Is it necessary to destroy science so zealously just to prevent “Armageddon”? It is unlikely that much of the destroyed knowledge could have brought simply unimaginable benefits to humanity, although of course there is other knowledge that can do harm, only for some reason this knowledge, even if very insignificant, is already available, while knowledge aimed at taking humanity to a new level is still inaccessible, which may well indicate the real purpose of the Council of Nine.

Union of Nine Unknowns

The board of the Union of Nine, according to legend, consisted of only 9 people, whose names were not disclosed, the union also recruited scientists, politicians and rulers in order to strengthen its capabilities and influence.

A history that never happened Largely thanks to the Union of Nine Unknowns, electricity was publicly discovered only in the 19th century. AD, research in the field of magic and telepathy is still unknown, alternative energy sources are not being introduced and are often even unknown, we still believe that the earth is the only inhabited planet, that magic and telepathy are fiction, and that gasoline and the turbine engine are the most efficient sources of energy, while this containment or even degradation did not save humanity from many howls and disasters, while it did not give humanity the opportunity to become better. B8-%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85-%D1% 81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8-28.html
Video recording of a TV Center report dedicated to the secret society "Union of Nine Unknowns"

The tradition of the Nine Unknowns dates back to Emperor Ashoka, who reigned in India from 273 BC. He was the grandson of Chandragupti, the first unifier of India. Full of ambition, like his grandfather, whose work he wanted to continue, he undertook the conquest of the Kalinga country, which extended from present-day Calcutta to Madras. The people of Kalinga resisted and lost a THOUSAND people in the battle. The sight of so many dead shocked Ashoka, and the full horror of the war was revealed to him. He abandoned plans for the further annexation of countries not yet subject to him, declaring that true conquest consists in uniting the hearts of people by the law of duty and piety, because God wants all living beings to live in security, peace and happiness, and enjoy the freedom to dispose yourself.
Converted to Buddhism, Ashoka, by example of his own virtue, spread this religion throughout India and his entire empire, which extended to Malaysia, Ceylon and Indonesia. Buddhism then spread to Nepal. Tibet, China and Mongolia. However, Ashoka respected all religious sects. He preached vegetarianism, established Prohibition and banned animal sacrifices. In his “A Brief History of the World,” H. Wells writes: “Among the tens of thousands of names of monarchs crowded on the pages of history, the name of Ashoka sparkles like a lone star.”
They say that, wise by the horrors of war, King Ashoka decided to forever prohibit people from using their minds for evil. During his reign, the science of nature, the past and the future was classified. Research ranging from the structure of matter to the technique of collective psychology has since then been hidden for twenty-two centuries behind the mystical face of a people whom the whole world considers to be engaged in nothing more than ecstasy and the supernatural. Ashoka founded the most powerful secret society on earth - the society of the Nine Unknowns.
They also say that the most important persons responsible for the fate of modern India and scientists such as Bose and Ram believe in the existence of the Nine Unknowns and even receive advice and messages from them. One can only guess about the degree of power of the secrets, the owners of which can be nine people who directly benefit from the experience, works, and documents collected over two decades. What are the goals of these people? Probably - to prevent the means of destruction from falling into the hands of profane people. Continue research beneficial to humanity.
Outward manifestations of the Nine Unknowns are rare. One of them is connected with the fate of one of the most mysterious people of the West - Pope Sylvester II, also known as Herbert of Aurillac. Born in Auvergne in 920, died in 1002, Herbert was a Benedictine monk, teacher at the University of Reims and pope by the grace of Emperor Otto III. He lived for some time in Spain, then a mysterious journey led him to India, where he gained various knowledge that amazed those around him. So, in his palace there was a bronze head that answered “yes” or “no” to. questions about politics and the general situation of Christianity. According to Sylvester II (volume CXXXXIX of Migne’s “Latin Paterology”). this method was very simple and corresponded to binary calculus. We are talking about an automaton similar to our modern binary machines. This "magic head" was destroyed after his death, and the knowledge he brought was carefully hidden. There is no doubt that the Vatican Library contains many surprises for researchers who may someday have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them.
Did other Europeans come into contact with the society of the Nine Unknowns? Only in the 19th century did the French writer Louis Jacolliot touch upon this mystery again in his books.
Jacolliot was the French consul in Calcutta during the Second Empire. He wrote several science fiction novels comparable in scope to the works of Jules Verne. In addition, he left behind a library of rare books dedicated to the great mysteries of mankind. But this exceptional collection was scattered by many occultists. Completely forgotten in France, he is famous in Russia.
Jacolliot is categorical: the society of the Nine Unknowns is a reality. And it is amazing that in this connection he mentions techniques that were completely unimaginable in 1860: energy release, sterilization by radiation and psychological warfare.
Yersin, one of Roux and Pasteur's closest associates, apparently received a message about biological secrets during a trip to Madras in 1890, and, following instructions given to him, created a serum against plague and cholera.
The story of the Nine Unknowns was first published in 1927 in a book by Talbot Mandy, who served in the British Indian Police for 25 years. His book is half novel - half investigation. The Nine Unknowns use symbolic language. Each of them has a Book, which contains a detailed description of certain sciences and is constantly updated.
The first of these Books is devoted to propaganda techniques and psychological warfare. “Of all the sciences,” writes Mandy, “the most dangerous is the science of controlling the thoughts of the crowd, because it allows you to control the whole world.” It should be noted that Korzybski’s “General Semantics” is dated only 1937, and that it was necessary to wait until the experience of the last world war for the technique of the psychology of language to begin to crystallize in the West, i.e. propaganda. The first American college for the study of semantics was created only in 1960. France knows nothing except “Mob Violence” by Serge Chakhotin, whose influence in the circles of the intelligentsia close to politics is quite large, although this book only scratches the surface of the problem.
The second book is devoted to physiology. In particular, it describes ways to kill a person with one touch, while death occurs from a change in the direction of the nerve current. They say that judo was born as a result of a “leak” of information from this book.
The third is devoted to microbiology, and in particular to protective colloids.
The fourth talks about the transformation of metals. Legend has it that in times of need, temples and charities religious organizations received from this source a large amount of gold of the highest standard.
The fifth contains the doctrine of all means of communication, terrestrial and extraterrestrial.
The sixth contains the secrets of gravity. The seventh is the most extensive cosmogony created by our humanity. The eighth treats of light.
The ninth is devoted to sociology and contains the laws of the evolution of societies, allowing us to foresee their fall.
The mystery of the waters of the Ganges is associated with the legend of the Nine Unknowns. Many pilgrims, carriers of the most terrible and most varied diseases, bathe in it without any harm to those who are healthy.
Sacred waters purify everything. They wanted to attribute this strange property of the river to the formation of bacteriophages. But why are they not also formed in the Brahmaputra, Amazon or Sena? The sterilization hypothesis appeared in the work of Jacolliot a hundred years before the possibility of such a phenomenon became known. These radiations, according to Jacolliot, emanate from a secret temple carved under the bed of the Ganges.
The religious, social, political movement of the Nine Unknowns embodies the image of a bright science, a science with a conscience. Can control the destinies of mankind, but refrains from using own strength, this secret society is the most beautiful tribute to freedom on high level. Vigilant atop their temple of glory, these nine men see civilizations created, destroyed, and re-emerged. They are not so indifferent as they are tolerant, ready to come. help, but always remain in silence, which serves as a measure of human greatness.
Myth or reality? If it is a myth, then, in any case, it is an excellent one, reaching us from the depths of time, and at the same time - the surf of the future.

Chapter from the book “The Morning of the Magicians” by Louis Pauvel and Jacques Bergier.

Soyuz 9(Russian : Soyuz 9 , Soyuz 9) was a 1970 Soviet manned space flight. The two-person crew of Andriyan Nikolaev and Vitaly Sevastyanov broke the five-year space endurance record held on Gemini 7 with their nearly 18-day flight. The mission paved the way for the Salyut space station missions by examining the effects of long-term weightlessness on crew members, as well as assessing the work that astronauts could do in orbit, individually and as a team. This was the last flight of the first generation Soyuz 7K-OK spacecraft, and the first manned launch will be carried out at night. To date, Soyuz 9 marks the longest manned solo spacecraft flight.


Backup crew

Reserve crew

mission highlights

Commander Andriyan Nikolaev and flight engineer Vitaly Sevastyanov spent 18 days in space conducting various physiological and medical-biological experiments on themselves, but also studying the social consequences of long-term space flight. The astronauts spent time in two-way television communication with their families, watched the World Cup soccer match, played chess (including this chess game with a team like White, this was the first chess game played in space) with control of the earth, and voted in the Soviet elections. The mission set a new record for space endurance and marked a shift in emphasis from spacefarers only being able to exist in space for the duration of a long mission (such as the Apollo missions to the Moon) to being able to live in space.

The mission took unexpected physical toll on the astronauts; In order to maintain control of the gas orientation during a long stay in orbit, Soyuz 9 was placed in spin-stabilization mode, which made Nikolaev and Sevastyanov dizzy and space sick. When they finally landed, they required help getting out of the descent and were practically unable to walk for several days. However, this experience proved the importance of providing crews with simulators during missions.

mission parameters

  • Mass spectrum: 6,590 kg (14,530 lb)
  • Perigee: 176 km (109 mi)
  • Apogee: 227 km (141 mi)
  • Mood: 51.6°
  • Period: 88.5 min

Legend of origins

According to legend of the 3rd century. BC. Emperor Ashoka, after contemplating the battlefield, came up with the idea that humanity is capable of destroying itself if it takes possession of the necessary weapons.

Then the king ordered the gathering of nine sages to found the secret council of the Nine, which had an unusual task - to in every possible way hinder technological progress leading to the improvement of mankind.

Legend also says that the best scientists, magicians, astrologers and philosophers were gathered to continue their research, but not to make their discoveries public. Such a group of researchers could be needed to strengthen the capabilities and influence of the union, but the main goal of the Union of Nine remained all possible obstacles to the introduction and even the creation of inventions, knowledge and discoveries capable of moving humanity to the next level of knowledge.

The consequences of the unusual activities of the “Council of Nine” are often traced in history; scientists capable of taking science to the next level were destroyed, their research was lost.

Information leak

In the 19th century, the society of the “Nine Unknowns” was reported by Louis Jacolliot. As French consul in Calcutta under Napoleon III, Louis had access to many secret documents. Louis Jacolliot left a library of rare books dedicated to the great mysteries of humanity. In one of his works, Louis Jacolliot stated that the secret alliance of the “Nine Unknowns” existed and still exists to this day.

In this regard, Louis Jacolliot mentioned unusual technologies that were completely unthinkable in 1860, in particular: energy release and psychological warfare. Louis Jacolliot argued that for twenty-two centuries, in the territory controlled by the alliance of the “Nine Unknowns” (the entire civilized world), secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were recorded in special books.

This most valuable treasury of scientific thought and technology is located in the area of ​​​​the main activity of the Union of “Nine Unknowns” ... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. Whether this is true or not is unknown, in any case, the Frenchman asserted in his book “The Fire Eaters,” which was published in Russia in a limited edition on the eve of the revolution; in any case, even if the book was in Russia, it was hidden after the publication of the book by Louis Jacolliot.

Nine Holy Books (Nine Books of Knowledge)

Legend has it that there are nine secret books that contain the wisdom and knowledge of mankind, including knowledge that came from previous civilizations. Each book is about a different branch of science, nine books are carefully hidden and protected by the Union of Nine.

The existence of secret books became publicly known in 1927, when Talbot Mandy, who served in the British Indian Police for 25 years, published a half-novel, half-investigation. In it, the English resident argued that the “Nine Unknowns” really exist, and that each of the 9 supreme members of the union is the custodian of one Book dedicated to one or another branch of knowledge. These books are constantly updated, being, in fact, the most complete collections of scientific works in the entire history of humankind.

Is the goal truly noble?

It is assumed that the Union of Nine Unknowns was involved in the removal of electricity from ancient Sumer and Egypt, scientists conducting successful research in the field of subtle energy, telepathy of energy transfer over distances often disappeared or died, and their research also disappeared.

Not all of the lost research was of a military nature; sometimes knowledge that had nothing to do with weapons was destroyed. In particular, also electricity of antiquity and research in the field of telepathy and other human superpowers. Of course, with a strong desire, everything can be used in the form of weapons and, nevertheless, some lost knowledge would bring significant benefits to humanity. However, this knowledge is now inaccessible.

Is it necessary to destroy science so zealously just to prevent “Armageddon”? Hardly. Much of the destroyed unusual knowledge could bring simply unimaginable benefits to humanity, although of course there is other knowledge that can do harm. Only for some reason this knowledge, albeit very insignificant, is already available. But simply the necessary knowledge aimed at bringing humanity to a new level is still inaccessible, which may well indicate the real goal of the Council of Nine.

Union of Nine Unknowns

The board of the Union of Nine, according to legend, consisted of only 9 people, whose names were not disclosed. The Union also recruited scientists, politicians and rulers in order to strengthen its capabilities and influence.

The story that never happened

Thanks largely to the Union of Nine Unknowns, electricity was only publicly discovered in the 19th century. AD, research in the field of magic and telepathy is still unknown, alternative energy sources are not being introduced, and are often even unknown.

We still believe that the Earth is the only inhabited planet, that magic and telepathy are fiction, and that gasoline and the turbine engine are the most efficient sources of energy, while this containment or even degradation has not saved humanity from many wars and disasters that have prevented humanity from becoming better.

Books of the Nine Unknowns Alliance

Legend has it that the Alliance of Nine took possession of the secret books supposedly of Atlantis, there were nine books.

Each book contained knowledge from a certain field of science, knowledge that is far superior even to modern ones. The legend also says that each of the Nine was given one book, of course, in order to protect it and prevent the leakage of knowledge from this book.

It was also argued that the society itself benefited from the knowledge of these books and, largely thanks to this knowledge, achieved such influence and opportunities.

The first book of Nine Unknowns

This book talks about crowd psychology and influencing the masses. Sometimes it is argued that the “First Book” is one of the most dangerous, the most dangerous, because it allows you to control the entire world.

Book Two of the Nine Unknowns

This book is about the nervous system. The book contains information about in different ways murders. It describes in detail how to control the flow of nerve currents in the body, how to kill and revive a person with just one touch.

Leaked information from this book sometimes explains the emergence of martial arts: “one day a Tibetan monk returned from a long journey and taught his companions the first fifteen techniques.”

The third book of Nine Unknowns

This book contains information about micro- and macrobiology.

The fourth book of Nine Unknowns

This book contains knowledge of chemistry, descriptions of the mutual transformation and transmutation of metals.

The fifth book of Nine Unknowns

The book describes terrestrial and extraterrestrial methods of communication.

The sixth book of Nine Unknowns

This book is about gravity. A few years ago, some Sanskrit documents were discovered in Tibet (Lhasa) and sent to Chandrigarh University for translation. Dr. Ruf Reina from this university recently stated that these unusual documents contain instructions for building interstellar spaceships!

Their mode of locomotion, she said, was "anti-gravity" and based on a system similar to that used in "laghim", an unknown "I" force existing in the human psyche, "a centrifugal force sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction."

According to the teachings of Indian yogis, this is the mysterious “laghima” that allows a person to levitate. It also described a possible flight to the moon. These ships are called vimanas.

Perhaps this was the same book that was lost, although it is difficult to believe that an influential society would allow this information to be made public. Perhaps we are talking about a text written by one of the initiates, and later lost.

The Seventh Book of Nine Unknowns

The book talks about light, light as a phenomenon - solar, electric, etc.

The eighth book of the Nine Unknowns

The book contains information on cosmogony and the laws of space development.

The ninth book of the Nine Unknowns

This book is dedicated to sociology and talks about the laws of evolution of society. The ninth book allows us to foresee their origin, stages of development and extinction.

There is no doubt that a society that acquired such secret knowledge could achieve incredible influence and unprecedented success.

One of the most mysterious fragments of the Indian epic “Mahabharata” has always been considered an episode in which the mysterious weapon of the god Brahma was told. He called upon heavenly fire, which destroyed enemy cities and armies in seconds. On the territory of present-day India and Pakistan, where the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara are located, there was a flourishing land. Then some sudden explosion occurred, as a result of which everything that was nearby melted.

The relatives of the deceased scientist are convinced of their scientific research, Krokholev went too far. Gennady Krokholev studied patients, recording them on photographic film. He argued that the human eye is capable of forming an image on film that haunts the patient. Analyzing these photographs, Krokholev derived a universal formula for humans.

Death of Academician Andrei Brushlinsky

In 2002, a psychology professor and corresponding member became a victim of unknown criminals Russian Academy Sciences Andrey Brushlinsky. The killers waylaid him in the entrance of his own house. As follows from the criminal case, the scientist was first hit on the head with a heavy object and then strangled. The criminals took the scientist's briefcase with unique documents.

Shortly before his death, Brushlinsky became interested in new research. This was the problem of origin studies. However, many believe that this study was just a cover. In fact, the scientist was involved in the development of a fundamentally new type of weapon, capable of subjugating millions of people to the will of its owner.

This may seem like a mere coincidence, but the murder of Brushlinsky was not the first in a series of attacks on scientists working on a secret project. A year before this incident, Brushlinsky’s former deputy at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vasily Druzhinin, became a victim of unknown killers. And also, a few months later, unknown persons attacked a specialist in psionic influence, Professor Valery Korshunov. None of these crimes were ever solved.

Research by Louis Jacolliot

Louis Jacolliot is known throughout the world as a popular French fiction writer of the nineteenth century. However, few people know that Jacolliot was the French consul in India. He spent almost ten years in the city of Kalku, studying the manuscripts of ancient rulers. The consul collected Sanskrit, ancient maps, clay tablets, ritual daggers and mirrors. Jacolliot was interested in anything that contained drawings or fragments of ancient texts. In 1860, the consul discovered a mysterious manuscript. It talked about liberation, sterilization by radiation, and psychological warfare. For the mid-nineteenth century, these were truly fantastic technologies.

In the Middle Ages, some educated people, knowledge appeared at a level that, in principle, could not be obtained, so to speak, empirically. In their writings they described things that they could not know, see or even imagine.

Moreover, in classified archives, Louis Jacolliot found information about a secret organization calling itself the “Union of Nine Unknowns.” In his research, Jacolliot writes that for 22 centuries, in the territory controlled by the Union of Nine, secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were available only to a select few. The knowledge that appeared in the human environment was always limited to a certain circle of people, because knowledge made it possible to rule the world, states, and people.

The great Leonardo sketched a careless schematic drawing of a parachute five hundred years before the appearance of the first parachute. He also invented a primitive, but quite functional helicopter. This seems fantastic, but Da Vinci seemed to know what inventions humanity would make in the future and tried in every possible way to bring this moment closer.

However, another one, committed two hundred years before Leonardo’s revelation, looks even more fantastic. Franciscan monk Roger Bacon, already in the 12th century, confidently wrote, it is possible to build a machine that moves at incredible speed without draft animals, similar to ancient war chariots. In his treatises, Bacon described in detail the microscope, modern ships, airplanes, and weapons of mass destruction.

What sources did Jonathan Swift use to predict the presence of two moons on Mars, two centuries before their official discovery?

Who taught Paracelsus, from whom all Western medicine originates, in the fifteenth century, the basics of modern pharmacology?

All the secret knowledge with which the greatest minds of the planet shone was taken from the same source. Jacolliot claims that Bacon, Da Vinci, Swift, Paracelsus, at different times were members of an extremely secret organization that had been in possession of the knowledge of the gods for several millennia.

How the “Union of Nine Unknowns” was created

According to one legend, back in the third century BC, the ruler of the ancient Indian state Ashoka saw a terrible battlefield and realized that humanity could destroy itself, each time using more and more destructive weapons. The king gathered nine wise men and formed the “Union of Nine”. The idea of ​​the union was to hinder as much as possible the improvement of humanity and.

Ashoka was the third Mauryan ruler who founded the ancient Indian state. He was born a thousand years after the events described in the Mahabharata. According to one version, in order to ascend to the throne, Ashoka killed all his brothers. Continuing the work of his grandfather, King Chendragupta, he pursued a tough policy of annexing new territories to India. Ashoka was merciless towards his enemies. His army conquered neighboring states one after another. Legend has it that one day Ashoka's army invaded the small state of Kalinga, located between present-day Calcutta and Madras. The war turned out to be bloody. Thousands of people died in brutal battles.

According to one version, a primary source fell into the hands of scientists - one of the ancient manuscripts of the “Union of Nine”. Most researchers were skeptical about the manuscript. However, Chinese scientists, having analyzed information from an ancient source, used it in a space exploration and rocket science program. Surprisingly, less than five years later, China came out on top in the space race.

What was discussed in the ninth, most dangerous book, written in ancient times by the first sages of the union of nine? And could its contents be somehow related to the works of scientists who died under mysterious circumstances at the beginning of the twenty-first century? According to legend, it is dedicated to the technology and methods of conducting nuclear and psychological warfare.

Over more than two millennia, the “Union of Nine” has accumulated fantastic resources. They allow you to track any new ones that humanity gives birth to. The control mechanism is very simple. It is enough to have access to the international patent system. It is no coincidence that Albert Einstein, whom many consider one of the nine unknowns, worked for a long time in the patent office.

The nuclear confrontation between the Superpowers is controlled by the secret organization “Union of Nine”

The attack against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 showed humanity for the first time the full horror of a nuclear disaster. At the same time, it made it clear that the state that owns such weapons will not hesitate to use them in the future. Work on the so-called Manhattan Project was strictly classified. Even the US State Department did not know what the scientists were doing. The complex where the first atomic bomb, had its own police, counterintelligence and communications system. A person who came to a nuclear center could no longer leave it without special permission. Moreover, all the scientists changed their names. For example, Nils Born became Nicola Baker, and the world-famous physicist Enrico Fermi appeared in all documents under the pseudonym “99”

In 1943, books, magazines and newspapers that talked about the possibility of creating atomic weapons were seized from all US libraries. Librarians were ordered to report anyone interested in such materials. But someone, apparently, even before the start of this campaign, knew almost everything about the Manhattan project itself and how it would end.

In 1941, writer Robert Heinlein published the story "The Ill-Fated Decision." Heinlein wrote that at the end of the war, the Americans would create a bomb based on the uranium-235 isotope. With its help, the army will destroy two cities, after which any war will lose its meaning. This was four years before the first atomic bomb exploded.

Heinlein's story is striking in its accuracy. Almost no one knew about uranium-235 in those years. How he found out about this is unknown. For American intelligence agencies, this story became a real revelation. The writer was prosecuted for disclosing state secrets. But the intelligence officers were never able to understand where Heinlein could have obtained such detailed information about a project that did not yet exist in 1941.

But much more of a mystery to the CIA was the information that in the USSR, work on uranium fission began back in 1939. Intelligence officers suggested that there was an organization operating in the world that was much more powerful than all the intelligence services combined. It was she who ensured that the two superpowers almost simultaneously developed nuclear technologies in order to maintain some kind of balance in our world.

Surprisingly, it was the atomic arsenals of the USA and the USSR that for many years became a guarantee of peace between the two powers. Nuclear parity, according to historians, forced states to be more attentive to issues of war and peace. In addition, the owners of nuclear weapons are now closely monitoring that other countries are unable to master these technologies.

According to the logic of the participants in the “Union of Nine,” before humanity learns to use the fruits of its intellectual labor fully and without harm to itself, it needs to grow up. IN otherwise, human attempts to master new technologies will be similar to a child playing with a sharp knife. How long will it take for humanity to mature? Unknown. But until that happens, nine unknown people will continue to make sure we don't get hurt.

"Union of Nine" prevents the launch of the Large Hadron Collider

In August 2008, in France, under mysterious circumstances, Russian nuclear scientist Arkady Mulin, who worked at the Research Center, died. The physicist's car suddenly flew off the road and overturned several times. Eyewitnesses say the car was almost pushed off the road by a truck. They even remembered his numbers. But investigators later stated that the car with such license plates was not registered in the European Union.

Arkady Mulin is one of those who prepared the Large Hadron Collider for launch, or rather some of its elements. With their help, physicists wanted to obtain a special state of matter - . Its existence has so far been confirmed only mathematically. Surprisingly, after Mulin's death, all experiments on creating dark matter were postponed indefinitely.

These experiments are dangerous and the physicists who work there understand this very well. A microscopic magnetic hole could be created at the Large Hadron Collider. Other scientists claim that it can be created. Still others predict that straplets may be created.

Strapels are the literal translation of the English term "strange blobs." This is what physicists call particles that are capable of passing through any substance, launching chain reaction. This is the same dark matter that the Universe could have consisted of before the big bang. The synthesis of even a small amount of such particles, as some scientists suggest, is extremely dangerous.

An international team of scientists has still not managed to launch the hadron collider at full capacity. Since its construction, the accelerator has been plagued by a series of inexplicable accidents. The collider was stopped due to failures in the power supply system, due to helium leaks, due to sudden overheating, due to water, which somehow mysteriously got into the accelerator channel. The barely completed accelerator was almost immediately closed for maintenance. It’s hard to believe, but in the five years since its creation, the installation operated for no more than three months. All the facts indicate that forces that science did not even suspect about interfere with the work of the collider. Is it really possible that someone is preventing physicists from using all the capabilities of an ultra-modern particle accelerator?

It is quite possible that members of the “Union of Nine” know better than others how experiments with the Large Hadron Collider may end. Is he really trying to prevent a catastrophe on a planetary scale?