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Five from one pod. Fairy tale Five from one pod (Andersen G.H.) read text online, download free Fairy tale 5 from 1 pod

Life is given for good deeds

Tale of G.-H. Andersen "Five from One Pod"

  • Andersen's life was not fun or simple; he was always very lonely, even among friends.
  • However, there is no place for sadness in his stories.
  • Andersen's fairy tales are pleasant and easy to read, because through them you can understand what it means: to be the happiest of all.

Hans Christian Andersen - world famous storyteller

  • In the fairy tale “Five from One Pod,” Hans Christian Andersen reflects on why each of us lives, whom he pleases and whom he saves...

"Five from One Pod"

  • There were 5 peas in one pod, they gradually grew and really wanted to see the world outside their green home. When they turned yellow, the boy picked the pod and began shooting peas from an elderberry tube. The peas were happy and scattered in different directions, dreaming of getting to very interesting places.

But then the sick girl saw how the pea sprouted and put out a green sprout. She was very interested in this, and she decided that, following the growing pea, she would begin to gain weight and go out into the sun.

At first the mother did not believe in such a miracle, but when she saw that the pea had bloomed, she also began to hope for her daughter’s recovery. The girl began to get up, her eyes became shiny and happy, she kept admiring the growing pea.

The fate of the rest from one pod was as follows: three were swallowed by pigeons, the fourth fell into a ditch with water, swelled and was very proud of it, believing that it had become the main one.

But you and I know that there is nothing more important than saving a sick girl.

In the fairy tales of G.-H. Andersen has everything that should always live in a person:

- respect for courage; - kindness and sympathy; - love for people; - contempt for the boastful and heartless.

We wish you a pleasant holiday with the stories of a wonderful storyteller G.-H. Andersen!

Five from one pod

There were five peas in the pod; they themselves were green, the pod was also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green; it was meant to be! The pod grew, and so did the peas; they adapted to the room and sat all in a row. The sun illuminated and warmed the pod, the rain watered it, and it became cleaner and more transparent; the peas felt good and cozy, light during the day and dark at night, as it should be. They grew and grew and more and more they thought, sitting in the pod, that it was time for them to do something.

- How long will it take us to sit here? - they said. - How can we not dry out from sitting like this!.. It seems to us that there is something outside our pod! We have such a feeling!

Several weeks passed; the peas turned yellow, the pod also turned yellow.

- The whole world is turning yellow! - they said, and who would stop them from saying so?

Suddenly they felt a strong shock; a human hand tore off the pod and put it in his pocket, among the other pods.

- Well, now we will soon be released! - said the peas and began to wait.

“I would like to know which of us will go the furthest!” - said the smallest one. - However, we’ll see soon!

“Come what may,” said the biggest one.

- Krak! – the pod burst, and all five peas rolled out into the bright sun. They lay on the child's palm; the little boy looked at them and said that they would be just right for him to shoot with an elderberry pipe. And now one pea was already in the tube, the boy blew, and it flew out.

- I fly, I fly wherever I want! Catch whoever can! – she screamed, and there was no trace of her.

– And I’ll fly straight into the sun; this is a real pod! Just right for me! - said another. Her trace is gone too.

- Wherever we come, we’ll sleep there! - said the next two. “But we’ll still get somewhere!” “They actually rolled on the floor before hitting the elderberry tube, but they still hit it.” - We will go the furthest!

- Come what may! - said the last one, flew up, landed on the old wooden roof and rolled into the crack just under the window of the attic closet. There was moss and loose earth in the crack; the moss covered the pea; so she remained there, hidden, but not forgotten by God.

- Come what may! - she said.

And in the closet lived a poor woman. She did daily work: she cleaned stoves, sawed wood, in a word, she took on whatever came her way; She had plenty of strength, and she had no desire to work either, but she still couldn’t get out of need! Her only daughter, a teenager, remained at home. She was so thin, frail; She had been lying in bed for a whole year: she neither lived nor died.

- She will go to her sister! - said the mother. - I had two of them. It was hard for me to feed two; Well, the Lord God shared his concern with me and took one to himself! I would like to keep the other one, but apparently he doesn’t want to separate the sisters! He'll take this one too!

But the sick girl still did not die; Patiently, meekly, she lay in bed day after day while her mother was at work.

It was spring, early in the morning, just before my mother left for work. The sun was shining through a small window directly onto the floor. The sick girl did not take her eyes off the window for a long time.

-What is that greenery outside the window? It sways in the wind! The mother went to the window and opened it.

- Look! - she said. - Yes, this pea has sprouted! And how did she get into the crack here? Well, now you will have your own kindergarten!

Moving the crib closer to the window so that the girl could admire the green sprout, the mother went to work.

– Mom, I think I’ll get better! - the girl said in the evening. – The sun warmed me so much today. Pea, do you see how nicely it grows in the sun? I’ll get better too, start getting up and going out into the sun.

- God forbid! - said the mother, but did not believe that it would come true. However, she propped up the green sprout that had cheered the girl up with a small stick so that it would not break from the wind; then she took a thin rope and attached one end to the roof, and tied the other to the upper edge of the window frame. The pea shoots will be able to cling to this string when they grow up. And so it happened: the shoots grew noticeably and crawled up the rope.

- Look, it will bloom soon! - the woman said one morning and from that moment she also began to hope and believe that her sick daughter would recover.

She remembered that the girl in Lately she spoke as if more vividly, in the morning she sat up in bed and sat for a long time, admiring her garden, where a single pea grew. And how her eyes sparkled at the same time! A week later, the patient got out of bed for the first time for an entire hour. How happy she was to sit in the sun! The window was open, and a blooming white and pink flower was swaying outside the window. The girl leaned out of the window and tenderly kissed the thin petals. This day was a real holiday for her.

“The Lord himself planted and raised a flower to encourage and please you, dear child, and me too!” - said the happy mother and smiled at the flower like a heavenly angel.

Well, what about the other peas? The one that flew wherever it wanted - catch it, they say, whoever can - fell into the gutter, and from there into the pigeon's crop and lay there, like Jonah in the belly of a whale. Two sloths went no further - they were also swallowed by pigeons, which means they brought considerable benefit. And the fourth, which was about to fly into the sun, fell into a ditch and lay for several weeks in musty water until it swelled.

- How wonderfully I have grown fat! - said the pea. “Really, I’ll burst soon, and I don’t think any pea could achieve more.” I am the most wonderful of all five!

Kanava completely agreed with her.

And at the window overlooking the roof stood a girl with shining eyes, rosy and healthy; she folded her hands and thanked God for the pea flower.

- But I still stand for my pea! - said the ditch.

There were five peas in the pod; they themselves were green, the pod was also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green; it was meant to be! The pod grew, and so did the peas; they adapted to the room and sat all in a row. The sun illuminated and warmed the pod, the rain watered it, and it became cleaner and more transparent; the peas felt good and cozy, light during the day and dark at night, as it should be. They grew and grew and more and more they thought, sitting in the pod, that it was time for them to do something.

- How long will it take us to sit here? - they said. - How can we not dry out from sitting like this!.. It seems to us that there is something outside our pod! We have such a feeling!

Several weeks passed; the peas turned yellow, the pod also turned yellow.

- The whole world is turning yellow! - they said, and who would stop them from saying so?

Suddenly they felt a strong shock; a human hand tore off the pod and put it in his pocket, among the other pods.

- Well, now we will soon be released! - said the peas and began to wait.

“I would like to know which of us will go the furthest!” - said the smallest one. - However, we'll see soon!

“Come what may,” said the biggest one.

- Krak! — the pod burst, and all five peas rolled out into the bright sun. They lay on the child's palm; the little boy looked at them and said that they would be just right for him to shoot with an elderberry pipe. And now one pea was already in the tube, the boy blew, and it flew out.

- I fly, I fly wherever I want! Catch whoever can! - she screamed, and there was no trace of her.

- And I’ll fly straight into the sun; this is a real pod! Just right for me! - said another. Her trace is gone too.

- Wherever we come, we’ll sleep there! - said the next two. “But we’ll still get somewhere!” “They actually rolled on the floor before hitting the elderberry tube, but they still hit it.” - We will go the furthest!

- Come what may! - said the last one, flew up, landed on the old wooden roof and rolled into the gap just under the window of the attic closet. There was moss and loose earth in the crack; the moss covered the pea; so she remained there, hidden, but not forgotten by God.

- Come what may! - she said.

And in the closet lived a poor woman. She did daily work: she cleaned stoves, sawed wood, in a word, she took on whatever came her way; She had plenty of strength, and she had no desire to work either, but she still couldn’t get out of need! Her only daughter, a teenager, remained at home. She was so thin, frail; She had been lying in bed for a whole year: she neither lived nor died.

- She will go to her sister! - said the mother. - I had two of them. It was hard for me to feed two; Well, the Lord God shared his concern with me and took one to himself! I would like to keep the other one, but apparently he doesn’t want to separate the sisters! He'll take this one too!

But the sick girl still did not die; Patiently, meekly, she lay in bed day after day while her mother was at work.

It was spring, early in the morning, just before my mother left for work. The sun was shining through a small window directly onto the floor. The sick girl did not take her eyes off the window for a long time.

-What is that greenery outside the window? It sways in the wind! The mother went to the window and opened it.

- Look! - she said. - Yes, this pea has sprouted! And how did she get into the crack here? Well, now you will have your own kindergarten!

Moving the crib closer to the window so that the girl could admire the green sprout, the mother went to work.

- Mom, I think I’ll get better! - the girl said in the evening. — The sun warmed me so much today. Pea, do you see how nicely it grows in the sun? I’ll get better too, start getting up and going out into the sun.

- God forbid! - said the mother, but did not believe that it would come true. However, she propped up the green sprout that had cheered the girl up with a small stick so that it would not break from the wind; then she took a thin rope and attached one end to the roof, and tied the other to the upper edge of the window frame. The pea shoots will be able to cling to this string when they grow up. And so it happened: the shoots grew noticeably and crawled up the rope.

- Look, it will bloom soon! — the woman said one morning, and from that moment she also began to hope and believe that her sick daughter would recover.

She remembered that lately the girl had spoken as if more animatedly, in the morning she would sit up in bed and sit for a long time, admiring her garden, where a single pea grew. And how her eyes sparkled at the same time! A week later, the patient got out of bed for the first time for an entire hour. How happy she was to sit in the sun! The window was open, and a blooming white and pink flower was swaying outside the window. The girl leaned out of the window and tenderly kissed the thin petals. This day was a real holiday for her.

“The Lord himself planted and raised a flower to encourage and please you, dear child, and me too!” - said the happy mother and smiled at the flower like a heavenly angel.

Well, what about the other peas? The one that flew wherever it wanted - catch it, they say, whoever can - fell into the gutter, and from there into the pigeon's crop and lay there, like Jonah in the belly of a whale. Two sloths went no further - they were also swallowed by pigeons, which means they brought considerable benefit. And the fourth, which was about to fly into the sun, fell into a ditch and lay for several weeks in musty water until it swelled.

- How wonderfully I have grown fat! - said the pea. “Really, I’ll burst soon, and I don’t think any pea could achieve more.” I am the most wonderful of all five!

Kanava completely agreed with her.

And at the window overlooking the roof stood a girl with shining eyes, rosy and healthy; she folded her hands and thanked God for the pea flower.

- But I still stand for my pea! - said the ditch.

There were five peas in the pod; they themselves were green, the pod was also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green; it was meant to be! The pod grew, and so did the peas; they adapted to the room and sat all in a row. The sun illuminated and warmed the pod, the rain watered it, and it became cleaner and more transparent; the peas felt good and cozy, light during the day and dark at night, as it should be. They grew and grew and more and more they thought, sitting in the pod, that it was time for them to do something.

How long will it take us to sit here? - they said. - How can we not dry out from sitting like this!.. It seems to us that there is something outside our pod! We have such a feeling!

Several weeks passed; the peas turned yellow, the pod also turned yellow.

The whole world is turning yellow! - they said, and who would stop them from saying so?

Suddenly they felt a strong shock; a human hand tore off the pod and put it in his pocket, among the other pods.

Well, now we will soon be released into the wild! - said the peas and began to wait.

I would like to know which of us will go the furthest! - said the smallest one. - However, we'll see soon!

Whatever happens, said the biggest one.

Crack! - the pod burst, and all five peas rolled out into the bright sun. They lay on the child's palm; the little boy looked at them and said that they would be just right for him to shoot with an elderberry pipe. And now one pea was already in the tube, the boy blew, and it flew out.

I fly, I fly wherever I want! Catch whoever can! - she screamed, and there was no trace of her.

And I will fly straight into the sun; this is a real pod! Just right for me! - said another. Her trace is gone too.

And wherever we come, we’ll sleep there! - said the next two. “But we’ll still get somewhere!” “They actually rolled on the floor before hitting the elderberry tube, but they still hit it.” - We will go the furthest!

Come what may! - said the last one, flew up, landed on the old wooden roof and rolled into the gap just under the window of the attic closet. There was moss and loose earth in the crack; the moss covered the pea; so she remained there, hidden, but not forgotten by God.

Come what may! - she said.

And in the closet lived a poor woman. She did daily work: she cleaned stoves, sawed wood, in a word, she took on whatever came her way; She had plenty of strength, and she had no desire to work either, but she still couldn’t get out of need! Her only daughter, a teenager, remained at home. She was so thin, frail; She had been lying in bed for a whole year: she neither lived nor died.

She will go to her sister! - said the mother. - I had two of them. It was hard for me to feed two; Well, the Lord God shared his concern with me and took one to himself! I would like to keep the other one, but apparently he doesn’t want to separate the sisters! He'll take this one too!

But the sick girl still did not die; Patiently, meekly, she lay in bed day after day while her mother was at work.

It was spring, early in the morning, just before my mother left for work. The sun was shining through a small window directly onto the floor. The sick girl did not take her eyes off the window for a long time.

What is that greenery outside the window? It sways in the wind! The mother went to the window and opened it.

Look! - she said. - Yes, this pea has sprouted! And how did she get into the crack here? Well, now you will have your own kindergarten!

Moving the crib closer to the window so that the girl could admire the green sprout, the mother went to work.

Mom, I think I'll get better! - the girl said in the evening. - The sun warmed me so much today. Pea, do you see how nicely it grows in the sun? I’ll get better too, start getting up and going out into the sun.

God forbid! - said the mother, but did not believe that it would come true. However, she propped up the green sprout that had cheered the girl up with a small stick so that it would not break from the wind; then she took a thin rope and attached one end to the roof, and tied the other to the upper edge of the window frame. The pea shoots will be able to cling to this string when they grow up. And so it happened: the shoots grew noticeably and crawled up the rope.

Look, it will bloom soon! - the woman said one morning, and from that moment she also began to hope and believe that her sick daughter would recover.

She remembered that lately the girl had spoken as if more animatedly, in the morning she would sit up in bed and sit for a long time, admiring her garden, where a single pea grew. And how her eyes sparkled at the same time! A week later, the patient got out of bed for the first time for an entire hour. How happy she was to sit in the sun! The window was open, and a blooming white and pink flower was swaying outside the window. The girl leaned out of the window and tenderly kissed the thin petals. This day was a real holiday for her.

The Lord himself planted and raised a flower to encourage and please you, dear child, and me too! - said the happy mother and smiled at the flower like a heavenly angel.

Well, what about the other peas? The one that flew wherever it wanted - catch it, they say, whoever can - fell into a gutter, and from there into the pigeon's crop and lay there, like Jonah in the belly of a whale. Two sloths went no further - they were also swallowed by pigeons, which means they brought considerable benefit. And the fourth, which was about to fly into the sun, fell into a ditch and lay for several weeks in musty water until it swelled.

How wonderfully I have grown fat! - said the pea. “Really, I’ll burst soon, and I don’t think a single pea could achieve more.” I am the most wonderful of all five!

Kanava completely agreed with her.

And at the window overlooking the roof stood a girl with shining eyes, rosy and healthy; she folded her hands and thanked God for the pea flower.

But I still stand for my pea! - said the ditch.

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Summary: Obedience, humility and suspending your explosive ambitions help you much more quickly accept your place in society and become meaningful and useful to most people. The fairy tale Five from One Pod, written by the talented Andersen, tells us about such a clear and simple truth. The fairy tale will show us one instructive story about five small peas that were in the middle of the pod until they were fully ripe. Four out of five pods considered themselves more worthy and useful, reminded them of this every time and tried in every possible way to prove it. As fate would have it, each of them was given a great chance to prove that he was the best and special. Three peas found their place in the crop of pigeons flying past them. One pea fell into the ditch, and was quite pleased with its new shelter. The fourth pea had some modesty and calmness, and it was she who was able to bring great benefit to people. It landed on the roof of the house, took root there and sprouted from a pea into a pod. Afterwards she was able to raise the sick girl to her feet with her own medicinal properties. You can read the fairy tale, Five from a Pod, online on this page with us. If you wish, you can listen to this tale in audio recording. Enjoy reading and viewing everyone. Don't forget to write your comments about the fascinating story you read.

Text of the fairy tale Five from one pod

There were five peas in the pod; they themselves were green, the pod was also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green; it was meant to be! The pod grew, and so did the peas; they adapted to the room and sat all in a row. The sun illuminated and warmed the pod, the rain watered it, and it became cleaner and more transparent; the peas felt good and cozy, light during the day and dark at night, as it should be. They kept growing and growing and thinking more and more, sitting in the pod - something had to be done! - How long will it take us to sit here? - they said. - How can we not get stale from sitting like this!.. But it seems to us that there is something behind our pod! We have such a feeling! Several weeks passed; the peas turned yellow, the pod also turned yellow. - The whole world is turning yellow! - they said, and who would stop them from saying so? Suddenly they felt a strong push: the pod was torn off by a human hand and put into a pocket, among other pods. - Well, now we will soon be released! - said the peas and began to wait. - I would like to know which of us will go the furthest! - said the smallest one. - However, we'll see soon! - Come what may! - said the biggest one. - Krak! - the pod burst, and all five peas rolled out into the bright sun. They lay on the child's palm; the little boy looked at them and said that they would be just right for him to shoot with an elderberry pipe. And now one pea was already in the tube, the boy blew, and it flew out. - I fly, I fly wherever I want! Catch whoever can! - she screamed, and her trace disappeared. - And I’ll fly straight into the sun; this is a real pod! Just right for me! - said another. Her trace is gone too. - Wherever we come, we’ll fall asleep there! - said the next two. - But we’ll get somewhere! “They actually rolled across the floor before hitting the elderberry tube, but they still hit it.” - We will go the furthest! - Come what may! - said the last one, flew up, landed on the old wooden roof and rolled into the gap just under the window of the attic closet. There was moss and loose earth in the crack; the moss covered the pea; so she remained there, hidden, but not forgotten by God. - Come what may! - she said. And in the closet lived a poor woman. She did daily work: she cleaned stoves, sawed wood, in short, she did all sorts of hard work; She had plenty of strength, and she had no desire to work either, but she still couldn’t get out of need! Her only daughter, a teenager, remained at home. She was so thin, frail; She had been lying in bed for a whole year: she neither lived nor died. “She will go to her sister,” said the mother. - I had two of them. It was hard for me to feed two; Well, the Lord God shared his concern with me and took one to himself! I would like to keep the other one, but apparently he doesn’t want to separate the sisters! But the sick girl still did not die; Patiently, meekly, she lay in bed day after day while her mother was at work. It was spring, early in the morning, just before my mother left for work. The sun was shining through a small window directly on the floor, and the sick girl looked through the window. - What is that greenery outside the window? It sways in the wind! The mother went to the window and opened it. - Look! - she said. - Yes, this pea has sprouted! And how did she get into the crack here? Well, now you will have your own kindergarten! Moving the crib closer to the window so that the girl could admire the green sprout, the mother went to work. - Mom, I think I’ll get better! - the girl said in the evening. - The sun warmed me so much today. Pea, do you see how nicely it grows in the sun? I’ll get better too, start getting up and going out into the sun. - God forbid! - said the mother, but did not believe that it would come true. However, she propped up the green sprout that had cheered the girl up with a small stick so that it would not break from the wind; then she took a thin rope and attached one end to the roof, and tied the other to the upper edge of the window frame. The pea shoots could cling to this string when they began to grow. And so it happened: the shoots grew noticeably and crawled up the rope. - Look, it will bloom soon! - the woman said one morning, and from that moment she also began to hope and believe that her sick girl would get better. She remembered that lately the girl had spoken as if more animatedly, in the morning she would sit up in bed on her own and sit for a long time, admiring her garden, where a single pea grew, and how her eyes sparkled! A week later, the patient got out of bed for the first time for an entire hour. How happy she was to sit in the sun! The window was open, and a blooming white and pink flower was swaying outside the window. The girl leaned out of the window and tenderly kissed the thin petals. This day was a real holiday for her. - The Lord himself planted and raised a flower to encourage and please you, dear child, and me too! - said the happy mother and smiled at the flower like a heavenly angel. Well, what about the other peas? The one that flew wherever it wanted - catch it, they say, whoever can - fell into the gutter, and from there into the pigeon's crop and lay there, like Jonah in the belly of a whale. Two sloths went no further - they were also swallowed by pigeons, which means they also brought considerable benefit. And the fourth, which was about to fly into the sun, fell into a ditch and lay for several weeks in musty water until it swelled. - How wonderfully I have grown fat! - said the pea. “Really, I’ll burst soon, and I don’t think a single pea could achieve more.” I am the most wonderful of all five! Kanava completely agreed with her. And at the window overlooking the roof stood a girl with shining eyes, rosy and healthy; she folded her hands and thanked God for the pea flower. - But I still stand for my pea! - said the ditch.

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