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Drawings on the theme no to fascism. Open lesson "No to fascism!" Performance of the "Russian Anthem"

The purpose of the lesson: Using the example of genuine historical events of the Great Patriotic War, show students what fascism is, why it is necessary to fight it in our time, when it again raises its head.


1. Educational - to cultivate patriotic qualities in the younger generation using the example of the unity of all peoples in the fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War

2.Educational– introduce students to the beginning of the emergence of fascism in Germany, analyze the consequences of fascism using the example of documentaries and historical facts,

3. Developmental– develop in students the ability to think independently, make the right decisions in any life situations, have their own point of view, be able to defend it, conduct independent research work in search of given material, develop non-standard creative thinking.

Lesson Plan

  1. Performance of the song “Do the Russians want war”? E. Evtushenko Music. E. Kolmanovsky.
  2. Introduction. A little from the history of the Russian state.
  3. Performance of the song “Buchenwald Alarm” by V. Muradeli.
  4. The history of the creation of the song “Buchenwald Alarm”.
  5. Screening of a fragment from the documentary film “Ordinary Fascism”.
  6. Creation of the monument to “Fighters of the Resistance to Fascism”
  7. Screening of a fragment from the film “17 Moments of Spring”.
  8. Appeal of the Soviet government to the people.
  9. Performing a song to the melody of the song “Blue Handkerchief”.
  10. Address to the people by Metropolitan Sergius, head of the Orthodox Church in Russia.
  11. The story of the terrible tragedy of the Belarusian village of Khatyn.
  12. Song “Enemies burned their home” M. Blanter M. Isakovsky.
  13. Screening of a fragment from the film “The Ballad of a Soldier.”
  14. Performance of the song “Muscovites” by A. Eshpay E. Vinokurov.
  15. History of the creation of the first fascist organizations in Italy and Germany.
  16. Countless victims of Hitler's fascism.
  17. Result: “Peace to the planet, death to war.”
  18. Demonstration of a computer presentation.

During the classes

Show computer presentation ( Annex 1 ).

SLIDES 1, 2.

Students singing the song “Do Russians Want War” E. Yevtushenko, E. Kolmanovsky.

Student 1.- People cannot live without remembering the lessons of their history.

Only on the basis of the experience passed by the people are today and tomorrow built... This saying once again confirms the well-known truth that “without the past there is no present, and there can be no future.”

SLIDES 3, 4.

Student 2.- Many trials befell ancient Rus' and its inhabitants. The names of the heroes of numerous battles and wars that Rus' and then Russia had to fight are carefully preserved in people's memory. The memory of them lives in the names of the streets, boulevards, avenues of our city and neighborhood. For example: General Belov Street, Marshal Zakharov Street, People's Militia Street, etc. The memory is alive in the songs written during the war about the heroes who defended their homeland. This is a song about 28 Panfilov heroes, a song about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a song “Ballad of a Soldier”, a song about the defenders of Moscow, etc. Monuments have been erected to many of the heroes. Among the people living in Russia, there are no those who do not remember or know about the war. You can't forget this! And today, when fascism again tries to raise its head in its new, but close to the old guise, it is necessary to remember what this has already led to.

Students singing the song “Buchenwald Alarm” V. Muradeli.


Student 3.- The song was written after the war in 1952. Composer Vano Ilyich Muradeli spoke on the phone to the poet Sobolev: “What poetry! I write music and cry. Such poems don’t even need music!”

Student 4.- The song got its name from the monument erected on the site where the Buchenwald death camp was located in Nazi Germany.

Screening of a fragment from the documentary film “Ordinary Fascism”.

Student 1.- The famous German sculptor Fritz Kremer worked for 7 years on the monument to fighters of resistance to fascism in Buchenwald. The sculptural composition was installed in 1958 in memory of the thousands of victims of fascism who were tortured in this Nazi “death factory”. He sought to embody in this majestic building the famous Buchenwald oath: “We swear to destroy fascism to the ground and build a world of freedom.” The composition depicts the living and dead prisoners of Buchenwald, where over 250,000 people from 36 states languished in the period 1937-1945. According to some estimates, 65,000 people were killed in the camp, died from starvation or overwork. And on April 10, 1945, about 21,000 people gained freedom, including 900 children. The Monument to the Victims of Buchenwald is considered the first and one of the most significant monuments erected in Germany in memory of people who died in the Nazi death camps. The main monument of the complex reminds of them, who laid down their lives and survived in Nazi captivity: a group of 11 bronze figures located around a tower with a bell, from where the famous “Buchenwald alarm” sounds.

Screening of a fragment from the film “Remember Your Name” (children in a fascist concentration camp)

Student 2.- The idea for the song arose from the composer Muradeli under the impression of visiting another death camp - Auschwitz. “What I saw shocked me,” said the composer. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners tortured here seemed to be calling out to the conscience of all humanity: “People, don’t forget this, don’t allow everything to happen again!”

Student 5.– Retribution awaited the enemy not only for the young soldiers killed in battle (and according to statistics, the guys born in the USSR in the period from 1922 to 1926 were completely destroyed by the war), but also for the prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camps languishing in captivity, “ Auschwitz”, “Salaspils”, “Majdanek” and many others, where hundreds of thousands of anti-fascists languished in the most difficult conditions of hunger, beatings, and torture.

Screening of a fragment from the film “State Border”.

Student 3.– On June 22, 1941 at 12 o’clock the Soviet government addressed the people by radio. The appeal spoke about the attack of Nazi Germany on our country, ending with the words “The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!"

Students perform a song based on the tune “Blue Handkerchief”.

June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock,
Kyiv was bombed, they told us
That the war has begun!
Peacetime is over
It's time for us to part,
I'm leaving and I promise
Be faithful to you forever!

Student 4.- And here are the words with which Metropolitan Sergius of Moscow and Kolomna, the head of the Orthodox Church in Russia, addressed the people on the same day: “Fascist robbers attacked our Motherland. Trampling all sorts of treaties and promises, they suddenly fell upon us, and now the blood of civilians is already irrigating our native land.

But this is not the first time that the Russian people have had to endure such tests. With God's help, this time too he will scatter the fascist enemy force into dust. Our ancestors did not lose heart even in worse situations, because they remembered not about personal dangers and benefits, but about the sacred duty to the Motherland and faith and emerged victorious.

Let us not disgrace their glorious name, and we, the Orthodox, are relatives to them in the flesh and in the faith. The Fatherland is defended by weapons and a common national feat, a common readiness to serve the Fatherland in difficult times of testing with everything that everyone can...

Let us remember the holy leaders of the Russian people, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, who laid down their souls for the people and the Motherland. And it wasn’t only the leaders who did this. Let us remember the countless thousands of simple Orthodox warriors, whose unknown names the Russian people immortalized in their glorious legend about the heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich, who utterly defeated the Nightingale the Robber.”

Listening to the song “Khatyn” performed by the ensemble “Pesnyary”.

Student 2.– On the sunny morning of March 22, 1943, a large detachment of punitive forces surrounded the Belarusian village of Khatyn in a dense ring. All residents - men, women, old people, children - were kicked out of their houses by the punitive forces. And then, at gunpoint, everyone was herded into a large barn. Consumed by horror, people stood huddled closely together. What were the executioners up to? And suddenly a flame broke out. The Nazis set fire to the barn. People rushed to the wooden gates of the barn and began beating with their feet and shoulders, asking for help and mercy to be let out. The men piled on the doors, the gates swung open. Automatic fire from the punitive forces killed everyone who tried to escape from the fire.

Together:“THIS IS WHAT FASCISM IS! We can’t let this happen again!!!”

Showing a fragment from a film about Khatyn.

Student 1.“The Nazis plundered the houses and burned the entire village to the ground. Khatyn was wiped off the face of the earth. 149 people died in the fire, including 76 children. A narrow path leads to a large clearing. There was a village here. And now, in place of the burned huts, there are monolithic pillars resembling black chimneys. They have bronze bells. Their sad chime sounds like a reminder of the horrors of fascism. And a huge slab with the words carved: “Good people, remember, we loved life, And the Motherland, and you, dear ones. We burned alive in the fire. Our request to everyone: let grief and sadness turn into courage and strength, so that you can perpetuate peace and tranquility on earth, so that nowhere and never will it die in a whirlwind of fires!”

14. Song “Enemies burned their home” M. Blanter M. Isakovsky.

Student 2.

Enemies burned his home, killed his entire family,
Where should the soldier go now, to whom should he carry his sorrow?
The soldier went in deep grief to the crossroads of two roads.
He found a soldier in a wide field, a hillock overgrown with grass.
The soldier stands, and like lumps are stuck in his throat.
The soldier said: “Meet, Praskovya, your husband’s hero.
Prepare a treat for the guest, set a wide table in the hut,
I came to celebrate my day, my holiday of returning to you.”
No one answered the soldier, no one met him,
And only the warm summer wind shook the grave grass.

All together: “THIS IS WHAT FASCISM IS!”

Students perform the song “Muscovites” by A. Eshpai and E. Vinokurov.

Screening of a fragment from the film “The Ballad of a Soldier.”

Student 4.– The first fascist organizations appeared in the spring of 1919 in Italy in the form of paramilitary squads. In October 1922, the fascists, who had become a major political force, staged an armed “march on Rome”, which resulted in the appointment of October 31, 1922. The Prime Minister was the head of the fascists (“Duce”) B. Mussolini. Over the next 4 years, political freedoms were gradually eliminated, and the omnipotence of the fascist party elite was established.

Fascism appeared in Germany immediately after the end of the First World War. In its most concentrated form, fascism received a real embodiment in Nazi Germany, where racism, mass terror and aggression were justified in ideology, legalized in legislation and implemented in the criminal policy and practice of the state.

Student 5.– Having come to power at the beginning of 1933, when on January 30 the leader of the National Socialist Party Hitler was appointed head of the Imperial Government of Germany, the Nazis immediately began to establish comprehensive total control over the state, society and the individual.

The Nazis in Germany instilled the ideology of racism and exclusivity of the “Aryan” race, the extermination of racially “inferior” peoples, the conquest of “living space” and the establishment of world domination of the Third Reich.

The means to achieve these goals were mass terror, genocide, concentration camps, emergency and special courts, militarism and wars of aggression.

They indiscriminately classified Jews, regardless of their nationality, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians and representatives of the nationalities of Eastern peoples as “inferior”; the concentration camps created in Germany at the beginning of 1933, the first in Buchenwald and Dachau, were subsequently covered with a dense network of not only its territory, but also the occupied countries. By the end of the war, their number, together with their branches, amounted to about 10,000. The concentration camps were turned by the Nazis into special “institutions” designed for the organized, systematic murder of millions of people. Of the 18 million European citizens who passed through fascist concentration camps for various purposes, more than 11 million people were exterminated.

All together: “THIS IS WHAT FASCISM IS!”

Student 6.– In the occupied territories, along with human lives, the Nazis just as barbarically destroyed and destroyed historical and architectural monuments, plundered works of art, and sought to destroy the material culture of entire peoples.

Hitler's fascism, like a plague, threatened the very existence of humanity and its civilization. The Soviet Union suffered the greatest loss of life in World War II. The victims of the Great Patriotic War, which lasted 1418 days and nights, were 26 million 549 thousand people - soldiers and officers, civilians - killed, died of hunger, died of deprivation. 12 million people died from hunger and epidemics.

All together: “THIS IS WHAT FASCISM IS!”

Student 1.– The peoples of Russia made a decisive contribution to the defeat of fascism, in liberating humanity from fascist enslavement and genocide. Any manifestations of fascism in our country, regardless of the reasons that give rise to them, are completely unacceptable and must be stopped at the root.

Student 2.– The years of fascist invasions were terrible years of violence and terror. Humanity cannot, does not have the right to forget the atrocities of the Nazis, their monstrous crimes committed in the Soviet Union, Poland, France and other European countries.

Student 3.– Humanity cannot and does not have the right to forget death camps, bonfires of living people. That is why today we are once again turning to the lessons of the terrible years of fascism. We learn from mistakes, but we can repeat such serious mistakes that cost millions of human lives.

Student 4.– Turning to the history of the fight against fascism helps to understand who and what is the main driving force of fascism, under what circumstances and in what historical conditions the fascist movement arises, what is the essence and nature of fascist regimes, what forces oppose fascism and how it should be fought.

Student 1.– Any manifestations of fascism in our country, regardless of the reasons that give rise to them, are completely unacceptable and must be nipped in the bud, so that God forbid, a terrible tragedy does not happen again!

Speech by Mikhail Dmitrievich Chubarev, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, member of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Northern Veterans Council, to the school students - “What fascism was preparing.” As a boy, Mikhail Dmitrievich, like all the children of the war era, ran to the front. He was returned. And only when he turned 17 years old did he go to the front, crediting himself with one year. He fought in the 2nd Guards Tatsin Tank Corps. During the war I learned to play the button accordion. He loves music very much.

Student 2.

What a terrible word war!
This is hunger, death and destruction,
It's hard for us today to understand
What is ocmukha bread?
We know about her from stories,
Many civilians died.
Enough! Enough victims on the planet,
We are a generation of peaceful children!
We will not allow war again
Stand up against fascism too!!!

(students of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 939)

Performance of the "Russian Anthem".



1. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TOPIC……………………………………………………...…..4-5

2. People should know - WHAT IS “FASCISM”…………………………6-7

3. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION……………………………………………………..8





A significant date for our people is approaching - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.And in Russia, and Belarus, and in other parts of the formerly united and large country that saved all of Europe, the whole world from fascismMay 9, 2015 we will celebrate the yearVICTORY DAY over Hitler's Germany.

The contribution of Kursk residents to the victory of our people over Nazi Germany is significant. During the Great Patriotic War, 500 thousand residents of the region fought in the active army, 263 Kursk residents were awarded the “Hero of the Soviet Union” star for military feats, 75 thousand were awarded military orders and medals, 58 Kursk residents became full holders of the Order of Glory. On our soil in August 1943, victory was won in the greatest battle of the Second World War - the Battle of Kursk.

Unfortunately,Attempts continue to reshape the history of the war, to belittle the importance of the Soviet people and the Red Army in the defeat of Nazi Germany, and to rehabilitate fascism.

According to Russian and foreign political scientists, unfortunately, the planet has not become safer.

Events in Ukraine this year have affected our generation. News on TV are reports from the sites of the tragedy of the war. We see that in the 21st century people defend their cities and villages with the words: “Fascism will not pass.”

Project “No to fascism!” was not born by chance, but as a result of observations of peers and patriotic education in our school. Events dedicated to Victory Day, where young people are brought by schools and other educational institutions, leave a mark on the soul and pass through the heart. Over the course of 11 years of studying at the Kastoreni school, at events dedicated to Victory Day, we did not see a single indifferent face from schoolchildren, teachers, or parents. For the people of our village, this holiday is sacred. The first lesson in first grade is PEACE Lesson! We and our friends were taken to the Museum of Military Glory.

Such events helped our children understand that they are all children and grandchildren of the Winners, that their task is to prevent the revival of fascism, which brings grief, destruction and death, so that the memory of the great feat of our people is not erased!


On the eve of the great Victory Day, our 11th “A” class takes on the patriotic project “No to fascism!” It was not in vain that our grandfathers and even grandmothers fought against this evil on a global scale, and we thank them and bow to them for this, for the fact that it was eradicated and destroyed in due time. But, unfortunately, the current generation has not been able to maintain the fragile equilibrium and balance of this weak, but still, peace on earth.

People must unite. By carrying out anti-fascist projects, we will defeat fascism and eradicate it through joint efforts.

To begin with, we would like to define what fascism is and what needs to be fought, and most importantly, by what methods? Fascism is a generalized name for political forces and social movements based on their rules and principles. The main principle of fascism is the superiority of one nation over another. A kind of dominance of one force of society over another. That is, in essence, totalitarianism, unconditional submission.

Caring, active young people were invited to take part in the project, all those whose families were affected by the Great Patriotic War, who honor their ancestors, who want to save from oblivion the memory of those who lived and fought against death, the millions of victims of fascism, who do not want to put up with the manifestation of fascism Nowadays.

The size is amazing and frighteningthe grin of Nazism!

We can draw posters on anti-fascist themes, we can write essays and poems for publication in the media, membersmilitary-patrioticclub "Memory"School students take care of mass graves, we take part in memory runs. When we are united, we are invincible!

Therefore we set for ourselves

target project: To form an irreconcilable attitude of the younger generation and youth towards fascism.

We define the following

project objectives:
- Study the history of fascist crimes;

To help understand the tragedy of the World Wars and foster a humane attitude towards people,

To save from oblivion the memory of those who lived and fought against death, the millions of victims of fascism.

To promote the formation of pride in people who managed to survive and win during the Great Patriotic War;
-Form a tolerant consciousness, carry out preventive prevention of national extremism;
- Continue to search for a strategy for the consent of people of different nationalities with different views and beliefs;
- Honor the memory of millions of victims of Nazism;
- Teach to understand the importance of jointly opposing such phenomena as ethnic cleansing, racism and anti-Semitism.

Contribute to the formation of an irreconcilable attitude towards fascism and neo-fascism.

    People need to know - WHAT IS “FASCISM”

In a narrow historical sense, fascism is understood as a mass political movement that existed in the beginning under the leadership of

In world historiography, fascism also refers to the regime, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian variants of fascism and their derivatives, political movements in countries. In historiography, Russia and countries, as well as the works of a number of Western researchers , German is often also classified as fascism.

Recently, in the specialized literature, it has been widely discussed by an English researcher as"palingenetic ultranationalism" , suggesting that in its mythological core fascist ideology is aimed not at the revival of the nation (like other nationalist-populist ideologies), but at its"re-creation" This concept, according to , can be considered more or less accepted today in the English-speaking scientific community. At the same time, according to the same author, the post-Soviet Russian interpretation of fascism has undergone fragmentation, and the use of the term “fascism” in public discourse suffers from “hyperinflation”. identifies at least 4 different trends in the interpretation of the concept of “fascism”. Namely:

    publicists who still support more or less modified versions of the standard Soviet definition of fascism.

    publicists who interpret this term too freely and call a wide range of authoritarian and nationalist movements “fascist”.

    close to Western interpretations of the term, such as Valery Mikhailenko, Valentin Bukhanov, etc. Galkin combined his previous

    assessments of fascism in the condensed definition of “right-wing conservative revolutionism.” This fourth school is largely in agreement with comparative studies of neo-fascism in the West.

In addition, there is a tendency for a psychological and psychophysiological interpretation of the concept of “fascism” , substantiating the understanding of fascism as a pathological deviation in mass and/or individual consciousness. An Austrian psychologist, forced to leave Europe during the Nazi years, determined that “there are German, Italian, Spanish, Anglo-Saxon, Jewish and Arab fascism” .

According to the American philosopher, the main feature of fascism is the creation of a cult of hatred towards an internal or external enemy, created by a powerful propaganda apparatus that does not disdain lies to create the desired effect.


History has already taught us a lesson and shown how evil this is. In light of the latest events in Ukraine, we were given to understand that evil does not sleep! And we must fight it, but how? Studying public opinion in the media, talking with teachers and veterans, we come across various options for solving the problem. Here are some of them:

It seems to me that one of the effective methods is this society, which our current authorities are so afraid to arm, but should be armed at least a little, from the statistics of other countries it is clear that in those countries where there are firearms in the hands of the population, the overall crime rate is less, since not every thief or robber will rob or steal a house in which there is an owner with a weapon. In this regard, if it concerns Russia, serious changes in legislation are required, namely, it is very much necessary to change federal laws on weapons and on their circulation among civilians, which should be thought out at the level of the State Duma so that we do not get the opposite effect as in America, for example. , where weapons fall into hands that, unfortunately, do not always have a healthy head.

But historical experience has shown: EVIL CARES ONLY EVIL!

The size is amazing and frighteningthe grin of Nazism! How can schoolchildren help adults solve such big problems?

We draw posters on anti-fascist themes, write essays and poems for publication in the media, membersmilitary-patrioticclub "Memory"Every year they organize various actions and events, keep a memory watch, participate in excavations in the Khomutovsky and Kursk regions, excursions to memorable places where battles with the Nazi invaders took place.School students take care of mass graves, we take part in memory runs.

When we are united, we are invincible!

Most schools abandoned such an educational institution as the pioneer organization. Our pioneers did not stop their activities even in the nineties.
The pioneer organization fits well with the realities of today. Modern children should respect their elders and take care of older people, and preserve traditions.

Photo 1.

At the BATTLE PIONEER BANNER we were accepted as pioneers.

Our pioneer detachments bear the names of the heroes who defended Kastornoye during the Great Patriotic War, and every year they prove their right to do so with good deeds.
School teams visit veterans and help with housework. So, on the day of the liberation of Kastornoye from the Nazi invaders (January 28), the pioneers carried out the operation “Good morning, Kastornoye!” While the village was sleeping, students cleared snow from mass graves and paths near houses where veterans live.

Then each of them is congratulated on the holiday and given handmade crafts and postcards. The guys look after mass graves, plant flowers that they grow themselves, and stand on guard of honor.

The school museum also needs the care of students. There are about five thousand evidence of the military glory of the Kastorians and their defenders from all over the former USSR in the museum.A special place is occupied by the personal belongings of soldiers and front-line letters, photographs, memories of veterans, originals and copies of front-line newspapers “For the Motherland”.In their letters, the soldiers said that they would return home aftervictories over the fascist monsters.

Newspapers are historical documents, evidence of those years.

From them we learn about atrocities

Fascists in those distant years.

Our teachers and parents collected materials from the school No. 1 museum.

The main exhibit of the museum is the Pioneer Combat Banner, which the soldiers of the 1023rd Infantry Regiment of the 307th Infantry Division of the 13th Army marched along the battle route from Kastorny to Koenigsberg.

And it was like that. On January 28, 1943, during the liberation of the village, a pioneer banner was discovered in the basement of one of the destroyed houses, hidden by someone’s caring hand. The soldiers of the 1023rd Infantry Regiment of the 307th Division, taking it with them to the regiment next to the combat one, vowed to carry it until complete victory over the fierce enemy. And they fulfilled their oath. Having liberated the lands of the Kursk and Bryansk regions, Belarus and Poland, it rose to one of the highest forts in Koenigsberg. In August 1945, he returned to the school's pioneer squad, a symbol of victory for many generations of schoolchildren. This banner is the only one in Russia.

Our parents and teachers have been involved in search work at school since the 60s. The accumulated material is presented in several exhibitions: the history of the formation of the village, the history of the school, the fate of the 284th Infantry Division, which defended Kastornoye in July 1942, and much more. By the way, the museum houses the only pioneer combat banner in the country, which was found in the village by soldiers of the 1023rd Infantry Regiment, carried to Konigsberg and returned back to the Kastorians. Now this honorary symbol of victory has become a school relic.
I would also like to say a word about the military-patriotic club and search organization. About how every year the guys organize various promotions and events, keeping a vigil of memory. About how we went to excavations in the Khomutovsky and Kursky districts and on excursions to memorable places where battles with the Germans took place... The “Candle of Memory” action has become a tradition. ! Concerned, active young people were invited to take part in the action, all those whose families were affected by the Great Patriotic War, who honor their ancestors, who want to save from oblivion the memory of those who lived and fought against death, the millions of victims of fascism, who do not want to put up with the manifestation of fascism Nowadays. The gathering of participants was scheduled at the Mass Graves in the center of the village.

I would like to note that the guys did everything with desire, interest, and in an organized manner. Everyone holds a candle in their hand. The guys read loudly, heartfeltly, with a sense of responsibility and patriotism.

The dramatic atmosphere does not make the children sad, but makes them listen carefully and encourages them to want to become part of this action. A minute of silence. Laying flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers in the war against the fascist invaders, night salute to Victory. The culmination of the Action is the installation of burning candles. It turns out very beautiful. The guys are serious, solemn, proud. The most delicate strings of the soul are touched, absolutely everyone participates, no one stands on the sidelines indifferently.


Action plank “No to fascism!” initially high. It is important to place the accents correctly. The implementation of such projects helps us understand that we are all children and grandchildren of the Winners, that ourThe goal is to prevent the revival of fascism , bringing grief, destruction and death, so that the memory of the great feat of our people is not erased!
The most delicate strings of the soul are touched, absolutely everyone participates, no one stands on the sidelines indifferently.

We implemented the project “No to Fascism!” In 2013, they actively participated in the festival “Dawn of Victory - Kursk Bulge!” We prepared and published photo reports about the work of the Pamyat military-industrial complex. Our crafts for

On the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk they became prize-winners in district, regional, and international competitions and events. Such as “Collecting toys for children of Ukraine”, “Childhood without borders”, “Grenadiers! Forward!”, “Salute, Victory!”.

Poems, essays about the war, embroidered towels for memorable dates became our small contribution to such a significant event as the fight against fascism. (See Attachment). We are participants in all events held in schools, villages, and districts aimed at educating young people against fascism. The work done helped us achieve our goals.

We studied the history of fascist crimes.

We are proud of our veterans who managed to survive and win during the Great Patriotic War.

We believe that it is necessary to continue the search for a strategy for the consent of people of different nationalities with different views and beliefs;

We preserve the memory of millions of victims of Nazism;
We learned to understand the importance of jointly opposing such phenomena as ethnic cleansing, racism and anti-Semitism.

We contribute to the formation of an irreconcilable attitude towards fascism and neo-fascism.


RIA News

RIA News


We are members of the military-industrial complex "Memory". We will tell and show you about the work of our military-patriotic club in our photo report.

At the excavations

Laying flowers. "Memory Watch"

Meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Changing of the Guard

We are participants in the actions. We are against fascism. We are against violence.

We believe that the work of the military-patriotic club gives each of us the opportunity to grow up as true patriots who love their country, their village, to better know the history of our people, who in different years defended the independence of our Motherland. We are confident that the guys who were members of the club in different years of its activity will respect veterans and old people, monuments and obelisks.

A minute of silence. Memory of the victims of fascism.

"The Nightingale's Prayer"

Head: Kovantseva Elena Vladimirovna

MKOU "Kastoreni Secondary School No. 1"

Kastornoye village, Kursk region, technology teacher, 2-16-31

70 years old and more-

Let the years fly by

But the birches remember and the birches cry

Hearing the Kursk Nightingale.

Let's remember everyone by name

Those underKursk lies.

Prokhorovka as a shrine

Every Kuryanin honors.

Traces of the battle remain here

The one that decided the outcome of the war.

We will never forgive the fascists

Our trampled land.

Under Kastornaya and Ponyry

They shed blood

Those who wanted in the evenings

Listen to bird choirs.

And the nightingales sang

About the world, about home, dreams...

(Heard them before the fight

On the Fiery Kursk Bulge.)

In my thoughts and letters,

Those who wrote home……..

Image of spring, peaceful life

Saved for you and me.

With your chest against tanks -

German steel "Tigers"

We stood up, believing in Victory

Saints of the forties.

Souls of soldiers, mother's tears

The bird is no more than a sparrow.....

Even the birch trees whisper prayers

Hearing the Kursk Nightingale.

Embroidered souvenirs for the 70th Anniversary of the Victory on the Kursk Bulge.

Class hour “No to Fascism!”

Appendix No. 2


I,________________________________________________________________(full name),

residing at _____________________________________________________, Passport No. ____________issued (by whom and when)________________________________

I am the legal representative of the minor _________________ (full name) on the basis of Art. 64 clause 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

I hereby give my consent to the processing of personal data of my minor child _______________________________________ related to exclusively to the categories of personal data listed below:

    Full Name;

    Date of Birth;

    place of primary study;

    creative work of the child.

I consent to the use of my child’s personal data exclusively for the following purposes:

    participation in regional and all-Russian competitions and exhibitions;

    publication in a collection of the winners' works in the media.

This consent is provided for the employees of the regional budgetary educational institution of additional education for children, the Regional Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education of Children and Students, to carry out the following actions in relation to the child’s personal data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use (only for the above purposes), distribution (including transfer to third parties - the Committee of Education and Science of the Kursk Region, public organizations, the Administration of the Kursk Region, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as carrying out any other actions with personal data provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. I consent to the processing of the child’s personal data using both manual and automated processing methods.

This Consent is valid until the goals of processing personal data are achieved in the regional budgetary educational institution of additional education for children, the Regional Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education of Children and Students, or until this Consent is revoked. This Consent may be revoked at any time upon my written request.

I confirm that by giving this consent, I am acting of my own free will and in the interests of the child, whose legal representative I am.

Date: __.__._____ Signature: ____________ (_________________)

For parents. For adoptive parents “Art. Art. 64 clause 1, 137 clause 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation”, guardians – “Article 15 clause 2 of the Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship””, trustees – “Art. 15 clause 3. Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”.

“Hitler's Fascism” - Inhabitants of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp extract clay for bricks. Review of the Fuhrer's personal guard - SS troops. Emotional resonance. Ruins of Berlin. Forced displacement of the population from the occupied territory. Typical Nazi family. Deportation. Fascism is a socio-political movement that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century.

“Fascism in Germany” - The desire to create a totalitarian state. Reverence for violence. Ban of all political parties (except NSDAP). Extreme aggressiveness - the desire to achieve world domination. Activities of the fascist government: Preparation for war: General history 9th grade. A. Hitler became Reich Chancellor. Elimination of bourgeois-democratic freedoms.

“Fascism” - 1919 - The National Socialist German Party becomes the leader of the fascist forces. Fascism in Germany and Italy. Activities of the fascist government. Characteristic features of fascism. The emergence of fascism in Germany. Leader - A. Hitler. On January 20, 1933, A. Hitler became Reich Chancellor. Features of the economy of Nazi Germany.

“Fascism in Italy” - Conclusion. The brutal morality of Nazism: “The Russian must die for us to live.” 1941 What was hidden under the mask of rebellious emotions and reactionary social ideas? The ideology of Italian and German fascism. Parade of the fascist youth organization. Poster "Jews are our misfortune." Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev.

“The subject of sociology” - Sociologism (E. Durkheim’s term) is based on theoretical principles. The society is characterized by magical thinking, dogmatism and collectivism. Social status is the position occupied by an individual in society. Social aspects of global problems. Desocialization is unlearning old values, norms, roles and rules of behavior.

“Storm of Koenigsberg” - Now in the heat of July thunderstorms, Autumn peals. April 6-9, 1945. The rising sun seemed to have dimmed. Presentation. The Konigsberg garrison included 5 divisions and separate fortress units. Not all spring is over, I still have to be happy. May our springs be behind us, May our grandchildren's hopes live on. Assault on Königsberg.