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Presentation on chemistry on the topic "raw materials in the chemical industry." Presentation on the topic "chemical industry" Presentation on geography on the topic chemical industry

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Lesson plan The meaning and features of the chemical industry. Raw materials for the chemical industry. Industry composition of the chemical industry. Characteristics of the largest branches of the chemical industry. Main bases of the chemical industry. Consolidation. Practical work.

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The chemical industry is one of the central sectors of the modern world economy. The main task of the chemical industry is processing and transformation various types raw materials such as oil, natural gas, coal, ores, minerals, other minerals, as well as water, air into a variety of products. Chemicalization of the national economy is one of the decisive levers for increasing production efficiency and quality of work in all spheres of human activity. Importance of the Chemical Industry

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The chemical industry differs from most other industries in a number of features: the ability to create new materials that do not exist in nature with certain properties, which is in demand in space technology and construction, pharmaceutical, food and light industries; Features of the chemical industry: it has an extensive raw material base (one product can be obtained from different types of raw materials); makes it possible to comprehensively process raw materials and obtain a variety of products (different products can be obtained from one type of raw material).

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The raw materials for the chemical industry are minerals (hard and brown coal, oil, rock and potassium salts, phosphorites, chalk, limestone, sulfur and some others). In addition, the chemical industry uses waste from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, food and timber processing industries. Raw materials for the chemical industry Sulfur Chalk Brown and hard coal Limestone Apatite phosphorites

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Branch composition of the chemical industry Chemical industry mining chemical basic chemistry chemistry of organic synthesis extraction of mining chemical raw materials production of acids, salts, alkalis production of alcohols, organic acids production of mineral fertilizers production of plastics, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber production of synthetic and artificial fibers production of chlorine, ammonia , soda ash and caustic soda Fine chemistry: pharmaceuticals (production of medicinal substances and drugs); photochemistry (production of various photographic materials); household chemicals, perfumes

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Basic chemistry Production of sulfuric acid to obtain various mineral acids and salts; in the production of chemical fibers, dyes, smoke-forming substances and explosives; in the oil, metalworking, textile, leather and other industries. For 1 ton of phosphorus fertilizers, 2.2-3.4 tons of sulfuric acid are consumed, and for 1 ton of nitrogen fertilizers - 0.75 tons of sulfuric acid. Therefore, sulfuric acid plants tend to be built in conjunction with plants for the production of mineral fertilizers. Sulfuric acid is used: in the production of mineral fertilizers; as an electrolyte in lead batteries; The largest consumer of sulfuric acid is the production of mineral fertilizers.

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Basic chemistry Production of mineral fertilizers potassium fertilizers nitrogen fertilizers phosphorus fertilizers affect the size and durability of the crop, the efficiency of use of nitrogen fertilizers Produced in the areas of raw material extraction Solikamsk Berezniki affect the growth rate, the size of the harvest, Production is located near gas pipelines, at metallurgical plants. Novomoskovsk, Dorogobuzh Shchekino, Tolyatti Novgorod, Lipetsk Magnitogorsk, CherepovetsNizhny Tagil affect the root system, crop durability, production is located at the consumer and sulfuric acid plants. Voskresensk

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Analyze the diagram and draw conclusions about the release of fertilizers different types in Russia. Basic Chemistry Analyze the diagram and draw a conclusion about the consumption of different types of fertilizers. million tons

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Chemistry of organic synthesis Production of synthetic rubber The production of synthetic rubber was initially tied to raw materials (alcohol obtained from food raw materials - potatoes, grains) and to the consumer (automotive industry). Now all factories operate on oil and gas raw materials. Centers: Yaroslavl, Kazan, Voronezh, Efremov, Krasnoyarsk. Centers: Nizhnekamsk, Kirov, Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Omsk. Structure of Russian tire production in 2005 Production of automobile tires Problem!

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Chemistry of organic synthesis Production of plastics and synthetic resins Plastics and synthetic resins are produced in production facilities that are part of petrochemical plants or nitrogen fertilizer plants. Centers: Ufa, Tyumen, Kazan, Orekhovo-Zuevo

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Chemistry of organic synthesis Production of chemical fibers artificial fibers are obtained by chemical modification of natural materials (cotton, wool) for the production of synthetic fibers only synthetic materials are used - polymers viscose acetate lavsan, nylon, nylon, spandex

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Chemistry of organic synthesis Production of chemical fibers The production of chemical fibers is characterized by high water and energy intensity. To produce 1 ton of fibers, 6000 m3 of water and 16-19 tons of fuel equivalent are required. Location factors: the main centers of the industry gravitate either to areas of the textile industry (Central region) or to areas of developed petrochemical industry (Volga region). Large centers: Tver Klin Saratov

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Fine chemicals Household chemicals Perfumery Pharmaceuticals Photochemistry

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Main bases of the chemical industry North European base The North European base includes huge reserves of Khibiny apatites, plant (forest), water and fuel and energy resources (oil, gas, coal). The main chemistry is based on the apatite raw materials of the Kola Peninsula - the production of phosphate fertilizers. Organic chemistry in the future will be developed through the processing of local oil and gas resources in the Northern Economic Region.

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The central base is resource-deficient. It was formed with a focus on huge consumer demand. Almost the entire chemical industry uses imported resources. Only phosphate fertilizers are produced here from local raw materials (phosphorites - Egorovskoye deposit) (Voskresensk). Here they produce: chemical fibers (artificial - Ryazan, Tver, St. Petersburg, Shuya; synthetic - Kursk; i. and village - Klin, Serpukhov), rubber and tires (Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg); plastics (St. Petersburg, Dzerzhinsk); complex fertilizers (Novomoskovsk, Voskresensk), nitrogen fertilizers (Shchekino, Lipetsk, Novomoskovsk, Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk), phosphate fertilizers (St. Petersburg, Volkhov); paints and varnishes and synthetic dyes (St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Moscow). The central base provides 45% of the chemical industry's output. Main bases of the chemical industry

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A serious obstacle to the further development of the base is the environmental factor. The Volga-Ural base is formed on huge reserves of potassium (Solikamsk, Berezniki), table salts of the Urals and Volga region (Baskunchak Island, Elton), sulfur (Orenburg), oil, gas, non-ferrous metal ores, hydropower (Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations) and forest resources. That is why the complex formed here is the largest in Russia in terms of its scale and diversity. Its main elements are giant chemical complexes - Solekamsk-Bereznikovsky, Ufa-Salavatsky, Samara, giving mineral fertilizers, soda, rubber, plastics. The share of chemical products from the Volga-Ural base is more than 40%. Main bases of the chemical industry

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The Siberian base is among the most promising. In terms of reserves and diversity of resources, it surpasses even the Ural base: oil and gas Western Siberia, Glauber's salts, table salts (Usolye-Sibirskoe, Burla), coal of Eastern and Western Siberia, hydropower and forest resources, as well as reserves of non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores. Petrochemistry is developing especially intensively (Tobolsk and Tomsk complexes, Omsk, Angarsk). Coal chemical production facilities were formed earlier (Kemerovo, Cheremkhovo - plastics, synthetic resins, chemical fibers). The most diverse products (cellulose, paper, feed yeast, artificial fibers) are produced by the country's largest forestry complexes - Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk. The production of tires and rubber products from rubber obtained from the hydrolysis of wood and petroleum products has also developed (Omsk, Krasnoyarsk). Main bases of the chemical industry

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Consolidation 1. Distribute the branches of the chemical industry into groups: extraction of potassium salts production of sulfuric acid production of chemical fibers photochemistry production of plastic products production of potassium fertilizers production of automobile tires production of nitrogen fertilizers production of plastics production of synthetic rubber household chemicals pharmaceuticals 2. Distribute these same industries into groups of factors placements:

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Test yourself Task No. 1. Task No. 2.

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Practical work You have become acquainted with the description of chemical bases in Russia on the previous slides. Work in groups. Determine: What raw materials does this base have? What industries are represented here? Large centers of the chemical industry. What problems does the base have? Characteristics of the chemical base of Russia.

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Introduction The chemical industry is a branch of heavy industry. It expands the raw material base of industry and construction, and is a necessary condition for the intensification Agriculture(production of mineral fertilizers), satisfies the population's demand for consumer products. The structure of the chemical industry is constantly becoming more complex and improved.

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Raw materials for the chemical industry The chemical industry consumes many types of raw materials: mineral raw materials (sulfur, phosphorites, salts) mineral fuels (oil, gas, coal) plant raw materials (timber industry waste) water and air industrial waste from metallurgy and oil refining enterprises (coke oven and sulfur dioxide gases) ) agricultural waste

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Modern technologies Modern chemical technologies make it possible to: Convert an unlimited range of raw materials into valuable industrial products; Involve new types of raw materials into circulation as technological progress progresses (natural gases for the production of ammonia; associated petroleum gases for the production of synthetic rubber) Replace expensive raw materials ( food products) cheap (wood or mineral) Integrated use of raw materials (from oil to obtain fuel oil, motor fuel) Utilize industrial waste (sulfur dioxide gases - production of sulfuric acid, coke oven gases - production of ammonia) Produce the same products from different types of raw materials (synthetic rubber from wood, coal and gas) and, conversely, obtain different chemical products from the same raw materials (coal is used to produce ammonia, synthetic fibers.

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Branches of the chemical industry The chemical industry consists of the following sectors: 1) Polymer chemistry (production of resins, plastics, synthetic rubber and chemical fibers). 2) Recycling polymer materials(production of tires, rubber, polyethylene film). 3) Mining and chemical (extraction of mineral raw materials: apatite, phosphorite, sulfur). 4) Production of synthetic dyes and chemical substances. 5) Chemistry of organic synthesis (production of hydrocarbon raw materials and semi-finished products for the production of polymer materials). 6) Basic chemistry (production of acids, alkalis, salts, mineral fertilizers).

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Basic chemistry Basic chemistry is the production of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, sulfuric acid, soda. Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves of potassium salts. Ammonia is the basis for the production of nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrate and carbamide are produced from ammonia. All ammonia is produced from natural gas (cheap raw materials), therefore enterprises for the production of nitrogen fertilizers are located in areas where gas resources are distributed (North Caucasus) and along the routes of main gas pipelines (Center, Volga region, North-West). Enterprises operating on coke are located either in coal basins (Beryazniki, Kemerovo) or at a distance from them (Derzhinsk, Moscow), since coke can be transported over considerable distances. If coke oven gas serves as the raw material, then nitrogen production gravitates towards coal coking centers or is combined with ferrous metallurgy, where hydrogen is produced as a waste of coke oven gases (Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Nizhny Tagil).

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Polymer chemistry This is the main branch of petrochemistry (resins, plastics, synthetic rubber, chemical fibers). Production of plastics - from synthetic resins, from coal, associated petroleum gases, hydrocarbons from oil refining, partly from wood raw materials. This industry arose in the early 20s in the Central region: Moscow, Vladimir, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Novomoskovsk (Tula region) and gradually spread to other areas, areas provided with raw materials: St. Petersburg, Dzerzhinsk, Kazan, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg , Ufa, etc.

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Sulfuric acid industry. Sulfur pyrite (pyrite) is used - the Urals, native sulfur - Alekseevskoye deposit (Samara region). Individual gas condensate deposits are becoming an important source of sulfur.

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Phosphate fertilizer industry The phosphate fertilizer industry focuses mainly on the consumer and sulfuric acid, and to a lesser extent on sources of raw materials. The main reserves of phosphate raw materials are in the European part. Almost all phosphate fertilizers in Russia are produced from apatite concentrate. The Voskresensky chemical plant operates at the Egorovskoye field. Industrial reserves of phosphorites are available in the Bryansk region - Poltenskoye; in the Kirov region - Verkhnekamskoe; in the Kursk region - Shelrovskoe - but this raw material is suitable only for the production of phosphate rock. The production of phosphate fertilizers requires a large amount of sulfuric acid, which is produced from imported or local raw materials. Phosphate fertilizers are produced by some centers of ferrous metallurgy (Cherepovets) and non-ferrous metallurgy (Krasnouralsk, Revda, Vladikavkaz), where the raw material for sulfuric acid is industrial waste, for example, sulfur dioxide gases.

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Soda industry. Soda is the technical name for sodium carbonates. Bicarbonate - baking soda. Normal carbonate is calcined sulfur. Caustic soda is sodium hydroxide. The main raw materials are table salt and lime. There are reserves of natural soda in the Altai Territory - the Mikhailovskoye deposit. Caustic soda is used in the soap, glass, pulp and paper, and textile industries. In medicine and the food industry - drinking soda. Centers: - Berezniki, Usolesibirskoe (Irkutsk region).

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Microbiological industry The microbiological industry is a new industry that acquired independent significance in the 60s. Currently her role is industrial production the country has increased significantly due to the need to intensify agriculture. Enterprises using hydrogen raw materials focus on oil refining centers. Enterprises focusing on hydrocarbon raw materials are located, respectively, in the Volga region and the Volga-Vyatka region (Nizhny Novgorod).

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Enterprises Dzerzhinsk Plexiglas - one of the largest companies in research, production and sales wide range acrylic based products. Caprolactam - organochlorine production based on imported salt and ethylene: production of chlorine and caustic soda; production of organochlorine synthesis products: dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride, chlorethyl, monochloramine; production related to the processing of polyvinyl chloride (cable plastic compounds, films, profiles, linoleum, etc.) Corundum - consists of several production and technical complexes, including production of: sulfur dioxide and ammonium sulfate; PVC pipes; phosphorus salts; synthetic corundum; experimental chemical products; paint and varnish products. "Sibur-neftikhim" - products: petroleum benzene, diethylene glycol, ethylene oxide, propylene, ethylene, ethylene glycol "Sintez" - the only production of ethyl liquid in the Russian Federation; products: technical acetone, carbonyl iron, iron pentacarbonyl, lithium peroxide, mercury, isopropyl alcohol, phenol. Thank you for your attention!

Chemical industry of Russia Compiled by: Nonna Olegovna Belyaeva, geography teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Tver Lesson plan:

  • The significance, composition and structure of the Russian chemical industry.
  • Raw materials for the chemical industry.
  • Factors of its placement on the territory of Russia.
  • Main bases
  • Features of the chemical industry.
  • Large Russian companies.
  • Problems of the chemical industry of our country.
  • Environmental problems associated with the chemical industry.
Goals and objectives of the lesson:
  • Determine the significance and structure of the chemical industry, as well as the features of this industry.
  • Determine how and where chemical production is located.
  • .
  • Identify all problems, including environmental ones, associated with the chemical industry.
Importance of the Chemical Industry
  • Determines the innovative progressive development of the economy.
  • Creates new products for everyday use, including household chemicals, recycles waste, performs chemical treatment production process, is the basis of agriculture.
Industry composition of the chemical industry

mining chemistry

Basic Chemistry

Chemistry of organic synthesis

Fine chemistry

Extraction of mining chemical raw materials:




Mineral fertilizers



Organic acids,

Synthetic rubber,

Artificial and synthetic fibers



Household chemicals,


Interindustry relations of the chemical industry Raw materials for the chemical industry

  • - oil - gas - potassium salt
  • _ - phosphorites - apatites - sulfur
  • - - Glauber's salt - table salt - saltpeter - magnesite - graphite

Factors for the location of the chemical industry:

  • 1. Raw materials
  • 2. Energy
  • 3. Consumer
  • 4 Ecological
Main bases of the Russian chemical industry:
  • 1. North European
  • 2. Central
  • 3. Ural-Volga region
  • 4. Siberian
TASK No. 1
  • -The chemical industry differs from other industries in a number of features. Working independently with the text of the textbook (p. 176), identify 3 features of the chemical industry.

1. The chemical industry creates new materials with specified properties that save raw materials and human labor.

2. The chemical industry has an extensive raw material base (food, water, air, wood). One product can be obtained from different types of raw materials.

3. The chemical industry makes it possible to comprehensively process raw materials and produce a variety of products.

Right answers

Company, headquarters

Sales volume in 2007, million rubles.


Sibur Holding, Moscow,

142.7 billion rubles in 2007


Salavatnefteorgsintez, Salavat, Bashkortostan


Eurochem, Moscow

Fertilizer production

Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan

Synthetic rubbers

Akron Velikiy Novgorod

Mineral fertilizers

Uralkali,Berezniki, Perm region

Potash fertilizers

The largest chemical companies in Russia


Inorganic chemistry

Ammonia production, Soda production, Sulfuric acid production

Organic chemistry

Acrylonitrile, Phenol, Ethylene oxide, Urea


Silicate production


Benzene, Ethylene, Styrene


Fertilizers, Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides


Polyethylene, Bakelite, Polyester


Rubber, Neoprene, Polyurethanes


Nitroglycerine, Ammonium nitrate, Nitrocellulose

Pharmaceutical chemistry

Medications: Sintomycin, Taurine, Ranitidine...

Perfumery And cosmetics

Coumarin, Vanillin, Camphor

Sub-sectors of the chemical industry

Attention! Problem!

  • 1. The capacities of the Russian chemical industry are currently loaded at 15-50% as a result of the economic crisis and low competitiveness of products.
  • 2. In the industry, almost 40% of enterprises are unprofitable.
  • 3. Other serious problem- severe wear and tear of equipment. It is 57%, and 65% of the equipment is morally and physically obsolete.
  • 4. More than 2/3 of production facilities have been in operation for over 25 years.
Questions and tasks to reinforce the topic:
  • 1.How does the chemical industry differ from other industries?
  • 2. Explain the factors of location of its individual industries.
  • 3.What ecological problems generated by the presence of the chemical industry?
  • 4. Show the main chemical regions on the economic map of Russia.
  • What chemical raw materials does Russia have?
Materials used
  • 1. Social geography of Russia, edited by Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor V.P. Dronov and V.G. Glushkova.
  • 2.Geography lesson plans (part 1) author-compiler O.V.Antusheva
  • 3. Virtual school of Cyril and Methodius “Geography lessons” 9th grade
  • 4. Chemical industry of Russia - Wikipedia

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

What are raw materials? Completed by: teacher of special disciplines Bazhanova Anna Sergeevna 

2 slide

Slide description:

IN chemical production use: raw materials, semi-finished products, basic materials, waste from other industries and secondary raw materials. Raw materials are natural products that have not yet undergone industrial processing (crude oil). Semi-finished products are raw materials that have previously undergone industrial processing (products of primary oil refining). Basic materials are those materials that were not subjected to industrial processing at this enterprise, but came from another enterprise (ethylene). Waste is by-products of other industries (sulfur). What are the raw materials in the chemical industry? What types of raw materials are there? 

3 slide

Slide description:

^ Natural raw materials are characterized by the fact that they are obtained in finished form from the bowels of the Earth, from various rocks and plants. It can also be the result of the vital activity of different animals. ^ Artificial raw materials are characterized by the fact that they are obtained from various natural materials. This class includes chemical fibers, synthetic rubbers, etc. Based on their origin, all types of raw materials can be divided into two large groups: industrial and agricultural raw materials. What other raw materials are there? 

4 slide

Slide description:

What applies to industrial and agricultural raw materials? a) raw materials obtained directly from the mining industry: ores, fuel, Construction Materials and etc.; b) raw materials obtained in some branches of the manufacturing industry (cast iron, steel, rolled products, cement) and going to other industries (mechanical engineering, agriculture, construction). Agricultural raw materials include: a) raw materials obtained directly in agriculture - primary crop products - grain, industrial crops, etc. and livestock - milk, wool, leather, etc.; b) raw materials obtained as a result of industrial processing of primary agricultural raw materials - flour, processed textile raw materials, processed leather, etc. 

5 slide

Slide description:

Industrial raw materials are classified according to the following criteria: 1) by origin; 2) by reserves; 3)by chemical composition; 4) by state of aggregation; All types of raw materials used for industrial processing are divided into: primary types of raw materials - mineral, plant and animal raw materials, water and air; secondary industrial raw materials are by-products of industrial processing. 

6 slide

Slide description:

^ Mineral raw materials are minerals extracted from the depths of the earth (ore, non-ore, combustible); Ore mineral raw materials are rocks containing Me, which can be economically extracted in a technically pure form. Non-ore mineral raw materials are rocks that are not the source material for the production of Me (sulfates, phosphates, carbonates, sylvinites) Combustible mineral raw materials - contain carbon (coal, oil, oil shale, natural gas) Coal is an alternative oil raw material . What other raw materials are there? 

7 slide

Slide description:

^ Plant raw materials used for industrial processing are represented by a variety of food and industrial agricultural crops, wood, and various types of plants (oilseeds, aromatic and medicinal herbs). ^ Animal raw materials undergo complex processing to produce food and industrial consumer goods. The characteristic economic features of plant and animal raw materials are their constant renewability and the possibility of distribution in many economic regions. Water (sea, lake and river) in industry is increasingly used not only as a necessary auxiliary material, but also as an important source of raw materials in the electrochemical and chemical industries. 


for a geography lesson in 9th grade

Completed by a geography teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Kerch, Republic of Kazakhstan Secondary School

No. 1 named after. V. Dubinina

Zayarnaya Lyudmila Ivanovna

9th grade

  • The importance and features of the chemical industry.
  • Raw materials for the chemical industry.
  • Industry composition of the chemical industry.
  • Characteristics of the largest branches of the chemical industry.
  • Main bases of the chemical industry.
  • Consolidation. Practical work.

Chemical industry is one of the central sectors of the modern world economy. The main task of the chemical industry is the processing and transformation of various types of raw materials, such as oil, natural gas, coal, ores, minerals, other minerals, as well as water and air into various products.

Chemicalization of the national economy – one of the decisive levers for increasing production efficiency and quality of work in all spheres of human activity.

Chemical industry different from most other industries

a number of features:

  • opportunity create new materials that do not exist in nature with certain properties, which is in demand in space technology and construction, pharmaceutical, food and light industries;
  • has an extensive raw material base (one product can be obtained from different

types of raw materials);

  • makes it possible to comprehensively process raw materials and obtain a variety of

new products (different products can be obtained from one type of raw material).

The raw materials for the chemical industry are minerals

(hard and brown coal, oil, rock and potassium salts, phosphorites, chalk,

limestones, sulfur and some others). Moreover, in the chemical industry

waste from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, food and timber processing is used

manufacturing industry.


Brown and hard coal


Chemical industry

basic chemistry

chemistry of organic synthesis

mining chemical

production of alcohols, organic acids

extraction of mining chemical raw materials

production of acids, salts, alkalis

production of mineral fertilizers

production of synthetic and artificial fibers

production of plastics, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber


chlorine, ammonia, soda ash and caustic soda

Fine chemistry: pharmaceuticals (production of medicinal substances and drugs); photochemistry (production of various photographic materials); household chemicals, perfumes

Sulfuric acid production

Sulfuric acid is used:

  • in the production of mineral fertilizers;
  • as an electrolyte in lead batteries;
  • for obtaining various mineral acids and salts;
  • in the production of chemical fibers, dyes, smoke-forming substances and explosives;
  • in the oil, metalworking, textile, leather and other industries.

The largest consumer of sulfuric acid is the production of mineral fertilizers.

For 1 ton of phosphorus fertilizers, 2.2-3.4 tons of sulfuric acid are consumed, and for 1 ton of nitrogen fertilizers - 0.75 tons of sulfuric acid. Therefore, sulfuric acid plants tend to be built in conjunction with plants for the production of mineral fertilizers.

Production of mineral fertilizers

phosphate fertilizers

nitrogen fertilizers

potash fertilizers

influence the size and durability of the crop, the efficiency of using nitrogen fertilizers

influence the growth rate, yield size,

affect the root system, crop stability,

Production is located near gas pipelines and metallurgical plants.

Novomoskovsk, Dorogobuzh

Shchekino, Togliatti

Novgorod, Lipetsk


Cherepovets Nizhny Tagil

Production is located

at the consumer and sulfuric acid plants.


Produced in raw material mining areas



Analyze the diagram and draw a conclusion about the consumption of different types of fertilizers.

Analyze the diagram and draw a conclusion about the production of different types of fertilizers in Russia.

The production of synthetic rubber was initially tied to raw materials (alcohol obtained from food raw materials - potatoes, grains) and to the consumer (automotive industry).

Now all factories operate on oil and gas raw materials.

Centers: Yaroslavl, Kazan, Voronezh, Efremov, Krasnoyarsk.


Production of automobile tires

Structure of Russian production

tires in 2005







Production of plastics and synthetic resins

Plastics and synthetic resins are produced in production facilities that are part of petrochemical plants or nitrogen fertilizer plants.

Centers: Ufa, Tyumen, Kazan, Orekhovo-Zuevo



lavsan, nylon, nylon, spandex

artificial fibers are obtained by chemical modification of natural materials (cotton, wool)

For the production of synthetic fibers, only synthetic materials are used - polymers

The production of chemical fibers is characterized by high water And energy intensity .

To produce 1 ton of fibers it is required

6000 m3 of water and 16-19 tons of fuel equivalent.

Placement factors: The main centers of the industry gravitate either to areas of the textile industry (Central region) or to areas of developed petrochemical industry (Volga region).

Major centers:




Household chemicals




North European base

The North European base includes huge reserves of Khibiny apatites, plant (forest), water and fuel and energy resources (oil, gas, coal). The main chemistry is based on the apatite raw materials of the Kola Peninsula - the production of phosphate fertilizers. Organic chemistry in the future will be developed through the processing of local oil and gas resources in the Northern Economic Region.

Central base - resource-scarce.

It was formed with a focus on huge consumer demand. Almost the entire chemical industry uses imported resources.

Only phosphate fertilizers are produced here from local raw materials (phosphorites - Egorovskoye deposit) (Voskresensk).

Produced here:

  • chemical fibers(artificial - Ryazan, Tver, St. Petersburg, Shuya; synthetic

chesical - Kursk; And. and s. - Klin, Serpukhov),

  • rubber and tires(Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg);
  • plastics(St. Petersburg, Dzerzhinsk);
  • complex fertilizers(Novomoskovsk, Voskresensk),
  • nitrogen fertilizers(Shchekino, Lipetsk, Novomoskovsk, Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk),
  • phosphate fertilizers(St. Petersburg, Volkhov);
  • paints and varnishes and synthetic dyes(St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl,

The central base provides 45% of the chemical industry's output.

Volga-Ural base is formed on huge reserves of potash (Solikamsk, Berezniki), table salts of the Urals and Volga region (Baskunchak Island, Elton), sulfur (Orenburg), oil, gas, non-ferrous metal ores, hydropower (Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations) and forest resources.

That is why the complex formed here is the largest in Russia in terms of its scale and diversity.

Its main elements are giant chemical complexes - Solekamsko-Bereznikovsky, Ufa-Salavatsky, Samara, which produce mineral fertilizers, soda, rubber, and plastics.

The share of chemical products from the Volga-Ural base is more than 40%.

A serious obstacle to the further development of the base is the environmental factor.

Siberian base belongs to the category of the most promising.

In terms of reserves and diversity of resources, it surpasses even the Ural base: oil and gas of Western Siberia, Glauberian salts, table salts (Usolye-Sibirskoye, Burla), coal of Eastern and Western Siberia, hydropower and forest resources, as well as reserves of non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores.

Petrochemistry is developing especially intensively (Tobolsk and Tomsk complexes, Omsk, Angarsk). Coal chemical production facilities were formed earlier (Kemerovo, Cheremkhovo - plastics, synthetic resins, chemical fibers). The most diverse products (cellulose, paper, feed yeast, artificial fibers) are produced by the country's largest forestry complexes - Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk. The production of tires and rubber products from rubber obtained from the hydrolysis of wood and petroleum products has also developed (Omsk, Krasnoyarsk).

1. Distribute branches of the chemical industry into groups:

Chemical industry

mining chemical

basic chemistry

chemistry of organic synthesis

fine chemistry

2. Distribute the same industries into groups of location factors:

chemical industry

Gravitation towards regions:


extraction of raw materials

Task No. 2.

Task No. 1.

Factors for the location of the most important industries

chemical industry

Chemical industry

Gravitation towards regions:


mining chemical

extraction and production of raw materials

basic chemistry

sulfuric acid production

extraction of potassium salts

chemistry of organic synthesis

extraction of potassium salts

provided with raw materials, water resources and cheap electricity

sulfuric acid production

production of nitrogen fertilizers

fine chemistry

production of chemical fibers

production of chemical fibers

household chemicals

plastic production


production of potash fertilizers

production of plastic products

household chemicals

production of synthetic rubber

car tire production



plastic production


production of synthetic rubber

Characteristics of the chemical base of Russia.

On the previous slides you saw a description of chemical bases in Russia.

Work in groups.


  • What raw materials does this base have?
  • What industries are represented here?
  • Large centers of the chemical industry.
  • What problems does the base have?

Draw up a diagram of inter-industry connections in the chemical industry.