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Tomato seedlings - everything to get a real harvest. Tomato seedlings - everything to get a real harvest. For what purpose are tomato seedlings planted?

Growing tomato seedlings at home is a process that requires a lot of time and attention. But later you will be rewarded with a generous harvest. Sowing tomatoes for seedlings begins in late winter or early spring, depending on the region.

Tomatoes are supposed to be sown as seedlings, because they are southern heat-loving plants, and it is the seedling method of cultivation that allows you to get a harvest in a short summer. That’s why we plant tomatoes in the ground as seedlings, not seeds. Their further development and the harvest itself depend on how to plant tomato seedlings. An experienced vegetable grower who knows how to properly plant tomato seedlings first determines the sowing date, then skillfully selects and prepares planting material, as well as suitable dishes. After sowing, you need to grow tomato seedlings at home strong and healthy, so that when the time comes, you can plant tomato seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse.

When to plant

Tomato seedlings are planted in open ground after 45–60 days of growth, when they have grown 20–30 cm, have 5–7 leaves and a flower vine. Knowing the weather conditions of the area, we can assume when in the spring the soil will warm up to +12...+15 °C and the threat of return frosts will disappear. From this time you need to subtract approximately 65 days - this will be the date when growing tomato seedlings is allowed.

In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, sowing begins in winter. In Central Russia, summer residents sow tomatoes for seedlings after March 15, and gardeners in Siberia and the Urals - in the first half of April. If you plan to plant tomato seedlings in the protected soil of a greenhouse, then tomato seedlings at home begin to be grown 20 days earlier. It is better to do sowing during the waxing moon, choosing the appropriate day in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Seed selection and preparation

Preparation of tomato seeds for sowing as seedlings begins several days before a certain date by heating the seeds and determining the degree of their germination. Wherever the seeds were stored before, they should be transferred to a warm room. Many summer residents prefer to keep a gauze bag of seeds near the radiator for a couple of days.

To determine how many seeds will be needed, it is advisable to know their germination percentage. To do this, take a certain number of seeds (the more, the more accurate the forecast will be), soak them in warm water, place them on cotton pads or a soft cloth moistened with water, and keep them near the radiator until sprouts appear. Then the percentage of sprouted seeds is calculated and the required amount of seed is determined, and additionally purchased if necessary.

Next, the seeds are culled by soaking them for a while: seeds that do not settle to the bottom can be thrown away. Usually this selection is carried out simultaneously with preparation, since it still involves soaking the seed. Some gardeners simply soak the seeds in warm, soft water for a day before sowing. This is enough for seeds purchased from a good manufacturer who has already disinfected them. If the seed material was taken from your own reserves or was purchased on the market (without certificates), then you should first hold it for 20–25 minutes in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, and then slightly dry it. You can soak the seeds for a day in an aqueous solution of aloe juice (use equal amounts of water and juice), which will make future plants stronger and have a positive effect on the quality of the harvest. You can keep them for a day in a soda solution (2 g of soda per 1 glass of water), which promotes early fruiting.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

Don't know how to grow tomato seedlings? First of all, you need to prepare comfortable conditions for her: balance of heat and moisture, the right amount of light, fresh air without drafts, suitable dishes. How many days does it take for tomatoes to sprout? The best temperature for sprouting is from +26 to +30 °C; sprouts will appear in 3–5 days. At a temperature of +22...+25 °C, tomatoes will sprout in 7–9 days, at a lower temperature – longer.

Light will not be needed until the sprouts appear, which means the dishes can be stacked on top of each other and kept on the floor near the radiator. But first you need to prepare the soil in which you can plant the seeds. Tomato seedlings grow well in loose, nutritious soil that can retain the required amount of moisture. Humus and turf soil taken in equal parts is a good option, you just need to add sand or sawdust for looseness. You can take black soil, sand and garden soil, sand and high-moor peat, coconut substrate, peat tablets. The main requirement for soil is that the pH value should be 5.5–6.0.

It is advisable to sift the soil through a fine sieve so that its fractions correspond to the size of the seed, otherwise there will be air voids between the small roots and the ground. The soil must also be disinfected before use. To do this, pour it with a hot saturated solution of potassium permanganate, keep it for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 200 °C or a couple of minutes in the microwave at maximum power. After this, the soil is moistened and left for 2 weeks at room temperature.


Tomato seeds are planted in different containers. These can be cassettes, peat tablets or cups, individual pots or boxes. The good thing about peat tablets and cups is that you can do without picking; cassettes on a pallet are convenient for bottom watering; Most summer residents use wooden or plastic boxes to save space. It is enough to take boxes 10 cm high, fill them 2/3 with prepared soil, and moisten it with warm, clean and soft water. Grooves 1–1.5 cm deep are made in the soil at a distance of 3–4 cm from each other.

Prepared seeds are laid out in them and sprinkled with sand, earth or vermiculite. Cover the top of the crop with glass or transparent film and place it near a heat source. After how many days the seedlings sprout depends on the quality of the seed, temperature and humidity level, but immediately after this the glass is removed and the dishes are exposed to light.

Seedling care

How to grow tomato seedlings before planting tomatoes in open ground? It needs to be watered, provided with the right amount of light, sometimes loosen the rows, and regulate the air temperature. As soon as the seeds germinate, the air temperature is reduced to +16 °C for a week so that they do not stretch excessively. But they need to be provided with light around the clock for the first 3–4 days. Then they will need a 12-hour daylight hours, so they will have to supplement the light with a phytolamp, placing it above the box. A week after the first sprouts appear, the temperature regime is set with a daytime temperature of about +22 °C, and at night - +16...+18 °C. It is believed that until the first true leaf appears, seedlings do not need to be watered, but it is better to check the condition of the soil and water if necessary.

You can moisten the soil from above using a syringe (without a needle) or the narrow neck of a watering can so as not to wet the stems. The older the plants, the more moisture they will need. When 2–3 leaves appear, they are watered weekly, and when 5 leaves appear, every 3–4 days. The water should be clean, soft, warm (a couple of degrees warmer than the air).

After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are thinned out so that the distance between plants is at least 5 cm. If there is a shortage of seedlings, they are carefully transplanted into empty spaces. If the seedlings look weak, they do not have enough nutrition, then you can feed them simultaneously with watering with a solution of Agricola Vegeta or another special preparation, but it is advisable to dilute it in a lower concentration than indicated on the package. After picking, you can water the plants with a solution of charcoal, calcium nitrate and urea, and strictly on the ground so as not to burn the greens.


When the plants have their third true leaf, they are collected in separate cups with a volume of at least 0.5 liters. The dishes are filled with the same soil as for sowing, moistened, a depression is made in the middle, and the plant is placed. Some vegetable growers shorten the central root, but others consider this unnecessary, since the root is still injured during transplantation.

So, everyone decides for themselves how to plant correctly. If there are a large number of seedlings, they are picked in groups of 2 plants, folded together, and tied tightly with synthetic thread. When they settle in a new place, they grow up to 15 cm in height, grow together with stems, and pinch off one tip. This creates a strong plant with a double root. Be that as it may, planting tomato seedlings in separate cups greatly weakens them, so the air temperature is increased for several days for easier survival.

Time for planting in the ground

When to plant tomatoes in open ground as seedlings depends on the region. The timing of planting seedlings in the ground varies from April in the south to early June in the north. For summer residents of the central regions of Russia, May is the best time to plant seedlings. It is better to coordinate the days for planting tomatoes in May with the lunar calendar, but you can plant tomatoes in the ground in May if the ground has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. You can plant tomato seedlings in the ground if they have reached 30 cm in height, have 6–7 leaves and a flower vine. 2 weeks before the tomatoes are supposed to be planted, they begin to harden them by taking them outside. Walks begin for a short time: first they place them in the shade, then increase the time, and accustom them to direct sunlight.

How to plant correctly

Before planting tomatoes in the garden bed, it is loosened and moistened, although the main preparation took place in the fall. When planting tomatoes in the ground, the holes are often fertilized by mixing mineral fertilizers with the soil. Tomatoes are planted on a warm, cloudy day. It is even advisable to shade them for the first two days.

Water the seedlings generously to make it easier to remove them from the container. Place it in the prepared holes along with a lump of earth and deepen it to the cotyledon leaves. If the plants are too stretched out on the windowsill, you can plant them even deeper by tearing off a couple of lower leaves and placing them at an angle in the ground. Then new roots will grow from the stem.

Leave 30 cm between bushes of low-growing varieties, and 70 cm between rows. If the bushes grow tall and wide, then leave a gap of at least 60 cm between them, and at least 130 cm between the rows. The planted plants are pressed with earth, watered, and mulched with sawdust. , sand and peat.

Further care of bushes

If planting tomatoes was successful, it still takes several days for the planted seedlings to adapt to the new location.

Next, be sure to remove weeds and loosen the soil after watering. The first time is fertilized 10 days after planting, and then after 2 weeks, if the condition of the soil requires it. Tomatoes require even watering, but not excessive, so as not to provoke fungal diseases. It is necessary to plant the plants in time, and also to form bushes.

Video “Planting tomatoes in open ground”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Your seedlings have grown, and frosts are a thing of the past. This means it’s time to take care of the harvest and plant tomato sprouts in open ground.

To do this, when planting tomato sprouts, you need to follow several rules that will help the seedlings grow better and provide you and your family with tomatoes until the next harvest.

When to plant: determine readiness for planting

There is no need to rush and start sowing in winter, because by the time the germinated seeds are planted in open ground, it will become something unknown. Focus primarily on climatic conditions and tomato variety.

Please pay attention! The optimal time for most regions is mid-March. Long daylight hours and frequent appearance of the sun will “program” tomato sprouts for a high yield.

The optimal “age” is 50–55 days. Since planting takes place at the junction of May and June, the latest date when you can start sowing seeds will be the beginning of April. You can calculate the approximate time frame yourself. Subtract from the planting date 45 days required for seedling growth and 7–10 days required for germination.

For successful development of the root system, it must be watered every 6–8 days.

If, when growing tomato seedlings, you notice that they are becoming very elongated, then reduce the frequency of watering and lower the temperature in the room.

Preparing tomatoes for planting

Site selection and preparation

Since the tomato is a light- and heat-loving vegetable, it is best to plant it on the south side of the plot, which will be protected from the cold wind. It’s even better if there is a white wall nearby, which will improve the illumination of the plants. This species also reacts negatively to high humidity, which means low damp areas or a place with close groundwater are also not suitable.

The optimal soil acidity level for tomatoes is pH 6.0–7. A good option would be loamy soil with organic and mineral fertilizers added to it. You will reap a good harvest in a plot whose soil has the following characteristics:

  • moisture capacity – 50%;
  • porosity – 70–75%;
  • air capacity – 20–25%;
  • density – 0.4–0.6 g/cm².

You should not plant tomatoes in the same area for several years in a row. There is no need to choose a place where peppers, eggplants or potatoes were grown last season, and you should also not grow them next to tomatoes, as the risk of late blight increases. The best “predecessors” will be onions, cucumbers and cabbage.

Preparing the site for planting tomatoes begins in advance.

In the fall, you need to dig it up and add the following complex to 1 square meter:

  • 40 grams of superphosphate;
  • 700 grams of lime;
  • 7 kilograms of organic fertilizers.

When it gets warmer, the area is dug up and loosened regularly. Additionally, 20 grams per square meter of potassium fertilizers and superphosphate are added. 2–4 days before planting the seedlings, the beds are prepared and fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers (20–30 grams per square meter).

Final preparations

Before planting seedlings, they are treated with Bordeaux mixture. Tomato sprouts can also be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary to prevent diseases.

How to plant tomato seedlings correctly?

It is better to start transplanting seedlings on a day with high clouds or wait until the evening if the weather is sunny. This is necessary so that the sprouts become stronger during the night and can withstand exposure to sunlight normally.

The planting pattern depends on the tomato variety, irrigation system and tomato height.

Each plant should be provided with the maximum amount of light and air. General recommendations can be formulated as follows:

  • for low-growing varieties the distance between the ridges is 50 centimeters, between plants – 40 centimeters;
  • for medium-sized varieties, the row spacing is 60 centimeters, and between the stems – 50–60 centimeters;
  • for tall tomatoes, the distance between rows will be about 70 centimeters, and between plants - 70–80 centimeters.

It is advisable to plant future tomatoes in an open area in a checkerboard pattern. You also need to leave room for a technical opening. Between a pair of ridges it is necessary to leave a passage about 50 centimeters wide. By observing these intervals, you will not only provide the tomatoes with the necessary light and air, but also make watering easier for yourself, as you will be able to throw the hose between the rows.

Considering the “tenderness” of the sprouts, the planting process itself is not as simple as it might seem. The algorithm for planting tomato seedlings is as follows:

  1. Before planting the sprouts in the ground, they are watered abundantly. This makes it easier to remove seedlings from pots, and also reduces the likelihood of damage to the roots during transplantation.
  2. Holes for seedlings are made as deep as a spade bayonet. After digging the holes, they are filled to the top with water, and the gardener waits until it completely goes into the ground.
  3. When removing seedlings from pots, it is advisable not to destroy the earthen ball. Depending on the growth of the tomato sprout, it is either planted vertically or placed on the edge of the hole.
  4. The root is sprinkled with a little soil, after which a little rotted manure or compost is scattered around it. After this, the hole is filled with earth and lightly compacted, and also watered at the rate of 1–2 liters of water for each plant.
  5. For gartering, you need to install a peg near each sprout. But it is best to tie tomatoes not to pegs, but to synthetic twine (preferably) or wire stretched at a height of 1–1.2 meters.
  6. The first few days after planting, tomato sprouts are covered with a transparent film. After the seedlings take root and warm weather sets in, there is no need to cover them with film.
  7. During rooting of sprouts, they are not watered. On average, tomatoes need 8–10 days to adapt. 1.5–2 weeks after planting the seedlings, they hill up to a height of 12 centimeters.

Care after placement in open ground

Proper care of tomato seedlings is a guarantee that your work will not be in vain. It can be divided into watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and picking.

The amount of water depends on the variety and weather conditions.

Before tomato sprouts take root, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. The soil should be loose. Otherwise, the resulting cracks can affect the root system, which will lead to a slowdown in the development of plants or their death.

Approximate amount of water needed for tomatoes:

  • when transplanting sprouts – 1.5–2 liters per plant;
  • during flower formation and flowering - 20–35 liters per square meter;
  • during the formation of ovaries - 40–50 liters per square meter;
  • during regular fruit formation - 70–80 liters per square meter.

Before harvesting fruits, to reduce the risk of late blight, cracking tomatoes and other problems, watering is gradually reduced.

After planting the seedlings, the soil around it is loosened once every 3–4 days after watering. To preserve the integrity of the roots, the loosening depth should not be deeper than 10–12 centimeters. After a month, you can increase it to 14–16 centimeters. At the beginning of the process of closing the tops, it is necessary to crack the soil. To do this, cracks 60 centimeters deep are made in the ground at a distance of 1–1.5 meters from each other.

Processing young tomato bushes planted in a greenhouse.

The first feeding is done 2 weeks after planting tomato sprouts. Mix the mixture per 1 square meter:

  • 20–35 grams of potassium salt and superphosphate;
  • 8–10 kilograms of saltpeter;
  • 10–12 kilograms of nitrophoska or 5–6 kilograms of urea.

The second feeding is carried out 25–30 days after the first. The composition of the mixture and proportions remain the same. If the tomatoes begin to wilt due to weather conditions, then the following mixtures will add strength to them:

  • a mixture of bird droppings and water in a ratio of 1:14;
  • a mixture of cow manure and water in a ratio of 1:10.

The mixtures are soaked for a day, after which half a liter is mixed with 10 liters of water and distributed among 3 tomatoes. After 7 days, feeding must be repeated.

The first picking (removal of the 3 lower leaves) is carried out 1.5–2 months after planting. After a day, the tomatoes are watered. This procedure is repeated at least once a week. If this is not done, the plants will begin to hurt due to the resulting stagnation of air.

Useful video

In conclusion, watch a practical video about planting tomato seedlings in open ground:

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I remove all the lower yellowed leaves. When the ovary appears on the first flower cluster, I cut off all the leaves below. This should be done carefully: no more than 2-3 branches at a time, so as not to seriously injure the plant. This procedure must be done several times as the fruits are set on the next flower clusters. But I leave a branch with leaves above each flower cluster - it is needed for its nutrition. Care consists of watering and fertilizing. I usually feed with liquid fertilizer for seedlings, which is available in specialized stores. As the seedlings grow, I pour the soil mixture into the containers to the top twice. As a result, new roots are formed. To prevent the seedlings from stretching, I extend the daylight hours with fluorescent lamps to 12 hours. By the time the seedlings are planted in the ground, part of the stem 5-7 cm from the surface of the ground in the container is covered with tubercles - these are the beginnings of the future root system.​

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2016

  • ​We prepare the seedlings as follows:​
  • ​which is 50–60 days old, stem height is about 25–30 centimeters​
  • ​so that its root system grows vigorously and abundantly nourishes the plant.​
  • ​Another option for preparing the soil is​

When to plant seeds of large-fruited tomatoes and tomatoes.

​To enrich seeds with microelements, a mixture purchased in a specialized store is used, the composition of which is as follows:

How to plant tomatoes with seedlings.

​strong and ripe fruits harvested in the fall

  • ​Now you can start germinating the seeds. To do this, they are placed in a cotton napkin moistened with water for 2-3 days in a warm place, after which the seeds in the napkin are placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. This is necessary for hardening future seedlings. Now the seeds can be planted in boxes for germinating the seedlings themselves.​
  • ​Place the box in a warm, dark place.​
  • ​February and March are the months when we actively start working on tomatoes. We choose the best tomato seeds, stock up on soil and pots for seedlings. Let's see what kind of work real gardeners do, and most importantly, how and when to plant tomatoes for seedlings.​
  • To combat late blight, I spray the bushes with Penncozeb (contact fungicide) and Ordan or Ridomil Gold (systemic fungicides), alternating treatments. I carry out the first, preventive treatment in the first ten days of July. Depending on weather conditions and the condition of the plants, 4-5 treatments per season are required. At the same time, I do foliar feeding, adding one of the biostimulants - Ecosil, Peat Oxidate, Novosil or Baikal EM-1 to the fungicide solution according to the instructions. Tomatoes grow until late autumn. Last year the last fruits were harvested on October 13.​
  • I plant the seedlings immediately in open ground. At the same time, I do not use any temporary shelters. Therefore, before planting, seedlings must undergo hardening. If this is not done, she will not tolerate the transplant well, and may even die.​
  • ​We cut off the bottom layer of leaves, as they can rot and cause plant disease. In addition, extra leaves take away additional nutrition, which the roots now need much more.​
  • ​, six to seven leaves and buds are already appearing on the first flower cluster. Plants are planted in the evening, preferably on a cloudy day, so that the hot rays of the sun do not scorch the tender seedlings. If these conditions are met, the plants will take root more easily, will be strong and healthy and will delight you with their tasty and rich harvest.​

Each plant is transplanted into a separate container so that nothing interferes with its growth and development. A small depression is made in the prepared soil, the sprout is carefully placed and sprinkled with earth on all sides, lightly pressing the soil around the stem.

How to grow tomato seedlings.

​use turf soil

​potassium salt 0.3 g.​

  • ​from our own harvest. The advantage of this solution is that these tomato varieties have already been tested for taste, color and yield. In addition, you can be sure that they are perfectly adapted to local climatic conditions and, therefore, will grow and bear fruit better.​
  • ​But how to plant tomato seedlings? In the box, the seeds will sprout from the ground and when several leaves appear on it, the plants are picked, i.e. transplanted into separate cups or boxes, where they will have more space. In this case, the main root can be pinched off by 1/3 to develop a more powerful root system. After transplanting, the seedlings are well watered. Next, the seedlings should be grown at a temperature of +20 degrees, gradually taking them out into the fresh air on the balcony or in a greenhouse.​
  • ​After a couple of days, when the tomato sprouts appear, remove the film and place the box in a bright place.​



​Planting details:​

​Be sure to trim off the lower leaves on the stem. This will not harm the plant, but will even help: cut leaves require more nutrients, which at this stage are needed by the roots and stem

How and when to plant tomato seedlings, and most importantly, to grow seedlings of large-fruited tomato varieties for planting in a greenhouse:

How to plant tomato seedlings

Don't know when to plant tomato seedlings? Then we tell you: it is better to plant tomatoes at the end of April. They don’t like the cold, but when flowering, there shouldn’t be any heat either - the flowers may not be pollinated due to drying out.​

If the sprout has stretched out, then it is needed

​, adding one part of sand and humus to it. To reduce and normalize soil acidity, add chalk at a rate of 1:10 and half a liter of resin per ten liters of soil.​

​boric acid 0.02 g.​

​But you don’t want to grow the same varieties of tomatoes year after year. Moreover, over time they lose their properties and are degenerated. And just every gardener from time to time has a desire to experiment. Therefore, not only beginners, but also experienced vegetable growers are faced with choosing seeds for tomato seedlings.​

How to plant and grow tomato seedlings: video lesson

​When the seedlings reach a height of 15-30 cm and already have 6-10 leaves, then you can safely plant them in a permanent place. As a rule, by this time young tomato plants will be 60-70 days old.​

How to grow tomato seedlings

​Many gardeners follow the same method and sow tomato seeds exactly 4 by 4 in a box of humus soil. After planting the seeds, cover the container with film or glass and place in a warm place. With the appearance of sprouts, after 3-4 days the film is removed and the seedlings are placed on a light windowsill. If the window on which the box with seedlings stands is not south-facing, then place a fluorescent lamp so that the tomato seedlings receive enough light for development.

  • ​- is the right time to purchase soil and prepare boxes for seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants. The entire future harvest is planted during the seedling period. By the way, it will be said that replanting plants is a necessary measure that summer residents are forced to resort to for earlier plant development and accelerated fruit ripening.​
  • A contact fungicide has a surface effect, preventing the disease from penetrating into the plant, while a systemic fungicide penetrates the plant tissue, protecting it from the inside.
  • ​2 weeks before planting, I move the containers with seedlings to an unheated room - to the summer veranda. And after this hardening I take it outside. She should stand like this
  • ​If the root system is too developed, you can trim off some old or diseased roots.​
  • It is better to buy tomato seedlings, since growing them yourself is quite difficult, especially if you are not yet a “pro” in this matter. When purchasing seedlings, pay attention to the following:
  • ​adjust when picking​
  • ​The video will help you understand some important nuances of the process of growing tomato seedlings.​
  • ​superphosphate 0.5 g.​
  • Tomato seeds can be

Choosing a tomato variety

​Due to the long growing season, it is better to start growing tomatoes by planting seedlings. Then, even before the onset of autumn cold and winter frosts, you can get an excellent harvest of tasty and ripe tomatoes. In addition to textual recommendations: how to grow strong, healthy tomato seedlings, a video on this topic will be an excellent help. Properly grown strong sprouts determine what the tomato harvest will be by autumn. Therefore, there are no trifles in this matter. As soon as you have the first shoots of tomato seedlings, do not forget to feed them. Fertilizing should begin as soon as the cotyledon leaves unfurl and the plant switches to root nutrition; you should not wait for the real leaves to appear. Combine fertilizing with watering, that is, instead of water for irrigation, use a weak fertilizer solution. “Uniflor-bud” is suitable for this; if you cannot find such fertilizer, then you can use “Kemira-Lux” or flower food. It is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon in 3-5 liters of water. Tall tomatoes, as well as peppers and eggplants are sown for seedlings at the end of February from the 20th to March 10.

This is how we plant our tomatoes. If anyone found my article useful, I will be very glad.​

​4-5 days. Seedlings need to be shaded to prevent sunburn. I don’t forget, of course, to water the young plants at this time. A few hours before planting, the roots of the seedlings should be soaked in water so that the plant receives an additional supply of moisture. The seedlings must have a strong root system, otherwise instead of begin to bear fruit, the tomato will strengthen its roots. In appearance, the root should be “lumpy,” which indicates its hardening and docking. Such a plant will soon yield a harvest - in 1.5-2 weeks.​

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing

​. Trim the stem so that part of it remains above the cotyledon leaves. Then deepen the sprout in a pot down to the cotyledons, cover with film, and in a week the first real leaf will appear. Such diving will strengthen the sprout of tomato seedlings. Containers for future seedlings can be purchased at the store: reusable or disposable special peat pots. But many vegetable growers use reusable containers and boxes for seedlings, the same ones from year to year, or disposable plastic cups for transplanting and planting. Before filling the container with soil, all these containers must be washed with laundry soap and copper sulfate 0.08 g.

​buy from experienced vegetable growers​ ​The algorithm for growing tomato seedlings is the same for everyone:​​It should be noted that these solutions last indefinitely. Seedlings should be watered moderately and the soil should be slightly moist. When growing in a greenhouse, use an automatic watering system. A typical mistake gardeners make is overwatering. This leads to:​

​Tomatoes that are planned to be transplanted into a greenhouse already in April are planted as seedlings in February on planting days. These are February 13, 14, 15 and 18, 2016.​ Growing tomato seedlings​The day before planting the seedlings, I treat them with Ecosil (according to the instructions) so that they can more easily withstand the stress associated with transplantation. Now you can safely replant the plants in the ground. After such hardening, the seedlings will not suffer from sunburn when the leaves turn white, or from spring temperature changes (warm during the day, cool at night).

We place the seedlings in the holes sideways so that the top faces north and the root faces south. Afterwards, sprinkle with earth. Do not deepen the plant too much, otherwise excess roots will begin to grow. Tomatoes do not need additional roots now, because their development takes a lot of effort and energy, which is better spent on ripening the fruits. If the seedlings are weak, they can be combined in twos into one bush.​

  • When purchasing, we look at the so-called “internodes” - the distance between the leaf levels. It should be as short as possible. If the stem is too elongated, the plant is weak and will not produce a large harvest. The seedling itself should be stocky, and the stem should be thick and strong.​
  • ​You can do it differently. Place the root part of the seedling and the stem up to the first true leaf in a horizontal groove. Cover with soil and cover with film. Such a sprout will have a strong root system and in a few days the strong strong sprout will rise on its own.​
  • ​scald with boiling water to remove possible pathogens
  • ​ammonium sulfate 0.1 g.​
  • ​or order from companies specializing in sending seeds. It is better to sow tall varieties of tomatoes for seedlings in mid-March. And plant low-growing tomatoes in early April.
  • ​Choice of tomato variety.​

​root death due to lack of oxygen,​​Early and mid-ripening tomato varieties are sown for seedlings in March, on favorable planting days. In 2016, tomato seedlings are planted on March 13th and 16th. It is possible to plant tomatoes during the waxing moon period, which in 2016 lasts from March 10th to 22nd.​ ​The substrate intended for growing seedlings must be well-drained and not greasy.​

Preparing the soil for tomato seedlings

I plant tomatoes in rows. The distance between them for low-growing varieties of tomatoes is 40, in a row between plants - 10-15 cm. For tall varieties, the planting scheme is as follows: row spacing - 50-60, in a row - 30 cm. I give preference to tall varieties. They are more productive and their fruiting period lasts until frost. The soil in the hole with the tomato needs to be compacted a little (very carefully so as not to damage the seedling). Make a hole around the stem for watering. Now fill it well with water.​ ​The photo shows the optimal distance between leaf levels (internodes); when purchasing seedlings, pay special attention to this distance. The smaller the internode, the better the seedlings.​

​Ten days after diving, the seedlings need to be fed. Ready-made fertilizer is sold in a specialized store. You can prepare it yourself, dilute it in 10 liters of water:​

​vegetable plants.​

​ammonium molybdic acid 0.05 g. Before sowing, seeds for seedlings must be subjected to special treatment. First of all, they need to be sorted and checked for completeness. To do this, they​ ​Preparation of seeds for sowing.​

​acidification of the soil,​

Selection and preparation of containers for future seedlings

​There are several favorable days in April when you can plant tomatoes as seedlings, if you have not already done so. In this case, choose seedlings of super-determinate low-growing varieties and hybrids for open ground, ultra-early varieties or cherry tomatoes. The best days for planting tomatoes are the 8th, 9th and 14th in April. Each type of plant requires a substrate that takes into account its characteristics. You cannot use soil for potted crops when growing seedlings. Disposable plastic cups and cups, plastic bottles with the top cut off, and plastic food containers are suitable as containers for seedlings. All containers must have drainage holes through which excess water will flow out or, conversely, flow in when watering. Containers must be stable on the pallet and not tip over. The ideal containers for growing seedlings of cabbage, leeks, onions, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, beets, celery, and tomatoes are cassettes - they are easy to fill, transport and store. You can use photo cuvettes, ordinary plastic trays, baking trays, etc. as trays - they just must not leak. Sowing can be done with both dry and sprouted seeds. The seeds are sown in a moist soil mixture: the containers are filled with substrate a day before sowing and watered well with water at room temperature, the excess water is drained from the pan. Using a cord, I mark the future rows. I dig grooves 25-30 cm deep along their length, fill them with two-year-old humus, mixing them with soil. I spill the seedlings in containers generously with warm water, and the soil in the grooves with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. I place the seedlings in a groove to a depth of 5-7 cm and sprinkle them with earth. I bury the stem until

​To water in holes, simply pour water into the depression around the stem. You need about 3 liters per bush. water. If you have a trench planting, you need to make a long ditch on both sides of the trench, with an earthen barrier at the beginning and end. Let the water flow through these ditches. Tomatoes need to be watered abundantly and often. If there is no rain, water young tomatoes every day, at least for the first 2 weeks.​

There is too much distance in this photo. Do not take such seedlings if you want to get a good tomato harvest

​superphosphate 30 g.​​If a lot of seeds are taken for planting, they are first planted in large planting boxes and later replanted. If there are few seeds, then immediately prepare a container for each seed, planting them in cups or pots. It is imperative to make drainage holes in the bottom of the container for growing seedlings to remove excess moisture. The mixture is dissolved in one liter of water,

​dipped into salt solution

Picking tomato seedlings

​Preparing the soil for strong tomato seedlings.​ ​the appearance of a black fruit fly, the Drosophila, feeding on plant rot.​​Large, vigorously growing varieties of tomatoes, such as Russian Size, Pink Giant, Bull's Heart, are usually late-ripening, so they need to be planted in the third decade of February.​

Video lesson

​How to grow healthy seedlings.​

​3-4th pair of true leaves, after cutting off the lower 3 pairs. Thus, if the first flower cluster, according to the characteristics of the variety, is planted above the 7th pair of true leaves, then with this planting it will appear above the 4th pair. And one more piece of advice: water the tomatoes in the evening. This way, they'll have a good night's drink and be ready for a hot day. Watering during the day is not advisable, since the water can evaporate quickly - the earth will crack and the roots will suffer. In addition, if droplets of water fall on the plant itself, the sun can burn these areas.​ ​The color of the leaves is also important. Green, fresh and shiny leaves are a sign of a healthy, seasoned plant. Seasoned tomatoes will take root and bloom faster. If you see slightly yellowed and wilted leaves of the seedlings, this is a sign that the plant received little light and oxygen. Such a seedling will grow slowly and may even die during planting.​

​potassium sulfate 10 g.​

Fertilizing the soil

​A drainage layer of pebbles, small pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay is laid at the bottom of a seedling box or other container. The prepared soil mixture is poured on top to a height of 8–9 centimeters so that the top layer of soil does not reach the top of the container by two to three centimeters. The soil should be watered with settled warm water, covered with film and left for a day in a warm place. This is done to ensure that all the soil is evenly moistened. Prepare water for irrigation and let it sit for 16–20 hours.​

  • Soak the seeds in it for 24 hours
  • ​, prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of table salt per liter of water. For seedlings, they do not use the ones that float to the surface. And only those seeds that will sink to the bottom in five to seven minutes.
  • ​Selection and preparation of containers (containers) for sowing and growing seedlings.​

​The seedlings need to be transplanted to a larger place after 20 days, so that each plant has a space measuring 12 x 12 cm. This space will be enough for another 20 days. 45-day-old seedlings are planted in soil under film or in a polycarbonate greenhouse. When transplanting tomato seedlings, take the plant along with soil cubes so as not to damage the roots.​ ​Preparing tomato seeds for planting using my grandmother’s proven method:​​To grow seedlings, you need a good nutrient mixture - loose, air-porous and moisture-permeable, free from pathogens, pests, and weeds. Its composition can be approximately this (% by volume):

Hardening off tomato seedlings before planting in the ground

​The advantage also lies in the fact that along the length of the entire stem, which is in the ground, a new root system is formed, which is very important for the plant.​

​Be sure to grow tomatoes, because they are not only tasty, but also healthy vegetables. Tomatoes help cleanse the body and are an excellent source of summer vitamins. We hope this information will be useful to you and we wish you a fruitful season! Purchased seedlings should be immersed with their roots in water or wrapped in a wet cloth until planting. Don’t delay planting; the longer the tomatoes wait to be planted, the less chance they have to take root well.​ ​urea 4 g.​

​The next day, the soil in the container needs to be leveled. To plant seeds make

Choosing seedlings

​. After such enrichment, the seeds are removed from the solution and germinated in a warm place, wrapped in a damp cloth. Typically, two layers of gauze are used to soak seeds. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric remains wet at all times during soaking. This process lasts 15–20 hours.​

  1. ​High-quality seeds are the key to an excellent harvest. They are washed in a bag under
  2. ​Planting seeds in prepared soil.​

    ​When growing seedlings in a winter greenhouse, install LED greenhouse lights.​

    To plant tomatoes as seedlings at home, soak the tomato seeds in advance. Wrap the seeds in a cloth or bandage and moisten with warm water. Let them lie there for a day.​

  3. ​1. Lowland peat - 75, turf soil - 20, mullein - 5;​

Master class on preparing seedlings

I maintain an interval of 30 cm between plants and secure the tops in a vertical position. At this stage, this can still be done by simply pressing the plant with soil. Then I water the plantings abundantly with water and raise a ridge 7-10 cm high. Literally on the second day, small roots begin to appear from small tubercles on the stem.

Preparing the holes

​We occupy a fairly large plot of 3-4 acres for tomatoes. We plant more than 3 thousand tomatoes and always get excellent harvests. I think our experience will be useful to the readers of this site.​

The planting site should be dug well and leveled with a rake. Now we make holes for the tomatoes. The depth of each hole should be 15-20 cm. Add a fertilizer mixture to each hole.​

​After feeding, the plant needs to be watered and the soil underneath loosened. Next feeding

​grooves one and a half centimeters deep

Planting process

Soil for growing tomato seedlings can be purchased at a specialized store or department. As a rule, the composition of these soils is already prepared for growing seedlings. Disinfected from weeds, diseases and pests, enriched with microelements that are beneficial specifically for these vegetables. The soil for tomatoes should be

​clean warm running water​

  1. ​Proper care and watering.​

    ​At the same time, do not forget that seedlings are already a plant. And you need to treat it like an adult plant; if you give it little light or space, then the tomato seedlings will not grow well. Bad seedlings will not make a good plant. It won’t catch up and won’t replenish, it will only pretend, but in reality it won’t give half the harvest.​

  2. Stock up on fertile soil, you can buy it, or you can dig it up in the garden in the fall. Pour the soil into a fairly large container - for example, a cake lid.​
  3. ​2. Manure humus or rotted compost - 45, turf soil - 50, mullein - 5;​

Master class on planting tomato seedlings

We are starting to land

​After a week, I feed the seedlings with organic fertilizer: infusion of mullein or bird droppings. In the future I only do foliar feeding.

I prepare the soil for planting seeds in the fall. I mix sand, humus and garden soil in equal parts. In winter, this soil sits outside and freezes. Before sowing, I bring it into the house, thaw it, but do not steam it. I sow late varieties of tomatoes in the last ten days of February, mid-late ones in the first and second ten days of March, and early varieties in the last ten days of March.​

Features of watering

​Recipe for fertilizer for tomato seedlings for 1 hole: 2 tbsp. spoons of mineral fertilizer, 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate, ash - 1 tbsp. spoon and humus - 1 tbsp. spoon. You can mix everything at once or pour it into the hole separately before adding water.​

​carried out in 14 days​

​two centimeters apart and carefully plant the prepared seeds. After planting, moisten the soil again with warm water using a spray bottle. It is recommended to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to this water. Cover the box or pots with film or a cap and place in a warm place.​

​loose, breathable, enriched​

Preparing to sow tomatoes

​and used for growing seedlings. This mainly concerns seeds collected from the fruits of the tomato crop. Purchased seeds have already gone through all stages of selection and processing.​

​Picking seedlings.​

​Good tomato seedlings are when the plant grows without interference, in an open sunny place, with sufficient warmth, nutrition and moisture. The main rule of seedlings: space and light for every plant! Good seedlings grow wider than they are tall. After a month, the trunk of the tomato seedling should be as thick as a pencil. This is where LED lighting comes to the rescue.​

Caring for tomato seedlings

​Water the prepared soil a little to make it moist. Lightly press the soil with your palm.​

​3. Lowland peat - 75, horse manure (without straw) - 20, mullein - 5.​

Planting tomatoes in open ground

​I tie the stems to twine, horizontally stretched on stakes 1.5-1.7 m high, located in each row every 3 m. I pull the first row of twine at a height of 30-35 cm from the ground. I tie one end of it on the first peg and pull it to the second peg, wrap it around it 2-3 times, do the same with the next supports and secure it on the last one. Using the same twine, I draw a second line at such a height that the tomato stem falls between two threads, which reliably fix its position and prevent it from falling to the ground. As the tomatoes grow, we stretch 3-4 more horizontal twines. We tie heavy clusters with fruits to them, as well as stray stems.​

I use plastic containers for sowing seeds. I cut off plastic drink bottles, leaving the bottom part of the bottle with a volume of 0.5-0.7 liters. I fill these containers with soil mixture, spill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and sow seeds, mostly my own. I harvest a lot of them in the fall so that I can sow them in excess, since strict culling is carried out during the process of seedling growth.

  • ​If you plan to plant a lot of tomatoes, instead of holes, dig a trench for the seedlings. Then, apply fertilizer to the bush in the same proportion, mix and sprinkle along the length of the trench.​
  • ​, then also water the tomato sprout and loosen the soil. It is important that watering is fairly moderate and frequent. Otherwise, the plant may die from excess moisture, especially in combination with a lack of sunlight and heat. Or from lack of moisture.​
  • ​In five to seven days, the seeds will hatch and seedlings will appear. Then the film needs to be removed. And move the container with seedlings for hardening to a well-lit, but cooler place with a temperature of about 15 degrees C, for 5-6 days. After a week, when the sprouts get stronger, they already need a different temperature regime: 24 degrees C during the day, 12 degrees at night.

​and retains moisture well.​

To disinfect seeds before sowing, they are poured into

​Feeding the soil of seedlings.​

​Tomatoes are undoubtedly considered one of the most common vegetables in our gardens. At the end of winter, every amateur gardener thinks about how to plant tomato seedlings so that they germinate quickly and develop well, and with the arrival of warm days they can be planted ready-made in the ground. Strong seedlings are the key to a rich harvest.​

​At a distance of 3 cm from each other, place the seeds on the ground, sprinkle very lightly with soil on top. And pat the plantings again with your palm.​

​Mullein is added to pots (cubes) for their density, but if seedlings are grown in boxes, glasses or pottery pots, it is not used. To reduce the acidity of the substrate, lime, chalk or ash are added to it: about a handful per bucket. Don't forget about mineral fertilizers. When growing seedlings, for example, green crops, 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20-25 g of superphosphate, 4-6 g of potassium chloride are added to the nutrient mixture (per bucket). At what temperature is it best to grow seedlings? The optimal temperature for most green vegetables is 14-18°C on a sunny day, 12-16°C on a cloudy day, and 10-14°C at night. The temperature is reduced to 6-10°C only twice: in the first 4-7 days after the seedlings appear (to prevent them from stretching out too much, heat contributes to this), and 10-15 days before planting the seedlings in the ground - to harden the plants , prepare for possible adverse conditions that await them in the open ground. And in the last days before planting, the temperature is generally brought to the level of outside temperature.​

Garter and shaping of tomatoes

​I form tomato plants into 1-2 stems. I remove the stepsons when they reach a length of 5-10 cm. At the same time, I leave a stump of 0.5-1 cm so that the stepson does not appear in this place again. This has to be done throughout the entire growing season.​

Before sowing, I treat the seeds by soaking them in a 1% solution of Ecosila or Baikal EM-1 according to the instructions. I pour the soil mixture into containers to such a level that I can then add soil. I sow 20-25 seeds in each container, depending on its size.​

​Having grown good seedlings indoors, you need to prepare them in order to plant them on the site. Tomato seedlings are planted in closed ground in early May, and in the first days of June they can already be transplanted into open ground. Plant in the ground when the weather is warm, without the threat of frost.​

Protecting tomatoes from diseases

​Picking of strong healthy tomato sprouts is done when the first leaves appear. If the sprout is not strong enough, then diving should be postponed until the third or fourth leaves appear.

​But you can also prepare the soil composition from your own plot. You just need to do this in the fall. It is recommended to store the soil for future seedlings in a cold room so that it gets rid of weeds and pests over the winter. The soil is prepared at the rate of half a kilogram for each future sprout of seedlings.​

​weak solution of potassium permanganate

​Hardening off plants before planting in the ground.​

how to plant tomato seedlings


​To grow decent seedlings, you first need to prepare tomato seeds. Immerse the seeds in a 5% solution of table salt for 5 minutes. Those seeds that float are unsuitable for planting, the rest must be washed under running water. Then the tomato seeds should be disinfected in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes and rinsed again under running water.​

​Now water well. And cover the top of the box with seedlings with glass or just a bag to create a greenhouse effect.​
​Sow the seeds in a large shallow dish, the height of the container is up to 10 cm. Sprinkle soil from a spray bottle on top, cover with polyethylene or glass, and place on a bright window. Turn the glass or bag over every day to remove condensation. When the seedlings enter, remove the glass or film a couple of times a day to ventilate the seedlings. When the sprouts hit the glass, remove it. You can cover it with a transparent cake box. When real leaves appear (not to be confused with cotyledons), you need to pick the plants into separate cups, preferably into milk cartons cut in half. One plant per bag... Before picking, when watering the sprouts, do not pour water on the plants, pour it directly onto the ground, you can use a syringe without a needle

​It is very important to remove excess leaves. As a result, air access to the plants improves, which prevents the spread of fungal diseases, mainly late blight, promotes better access of sunlight to the plant, and more nutrients remain for fruit development.​
​After emergence, I remove plants that have not shed their leaves, with disfigured leaves and twisted stems. Then every week I remove plants that are stunted in growth. I cull until two true leaves appear. As a result, 8-10 of the largest and strongest plants remain in the container. They grow in this form before being planted in the ground. I would like to note that in order to save effort and time, I exclude such a stage as picking, thereby violating one of the main postulates of gardeners.​
Let's now figure out how to plant tomato seedlings.
​Before transplanting tomatoes into the ground, seedlings must be hardened off by lowering the room temperature to 17 degrees. Seedlings are suitable for planting in the ground,
When picking seedlings, it is necessary to pinch the main root
​It is recommended to take soil from areas where onions, carrots and cucumbers were grown. It is rich in essential beneficial microelements. Next, to this soil you will need to add peat from under rotted leaves and dust taken from the forest. For tomato seedlings, you need to mix one part of peat with three parts of prepared soil.​


​pink color for 10–15 minutes. For the solution, two grams of potassium permanganate are dissolved in a glass of water. After disinfection, the seeds are washed and enriched again. Seeds purchased in specialized stores are already prepared for planting.​

Experienced farmers grow tomato seedlings from

Plant aster seedlings

The answer to the question of how far apart tomatoes should be planted is ambiguous. The goal of any gardener is to obtain the maximum yield per unit area. This can be achieved in different ways, including rational placement of bushes.

The goal of any gardener is to obtain the maximum yield per unit area

In order to decide at what distance to plant tomatoes, you definitely need to have an idea of ​​what factors especially influence the distance between the bushes.

If you want the plant to produce more fruit, it needs to create conditions for the formation of a large number of leaves. After all, it is in them that photosynthesis occurs, that is, primary organic matter is formed, which is then transformed into other substances.

The productivity of any plants, including tomatoes, is directly dependent on the following factors:

  1. Character of illumination. The more sunlight that hits each leaf, the more organic matter will be produced. Tomatoes are light-loving plants, but they can withstand temporary lateral shading. It follows from this that the distance between the tomatoes should be such that the shadow from a neighboring plant falls on the leaves of another tomato for no more than an hour or two hours.
  2. Temperatures. The process of photosynthesis can only occur at a certain temperature. It reaches its maximum intensity in the temperature range +25…+28ºС. If tomatoes are planted in such a way that they are protected from winds and sun, the yield will increase significantly.
  3. Humidity level. The presence of moisture in the air or soil is not yet a characteristic of the plant’s water supply. There are times when water is present, but it is not available to plants. The higher the water temperature, the better it is used by plants. The optimal temperature range is between +20…+30ºС.
  4. Features of the variety. The varietal diversity of tomatoes allows you to combine placement in accordance with the height of the planted bushes, their demands on environmental conditions, as well as the conditions of the site.

If you want the plant to produce more fruit, it needs to create conditions for the formation of a large number of leaves

Thus, determining the distance between bushes is a creative matter, requiring knowledge not only of the varietal characteristics of the tomatoes being planted, but also of the environmental conditions on which crop yields depend.

Schemes for plant placement in open ground

Tomatoes should be planted in the ground taking into account the properties of determinate and indeterminate varieties. They differ primarily in the height and branching of the shoots. The purpose of calculating the optimal distance between bushes is to provide the tomatoes with good lighting, humidity and temperature. The main concern of the gardener is providing lighting; everything else is a consequence of the main one.

In order to properly plant determinate varieties of tomatoes, it is enough to provide a distance of 20 cm between them. Indeterminate varieties are larger in size and therefore require more space. For this reason, when planting such varieties, the distance between specimens should be at least 35 cm.

Planting tomatoes is usually done not chaotically, but according to a pattern. This allows you to correctly determine the spacing between instances located in different rows.

When planting bushes of different varieties, the following schemes are usually chosen.

  1. Private. This is the simplest option. It is usually chosen when planting tomatoes in open ground, because in this case it is not always necessary to save space. Determinate varieties are usually planted in rows. The basic distance between tall and short bushes is defined above. It applies to tomatoes located in the same row. The empty space between the rows should be larger, since the illumination and the possibility of human passage depend on this. For low-growing varieties, the space between the rows is 65-70 cm, and for tall varieties - 70-90 cm.
  2. Chess. According to this scheme, it is customary to plant determinate varieties with a maximum of three stems. To do this, you need to make two rows with intervals of 50-60 cm. When planting varieties with one stem in the ground, this interval can be reduced to 35-40 cm. If necessary, then individual specimens should be 40-50 cm apart from each other, and the rows are 70-80 cm.
  3. Tape-nested. The principle of this scheme is to arrange the tomatoes in parallel lines. They need to be planted in two rows, between which a path is usually formed. With low-growing varieties or a combination of low-growing and tall varieties, double lines framed by paths can be formed. In this case, the interval between the bushes is from 30 to 40 cm. Between the rows in a two-row scheme, tomatoes can be placed at a distance of 40 cm. The width of the paths should not be less than 80 cm. If only tall bushes are planted, then in each row they should be placed on a distance of 40-50 cm with a path 100 cm wide.

Overgrown seedlings are planted in a special way. These are usually elongated shoots with a weak stem. The problem is that if you miss the time, even with good lighting and favorable temperatures, such tomatoes will immediately die. Many gardeners increase the distance between bushes and rows for such seedlings. This provides enhanced lighting, but does not save space.

Tomatoes should be planted in the ground taking into account the properties of determinate and indeterminate varieties

Such seedlings can be planted in the ground according to the usual scheme, if you resort to deepening the plantings. To do this, you need to dig a hole 13-15 cm deep in the soil. Another hole is made in it to the depth of the root or peat pot. Initially, the plant is planted in the deepest hole. It should take root in this hole, after which the shallower hole is also filled up. This procedure creates the opportunity for thin stems to grow additional roots, after which the development of shoots occurs at an accelerated pace.

How to plant tomatoes correctly (video)

Specifics of planting bushes in a greenhouse

The distribution of tomatoes in a greenhouse is always associated with the need to save space. It should be as full as possible, but the bushes should not drown out each other.

This can be achieved in the following ways.

  1. Create beds along the greenhouse. In this case, the length of the beds depends on the length of the greenhouse or the person’s plans, and the width should not exceed a distance of 60-90 cm.
  2. The number of beds is determined by the width of the greenhouse and the person’s plans. However, there must be a distance of at least 70 cm between the beds.
  3. Low-growing and early-ripening varieties are usually planted in a checkerboard pattern in 2 rows. The row spacing should be about 60 cm. The distance between bushes is 40 cm.
  4. When planting tall tomatoes, the distance between rows should not be less than 75 cm, and between bushes - 60 cm.

Thus, when planting tomatoes in open ground or in a greenhouse, the distance between individual bushes does not fundamentally change, since it is determined by the optimal lighting conditions. The specificity of open space and closed space is manifested only in the layout of seedlings.

8 stages of growing healthy tomato seedlings A good tomato harvest depends not only on proper plant care, but also on the quality of the seedlings. Properly grown and prepared seedlings for planting at home is an indispensable requirement for high tomato yields. Tomato seedlings grown independently at home have a higher level of survival in the garden than seedlings purchased on the market. Time So, the seed material has been purchased. Now you need to choose the dishes and time for planting. Planting dates differ for different regions. It should be taken into account that seedlings should be planted in the ground at the age of 60 days. Knowing the dates of the onset of stable warm weather, gardeners calculate the planting date. Different sowing times for early-ripening and late-ripening tomatoes. If planting in the ground is planned in mid-May, then sowing of early tomatoes begins in mid-March. Late-ripening tomatoes have a longer growing season; they are sown in mid-to-late February, depending on the variety. Recommendations for growing are given on the seed package.

Dishes For planting tomatoes for seedlings, both home-made devices and those purchased at gardening stores are used. These can be wooden and plastic boxes, containers for sour cream, ice cream, yogurt, cakes, and disposable plastic cups. Store-bought containers with a transparent lid are very convenient. Peat tablets or small cassettes for planting are placed in them and the lid is closed to create a greenhouse effect. Peat tablets are available in three sizes. The average diameter is quite suitable for sowing tomato seeds. Soil At home, growing tomato seedlings requires careful selection of high-quality soil. No soil is taken from the beds where peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants grew. To prepare high-quality soil you will need: Turf soil, peat, humus (in equal proportions); Superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea (5 grams each); For greater looseness, you can add sawdust. In order to neutralize soil prepared at home, it must be allowed to freeze in a cold room. Accordingly, harvesting should be done in the fall. Soil disinfection helps prevent seedlings from becoming infected with common diseases, as well as protect them from insects and pests. The right option would be to buy universal soil for growing vegetable seedlings; it does not need to be pre-treated. It also contains additives necessary for plant nutrition. The seedlings grown in it do not need to be fed. The containers are filled with damp soil and the tablets are soaked. Seeds

The choice of seeds should be given special attention. First, you should consider the conditions in which the tomatoes will be grown (greenhouse or open ground). Secondly, tomato varieties are divided into determinate (short-growing, bearing fruit early) and indeterminant (tall, bearing fruit throughout the season). Seed material can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can collect seeds yourself from your own harvest. It should be remembered that seeds are not collected from hybrid varieties of tomatoes. Preparation

The seed preparation procedure takes 1-2 days before the expected sowing date. In order to select good seed, the seeds should be placed in a container with salt water; defective specimens (empty) will float. Such samples are not suitable for sowing; you should use those specimens that are immersed in the bottom of the container. After this, the selected seeds must be disinfected and soaked for swelling. To disinfect seeds, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or table salt; the procedure will take approximately 20-25 minutes. Fresh seeds are ready for planting in 8-10 hours. If more than three years have passed since the seed was collected, it will take longer for swelling. To achieve a better effect, you can use a special germination solution. To soak tomato seeds, place a damp paper napkin on a saucer, on which the seeds are placed, and cover with a plastic lid. If the seeds were purchased in a store, they do not need treatment; they are sold already treated with antiseptics. Sowing Seeds are planted for seedlings from February to April. Here you should take into account the climatic factors of a particular region and the conditions for growing tomatoes. In the moistened soil, holes should be made 0.5-0.7 cm deep, the distance between them should be maintained at least 2-3 cm. The seeds are covered with a small amount of soil. If the seeds were not treated or soaked before planting (for seeds purchased in a store, treatment is not necessary), then they should be sown to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. After sowing is completed, carefully pour the seeds from a small watering can. Care

To begin with, the container with seedlings should be covered to create a greenhouse effect that promotes better germination. You can use polyethylene film or glass as a covering material. Until the first shoots appear, the air temperature in the room should not be lower than +20-24 C°. The lighting must be good. During the entire period of seed germination, condensation must be removed from the film. During this period, crops should be watered as the soil dries out. A spray bottle with water at room temperature should be used for these purposes. After the shoots emerge, the film is removed. After a week, the room temperature can be lowered to +18 C°. Moderate watering and sufficient lighting during this period are very important, contributing to the formation of strong seedlings. If the plants are deficient, the seedlings will stretch out and be weakened. Excessive watering can cause a plant disease such as “blackleg.” The first fertilizing with organic fertilizers can be done after the first pair of full leaves appear. Picking seedlings is done when the plants already have 3 leaves. Picking may not be necessary if the seedlings are grown in peat-humus cups. Plants are transplanted into a deeper container with drainage holes. Diving will contribute to the formation of a good root system even before planting in the garden. After transplantation, the room temperature should be increased for 2-4 days, then return to normal temperature. Moderate and regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, and turning containers with seedlings around their axis will help strengthen the plants. With a lack of light and overheating of tomatoes, you will get very elongated seedlings. Hardening An important step in growing tomatoes is hardening off the seedlings. When the outside temperature is above 15 degrees, the tomatoes are taken outside or onto the balcony. The first time it is correct to leave the seedlings for about 15 minutes. Every day this period is increased, after 5-7 days the tomatoes are left outside for the whole day. When warm weather sets in, leave it overnight. With this hardening, tomato seedlings get strong plants that can easily withstand transplantation. Don’t be upset if the seedlings turn out to be elongated. When it’s time to plant tomatoes in the ground, the long stems are rolled up into a spiral and placed in the hole. The root system will be powerful, and the harvest will be good.