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Juice for the winter from pumpkin and carrots. Pumpkin-carrot juice. Treatment with pumpkin juice


Juice from pumpkin, apples and carrots, prepared with your own hands at home simple recipe, is a godsend for the human body. The content of useful components in it is undeniable and delights with its abundance.

Modern medicine in Lately increasingly resorting to help traditional methods treatment. For example, many modern medicines are made based on pumpkin and the microelements it contains. This vegetable contains a large number of vitamins, such as vitamins B, C, E, PP, and in addition to all this, pumpkin contains two rare vitamins - K and T. They help our body speed up metabolism and improve blood clotting. Pumpkin also contains beneficial pectin substances, which help remove pesticides and radioactive elements from the body and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

As for carrots, they take honorable first place among vegetables in terms of the amount of carotene they contain (in other words, vitamin A). This vitamin helps our body maintain excellent condition of eyes, skin, hair, and also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, carrots contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and many other useful elements.

Carrot juice is recommended for consumption in order to relieve fatigue, improve appetite, and maintain good condition vision and hair structure, as well as substances contained in carrots, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to colds and viruses.

But this vegetable also has contraindications: you should not get carried away with drinking carrot juice too much, as this can cause headache, drowsiness and even vomiting.

As for apples, they are the best source of iron, which is beneficial for the body. This fruit is often used to prevent all kinds of colds, as it contains a large amount of vitamins C, B1, B2, P and E. In addition, apples are high in manganese and potassium, which help stabilize blood pressure.

The best part is that apples are a hypoallergenic product that almost everyone can eat. They are also a good dietary product, as they have very few calories but a lot of fiber. It helps saturate the body and not feel hungry for quite a long time.

An interesting fact is that apples do not lose their beneficial properties at all when subjected to heat treatment. This makes them a universal source of vitamins in any form and at any time of the year.

Homemade delicious juice containing pumpkin, carrots and apples is undoubtedly the best remedy to maintain immunity. It’s quite easy to prepare it at home; all you need to do is stock up on the ingredients from the list and open our recipe with step by step photos. From it you can learn how to make tasty and healthy fruit and vegetable juice for your family.


Cooking steps

    First, prepare the necessary ingredients. Rinse the apples thoroughly in water, peel the carrots and cut the pumpkin. You can adjust the ratio of apples to carrots to your liking, but remember that The taste of pumpkin is more intense, so you shouldn’t add too much of it..

    Cut the apples into two parts, remove the cores and cores and discard the tail. Then cut into pieces that will fit in your juicer. Do the same with carrots.

    Remove the soft part from the pumpkin and cut off the skin, then cut it into small strips.

    Now you can pass vegetables and fruits through the juicer one by one, having prepared a convenient container in advance. The result should be a deep orange color similar to the one in the picture. But it depends on the proportions of apple and carrot.

    Then pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, put on the fire and bring to a boil, then add sugar and turn off the heat. Try to make sure that the juice does not boil for a long time, otherwise all the beneficial substances will boil away.

    Sterilize the containers in which you are going to store the juice, then pour the drink into them, which has not yet had time to cool, almost to the very edge.

    Tightly screw the jars or bottles, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Leave the juice in this position for 20 hours. After this time, you can put the cooled juice in the refrigerator or basement, or immediately treat your family to it. Enjoy healthy deliciousness together!

    Bon appetit!

Pumpkin can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. In addition, it is perfect for making juice. Preparing pumpkin juice for the winter at home is not difficult at all. If desired, you can diversify the taste of this drink by mixing pumpkin juice with the juices of other vegetables and fruits. Here are a few recipes for making juices.

Pumpkin juice is an excellent source of vitamins, including ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin K. In addition, healthy drink supplies the body with iron, potassium, phosphorus, dietary fiber and pectin.

However, not everyone likes the bland pumpkin juice and the specific aroma of this vegetable. Therefore, juice is often prepared with various additives. These can be juices of citrus fruits, apples, carrots, and berries. You can add honey, citric acid, vanillin or cinnamon to the juice.

It is convenient to use kitchen utensils to prepare pumpkin juice. You can make juice in a juicer or using a juicer. If these devices are not at hand, do not be upset. You can use a regular meat grinder or blender, or do without using any equipment at all and prepare the juice the “grandmother’s” way.

To preserve the juice for the winter, it must be sterilized. In some recipes, the juice itself is boiled, after which the boiling liquid is poured into sterilized jars and immediately sealed. In another method of preparation, the juice is poured into clean jars and then sterilized in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After this, the jars are closed with lids.

Interesting facts: pumpkin is native to Mexico. It was in this country that pumpkin seeds collected 7,000 years ago were found.

Pumpkin juice in a juicer - a simple recipe

If you prepare a lot of different juices for the winter, then you should purchase such a useful device as a juice cooker. It is not difficult to prepare pumpkin juice in a juicer; here is a simple recipe for preparing natural juice without additives.

You can make pumpkin juice with pulp (this option is the healthiest) or without it. To make juice with pulp, you will need to wait for the juice to separate, then simply stir the boiled pumpkin with a spoon, and the puree will fall through the sieve into the juice collector.

To prepare natural juice, you need a pumpkin with dense, juicy pulp. It is necessary to prepare juice from a pumpkin recently picked from the garden, since a stale vegetable loses moisture and good juice will not be obtained from it.

Wash the pumpkin well and remove the crust. Then cut the fruit in half and carefully remove the seeds along with the fibers. Then cut the pumpkin into pieces.

Place the bottom pan of the juice cooker on the fire, into which water has been poured up to the mark. We install a juice collector on top. We place a sieve on the juice collector. Place the prepared pumpkin pieces into a sieve and cover the juicer with a lid. Let the pumpkin steam. The cooking time for juice depends on the type of pumpkin, or more precisely, on the degree of density of its pulp. As a rule, you need to steam the pumpkin for about 30 minutes (time is counted from the moment the water boils).

When preparing natural juice, the liquid collected in the juice collector is immediately poured into a pre-sterilized glass container and hermetically sealed.

Read also: Pumpkin jam with dried apricots – 7 aromatic recipes

If you want to give the juice a more expressive taste, then pour the liquid collected in the juicer into a saucepan. Add sugar or honey and citric acid to taste. You can add a little vanilla.

Place the pan on the heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves. As soon as signs of boiling appear, immediately pour the juice into sterile jars and close them tightly with lids.

Juice through a juicer with lemon

It is equally easy to make juice by running the pumpkin through a juicer. Let's prepare this version of the drink with lemon.

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 medium sized lemon;
  • 250 gr. sugar (or to taste).

We clean the pumpkin from seeds and crusts. Cut into small pieces. We pass the pumpkin through a juicer. If desired, you can add pumpkin pulp to the juice, which remains in the juicer mesh.

Wash the lemon and scald it with boiling water. Remove the zest using a sharp knife or grater (for the specified amount of fruit, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon of zest). Squeeze juice from lemons (almost any brand of juicer has an attachment for squeezing juice from citrus fruits).

Mix two types of juice in a saucepan, put on fire, add sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. We heat the juice until it boils, but do not boil, in order to retain more of the vitamin. Pour the drink into sterile jars and immediately close them tightly with lids.

Cooking through a meat grinder with oranges

Pumpkin juice turns out very tasty if you prepare it with oranges. We will prepare the juice by passing the pumpkin pulp through a meat grinder.

  • 4.5 kg of pumpkin pulp (weight without peels and seeds);
  • 4 kg of oranges;
  • 800-1000 gr. sugar (to taste);
  • 2 teaspoons citric acid (the amount of acid can be changed to taste).

Cut the peeled pumpkin into small pieces and place it in a saucepan. Pour water so that it is at the level of the pumpkin pieces and put it on the fire.

Wash the oranges well with a brush, then pour boiling water over them and rinse again cold water. This treatment will remove the waxy coating from the peel. Using a vegetable peeler or grater, remove the zest from one orange, finely chop the zest and add it to the pumpkin.

When the pumpkin becomes soft, turn off the heat and let the pan cool. Pass the soft pumpkin through a meat grinder. Then we dilute the puree with a decoction so that we get a liquid similar in consistency to regular juice with pulp.

Squeeze the juice out of the oranges and strain it so that no seeds get into the drink. Pour orange juice into pumpkin juice. Put the mixture of juices on the fire, add sugar and citric acid to taste. Continue heating the juice, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Bring the juice to a boil and immediately pour it into a pre-prepared and sterilized container. Immediately cover with a lid and seal tightly.

Read also: Pumpkin jam with orange - 8 recipes for the winter

Handmade pumpkin juice with apple

If you don’t have any equipment at home for grinding pumpkin, you can prepare the juice using a regular sieve. Let's prepare this juice with apples.

  • 2.5 kg pumpkin;
  • 2.5 kg of apples, it is better to take varieties with a sour taste, since pumpkin is fresh;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 30 gr. citric acid.

We clean the pumpkin from seeds and crusts. Cut into small pieces. Place the pumpkin pieces in a saucepan and fill with water until it is level with the pumpkin slices. Place on the fire and cook at low boil for about half an hour.

The pumpkin should become completely soft. 10-15 minutes before readiness, add apples to the pan, which have previously been peeled from seeds. Turn off the heat and leave to cool on the stove with the lid on.

Advice! In all recipes, the amount of sugar and citric acid is indicated approximate; when adding these ingredients, be guided by your taste.

Remove the warm pumpkin and apples with a slotted spoon and rub through a sieve. Add the broth to the resulting puree, diluting the juice to the desired consistency. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid. Bring the juice to a boil, stirring constantly.

As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat. And pour the boiling juice into pre-sterilized jars. Immediately cover the jars with boiled lids and seal hermetically.

Homemade pumpkin and carrot juice

A very healthy juice is obtained from pumpkin and carrots. This drink is a record holder for vitamin A content. And in order for the vitamin to be better absorbed, it is recommended to serve the juice with a spoonful of whipped cream.

  • 1.2 kg pumpkin;
  • 0.8 kg of juicy carrots;
  • 200 gr. sugar (or to taste);
  • 0.5 lemon.

Peel the carrots and rinse. Cut the root vegetables into small pieces. We cut off the rinds from the pumpkin, then cut it and carefully remove the seeds and fibers. Cut the peeled pulp into pieces. Moreover, the pumpkin pieces should be approximately the same size as the carrot pieces.

Prepare juice using a juicer. Set the squeezed juice aside for now, and put the squeezed juice in a saucepan, add one liter of water and put it on the stove. Boil for one to two minutes. Let the broth cool and thin through a sieve.

Mix the broth with the previously squeezed juices. Add sugar and lemon juice to taste. Then heat the juice again, bringing it to a boil. Pour the prepared drink into a sterilized glass container, immediately cap it, and the jars must be sealed.

Advice! If you don’t have lemon at home, you can make juice with citric acid. It is better to dilute the acid in a small amount of water in advance and pour this mixture into the juice. With this method of introducing acid, the risk of “over-acidifying” the juice is reduced.

Pumpkin-carrot juice with dried apricots

An even more delicious version of pumpkin-carrot juice is obtained if you prepare it with dried apricots.

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 150 gr. dried apricots;
  • 5 gr. citric acid;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1.25 cups sugar.

Pumpkin juice is a real storehouse of vitamins (including vitamin K, which is rare for other vegetables) and pectin. Today such a product can rarely be found on store shelves. We will share with you recipes for making pumpkin juice yourself for the winter - a very healthy and tasty drink.

Will this juice be stored?

A lot has been said about the benefits of pumpkin juice. Rich in vitamins, it is very useful in winter, when our body is sorely lacking nutrients.

Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. A drink prepared by pasteurization or using a juicer will last about a year, but always in a cool and dark room.

You can find many different varieties of pumpkin, but only 3 are suitable for juicing. They have a sweet taste and juicy pulp:

  • hard-barked pumpkin - an early variety with large seeds and sweet fruits;
  • large-fruited pumpkin - produces large fruits with sweet, aromatic and juicy pulp, weighing from 2 to 5 kg, which can be stored in the cellar all winter;
  • nutmeg pumpkin is a late variety with small fruits and juicy, very tasty pulp.

Basic recipe for making pumpkin juice for the winter

Be sure to serve the juice prepared in this way at breakfast, especially in winter, and you will be full of strength and good mood all day long.


  • 3 kg pumpkin;
  • 10 g citric acid;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.


  1. Prepare the pumpkin: cut off the skin and remove the seeds.
  2. Bake the pumpkin pieces in the oven or cook in a saucepan until soft, adding 0.5 liters of water. Cook for 20-30 minutes over medium heat. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 0 C for 15 minutes until soft.
  3. Cool and chop the soft pumpkin. Use a juicer or blender.
  4. Transfer the puree mixture into a saucepan and dilute with 1.5 liters of water.
  5. Add sugar to the puree and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Once it boils, keep it on the fire for another 5 minutes.
  6. Add the acid, stir and pour the hot mixture into glass jars.

Pumpkin juice with lemon

In the cold season, when our body especially needs strong immunity, vegetable juice with citrus will very usefully add essential microelements to the daily diet.


  • 1 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 lemon.


  1. Pour the water into an enamel bowl, add sugar, and put on fire.
  2. Peel the pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into small cubes.
  3. As soon as the syrup boils, dip the chopped pumpkin pulp into it. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes until soft.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove the pumpkin pieces and grind them in a blender.
  5. You don’t have to remove the pan with the syrup from the heat.
  6. Place the resulting puree back into the hot syrup.
  7. Immediately add pure lemon juice (no zest or pulp).
  8. After the juice boils, keep it on low heat for exactly 10 minutes and immediately pour into jars and seal with lids.
  9. Wait until the juice has cooled at room temperature, and then immediately put it in a dark and cool room.

Pumpkin and carrots - nutritious and healthy!

This vegetable combination is very popular with children of any age. The bright color of the juice can lift your spirits even on a cloudy autumn day, and there is no need to talk about its benefits.


  • 3 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 4 large carrots;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 15 g citric acid;
  • 3 liters of water.


  1. Cut the vegetables into pieces - preferably small ones, so that later it will be more convenient to grind them into puree.
  2. Pour a small amount of water over the vegetable mixture so that it lightly covers them on top, and simmer over low heat until soft. Usually this is 5-10 minutes.
  3. As soon as the vegetables are cooked, drain the water, but do not throw it away (you will need it later), and puree the pieces with a blender.
  4. Mix the vegetable puree and previously drained water, add the remaining amount of liquid, sugar and acid and bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Boil for just a couple of minutes (the most important thing is for the granulated sugar to completely dissolve) and pour into clean, sterilized jars.

Delicious juice with pulp

This recipe will be useful for housewives who don’t have a lot of pumpkin, but really want to prepare a tasty and healthy drink for the winter.


  • 1 kg pumpkin (pulp);
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 lemon or 15 g of citric acid;
  • pinch nutmeg optional.


  1. First, put a deep enamel pan with water and sugar on the fire. While you are working on the pumpkin, you will have time to prepare the syrup.
  2. Grate the peeled pumpkin pulp raw on the finest grater.
  3. Wait until the syrup boils and dip the grated pumpkin into it.
  4. Boil at the lowest heat level for 15-20 minutes.
  5. When the pulp becomes very soft, add the lemon and nutmeg, cut into large slices.
  6. Without adding heat, cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  7. Remove the lemon pieces.
  8. Grind the remaining pulp directly in the bowl with a blender, but still remove the pan from the heat.
  9. Then bring the vegetable mass to a boil again and immediately distribute it into glass jars.

Pumpkin juice for the winter: recipes. Real jam!

Pumpkin is very bright and useful product, which in the autumn, when it rains and there is not enough sun rays, pleases many houses with its presence. Pumpkin contains a vitamin composition of more than one group of vitamins and is enriched with iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and fiber. Pumpkin helps speed up metabolism and perfectly removes cholesterol from the human body. The queen of vegetable gardens keeps all her beneficial features even after heat treatment. Almost all useful substances are preserved both frozen and boiled.
medicinal properties. Every dish prepared from this wonderful fruit is beneficial for cardiovascular diseases. The high carotene content in pumpkin fruits helps restore vision. Oddly enough, applying pumpkin pulp to affected areas of the skin due to burns or eczema helps healing and recovery skin.
Pumpkin is a waste-free fruit; both the pulp and pumpkin seeds are used for food; the fruits can be consumed raw, baked, boiled and frozen, and in winter also canned (juice, jam).
Pumpkin consists of: 75% pulp, 10% seeds, 15% peel. The stalks and flowers are used in medicine.
Nutritional value per 100g: protein – 1g, fats – 1g, carbohydrates – 4.4g, water – 91.8 g.
Calorie content per 100 g: is 22kcal.

Pumpkin juice and its benefits

Pumpkin juice for the winter is no exception; it is also healthy and contains all the beneficial substances contained in this product. Pumpkin juice helps people suffering from insomnia, and drinking a glass of juice with a small spoon of honey in the evening improves sleep and helps overcome insomnia. The juice of the orange fruit removes almost all excess liquid, so it is used in cases of edema, kidney and liver diseases. IN folk medicine It is well known that pumpkin juice has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pumpkin juice for the winter: finger-licking recipes!

Recipe No. 1

Ingredients for making juice:

  • Pumpkins – 3 kilograms;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Citric acid – 10 g;
  • Granulated sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the pumpkin in half, after washing it, remove the fibers and seeds with a large spoon, remove the skin and cut into even smaller pieces.
2. Place finely chopped pumpkin pieces in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer for about 20 minutes until the mass becomes soft.
3. After the boiled pulp has cooled, pass it through a juicer.
4. Place the resulting mass of pumpkin pulp on low heat, add the rest of the water, granulated sugar, citric acid and bring to a boil, then boil for five minutes.
5. Prepare the jars; wash well and sterilize. Place the boiled pumpkin juice into jars and secure with sterile lids. The sun in jars is ready. The juice turns out bright and tasty, and most importantly, very healthy.

This is an example of the simplest and classic version pumpkin juice for the winter. But there are many different juice options. With a little creativity, you can create an even tastier and healthier version of pumpkin juice. For example, juice with the addition of orange.


  • Orange – 3 pcs.;
  • Pumpkin – 3 kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams;
  • Lemon acid– 10 grams.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the pumpkin fruit, peel it, cut into small cubes. Before cutting the pumpkin, remove the seeds and fibers.
2. Boil the pumpkin over low heat until soft, adding a little water.
3. Squeeze juice from three oranges.
4. Prepare jars and lids. (wash and sterilize the jars, boil the lids).
5. Grind the resulting soft pumpkin through a sieve and return to low heat.
6. Add all the remaining ingredients to the resulting mass: granulated sugar, citric acid, squeezed orange juice.
7. Bring to a boil, boil for five minutes and place in sterile jars. The juice is ready, wrap it in a warm place and leave until it cools completely.

Pumpkin goes very well with many vegetables and fruits. A very popular option among little juice lovers is the one with the addition of apples and carrots. Moreover, adding one more ingredient always makes the juice even more healthy and filled with new taste qualities.

Recipe No. 3 with apple


  • Apples – 1 kilogram;
  • Pumpkin – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 250 grams;
  • Zest of one lemon.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the pumpkin, peel it, cut it into 2 parts, remove seeds and fibers. Cut into small cubes and squeeze out the water part.
2. We also peel the apples, remove the seeds, and squeeze them.
3. Mix the two squeezed parts of the liquid in a container.
4. Add sugar and lemon zest to the resulting mass.
5. Place on fire and bring to a temperature of 90 degrees, this is enough, it is no longer recommended to keep the juice.
6. Prepare the jars (wash, sterilize, boil the lids).
7. Pour into jars. We send the juice to a dark place.

The most common is the combination of pumpkin and carrots. Everyone loves juice with the taste of childhood.

Recipe No. 4 with carrots and dried apricots


  • Carrots – 4 pieces;
  • Pumpkin – 3 kilograms;
  • Dried apricots – 450 grams;
  • Citric acid – 15 grams;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.25 kilograms.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the pulp removed from the pumpkin into small cubes.
2. Peel the carrots and cut into pumpkin-sized pieces.
3. Place pumpkin, carrots, dried apricots, and a little water into the cooking container.
4. Bring to a boil and boil for about 1.5 hours.
5. After this, let the contents cool, then drain the broth from the resulting mass, and beat the pieces of pumpkin pulp, dried apricots and carrots with a blender, then pour them into a saucepan.
6. Send to the fire and add all the remaining ingredients: granulated sugar, lemon, one glass of broth.
7. Bring the temperature to ninety degrees.
8. Place the juice into prepared jars (washed and sterilized).
9. Twist and place in a dark place. The juice is thick and rich in the taste of all the main ingredients.