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Celery green soup recipe. Celery soup for weight loss - recipes, menu for the week. When is the best time to eat soup for fat people?

Celery stalks are a storehouse of useful microelements and vitamins. It cleanses the body of decay products, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and restores the balance of water and salt. Many people use it during the period of struggle with excess weight, because the product is endowed with a negative calorie content - it contains few calories, and requires a lot of energy to digest.

Classic celery soup

There are many recipes for soup based on it, and among the variety you can choose the option you like.

You will need:

  • juicy green stems – 3 pcs;
  • celery root - a small piece;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 liter of meat broth;
  • 50 gr. drain, oil;
  • cream – 50 g;
  • salt, you can use sea salt, and allspice or black pepper.


  1. Grind the first two components.
  2. Peel the potatoes and onions and cut them in the usual way.
  3. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry all the prepared ingredients.
  4. Pour in the broth, add salt and pepper, install the lid and simmer until the potatoes are ready.
  5. Transfer the contents of the frying pan to a blender bowl, grind and return.
  6. Pour in the cream, bring to a boil and serve, garnished with herbs and sprinkled with crackers if desired.

Soup for weight loss

Celery soup for quality weight loss does not include broth and cream - the most high-calorie ingredients. This soup is prepared using water.

What you will need:

  • 2 onions;
  • 1 large or 2 medium carrots;
  • 1/4 part of a large head of cabbage;
  • 3 stalks of celery root;
  • green beans – 100 g;
  • a couple of bell peppers;
  • 3-4 ripe

Hello my dear readers! 🙂 B Ancient Greece Wreaths made from this plant were worn on winners of sports competitions. The immortal Homer sang about him and the charming Aphrodite did not part with him. It is also a super healthy food plant. And all this is His Majesty celery. I think he rightfully deserves such popularity. Therefore, today we will prepare celery soup for weight loss, I will tell you the correct recipe.

Unique properties of celery

This plant contains a wide variety of substances. All of them are active participants in the processes occurring in the human body. There are a large number here:

  • Fiber (dietary fiber) - improves intestinal function, binds and removes toxins + improves digestion.
  • Vitamin C - keeps our skin in good tone and is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • B vitamins - have a healing effect on the body, participate in metabolic processes, etc.
  • Magnesium, potassium and other minerals - they strengthen the heart muscle and regulate metabolism.
  • Flavonoids - which are known for their anti-aging effect.
  • Organic acids - disinfect, cleanse and even rejuvenate the body.
  • Essential oils - have a calming effect.

Recent studies have shown that this plant also has amazing medicinal properties for us. The substance apeginin has an anticancer effect. And the substances luteolin, which are formed in celery, prevent the development of senile dementia, maintaining a clear mind. Therefore, make celery soup more often 😉

But the main advantage of celery is that it is... There are only 12 kcal per 100 g of plant

The fact is that the body spends too much effort and energy on digesting coarse fibers. Much more of them are consumed than are contained in the plant itself. Therefore, celery is considered a dietary product. Consuming it in large quantities leads to weight loss.

How to select and store celery

Remember that the celery you buy should look fresh. Of course, some skilled sellers manage to revive a shriveled plant. But they won’t be able to deceive you, because I will teach you how to distinguish truly fresh celery.

First of all, take a closer look at appearance vegetable crop. The leaves of this plant should be bright green in color. They should also be elastic and shiny.

The petioles of a fresh plant are plump and green. If you are offered celery with brownish or yellowish stalks, do not buy it. When you break the petiole at home, it should crunch juicy. This is the most important criterion of its freshness.

Do not purchase a vegetable crop that has an arrow with seeds. Here is an overgrown plant that has lost most of its beneficial properties. And it will taste bitter.

Store purchased celery greens as flowers. Fill a jar or large glass with water and place the plant in it. There should not be so much water - just enough to cover the root crop (otherwise you will flood the celery). And put it in the refrigerator door for no more than 5-7 days.

Celery soup for weight loss

In general, the celery diet is one of the most popular today. And this is facilitated by numerous reviews from those who were on this fasting food system. I note that they are mostly all positive. Those who have lost weight note that the kilograms actually melt away, like a popsicle in the sun :) At the same time, the skin remains elastic and taut after losing weight.

Of course, the result of a celery diet directly depends on the initial weight and characteristics of the body.

On average, you can lose from 4 to 7 kg in a week. And this, I tell you, is an excellent result.

The basis of this diet is celery soup. You can eat this food in unlimited quantities while losing weight, but not less than 3 servings per day.

Add the stems of the plant or its leaves to the soup you are preparing. Although you can add both if you wish. But in general, the spicy, powerful smell and taste of celery is concentrated in the leaves. Soup is usually prepared from petioles. And its leaves are used as an aromatic spice. And they are added at the end of cooking.

This low-calorie dish is perfect for any diet day. Only on days 5 and 6, when meat is allowed, add some low-fat ground turkey. Minced chicken or lean beef can also be used.

When dieting, the body needs proteins to process plant nutrients and provide energy. And, as has long been proven, . Therefore, lean meat will help in the fight against those annoying pounds.

I cooked the dish in a frying pan with high sides (or they call it a stewpan). In principle, a thick-bottomed saucepan or multicooker is also suitable for cooking. Only then write a review about how you like this version of the soup?

And here is a recipe with a photo on how to prepare a super healthy dish.


10 servings 45 min. Weight ready-made dish: 3600 gr.

100 gr

650 grhalf a medium head of cabbage

75 grone onion

50 gr

150 grtwo medium carrots

1 PCmedium size

3 pcsmediocre

Ideal weight is the dream of every woman. But how to achieve it quickly, affordably and, most importantly, safely. A proven recipe - celery soup for weight loss.

Composition and characteristics of the main product

Celery is a new discovery by nutritionists. All parts of the plant are equally useful for weight loss and differ only in their special taste. This is pleasing, as it allows you to diversify the menu. Some people are immediately stopped by its specific taste and smell, but there are others who like them.

Celery owes its popularity to:

  • negative calorie content (100 g of product contains 12 kcal);
  • the ability to rid biological tissues of toxins;
  • rich composition.

Let's talk about the last advantage in more detail. Celery is called a storehouse of nutrients because it contains:

  • Vitamin C for elasticity of blood vessels and firmness of the skin.
  • B vitamins necessary for metabolism and normal functioning of major organ systems.
  • Cellulose, which cleanses the intestines of toxins and improves digestion.
  • Esters with sedative properties.
  • Organic acids that have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium to strengthen the heart, bones, and immunity.
  • Luteolin, which inhibits the development of senile dementia.

Celery is unique due to its ability to:

  • improve sleep;
  • relieve nervous tension;
  • tone the body.

His diverse influence does not end there:

  1. It relieves hunger for a long time. Mainly due to fiber, which fills the stomach and creates tension in its walls. The brain perceives this as a signal of satiety and stops tormenting the owner with hunger pangs.
  2. The intestines are activated, by the way, also due to fiber. It is not digested in the human body, so it passes through gastrointestinal tract, maintaining its original coarse fibrous structure, and resembles a brush that cleans everything in its path, namely the walls of the digestive canal. And as you know, waste and toxins are not the last culprits in the accumulation of fatty deposits.
  3. Celery soup has a slight diuretic effect, which eliminates swelling and cellulite.
  4. Celery solves another problem that arises when losing weight - sagging skin.

Celery is a famous herbal medicine. It helps with a number of diseases, including:

  • dermatitis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney diseases.

In the matter of weight loss, it has no equal, since celery normalizes hormonal levels, regulates metabolism, and fat oxidation. Therefore, celery soup is not only a minus excess weight, but also plus health and youth.

But if everything is clear with celery...

Why soup?

The reasons are quite logical:

  • The soup contains a lot of other ingredients that smooth out the harsh taste of celery.
  • A serving of celery soup contains 25-35 kcal. This is a real find for quick slimming. At the same time, a bowl of soup, unlike an appetizer or salad, gives you a feeling of fullness, and this, in turn, relieves stress due to food restrictions.
  • Hot soup is more soothing and warming.

Disadvantages of the diet

There are few of them, but they still exist:

  • specific taste;
  • nausea.

Some people consider the diuretic effect as a disadvantage, and others as an advantage.

It is better to lose weight on celery soup for a week, then take a 2-week break and repeat if desired.

The advantages are encouraging, and I want to start preparing it as soon as possible. Past negative experiences are not a reason to deny yourself new attempts.

Basic soup recipes

There are many recipes for celery soup. When choosing, everyone proceeds from their taste preferences, goals, as well as the desired rate of weight loss.

  • some are prepared only from vegetables;
  • in others you can add salt, garlic and tomato juice.

To defeat extra pounds, it is advisable to prepare the soup alternately, either according to the first or second recipe. You can add some potatoes to the soup or replace them with zucchini. Alternatively, pass the brew through a blender. If you stick to your chosen diet, you can lose 4-5 kg ​​in a week.

For those who like to lose weight quickly, there is a recipe for making celery soup in water, which is recommended to be eaten for 3 days in any quantity. The more soup eaten, the better result. In 3 days, as a rule, 3 kg of fat deposits are lost. The right recipe celery soup for weight loss is prepared with water!


  • celery - 0.5 roots or 5 stalks;
  • tomatoes -2;
  • Bell pepper-1 large;
  • onion - 6;
  • cabbage - about 400 g.

Cut the vegetables, throw them into boiling water and cook until tender, but do not overcook them.

For the second recipe for celery soup for weight loss take:

  • celery - 4 stalks or 0.5 roots;
  • 200 g bean pods;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 onions;
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • laurel - 1.

Pour the chopped vegetables into water (2 liters) and cook for about 20 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil.

Diet for a week

By day, a diet based on celery soup looks something like this:

  1. We allow ourselves fruits, with the exception of grapes and bananas.
  2. We eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities.
  3. Again, raw vegetables, but 1 baked potato seasoned with a teaspoon of sunflower oil is allowed.
  4. You can have kefir up to 1 liter per day and bananas (3).
  5. A little lean meat, such as chicken breast or lean fish (700 g), wouldn't hurt.
  6. Boiled meat (350 g) and raw vegetable salad.
  7. , vegetable salad, favorite fruits.


Lasting a week on such a diet is not a problem, but you still have to exclude some things from your diet:

  • alcohol;
  • canned foods;
  • fried and spicy foods;
  • flour products;
  • salt;

Limit coffee consumption to 3 times a day. It is much healthier to drink unsweetened.

Tips to help achieve the desired result:

  • Dishes should not contain fat.
  • A bowl of celery soup will satisfy even the most strong feeling hunger.
  • Avoid sparkling water.
  • Do not introduce new foods into the diet.
  • Get on the scale every morning to see the result.
  • It is better not to combine the diet with intense physical activity.
  • Daily calorie content should not exceed 1200 kcal.
  • If the taste of the soup is unacceptable, you can dilute it with mushroom spice.
  • It is better to cook soup not from the root, but from celery stalks.
  • Ensure plenty of fluids: at least 2 liters per day, excluding coffee and tea.
  • Last meal no later than 19.00. It is advisable that dinner consist of vegetables and fruits, and in case of severe hunger, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Include celery juice and green parts of the plant in your diet.
  • Protein foods (meat and fish) are best combined with salads made from raw vegetables.
  • Include grapefruit and other citrus fruits in your diet, excluding starchy foods.

Rules for selecting and storing a quality product

  • The plant should have bright green, shiny, elastic stems and leaves. Stems with a yellowish or brownish tint should not be used.
  • You can check the quality of the product by breaking the stem. A juicy crunch is a sign of a fresh plant.
  • Celery, which has put out flower stalks, has grown and lost some of its healing properties, and besides, it is bitter.

Celery must be stored properly. To do this, the plant is placed in a jar of water and stored as flower bouquet. You can immerse the whole thing in water and store it in the refrigerator. This way you can always have a fresh product on hand throughout the week.

A diet based on celery is no less useful for the stronger sex. It helps improve potency, eliminates excess fat, and cleanses tissues of toxic metabolites. For older people, the benefits of celery include improving memory, strengthening bones, restoring minerals, and increasing the overall tone of the body.


No one can eat celery soup for a long time. After all, the diet is unbalanced and not recommended for long-term adherence, and is also contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Doctors and scientists have found that celery should be added to soup for taste and benefit. The plant contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has diuretic and blood pressure-normalizing properties, and soup made from it will be useful for patients with hypertension and immune problems. It is important to know how to prepare a dish in order to preserve the full value of the product.

Celery Soup Recipes

Before looking for a recipe for celery soup, you need to know how to properly prepare the plant and what to combine it with. It would be useful to find out how long to cook celery in soup, because the young plant should retain all the vitamin benefits after heat treatment. On store shelves you can see 3 parts of celery: roots, stems and leaves:

  1. the roots are used as a seasoning and to make broth for vegetable soup;
  2. the stems are used as a green dressing;
  3. Dried or fresh leaves are used to decorate ready-made soup.

When buying a root, you need to knock on it. A good product has a dull sound, but with a ringing sound the root inside will be hollow. Juicy young stems should be shiny and bright green: if the color is dark, the greens will be harsh. You should not buy a yellowish stem with dark veins. With other roots, it is good to use celery in borscht and cabbage soup, and the stems can be used to prepare pickles with barley. If you combine the roots, stems and other pureed vegetables, you get a puree soup. All dishes from the plant are dietary.

Celery soups are great to eat as a first course in hot weather, when you want to be refreshed, but at the same time nourished. The stems only take 2 minutes to cook, so cooking is quick. The soup can be cooked in meat, chicken, or vegetable broth. Broccoli, white cabbage, beans, tomatoes and other vegetables go well with the plant. For satiety, cereals are added to the broth - rice, quinoa, pearl barley, and for piquancy - various seasonings.

Celery soup for weight loss

Celery soup for weight loss is low in calories, containing only 11-13 calories per 100 ml. Due to this, it is recommended to eat the dish during fasting days or diets to lose weight. By eating only lean and light celery soup for 3 days, according to reviews, you can lose 2-3 kg, and up to 9 kg in a week. Preparing soup for a diet is easy, because you just need to chop the ingredients and cook them without salt, and seasonings are acceptable only black pepper and curry.


  • onions – 6 pcs.;
  • tomato – 3 pcs.;
  • cabbage - half a kilo;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • celery - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion into half rings. Cut the tomato into cubes, cabbage into strips, sweet pepper into slices, celery into rings.
  2. Pour in all ingredients cold water, put on fire.
  3. Cook for 15-20 minutes, avoiding turning into a puree.

Cream soup

Celery puree soup is tasty, light and healthy, which is easily absorbed by the body, saturates and warms. The soup can be cooked in fish or chicken broth, or vegetables can be simmered in butter or mixed with olive oil in a slow cooker. A more dietary option involves no roasting. It is good to serve puree soup with herbs, bacon cooked in a frying pan, croutons or croutons. Reviews about the dish are the most positive.


  • celery root – 0.6 kg;
  • butter – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • leeks - 3 stalks;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • broth – 1.2 l;
  • cream – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the onion, heat the oil in a saucepan, fry for 6 minutes until the onion becomes soft.
  2. Cut the potatoes and celery root into cubes and add to the saucepan.
  3. Pour in the broth, boil, reduce heat, close with a lid, and simmer for a third of an hour until the vegetables become soft.
  4. Using a blender, beat the soup until creamy, season with salt and pepper to taste, pour in the cream.
  5. Beat again, pour into plates, and decorate with cheese sprinkles.

Stem celery soup

Delicious and incredibly healthy is soup made from celery stalks, which are rich in vitamins that improve immunity. You can prepare the dish with a chicken broth base to make it more filling. If you replace the meat base with vegetables, you get a light dietary soup. You can serve with sour cream, herbs, and place meatballs in the center of the dish.


  • butter - teaspoon;
  • chicken breast – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • minced meat - half a kilo;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • celery stalks – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – ½ pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • green cilantro - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water over the meat. Boil broth with any aromatic roots.
  2. Form small meatballs from minced meat, eggs and flour, lightly fry.
  3. Chop the onion, finely chop the remaining vegetables.
  4. Fry the onion in butter, add the remaining vegetables, except the zucchini, and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Season with pepper, lemon juice, cilantro.
  5. Strain the broth, add the fry, boil, add the zucchini. Add salt, cook for 15 minutes, add meatballs, cook for another 5 minutes.

From celery root

Making aromatic celery root soup is easy if you follow these tips. You can prepare a hearty pickle soup with pearl barley, millet or oatmeal, and season it with dried or fresh mushroom pieces. The resulting dish is not suitable for a diet, but it will warm you up, fill you up and give you a lot of benefits. It is good to serve it with sour cream and season with finely chopped parsley. For variety, you can try seasoning with tomato paste.


  • cabbage – 200 grams;
  • water – 2 l;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • parsley root – 2 pcs.;
  • pickle- 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber pickle - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the roots, onion, and carrots into strips and fry in oil.
  2. Peel the cucumbers, cut into 4 parts, remove seeds, and chop.
  3. Simmer the cucumbers in a small saucepan in half a glass of meat broth until they become soft.
  4. Cut the potatoes into cubes, shred the cabbage, and put them in the boiling broth along with the cucumber peel. Cook until the potatoes are ready.
  5. Add the roast, cucumbers, cook for 5 minutes, season with bay leaf, salt, pepper, cook for another 4 minutes.
  6. Pour in the brine, hold for a minute, turn off the heat.


Vegetable soup with celery is considered the easiest to prepare. This recipe from Czech cuisine is unusual in that when serving the dish is seasoned with butter, which makes it richer, more aromatic and tastier. You can experiment with any vegetables and add them according to your preferences. You can add beans, beans, tomatoes, cauliflower or broccoli.


  • broth - 3 l;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • leeks – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • parsley root – 1 pc.;
  • celery root – ½ piece;
  • butter - a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Separately, boil the chopped roots and add potato cubes to the boiling broth.
  2. Make a fry from chopped onions and grated carrots.
  3. Boil the potatoes until half cooked, add thinly sliced ​​leeks and roots, cook until tender.


The soup is golden in color chicken breast with celery, cooked with aromatic herbs and seasoned with vermicelli. Instead of pasta, you can use any other dressing - bulgur, quinoa, rice, beans - it all depends on preferences and reviews. It is better to take a chicken breast on the bone to cook broth from it, remove the bones and add it to the finished dish.


  • chicken breast – 0.3 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • celery - stalk;
  • vermicelli – 50 g;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • greens - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the chicken, cover with cold water, cook for 10 minutes, skim off the foam. Add salt.
  2. Remove the meat, remove the skin, remove the bones, and tear into small pieces.
  3. Cut the potatoes and celery into slices, add to the broth and cook...
  4. Make a fry from chopped onions, grated carrots, vegetable oil and spices.
  5. Combine all the ingredients in the soup and cook until the potatoes are done.
  6. Serve with greens.


Pumpkin soup with celery, prepared according to a vegetarian recipe, has a bright color and thick consistency. The special taste is given to it by the spices used - this can be a specially collected mixture or any other seasonings added to taste. To preserve the benefits and vitamins of pumpkin, it is recommended to sauté it with the addition of heavy cream.


  • water - liter;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • pumpkin pulp – 200 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • petiole celery - 2 stalks;
  • grated ginger - teaspoon;
  • mixture of peppers - a pinch;
  • dried celery leaves - a tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water and put potato cubes in it.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into slices, sauté in butter with the addition of a small amount of cream, and add to the potatoes.
  3. Cut the celery stalks lengthwise into 4 pieces, then crosswise into medium-sized pieces, add to the broth.
  4. Coarsely grate the carrots, heat the oil with spices in a frying pan, fry the carrots and ginger for 2 minutes over medium heat, add to the broth.
  5. Cook for 6 minutes, add spices and salt a minute before readiness.


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Celery soup: recipes

ABOUT beneficial properties celery can be talked about for a very long time. According to experts, the plant has a general healing effect on the body, and also helps fight extra pounds and removes swelling. What's the secret? Firstly, celery itself is not high in calories. And secondly, the human body spends much more energy on its processing than it receives, which means it actively burns hated fats.

Celery soup is one of the most common dietary first courses. Its calorie content is only 11-13 calories per 100 ml. If you believe the reviews, then in 3-4 days of eating lean and light celery soup you can lose 2-3 kg, and in a week - up to 9 kg!

Diet for weight loss with celery soup

An entire diet based on celery soup has been developed. Those who want to lose weight need to eat miracle soup in unlimited quantities every day for a week. In addition to the main dish, the menu should include other products: boiled or raw vegetables, drinks, beef or veal, skim milk, some fruits, greens, etc. Excluded from the diet: bread, butter or any fats, as well as alcohol, carbonated drinks and sweets.

“Proper” celery soup

How to make celery soup for weight loss? The correct recipe includes only celery, cabbage, onions, tomatoes and bell peppers. All components are chopped and cooked until cooked. In the original version, no salt is added, and only black pepper and curry are allowed to be used as seasonings. But, as practice shows, for an “unprepared” person and even without a special love for the unique taste of celery, it is impossible to eat soup without salt, so it is allowed to add it in limited quantities.


  • white cabbage 500 g
  • petiole celery 250 g
  • onions 6 pcs.
  • bell pepper 1 pc.
  • tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • water 2 l
  • salt and spices to taste

How to make celery soup for weight loss

  1. I chop the cabbage with a knife. You will need about half an average head of cabbage, weighing 400-500 g.

  2. I cut the celery (stems) into small pieces. You will need 3-4 petioles. In general, the cutting for this soup should not be too rough, so that the vegetables cook faster and retain maximum vitamins.

  3. I cut the onion into half rings. The original recipe calls for a large amount of onions - 5-6 medium-sized pieces. That is why celery soup is often called onion soup.

  4. I peel the bell pepper from the seed box and cut it into cubes. In winter, when the market does not offer vegetables better quality and at astronomical prices, you can use frozen peppers.

  5. I also chop the tomatoes into small pieces. If desired, the tomatoes can be peeled by scalding with boiling water, or left as is.

  6. I put the slices into a saucepan (volume 3 liters) and fill it with cold water. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. Add salt and spices to taste.

  7. Cook for 15 minutes at a low boil. You can cook it longer, but it is still advisable that the vegetables remain a little crunchy and undigested.

The soup has a special aroma, like celery, which takes some getting used to. You can serve immediately after preparation. If you don’t like pieces of boiled vegetables, you can puree them in a blender and you’ll get celery soup-puree (then cook a little longer, until the cabbage is soft).

Celery soup for weight loss can be served immediately after preparation. It promises quick results and is absolutely safe for health. Lose weight for your health!