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Counter of working days from date to date. What is a banking day: is it a calendar day or a working day? Difference from working day

Beginning of the period (either through a slash or a dot)
End of period (either through a slash or dot)
Marked weekends in the week
Take into account the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of days

Calculation of working days and weekends

The calculator is quite simple, but nevertheless, in my opinion, very convenient for calculating the number of working days between arbitrary dates.

The calculator uses data on the transfer of working days and holidays, which are contained in the annual decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Of course, there are many such calculators and we are not original in this, but there are several highlights that I think you will like and can be used to create other calculators.

First highlight: We may not take into account holiday dates contained in the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, but only take into account weekends (for Russia, Saturday and Sunday)

The second highlight: For those countries whose days off are other days of the week (for example, in Israel, the days off are Friday and Saturday), you can specify which days of the week will be days off. This is convenient not only for other countries, but also for local use, when it is known that we work in shifts every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday.

Third highlight: We can use a completely arbitrary system of days off, specified in a certain form (this function is not displayed on the site, although the functionality is working) and for everyone, building a production calendar for Belarus, Kazakhstan or Serbia will not be difficult.

A pleasant side effect of this calculator is also the calculation of the number of days between two dates. Moreover, she calculates the difference in the same way as it is done in the accounting and personnel departments. That is, if a person works from July 1 to July 8, then it turns out to be 8 days. Since the last day is considered a working day.

Unlike mathematical and astronomical calculators, where with the same data it turns out to be 7 days. This error in one day appears due to the fact that in personnel decisions the last day is always a working day and must be taken into account, and in precise and abstract calculators it is believed that July 8 comes at midnight (0:0:0) and the difference between midnight on July 1 and midnight on July 8 (or 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 milliseconds, 999999 microseconds, etc. on July 7) will be exactly 7 days.

The main principle that the bot adheres to is the frequency of days off during the week. If this is observed, the calculator will give the result you expected.

It is a pity that the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation still do not implement a QR code, where all holidays for the current code would be indicated for machine processing. This would simplify the work of a certain circle of people.

Holidays and transfers on the territory of the Russian Federation are taken into account from 2010 to 2019 inclusive.

For users who need to calculate the first working date after a vacation or business trip or other period of time, pay attention to this calculator. Date of return to work from vacation, maternity leave online


For Jabber clients

rab_d date.start; end date;week

a week - provides complete information on how to calculate working days and hours. A week consists of seven symbols 0 or 1, where each symbol has its own role. 0 - person is working, 1 - person is not working (day off). If the week is empty, then the code 0000011 is used - that is, Saturday and Sunday are closed.

I would like to note that this is a calendar week and this indicator shows how you rest during the week. Our week numbering starts from zero and this day is Monday, then Tuesday -1, Wednesday -2, etc.

start date - date in the form DD/MM/YYYY - indicates the beginning of the range for which the number of working days is calculated

end date - date in the form DD/MM/YYYY - indicates the end of the range for which the number of working days is calculated

ATTENTION! The date can be entered using a period or a slash. It is more convenient to enter through a dot on cell phones and tablets, and through a slash it is more convenient to enter on a computer on the keyboard on the right (digital panel)

Examples of using

rab_d 1/1/2014;31/12/2014

in response we will receive

Number of days between two specified dates 365

Number of working days 247

Number of weekends and holidays 118

rab_d 2/7/2010;25/10/2013

In response we will receive

Number of days between two specified dates 1212

Number of working days 827

Number of weekends and holidays 385

rab_d 20/1/2010;10/2/2014;0101001

In response we get

Number of days between two specified dates 1483

Number of working days 797

Number of weekends and holidays 686

The previous example, but does not take into account public holidays. As an option for use, shift duty, security, etc.

What is the difference between them, and how to correctly calculate the time specified in a formal agreement in one format or another? So, is a banking day a calendar day or a working day?

Find out about the terms for returning money to the buyer’s bank card when returning goods from our article.

Working day concept

To understand what the definition of a working day reflects, you can refer to the explanatory dictionary of the GARANT system.

  1. A working day is considered a day when employees carry out activities according to a regulated shift schedule or routine established in the company. Employees do not work on weekends and other days.
  2. A working day is a time period fixed at the legislative level and which is the norm for the duration of daily work duties. In other words, the number of hours and minutes of working time during the working day, reflected in the first formulation.

The legislative decoding of the working day is reflected in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 6 of Article 6.1. In accordance with this paragraph, a period not expressed in the form of calendar days is determined in working days.

In this case, a working day is considered a day that does not fit the legal definition of a weekend or non-working day.

What is a banking day?

The definition of a banking day refers to the period during which state-owned banks operate.

The beginning of work is considered to be the moment of opening of electronic payment systems, the end is the moment of closing of the specified system.

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As a result, during this period of time, payments of any type can be made between individual clients, legal entities. individuals, financial organizations, including banks.

Read about where it begins and what foreclosure on the debtor’s property includes here.

How to count?

To correctly count banking days when working with a specific financial institution, you will need to ask the employee which days the organization itself considers to be banking days.

And also what hours the banking day is limited to. This will help avoid troubles in future cooperation.

Weekends and holidays when the bank does not conduct cash transactions are removed from the calculation.

Since calendar, banking and working days are not equal, you should pay attention to the wording used in contracts.

From what time to what time?

It is worth considering that a banking day and a working day at the bank itself most often differ in duration.

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In most cases, banking hours are limited to between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays.

But in some organizations the numbers may differ.

During these hours, basic financial transactions are carried out. Public holidays are usually excluded when contracts are drawn up.

You can find information on how to return insurance for a paid loan and a sample application on our website.

In the contract

The most common use of the banking day term is in supply agreements. In this case, banking days are considered to be working days without days off. For example, the contract states that one party must complete its action within 4 business days.

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The document was signed on Friday. The countdown of these 4 days will begin on Monday, not Saturday. In this case, the second party to the contract is obliged to make payment until Thursday inclusive.

In this case, you need to make it before the end of the banking day on Thursday, and not until the end of the day. Otherwise, the transfer of funds will be carried out only on Friday, which will violate the terms of the agreement.

In Sberbank

What days are considered banking days at Sberbank?

In Sberbank of Russia, banking days are considered working days, excluding weekends and holidays.

Consequently, weekdays from Monday to Friday will be considered banking days, Saturday and Sunday along with public holidays will not.

How to find out why bailiffs withdrew money from a Sberbank card without warning? Read about it here.


Is Saturday considered a banking day? The answer to this question depends on the routine adopted in a particular organization. If on Saturday a bank carries out cash transactions typical for a banking day, then Saturday will be a banking day for its clients.

If bank employees work on Saturday but do not perform cash transactions, this day will be considered a working day, but not a banking day.

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What is the difference?

A banking day is a period “included” within the working day. The working day is in most cases longer than that of a bank. However, the opposite also happens.

For example, if an employee works a shortened shift, and his number of working hours is less than the banking day established in a financial organization, during which the specified employee has the right to perform cash settlement operations.

Based on the above, a banking day is determined by cash transactions.

All other time while the employee is at the workplace refers only to his working day.

Operations with the cash register are not performed.

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Unlike working and banking days, calendar days are determined only by dates in the calendar, which is reflected in the name. The main characteristics of a calendar day are the number in the current month, the month number and the year number.

There are as many calendar days as there are total days in the year. The number of banking and working days is less than a year.

Using the concept of a banking day can simplify or, conversely, complicate the task when drawing up agreements with a bank or between organizations.

It is important to take into account the differences between this definition and the concepts of working and calendar days. And, if necessary, replace it with another, more precise wording that fits the terms of the contract.

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15 banking days is how many calendar days

How much is a banking day?

In the section on the question What does “banking day” mean and how much is 15 banking days. The best answer given by the author Konstantin Kamarin is the answer already given above. this is really 15 working days, believe me as a bank employee. I hope you weren't forced to wait three weeks for something?

working days, banking day from 9 am (the start of operations with legal entities) and until 13 or 16 o'clock, the end date of transactions in the bank on the current day (you need to look at the agreement with the bank)

15 banking days is in other words 15 working days

working day, 15 working days, it seems like that may be wrong

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Banking day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. 15 banking days is 3 weeks as usual.

These are the bank's regular working days, that is, from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Holidays are not included in the calculation. Calculate based on your specific situation.

Banking day

Each individual bank has an operating (banking) day set independently and secured by internal regulations, which specify the hours during which all transactions will be dated on the same date.

All financial actions and cash transactions made during one banking day are documented accordingly in the accounting department and are reflected on balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts in the context of daily reporting.

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Banking day in tax legislation in Russia

It happens that the banking day ends earlier than the working day of the same financial institution. The bank has the right to set the hours for conducting operational services arbitrarily, recording them in an internal regulatory document. Therefore, in order to clarify the length of the banking day at a particular bank, it is worth contacting the service branch directly.

How to calculate banking days

To correctly calculate the banking days specified in the agreement, you should take into account all the days on which the bank operates, namely, carries out cash settlement operations. Weekends and holidays are never included in the calculation of banking days.

When drawing up or signing any financial agreement, it is worth remembering that the concepts of a working day, a calendar day and a banking day are three completely different, unequal concepts and you need to be careful when formulating deadlines.

What can be called a banking day

Subject to certain conditions, a calendar day, of course, can be called a banking day. To do this, there must be some general signs, which can be found below:

  • At the beginning of the day, the incoming cash balance was revalued. Revaluation is carried out in foreign currency.
  • At the end of the day, in accordance with current regulations, the corresponding daily bank reports are prepared.
  • On this calendar day, the bank has established opening hours for servicing clients and conducting cash settlement operations.
  • The branch of the Central Bank maintaining the correspondent account of the relevant bank must allocate a time for conducting operations on this day.

Banking day at a specific bank

The specifics of the activities of any financial and credit organization involve conducting mutual settlements with similar structures. Due to the fact that the concept of a banking day is established by the bank’s internal regulations for conducting financial transactions, the schedule for receiving and paying out monetary units may differ between two organizations. To avoid inconsistencies and misunderstandings, you should definitely check the operating hours with the operator.

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It is common that some financial and credit institutions make payments on public weekends and holidays. In this case, it is worth taking into account that the period of credit and other transactions will increase.

Specifics of settlement and cash services

When it comes to a legal entity, even a single day of late payment to the counterparty under the contract has serious material consequences. Therefore, it is very important to understand the fact that banking days in cash management services mean different hours for conducting financial transactions in each specific organization. To eliminate the possibility of confusion with opening hours, it is necessary to clarify the length of the banking day with an employee of a given department or branch.

The type of payments made depends on the timing of the payments. Some types of payments require time and the deadline for their execution does not depend on the length of the banking day, and can reach several days. During the holiday and pre-holiday periods, there is a possibility of delays due to differences in the schedules of financial institutions.

In the contract

When determining the deadlines for fulfilling obligations in a contract for the supply of goods or products, the concept of a banking day is sometimes used. Due to the fact that there is no statutory formulation of this concept, there is an urgent need for a clear definition of it in each specific agreement.

When using a term without detailed indication of time intervals, there is a high chance of discrepancies and inconsistencies in mutual settlements. Different operating hours of financial and credit organizations that serve legal entities-counterparties very often cause conflicts between the parties.

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Difference between working days and banking days

So what is the difference between banking days and working days?

The working day includes the total duration of the enterprise’s work during the day, including both the time of settlement and cash services for clients, and the implementation of activities not related to client work.

Working day concept

As has been said many times above, there is no other interpretation of this term. This sometimes leads to confusion, missed payment deadlines and material losses.

Theoretically, the working day should last longer than the banking day, however, as practice shows, most often they coincide. If during a calendar day the organization’s employees are at their workplaces, but customer service is not provided for one reason or another, this day is considered a working day, but not a banking day.

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How to count banking days

Hello! What is a banking day in a contract? Loan in Sberbank. Help me figure it out: 5, 10 banking days - how much?


Banking day at Sberbank = working day. Working days mean a week from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. That is, in fact, 5 working days are 7 ordinary ones, and 10 are already 2 weeks.

If it is important for you to find out the answer to your question faster, use all possible methods of contacting the Bank.

Online consultants and a hotline work around the clock: helping clients regardless of the time of day is their main responsibility.

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Having decided to increase their capital, most Russians choose a bank deposit. It is small…

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Opinions and questions:

1. Comments that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.

2. Use of inappropriate language in comments.

Banking day is

A banking day is the working hours of a particular bank or the period during which a credit institution carries out settlement operations and customer service. Each bank has the right to independently determine and establish the duration of the banking operating day, during which the banking transactions carried out will be dated by this date. The entire operational and accounting cycle, carried out in one banking day, is documented in the relevant accounting documents and reflected in the daily balance sheet for on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts.

Banking day in Russia

The banking and tax legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide an unambiguous interpretation of the concept of “banking day”. Most often, a banking day is declared identical to a working day or operating hours of a specific credit institution. In some cases, a bank's operating day is shorter than the working day of the same institution. The duration of the operating day is established by a special order in each individual bank. To find out the hours of the operating day, you should contact the credit institution itself directly.

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Calculation of banking days

In order to correctly calculate the banking days provided for in the agreement, it is necessary to take into account all the bank’s working days, that is, the days on which the credit institution carries out settlement operations. The following days should not be included in the calculation of banking days:

Thus, the calculation of banking days should include only those days on which the bank operates and provides settlement services. When drawing up any contracts, you should remember that the concepts of “working day”, “calendar day” and “banking day” are not identical and choose the most accurate wording.

What does banking day mean?

A calendar day can rightfully be called a banking day if it simultaneously meets all the following criteria:

  1. At the beginning of this day, the balance of incoming funds is revalued in foreign currency;
  2. After this day, the corresponding bank statements are prepared in numerical form, indicating compliance with the standards;
  3. This day is a calendar day on which the credit institution has provided working hours for settlement services to citizens;
  4. On this day, the corresponding branch of the Bank of Russia, the leading correspondent account of a commercial bank, has allocated operating time.

Banking day in a specific organization

The bank's operating activities involve mutual settlements between various credit and financial structures. The term Banking day in a particular organization characterizes the period of time for performing financial transactions, established by internal regulations. The schedule for accepting/paying out banknotes may not be the same. To avoid confusion, you should check the working hours with the operator.

Some institutions carry out payments on weekends and holidays. The period for the implementation of credit, currency, and settlement transactions will be increased, which must be taken into account.

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Banking days in cash settlement services

For legal entities, violation of the deadlines for making payments in favor of counterparties established by agreement can lead to material losses. Banking days in cash settlement services are characterized by a different schedule of operating activities in each financial institution. The operating hours of a particular branch or department must be clarified with the employees.

The timing of payments determines the type of payments. The duration of certain types of operations, regardless of the length of the operating day, reaches several days. During the holiday period, delays may occur due to conflicting schedules of individual financial institutions.

Use of the term in supply contracts

When defining in contracts the period for the delivery of products or goods, a banking day is sometimes indicated as a unit characterizing the period for fulfillment of undertaken obligations. Since there is no clear definition of this term, it is necessary to clearly define its wording in the document regulating the rights and obligations of the parties.

The use of the term in supply contracts without specifying a specific time frame can lead to confusion during mutual settlements. The discrepancy between the operating modes of financial organizations serving legal entities is a frequent cause of conflict situations between counterparties.

What is the difference between banking days and working days?

The activities of credit structures are characterized by various terminological concepts that determine the real time of their work. What is the difference between banking days and working days? The first concept implies the period during which operational employees accept/pay out monetary units for various types of payments in accordance with the procedure established by the bank.

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The second concept defines the total duration of an organization’s work throughout the day, including the time spent implementing operational activities and carrying out other operations that do not involve customer service.

What is a working day?

The lack of a unified interpretation of concepts causes confusion, which results in missed payment deadlines and material losses. What is a working day? This is a period that includes the time of operating activities and the duration of other work, including the performance of a number of operations within the scope of staff duties.

In general, the working day lasts longer than the banking day, but in practice, the timing of both often coincides. Moreover, in the first case, it is also considered a calendar day during which the employees of the institution are at work, but do not serve clients.

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This article describes the formula syntax and function usage NETWORKDAYS in Microsoft Excel.


Returns the number of working days between the start_date and end_date dates. Holidays and weekends are not included in this number. The NETWORKDAYS function can be used to calculate an employee's salary based on the number of days worked in a specified period.

Advice: To calculate the number of full workdays between two dates using parameters that determine the number of holidays in a week and what days they are, use the NETWORKDAYS.INTERNAL function.


NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])

The arguments to the NETWORKDAYS function are described below.

    Start_date Required. Start date.

    End_date Required. Final date.

    Holidays Optional. A list of one or more dates that you want to exclude from your work calendar, such as public holidays. The list can be a range of cells containing dates, or an array constant containing numbers that represent dates.

Important: Dates must be entered using the DATE function or as the result of other formulas and functions. For example, to specify the date May 23, 2012, use the expression DATE(2012,5,23). Entering dates as text may cause problems.


    Microsoft Excel stores dates as sequential numbers so they can be used in calculations. By default, January 1, 1900 is sequence number 1, and January 1, 2012 is sequence number 40909, since it is 40,909 days after January 1, 1900.

    If any of the arguments are not a valid date, NETWORKDAYS returns #VALUE! error value.


Copy the sample data from the following table and paste it into cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. To display the results of formulas, select them and press F2, then press Enter. If necessary, change the width of the columns to see all the data.



Project start date

Project end date








The number of working days between the start date (10/01/2012) and the end date (03/01/2013).


The number of working days between the start date (10/01/2012) and the end date (03/01/2013), excluding the holiday 11/22/2012 as a day off.


The number of working days between the start date (10/01/2012) and the end date (03/01/2013) minus three holidays.

Banking day– these are the operating hours of a particular financial institution, during which settlement transactions and work with clients are carried out.

Each individual bank has an operating (banking) day set independently and secured by internal regulations, which specify the hours during which all transactions will be dated on the same date.

All financial actions and cash transactions made during one banking day are documented accordingly in the accounting department and are reflected on balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts in the context of daily reporting.

Banking day in tax legislation in Russia

In Russia, neither in banking nor in tax legislative documents can one find a definition of the concept of “banking day”. In most cases, a bank's operating day is taken to be equal to the bank's total working hours or hours of operational customer service.

It happens that the banking day ends earlier than the working day of the same financial institution. The bank has the right to set the hours for conducting operational services arbitrarily, recording them in an internal regulatory document. Therefore, in order to clarify the length of the banking day at a particular bank, it is worth contacting the service branch directly.

How to calculate banking days

To correctly calculate the banking days specified in the agreement, you should take into account all the days on which the bank operates, namely, carries out cash settlement operations. Weekends and holidays are never included in the calculation of banking days.

When drawing up or signing any financial agreement, it is worth remembering that the concepts of a working day, a calendar day and a banking day are three completely different, unequal concepts and you need to be careful when formulating deadlines.

When calculating banking days, only those days during which the bank operates and conducts settlement operations are taken into account.

What can be called a banking day

Subject to certain conditions, a calendar day, of course, can be called a banking day. To do this, there must be some general signs, which can be found below:

  • At the beginning of the day, the incoming cash balance was revalued. Revaluation is carried out in foreign currency.
  • At the end of the day, in accordance with current regulations, the corresponding daily bank reports are prepared.
  • On this calendar day, the bank has established opening hours for servicing clients and conducting cash settlement operations.
  • The branch of the Central Bank maintaining the correspondent account of the relevant bank must allocate a time for conducting operations on this day.

Banking day at a specific bank

The specifics of the activities of any financial and credit organization involve conducting mutual settlements with similar structures. Due to the fact that the concept of a banking day is established by the bank’s internal regulations for conducting financial transactions, the schedule for receiving and paying out monetary units may differ between two organizations. To avoid inconsistencies and misunderstandings, you should definitely check the operating hours with the operator.

It is common that some financial and credit institutions make payments on public weekends and holidays. In this case, it is worth taking into account that the period of credit and other transactions will increase.

Specifics of settlement and cash services

When it comes to a legal entity, even a single day of late payment to the counterparty under the contract has serious material consequences. Therefore, it is very important to understand the fact that banking days in cash management services mean different hours for conducting financial transactions in each specific organization. To eliminate the possibility of confusion with opening hours, it is necessary to clarify the length of the banking day with an employee of a given department or branch.

The type of payments made depends on the timing of the payments. Some types of payments require time and the deadline for their execution does not depend on the length of the banking day, and can reach several days. During the holiday and pre-holiday periods, there is a possibility of delays due to differences in the schedules of financial institutions.

In the contract

When determining the deadlines for fulfilling obligations in a contract for the supply of goods or products, the concept of a banking day is sometimes used. Due to the fact that there is no statutory formulation of this concept, there is an urgent need for a clear definition of it in each specific agreement.

When using a term without detailed indication of time intervals, there is a high chance of discrepancies and inconsistencies in mutual settlements. Different operating hours of financial and credit organizations that serve legal entities-counterparties very often cause conflicts between the parties.

Difference between working days and banking days

So what is the difference between banking days and working days?

A banking day implies a period during which bank tellers accept and pay out banknotes within various types of payments, which is stipulated by the bank’s internal regulations.

The working day includes the total duration of the enterprise’s work during the day, including both the time of settlement and cash services for clients, and the implementation of activities not related to client work.

Working day concept

As has been said many times above, there is no other interpretation of this term. This sometimes leads to confusion, missed payment deadlines and material losses.

So, a working day is a period of time when an organization carries out operational activities, as well as other actions in accordance with the job responsibilities of personnel.

Theoretically, the working day should last longer than the banking day, however, as practice shows, most often they coincide. If during a calendar day the organization’s employees are at their workplaces, but customer service is not provided for one reason or another, this day is considered a working day, but not a banking day.

Banks and credit organizations have many internal operating rules, service standards, and special terms. With their help, the bank can simplify and systematize its activities and create clear rules for the provision of services.

One of the terms used in banking is "banking day". It can often be found in contracts of all types, bank documents, as well as in descriptions of services. Our article will tell you what is hidden behind the phrase “Banking Day”.

What is this

Banking day is a rather vague concept, and no legislation talks about it. This is more of a professional term rather than an established unit, and therefore for each bank “banking day” is something different. However, the general definition is the same for everyone: a banking day is a working day during which the bank carries out its activities, carries out transfers and carries out other operations in addition to servicing clients.

The concept of a banking day can most often be found in the description of various contracts, in which the period for performing operations or the duration of services is indicated in banking days. Moreover, technically, a “Banking Day” lasts several hours.

Difference from working day

So why do we need the definition of “Banking day” if there is a simpler concept of “Working day”? In fact These two concepts, although quite similar, differ significantly from each other. The main distinguishing features of a banking day from a regular day are as follows:

  • At the beginning of the banking day, the bank itself revalues ​​foreign currency;
  • At the end of the banking day, all necessary reporting is generated;
  • On banking day, settlement services for citizens are provided;
  • On a banking day, time is provided for operational customer service.


So a banking day differs from a working day in terms of timing, quantity (not every banking day can be considered a full-fledged working day of the bank), as well as other characteristics (operations carried out, recording in reports, etc.).

How to calculate

It is quite difficult to answer the question “How to calculate the number of banking days?” After all, as mentioned earlier, the concept of a banking day varies from institution to institution. However, there are general rules for calculation. First, find out which days the bank considers as banking days - any consultant or manager will tell you about this. Then take the total number of days for the period you need, remove all weekends and holidays from it (any production calendar can help you with this). After this, you will only have to select those days that, according to the bank’s criteria, are banking days.


In this case, you can use the help of the bank itself to calculate banking days. If you need to know the timing of any operation, it is better to ask a bank specialist or call the hotline - they will advise you there.

In Sberbank

Sberbank, being one of the largest, wealthiest and most technologically advanced banks, has the most complex and broad concept of a banking day. Transactions during the banking day are divided into categories, and the processing and execution time of transactions depends on the currency and the method of transferring funds within the bank.

A special feature of a banking day at Sberbank is that it can last 24 hours. For example, the banking day for Belarusian rubles lasts exactly one day and is “updated” at 9 pm. In order to learn more about the table of deadlines and working methods, you can use the service of Sberbank itself by following the link.