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Watch children's riddles. Soviet riddles for children: examples. Children's riddles about useful things

Children's riddles - This is a universal tool that allows you to successfully develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination of a child and is perfect as a games at various events(home holiday, birthday, graduation and etc.). B of course, so that the children would be interested and what is called useful, it is necessary to select riddles that are suitable for their age in terms of difficulty level.

In our article we offer you, parents, a selection of interesting riddles for children 5 years old.1. Riddles - tricks
2. Visiting a fairy tale or riddle about fairy-tale heroes
3. Short does not mean short.Short riddles.

Riddles - deceptions

My most favorite- these are riddles - deceptions.

They are not they just forcechild to think about in this, but they also teach be very attentive, because you really want to insert a word in response V rhyme, but no, not here - that was it. These riddles are still great O can be used as T ve competition at the festival. Always in call laughter and good mood.

Everything is dressed in white snow -
So it's coming

Answer (Winter),

In winter I fly happily
But in the spring I melt from the sun
Guess quickly
Who is this?

Answer (Snow)

There are four lions by the stream
one left, one left

Answer (T ri)

Our la five berries in the grass,
S ate one left...

Answer (Four)

The hero is waiting in the field in the morning

Answer (Horse)

A simple question for kids:
Who is the cat afraid of?

Answer t (Dogs)

Passed through the thicket of the forest

Answer t (M bear)

The bird stretched out its neck -
And let's hiss and get angry!
He rushed into the river at full speed -
“Ga-ga-ha!” - shouts...

Answer (Goose )

Everyone is afraid of him -
maybe he bites
He flies and squeaks
U tries to bite everyone,
At night there's no time to play with him anymore,
Guess who he is?

Answer (Mosquito)

He ran away from the old people
AND walked boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate the hero.
He was trusting, poor thing.
His name was...

Answer (Kolobok)

There's a game going on in the yard
Screams are heard:
“Puck! Past! Goal!
So it's boiling there

Answer (Hockey)

Visiting a fairy tale or riddle about fairy-tale characters

Undoubtedly, the most beloved books Fairy tales are considered to be the most popular among children. Riddles about fairy-tale characters are perfect for testing a child’s understanding and memorization in a playful way. read text, respectively level his memory and attention.

Treats birds and animals.
Treats small children
He looks through his glasses.
Good doctor...

Answer (Aibolit)

The fat man lives on the roof.
He flies higher than everyone else.
Loves jam.
And he plays with the Kid.

Answer (Carlson)

The nose is round, with a heel.
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground.
The tail is small, crocheted.
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Answer (3 little pigs)

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name!

Answer (Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy.
Unusual wooden.
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?

Answer (Pinocchio)

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are 3 chairs and 3 mugs,
3 beds, 3 pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Answer (3 bears)

Short doesn't mean short. By- are interesting to you

With their help, you teach children to concentrate as much as possible. Child It seems like I’ve been in the mood to listen for a long time and don’t immediately turn my attention, but then hop, and the riddle ended, but he did not have time to understand and did not hear the text.On the next riddle, he will immediately begin to concentrate on the text and listen carefully.

On a green fragile leg
IN The ball grew near the path.

Answer (Dandelion)

Soft Paws,
And there are scratches in the paws.

Answer (Cat)

This is how the house looks - one window:
every day at the cinema window.

Answer (TV)

Two stripes in the snow
ABOUT bet on the run.

Answer (Skis)

The little blue bell is hanging,
He never calls.

Answer (Bell)

Four wheels, rubber tires,
Motor and brakes. And what is it?

Answer (car)

The holiday is coming soon what is this coming - New Year

Probably the most favorite for children are the riddles about New Year. To be honest n oh, I love them too. Plus, just around the corner, new year holidays, and I think the riddles we have selected will help you parents please your kids at a family holiday near the elegant Christmas tree.

I am the beauty of the forest,
I came to visit you at home
I have balls on my branches
And colorful lanterns
There's a star on top
Guess who I am?

Answer (Yolka)

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the Christmas tree
He starts a round dance
This is a holiday …

Answer (New Year)

I'm certainly not easy
I appear in winter,
And in the spring she disappeared,
Because it's fast Yu .

Answer (Snowman)

She shoots like a cannon!
New Year's

Answer (Clapperboard)

Who's with the big, big bag
Suddenly, on holiday, he enters the house
Doesn't stay in the house for long , could easily melt
He brought us gifts
This . .

Answer (Santa Claus)

I am the granddaughter of Frost
And Blizzards,
I come here every year!
Snowflakes are with me - friends
The cheerful ones lead a round dance.

Answer (Snow Maiden)

We stood all summer
Winter was expected.
The time has come
We rushed down the mountain.

Answer (Sledge)

Well, that's all. As the saying goes- a riddle to help you.? We hope that our article gave you, dear parents, another key to the discovery and development of the magicalyour child's peace.

  You can play while sitting or standing, on the go or in transport. puzzles. Here's to a fun and productive time.
  Guessing riddles brings undoubted benefits. This is both the development of intelligence, and memory training, and a fun way to learn a lot of new things about various subjects.
  Guessing riddles is a kind of test of human intelligence.
  Welcome to the world of mysteries, where so many incredible discoveries lurk!



    If I were asked to name the most poetic phenomenon created by man using words, I would say without hesitation: these are riddles. But, unfortunately, we know them so poorly, and the time allotted at school to get to know them is so short!

    What is it puzzles? If you give them a traditional short definition, then it could be like this. Puzzles- this is an allegorical image of objects or phenomena of reality that are proposed to be guessed. And in fact, for example, in riddle“The matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, tangled,” cabbage is allegorically represented. But, of course, all mysteries cannot be subsumed under this one definition. After all, the material that we perceive as riddles is much richer. For example, in the riddle about the river “It flows, it flows - it will not flow out, it runs, it runs - it will not run out” there is no allegory; it contains a description of the river, but there is no image of an object that would allegorically remind of the river. There are other types of riddles. For example, such as: “What can’t a person live without?” Answer: "No name." Or: “What is the softest thing in the world?” It turns out it's a palm. These are riddles that require extraordinary thinking from the guesser. After all, it is necessary to give one out of a huge number of possible answers, but one with which everyone would agree. You never know, for example, what a person cannot live without! And without water, and without air, and without food. But still, the unexpected answer - “Without a name” - will probably satisfy everyone. Indeed, not only humans cannot live without water, air, food... But only humans (everyone!) receive names.

    This example demonstrates another feature of such riddles. The answer should be original, unexpected, and often causing a smile. And there are many riddles that have comic answers. Well, for example: “Which month is the shortest?” The usual answer: “February.” But the correct one is “May” (only three letters!). “What stones are not in the sea?” - “Dry.”

    These types riddles could be called this: allegory riddles, description riddles and question riddles. But there is another type riddles: riddles-tasks. They are very similar to problems from school textbooks, if not for one circumstance. For example, here is one of these riddles: “A flock of geese was flying, one goose met them. “Hello,” he says, “a hundred geese!” - “No, we are not a hundred geese. If only there were so many more, and half as much, and a quarter as much, and you, goose, then there would be a hundred of us geese.” “How many geese were flying?” Answer: “36 geese.” The problem is purely arithmetic and requires the guesser to be able to count. But there are other tasks. For example: “A hunter was walking. I saw three crows on a tree and shot. I killed one. How many are left on the tree? The “reasonable” answer is purely arithmetic: there are two crows left on the tree. But no! He killed one, and the rest flew away... Or: “A flock of geese was flying, the hunters killed one. How much is left?" Of course, one was killed.

    We see that riddles-tasks, like riddles-questions, are extraordinary, they are really tests of intelligence, they develop and activate our mental activity. And this combines riddles-questions with riddles-tasks; they undoubtedly have similarities in this with riddles-allegories, riddles-descriptions. After all, the tasks proposed in allegorical riddles and descriptive riddles require ingenuity and non-standard thinking: to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and the ordinary in the unusual.

    Thus, all these small forms of folklore are united in their vital purpose: they are educational in nature and contribute to the development of human mental activity. That's why we study them at school.

    However, it is not only life purpose that unites these types riddles It is impossible not to notice that they are all built on a paradox. Translated from Greek, “paradox” means an unexpected phenomenon that sharply contradicts common sense and diverges from generally accepted opinion. We have seen that riddles are built on unusual comparisons, expected in line common sense According to the generally accepted opinion, the answers turn out to be false, and the most unexpected, but the only correct ones, are correct.

    The similarity of these four types of riddles lies in their construction. The composition of all riddles without exception is two-part: the first part is the question, the second is the answer. This is very clearly seen in the example of riddles-questions and riddles-tasks. The question form is veiled in riddles-allegories and riddles-descriptions. However, the question does not have to be expressed in words. After all, the mystery existed and truly exists only in orally, and the question can be conveyed by intonation. In addition, the interrogative nature of the first part of allegorical riddles and description riddles is indicated by the need to answer only their first part. The answer suggests the existence of a question.

    But that's where the similarities end. Some differences have already been discussed, but let us note one more important one. Riddles-allegories and riddles-descriptions differ from riddles-questions and riddles-tasks in that they are created on the basis of poetic imagery and surprise us with poetic pictures and artistic details; But riddles-questions, riddles-tasks are strong in their logic, a game not of imagination, but of the mind. I think this is why in literature classes at school there is a clear preference for allegorical riddles and descriptive riddles. And they always enjoyed great success among the people. We know thousands of them, while riddles-questions and riddles-tasks are little known.

    Thus, puzzles- this is an allegorical image of objects and phenomena of reality or their description, which is proposed to be solved.

Riddle game 1.

    This book contains many mysteries from different peoples of our country - about man, and about animals, and about birds, and about plants, and about the earth, and about the sky, and about different subjects

    You can tell each other riddles, but you can also play riddles together, like other games.

    This is how they play puzzles Russian guys. They gather somewhere, sit down comfortably and start playing “city”. Each takes several cities, say ten.

    In order not to forget your cities and not to confuse them with others, you need to write them down on a piece of paper and keep this piece of paper in front of you.

    The names of the cities of the players should not be repeated. If they are repeated, confusion and disputes will begin.

    One of the players is appointed as a riddler. He must ask a dozen riddles.

    Here he asks the first riddle. The players take turns approaching him and quietly, so that others do not hear, they say the answer.

    Whoever fails to guess or guesses incorrectly hands over one of his cities to the riddler.

    How do they do it? The riddler places an icon next to the name of the city.

    When all participants in the game have given the answer, the riddler asks a new riddle. It is guessed in the same way as the first one.

    After ten riddles, they see who has how many cities left. It happens that some of the players surrender all their cities.

    Then a new riddle comes out and the game continues. He comes up with other riddles and everyone guesses them. The one who guesses them.

    The one who guesses correctly gets the city he passed.

    Then the third riddle comes out with his own new riddles, and everyone guesses them. After that, they look at who has how many cities left. The one who surrendered all his cities and failed to return them is forced to do some funny thing. This is where the game ends.

    You can “surrender” not only cities, but also animals, birds, and parts of clothing - a hat, scarf, jacket, shirt, belt, shoes.

    Riddle game 2.

    This game is called "granny". This is how they play grandma. Everyone stands in a row (you can play while sitting). The first one asks a riddle.

    Many participants in the game can guess it, but the answer cannot be spoken out loud. The answer can only be said loudly by the one standing or sitting next to the riddler.

    As soon as he guesses, he must ask a new riddle to his neighbor. If he guesses right, he asks his neighbor another riddle. So the riddles follow their chain to the end, and then can return the other way.

    But riddles do not always follow the chain so easily. It happens that someone cannot guess the riddle or answers incorrectly. Then the neighbor asks him a second riddle. He couldn’t guess this one either; they guessed a third one for him. . Well, if he doesn’t guess the third one, let him go to the very end of the row. After this, the game continues. They play as long as they can come up with new riddles.

Riddles about mushrooms for children

Every kid knows perfectly well that a mushroom consists of a cap, an umbrella and a leg, but the fact is... Which mushrooms are edible and which are inedible? and how they differ from each other, the child still has little understanding. Educational riddles about different mushrooms for children will help your child get to know the kingdom of mushrooms better. In Russia, mushrooms, also called lips because of their convex spongy caps, have been known since time immemorial.

Forest mushrooms are very useful and are often called forest meat due to their nutritional value. But their benefit lies not only in satisfying hunger, but also in their richness in fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. Both on holidays and on weekdays, at any time of the year, mushrooms, which could be salted, boiled, or fried, were an unchanging dish on the table. Let's now get to know some riddles about mushrooms for children :

Under the pine tree by the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boot,
There is a hat, but there is no head.
Answer: Mushroom

While the children are each wearing a beret,
When they grew up, they put on their hats.
Answer: Mushrooms

He stood on a strong leg,
Now it's in a basket.
Answer: White mushroom

What are these yellow sisters?
Hidden in the thick grass?
I see them all perfectly,
I'll take it home soon.
Very clean, tasty mushroom -
Both the cook and the mushroom picker are happy.
These yellow sisters
They are called...

What kind of guys are on the stumps?
Crowded together in a tight group?
And they hold umbrellas in their hands,
Caught by a cloud.
Answer: Honey mushrooms

Near the forest on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
He grew up as colorful as Parsley,
Answer: fly agaric

Mushrooms surround us not only in real world, but also in fairy tales. On one of them there is a caterpillar conveniently located, giving Alice in Wonderland valuable instructions. This mushroom served not just as a support, but also as a kind of indicator of growth and maturation.
Its pieces allowed the girl to either grow to gigantic sizes or shrink to a tiny state. And the most interesting thing is that the entire path of Alice, who, thanks to the white rabbit, discovered a new, wonderful world for herself, is full of mysteries.

Introducing your child to vegetables and fruits with the help of riddles

Riddles about vegetables and fruits for children

Riddles about vegetables and fruits contribute to the development of logical thinking in the child, and also introduce the child to the “heroes” of gardens and vegetable gardens.
Anything can be described in a riddle for children. On this page you will find a lot various riddles about vegetables and fruits, which are useful for comprehensive child development. Every day a child encounters various representatives of them when he sits down at the table, when he comes to his mother when she is cooking. He develops favorite foods, the taste of which he likes the most. Different in shape and color, with interesting and even sometimes funny names, these gifts of nature are so familiar to the baby. But how to correctly identify them, not to confuse one with another, what features does this particular vegetable have? The child will find answers to all these and many other questions by working with riddles about vegetables. There is nothing more interesting than a fun, entertaining and educational game of solving riddles. Let's get acquainted with some riddles about vegetables and fruits for children:

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

He never and no one
Didn't offend you in the world.
Why are they crying because of him?
Both adults and children?

I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land.

Low, but prickly, sweet, not odorous.
If you pick the berries, you'll rip off your whole hand.

For a hint small childarrange cards with drawn vegetables, from them the child will choose one, on which the answer will be depicted. If your child is over 5 years old, you can choose more difficult riddles where you need to compare and find differences.

The best riddles about the sun

Riddles about the sun and moon for children

Puzzles develop children's thinking, and many riddles with a trick allow the child to look at seemingly well-known things with completely different eyes.
Solving riddles helps a child develop comprehensively; this fact was noticed in ancient times. We have found and published for you on this page the most popular riddles about the sun for children solving which will definitely give your child pleasure. There is an opinion that the appearance of riddles is associated with the fear of our ancestors of unidentified forces of nature. People were afraid to anger nature by saying something wrong, so they began to describe objects by comparing them with something similar, but without naming them out loud. As time passed, man was able to explain many of the vagaries of nature from a scientific point of view. But the game of solving riddles is recognized as useful for any age and has become so beloved that it continues to be played in the modern world.

Introducing the child to the world of flowers. Thematic riddles

Riddles about flowers with answers

Riddles about flowers and plants will be interesting not only for little girls - every boy at an early age is very curious and inquisitive and therefore any riddle about a flower It will definitely arouse genuine interest in the child and a desire to solve it correctly.

Puzzles is a treasure trove of information that our ancestors collected and that we continue to collect. At the same time, the child will really like the game “guess the riddle”, because he has fun communicating with you, at the same time learns new facts about the objects and phenomena around him, memory, logical and figurative thinking develops, and the children’s vocabulary, which is still small, increases.

On this page we have posted for you some of the best riddles about flowers and plants with answers. Here are some of them:

Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round.
Answer: Flowers

There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt,
Heart of gold. What it is?
Answer: Chamomile

At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap,
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.
Answer: Snowdrop

The sun is burning the top of my head,
Wants to make a rattle.
Answer: Mac

He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.
Answer: Cactus

golden sieve,
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.
Answer: Sunflower

Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig.
Answer: Dandelions

Riddles for children about flowers and plants, just like riddles on other various topics, help the baby develop fully, providing only part of the information; they push the child to strive to learn more. After all, children are so interested in what and how happens in the flora and fauna that they see in front of them and with which they encounter every day. Riddles from folklore can be divided into questions about natural phenomena, the animal world, everyday objects, life in society, as well as flowers and other plants. Each children's riddle, regardless of the topic, develops attention, logic and trains the child's memory.

Riddles about the giraffe

Riddles about giraffe

Whoever did not guess the riddle is a giraffe - this phrase, like one of the bright echoes from distant childhood, comes to mind again when you tell your child another riddle about giraffe.

Let's remember the most interesting riddles for children about giraffes:

He walks with his head up,
Not because of a proud disposition,
Not because he’s an important count,
But because he...

Long-legged, proud,
Important and leisurely.
He wears a long neck,
And “mows” leaves like grass.
Whoever answers will be right -
This is Uncle……(giraffe).

This is the one with the long neck
Does it warm its horns under the sun?
He has a calm disposition
(Giraffe) is looking down from above!

We were all children once. Some had a bright and happy childhood, while for others everything was not so rosy. However, every parent wants their child to have a wonderful, joyful childhood that will be remembered in a positive way for the rest of their lives. We strive to comprehensively develop our children and riddles help us with this.

Guessing riddles for birthdays

Children's riddles for a child's birthday

At the request of visitors to our site, we prepared the site and posted it on this page interesting riddles on the theme of birthdays.
The day has come that the baby has been waiting for so long - his birthday. Many guests came, everyone paid as much attention as possible to the birthday boy. He solemnly invites everyone to the table. But time passes and it becomes noticeable that the guests are bored, and the sweet table is still very far away. How to cheer everyone up at once and create a cheerful holiday atmosphere? You can solve riddles for a child's birthday! We need to organize a competition in which everyone can participate. A riddle solving competition is great fun. Guests will perk up, and there will be joy and laughter at the table.
It’s nice to be among your closest friends when everyone sincerely congratulates you on your holiday. Birthday Riddles will cheer up the suddenly sad hero of the occasion. Our site offers a large assortment of riddles of this type. Congratulations with a twist and humor can contain information about the birthday person’s occupation, funny character traits, funny incidents from his life. Let the person see himself from the outside and joyfully remember what he experienced once before. Do you want to surprise your son or daughter, loved one, friend, boss with an original Happy Birthday greeting? Take a look at our website and you will definitely find the congratulation that will please your hero of the occasion. At the end of the article you will find interesting children's riddles for birthdays, and here are some of them:

Fulfillment of all desires -
Cool holiday -...

Open your mouth wider
Let's eat delicious...

In new packaging bright
The room is...

Learning the letters of the alphabet in a playful way

Riddles about letters of the alphabet

The topic of this material is riddles about letters of the alphabet for teaching a child basics of the Russian language at an early age. Nowadays, the trend of comprehensive development of a child at an early age is becoming increasingly popular. No wonder. From 2 to 4 years old, a child absorbs new information like a sponge, catching everything on the fly. During this period, the baby develops at a very fast pace and delights his parents every day with his new skills and abilities. Pay attention to what your child is drawn to; you need to start developing talents right now. Interesting riddles about letters will help your baby in a fun way faster learn the alphabet.
A problem that almost all parents face: the child does not want to study letters. The baby runs, jumps, plays with friends and his favorite toys, and his parents, as luck would have it, distract him by putting him in the nasty alphabet and demanding to study, with a motivation that is absolutely incomprehensible to the child: he needs to know the letters, we’ll soon be going to first grade. A way out of this situation has been found: riddles about letters. In this section of our website there are many similar riddles that will help children gnaw on the granite of science in a playful way. You will find fascinating riddles about the letter E (as well as the letter N, the letter L, the letter M, the letter T, the letter D, the letter R and the letter P) at the end of the article. The process will be very exciting; solving riddles there is no need to take time off from your favorite activities.

Riddle about the letter E

She will not abandon the cub,
He carries an egg on his belly in a pouch.
You can hardly see her in the bushes,
There he catches ants...


Riddle about the letter N

It's heavy and big
Irritable and angry
That's why I'm lonely
This brown...

Riddle about the letter L

The king of beasts is always serious,
Covered with stellar glory.
“Glory is a myth, a mirage and a bluff,” -
The formidable one is thinking...
a lion

Riddle about the letter M

In the middle of a dense forest
There is no house, no shed,
But it’s cramped in the den,
So he sleeps in winter...

Riddle about the letter T

He's almost the king of beasts
(Close relative of the kings),
Sharpening claws not for games
Striped predator...


Riddles about school, studying, school supplies

Riddles for schoolchildren with answers

A riddle is a verse or a short text that talks about a specific subject, but is never mentioned about it. Be sure to describe the striking features unique to this item. On our website you will find, and on this page we have collected thematic riddles for schoolchildren with answers about school and study.

Riddles about school and learning Help teachers and parents work with children. They allow children to look at classes and school from a different perspective, and learn new information about the subjects they are studying or are going to study in the future. This curious genre develops the child’s logical thinking and abstraction does not remain on the sidelines either. Riddles for schoolchildren will be especially useful for children who are just about to enter first grade and will be faced with school life for the first time.

School life is remembered for a long time. If it seems to you that knowledge about the school has long been forgotten, solve a few riddles on this topic. Cheat sheets and favorite teachers who were sometimes strict will immediately come to mind. Subjects that you liked from the very beginning, you still use knowledge on these subjects.

There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are a lot of agile guys there.
They write and count there,
Draw and read.

The school opened its doors,
Let the new residents in.
Who guys knows
What are they called?
(First graders.)

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

There is, friends, such a bird:
If he lands on the page,
I'm very happy
And the whole family is with me.

We write homework assignments in it—
They put marks next to us,
If the grades are good,
We ask: “Mom, sign!”
Such riddles are appropriate for a holiday at school. Questions for younger students will help them understand complex information that children have not encountered before. And for graduates and students, these riddles bring a smile to their face and bright memories of life without obligations.

Riddles about the Russian language

Russian folk riddles

Russian riddles- one of the genres folk art, which briefly describes a particular object/event using various artistic means. The riddle-solving game is educational and educational. One person must ask his question in encrypted form, after which another (or several people) finds the only correct answer to this puzzle . Russian folk riddles have always been famous for their originality and diversity.

When communicating with children, not only during classes, but also in conversations, it is recommended to use riddles. Such exercise for the mind will be very useful for a child, because it requires figurative and abstract thinking, the ability to compare, see similarities and differences, subtext, read between the lines, and distinguish between phrases in literal and figurative meanings. IN real life There is no such thing as a transparent house, but in the riddle there is one, and it represents an aquarium. Not a single child will want to give up such a fun pastime as playing with Russian riddles. The most restless person will listen carefully to the question in order to find out the subject of the answer. We have prepared for you and published on this page not only well-known folk riddles,but also very interesting riddles about the Russian language which you will find below.

Children's riddles about animals

Riddles for children about animals with answers

Children's riddles about the animal world not only help children better understand the world that surrounds us, but also contribute to the development of logical thinking.
The riddle about little animals is one of the oldest types of folklore. Why? Yes, because back in the old days the sages noticed that it is much easier for children to perceive new material, if you work with bright and memorable symbols, or images that children understand. We have collected and posted on this page the best riddles for children about animals with answers. A fox, a bear, a hare - for kids they are not just representatives of the animal world, they are the characters and morals of those around them, this greatly simplifies children's perception. And if the child knows that the answer to the question is written, he does not try to peek at it, he wants to guess for himself which of the images, familiar from early childhood, is being discussed.
Collecting riddles for children about different animals, we cannot help but touch upon the topic of killer whales, which, as you know, belong to mammals and marine animals. What is the difference between a killer whale and a dolphin? Mammals are from the same family, but killer whales have bright white spots on their bodies, which you won’t find on a dolphin during the day.

Moreover, the location of these spots is different for each killer whale, no two have the same spots, and the sizes are exactly the same. First of all, the killer whale is a predator; depending on the species, they feed on pinnipeds or fish. They like to hunt fish in crowds - they surround one school and, after stunning them with the help of their tail, begin to eat.

For people we are like riddles,
But we are not evil guys,
We won't play hide and seek with you,
Because we…
Big, but not whales
With a fin, but not a shark.
We are sea animals
For whales - more dangerous than thunderstorms:
Our fins are like this
What is sharper than sharp braids?

Some riddles about animals with answers. Killer whales

In riddles where the main character is a killer whale, its significant size and the outline of its fin, which looks like a scythe, are described. According to legend, this is why they were called killer whales. They have very strong family ties, they worry about their relatives and take care of them.

Various riddles for children

Riddles for children 10 years old, as well as for 8, 7 and 5 year olds

We have collected and posted on this page best riddles for children 10 years old,for children 8 years and five-year-olds with answers.
Children's riddles that are appropriate in complexity for their age are very helpful in developing children's intellectual abilities. Don’t be surprised, because questions that seem simple to you for children can be a daunting task. Remember how enthusiastically you were solving riddles at the age of ten. Riddles for children 10 years old not entirely straightforward, they may have a trick and you need to show ingenuity and logical thinking to answer correctly. They will be just as exciting a puzzle for your baby. And so that make it easier for parents to solve the problem , we have provided answers to every question on this page. All you have to do is choose one of the riddles below and puzzle your child with it.
The monster's emerald eye began to glow.
So, you can cross the street now.
(Traffic light)

I have a robot in my apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness
And it hums like a TU airliner
He willingly swallows dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Greets everyone with one hand,
The other hand escorts you.

Admire, look - the North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.

There is a palace on the pole, and in the palace there is a singer.

What is it with Galochka?
A thread on a stick
Stick in hand
And a thread in the river.
(Fishing rod)

A steeplejack stands on the roof
And catches news for us.

I silently look at everyone
And everyone looks at me.
The merry ones see laughter
I cry with the sad.
Deep like a river
I'm at home, on your wall.
An old man will see an old man,
The child is the child in me.
Curious riddles for children 10 years old with answers

Original riddles about the ruble and 10 rubles

Riddle about 10 rubles. Answer with transcript

Mystery and in our fast-paced age it has not lost its importance in the field of education and upbringing of school and preschool children. Solving tricky riddles is an excellent method for developing children's thinking.

Very original riddle about 10 rubles It will not only force you to concentrate on finding the correct answer, but will also make you have fun. Correct answer lies on the surface, but you will have to rack your brains a little over the logic of the calculation.

Let's say I took 100 rubles from you. I went to the store and lost them. Met a friend. I took 50 rubles from him. I bought 2 chocolates for 10 each. I have 30 rubles left. I gave them to you. And I owed 70. And my friend 50. Total 120. Plus I have 2 chocolates. Total 140! Where are 10 rubles?

answer: The solution to the riddle lies in the cunning of the last addition. The fact is that in order to determine the total amount of debt, we need to add the paid part to the remaining amount of debt, instead of the cost of two chocolates
Puzzles- this is a treasure, a gold mine with information about what surrounds us everywhere. They contain data on moral and ethical ideals, experience and folk wisdom. Psychologists, teachers and educators note the positive impact of riddles on the development of the psyche and personality formation in children. Together with the riddle, the child makes new discoveries; such questions develop the mind and thinking, and instill different values.

The best logic riddles

Logic riddles with a trick. With answers

Some people like to solve riddles about everything in the world, while others may purposefully solve riddles using logic and ingenuity. Today it is not difficult to find on specialized Internet pages very interesting logic riddles with a trick,accompanied answers for the development of thinking in schoolchildren and preschool age. Logical thinking training is about developing the skill of “putting everything in order.” But even in logical problems you cannot do without abstraction and veiled meanings; exercises with logical riddles teach you to look at the situation from the outside, to find subtext. On our website website you can also find various logic riddles with answers for both younger and older children and adults.
Does everyone tell you that you think logically and consistently? Take the risk of testing your logic, choose one of the riddles presented on this page and try to answer it. In any field there is always the possibility of constant growth, including in logic.

Children's riddles on various topics

Riddles with answers for children

In a riddle wisdom and the desire to know more, to recognize, to strive for something new are mixed. Therefore, we often encounter riddles in fairy tales and legends. Wisdom has always been admired. Folk tales are the first proof of this. Haven't you been interested in solving riddles for a long time? Test your wits, for example, play a guessing game with your child. We collected and published on this page the most interesting riddles with answers for children on various topics.

The riddle is called a kind of test for the mind. Intended for children, they force the baby to think, he learns to use logic and develop it. If a child often practices solving riddles, thanks to his vivid analytical thinking and broad outlook, the child will soon be able to outdo Sherlock Holmes himself. Usually, all children's riddles are published with answers, but do not rush to tell your child the correct answer, if he thinks for a long time - let him think carefully, and you can help him with leading questions, gestures, and facial expressions.

Very and not very difficult riddles for children and adults

The most difficult riddles with answers

In any riddle There are two closely related components: a question (though not always formulated in interrogative form) and an answer. The answer is in the question disguised with the help of metaphors, hyperboles and other auxiliary artistic means of speech. Behind Lately Many sites have appeared with interesting riddles, but the answers to them are either missing or published in separate materials. We have collected for you entertaining challenging riddles with answers, placed on one page.

Difficult riddles are no different from simple ones; you just need to think about them a little more. In riddles for young children, the answer lies on the surface and is immediately clear, but in difficult ones you need to be smart.
Many difficult riddles at first glance seem simple and lead a person to the wrong train of thought. Be careful - there is most likely a catch. And in order not to get hooked when solving very complex riddles, look for non-standard answers. Such logic riddles are not of the same type, it is very difficult to find a recipe for guessing, training can only develop thinking, but it is impossible to know the answer to every riddle.

Comic riddles and answers

Comic and funny riddles with answers

Recently, many users of the World Wide Web are searching on entertainment sites comic and funny riddles with answers on them. Funny riddles are two in one: fun and an opportunity to develop a child’s horizons and abstract thinking. Many funny riddles are tricky, in which case it is impossible to predict or understand the answer right away. This means that standard ideas for answers to funny riddles don’t fit, you need to look for other options and think from a different perspective to find the right answer. Such comic riddles cannot be called simple, but the answer will certainly bring joy and laughter after the correct answer is found.

What is called a riddle?
Mystery- a non-standard question in which everything is described figuratively and veiled, and the answer to it may be unexpected.
A riddle develops a child's thinking, a game in which children, while having fun, learn to think and prove the correctness of an opinion. With her, the upbringing process is more fun. On this page we have collected very interesting comic and funny riddles for both children and adults with answers.

Repairing roofs, furniture, frames,
They go fishing...

(not moms, but dads)

And capricious and stubborn,
IN kindergarten doesn't want...

(not mother, but daughter)

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.


Red-haired cheat,
Cunning and dexterous,
Got into the barn
I counted the chickens.


Remember, as children we were “why girls”; we asked our parents a lot of questions, wanted to know everything about everything, played with toys, had fun, loved to solve funny riddles. Now, as parents, we provide whenever possible Better conditions for the correct and comprehensive development of our children.

Funny riddles to test your wits

Funny riddles with a trick and answers to them

Recently, interest in tricky riddles has increased again and users are increasingly searching on the Internet for funny riddles with a trick and answers on them. Riddles are a genre of creativity invented by the people. They reflect everyday life, the perception and character of Russian people, as well as their environment. Riddles are one of the most poetic genres invented by people. They have a place of honor among the genres of Russian folklore, as well as in other cultures.
Mysteries arise about what is close to a person, what surrounds him, what he encounters every day. The riddles contain a lot of information about human life.
By solving riddles, people showed the world and looked for the zest in ordinary things. On this page you will find very interesting riddles with a funny trick, with an answer for every riddle.

Riddles about numbers

These exciting riddles will help your baby get to know the numbers and remember them faster.
She stands among the sheet
Alone when the notebook is empty.
With your nose up to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And like a heron among the swamps
He gets pecked for his laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.
Neither a crane nor a tit.
And just... (ONE)

Children's riddles about animals

1. I dug a hole, made a hole, lives in the dark, doesn’t know about the sun.( Mole)
2. He loves to live underground, you can meet him at night,
He quickly digs his holes, as long as corridors. ( Mole)
3. He lives richly. He himself is somewhat blind,
He doesn’t have a window in his house, Because he doesn’t like the sun.( Mole)
4. In the den he sucks his paw. He loves forest honey.
He can roar loudly, What is his name? ...( Bear)
5. He is the owner of the forest, Sleeps in a den in winter, And wakes up in spring.( Bear)
6. He can roar loudly Because he...( Bear)

Children's riddles about useful things

1. The one-eyed old lady got ten things done at once.( Needle)
2. Neither in the house nor on the street.( Window)
3. A humpback goby butts a snowball.( Wooden shovel)
4. Once - I'm digging. Two - I'm digging. When I enter the earth, I become sharper, And if I lie idle, I quickly rust.( Shovel)
5. I work tirelessly, dear children, I turn on the fan and heat the iron,
And they take me out of the socket with a fork, Even though I am not a herring, not a pepper, not an onion.( Electricity)
6. It is made of thick leather, it will help you carry things,
We'll lock it so that someone else can't take things. ( Suitcase)

Riddles for children in verse

Simple riddles in verse for kids. Memorizing such simple verses withvery early agetrains the child's memory.

fat snail,
Black cape,
It crawls across the sky
Water is lucky

Russian folk riddles for children about animals

Tail fluffy, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.


Which animal has a fluffier and longer tail? With?

Children aged 3 years are developing very actively: they explore the world, learn to think and compare facts, find similarities and differences between objects, their functions and actions. The riddles posted on this page continue to introduce little fidgets to the world around them and contribute to the development of intelligence, logical thinking, and memory.

Riddles are not only useful, but also very exciting. By solving them together with the child, parents become closer to him, making decisions together, helping to be friends. Solving riddles strengthens the mind and develops communication skills.

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).
* * *
Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side,
Rolled... (Kolobok).

* * *
Shaggy, mustachioed,
He drinks milk and sings songs.
* * *
In the summer - in the garden, fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel, strong, salted.
* * *
It is yellow and loose, and is piled up in the yard.
If you want, you can take it and play.

* * *
He sits very obediently,
He doesn't want to bark at all
He is overgrown with a lot of fur,
Well, of course it is (dog).
* * *
He stood in the forest, no one took him,
In a fashionable red hat, good for nothing.

* * *
She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams
It's all a joke
Well, of course it's a (duck).
* * *

Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads out.
He is always, always spread out over you and over me
Either it is gray, then it is blue, then it is bright blue.

* * *
I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends -
What is her name - (pig).

* * *
Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

* * *
Like a white star
From silver ice
Spinning, flying
It melts on the palm of your hand.
* * *

I wasn't raised.
They sculpted from snow.
Instead of a nose cleverly
Inserted a carrot.
The eyes are coals.
Hands are bitches.
Cold, big,
Who am I?
(Snow woman)
* * *

Snow on the fields
Ice on the waters
The blizzard is walking.
When does this happen?
* * *
The snow is melting.
The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.
When does this happen?
* * *
The sun is burning
Linden blossoms.
The rye is spiking,
The wheat is golden.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
* * *
I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don't touch the pine trees
And Christmas trees. I... (autumn).
* * *
The red maiden sits in prison,
And the braid is on the street.
* * *
Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.
* * *
Green at the top
Red below
It has grown into the ground.
* * *
Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting on a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?
* * *
Small, bitter,
Luke's brother.
* * *
Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown -
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.
* * *
The cramped house split
In two halves.
And they fell from there
Shot beads.
* * *
Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.
* * *
Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.
Let's pluck this sunshine -
We will collect a lot of grains.
* * *
On a green cord
White bells.
(Lily of the valley)
* * *
One color in winter and summer.
(Fur tree, pine tree)
* * *
Who gets dressed up once a year?
(Christmas tree)
* * *
The guys have a green friend,
Cheerful friend, good.
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of palms.
* * *
A green bush grows
If you touch it, it will bite.
* * *
They grow in the spring,
And in the fall they fall.
* * *
Small, remote,
Passed through the earth
I found Little Red Riding Hood.
* * *
Here's someone important
On a white leg.
He has a red hat
There are polka dots on the hat.
* * *

Who's on the Christmas tree?
Is the counting going: “Puk-ku, puk-ku”?

* * *
He doesn't sleep at all at night,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well, of course it's... (cat).

* * *
He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it's... (goose).

* * *
He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What is his name... (bear).

* * *
She buzzes over the flower,
It flies so quickly towards the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycomb,
What is her name... (bee).

* * *
The rope crawls along the ground,
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I... (snake).

* * *
He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who says this... (wolf).
* * *

Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who say he is... (hare).
* * *

He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up,
The fountain waters everyone,
Tell me, who is he?
Well, of course it is... (elephant).

* * *
Along the path in the forest,
I'm carrying a big apple
I look like needles
Of course my name is... (hedgehog).

* * *
The king of beasts roars loudly,
He is in a hurry to collect all the animals,
Sitting gracefully on a stone,
Tell me, who is this?
(A lion)

* * *
Oranges and bananas are very fond of... (monkeys).

* * *
My sock disappeared, it was dragged away by... (puppy).

* * *
I’m not afraid of the word “scatter” - I’m a forest cat... (lynx).

* * *
He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, has a comb on his head. Who is this?..

* * *
A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

* * *
Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg.
Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.

* * *
They are waiting for me - they won’t wait,
And when they see it, they will run away.

* * *
I'm friends with hair
I'll put them in order.
I'm grateful for my hairstyle
And my name is... (comb).

Funny riddles for kids in verse.

Children love to solve riddles. If you offer a riddle-solving game for two or more children, then a competitive incentive will also come into play. Someone will solve the riddles faster and more accurately.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

All children love animals, some will not part with animal toys day or night, and kids always solve riddles about animals with pleasure.

  • The prickly ball is sitting in the grass, move away a little, it will soon disappear into the foliage, snorting like a cat (Hedgehog)
  • In the morning, near the stream, he washes his tail, washes his mouth, striped (Raccoon)
  • She buried her little snout in the mud and fell on her back into a puddle, but you can’t scold her because it’s (Piggy)
  • I hear Australian kangaroos in the room and see, it’s not a fairy tale or a dream - it’s included (TV)
  • Huge ears and a long trunk, looks like a huge house, he lives in Africa and in the zoo. And it's called (Elephant)
  • In winter he sleeps in a den and can roar, he picks raspberries, his name is (Bear)
  • He sits in the tall grass and chews leaves, is afraid, looks around, what if a wolf comes towards him? (Hare)
  • She is horned and bearded, she gives tasty milk to children, she is friends with the children and easily jumps over pebbles (Goat)

VIDEO: Children's riddles about animals

Riddles about plants for children with answers

Riddles about plants will help kids remember the properties of plants: how they bloom, what they smell and what they are called.

  • In the spring it blossomed in a clearing and a bunny ate its leaves. He is yellow and then fluffy, his name is (Dandelion)
  • The branches do not have leaves at all, but prickly needles. What is beautifully decorated in the house? This is a tree (Christmas tree)
  • This flower looks like the sun, both bees and insects love it. White is its petal, this flower (Chamomile)
  • It has a green skin and a green tail, it hides in the leaves, it’s cunning. You will find it in any garden, it is strong (Cucumber)
  • This beautiful flower leaves splinters on the skin. It blooms magnificently and smells fabulous, the name of this flower is (Rose)

Riddles about sports for children with answers

Riddles about different types sports will help to interest the child in these useful activities.

  • On the big field, everyone is running, the stands are shouting: “Goal!!!” What is this game called? Of course it is (Football)
  • Gliding gracefully across ice is not an easy competition. This beautiful sport is on ice (Figure skating)
  • You need to drive the puck into the goal with your stick faster and more accurately. This game for strong men is called the word (Hockey)
  • One two three four five! Jump under the counter. Jump count fun (Jump rope)
  • I drive my poles into the snow and see two stripes behind them. I'm flying down a hill like the wind, because I'm on (Skiing)

Riddles based on fairy tales for children with answers

Reading fairy tales is very exciting for children. They are transported to the world of fantasy and in their imagination they themselves become fairy-tale characters. Riddles on these topics bring children back to the fairy tale.

  • It was a hard life to work from morning to evening, but she went to the ball in a new elegant dress (Cinderella)
  • Rolled along the path, reddened his side in the oven, met the Fox, the Wolf, who is it? (Kolobok)
  • She is cold and insidious, she has a lot of malice and anger, but still she melted (The Snow Queen)
  • The fox carried him over the mountains, over the forests, but the cat helped him and returned home (Cockerel)
  • That girl hid in the forest out of sadness, seven little gnomes guarded her. They cared for her faithfully and tenderly, they called her (Snow White)
  • She got lost in the forest and cooked porridge for the bear, but she returned home, this girl’s name was (Masha)

Trick riddles for children with answers

Solving tricks for children is fun and interesting at the same time. The answer to the riddle, which fits the rhyme, does not fit the meaning at all, so you need to think a little before saying it.

  • He sits in a booth and the yard is guarded, an uninvited guest will not pass, he happily wags his tail at you and that’s of course (Not a cat, but a dog)
  • There wheat ripens in the endless expanse and this land is called (Not the sea, but the field)
  • A cow will go out into the field, eat a dandelion and eat some milkweed, and in the evening the owner of the steam room will milk (Not tea, but milk)
  • We take clothes from it in the morning when the alarm clock rings. Together with my mother we name this place (Closet, not refrigerator)

Riddles about vitamins for children with answers

  • To see well, to jump very deftly, I ate, with vitamin A, a delicious bunny (Carrot)
  • If the doll has a cold, she needs vitamin C. Get well soon, eat, doll (Orange)
  • Vitamin D enters the children's body easily if children drink it in the morning and at dinner (Milk)

Riddles about tools for children with answers

Riddles about tools will help children remember their names and the purpose of each of them.

  • She gnaws the board with iron teeth, her assistant will help saw the logs (Saw)
  • Who is not afraid of blows? Who is used to working all day? He will hammer all the nails on time, hardworking (Hammer)
  • If a castle is being built in a sandbox, it will be richly decorated so that the work can proceed quickly; you will need a bucket and (Shovel)

Riddles for school and about school for children with answers

Riddles about school will help children get used to new responsibilities and acquire useful skills.

  • Children will be taught to write beautifully and read at school gradually, and there is a place for them to play and run around at school. (Turn)
  • Children and toddlers use them to draw pictures; these magic wands are called (Pencils)
  • In that house they sit at their desks, they study in cheerful classes, the bell rings there and calls them to class, this house is called (School)
  • Will help children write letters beautifully and evenly (Notebook)
  • I put notebooks, books and candy there. This school bag is very convenient (Briefcase)
  • You need to run, you need to jump, you need to do different figures. To get an A in class (Physical education)

Riddles about toys for children with answers

It is impossible to imagine children's play without toys. Children love their toys very much and sometimes consider them their living friends. Riddles about toys will surely appeal to kids.

  • You can dress her up in a dress, you can give her tea, you can leave her and leave. She won't cry, she will forgive you (Doll)
  • With a bicycle you can speed away to any distance, hold your steering wheel tighter and push harder (Pedal)
  • To pour tea for toys, to prepare a dish for them, young chefs need a real (Dishes)
  • To refuel the car, dad took gasoline and a watering can. And my machine just needs to insert (Battery)
  • This friend will not leave you in trouble and you can wear it under your armpit, it is warmer and softer than everyone else, your favorite plush (Bear)

Video: Riddles of Korney Chukovsky

Video: Riddles for kids