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Recommendations and tips for planting and caring for Chinese lobo radish. Loba, Chinese radish, Margelan radish - annual or biennial vegetable root plant of the Brassica family Loba Chinese red how to get seeds

If the Japanese radish, or daikon, is now cultivated by many gardeners, then the Chinese radish (loba) still remains a great garden rarity in the garden and in stores.

Among Chinese radishes, varieties with whole leaves predominate. Loba root vegetables come in a wide variety of shapes and colors - from round to cylindrical, with white, light green or red skin. But in the upper part of the head, the root vegetables are always colored intense green. The pulp of root vegetables ranges in color from white to pink-red. The weight of the root crop ranges from 0.5-1 kg or more.

The root vegetables of Chinese radish occupy an intermediate position in taste between daikon and European varieties of radish; their pulp has a slightly pungent taste. In terms of taste, many of its varieties are close to radishes. Loba root vegetables are stored better than daikon, but worse than winter varieties of European radish.

Loba is a more heat-loving crop than its northern relatives, demanding soil fertility, moisture and light. Its varieties have a longer growing season than daikon varieties, but ripen earlier than European radish varieties. It is sown both in spring and summer (mostly). When sown in spring, it is prone to stemming, but when grown in autumn, it does not form flower stalks and produces a very high yield of root crops.

The soil for growing loba is prepared in the same way as for other root crops. The soil must be well filled with organic fertilizers (compost, humus), 1 bucket per 1 square meter. meter on light fertile soils and 2 buckets per 1 sq. meter on heavy clay soils. But fresh manure cannot be applied under it. It is introduced only under the previous crop. The depth of digging the soil must be at least 30 cm. On acidic soils, slaked lime must be added. In low-lying areas, loba is best grown on ridges and beds.

As for fertilizers, before sowing, it is better to apply complete mineral fertilizer or nitrophoska, 1 teaspoon per 1 square meter. meter. But it’s even better to use complex fertilizers Kemira-lux or Kemira-universal-2, which contain not only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also all the microelements necessary for plants.

The maximum yield of loba root crops is obtained when sowing seeds at the beginning of the first ten days of July. At this time, growing conditions are most favorable for most loba varieties. In this case, the soil must be well watered and mulched after sowing. And if you want to plant loba for the winter, then it must be sown at the end of the first ten days of July. The latest date for sowing loba is mid-July, but such root crops in this case will be small.

The yield and size of root crops largely depend on the seed sowing pattern. Practice has proven that the most optimal scheme for sowing loba seeds in beds 110 cm wide in 4 rows with a distance between them of 30-35 cm. Seeds are sown in nests of 2-3 pieces to a depth of 2 cm. And another feature of loba is on in the garden bed it gives a higher yield than on a flat surface.

To speed up seed germination, the bed is covered with a film, which is removed when seedlings appear. They appear after 6-7 days, and when sown with soaked seeds in moist soil - after five days. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, plants are thinned 15 cm apart, and for large-fruited varieties - up to 18 cm.

When the root crop reaches a diameter of 3-4 cm, the plants must be fed with mullein solution or ash. On rich soils, for early varieties of loba, 1-2 feedings are enough, and for winter varieties, 3-4 feedings with an interval of 10-12 days.

Root crops are harvested before frost. Early loba is harvested selectively in dry weather as it ripens, and winter varieties are harvested in succession. For root crops intended for storage, it is better not to trim the tops, but to tear them off by twisting, leaving a petiole 1.5 - 2 cm long. In cold cellars, winter loba varieties are well stored until the end of winter, and the root crops remain as juicy as if they had just been freshly picked removed from the garden.

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Loba (lat. Raphanus sativus)– an annual or biennial crop, which is one of the varieties of seed radish and belongs to the widespread Brassica family. It also has other names - Margelan or Chinese radish.


In most basic parameters, loba is similar to daikon. However, loba has a longer growing season. It often takes a year to develop, and sometimes even two (most often this is exactly what happens). In the first year of life, loba usually develops from ten to fifteen rosette leaves and small root vegetables weighing from three hundred grams to half a kilogram. And the flowering of loba and the formation of seeds can be observed only in the second year of its life. As for annuals, their full development cycle manages to fit into one growing season.

The vast majority of loba varieties are characterized by a much larger mass of root crops than ordinary European radish varieties. And the shape of root crops, depending on the varieties, can vary greatly - it can be either spindle-shaped or oval, or standard round. And the color of root vegetables can differ noticeably: there is purple, red, green, yellowish, white loba or loba with a huge number of a wide variety of transitional shades and tones. However, the pulp of root vegetables, which can be reddish, greenish or white, also boasts a variety of palette. The variety also affects the duration of the growing season of a given crop, which can vary from seventy to one hundred and twenty days. However, loba of all varieties requires systematic watering.

Since there is much less rare oil in the lobe than in its European relatives, it has a less pungent and bitter taste. And in taste it is more similar not to radish, but to the well-known radish.

Where does it grow?

The largest loba plantations are located in Uzbekistan, Japan and Korea with China. In addition, this crop is actively grown in the Far East. And the most popular varieties are currently considered “Crimson Ball” and “Elephant Tusk”.


Loba is quite suitable for consumption both fresh and as part of a wide variety of dishes: it can be boiled, salted, pickled and fried. Loba dishes will not cause any harm to your figure, because the calorie content of this product is only 20 kcal for every 100 g.

The fiber contained in these interesting root vegetables helps to increase intestinal motility, which in turn helps to quickly cope with constipation. And the essential oils in loba are endowed with a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect; accordingly, the systematic use of this root vegetable gradually inhibits the active life of various pathogenic microorganisms that have settled in the vastness of the gastrointestinal tract.

Among other things, loba also boasts an excellent choleretic effect, and therefore it brings many benefits for diseases of the gallbladder and liver. It also helps greatly with low acidity of gastric juice.

For various inflammatory and cold-related ailments, it is recommended to drink root juice (always freshly squeezed). This juice also helps a lot with arthritis and radiculitis. You can use it to remove small pebbles or sand from the liver and kidneys - to do this, take a quarter glass of loba juice twice a day.


Eating too much loba is extremely undesirable (especially fresh) - it is fraught with increased gas formation, bloating and some other troubles with the digestive system. And for people with duodenal or gastric ulcers, the forehead is generally contraindicated.

In early spring, the happy owners of summer cottages and garden plots begin to plan which vegetable crops to plant on their 6 acres. When going shopping in search of the necessary seeds, many gardeners and summer residents come across bags with various names that are unfamiliar to them. Few people know about the vegetable crop Chinese Lobo radish. This is not surprising - after all, almost no one knows about this rare guest in our area.

History of the variety's creation

If we trace the history of the creation of radish as a vegetable crop, we would like to note that this root crop was grown in their fields by farmers of ancient Egypt. Subsequently, the vegetable successfully “migrated” to other countries, and with the development of agriculture, more and more new varieties of this popular, simple plant began to appear. In European countries, radish cultivation began in the 12th century. In distant China, one of the varieties has long been cultivated - Lobo radish.

Chinese beauty – Lobo radish

Characteristics and Features

Chinese radish is a mini-storehouse of nutrients and microelements. A root vegetable weighing 100 g has a low calorie content of 21 kcal. This popular vegetable contains a large “vitamin” group.

The red pulp of the vegetable is considered a feature of the Lobo vegetable crop

Table of names of useful substances and vitamins of Chinese radish:

Squirrels1.2 gVitamin B32.2 mg
Carbohydrates4.1 gVitamin A10 mcg
Ash0.8 gVitamin B1 (thiamine)0.8 mg
Mono-disaccharides0.2 gVitamin B20.2 mg
Starch0.5 gVitamin B52.2 mg
Vitamin C30 mgVitamin B60.3 mg
Vitamin E2.1 mgBiotin19 mcg

Chinese radish belongs to the cross-pollinated cabbage family. The vegetable can be planted in early spring or planted for the winter. The root vegetable contains trace elements of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, and sulfur necessary for the human body. Iron, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, copper, manganese and selenium are also present. One small root vegetable of the Lobo radish has such a rich vitamin arsenal.

Description of the variety:

  1. The leaves are entire, lobed, dissected into lateral lobes, in numbers from 3 to 12 pairs. A leaf rosette can have from 10 to 15 leaves;
  2. Mature root vegetables have a flat-round, oval or cylindrical shape. There are varieties with an elongated cylindrical shape;
  3. The taste of Lobo radish is mildly spicy, with dense and juicy pulp. It reminds us a little of the familiar daikon or radish;
  4. The color of a mature Lobo radish can be white, green, red, violet or purple;
  5. When ripe, the weight of the root crop reaches from 300 g to 10 kg;
  6. Radish skin can be green or white;
  7. The height of the branched stem reaches 1 meter;
  8. The plant blooms with small flowers of white, pink, and purple shades. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences;
  9. After flowering, instead of flowers, pod-shaped, cylindrical fruits with large oval-shaped and brown seeds are formed.

Collected seeds remain viable for 4 to 6 years.

Green skin of Chinese radish

Growing and care

The agricultural technology for growing radish is simple: the plant grows well in sunny areas, but also tolerates slight shading. The ideal place for planting radishes is in combined beds, which are exposed to direct sunlight during the long daylight hours, followed by slight partial shade.

If we talk about the peculiarities of growing the root crop, then it should be noted that it is cold-resistant, like its close “relative” - the radish.


The seeds of the plant grow at an outside temperature of +2 to +3 degrees Celsius. Radish seedlings tolerate return spring frosts well. When ripe, root vegetables can remain in the ground even at temperatures from -5 to -6 degrees. The optimal growing temperature for Chinese radish is similar to the common radish and ranges from +18 to +20 degrees. Hotter weather makes root vegetables firm with dry and slightly bitter flesh.

Caring for radish crops is not much different from the traditional one: timely loosening of the soil, protection from weeds and, most importantly, abundant watering. The fact is that the vegetable needs abundant watering during the period of pouring root vegetables, otherwise the pulp will be dry and tasteless. This is the peculiarity of caring for Chinese radish.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The undoubted advantages of Chinese radish include:

  1. Excellent taste of juicy pulp and subtle pleasant aroma;
  2. Lobo radish has virtually no contraindications for use;
  3. The root crop, like potatoes, is stored in cellars and preserves well until spring;
  4. Chinese radish is a very useful product from a medical point of view. Regular consumption of fresh food and after cooking helps in the prevention of many diseases;
  5. The root vegetable contains few calories, which allows you to consume it without fear of gaining extra pounds.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this variety, it should be noted that at the stage of early shoots the vegetable can be affected by the cabbage flea beetle. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out treatment with approved pesticides, which can negatively affect the environmental friendliness of the vegetable.


Loba (Raphanus sativus L.convar. lobo Sazon. et Stankev. var. lobo listen)) - a variety of radish. Cultivated for food consumption.


Root crop of loba variety Margelanskaya
Scientific classification
International scientific name

Raphanus sativus var. lobo Sazonova & Stank., 1985

In 1971, the plant was described as a group of cultivars of Raphanus sativus convar. lobo Sazonova, in 1985 the plant was reclassified and described as a variety of radish: Raphanus sativus var. lobo Sazonova & Stank.

In Russia, as of 2015, 21 varieties were registered, but only two are widespread: “Elephant Tusk” and “Margelanskaya”.

origin of name

Biological description

Loba is similar in a number of biological characteristics to daikon, but there are also differences - first of all, it has a longer growing season. Plant development can take one or two years. In the first year, a rosette of 10-15 leaves and a root crop weighing 300-500 g is formed; in the second year, the plant blooms and produces seeds. With a one-year cycle, all phases of development pass in one year. The growing season is 70-120 days. The shape of root crops, depending on the variety, can be round, oval, or elongated. On the outside, the roots are white, green, red in different shades, and purple. The pulp is also of different colors: white, green, red. Contains little rare oil and is practically devoid of bitter-spicy aftertaste, the taste is close to


So, Chinese lobo radish. It can also be found under the name Margelan. Lobo radish is still a rare guest in our gardens.

Lobo (Raphanus sativus L.convar. lobo Sazon. et Stankev. var. lobo) is a variety of radish. Cultivated for food consumption.

In 1971, the plant was described as a group of cultivars of Raphanus sativus L. convar. lobo Sazonova, in 1985 the plant was reclassified and described as a variety of radish: Raphanus sativus L. var. lobo Sazonova & Stank.

In Russia, as of 2015, 21 varieties are registered, but only two are widespread: “Elephant Tusk” and “Margelanskaya”.

Lobo is similar in a number of biological characteristics to daikon, but there are also differences - first of all, it has a longer growing season. Plant development can take one or two years. In the first year, a rosette of 10-15 leaves and a root crop weighing 300-500 g is formed; in the second year, the plant blooms and produces seeds. With a one-year cycle, all phases of development pass in one year. The growing season is 70-120 days. The shape of root crops, depending on the variety, can be round, oval, or elongated. On the outside, the roots are white, green, red in different shades, and purple. The pulp is also of different colors: white, green, red. Contains little radish oil and is practically devoid of bitter-spicy aftertaste; the taste is close to radish. It is consumed fresh, but is also suitable for cooking, salting and pickling. Lobo is cultivated in Central Asia, Japan, Korea and Russia.

Lobo (or loba), as some believe, is superior to our radish in its juiciness, tenderness and taste. It contains less red oil and has almost no spicy taste. The root vegetables of this vegetable contain many vitamins and minerals. They contain enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and essential oils.

Mineral salts should be mentioned separately: 100 g of lobo radish contains up to 17 mg of sodium, 255-1199 mg of potassium, 8 mg of magnesium, 34 mg of calcium, 1.5 mg of iron, 26.4 mg of phosphorus, 8 mg of iodine. Don’t forget about vitamins: vitamin C - 17.2 - 23.2 mg, B3 - 0.18 mg, B1 - 0.033 mg, B6 - 0.06 mg, PP - 0.25 mg, carotene (provitamin A) - 0.023 mg. The inclusion of this vegetable crop in the diet has a beneficial effect on metabolism and digestion, stimulates appetite, and increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile in the body. Loba contains alkaline salts, thanks to which it helps to cleanse the body of those salts that have managed to be deposited in it, and removes excess cholesterol and toxins.

Many varieties of loba have larger root crops than the varieties of European radish that we are accustomed to. Their weight can range from 300 g to 1 kg. The shape of root crops can be different (depending on the variety) - round, oval, cylindrical. The outside of the roots can be colored white, green, purple and various shades of red. But the upper part of the root heads is always colored intense green. Their flesh can also have different colors - white, green, red.

Lobo radish, features:

The weight of its root crop can reach about 500 g or more. The shape of the root crops can be round and elongated, and the color can be light or dark green, pink-red, lilac-violet. But the upper part of the root vegetable is always rich green.

The taste of the Chinese lobo radish is something between daikon and European radish; its flesh has a mildly pungent taste, dense and juicy.

Lobo root vegetables contain a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), enzymes, essential oils and various minerals. Lobo stimulates appetite and improves metabolic processes in the body.


Lobo radish is sown in late April - early May, choosing cool, cloudy days for this. The second sowing is carried out in the first half of July.

The soil for Chinese lobo radish is prepared in the same way as for other root vegetables. The soil should be well fertilized, but not with fresh manure! Therefore, it is buried under the previous crop, and the rotted crop is fertilized in the fall.

Useful properties of loba:

In the traditions of folk medicine, Margelan radish is used to cleanse the body, as well as to treat many ailments. For example, it helps well with liver problems, preventing the occurrence of such a complex disease as fatty degeneration. In addition, this variety of radish has strong bile and diuretic properties, which is why it is used to cleanse the kidneys and their ducts from sand deposits and small pebbles.

Light salads with Margelan radish are recommended to be consumed regularly before the main meal, as this increases appetite and stimulates the production of gastric juice, due to which food is digested much faster and more completely. As a result, those who adhere to this simple rule have virtually no digestive problems and do not experience intestinal congestion.

Freshly squeezed lobo juice is a very effective remedy for colds. It is also used to treat radiculitis, rubbing it on the affected areas.