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Preventive screening for cancer. Early diagnosis of cancer: what examinations and how often should be done. How is cancer diagnosed?

What kind of examinations and tests will help to suspect cancer in time - said the experts of the Capital Medical Clinic, a doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences Fedor Shpachenko And biologist and psychologist Marina Spirande.

“Scheduled maintenance” for the body

Maya Milich, Is it possible to somehow protect yourself from such a serious disease as cancer?

Our colleagues from leading foreign clinics note that characteristic feature Russian cancer patients experience extreme neglect of the disease, when the chances of cure are much lower than they could be.

We often criticize medicine, and we turn to doctors only when we are sick, and self-medication and the advice of friends and relatives no longer help. Although motorists, for example, try to undergo preventive maintenance once a year, they check the car in order to identify small problems in time before serious breakdowns occur.

Any oncologist will tell you that there is no cancer without precancer. Tumors, with the exception of skin cancer, are diseases internal organs, invisible to the eye and in the early stages may not bother a person. This means that in order not to undergo treatment later, you need to start right now to control those changes that in the future can lead to cancer.

We are able to protect ourselves from many serious diseases, including cancer, by undergoing a preventive medical examination once a year, which in our time is often called the beautiful foreign word “CHECK-UP”. CHEK-AP programs differ in the composition of studies for men and women and take into account age.

For example, after 40 years, when the risk of cancer increases, a routine regular examination includes tests for specific tumor markers - substances, the amount of which increases in precancerous and cancerous diseases.

Gastro- and colonoscopy are required, taking into account the increasing incidence of stomach and intestinal cancer, as well as ultrasound of internal organs. For women, the gynecologist's examination includes colposcopy, which makes it possible to detect precancerous changes in the cervix in the early stages; for men, urological monitoring of the condition of the prostate gland. After all, cancer of all these organs is much more common than, for example, brain cancer.

If blood relatives have had cancer, it is recommended to undergo a specialized oncogenetic analysis, which includes not only the studies listed above, but also an analysis for oncogenes, which makes it possible to assess the genetic predisposition to some type of cancer.

Suspect cancer

- Can a general blood test detect cancer? Or do I need to do a test for tumor markers?

Unfortunately, a general blood test cannot directly indicate such a disease. It will only show the general condition of the person, the presence of inflammatory processes (it could be a cold, or it could be cancer), by the level of ESR and hemoglobin it will indirectly indicate problems with the liver, kidneys or blood, and by the composition of the blood it will suggest a number of diseases, including cancer. This is a very important analysis, but it is basic. If there is something wrong with it, the therapist may refer you for more detailed diagnostics to clarify the diagnosis.

Tumor markers with slight increases in the number may indicate not cancer, but inflammatory diseases. In addition, among the most informative and common tumor markers are alpha-fetoprotein, total PSA/free PSA, CEA, CA-15.3, CA-125, CA-19.9, CA-72.4, CYFRA-21.1, HCG and cytokeratin.

There is no specific tumor marker for brain cancer. There are only indirect indicators. Although unconfirmed information has appeared that such a tumor marker was found by a group of Israeli scientists.

A neurologist can suspect brain cancer, whose studies include assessing the strength of the arms and legs, balance, reflexes, sensitivity and mental state. An ophthalmologist using an ophthalmoscope can detect inflammation of the optic nerve of the fundus, which may be associated with increased intracranial pressure as a result of the growth of a brain tumor.

- Does it make sense to undergo an MRI once a year in order to prevent brain cancer?

- It is correct to carry out any instrumental research as directed by a doctor. The referral should be justified when simpler and, by the way, affordable laboratory tests and examinations by specialists have already shown a suspicion of the disease. The mass craze for MRI has already passed, just as the mass craze for ultrasound passed before.

But even now, if you have been sent for an MRI, it is worth remembering that it is important to undergo the study on the “correct” machine - tension magnetic field should be more than 1 Tesla (so that the picture of the organs is clear) and less than 3 Tesla (such high power is needed only for high-precision research before operations).

Remember, if there is no data yet on the dangers of the magnetic field of a tomograph, this does not mean that it is absolutely safe. The oncologist can refer the patient to another more informative study, which is selected in each specific case, for example, PET CT - positron emission tomography.

Nowadays it is common to criticize the professionalism of doctors. But no matter how strong your distrust of the doctor, it is worth remembering that the doctor definitely knows more about diseases than a common person. No amount of hands-on research will give you peace of mind.

Only a specialist who can interpret all studies, and can see the disease based on weak signals and small deviations from the norm, can help in time.

Who should I contact?

If you have symptoms, which doctor should you go to? Usually people go to see a general practitioner - is the general practitioner able to “look at” the tumor? Or is it better to go straight to a neurologist?

The general practitioner conducts vital basic research that provides food for thought for other specialists. Firstly, he collects anamnesis - conducts a universal medical survey that gives a complete picture of the patient’s general condition, the nature of his complaints, history of past illnesses, and family diseases.

A well-collected anamnesis is half the correct diagnosis. Second, the physician orders basic basic laboratory tests.

Any disease will make itself known, albeit indirectly, through these indicators. And if the totality of the data obtained indicates possible brain diseases, you will be redirected to a neurologist, but not with fears and concerns, but with objective results of the initial examination.

Checking for conditions that may accompany cancer, or directly detecting a malignancy, is called cancer screening. This method will help you navigate how to identify cancer. Diagnostic tests establish the possibility of cancer even before general symptoms.

Screening helps doctors detect some types of cancer in the early stages, which helps establish timely and adequate treatment. By the time symptoms appear, the cancer may have spread to other tissues, making it less responsive to treatment and worsening the prognosis of the disease.

How much does cancer treatment cost in Russia today?

You can study the table of estimated prices to estimate the amount of the final check and consider alternative options for combating the disease.

Types of cancer screenings

  • Universal screening (mass):

Includes examination of all representatives of a certain age group.

  • Selective screening:

Aimed at people susceptible to higher risk, as well as those with a family history of the disease.

Screening is not always effective. It often results in false positives (when the disease is not actually present) or false negatives (when the presence of cancer is not determined). Therefore, additional examinations prescribed by the treating oncologist should be carried out to identify a possible disease.

Since there are many types of cancer, different symptoms are identified.

To find out for sure how to identify cancer, the connection with the organs of tumor dislocation and the duration of observation of some symptoms should initially be clarified.

With a long course of the disease, the tumor grows into neighboring tissues (nerves, blood vessels and other cells).

  1. The body expends a large amount of energy (this occurs so that mutated tissues can grow). Because of this, a person feels tired, weak, loses weight, and sometimes has a fever for no apparent reason.
  2. Feeling a lump in some areas of the body. It occurs due to the release of toxins by cancer cells into the blood channels. In this case, the tumor forms in the lymph nodes or in the general bloodstream.
  3. There is constant pain as the tumor can affect nerve endings or other organs.
  4. Changes in skin condition. The skin changes color or develops unexpected pigmentation, as well as a rash or itching.
  5. Persistent or other discharge has appeared from the mouth, genitals, nose, ears or nipple.
  6. Open wounds or bruises form that do not respond to antibacterial treatment. Attention should also be paid to mouth ulcers that do not heal and are characterized by an unusual color (red, brown-red) and jagged edges.
  7. Pallor skin combined with weakness and susceptibility to infections. Such symptoms may indicate leukemia, cancer bone marrow etc.

How to determine if there is cancer in advance?

Some types of cancer can be detected in the early stages due to certain conditions. To do this, it is recommended to use appropriate diagnostic tests.

Women who are at higher risk of developing the disease are recommended to have mammograms before the age of 40. The procedure is performed for women whose first-degree relatives (mother, sister, daughter) suffered from this disease. For preventive purposes, women aged 50-74 are recommended to examine their mammary glands every two years.

It is advisable to use a Pap test or others to prevent the disease in young women under 20 years of age and slightly older who tend to have abnormal cells. For women without risk of the disease and without an atypical Pap smear for cervical cancer screening, diagnosis should be carried out every 3 years, regardless of age.

  • Bowel cancer

The main thing in diagnosing colorectal cancer is the identification of benign formations called polyps. They can be removed during colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. It is also recommended to screen the colon and rectum by collecting stool to detect occult blood. The examination should be carried out for people who have this type of cancer and are also aged 50-75 years.

The disease is defined by the presence of conditions such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Diagnosis includes special testing, sometimes a biopsy, to monitor the presence of prostate-specific antigen.

The disease is determined by tomographic examination, which is recommended to be carried out annually for people aged 55 to 80 years, as well as for those who have a thirty-year history of smoking.

  • Pancreas cancer

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Almost undetectable in the early stages. However, for preventive purposes, regular endoscopic examination is recommended. ultrasonography, as well as MRI and CT scans for individuals at high risk of developing the disease due to congenital genetics and negative family history.

When a question arises: “ How to determine if there is cancer?", it is best to consult a doctor who will select the most effective method diagnosing cancer and will confirm or refute your suspicions. The choice of cancer detection method depends on the possible location of the tumor. Common basic medical tests for cancer include urinalysis, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, biopsy, ultrasound, radionuclide testing, endoscopy, colonoscopy, examination, mammography and other tests.

Cancer is considered a serious disease that threatens human life. Certain types of cancer cannot be detected in the initial stages because they are asymptomatic. And early testing gives a chance for recovery.

Cancer is a malignant node, the formation of which occurs due to the degeneration of healthy cells into tumor cells. Subsequently, the tumor grows, growing into neighboring tissues, and metastases occur in distant organs. The course of the disease occurs in four stages.

At the first stage of development, the node can only be determined by chance. Since the last stages of the disease are life-threatening, you need to be checked for cancer regularly. Cancer is considered the leading cause of high mortality in the world. Every person should undergo regular medical examination.

To identify a cancerous node at the initial stage, you need to focus on the malfunctions of the body. The manifestation of various symptoms can be considered harbingers not only of cancer, but also of other ailments. Continued repetition of symptoms indicates that consultation with a doctor is required.

What manifestations may indicate illness:

  • Women experience bloating. Permanent pain syndromes V lumbar region, a quick feeling of fullness in the stomach, flatulence - if the situation lasts for a long time, it’s time to visit a doctor. These indicators are typical for ovarian cancer.
  • Bleeding in women. If this happens after menopause and is not related to the cycle, it may indicate a cancerous tumor of the cervix (endometrium).
  • Painful manifestations in the abdomen and pelvic organs. It is observed due to a malfunction of the ovaries. Cancer is characterized by constant manifestations.
  • Long-term back pain in men. They can appear with a cancerous node of the prostate and colon. Sometimes the pain symptom is felt in the bones of the hips. A visit to the doctor is mandatory.
  • Changes in the size of male testicles. It is important to monitor changes so that the volume and shape do not change. If a neoplasm is detected, you should immediately seek medical help. Testicular cancer develops quickly, the initial stage goes unnoticed. There may be pain in the groin, thighs, pelvic bones, and swelling.
  • Continuous cough. If it is observed for a long time, this is an indicator of cancer of the throat, thyroid gland, and lungs.
  • Problematic urination and bowel problems. Regular problems and the presence of blood in the stool indicate a cancerous tumor of the rectum.
  • Sharp weight loss is observed in cancer of the pancreas, lungs, stomach, and esophagus.
  • Changes in the area of ​​the mammary glands. The presence of nodes in the breast is observed in women and men - breast cancer is possible.
  • Lymph nodes enlarge. If the swollen nodes do not decrease within a month, a visit to the doctor is necessary.
  • Neoplasms on the skin. You need to carefully monitor the appearance of new moles and spots on the body. Changes in color and shape may indicate the development of a skin cancer called melanoma.
  • Appearance in oral cavity whitish and red spots also indicate the need to visit a doctor.
  • Long-term fatigue occurs with leukemia and other forms of cancer.

It is also advisable to get tested for the presence of cancer cells for those who have:

  • craving for smoking;
  • excess weight;
  • poor quality nutrition, insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits;
  • high consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • presence of human papillomavirus;
  • hepatitis B, C;
  • radiation, ionizing and ultraviolet;
  • heredity.

Where to start the examination

Detection of cancer cells or other diseases begins with a visit to a medical facility. You can get examined at a clinic or visit an oncology center. The therapist conducts the examination. He will ask questions, after which he will assign necessary tests for oncology. If the initial examination reveals a pathology, the doctor prescribes additional tests and refers to an oncologist.

Early diagnosis of cancer begins with an annual medical examination. The manifestation of symptoms means additional consultation with a doctor.

Necessary tests

They begin to identify a cancerous tumor using tests that are prescribed in large quantities. This is used to be able to exclude false diagnostic indicators. The most commonly used are those listed below.

General blood tests

A malignant formation develops and leaves waste products in the bloodstream. Everything is reflected in the final indicators. Poisoning of the body leads to increased ESR levels, an increase in the level of white blood cells, and a decrease in lymphocytes. When this is accompanied by fatigue and weight loss, it may indicate the occurrence of lymphogranulomatosis and histiocytosis. A decrease in hemoglobin indicates the formation of a node in the internal organs. Bone marrow cancer is characterized by immature cells.

To determine abnormalities, blood is donated on an empty stomach, and the analysis is ready within two days. The accuracy is low; in case of any discrepancies from the norm, a number of narrow studies are carried out.

Urine study

Rarely appear in urine characteristic features oncological diseases. You need to focus on the appearance of blood and the presence of ketone bodies. The analysis does not give an accurate result.

Biochemical study of blood

Diagnosis of cancer occurs in stages:

  • Albumin, total protein. Protein is required for tumor growth, which is why its performance drops. Added to this is a decrease in appetite, which leads to protein deficiency in the body.
  • Urea. An increase in level indicates a decrease in renal activity or rapid breakdown of protein. It is observed during tumor poisoning, destruction of tumor tissue, which occurs during effective cancer treatment.
  • The sugar level increases - lung cancer, sarcoma of the reproductive system, and liver are detected. The neoplasm cells inhibit the production of insulin, and the body responds to an increase in glucose with the appearance of diabetes mellitus. This process is observed several years before the symptoms of oncology are observed.
  • Increased bilirubin indicates liver damage.
  • ALAT is a protein molecule that increases when the liver is deformed by a tumor and other diseases.
  • Excess alkaline phosphatase is typical for tumor nodes of bone tissue and metastases, liver damage, nodes and metastases of the gallbladder.

Blood is drawn from a vein on an empty stomach. The result is ready within two days. The accuracy of the study is low; the detected changes are considered an indicator for additional examination.

Blood clotting test

The presence of cancer increases blood clotting. There is a danger of thrombosis and microthrombi. Their detection negatively affects the course of oncology. For the study, a coagulogram is used, you need to donate venous blood.

Immunohistochemical analysis

Determines oncology using tumor markers. Markers are substances that react to the activity of a tumor node, in healthy body are not observed or are in a small volume. Their presence does not provide an accurate prognosis for cancer; additional methods are required to confirm the diagnosis. They take the test on an empty stomach, and blood is taken from a vein.

Cytological examination

The method is accurate. The analysis allows you to correctly diagnose and identify the type of tumor. Cytology is used for oncology anywhere - skin and subcutaneous, lungs, female genital organs, lymph nodes, liver and bone marrow. To study, you need to take smears from the surface of the skin, mucous membranes, sputum, urine, and a smear from the cervical and vaginal canal. For subcutaneous lesions, a syringe is used, the tissue is pierced with a needle, and a biological substance is collected for analysis.

Genetic study

It is used in people who have a hereditary predisposition to certain diseases. The study cannot say for sure whether the body is susceptible to cancer or not. Before taking biomaterial for study, you should not consume alcoholic drinks, medications and toxic drugs, eat and avoid physical activity and stress.


The internal tissues of the body are being studied. A small sample is taken and obtained through a biopsy. Provides diagnosis of abnormal development, shows changes in tissues. This method allows you to identify a malignant tumor at the first stage, identify its size and growth.


It is used to study blood DNA, body fluids, and compacted formations. There is an optical measurement of cell parameters and observation of processes inside it.

Additional examinations

Oncological diseases are a broad group of diseases. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then it is imperative to follow the doctor’s instructions. Even if there are obvious symptoms and tests confirming the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography.
  2. Bronchography – used to diagnose lung cancer. A contrast liquid is injected into the organ, then X-ray images are taken. Anesthesia is applied.
  3. Angiography is radiography with a liquid substance that makes it possible to observe the vessels of the node.
  4. Mammography - examination of the breast occurs using ionizing radiation with small loads. Accurately detects breast cancer.
  5. MRI – allows you to get a magnified image of an organ. Consists of several additional research methods.
  6. Scintigraphy is the study of bones using isotopes. Makes it possible to correctly assess their condition.
  7. Endoscopy – allows you to check the condition of hollow internal organs. An endoscope is used to check. It is administered through natural routes - larynx, esophagus, urethra.

Screening is carried out when the disease is asymptomatic. The use of tests makes it possible to capture oncology at the initial stages of development - many forms of cancer can be completely cured. Such research helps reduce cancer mortality.

Check your health - timely diagnosis will allow you to prescribe treatment and not start the disease.

Diagnostic tests establish the possibility of cancer even before general symptoms.

Screening helps doctors detect some types of cancer in the early stages, which helps establish timely and adequate treatment. By the time symptoms appear, the cancer may have spread to other tissues, making it less responsive to treatment and worsening the prognosis of the disease.

Types of cancer screenings

  • Universal screening (mass):

Includes examination of all representatives of a certain age group.

  • Selective screening:

Targeted at people at higher risk of developing cancer and those with a family history of the disease.

Screening is not always effective. It often results in false positives (when the disease is not actually present) or false negatives (when the presence of cancer is not determined). Therefore, additional examinations prescribed by the treating oncologist should be carried out to identify a possible disease.

Since there are many types of cancer, different symptoms are identified.

To find out for sure how to identify cancer, you should initially find out the connection with the organs of location of the tumor and the duration of observation of some symptoms.

With a long course of the disease, the tumor grows into neighboring tissues (nerves, blood vessels and other cells).

  1. The body expends a large amount of energy (this occurs so that mutated tissues can grow). Because of this, a person feels tired, weak, loses weight, and sometimes has a fever for no apparent reason.
  2. Feeling a lump in some areas of the body. It occurs due to the release of toxins by cancer cells into the blood channels. In this case, the tumor forms in the lymph nodes or in the general bloodstream.
  3. There is constant pain as the tumor can affect nerve endings or other organs.
  4. Changes in skin condition. The skin changes color or develops unexpected pigmentation, spots on the body, as well as rashes or itching.
  5. There is persistent bleeding or other discharge from the mouth, genitals, nose, ears, or nipple.
  6. Open wounds or bruises form that do not respond to antibacterial treatment. Attention should also be paid to mouth ulcers that do not heal and are characterized by an unusual color (red, brown-red) and jagged edges.
  7. Pale skin combined with weakness and susceptibility to infections. Such symptoms may indicate leukemia, bone marrow cancer, etc.

How to determine if there is cancer in advance?

Some types of cancer can be detected in the early stages due to certain conditions. To do this, it is recommended to use appropriate diagnostic tests.

Women who are at higher risk of developing the disease are recommended to have mammograms before the age of 40. The procedure is performed for women whose first-degree relatives (mother, sister, daughter) suffered from this disease. For preventive purposes, older women are recommended to have their mammary glands examined every two years.

It is advisable to use a Pap test or others to prevent the disease in young women under 20 years of age and slightly older who tend to have abnormal cells. For women at no risk and without an atypical Pap smear screening for cervical cancer, screening should be done every 3 years, regardless of cervical cancer vaccination.

The main thing in diagnosing colorectal cancer is the identification of benign formations called polyps. They can be removed during colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. It is also recommended to screen the colon and rectum by collecting stool to detect occult blood. The examination should be carried out for people who have pre-cancer of this type of oncology and are also aged.

The disease is defined by the presence of conditions such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Diagnosis includes special testing, sometimes a biopsy, to monitor the presence of prostate-specific antigen.

The disease is determined by tomographic examination, which is recommended to be carried out annually for people aged 55 to 80 years, as well as for those who have a thirty-year history of smoking.

Almost undetectable in the early stages. However, for preventive purposes, regular endoscopic ultrasound examinations, as well as MRI and CT scans are recommended for individuals at high risk of developing the disease due to congenital genetics and negative family history.

If the question arises: “How to determine whether there is cancer?”, it is best to consult a doctor who will select the most effective way to diagnose cancer and confirm or refute your suspicions. The choice of cancer detection method depends on the possible location of the tumor. Common basic medical tests for cancer include blood tests for cancer, urinalysis, magnetic resonance scans, CT scans, biopsies, ultrasounds, radionuclide studies, endoscopy, colonoscopy, physical examination, mammography and other tests.

It is important to know:

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

When to get checked for cancer and how to do it

Cancer is an insidious disease, some forms of which can often develop unnoticed by its carrier for a long time. According to statistics for 2015, in Russia 27.5% of malignant tumors were diagnosed at the first stage of the disease, 26.2% at the second stage, 20.1% at the third, 26.2% at the last, fourth stage. The earlier the disease can be identified, the greater the chances of successfully combating it.

Oncologist Ekaterina Chernova told The Village how to understand that it’s time for you to be checked for cancer and what tests you should take to get full information about what is happening in the body.

Chernova Ekaterina Valerievna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, oncologist-surgeon-mammologist of the OncoStop project

Why do you need to get checked even if nothing bothers you?

Cancer is a malignant tumor that is formed as a result of a complex multi-step process of converting normal cells into tumor cells. In a simplified form, it looks like this: normal cells -> precancer -> cancer. Next, tumor cells begin to multiply uncontrollably and rapidly, the tumor grows into nearby tissues and structures, and individual malignant cells spread to distant organs and tissues, forming metastases. Cancer can develop in any organ and goes through four stages in its development.

In the early stages, cancer, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way and its detection is most often an accidental finding during examination. Therefore, it is very important to undergo regular examinations of the whole body. Let me remind you that cancer is one of the leading causes of death throughout the world - in 2015, 8.8 million people died from it.

The most common risk factors for cancer

Tobacco use, including cigarette smoking (including secondhand smoke), smokeless tobacco use

Tobacco use is the largest risk factor for cancer, accounting for nearly 22% of global cancer deaths, according to the GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators.

Overweight or obesity

Unhealthy diet with low intake of fruits and vegetables

Decreased or no physical activity

Infection with HPV (human papillomavirus)

Infection with hepatitis B, C or other carcinogenic infections

Ionizing and ultraviolet radiation

Urban air pollution

Indoor smoke as a result of the use of solid fuels in homes

Precancerous conditions

Precancerous changes are different. There is an obligate precancer - a stage of early oncological pathology, which sooner or later transforms into cancer. These changes require radical treatment. There is also an optional precancer, which does not necessarily turn into a malignant tumor, but it requires careful monitoring.

For example, among possible reasons development of stomach cancer great importance has long-term chronic gastritis, especially atrophic gastritis, Ménétrier's disease. The patient will be bothered by pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen after eating, prolonged heartburn, and belching after eating. Facultative precancers of the intestine include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

If we talk about precancerous skin conditions, the patient needs to monitor the number, size, color, and symmetry of moles on the body. Any change indicated signs, as well as pain and bleeding in the area of ​​the mole are important symptoms and require immediate medical attention.

Precancerous diseases of the female genital organs include severe dysplasia, leukoplakia of the vulva and cervix, polyps of the female genital organs, cicatricial deformation of the cervix and other diseases.

A precancerous condition of the mammary glands is proliferation of the mammary epithelium with signs of atypia. Factors that significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer include family history. If a woman has close relatives who developed breast cancer before menopause, she should consult an oncologist and a geneticist. It is very important to regularly examine your mammary glands manually. It is advisable to carry out this self-examination monthly in the first phase. menstrual cycle.

The most common types of cancer to die from (per year):

lung cancer - 1.69 million people

liver cancer - human

colon and rectal cancer - human

cases are registered in Russia

Every year

More than people a day around the world get cancer

At least 2.5 million people in Russia are registered in cancer clinics

More than people die from cancer every year in Russia

How to test for cancer

Seek help from a general practitioner at your local clinic.

You need to be willing to undergo a regular annual full examination, which is prescribed by your GP.

If any pathology is detected, the doctor will definitely prescribe you a clarifying further examination and give you a referral to the district oncologist, as well as to other medical specialists, depending on your individual clinical situation.

You can also contact an oncologist yourself at a regional oncology clinic or a private clinic and express a desire to be examined there.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to detect the presence of cancer. You can choose any private clinic, call there, and the clinic manager will make an appointment with an oncologist.

Necessary examinations

Firstly, you need to regularly undergo a comprehensive examination yourself and with a doctor, even if nothing worries you.

If you have any complaints, you should immediately consult a doctor without waiting for the next examination.

The doctor will prescribe tests for you, the list of which may vary depending on which organ is affected, as well as depending on the individual characteristics of your health, concomitant pathology and the extent of the pathological process

How can you reduce your risk of developing cancer?

To prevent the occurrence of 30 to 50% of cancers,

Avoid risk factors whenever possible

combat sources of danger in the workplace and at home

know about the existence of precancerous pathology, be able to identify precancerous conditions

Visit your doctor regularly for a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body

vaccinate against HPV and hepatitis B virus infections

reduce exposure to ultraviolet and ionizing radiation

Regular visits to the doctor and examinations will help identify precancerous conditions and prevent the onset of cancer. Early diagnosis of cancer allows the disease to be completely cured. When the disease is diagnosed in late stages, radical treatment is no longer possible.

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14 Signs It's Time for You to Get Tested for Cancer!

Scary, but better to know!

The American Cancer Society recorded 1.5 million cancer cases in the United States alone in 2015. Medical experts unanimously say that early detection of the tumor is critical to fighting the disease. There are some signs of cancer that absolutely cannot be ignored. Pay attention to all changes in the body, as they may be a sign not only of this disease, but also of a number of others. Check your body to ensure it is free of cancer cells if you feel any of these symptoms. Remember: these signs only mean that you need to seek help from a doctor.

Bloating in women.

Unexplained and chronic flatulence may indicate ovarian cancer. Dr. Beth Yu Karlan explains, “Ovarian cancer is the silent killer. Usually no one pays attention to the fact that his stomach bloats quickly and regularly after lunch.” If you feel like your stomach is full too quickly and you regularly experience lower back pain, visit your doctor. Especially if you experience these symptoms for several weeks in a row.

Irregular bleeding in women.

Any abnormal bleeding that occurs after menopause or is not associated with your cycle at all could be a sign of something serious. For example, endometrial, or cervical cancer.

Dr. Caroline Runowicz says:

Any bleeding, even small drops of blood on your underwear, is abnormal. Not to mention the clots. If this happens to you, you need to immediately investigate what’s wrong.”

So get ready to see a doctor if you notice something like this. Let's hope that we are talking about some kind of banal cervical infection.

Pain in the abdomen and pelvic organs in women.

Pain in the pelvic organs or abdomen may be a sign serious problems with ovaries. If this pain is also accompanied by bloating, or if you have problems with appetite or urination, this requires a trip to the doctor.

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“These symptoms are also seen when it is a problem other than cancer. When they are caused by cancer, they are stable and regular.”

Persistent back pain in men.

There can be many reasons for this problem. And most of them, fortunately, are not related to cancer. However, colon and prostate cancer are almost always accompanied by severe back pain. So if you encounter them, it would not hurt to make an appointment with a doctor.

Healthline writes on this topic:

Back pain is the most common cause of disability. People don't realize it, but it can also indicate prostate cancer. He also has another symptom: pain in the bones of the hips.

Of course, muscle pain in itself should not be a reason for you to panic. But if this condition recurs regularly for you, we are probably talking about something serious.

Changes in the testicles in men.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from testicular cancer - constantly monitor the condition and size of these organs. It is important that their size and shape do not change.

Dr. Herbert Lepore explains:

If you notice something extra on them, some serious new formation, never delay checking with a doctor. Unlike prostate cancer, which grows slowly, testicular cancer can form overnight!

In general, take a closer look at yourself!

Pain in the groin, thighs or pelvis in men.

Prostate cancer can cause not only back pain, but also pain in the groin, thighs and buttocks. Testicular cancer also has the same symptoms. And remember: any chronic pain or swelling is definitely a sign of something serious.

Read also: “Silent killers” of your health: 6 diseases that are asymptomatic

Persistent cough in men and women.

As a rule, a cough is a consequence of a cold. However, if it refuses to go away and torments you for months/years, then this could indicate cancer - thyroid, throat or lung.

We know that coughs and colds are usually related. But if your cough doesn't go away for months, don't be afraid to consult a doctor.

Smoking can also cause chronic cough. “It is the number one cancer killer among women,” Karlan emphasizes.

Problems with urination in men and women.

If you have recurring problems with bowel movements and urination, it could be a sign of something very serious.

Healthline writes:

Everyone has intestinal problems one way or another, but serious changes chronic pain, a feeling as if the stomach is “bloated” - all of these can be symptoms of colorectal cancer.”

If blood comes out along with your stool, then it’s time to immediately contact a professional.

Sudden weight loss in men and women.

Sudden and unexplained weight loss can have several causes, but they are all very serious. This is how some types of cancer manifest themselves, in particular.

The American Cancer Society writes:

An unexplained loss of even 5 kg may indicate cancer. This is usually the case with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lungs.

Stress, however, can also cause this. But it's better to get a blood test to make sure everything is normal.

Changes in the chest area in men and women.

Many people think that breast cancer only affects women, but in fact, it affects men too. Its first sign: the appearance of lumps of unknown nature in the chest area.

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Dr. Myers says:

Men tend to ignore the risk of getting this type of cancer. But in 1% of all cases it develops in men, not women. And almost all sick people seek help from doctors too late.

Breast cancer can be treated without any problems: the main thing is to detect it early stage.

Enlarged lymph nodes in men and women.

These are small glands located in several places throughout the body. The main ones are on the neck and armpits. Increase lymph nodes most often it is a sign of hypothermia or a consequence of a sore throat.

However, Dr. Marlene Myers notes that if swelling doesn't go away within two to four weeks, you should definitely see a doctor.

Changes in the skin of men and women.

You should keep an eye out for any new growths on your skin. After all, this type of cancer is extremely important and, most importantly, easy to recognize at an early stage.

Pay attention to any new moles that appear on your body. If you don't like their color, shape or size, consult your doctor immediately.

Moreover, this is the best case when “it’s better to be safe than sorry”: skin cancer cells detected in time help to stop it instantly.

Any changes in the mouth of men and women.

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of strange white or red spots in the mouth. Especially if you smoke or chew tobacco!

The American Cancer Society writes about this:

White spots in the mouth and white spots on the tongue may indicate a precancerous condition. Any changes that do not go away quickly should be checked by a doctor."

Severe chronic fatigue in men and women.

We mean tired for no reason. Those. If every day you feel worse in the morning than in the evening, then most likely you have something really serious.

The American Cancer Society writes:

Fatigue is an important symptom if it becomes more and more acute over time. This is how leukemia or other types of cancer usually manifest themselves.

As you understand, this is also a case when it is better to go to the doctor one more time to understand that you are safe than to regret it later in the hospital ward.

Dr. Beth Karlan emphasizes:

We didn't mean to alarm you. We just want to explain to you: cancer is curable, if you find it in the early stages, then nothing bad will happen to you. Use the latest achievements of medical science to the maximum - and you will be able to live as you lived before the diagnosis. The main thing is to see oncologists on time.

In short, you get the idea. We simply could not help but warn you. Share this article with all your friends you know! This could save someone's life.

How to check for cancer of the whole body?

Early detection of symptoms and comprehensive diagnosis can improve the effectiveness of treatment and, in many cases, refute the diagnosis. At the first suspicion of cancer, you should contact an oncologist and get tested.

When can cancer be detected?

Oncological diseases can remain in the body for a long time without causing specific symptoms. Most often, the early process is identified during a preventive examination or accidentally, when taking clinical tests for other purposes.

Cancer at the first stage is detected in only 25-30% of cases.

To exclude cancer, it is enough to undergo a set of diagnostic procedures at least once a year.

On World Cancer Day, some medical institutions provide the opportunity to check the entire body for the formation of a malignant tumor free of charge.

What methods can detect cancer?

Diagnosing cancer is a complex and multifactorial process. To identify oncological pathology, different groups of diagnostic methods are used:

  • X-ray - for examination and visualization of the organ, performed with contrast;
  • endoscopic - for examining abdominal organs;

The selection of the necessary diagnostic procedures in each specific case is carried out by the doctor during the preliminary consultation of the patient. During a preventive examination of the body, a standard set of procedures is prescribed.

How is a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body performed?

In order to examine the entire body for the presence of a malignant formation, it is required to pass general tests and take x-rays of all organs.

The test allows you to identify pathology even in the absence of symptoms.

Detection of a cancerous tumor at an early stage ensures successful treatment in 90-95% of cases.

To check for cancer, determine where the tumor is located and at what stage, a series of examinations are prescribed.

The diagnostic program typically includes a consultation with a specialized doctor, blood and tumor tissue tests, genetic studies and tomography.

To diagnose a pathological neoplasm, an ultrasound may also be prescribed. However, the procedure is only effective in cases where the tumor has reached a certain size.

Ultrasound is not used to diagnose cancer in the early stages.

This method allows you to determine the exact size of the expanded tumor, as well as determine the structure and contours of the formation. A biopsy is often performed under ultrasound guidance.

Other necessary examinations for diagnosing oncology

If general tests show the presence of pathological processes in the body and depending on which organs are affected by the neoplasm, the patient is prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

  • stool analysis to detect hidden blood - if organ cancer is suspected gastrointestinal tract(stomach, large or small intestine);
  • colonoscopy and gastroscopy - also for gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • mammography - for a tumor in the breast;
  • bronchography, angiography - x-ray examinations to detect pathologies in the chest;

Based on the research results, further treatment is determined at a repeated consultation with the oncologist. In some cases, additional tests may be required.

When should you be screened for cancer?

There is a list of factors that increase the risk of pathology. The risk group includes the following categories of patients:

  • elderly people, the greatest risk of developing cancer is in people over 60 years of age;
  • smokers (including passive smokers);
  • infected with human papillomavirus (HPV);

People who belong to one or more risk groups are recommended to be diagnosed with cancer 1-2 times a year. Getting rid of bad habits and excluding other risk factors reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by 30-35%.

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Unfortunately, most cancer patients seek medical help only when the cancer has reached stages 2-3, despite the fact that there are only 4 of them. Oncologists urge you to pay attention to any changes in your condition in order to undergo the necessary tests on time and, possibly, diagnose cancer:

  • Decreased performance ty, turning into causeless chronic fatigue, when even proper rest does not help;
  • Skin changes and, in particular, the appearance of new moles of a strange color or shape, especially those that tend to increase. Skin cancer at an early stage is almost always curable;
  • Changes mucous nd in the mouth, more often found in heavy smokers. Usually, white and reddish spots on the tongue and the entire oral cavity become a sign of cancer;
  • Enlarged lymph node in, characteristic of. If the swelling has not decreased within two weeks, get tested for cancer;
  • Chronic without objective reasons. Some patients diagnosed with throat cancer have had a persistent cough for years;
  • Sudden weight loss with a normal diet. Losses of up to 5 kg can be explained by various factors - for example,. But if you continue without logical reasons, the likelihood of cancer is high;
  • Pain when urinating, defecating, feeling of “bloated” stomach. If blood comes out in your urine or stool, consult a doctor immediately;
  • Changes in the breast. The symptom also applies to men; they account for 1% of cases of breast cancer. Swelling, the appearance of lumps, and discharge from the nipples should be alarming.

The above list is relevant for all people, regardless of gender, but there are also specific signs. For women:

  • obsessive feeling full stomach, accompanied pain in lower back;
  • Long lasting menstrual irregularities, the nature of menstruation;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding(even a few drops);
  • Pain in the pelvic area.

Any of the symptoms may be the result of either a banal infection or ovarian cancer. Men are at risk of getting prostate and testicular cancer, recognized by the following signs:

  • Persistent. Do not write them off as hard physical work;
  • Pain in the hip bones. It is often felt as muscle soreness;
  • Changes size and shape testicles- one or two at once.

Be careful - cancer in the testicular area can form within 24 hours!

Even without obvious symptoms of cancer, those who have been diagnosed with benign tumors (fibroids, cysts) or whose close relatives have had cancer should undergo regular tests. A history of successful cancer treatment also indicates an increased risk of relapse.

What tests detect cancer?

To accurately diagnose cancer, a combination of symptoms is not enough. To check you need to take tests.

Blood test

The most informative body fluid will tell you a lot... Be prepared to take it several times.

General analysis. The biomaterial is collected on an empty stomach, the analysis is ready in 1-2 days. A growing tumor takes nutrients from the body and releases decay products - traces of this process will be reflected by the UAC. If the test reveals a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, low hemoglobin, the presence of echinocytes (red blood cell pathology), a high neutrophil count, immature blood cells, there is reason to suspect oncology.

Biochemical analysis. Biomaterial is taken before the first meal. The doctor will evaluate the result using 7 indicators: urea, sugar level, total protein, albumin, bilirubin, ALT enzyme, alkaline phosphatase. Deviations from the norm will not be the basis for a diagnosis, but will entail a more in-depth examination of the patient’s condition;

Clotting test. Thrombosis and microthrombi often accompany cancer as a result of increased blood clotting. This is a vicious circle - blood clots aggravate the development of cancer. Violations will be shown by a coagulogram - a venous blood test. The waiting time for a response will be from 1 to 3 days;

Immunological analysis(or analysis for tumor markers). The most informative method. Tumor markers are about 200 substances that indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor in the body. Of course, they will not look for everything at once - only those that are characteristic of the area of ​​the body being studied, where the location of oncology is suspected. So, for a tumor of the ovary or uterus, the analysis determines β-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin, and for stomach cancer, CEA, CA-72-4 and CA-19-9. After drawing blood from a vein, you will have to wait 1-2 days for a response, in urgent cases - several hours.

Other tests

In addition to the blood test, the doctor will definitely write out directions for two more tests.