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Sales of cucumbers. Technological process of cucumber production in a greenhouse. Cucumbers in greenhouse conditions

Growing vegetables can be quite a profitable business if organized correctly. Of course, organizing it will require a substantial investment of money, but it is much more important to have valuable information. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse all year round is one of the possible business options that will allow you to make a good profit.

What should be included in a business plan for organizing an industrial greenhouse in which vegetables can be grown all year round? Firstly, this is land lease. You will need a lot of space to get a really big harvest, and only this can bring real profit.

Secondly, this is the design of the greenhouse itself. Its industrial versions are much more expensive, because they use high-quality materials from metal and half-carbonate, and the scale of the construction itself for annual production is different. The minimum cost starts from 500 thousand rubles, but these costs do not include equipment that will allow you to grow vegetables all year round. But you will need to organize heating, lighting, automatic watering, and ventilation systems that will function annually.

Thirdly, the business plan includes the planting material itself along with various fertilizers, without which it is difficult to obtain a large harvest.

Fourthly, it is important to think through the product distribution chain. Absolutely all farmers are puzzled by this problem. Experienced businessmen say that growing vegetables in a greenhouse is not difficult. It is much more difficult to sell goods on time at an adequate price in order not only to cover production costs, but also to make a profit.

Why should you choose cucumbers as a vegetable to grow all year round? Because these are unpretentious plants that will bear fruit without any problems, and because these are quite popular vegetables on the Russian market. But, like every plant, cucumbers have their own cultivation characteristics that you need to know about. If you are not an agricultural technician, then your business plan should also include wages for agricultural specialists, who will increase productivity and achieve high profitability of greenhouses. You should never skimp on knowledge. In fact, you should carefully consider what kind of staff you will need to grow vegetables. If the area of ​​your greenhouse is approximately one hectare, then five people will be able to cope with the cultivation of cucumbers, including an agricultural technician, a manager and general workers.

Design selection

Assembling a greenhouse for growing vegetables all year round is not the most difficult thing. Most industrial structures have simple installation instructions. It is enough just to purchase such a greenhouse and pay for the work of the assemblers. But it is important to first choose the right greenhouse.

There are many options available in the market nowadays, but some of them are especially in demand for growing cucumbers.

For example, the “Farmer” greenhouse. This is an arched or gable structure made of polycarbonate and galvanized profile, available in various modifications. The reinforced design with double arcs is used in regions where gusts of wind and snow place additional stress on the greenhouse.

The Novator Premium greenhouse is also considered a good design for growing cucumbers all year round. This is a gable greenhouse made of polycarbonate, which allows you to grow vegetables all year round and on hanging racks. By the way, to increase business profitability, the cultivation of vegetables can be combined with the cultivation of herbs, which are unpretentious, but no less in demand on the Russian market. This greenhouse not only has good light transmittance, but also protects vegetables from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

To produce crops in warm regions, you can use a Mittlider polycarbonate greenhouse. It also has a gable roof, while on the north side of the roof it has a raised area for ventilation windows.

It is very important that the design is not only roomy, but also has a vestibule. Such additional space will allow you to organize the simplest heating systems without using useful space.

What additional systems will be needed to organize a greenhouse business? Cucumbers are vegetables that love warmth and moisture. Therefore, it is systems that can create such a microclimate inside that you need to pay attention to first of all. The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 20 degrees all year round, no less. As for the need for light, cucumbers require 11 hours of light.

Heating is quite simple to organize if it is possible to connect communications to the structure. But many farmers create a mini-CHP on its territory, which both supplies the greenhouse with electricity and generates heat.

Russian winters and autumn are characterized by a lack of light, so it is important to equip greenhouses with supplementary lighting systems. It will also be necessary to organize a curtain system, which will reduce the heating of the air on particularly hot summer days.

As you know, the drip irrigation system is a modern and economical option for irrigating plants. In a greenhouse for year-round growing of vegetables, it is simply necessary.

Seeds and seedlings

Experts advise paying attention to vegetable seeds from Russian companies that are bred in a certain climate. But there are also foreign companies that sell planting material bred by breeders taking into account special climatic conditions. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost of foreign seeds is much higher. When purchasing hybrid seeds, farmers are forced to buy annually not only planting material, but also protective equipment and fertilizers. Usually they come together.

In any case, parthenocarpic varieties, that is, cucumbers that bear fruit without pollination, are ideal for greenhouse farming.

Experts recommend paying attention to such varieties of cucumbers for growing all year round as “Annushka”, “Dynamite”, “Emelya”, “Hercules”, “Gunnar”. What is important when running a greenhouse business? So that the harvest is not only presentable, but also has a long shelf life and successfully withstands transportation. To grow cucumbers, choose varieties that bear fruit frequently and are resistant to major crop diseases. It is important that they have good taste.

Some farmers choose Chinese varieties of vegetables, which is quite logical. After all, most of the goods sold in stores are made in China. Such vegetables grow quite large, but they also spoil faster. Therefore, you should first establish sales.

In a greenhouse, cucumbers should be grown using a vertical trellis method. This way you can fit more vegetables in a smaller area. On average, there will be about 22 thousand bushes per hectare.

Fertilizer and protection

Not a single plant cultivated for sale can do without additional feeding. For the annual cultivation of cucumbers, humus, potassium sulfate, and chicken manure are usually used. It is important to consider that cultivating a large number of vegetables will require a large amount of fertilizer. This should also be reflected in the business plan. To feed plants in greenhouses, automation of this process is often required.

But if you want to keep up with the times, then other cultivation technologies can be envisaged for the production of vegetables. For example, growing plants on coconut mats is now popular. This substrate replaces soil. In such conditions, plants develop a powerful root system. However, this technology is suitable for small-volume greenhouse farming.

In addition to seeds and fertilizers, plants will need protection from pests and diseases that can appear even in the highest quality and regulated greenhouse with a good microclimate. Although this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm.

Sales of products

How much harvest can you get annually from a cucumber crop? According to the most conservative estimates, 35 tons, if the greenhouse area is about 500 square meters. Since cultivation occurs all year round, you will have about three tons of cucumbers per month. Therefore, issues of selling goods should be in your first place long before the greenhouse is built. Where can you sell your cucumber harvest? You will need to create your own sales offers for wholesale warehouses, vegetable markets, and chain stores. It is important to establish relationships with intermediaries, as well as sell vegetables directly from the place of production.

It is important that there are several sales options. It is the multivariate sales scheme that will allow you to sell goods consistently and not have to think about where to sell the harvest so that it does not spoil.

Many beginning farmers wonder: what is the profitability of the cucumber business? On average, this is 60%. This is not as much as in the case of growing strawberries, where profitability reaches 100%, but cucumbers are a product that is purchased much more often.

On average, to organize a business from scratch on an area of ​​500 square meters, you will need about 1.5-2 million rubles. The annual profit will be a little more than two million, which means that all expenses can be covered in a year.

This is not to say that growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a very simple task. After all, this vegetable will require the creation of special climatic conditions inside the structure. He loves warmth and humidity. But in the case of organizing an agro-industrial business, you need to focus, first of all, on the demand, which is great for cucumbers in Russia all year round.

Many people prefer to eat fresh fruits and vegetables not only in the summer, but also in the winter, which leads to the development of different types of greenhouse businesses. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter is a popular, interesting and uncomplicated activity available to every entrepreneur. who has a competent business plan for growing cucumbers.

Due to high demand, all grown products will be quickly sold, not only to individuals, but also to various intermediaries, which are stores. Various catering establishments will be regular customers. To get a high result from an activity, it is important to understand its main aspects and features, as well as decide on the technology and place for planting cucumbers.

Goals and objectives

The goal of this business is to obtain a high harvest all year round, as a result of which the entrepreneur will earn high profits from his activities. To achieve this, numerous tasks are solved:

  • the optimal work format is determined;
  • choosing a place for growing cucumbers;
  • buy seedlings or seeds;
  • their correct landing is ensured;
  • optimal conditions for plant growth are created;
  • high yield is guaranteed.

Important! Solving the above problems is the basis of a successful business.

Variety selection

Before actual work, it is important to decide what variety of cucumbers will be grown. It is advisable to focus on varieties that are unpretentious, so they can be grown in greenhouse conditions without any problems. The varieties most often chosen for these purposes are:

  • Emelya;
  • Annushka;

All of the above varieties are unpretentious and resistant to temperature changes, as well as to various diseases. If you plan to plant cucumbers with seeds rather than seedlings, then to get rid of empty seeds, before using them directly, you need to soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing method

There are two ways to grow cucumbers:

Growing methodIts features
In the open groundIn this case, activities can be carried out exclusively in the summer, so there will be no profit in winter. For such work, it is advisable to choose varieties that are pollinated by bees.
In greenhousesThis method is chosen by entrepreneurs seeking to create a large and stable business selling cucumbers. Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers are selected for greenhouses. An important point is the correct arrangement of the greenhouse, for which equipment for heating, lighting, watering and ventilation is installed. This entails a significant initial investment in the business.

Important! Year-round cultivation of cucumbers is considered an ideal choice for any entrepreneur, and it is in winter that high income will be generated due to low competition and high demand.

Industry Analysis

Competitor analysis

Direct competitors engaged in similar activities may have a negative impact on business results. They can work only in the summer or all year round.

It is important to decide how many competitors there are on the market, what varieties of cucumbers they grow, who their main buyers are, and what disadvantages they have in order to use their shortcomings for your own purposes.

Risk analysis

Activities associated with growing cucumbers all year round are accompanied by many risks:

  • breakdown of equipment in the greenhouse;
  • lack of harvest for various reasons;
  • high competition;
  • decrease in the solvency of the population, which will lead to a significant decline in demand for products

Marketing plan

It is important to think in advance about competent and constant sales of products, since food products are grown that have a limited shelf life. Therefore, it is important to establish such sales channels in order to immediately sell the grown cucumbers.

You can sell products in different ways:

  • independently through small retail outlets located in markets or other high-traffic areas;
  • via the Internet to direct consumers or large companies;
  • various cafes and restaurants;
  • intermediaries, which are various large and small retail outlets.

To increase the popularity of a new company engaged in growing cucumbers, a website is used on the Internet, and advertisements are placed in various media.

Production plan

The land plots required for the work are determined. High-quality equipment for growing cucumbers is purchased. The optimal planting material and process technology are selected.

Required areas

To grow cucumbers, you need to choose the right plots of land with the optimal size. It is important to have fertile and high-quality soil suitable for growing crops.

A plot of land can be purchased or leased.

Equipment and inventory

The main equipment includes the greenhouses themselves. They can be purchased or made yourself. The most commonly chosen structures are polycarbonate or glass.

Finished products are lightweight and easy to install, and they also contain all the elements for communications and equipment installation.

To plant cucumbers, you will need additional equipment for excavation work.

Purchase of planting material and other elements for work

Cucumbers can be planted as seeds or seedlings, and when choosing them, the following factors are taken into account:

  • planting material is purchased exclusively from proven and reliable breeding companies;
  • It is not recommended to choose products manufactured by foreign organizations, as they may be unsuitable for Russian climatic conditions;
  • It is allowed to choose hybrids, as they are unpretentious and bring a good harvest.

Along with the planting material, it is necessary to purchase fertilizers, as well as special preventive agents that prevent plant diseases.

Cucumber growing technology

To obtain a high-quality and good harvest, you need to understand the features of growing cucumbers:

  • the soil must be of high quality and fertile, as well as saturated with oxygen, therefore, before planting the planting material, loosening is carried out;
  • planting is carried out in holes or grooves, and the seeds are deepened inward by 4 cm;
  • It is important to leave a distance of up to 15 cm between them;
  • during planting, fertilizing is applied, and superphosphate is most often used for these purposes;
  • Cucumbers are demanding of moisture, so it is important to ensure regular and proper watering, and it is best to create a drip irrigation system;
  • In winter, the greenhouse must be warm, otherwise the plants will die, so a high-quality heating system is organized;
  • The harvest can be harvested 50 days after the cucumbers bloom, and an interval of 2 days is observed.

Important! If you provide cucumbers with the right conditions for growth, you will get a good harvest in a short period of time, and the cucumbers will be juicy, tasty and environmentally friendly.

Organizational plan

The business is officially registered and professional workers are hired. A case opening schedule is being developed.

Required Personnel

If a small number of cucumbers are grown at the first stages, then the entrepreneur himself can cope with the work, but as the planted area of ​​land increases, it is necessary to hire assistants.

It is advisable to use the services of an accountant, and it is possible to employ him or pay for one-time services.

Business registration

Private household plots are not considered a business, but if you plan to cooperate with large buyers, which include shops or restaurants, you will have to officially register the activity. For this, individual entrepreneurs are selected, as well as a simplified regime for agricultural producers.

The cultivation of cucumbers began about six thousand years ago. The homeland of this vegetable is the tropical and subtropical forests of China and India. Currently, it is grown in all countries of the world, even in the far north. It is not known exactly where the cucumber was brought to Russia from, but it has been grown in our country since at least the 16th century. Cucumber has become so firmly established in our diet that it is difficult to imagine both everyday and holiday table without this tasty and healthy product. Cucumbers are eaten raw, added to salads, salted, pickled, canned, there is even a recipe for cucumber jam.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, about 90 thousand hectares are occupied by cucumber. The largest distribution area is the Central, Southern and Volga districts. Depending on the climate, the vegetable is grown in greenhouses or open ground. 92 percent of the total area occupied by cucumbers are households, 4.5% are agricultural organizations, 3% are peasant and farm greenhouse farms, 0.5% are small enterprises.

The greatest yield comes from growing cucumbers in a greenhouse. This not only allows for compliance with all microclimatic conditions, but also ensures year-round production. The profitability of greenhouse cultivation can be up to 500 percent, with a winter harvest bringing in approximately twice as much income as a spring or summer harvest.

One of the options for greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers is growing on coconut mats, briquettes into which a nutrient solution is supplied; the root system of the vegetable develops in them. Coconut mats are laid on polystyrene slabs in such a way as to ensure free flow of excess nutrient solution. The film in which the mat is located has holes for plants and drainage holes. The irrigation system is automatic. A micro-dripper is built into each plant to supply moisture, so that the mat is evenly saturated with moisture even with a drainage system. In addition, a fogging system (cooling, humidification), upper foggers, a pumping fertilizer supply system, water tanks, an irrigation control controller, as well as lighting and a heating system are installed. The cost of installing one greenhouse with an area of ​​350 square meters. meters will be about 900 thousand rubles.

To successfully grow cucumbers, you must first choose the right seeds. For greenhouse cultivation, you can use several dozen cucumber varieties and a large number of hybrids. F1 hybrids have proven themselves best, as they produce a good harvest and do not require pruning. For example, the late-ripening hybrid Hercules F1, which begins to bear fruit 62 days after germination. It requires artificial pollination, like the mid-season hybrid Annushka F1, which is valued for its disease resistance and stable yield. The Emelya F1 hybrid ripens very quickly, in just 39-43 days. Its bush has an unlimited number of lashes and does not need pollination, and the fruits reach 150g. The hybrid Dynamite F1 also does not require pollination.

The cost of one thousand cucumber seeds is on average 1500-1600 rubles.

They practice seedling and non-seedling cultivation of cucumbers. It is believed that with the seedling method, plant development occurs faster. However, there are opponents to seedling cultivation, who note a painful reaction of cucumber to transplantation due to the fact that the plant has a delicate root system and takes a long time to take root when transplanted. When growing without seedlings, the cucumber is sown under film.

Before planting, seeds must be poured with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 ml) for disinfection, and then washed with water. Rinsing with salt water also helps remove bad seeds that float to the surface.

The nutrient mixture for seeds consists of peat, humus, sawdust and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. Shoots appear on 3-4 days. Seedlings can be planted at 20-25 days. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a daytime temperature of about 17 degrees, a night temperature of about 14, provide additional lighting on cloudy days, water the seedlings with warm water, and feed them. If 2-3 dark green leaves appear on the bushes, the seedlings are ready for planting.

There are vertical and horizontal ways to grow cucumbers. With the vertical method, plants weave along special supports, with the horizontal method, along the ground. In industrial greenhouse cultivation, the vertical method is used, as it makes it easier to care for the plant and promotes the formation of a proper bush. The plant density during vertical cultivation is 20-25 thousand plants per hectare.

The daylight hours for cucumbers should be 10-12 hours. During the growth period, the temperature should not fall below 18 degrees. The soil temperature must be the same at different levels, otherwise it will negatively affect the development of the vegetable.

The yield of cucumber when grown indoors is approximately 3-3.5 tons per hectare.

It is also possible to grow cucumber in open ground as a row crop. In this case, the yield will be lower, but the financial investment will also be significantly lower, therefore, if there are not sufficient funds for equipping greenhouses, you can consider open cultivation.

The best predecessors of cucumbers are corn, tomato, peas, onions and early potatoes. Growing a cucumber after pumpkin, zucchini and squash is highly not recommended. All types of soil that have sufficient aeration and drainage are suitable for growing cucumbers, although preference should be given to light, humus-rich soils.

In the fall, the soil is harrowed to crush the remains of its predecessors. The cucumber feels comfortable on layers of perennial grasses, wheat, silage corn, etc. When plowing, it is mandatory to add mineral fertilizers to the soil.

The seeds are prepared for sowing: they are soaked in a salt solution, washed and heat treated, kept for about six hours at a temperature of 55 degrees, then pickled with apron.

When the soil warms up to 8-12 degrees at a depth of 8 cm, sowing can be carried out. Plants with long growth are sown in quantities of up to 70 thousand per 1 hectare, plants with short growth - up to 150 thousand. Using a precision seeder allows you to optimize seed consumption. If a conventional seeder is used, then after the appearance of the first true leaf, thinning is carried out. The seeding rate for a conventional seeder is 9 kg/ha, for a precision seeder – 6 kg/ha.

A week after sowing, harrowing is carried out using a seed harrow or a harrow. The row spacing should be loosened with a cultivator to a depth of 7-8 centimeters each time after irrigation.

Cucumbers should be protected from weeds and diseases. For this purpose, herbicides and fungicides are used. The first treatment with fungicides is carried out when the cucumber has two leaves, subsequent ones - at a two-week interval.

The irrigation volume is about 300 cubic meters. meters per hectare, watering is done at least five times, since the cucumber requires high soil moisture.

Harvesting occurs at two-day intervals. You can use both manual harvesting and platforms POU-2, UPNS-10, PNSSH-12, wide-cover conveyor TNA-40, which reduce costs.

According to GOST requirements, vegetables for fresh consumption must be collected until short-fruited varieties reach a size of 14 cm, medium- and long-fruited varieties reach 25 cm; diameter no more than 5.5 cm. For canning, pickles 3-5 cm long, gherkins 5-9 cm long, and greens up to 11 cm long are collected.

The yield of cucumber in open ground is about 15-20 tons per hectare. Store fruits at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. Vegetables must reach the consumer within a few days after harvest.

You can sell cucumbers in bulk at agricultural exchanges; the cost depends on the time of year and variety. The preferred sales option is contracts with vegetable stores and food production plants.

Growing cucumber for seeds

When growing cucumber for seeds, the crops must be isolated by at least 800 meters in open areas. Sowing is carried out at an earlier date than in industrial crops, and at a higher density.

In addition, regular varietal cleaning is necessary to remove weak plants and plants with deviations. If hybrid varieties are grown, then sowing is done with alternating rows of paternal and maternal forms. To improve plant pollination, you can place bee colonies, about 5-6 per hectare.

The seed fruits are harvested 50-55 days after the start of mass flowering. Cucumber seeds are extracted using an IBK-5 grinder-extractor. A used car can be purchased for 110-150 thousand rubles. This device produces seeds of watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin.

Then the seeds are washed and dried, first in the open air and then in dryers. Preliminary cleaning is carried out on winnowing-sorting machines VS-2 and No. 5, final cleaning is carried out on Petkus-Super K-212. Sieve equipment costs about 500 thousand rubles, and Petkus grain cleaning machines can be purchased second-hand for 100 thousand rubles.

The seed yield from 1 hectare is 8 centners. Seeds retain high sowing and yield qualities for 5-8 years, subject to storage conditions: air humidity 30-45%, temperature 15-20 degrees.

The retail cost of a kilogram of seeds is 17,500-18,000 rubles. By selling the harvest from one centner, you can get 14.4 million rubles.

Russia is considered one of the largest agricultural countries in the world. Almost every family has its own plot of land on which various crops can be planted. Growing vegetables for sale (cucumbers) is an affordable and profitable type of business. Among all greenhouse crops, cucumbers are the most popular because they are easy to care for and are always in demand. In the article you will find information on where to start, a plan and how you can save in the first stages.

Business Features

Growing crops is a profitable and increasingly popular type of business. Despite the fact that the market is highly competitive, the demand for fresh vegetables remains throughout the year. By creating optimal conditions, several crops of cucumbers can be grown in one year, and if you have the necessary area and a greenhouse of 100 m2 or more, profitability increases to 200%.

When starting your own business, you should consider several factors - the demand for products in your region, the quality of the soil on the site and the availability of the necessary budget for the initial investment. This type of business has pros and cons that should be taken into account before making your first investment.


Growing cucumbers is one of the most common types of agriculture in Russia, as it has several significant advantages:

If you follow the cultivation technology, there will be no problems with yield or infection with pests and diseases. Despite the fact that cucumber is considered a finicky crop, it is suitable even for novice farmers.


Like any type of business, growing cucumbers has a number of disadvantages that can complicate entrepreneurial activity:

  • large financial investments are required for greenhouse equipment, which is especially noticeable at the very beginning of work;
  • significant costs are required for maintaining the greenhouse complex in winter and autumn;
  • there is strong competition in the vegetable market in some regions, so newcomers have to reduce the price of the product, which leads to loss of income;
  • gardening experience and skills are required, without which it is impossible to get a rich harvest.

Before you start investing money in the development of your business, it is advisable to register an individual entrepreneurship or peasant farm, and also obtain the right to land ownership of the site.

Greenhouse equipment requires large financial investments


The profitability of selling cucumbers depends on many factors, the most important of which are the time of year and the yield of the variety. If you follow the growing technology and use a large greenhouse, the profitability of the business increases several times.

For example, some high-yielding varieties (, and others) can produce up to 5 kg of fresh cucumbers in one season. Other high-yielding varieties of cucumbers are presented. The approximate price for this vegetable in central Russia is 140 rubles. When planting 200 bushes, the income from the sale will be 140 thousand rubles per planting cycle. It is important to consider that in summer and early autumn the price of agricultural products falls, so profits depend on the season.

Cucumbers of the varieties German, Kurazh, Emelya bring up to 5 kg of harvest per year


If you start a business within the framework of running a personal subsidiary plot, then all investments at the initial stage will be reduced only to the installation of a greenhouse and its equipment, as well as the purchase of all the necessary tools and consumables. Investments for these items amount to 450 thousand rubles when using a greenhouse with an area of ​​100-110 m 2. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the current costs of heating, electricity, water and logistics. On average, you can recoup your investment in 2 years if there is a market.

The initial investment boils down to the purchase of materials for building a greenhouse

Profit from growing this crop appears only when using large-area greenhouse structures. Income from the sale of cucumbers when planted in open ground and small greenhouses will only slightly exceed expenses.


Methods for selling products should be considered even before investing and building the first greenhouse. In the absence of sales sources, the profitability of cultivation decreases several times. Selling crops is an unpredictable and seasonal business, so it is advisable to develop multiple sales routes.

To begin with, you can start by retailing small volumes of cucumbers to invest in equipment and correct errors. It is more convenient to sell small batches yourself using retail outlets or through online platforms (advertising sites, social networks). In the future, sales can be expanded in two main areas:

  • catering establishments;
  • wholesale buyers.

In any case, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time on travel and negotiations with buyers, as well as delivery and storage of goods. To interest potential customers, you can reduce the price by 10-15% from the cost of competitors - this will attract attention to the product.

The main sale of cucumbers is their wholesale or retail trade

Even at the stage of business development, you should think about product packaging. It will not only preserve the marketable appearance of vegetables, but can attract new buyers.


Like any other type of business, growing cucumbers involves costs for the production of goods, their storage, transportation and sale. In the first stages, investments may exceed income, since a large amount is spent on creating conditions for cultivation. In the future, investments will only be required for consumables, repair and maintenance of greenhouses, and work with finished products.

Necessary equipment

To increase productivity and ease of care, you need to purchase the following devices and tools:

The cucumber business is popular all over the world. This is one of the most popular vegetables, which is included in both everyday and holiday diets. Cucumbers can be grown all year round, which means you can make a profit from their sale all year round. This type of business belongs to the highly profitable category.

What does the cucumber business look like in Russia? Cucumber sown area:

  • 93% are village residents;
  • 3.5% – agricultural organizations;
  • 2.5% – farms;
  • 1% – private enterprises.

Business registration

We are setting up sales

Ensure stable distribution channels. Cucumbers are not a product that can wait, for example, an area of ​​500 sq.m. will provide 3 tons of cucumbers per month.

Consider all available directions:

  • retail sales at the growing site;
  • outlets;
  • sales to intermediaries between stores and bases;
  • grocery stores, supermarkets;
  • large vegetable bases, markets;
  • supply of cucumbers to restaurants, canteens, schools, kindergartens (most likely long-term contracts will be concluded).

Set up sales of cucumbers a couple of months before harvest. Immediately agree on the quantity of supplies and price. Better make a contract.

Another option for the harvested crop is canning cucumbers. A simple but popular product will definitely find its buyers.

Required Investments

Research and practice show that it is better to start a cucumber business with a plot of 500 sq.m. With this size of planting, you can do all the work yourself or attract just one assistant.


Expense itemprice, rub.
Individual entrepreneur registration10000
Components for the construction of greenhouses (420 sq.m.)642000
Soil heating kits122000
Boilers for heating greenhouses70000
LED bulbs580000
Automatic watering systems32000
Buying seeds14000
Other expenses (fertilizers, pipes, electrical wiring, etc.)70000

Annual investments:

Some experts prefer a plot of 350 sq.m.

For this option, the investment will be at least 900,000 rubles.

If you do not have the required investment amount, write down a clause in your business plan.

Profit from cultivation

Economic indicators of growing parthenocarpic cucumbers:

Considering planting cucumbers on 500 sq.m. other varieties:

  • harvest for 1 year - 37 tons;
  • average price per 1 kg. – 60 rub.
  • Average revenue for the year is RUB 2,220,000.