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Simple and complex methods of Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed. Fortune telling for the betrothed using a ring. Fortune telling on objects

As a rule, men rarely tell fortunes about their betrothed and do not bother themselves with magic. However, there are representatives of the stronger sex who believe in fate or suffer greatly due to unrequited love. It is they who resort, most often, to various methods of fortune telling.

It is worth noting that there are not so many such methods of fortune-telling due to their not so great popularity among the stronger sex. But they exist and can help any man look into the future.

In general, fortune telling for your betrothed is not much different from similar female methods of fortune telling and, if the ritual is carried out correctly, can give a very reliable result.

Experienced fortune tellers consider Christmastide and Christmas to be the best times for fortune telling. But if you were unable to tell your fortune during this period, do not despair. Any other time is fine too.

Before you start guessing, you should think carefully about everything and understand how important the information you plan to learn is for you.

After all, sometimes it happens that we learn something completely different from what we would like. If you have the courage to find out the whole truth about your future betrothed, you can use any of the fortune telling methods described below.

Fortune telling by boot

In the evening (preferably on Christmastide), go outside from the house into the yard and throw your boot over the gate.

Where the toe of the boot is directed is where your future spouse lives.

Fortune telling on paper before bed

Write different women's names on separate pieces of paper, roll them up, mix them thoroughly and place them in a large, clean, dry cup or deep saucer.

Go to bed.

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, without looking, take out one piece of paper with a name from the cup. This is what your spouse will be called.

Fortune telling in front of the mirror

This is one of the most ancient and most dangerous methods of fortune telling for a betrothed. But also the most reliable.

Late at night, place a mirror in an empty room and light a candle in front of it. You must be completely alone. When the clock strikes 12 times, say 3 times: “Mummed bride, come to me with makeup.”

After these words, look in the mirror. There you will see your future wife.

But with this method of fortune telling, be extremely careful. As soon as you see her silhouette or image in the mirror, immediately turn your back to it. Otherwise, your soul may be stuck forever in the other world.

During fortune telling, some also doused the mirror with water as a precaution after seeing the silhouette.

Simple fortune telling

A very simple way to find out the name of your betrothed is fortune telling using pieces of paper. For this fortune telling you should do the following:

  • Write different women's names on separate pieces of paper, roll them up, mix them up and throw them in your cap or hat.
  • Take out one leaf.
  • Whichever one you choose will become your wife.

Despite the simplicity of this method, experienced fortune tellers talk about the high degree of reliability of this fortune telling. The first result will be the most truthful.

As soon as girls grow up, they develop an interest in their future chosen one, destined by fate.

Fortune telling for a betrothed has been popular since ancient times. Our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers bewitched their future groom.

To this day, there are many different ways to find out which of the guys will become a reliable support in the future life.

You can see the groom in a dream or find out a little more about him using other proven means, which have been resorted to since ancient times.

But let's talk about everything in order.

At night, when everyone goes to bed, the girl should sit by the closed window and light a candle. Say to yourself: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.”

If after some time she hears people driving loudly screaming and whistling, then this is a good sign, promising a cheerful married life and a rich groom.

If they pass or drive by very quietly, then the future spouse will have a poor financial situation.

Fortune telling by fence

A girl who wants to know her fate walks along the fence, counts the stakes and says: “Rich, poor, widower, bachelor.” Whatever word he stops at, that’s what her husband will be.

Fortune telling by comb

In the barn or in the house at night you need to hang a comb on a thread with thoughts of your beloved.

According to an old belief, the groom should come at night and comb his hair. In the morning you can tell by the color of his hair what he will be like.

Fortune telling with water before bed

Before going to bed, the girl takes a full glass of water, holds a lock over it and says: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.”

The lock needs to be closed.

Place the lock on a glass of water.

Whoever dreams and asks for a drink is the future groom appointed by fate.

Fortune telling for the groom before bed

A method of divination similar to the previous one.

Before going to bed, a girl needs to eat salty food. At night, make a wish: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”

Whoever helps you quench your thirst in a dream is the future groom.

Card reading

At night, the girl puts four kings under her pillow and says: “Who is my betrothed, dream about him in my dreams.”

He should appear in a dream in the form of one of the kings.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with the king of diamonds

At night, under her pillow, a girl, in order to perform a ritual of divination for her future groom, puts the king of diamonds and wishes: “Dream about the betrothed, dream about the mummer.”

Before going to bed, you need to carefully clean yourself up: wash your face, comb your hair, you can also put some beautiful decoration under the pillow next to the card.

Whoever you dream about this night will be the one with whom you will develop a love relationship in the future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with keys

The keys are hung out the window late at night. When someone who comes (a goblin or a devil) moves them, the girl asks about the name of her future husband. A voice calls a name.

Fortune telling on a towel

At night, they hang a clean white towel outside the window and say: “Mummer, come and dry yourself.” If the towel is dry and untouched in the morning, then the girl will not get married this year. If wet, then expect a marriage proposal and early marriage.

The unknown always attracts a person. From time immemorial, he was interested in finding out what awaited him in the future, to find out the answers to the questions that bothered him. This is precisely why Christmas fortune telling was invented. And in order to satisfy your curiosity, there is no need to go to a witch grandmother or a psychic, especially if you do not have confidence in their professionalism. All necessary rituals can be safely performed at home. You just need to comply with some conditions.

It is very important to choose the right time for the ritual. In Russian traditions, it is customary to tell fortunes between Christmas and January 19, but many years of experience have shown that spirits especially often respond to calls on the night of January 6-7, on Christmas Eve itself.

As our ancestors claimed, it is during this period of time that all predictions and answers to your questions will be closest to reality.

After Baptism takes place, all spirits from the other world go back to where they came from, and at this time all predictions will be distorted.

It is necessary to produce in those places that are considered an intermediate link between the world of the living and the afterlife. Basically, such places are attics, basements, especially dark and mysterious places that inspire a vague feeling of the presence of something else. Also, Russian women went to the bathhouse, since there is a particularly high concentration of perfume there.

To summon a spirit and find out what worries you, you must follow some rules:

  • during the ceremony, remove talismans and crosses, if you wear them;
  • during the ritual, let your hair down, since this style will allow you to establish the tightest connection with the spirits, and will also protect you from the effects of negative energy;
  • keep your arms parallel to your body, since arms lying crosswise make it difficult to establish contact with the other world;
  • remove all church utensils, icons, etc., as you are contacting forces opposite to divine energy;
  • the place where you plan to perform the ritual should be illuminated exclusively with candles; no other light sources should be available.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using branches

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed is already a tradition for young girls. One of the most famous rituals is the one called “The Bridge”. To carry it out, you need to first save a couple of thin branches from the trees that need to be cleared of bark.

Before going to bed, arrange them as follows: place the two longest ones next to each other parallel to each other, and place the shorter ones (2-3 pieces) across the long ones. This bridge structure must be built by you alone.

Before going to bed, place the resulting bridge under your pillow, saying: “Whoever is my betrothed will lead me across the bridge.” That night, the girl will see in a dream a bridge on which there will be a man holding out his hand to her. It is he who will be the image of the one to whom fate will subsequently entrust you.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using a ring

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed mummer can also be done with things that are at hand. In this case, use a ring. To do this, take a ring that belongs to you, preferably it is made of precious metal, then take a glass and pour water into it.

At night, when the room in which you will perform the ritual is lit only by candles, throw a ring from a glass of water and look carefully at the center. After a certain period of time, the image of a man who will become your life partner in the future will appear in the glass.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using cards

For this ritual, you will again need a simple tool at hand - a deck of ordinary cards. To make your prediction reliable, be sure to take a deck that you haven’t played yet, that is, a clean one, otherwise the prediction may turn out to be distorted. Separate the jacks and kings from the other cards, then mix them thoroughly.

Only these cards will be required as they symbolize men. Such Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed on cards is very common due to its simplicity.

Before going to bed, be sure to lay out the cards face down, and then say: “Mummer, dream about me!” Then go to bed. In the morning, take a random card. If you get a jack, it means your man will be young and about your age, and if you get a king, then his age will be many times greater than yours. After that, look at the suit you got.

  • worms - your fiance is much closer than you think, take a closer look at your surroundings;
  • spades - your life partner will be quite rich;
  • clubs - fate will connect you when you don’t expect it;
  • tambourines - you will meet through friends or relatives.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream using your comb

Christmas fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream is also an integral annual tradition for young girls. There is fortune telling with which you can find out not only the name of your future spouse, but also see his image. This is quite possible, since the vision will come to you while you are sleeping. Place your comb under your pillow just before going to bed. After this, say the following phrase: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and comb my head. Amen".

It is necessary that no one else uses your comb except you. If the image of your betrothed did not come to you that night, you can repeat the ritual a couple of days later.

Fortune telling for your betrothed using a new comb

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with a comb turns out to be no less effective and accurate. For this purpose, you need to buy a new comb, which is made exclusively from natural materials. Never use a comb made with plastic elements. Before going to bed, run it through your hair and say the following phrase: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb your hair with my comb. Amen".

Then go to bed, and as soon as you wake up, look at the comb. If you find hair on it, then believe me, in your near future there will be a person who will become your companion. Such a ritual is quite truthful, since our ancestors were convinced of this more than once.

Many women subsequently claimed that the hair they found on the comb matched in color and length to that of their real husband.

Fortune telling on paper

Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed on paper is also a fairly simple way to find out a little information about your future spouse. However, in this fortune-telling you will need to show some ingenuity; it is very important to concentrate during the ritual. You will need to turn on associative thinking to guess what fate is sending you.

Take some paper, preferably larger (you can even use newspaper), and crumple it until it becomes shapeless. After this, take a flat plate and place crumpled paper on it and set it on fire. A few seconds before the paper completely burns out, bring the plate to the wall. From the shadow images that appear on the wall, you must recognize what otherworldly forces are predicting for you.

Fortune telling with salt

Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed at home can be done using standard salt. Here it also comes down to the interpretation of the dream. Immediately before plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus, the girl must eat or drink something salty, or even better if she just eats a little pure salt.

After which, without drinking and without talking to anyone, she needs to say the phrase: “Mummer, bring me some water to drink.” Then it is important to try to fall asleep quickly. The person who gives a girl water in a dream will become her husband.

Fortune telling on mirrors

If you want to see the image of your future husband as clearly as possible, then use mirrors. Choose the most secluded place, preferably dark, which will provide you with absolute silence. Let your hair down and then begin the ritual.

Place the mirrors closer to each other, preferably opposite. Place one candle on either side of each mirror. After all the manipulations, say the following phrase: “Betrothed, show yourself to me!” Then spend some time carefully looking at the mirrors. The image of the future spouse can appear either at the same moment or after a certain amount of time. Therefore, most likely, you will have to wait a little.

Surely, the most common fortune telling, which all representatives of the fair sex resort to, is fortune telling for the betrothed. All single girls are very interested in finding out what kind of prince fate has in store for them, so this method has been actively used for many centuries.

How to guess:
Focus and don't think about anything for 2-3 minutes. Free your mind. Imagine your future chosen one, your wedding, marriage. Start fortune telling - draw 5 cards.

Select the first card:

Tell your fortune again

Tell your fortune again

You can repeat fortune telling, but it’s better after 5-10 minutes.

We bring to your attention time-tested fortune telling methods that will tell you the appearance, name and other signs of your future spouse.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a ring

You will need to find a very ordinary glass with a flat bottom. It is unacceptable that there are drawings or edges on it.

Fortune telling is performed in a calm environment, so that no one disturbs you or distracts you from what is happening.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

This method of fortune-telling shows the highest results at Christmas and during the week of Christmastide.

Before 12 o'clock at night, you should prepare a mirror and bring several Christmas tree branches. Before you go to bed, write down on the mirror the name of the person you are interested in or your secret wish. The next morning, as soon as they wake up, they look at the mirror.

If the entry disappears, this means the obligatory fulfillment of what you want, and also portends your imminent marriage. And if no changes have occurred, everything in your life will remain the same as it was.

But know that this will be a bad omen for the person whose name is inscribed on the mirror. For this reason, before you begin to perform fortune telling, it would be a good idea to think carefully. In addition, you can always use your wish instead of a name.

Find out other interesting methods of fortune telling from this video

Herbal divination

If you are interested in collecting herbs and like to make herbal preparations for the winter, you can use this effective fortune telling.

You will need to stock up on twelve varieties of different herbs. For each of them, come up with a specific desire, what you expect in the field of personal relationships in the near future.

To do this, take pieces of paper and write on them everything that you dream about or what you fear.

For example, “This year I will meet my soulmate,” “I will be alone throughout the year,” “I am marrying my lover,” and so on.

Then you will need to carefully attach each strip to the flower. Then, when this manipulation is completed, you blindfold yourself with a ribbon and randomly pull out a flower with a note. What is written in it will definitely come true during the current year.

Fortune telling by the name of the future spouse

This method is very simple and easy to implement in real life. You will need to stock up on several sheets of paper, each with any name of the man written on it. Place the leaves in any container (you can use a hat for this purpose).

Then you need to shake the leaves and pull out one of them to choose from. The name you pull out will be the name of your future spouse.

Fortune telling by rice grains

Take a jar of rice and place it in front of you. You need to hold your left hand over it so that your palm faces down. Mentally concentrate on your request, and then ask it out loud.

Then take a handful of rice out of the container and scatter it on a napkin. Count the fallen rice grains.

If the number of them is odd, it means that you are receiving a negative answer to your question from the Higher Powers, and if it is an even number, the answer is positive.

Fortune telling by bulbs

You need to take the bulbs and put the name of the potential groom on each of them with a felt-tip pen or paint. Then all the bulbs are placed in jars with water, and we wait until one of them begins to sprout.

The bulb that sprouts first represents the winner of the tournament. This means that your spouse will be called exactly as indicated on it.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

There are very interesting variations of telling fortunes about your future spouse using night dreams.

Fortune telling with a comb

When you are about to go to bed, you need to place a comb with a mirror under your pillow and say the following words at this moment:

“My betrothed, my mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my hair.”

The main condition of the described method is to go to bed with uncombed curls.

Fortune telling with a castle

Only those girls who have long hair can use this method. The fortune telling is that before going to bed you will need to braid your hair. And when you are already falling asleep, put a new lock into the braid, lock it with the key and say the following:

“My betrothed, the mummer, come to me in a dream, ask for the key and open the lock.”

After this, the key goes under the mattress, and you wait until your betrothed comes to you in a night dream.

Fortune telling with water

There is another interesting way to tell fortunes about your future husband using water. Before going to bed, you will need to place a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed. And before you fall asleep, say the following words out loud:

“You will get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have fresh water, come to me, I’ll give you a drink of it.”

Then you are baptized three times and can go to bed peacefully. After this, your future spouse should appear to you in a dream and ask you for a drink of water.

There are many different fortune telling for your future spouse. The main thing in this process is sincere belief in a positive result and compliance with all the rules of fortune telling. Also, the highest results are obtained from fortune-telling performed during the holidays, since at this time our world is in close contact with the otherworldly, and it becomes possible to obtain hidden information.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Love spells and fortune telling may seem like superstitions to some, but for many centuries girls have been using them to find their sweetheart, the mummer. The most favorable dates for fortune telling are the days of religious holidays such as Christmas and Epiphany. On the night before such a day, a girl can see her betrothed, a mummer in a dream, or find out about her fiancé with the help of fortune telling.

Fortune telling about the groom using notes

The simplest type of fortune telling for the future groom, which does not require additional preparations, is fortune telling using notes. For this fortune telling, the girl must write the names of the guys on pieces of paper and put these pieces of paper under the pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the girl must take out the first piece of paper she comes across and read the name. This is her betrothed, the mummer. According to the second version of this fortune telling, she should see her future groom in a dream.

Fortune telling about the wedding

For this fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. Before starting fortune telling, guess the name of your loved one. Remove all sixes from the deck, shuffle and take out the king and queen of hearts. Then place the king at the bottom of the deck and the queen at the top. Turn the queen face down and place it on the table, and next to her, open the next card from the deck. Reveal the entire deck, removing the following combinations of cards:

  • remove any card or two cards if they fall between cards of the same suit or value
  • remove the middle of three cards of the same suit or value if they are in a row.

Thus, you will lay out the entire deck, and if after this laying out only the king and queen remain on the table, then get ready for the wedding. The one you wished for is your betrothed, the mummer.

Mysterious fortune telling for the groom

To tell fortunes in this way, you need to go to the crossroads at midnight. Having guessed the name of your betrothed, the mummer, draw a circle. Then you need to stand in the outlined circle and listen carefully. Hear the sound of a ringing bell, laughter or cheerful singing - you will soon marry the desired groom. Hear a bitter cry or a sad song - think about it, something needs to be changed in your life.

Fortune telling about the betrothed, disguised in a dream

With the help of this fortune telling, you can see your future groom in a dream.

There are several ways of this fortune telling.

Method 1. For this fortune telling you will need a bowl of water and splinters (or sticks). Place the bowl under the bed and arrange the splinters so that they form a bridge across the water. When you go to bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”

Method 2. For this method, you need to eat more salty foods before going to bed. Then, going to bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, give me a drink.”

Method 3. Place a comb under your pillow at night and say: “Betrothed, mummer, comb my hair.”

Method 4. Place four kings taken from a deck of cards under your pillow at night and say: “Betrothed, mummer, dream about me today.”

Fortune telling on bulbs

Several girls are telling fortunes. You will need several onions. They need to be marked somehow (one girl for each bulb). Then the bulbs are planted in the ground, and the first one to sprout will be the girl who will marry first.

Fortune telling on a walnut shell

Several girls are telling fortunes. You will need walnut shells, wax candles and a bowl (basin) of water. The candles are placed in nut shells and these “boats” are placed in a basin of water. Then each girl lights a candle on her boat. Whose boat sinks first, that girl will never get married. And in whose shell the candle burns out first, that girl will get married the fastest.