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Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture. Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. Latest reviews sgafkst

In 2005, the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Smolensk state academy physical culture, Sports and Tourism" turned 55 years old.

In the general flow of time, five and a half decades is a relatively small milestone. However, the true scale of the transformative and dynamic path traveled is determined by how goal-oriented the significance of the activities of a large number of teaching staff was, who formed a unique educational heritage and made a significant contribution to the institutional system of training sought-after highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation.

Ultimately, this was the highest merit of the work of a whole generation of true professionals, innovating teachers, scientists and specialists in various aspects of educational and training processes, whose personal qualities and rich pedagogical heritage are now becoming increasingly significant, full-scale and in demand.

With full right, this allows us to assert that the Smolensk vocational pedagogical school of education and training of worthy specialists in physical culture and sports has been formed, occupying a real place in the system of higher education. educational institutions sectoral vocational education of the Russian Federation.

The Academy has changed qualitatively and dynamically over 55 years. Currently, 1,766 students and graduate students are studying in three functioning faculties and 16 departments, 156 teachers work, including doctors of science, 6 professors; doctors of science, associate professors - 2; candidates of science, professors - 10; candidates of science, associate professors - 33; candidates of science, associate professors - 41.

Over 55 years, the institute has trained more than 15 thousand specialists in various specializations and specialties, of which 1011 people received diplomas with honors. Graduates of the institute work effectively in almost all regions of Great Russia, in the near (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan) and far abroad (USA, Italy, Canada, Germany, etc.). At the same time, their professional pedagogical credo has a very wide range of activities: these are general educational institutions, colleges and universities; Children's and Youth Sports Schools, Sports and Sports Schools, ShVSM and Olympic Reserve Schools, national teams, carry out managerial and organizational work. Without a doubt, our graduates - original, innovative teachers, coaches, and brilliant managers - evoke a sense of pride. These are Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.N.Shaulin, Professor V.N.Kostyuchenkov, O.A.Andrievsky, G.N.Shibaev, V.P.Karpov, V.I.Borlov, A.M.Lysakov and etc.

Currently, the institute has 4 educational buildings, 11 specialized halls, a roller skating rink, a stadium with two football fields, and a complex of throwing sectors. There are three student dormitories, an educational computer center, a library with a fund of 160 thousand copies of scientific and educational literature, a modern reading room equipped with computer equipment, a medical unit, and an equipped center for physical rehabilitation and recovery.

Analyzing the historical origins associated with the founding of the academy, it should be noted that its activities began on the foundation of the technical school of physical culture, within the walls of which (during the period 1929-1950) 900 secondary qualified specialists in physical culture and sports were trained. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War At the call of their hearts, the vast majority of teachers and students went to the front and many heroically died for our Motherland. These are the technical school teachers F.I. Belinsky, A.G. Galitsky, A.G. Kryukov, A.D. Shmatkov, S.K. Smirnov, I.N. Semchenkov, N.A. Shchavelev.

A unique event in terms of its sporting significance, the strength of the human spirit and will are the world records set on the first day of the war - June 22, 1941 by the technical school teacher, master of sports Ivan Shkodin in race walking for 3 km (12 min 01 s) and 5 km (20 min 51 s). After the finish, numerous spectators who surrounded the athlete heard two famous phrases: “Today I broke world records, and tomorrow we will also go to beat our enemy. Victory will be ours!”

In 1943, while crossing the Dnieper, Ivan Shkodin was mortally wounded and died on October 13. He was buried with full military honors in a mass grave in the village of Toshan, near Kiev. Eternal memory and peace to him! On the memorial plaque at the academy, the name of Ivan Shkodin is forever carved in gold letters!

In April 1950, by a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was decided to open the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture. And on September 1 of this year, 100 students of the first intake crossed the threshold of the institute to persistently study and master complex professional and pedagogical skills.

Over the 55 years of the existence of the institute and the academy, several generations of teaching staff have changed, who passed on their deep knowledge to students of different years of study. With a certain degree of convention, we can distinguish four generations of highly qualified specialists who have worked at the institute at different times since its foundation. At the same time, the change of generations took place gradually with the formation of the best traditions in our university.

At the first stage (1950-1952), exceptionally highly educated and original innovative teachers, who came from different areas of pedagogical and medical knowledge, were the first generation of scientists and teachers of the institute. It is impossible to note the first rector of the institute, N.A., without excitement and special respect. Nikonov, senior teachers S.M. Vinogradova, I.V. Brion, B.L. Tregubov, O.N. Sokolov, S.V. Erdman, N.A. Sobolev, N.N. Bochkarev, A.Ya. Velichkin, A.N. Khazan, who were the founders of the entire educational and educational process of the young university. This generation had the interesting fate of witnessing and participating in the first successes and difficulties, experiencing the post-war hard times, opening a broad road for the further development of the institute, the road to a great future.

The second generation of teachers includes those who graduated from two of the largest scientific and educational universities in the country - State Center for Physical Education and Physical Education and Culture named after GDOIFK. P.F. Lesgaft - and were sent in the period 1951-1954. to work at the institute. Their invaluable contribution to the formation of the personnel potential of our university is enormous. In 1951, graduates of the State Center for Physical Education and Physical Culture A.A. Zolotukhin, N.S. Sergeeva, V.A. Zykov, V.A. Akimov arrived at the institute, graduates of the GDOLIFK named after. P.F. Lesgafta - L.L. Fedorov and N.A. Mashkov.

In 1952, GTSOLIFK graduates V.M. Chervyakov, A.S. Bormotov, V.G. Bogdanov (gymnastics department), V.G. Semenov, V.M. Brushko ( Department of Athletics), E.G. Terekhin, L.Ya. Guseva (Department of Skiing), as well as graduates of the GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgafta A.D. Breikin, I.A. Panin (department of sports games), L.A. Druzhinina (department of gymnastics) B.P. Shakhin (department of the theory of physical culture).

The addition of young specialists continued in subsequent years. In particular, graduates of the P.F. Lesgaft GDOIFK are arriving again - K.P. Leontyev, I.M. Pristavkina (department of sports games), V.I. Skoblikov, B.A. Morozov (department of athletics), V. I. Khaimina, L.N. Sukharev (department of cycling and swimming); from the Moscow Institute - R.R. Lemzel, E.I. Sholokhov, V.V. Ermakov (department of skiing). Such a unique pedagogical symbiosis of two best scientific and educational higher professional schools predetermined for many years to come high level educational and training processes and the success of training highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports.

For 17 years (1951-1968), the rector of the institute was associate professor P.K. Guba, who was responsible for the extremely difficult time of formation and establishment of the entire infrastructure of the university. He was a bright personality of a highly educated specialist teacher, who was also a graduate of GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgaft. His tireless creative and organizational activities were focused on transforming the entire educational, methodological and sports sphere of the institute. Our leading Smolensk universities - medical and pedagogical - provided enormous assistance in the first years of the institute's work. This assistance was especially significant for the medical and biological departments and the department foreign languages. In particular, the head of the Department of Anatomy of the SSMI, Professor L.A. Shangina, carried out lectures and seminars for two years, and took exams. This was invaluable and selfless scientific and pedagogical assistance to our young teachers, to our young university.

Subsequently, the formation of humanitarian, special theoretical and medical-biological departments was systematically carried out by highly professional specialists in various disciplines who were invited to work at the institute.

An extremely important role and significant contribution to the activities of the institute was made by doctors of sciences, professors V.M. Volkov and I.I. Bakhrakh, E.A. Gorodnichenko, A.D. Ganyushkin, R.N. Dorokhov, A.G. Egorov, Candidates of Science, Associate Professors I.M.Popov, V.D.Antipov, N.M.Petelin, V.N.Kataev, I.F.Zorkin, P.I.Ivanov, V.P.Chaplin, A.F. Shachenkov, A.S. Zaitsev, O.S. Tarasova, I.U. Kanaeva, B.G. Tereshchenko, V.T. Salymov, A.P. Vasilyagina, B.I. Belyakov, associate professors G.P. Chernova , K.M.Bykov, V.M.Shamin, E.K.Malinovsky, O.F.Soldatov, senior teachers V.A.Ivanova, G.S.Samorukov, M.P.Dergunov, G.M.Ryabenkov , Hero Soviet Union G.M.Molchanov, L.A.Zorkina, B.N.Kuvshinov, V.N.Ryzhenkov and L.I.Ryzhenkova.

It is very noteworthy that the scientific and pedagogical schools of professors V.M. Volkov, I.I. Bakhrakh, A.D. Ganyushkin, R.N. Dorokhov, A.G. Egorov are relevant and are developing today in the original research and works of their students and followers.

It was the second generation (period 1951-1956) and the above listed scientists and teachers that laid the foundation for the systematic development of curricula and curricula, publication of the first educational and teaching aids for students of the institute. These teachers had an equally difficult lot of living and working during the “Khrushchev thaw”, “Brezhnev stagnation” and the constant restructuring in government and social forms management of sports and physical education movement. During this period of “perestroika bustle,” the institute was forced to find effective ways to train highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports.

In the history of the academy, from the height of the 55-year-old path, it can be especially noted that the further scientific and educational potential and modernization of the entire infrastructure of the educational sports complex is rightfully associated with the rector of the institute, associate professor Yu.R. Poresh (1968-1979), who at the turn In the 70-80s of the last century, he implemented a titanic restructuring of the university.

This was a period of radical reconstruction of the stadium, construction of a new dormitory building, strengthening of human resources from among young graduates of the university, many of whom graduated from graduate school and defended their master's and doctoral dissertations.

About the university

In 2005, the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism" turned 55 years old.

In the general flow of time, five and a half decades is a relatively small milestone. However, the true scale of the transformative and dynamic path traveled is determined by how goal-oriented the significance of the activities of a large number of teaching staff was, who formed a unique educational heritage and made a significant contribution to the institutional system of training sought-after highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation.

Ultimately, this was the highest merit of a whole generation of true professionals, innovative teachers, scientists and specialists in various aspects of educational and training processes, whose personal qualities and rich pedagogical heritage are now becoming increasingly significant, full-scale and in demand.

This rightfully allows us to speak about the formation of the Smolensk vocational pedagogical school of education and training of worthy specialists in physical culture and sports, which occupies a real place in the system of higher educational institutions of sectoral vocational education of the Russian Federation.

The Academy has changed qualitatively and dynamically over 55 years. Currently, 1,766 undergraduate and graduate students study at three faculties and 16 departments, 156 teachers work, including 6 doctors of science and professors; 2 doctors of science, associate professor; 10 candidates of science, professors; 33 candidates of sciences, associate professors; 41 candidates of sciences, associate professor.

Over 55 years, the institute has trained more than 15 thousand specialists in various specializations and specialties, of which 1011 people received diplomas with honors. Graduates of the institute work effectively in almost all regions of Great Russia, in the near (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan) and far abroad (USA, Italy, Canada, Germany, etc.). At the same time, their professional pedagogical credo has a very wide range of activities: these are general educational institutions, colleges and universities;
Children's and Youth Sports Schools, Sports and Youth Sports Schools, ShVSM and UOR, national teams, carry out managerial and organizational work. Without a doubt, our graduates - original, innovative teachers, coaches, and brilliant managers - evoke a sense of pride. This is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.N. Shaulin, professor V.N. Kostyuchenkov, O.A. Andrievsky, G.N. Shibaev, V.P. Karpov, V.I. Borlov, A.M. Lysakov and others.

Currently, the institute has 4 educational buildings, 11 specialized halls, a roller skating rink, a stadium with two football fields, and a complex of throwing sectors. There are three student dormitories, an educational computer center, a library with a fund of 160 thousand copies of scientific and educational literature, a modern reading room equipped with computer equipment, a medical unit, and a modernly equipped center for physical rehabilitation and recovery.

Analyzing the historical origins associated with the founding of the academy, it should be noted that its activities began on the foundation of the technical school of physical education, within the walls of which (for the period 1929-1950) 900 specialists of average qualification in physical culture and sports were trained. In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, following the call of their hearts, the vast majority of teachers and students went to the front and many died heroically for the liberation of our Motherland.

These are the teachers of the technical school F.I. Belinsky, A.G. Galitsky, A.G. Kryukov, A.D. Shmatkov, S.K. Smirnov, I.N. Semchenkov, N.A. Shchavelev.

An event unique in its sporting significance, the strength of the human spirit and will are the world records set on the first day of the war - June 22, 1941 by the technical school teacher, master of sports Ivan Shkodin, in race walking for 3 km (12 min 01 s) and 5 km (20 min 51 s). After the finish, the numerous spectators who surrounded the athlete heard two famous phrases: “Today I broke world records, and tomorrow we will go and beat our enemy in the same way. Victory will be ours!”

In 1943, while crossing the Dnieper, Ivan Shkodin was mortally wounded. He was buried with full military honors in a mass grave in the village of Toshan, near Kiev. Eternal memory and peace to him! On the memorial plaque of the academy, the name of Ivan Shkodin is forever carved in gold letters!

In April 1950, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was decided to open the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture. And on September 1 of this year, 100 students of the first intake crossed the threshold of the institute to persistently study and master complex professional and pedagogical skills.

Over the 55 years of the existence of the institute and the academy, several generations of teaching staff have changed, who passed on their deep knowledge to students of different years of study. With a certain degree of convention, we can distinguish four generations of highly qualified specialists who have worked at the institute at different times since its foundation. At the same time, the change of generations in our university occurred gradually, with the formation of the best traditions.

At the first stage (1950 -1952), exceptionally highly educated and original innovative teachers, who came from different areas of pedagogical and medical knowledge, were the first generation of scientists and teachers of the institute. The first rector of the institute, N.A., deserves special respect. Nikonov, senior teachers S.M. Vinogradov, I.V. Brion, B.L. Tregubova, O.N. Sokolova, S.V. Erdman, N.A. Soboleva, N.N. Bochkareva, A.Ya. Velichkina, A.N. Khazan, who laid the foundations for the entire educational and educational process of the young university. This generation had the interesting fate of being witnesses and participants in the first successes and difficulties,
to survive the post-war hard times, opening a broad road for the further development of the institute, the road to a great future.

The second generation of teachers includes those who graduated from the largest scientific and educational universities in the country - GTSOLIFK and GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgaft - and in the period 1951-1954. sent to work at the institute. Their contribution to the formation of the human resources potential of our university is invaluable. In 1951, graduates of GCOLIFK A.A. arrived at the institute. Zolotukhin, N.S. Sergeeva, V.A. Zykov, V.A. Akimov, graduates of GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgafta - L.L. Fedorov and N.A. Mashkov.
In 1952, graduates of the State Center for Physical Education and Physical Education V.M. were sent to us to form sports-pedagogical and special theoretical departments. Chervyakov, A.S. Bormotov, V.G. Bogdanov (department of gymnastics), V.G. Semenov, V.M. Brushko (Department of Athletics), E.G. Terekhin, L.Ya. Gusev (department of skiing), as well as graduates of GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgafta A.D. Breikin, I.A. Panin (department of sports games), L.A. Druzhinina (gymnastics department), B.P. Shahin (Department of Theory of Physical Culture).
The university continued to receive young specialists in subsequent years. In particular, graduates of GDOIFK named after P.F. are arriving again. Lesgafta - K.P. Leontyev, I.M. Pristavkina (department of sports games), V.I. Skoblikov, B.A. Morozov (Department of Athletics), V.I. Khaimina, L.N. Sukharev (Department of Cycling Skating and Swimming); from the Moscow Institute - R.R. Lemzel, E.I. Sholokhov, V.V. Ermakov (department of skiing). Such a unique pedagogical symbiosis of the two best scientific and educational higher professional schools for many years to come predetermined the high level of educational and
training processes and the success of training highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports.
For 17 years (1951-1968), the rector of the institute was Associate Professor P.K. Guba, which had a very difficult time in the formation and establishment of the entire infrastructure of the university. He was a bright personality, a highly educated specialist teacher, who was also a graduate of GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgafta. His tireless creative and organizational activities were focused on transforming the entire educational, methodological and sports sphere of the institute. Leading Smolensk universities - medical and pedagogical - provided enormous assistance in the first years of the institute's work.
This assistance was especially significant for the medical and biological departments and the department of foreign languages. In particular, the head of the Department of Anatomy of the SSMI, Professor L.A. Shangina gave lectures, conducted seminars and took exams for two years. This was invaluable and selfless scientific and pedagogical assistance to our young teachers, our young university.

Subsequently, the formation of humanitarian, special theoretical and medical-biological departments was systematically carried out by highly professional specialists in various disciplines who were invited to work at the institute.

An exceptional role in the activities of the institute was played by doctors of science, professor V.M. Volkov and I.I. Bakhrakh, E.A. Gorodnichenko, A.D. Ganyushkin, R.N. Dorokhov, A.G. Egorov, candidates of sciences, associate professors I.M. Popov, V.D. Antipov, N.M. Petelin, V.N. Kataev, I.F. Zorkin, P.I. Ivanov, V.P. Chaplin, A.F. Shachenkov, A.S. Zaitsev, O.S. Tarasova, I.U. Kanaeva, B.G. Tereshchenko, V.T. Salymov, A.P. Vasilyagina, B.I. Belyakov, associate professors G.P. Chernova, K.M. Bykov, V.M. Shamin, E.K. Malinovsky, A.D. Soldatov, senior teachers V.A. Ivanova, G.S. Samorukov, M.P. Dergunov, G.M. Ryabenkov, Hero of the Soviet Union G.M. Molchanov, L.A. Zorkina, B.N. Kuvshinov, V.N. Ryzhenkov and L.I. Ryzhenkova.

It is very noteworthy that the scientific and pedagogical schools of professors V.M. Volkova, I.I. Bakhrakha, A.D. Ganyushkina, R.N. Dorokhova, A.G. Egorova are relevant and are being developed today in the original research and works of their students and followers.

It was the second generation (period 1951-1956) and the above-mentioned scientists and teachers who laid the foundation for the systematic development of curricula and study programs, the publication of the first educational and teaching aids for students of the institute. These teachers had an equally difficult lot of living and working during the Khrushchev “thaw”, the Brezhnev “stagnation” and the constant restructuring in these conditions in state and public forms of management of the sports and physical education movement. During this period of “perestroika leapfrog,” the institute was forced to find effective ways to train highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports.

From the height of the 55-year-old path, it is especially clearly visible that further scientific and educational potential and modernization of the entire infrastructure of the educational sports complex are rightfully associated with the rector of the institute, associate professor Yu.R. Poresh (1968-1979), which is at the turn of the 70-80s. last century, implemented a titanic restructuring of the university.

This was a period of radical reconstruction of the stadium, construction of a new dormitory building, strengthening of human resources by young graduates of the university, many of whom completed postgraduate studies and defended their master's and doctoral dissertations.

During this period, the following professional and educational units were opened and successfully operated within the structure of the institute:

Malakhovsky branch of the State Institute of Physical Culture (director - Ph.D., Associate Professor A.D. Soldatov);

Educational and advisory branch in Bryansk (dean - E. Gogolevsky);

School of trainers (headed by Zh.M. Demenyuk), operating as a secondary vocational educational institution with a 2-year term of study.

The third generation of scientists and specialists were those who worked most productively at the institute from the early 60s to the early 90s. These were mainly graduates of the institute, many of whom successfully completed graduate school. The number of representatives of the third generation is too large to list them all by name. Here are just some representatives of this professional team: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V.P. Lugovtsev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.P. Guba, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor V.A. Bykov, professor L.F. Kobzeva, O.E. Likhachev, V.S. Pristavkin, A.M. Doktorevich, V.P. Shukaev, R.M. Tukhvatulin, V.A. Perepekin, S.V. Legonkov, A.V. Malchikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.P. Khrenov, A.I. Pavlov, V.P. Poimanov, V.F. Lazarev, A.B. Kudelin, G.N. Grets, V.P. Lugovskoy, V.N. Zaitsev, A.V. Pirog, A.V. Gursky, E.A. Fomina, N.P. Kopyev, A.R. Glebov, V.T. Dudarev, I.A. Gretz, N.I. Tronin, L.P. Gribkova, N.P. Drozdova, V.S. Karpov, V.G. Voitov, V.N. Chernova; associate professors L.G. Konov, A.N. Politukhin, G.P. Korenevskaya, L.T. Romashova, V.A. Nikolaev, V.A. Smolyanov, P.V. Melekhov, A.V. Dvoretsky, V.S. Vinogradov, G.V. Nosov, T.K. Komarova, L.A. Gurskaya, V.A. Pegov; Ph.D., Associate Professor A.V. Romashov, A.A. Nikolaev, I.K. Shashkevich, Z.E. Kosenkova, N.I. Smolyakova, T.S. Dorofeeva and many others. etc.

Developing sports science and transforming in the specific conditions of the university the best practices of pedagogical thought from the best educational institutions in the country, this generation actively introduced into the educational process all the scientific potential created by their predecessors, effectively ensuring the transition to new regulatory and program standards of professional education.
At the stages of further functioning of the university, it is worth noting the positive activities of the subsequent rectors of the institute - Associate Professor A.N. Kuksin (1979-1986) and Professor A.S. Selivanov (1986-1998), who successfully carried out the process of restructuring the institute in the new socio-economic conditions of the Russian Federation.
The fourth, current generation of teaching staff are those who have been working at the institute since the first half of the 90s. last century to the present. These are mainly graduates of the institute and graduate school and teachers who came from other higher educational institutions. The professional and pedagogical activities of this generation, along with which a whole group of scientists and teachers of the older and middle generations work, coincided with global changes in Russia, with the transition to new socio-economic conditions, requiring the search for new forms of life of the institute in a market economy.
In 1989, the Olympic Academy of the West of Russia was opened (presidents: Professor A.S. Selivanov (1989 -1998), Professor S.A. Korenevsky (from 1998 to the present). Its activities were focused on the implementation of the Charter and principles Olympic Games and Olympic education, their active implementation in the system physical education population, schoolchildren and youth. In connection with this weight, the contribution to the development of the theory and methodology of Olympic education and Olympic education by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.G. Egorova. Implemented by him and his students - candidates of pedagogical sciences K.N. Efremenkov, R.A. Pirozhnikov, M.A. Zakharov - deep innovative research has received high recognition at domestic and international conferences and competitions.
The decisive role in the training of modern highly qualified specialists at all stages of the development of the academy, undoubtedly, was and is played by the training of scientific personnel from among the teaching staff. Currently, over 60% of the total number of working teachers have academic degrees and titles. At the initial stage of the institute’s formation, academic and sports science was mainly of an applied, methodological nature. A turning point in terms of the scientific qualifications of teachers and the development of science was 1960, when, after studying in graduate school and defending dissertations, candidates of sciences B.N. began working at the institute. Smirnov (department of gymnastics), N.M. Petelin (department of skiing); V.M. Volkov (Department of Physiology). Further dynamic growth of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the intensification of sports science at the institute were associated with the effective activities of vice-rectors for scientific work B.N. Smirnova (1950-1958), M.D. Orobinsky (1958-1960), I.F. Zorkin (1960-1964); N.S. Goncharova (1964-1969), I.M. Popova (1969-1982), V.V. Ermakova (1982-2004).

Smolensk Academy of Physical Culture

Every day sport occupies more and more place in our lives. More and more children are going to sports schools, and things like fitness or aerobics have long occupied first place in popularity among young people.

In order to raise and educate a healthy and physically strong generation, professionals, trainers, and highly qualified specialists are needed. And in order to educate future champions, winners of the Olympic Games, very capable and experienced masters are needed. It is precisely these professionals that are trained by the Smolensk Academy of Physical Culture and Sports - SGAFKST.

Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

The SGAFKST Academy has been training specialists for about 80 years and is rightfully considered one of the oldest educational institutions in Smolensk. Today the State Academy of Physical Culture is a modern educational institution that has all the conditions for training qualified specialists. For training students there are specialized gyms, locker rooms, a medical office and other necessary premises.

SGAFKST is computerized, and therefore the most modern technologies and methods.

The qualifications of teaching staff are of no small importance in the training of future specialists. It is for this purpose that a postgraduate school has been created at the academy, which trains future teaching and scientific personnel. And the majority of teachers at the Smolensk Academy of Physical Culture are people who have dedicated their lives to sports and training a new generation of future coaches.

Training at SGAFKST

SGAFKST is a state university, where education is free. Education is conducted at two levels: bachelor and master.

The Academy of Physical Culture and Sports has 4 faculties, 2 of which are the main ones responsible for training specialists:

· Physical culture and sports;
· Physical culture and health technologies.

The list of specialties for which the academy trains students is quite wide, so we will highlight only the main ones.

First of all, SGAFKST in Smolensk trains physical education teachers for general education and sports schools. In addition, there are special schools for children with disabilities, for whom sport is one of the main means of rehabilitation. Therefore, one of the academy’s specialties is teaching physical therapy for children with disabilities.

Another area of ​​training is specialists for sports schools with a core sport. It trains trainers in hand-to-hand combat, taekwondo, sambo, freestyle wrestling, cycling, figure skating, biathlon, hockey, fencing, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, weightlifting and athletics, and many other sports.

Another important area of ​​work of SGAFKST is the training of specialists for fitness, aerobics, and dance sports with youth and people of different ages. Attention is also paid to training future specialists in the field of tourism. These include specialists in sports and health tourism and tourism managers.

The Smolensk Academy of Physical Culture and Sports trains specialists in working with youth, in particular, specialists in organizing theatrical performances and holidays. It is worth noting that this profession is quite rare and, nevertheless, in demand these days.

Most schoolchildren are familiar with the subject of life safety. Very often in schools it is read by people who do not have a specialized education. Therefore, the quality of his teaching leaves much to be desired. The Academy corrects this gap and trains BJD teachers for schools and other educational institutions. Therefore, at the academy you can also obtain a specialty as a BJJ teacher.

You can learn more about the academy by visiting its official website on the Internet.

SGAFKST – training of highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from SGAFKST

Anonymous review 10:35 08/18/2019

I believe this best university not only in the Smolensk region, but also beyond its borders. I entered there to study volleyball, but, for certain reasons, I could not go there to study. Therefore, I can only describe the first impression that in this case, I think, is not deceptive. I attended a meeting between the rector and applicants. It is immediately obvious that this is a person who is interested in his work and what he does. He spoke briefly and to the point. All teachers and work in admissions committee Very...

Andrey Eliseev 11:15 05/21/2013

Our Smolensk "physics" is not the most difficult university to enter. Having almost failed the Unified State Exam, I entered the Faculty of Health Technologies, there was even some kind of competition. Physically, any unimaginable abilities are not required when passing the specialization, and in general this is not necessary. In the city, the academy gained fame as a sports Mecca throughout the region and neighboring countries. The coaching and teaching staff is excellent, they will make a champion out of an athlete and truly...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism"


No. 01866 valid indefinitely from 12/30/2015


No. 01826 is valid from 04/07/2016 to 03/28/2020

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SGAFKST

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 4 6 6 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study57 57.00 56.35 52.95 54.56
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget57.94 59.26 57.10 53.88 55.99
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis49.74 51.81 47.62 47.55 49.13
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students40.72 47.80 44.17 42.36 44.84
Number of students1825 1838 1992 1960 2187
Full-time department1097 1102 1178 1239 1361
Part-time department4 8 0 0 0
Extramural724 728 814 721 826
All data