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Chinese horoscope predictions for the year. Eastern horoscope for Rabbit

Year of the Dog 2018

According to eastern calendar On February 16, 2018, responsibility for what is happening on planet Earth will pass to the Yellow Earth Dog, whose reign will last until the start of a new astrological cycle on February 5, 2019. The totem animal, the Yellow Dog, belonging to the element Earth, symbolizes the north-west direction and rules the period of time called the “Eleventh Watch”. This period of the day lasts from 19.00 to 21.00, representing a stage of well-deserved evening rest, quiet home gatherings, and leisurely reflections on the future. If you turn to ancient astrological manuscripts and treatises, you can see that the Yellow Earth Dog is depicted exactly like this - lying peacefully on the grass and thoughtfully looking at the setting sun. In her gaze one can read not only fatigue from a busy day, but also worldly wisdom, the calmness that brings with it a well-deserved rest. The dog is not exhausted, but rather relaxed. The symbolism of the Yellow Dog makes us believe that the whole of 2018 for humanity will pass in peaceful contemplation of the surrounding reality, in a state of emotional relaxation and tranquility. However, we must not forget that rest and relaxation begin after all the obligatory tasks are completed, when everyday chores are brought to a close. The dog insists that the right to rest must be earned. Let us turn again to the symbolism of the 2018 annual cycle. The Yellow Earth Dog is responsible for the future, for new goals that are born precisely during leisurely reflections carried out after a period of activity. It turns out that you shouldn’t forget about your true purpose even before relaxing leisure time, and during it. A dog is an active creature, and its favor will be received only by those who are used to working, who look to the future with hope and are ready to put in maximum strength and energy for the sake of their calm tomorrow.

It is important to clarify that the Dog, the symbol of 2018, is a bright representative of Yang energy, personifying the introverted masculine principle, the vector of which is directed not to the external, but to one’s inner world. This means that the stronger sex in 2018 will feel as comfortable, confident and calm as possible. Considering that the Yellow Dog is not an extrovert, and the most important thing for her is not external vanity, but what reigns in her own thoughts, this yearly cycle will be especially energetically close for taciturn, brutal men who are accustomed to independently controlling what is happening. Non-team players will receive additional bonuses from the Yellow Dog in 2018. As a reward for their tenacity of character, they will receive major success in business, economics, and trade. The introversion of this year's ruler does not imply complete withdrawal into herself. It is rather a guideline, following which you can understand that the external gloss, the incomprehensible vanity, the tinsel that surrounds those around you are not as valuable as the fruits of your own thoughts.

Masculine energy will undoubtedly prevail in the year 2018, but this does not mean that the weaker sex will be left without the support of the Yellow Dog. This support will become many times stronger due to the fact that the world during this annual cycle will pass into the power of real brutalists. The fair sex should remember their true purpose, turning their gaze towards home, family and other important things that are included in the spectrum of traditional objects of female care. Feminism will lose its relevance in this period, and we should come to terms with this. This is how, by becoming more feminine, by focusing not on career, but on personal matters, the fair half of humanity will feel especially comfortable and protected.

According to the Chinese astrological almanac, 2018 is the 35th cycle in the 60-year circle of rebirth of energies. This determines the color and direction of the totem animal - the Earth Dog. The color of this year's ruler is yellow, and the period of the year she represents is the end of autumn, the 9th month of the annual cycle according to the ancient Chinese calendar.

Android application for 2018: Year of the Dog 2018 2018 Year of the Dog is the 35th cycle of the 60-year circle of energy rebirth.

Validity period: from 08/16/2018 to 02/05/2019

Element Earth, color Yellow, taste Bitter.

Earth branch Xu, animal Dog, season end of Autumn, direction North-West.

The nature of the 35th cycle, which is 2018, will predetermine the third Triangle of Spiritual Relationship, which is otherwise called the Triangle of Defenders. In addition to the Dog, this triad includes the Horse and the Tiger. Each of these totem animals is responsible for a certain aspect. The Horse symbolizes wisdom, the Tiger - courage, the Dog - protection (in the Triangle of Spiritual Relationship, the Yellow Dog is assigned the role of a guard). The triad of Dog, Tiger and Horse will give peace and tranquility to humanity, since these totemic creatures are considered the most powerful and humane of all representatives of the eastern horoscope. Calmness is precisely the basic feature of the 35th cycle, and on this calmness you can build the foundation of everything that is most important for each individual person.

So, let's figure out what the Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 will bring us. It should immediately be noted that the totem animal that controls this annual cycle has a pronounced conservative character, and therefore the year 2018 will clearly not be a turning point or fateful for most people. This will be a peaceful, calm and even stage in all respects, which is recommended to be devoted to creative activities. The color yellow, characteristic of the patroness of 2018, personifies calm and conservatism. Yellow, among other things, symbolizes extreme clarity, sincerity and simplicity. It is these qualities that will be welcomed in the year of the Yellow Dog. Yellow is also responsible for optimism; more precisely, this colorful shade sets one up for optimism, introducing faith in goodness and hope for a bright future. The reign of the Yellow Dog will be the most productive and emotionally comfortable for those people who confidently look to the future and are not afraid of work. A dog, as you know, is an extremely active creature, and therefore lazy people and slackers should not count on any bonuses while this animal rules our planet.

The dog is strict, and if someone provokes justified anger in it, it will certainly bark at such a person. In order not to arouse the indignation of the hostess of 2018, you should live in harmony with yourself and with the world around you, maintaining utmost honesty. By the way, people who are accustomed to going over their heads or achieving their goals through manipulation will find themselves at risk during the reign of the Yellow Dog. The dog is not a supporter of adventures and will try to nip in the bud everything that is based not on honest work, but on cunning and selfish calculation. Taking this advice into account, lovers of quick schemes to get rich should build their life path in a new way. We must not forget that the Dog is a very humane creature, which means it will give everyone a chance for correction. 2018 is generally the optimal moment to radically reconsider your usual worldview, abandoning not only cunning intrigues, but also the search for some absurd ideal. The dog is extremely simple in its behavior, and it will carry this simplicity to the masses. During 2018, many of us will make a number of sensational discoveries for ourselves, quietly coming to the conclusion that life for show really is devoid of much meaning. It is not designer outfits, not expensive purchases, not the possession of some material goods that will be valued in 2018, but something much deeper. This is, first of all, humanity, kindness, the ability to listen, the ability to empathize, the desire to make the world more peaceful and just. The Dog will certainly be able to develop all these qualities in his charges. As a result, by the end of 2018 the world will become significantly fewer wars, intense confrontations and international conflicts. Peace and tranquility will settle within the walls of each individual home. A dog by nature is an exemplary family man who believes that home is the most important value. People who decide to support this idea will gain additional support. They will be given the opportunity to revel in harmony, enjoying every minute spent in the arms of a loved one. Singles during the reign of the Yellow Dog will have the opportunity to build a happy love union. The only condition that must be met for this is the renunciation of self-interest. Relationships that involve cold calculation on the part of one of the partners will face contempt from the mistress of this year. As a result, novels based on self-interest rather than love are doomed to failure in 2018.

Astrological application for Android: Year of the Dog 2018 The Yellow Dog will fully support not only sincere and selfless love, but also friendship. This totem animal knows more about friendship than others; it is not for nothing that a dog is considered a creature that personifies devotion. In 2018, everyone who opens up to loyal friendships, to new partnerships based not on subordination, but on the principles of equality, will find support. But, if we talk about partnerships in the entrepreneurial sphere, everything is not so simple here. The greatest success in the Year of the Dog awaits people who independently advance to the top of their business or career. That is, the partnership started this year should be perceived as a help for your potential victories, but in no case as a mechanism for achieving them. In general, the Dog, being a hardworking and active creature, will actively support hard workers, businessmen, and careerists. The most in demand in 2018 will be the manufacturing sector. At the same time, everything that the down-to-earth Dog does not understand very well will also not remain outside its zone of interest. We are talking about science and the field of art. The Dog is not at all strong in these areas, but he respects people endowed with talent. She guarantees them peace of mind and the absence of adversity, thereby creating a solid basis for intellectual and creative activity.

2018 will be a fruitful year for everyone who does not become lazy or rely on luck. In order to strengthen your financial position, you will work quite systematically, forgetting about the imposing and contemplative attitude towards this world. The income of many people during the reign of the Year of the Dog will increase significantly, and their maximum growth will be observed in the second half of the year. At this time, honest entrepreneurs and careerists, not prone to behind-the-scenes intrigue, will achieve a triumph that can be measured in monetary terms. When analyzing where to direct your increased income, it is worth taking into account the conservative nature of this year’s housewife. The dog does not understand absurd boasting, and that means those far-sighted people who will direct their capital not to purchase unjustified luxury, but to something more important (to build a house, purchase real estate or develop their business) will be right.

Chinese horoscope for 2018

As the Chinese horoscope for 2018 assures, humanity during the reign of the Yellow Dog is not threatened by global catastrophes, sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, or other difficulties. This calm and in all respects smooth stage should be devoted to creative activity. The dog will willingly support everyone who begins to build love, tries to make their home harmonious, makes strong friendships, develops a personal business, charity and other matters based on honesty and humanity. It is quite easy to achieve the Yellow Dog's favor. All that is needed for this is to cultivate decency, kindness and a humane attitude towards people.

Year of birth: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Year of birth: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2018 Dogs We will see off the owner of 2017 on December 31, but this is according to tradition. But the Red Fire Cockerel fell in love with his throne, and according to the Chinese calendar, it is too early for the merry bird to fly away. In general, everyone’s favorite golden comb, Petya the Cockerel, will reign until February 16, 2018. And then everything is like in a beautiful fairy tale. There will be a quiet scratch at the door, someone will bark, and Her Majesty the Yellow Earth Dog will appear in power.

All 12 animals, from Rats to Pigs, will become restless - the Red Cockerel ruled wisely and fairly, but what can we expect from the Yellow Dog, who rarely reveals her plans to others (and also differs in element and color from last year’s owner)? The stars advise counting to ten and exhaling - there is no reason to panic. The Yellow Dog is a quiet and peace-loving creature, and in matters of justice it has no equal - everything will be clear and according to the rules.

Everyone knows that the Dog is a faithful and devoted creature - the princess of 2018 favors all married couples. In 2018, many spouses will experience true happiness - a second honeymoon that will last a whole year. the best for that confirmation. Zodiac signs who dream of children can clap their hands and climb onto the roof - there are already squeaking bundles with babies in the storks' nest. Communication with household members will also be above all praise - relatives will quickly understand who is behind this entire idyll, and will rush to get puppies (so that the ruler of the year will continue to patronize).

The guys free from marriage ties will not get bored either - the Yellow Dog is friends with Cupid, and there are so many Cupids in her team that there is enough for everyone. But what about those who are not ready for responsibility, or are still too young to tie the knot? We need to remember that animals also have their quirks (Dog weddings, for example). Of course, there is absolutely no point in having orgies, but flirting with crowds of fans - why not? Romances in the year of the Earth Dog will be bright, stormy and long-lasting - it is almost impossible to resist starting a family. But you will have to submit applications in advance - such a crowd in registry offices has never happened before.

There is no need to go into debts and loans in order to arrange a wedding celebration - the Dog is a reasonable creature, and will definitely arrange everything in order at its best. A crisis is a crisis, but no problems are expected with earnings. The main thing is not to bask on the stove in the expectation that it will take us, like Emelya to a magical palace. Everything will depend on luck, and on ourselves - any ideas are welcome, even the most fantastic and crazy ones. Even those who have always considered themselves a failure will be able to bring their plans to life - in the Year of the Dog the green light is on for everyone. For example, if someone is washing the floors, he will definitely find the wallet, return it to the owner, and he, out of the generosity of his soul, will hire an honest hard worker as a secretary (this happens not only in TV series).

The Yellow Earth Dog knows a lot about treasures and treasures, but she will not share secrets so easily - the princess of 2018 will help those who are not greedy and, to the extent possible, engage in charity. Risk is also welcome - few people know, but a lottery ticket bought with the last hundred has a better chance of winning than a pack of tickets purchased just like that.

Things are going well with our career, but it’s better for us to get rid of hypocrisy at the beginning of the year - the Earth Dog cannot stand this. Of course, the Yellow Animal does not call for scolding your boss while looking him in the eyes, or laughing at colleagues who are not particularly smart - everything is good, as you know, in moderation. By the way, you can make fun of your colleagues during non-working hours - in the year of the Yellow Dog, many will be able to improve relationships in the team, and the atmosphere will be friendly and very warm. Just look, all the bosses will make it a rule to take their subordinates to restaurants every Friday - a good idea if the chefs pay for all the ordered drinks and goodies. Moreover, you can whisper to the management that it is more convenient to get home by official transport, or by private car (this is a subtle hint about a salary increase - any self-respecting boss will understand what we are talking about).

In general, everything is gorgeous and healthy for everyone, but a lot depends on what element we were born under. The dog in 2018 will be Earthy - this means that it is stubborn, but patient, purposeful and diplomatic. Those born in the year of the Earth Animal will not have to expect any problems at all - you will be covered in chocolate or marshmallows (whichever you prefer).

The Earth Dog is favorable towards metal guys - she is fascinated by your toughness and perseverance. Water creatures also may not worry - the earth, as you know, always needs you, so the Dog will take you under its wing. The earthly mistress will appreciate the generosity and sensitivity of wooden people - the Dog adores you for your honesty and justice. Fire does not get along with earth in ordinary life, but the Earth Dog has a different opinion - she doesn’t see much difference between the elements at all, and in her year she will never offend fire children.

In principle, it does not matter to the Yellow Earth Dog what year of the animal we were born in, and she will not deprive anyone of her care. The owner of the year will immediately make friends with Dogs, Horses, Bulls, Pigs and Goats, and will not even look at her passport to find out her year of birth. The good Dog will not bite the Cats and Tiger Cubs - except that she will bark a couple of times from an excess of feelings. The Earth Dog respects Rats for their straightforwardness and courage, and the Yellow Princess values ​​Dragons and Snakes for their love of life and endurance. Well, you just can’t help but like Monkeys and Cockerels - the Dog will never even bark at you. For the Yellow Queen of 2018, it is important that the person is kind and good, and everything else is nonsense. And, of course, it would be nice to meet the Dog on a grand scale, chic and splendor, but without fanaticism - in the circle of loved ones, relatives and loved ones. And the desire to make good wishes - why do we need a million dollars, because happiness is very close (for some it snores peacefully on the sofa, for others it squeaks loudly in the cradle), and in the Year of the Dog we will be convinced of this.

Some people, let alone Dogs, will be lucky in 2018, without a doubt. The yellow mistress of the year does not abandon “her own”, and will always extend a paw of help and a ponytail of support. And then on the list: a magic collar, a fairy-tale booth, and a three-meter gold chain. Business partners will be kind and attentive, and competitors will be timid and fearful - this is the ideal situation. New business? Yes, at least ten or twenty activities to your liking - Dogs are active creatures, and will instantly understand any field of activity. The main thing is not to bark at trifles, and believe: a dog’s luck is always on guard.


Pigs-Boars in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog may not be afraid of being eaten - competitors look with envy at your smooth pink backs and do not dare to come closer. Of course, the mistress of 2018 dispersed all the enemies and decided to guard you day and night. Friendly Fortune also took Pigs under her wing - your prudence and commitment are to the liking of Lady Luck. Risk is also welcome (in moderation, of course) - your little eyes sense profitable deals and lead you in the right direction. Pigs are born businessmen, and the Year of the Dog is just right to awaken talents and conquer the world with their genius and originality.


Cockerels are active and energetic creatures, but in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog you won’t have to cock and flap your wings. The Mistress of 2018 will arrange everything in the best possible way and will help you in any endeavor. So, sit comfortably on the perch, because there are already tasty healthy grains sprinkled below, and the chicken coop is in complete order - no one is biting for money, and you only have responsible and smart guys under your command. Roosters' dreams will easily come true if you share your plans less with others - tell the Dog about your desires.


Monkeys feel great in any year, and in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog you will laugh, dance, and jump with happiness. A carefree life is wonderful, but you can’t hide your abilities anywhere - you have to work hard and show off your talents. Partners admire, competitors envy - even stars cry with delight when they watch the success of energetic Monkeys. There will be a lot of hassle in the business sphere, because business is a serious matter. The Dog will also get milk for being harmful, but not just plain milk, but coconut milk - whatever you like. Just don’t splash your new suit - a lot of money has been spent to maintain the image.


Horses in the year of Dogs will jump for joy and flutter with happiness - yes, this happens too. You will deal with your competitors with the help of your hooves, and besides, your horseshoes are quite heavy (at least made of pure gold). In 2018, it is necessary to update the harness, and it’s a good idea to take care of the mane - business partners meet Horses by their clothes. Horses love to travel, and the Yellow Dog will give you this opportunity, and more than one - how do you like the idea of ​​weekly business trips? In the race for success, it is important not to forget about your friends - they, like no one else, know your weaknesses and will always keep you from rash actions.


Goats are neat guys, and they like everything to be according to the rules - the Yellow Dog is the same, and will take you under its wing. In 2018, you don’t have to be afraid of failures - they have no place in the life of Goats, because you will become lucky in almost all areas. Goats and Sheep are ideal secretaries, but this does not mean that you will not be allowed to the boss’s chair - please climb onto the throne and command until you get tired of it. You can dream about your own business, the main thing is not to fly into the sky - cunning competitors hover nearby and wait for mistakes. If anything happens, whistle to the Yellow Dog - she will easily turn into Sivka Burka and stand in front of you like a leaf in front of the grass.


Cats and Rabbits will laugh and dance in 2018 - the Dog is not going to bare his teeth and growl at the affectionate fluffies. Cats love comfort and coziness, and in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog everything will turn out the way you imagined. Cats rarely commit rash acts, and always land on four paws - the Dog appreciates these qualities and protects the tailed ones from troubles. The fur shines, the whiskers stick out - the business world is delighted with the charming Rabbit Cats, and any influential gentleman is happy to help the cute creatures. Take advantage of the situation and in the year of the Dog you will easily achieve success.


Snakes in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog can be cobras, boa constrictors, and even pythons - depending on who surrounds you. You can show your sting to your competitors, and curl up next to your business partners - in 2018, they will be delighted with you. There will be legends about your intuition and wisdom - Snakes calculate any situation dozens of steps ahead, and always do right choice. You will especially succeed in creative activities - there is room to expand, and the world will gasp at your talents. You can become the masters of the copper mountain (and it doesn’t matter that you are not lizards, you are still one team).


With the onset of 2018, all reigns from the Fire Rooster will pass to the Yellow Earth Dog, which will not offend the offended and needy, and will punish hypocrites, liars and slackers according to their deserts. So the period is expected to be quite interesting and eventful. Many will finally be able to feel the peace of mind that they so lacked in previous years. However, you shouldn’t relax too much, since the Dog also presented many different and unexpected surprises. Therefore, everyone will be interested in what the eastern horoscope for 2018 has in store for each symbol.

Eastern horoscope for the Rat

The beginning of the year for this sign will begin with conflict resolution. Female representatives born in the year of the Rat may feel especially vulnerable. But by the summer the situation will stabilize, and those who find themselves in a difficult situation will be able to find a way out of it. You also need to be careful with money in the first half of the year. It is better not to lend large sums to anyone, as they may not be returned. And the stars also do not advise investing in a dubious business. It is better for rats to simply wait out the difficult period, and by the fall they will be able to feel stability, both financially and personally.

Eastern horoscope for the Ox

It will be difficult at the beginning of 2018 for those people who hold leadership positions and have a hot temper. A dog that cares for justice will want to make its own adjustments to the measured life of those who do not want to make concessions and do not recognize any other judgment other than their own. And it will be difficult for such Bulls. Various situations will arise, gradually leading to internal imbalance. But if the representatives of this symbol manage to pull themselves together and moderate their hot-tempered and proud disposition, then by May they will be able to regain their authority and begin to move on.

Eastern horoscope for Tiger

For the Tiger, this new period can become a starting point for stopping a little and thinking about his life and the future. Those around you will be surprised by the changes happening to the Tiger, who will become quiet, calm and thoughtful. But this state will last only a few months, after which representatives of this sign will begin to “wake up”, and their inaction will be replaced by quick and strong-willed decisions. Many will begin to prove their professionalism and gain authority among their loved ones. However, by the end of the year, due to emotional and physical stress, problems with general well-being may arise.

Eastern horoscope for Rabbit

The horoscope for 2018 according to the eastern calendar will please many people related to this symbol. The rabbit will finally be able to take a break and rest from the constant bustle and daily complex tasks. They will often begin to turn to him for advice, which will gradually contribute to expanding the circle of acquaintances and friends. IN family life Discords with the other half may arise, but they will be related to everyday problems, so they will soon be resolved. The only thing Rabbits need to worry about in the new year is... own health. This is especially true for representatives of the fairer sex, who must beware of hypothermia.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon

The life of Dragons will be full of events and emotions. It will not be without difficulties that must be expected from loved ones and relatives. Some of them may get into very unpleasant and difficult situation, and it’s up to the Dragon to figure it out. Financial problems may arise in February, so during this period the stars recommend refraining from large purchases and moderating your spending. However, soon, closer to April, the Dragons will be able to improve their financial situation. This will happen thanks to a promotion on the career ladder or an unexpected bonus for success at work.

Eastern horoscope for Snake

People born under the sign of the Snake need to be careful in the year of the Yellow Dog. Any adventure or spontaneous decision can lead to serious problems. Therefore, before you begin to act, you should think carefully about everything several times. In the spring, difficulties may arise with your superiors. The Snake will be required to immediately implement their plans, which will not always be possible to translate into reality. Because of this, the manager may begin to doubt the professional suitability of the Snake. The stars advise you to push yourself a little and try to cope with all the tasks, because this period will soon end.

Eastern horoscope for Horse

For people belonging to the Horse sign, the horoscope for 2018 according to the Eastern calendar has prepared many interesting acquaintances and bright events. Already in the spring you will be able to receive a tempting business offer that you should not refuse. This will help improve your financial situation and get good income in the future. Therefore, if the Horse has financial savings, you can try to invest them in a new business. By autumn there will be thoughts of updating own home and start a major overhaul. The main thing is to enlist the support of the other half, so that later conflicts do not arise on this basis.

Eastern horoscope for Goat

The New Year 2018 will take on special significance for many representatives of the Goat sign. Lonely hearts will finally be able to meet their true and long-awaited love. And those who have been in a relationship for a long time and cannot decide to take a serious step will make this important decision for themselves and enter the new status of a family person. Closer to summer, the Goat may be asked to work on one interesting project. And if the Goat agrees, then the stars hasten to warn that the work can drag on for a long time, devastating the person mentally and physically. And before starting a large-scale project, you need to understand for yourself whether the Goat is ready to go to the end.

Eastern horoscope for Monkey

People associated with this symbol have always been characterized by unrestrainedness and willfulness. But in the year of the Dog they will have to curb their temper and begin to learn to live by the rules. For work, many will have to travel frequently on business trips, which will significantly undermine their health and weaken them. nervous system. In the middle of the year, the financial situation may be shaken. Because of this, the Monkey will get into large debts that it will not be possible to pay off immediately. But success will accompany creative individuals. Inspiration will often come to them, which will result in new works, many of which will get away with good money.

Eastern horoscope for the Rooster

The year 2018 will begin for the Rooster with active workdays. There will be a lot of work, but the material reward for its completion will be appropriate. And when the projects and tasks are completed, the Rooster can take a well-deserved rest. And here the stars advise spending it near the water, where you can restore lost strength and improve your health. During the year, the Rooster will also meet new useful acquaintances. No special changes are expected in family life. The only thing is that minor difficulties may arise with children who want to leave parental care. And here you don’t need to put pressure, but give them time to go through this period.

Eastern horoscope for Dog

Who will definitely be lucky in the new year are people born under this symbol. They will feel more confident than ever. Whatever the Dog undertakes, everything will work out the first time. At work, rapid advancement up the career ladder will begin. This is especially true for young professionals who are full of energy and enthusiasm. It is important that during their ascent they do not cross the path of any of their colleagues, otherwise a general uprising will begin later. Many Dogs will think about changing their home and adding to their family. Some will even be able to start building a country house.

Eastern horoscope for Pig

Everything that the Pig plans to accomplish in the new 2018 will need to be thought over several more times and everything weighed. One wrong step can completely disrupt the stability that the Pig has created for many years. In the middle of the year, large monetary profits can be made. Its stars advise investing in real estate. But starting your own business during this period is not recommended. You need to be more careful with new acquaintances. This applies to men who may run into a real scammer, and because of her, the risk of being left “without pants” increases.

The Chinese horoscope, also called the Eastern horoscope, is highly accurate, because it is already more than three thousand years old. Observations in this area have improved, and knowledge has accumulated, so now we have a fairly accurate horoscope.

As the eastern sages say, the Year of the Dog is the year of the family, so 2018 will be the time when your whole life revolves around the people close to you. Everyone must care about the general happiness, otherwise this system can seriously fail. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be aimed at ensuring that everyone can take part in creating favorable conditions for the development of this minimal unit of society. Family should come first.

General forecasts for 2018

So, the Dog is a symbol of fidelity, friendship, love, honesty and respect for older generations. This is a wise Sign, very deep in its spiritual properties. In addition to the “animal affiliation,” each year has an affiliation with one of five elements: Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal, Water. Each element gives a certain color to one or another animal symbol.

2018 is the time of the Earth element. This element combines incredibly harmoniously with the Dog, because the element of Earth is something unchangeable and heavy. The earth promotes better thinking and logic. Emotions will fade into the background, leaving room for pure material thinking. It will be much easier to work with numbers, but this does not mean that the money itself will go into your pocket. I'll have to use my head. Perhaps long and painful evenings surrounded by papers will be your salvation. Don't expect easy challenges and easy solutions.

If your work is related to physical activity, then some problematic times may come, because the Dog helps restore energy, and the energy of the Earth makes its costs more significant. This suggests that you will have to correctly calculate your strengths, otherwise new beginnings will go well at first, and then you will be blown away.

This year will also not be very good for travel. The dog does not resist your wishes, but requires the desire to remain at home, surrounded by family and friends. Short-term work trips are a big compromise. Nothing bad will happen in a couple of days, so don’t be afraid to change the situation, especially if duty requires it. Luck will be on your side.

You should not interrupt processes whose power is higher than yourself. Sometimes love becomes such a force. Think twice before you do or say anything. If you behave peacefully enough, your loved ones will help you achieve your personal goals.

Thus, 2018 is a time of love, friendship, spiritual quest, and work. This will be a great time for everyone who knows how to set priorities correctly. If you do not break stereotypes, then everything will remain in its place.

Chinese horoscope according to Signs for 2018


If you were born in the year of the Rat, then get ready for the fact that your expectations will always exceed your capabilities. It will be very difficult for people of your type, but not because you will be haunted by failures, but because you will want mountains of gold. Learn to be content with little so as not to tolerate your self-reproaches. Be more forward-thinking and learn to be thrifty. Don't spend all your money at once, don't put love or friendship on the line.

The Dragon

People may be offended by you collectively, since you will stand apart. Your wishes, yours appearance, your ambitions - all this will make you a leader, but not one whom everyone respects. A little more diplomacy can change the course of things dramatically, so you will have to change yourself radically, making you think about others too. Teach yourself to put yourself in another person's shoes. Show everyone respect so that it will come back to you in double size. The beginning of the year will be especially difficult.


The time of those born under this Sign has passed. This is not forever, but you need to not focus on the negative now. It is better to postpone new beginnings until next year, but while the Dog rules the world, you need to concentrate more on your responsibilities. Do not travel far outside your home country. The element of Earth runs counter to your goals, so hide your primary personal tasks from everyone and don’t rely on help, because you might be betrayed.

Don't run ahead of the locomotive - life can hurt you if you don't look back. The past plays a very important role now. 2018 is a time of teamwork, and your hermit mentality will hinder you in everything: in love, business, finance. By the way, speaking of finances, it is better for the Bulls to plan their purchases of land in the year very scrupulously. One wrong move and you're in deep trouble. Life can throw you a pleasant surprise, but there is no need to live with expectations.


For Snakes, the year of the Earth Dog can be very successful, despite the energetic dissonance. You may want to take revenge on someone because excellent conditions will be created for this. Think twice before making a mistake. Eastern sages advise Snakes in such times to refrain from any opportunities to cause chaos and destruction. It is very dangerous. Such actions greatly spoil your karma, and it is not to be trifled with if you do not want to lose luck for a long period of time.


Those born in the year of the Rooster are better off not going beyond their comfort zone in 2018. Strive to overcome your fears, but do it on a psychological level, without applying knowledge in practice. By the end of the year, conditions will change a little, so you can take a little risk by trying to make a knight move. Share the fruits of your labors with those without whom you could not achieve everything you have. Generosity is your salvation.


For Tigers, the Year of the Dog will be bad because your desire for privacy will be disrupted. Outsiders will constantly try to penetrate your comfort zone. Because this cannot be changed, you just need to accept it. Do not try to abstract yourself from people, because even the strongest among you will not be able to gain a privileged position and improve financial affairs without outside interference. The best way getting rid of obstacles - preventing them from appearing. It's easier to take care of defense rather than improve offense.


The Horse Sign and the Dog Sign do not combine well, because the first type of people strives for independence and loves to work, while the second does not like to work, but does it no matter what. For people born in the year of the Horse, there are no restrictions, which is very bad, since 2018 will impose them on you in full. You'd better take the easiest path. Obstacles in your path may appear for various reasons, but important point is a development in the future, not an analysis of the past. It's better to clear the path ahead than to clean up yesterday's trash.


This is your year, but don't think that everything will go smoothly. You need discipline to achieve your most ambitious goals. Don't try to live with expectations. Don't expect what you want to happen just like that. Nothing just comes, except maybe problems. In love and in business, you will need to choose the same path, the same model of behavior - work. Nothing will come without effort. But if you try, everything will come. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but all the pleasure comes from the process itself.


Rabbit and Dog are two complete opposites. This year will be very memorable for you, because you may have many enemies, many ill-wishers. Most breakups of friendships and love relationship occurs precisely during such periods. 2018 is a time of spiritual intimacy with ourselves. You will need to devote more time to meditation and spiritual quests. Having a diplomatic attitude will help you succeed in finding your soul mate and maintaining balance in your relationship.


The 2018 Year of the Earth Dog may disappoint you, but this does not mean that everything will be so bad. Selfishness and stubbornness may awaken in you. Find the strength to demonstrate generosity. Arrogant representatives of your Sign will be at a great disadvantage. The need for communication will not fade away, so stay close to the center of positive emotions. This could be your family or work team. Don’t stop yourself from enjoying life, don’t look for flaws in people.


The Year of the Dog will be good for you, because the environment will be perfect for creating new connections and increasing energy reserves. Your confidence will skyrocket, so don't be shy about success. In this case, it is better to be as restrained as possible. Many people may begin to envy you. As Eastern observations say, during such periods it is better not to make empty promises and not to deceive anyone for your own benefit. Pettiness will not increase your chances of winning. You can stay afloat with honesty.

On February 16, 2018, we will celebrate the Chinese New Year in the eastern calendar and it will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This is a peace-loving animal, so, fortunately, no natural or man-made disasters are expected. Joy, light and a lot of things await us. But there will be no loneliness, melancholy and other elements of a dog’s life this year!

The two fiery years are being replaced by the Year of the Dog, so the world will become more restrained and calm. This will affect everything: politics, economics, finances, personal life and even nature.

For you, the period will be positive in everything related to personal and spiritual growth, you will have a feeling that your path is correct. Creative potential will be high, you can do whatever you like, and not look back at anyone.

Love and relationships

A dog is a family creature who loves coziness and comfort. However, she cannot sit at home: she is very active and loves to communicate. Therefore, it will not be difficult for outgoing people to find new acquaintances, establish connections and make friends in 2018. Shy people should put all doubts aside and finally learn to interact with the world. Those who are planning to live 2018 in captivity in their own apartment without friends and acquaintances will be disappointed: the Dog will disrupt your dull plans. It will be easy and simple to find friends, and this smart people will definitely use it. In addition to expanding your circle of business and professional communication, you can increase your chances of personal happiness. Yes! For many, there is a huge chance of meeting their soul mate in 2018. Even if it doesn’t come to a wedding, the relationship that arose during this period will be strong and lasting for many, many years.

This year, married couples are advised to very carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new friends, workers, and service personnel may encroach on peace near the family hearth. The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems: it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, and pit you against unusual characters. Its task is to teach you to distinguish good from evil in a mask. Your task is to pass the test with honor.


Children will be given to all those who are thirsty and waiting in 2018. Rejoice! The long-awaited pregnancy and successful birth are just around the corner. Healthy, beautiful children, one might say, are already rushing to you! Babies born this year will be unusually talented, thoughtful, diligent, persistent and kind. Among them are engineers, doctors, scientists, teachers, real creators.

Adult children will not upset their parents. Answer them in kind: devote all your free time to your children, even if they have already acquired their own offspring.

Help and support them in all their ideas and endeavors!


The dog is different good health. And all because he leads an active lifestyle and is often outdoors. Those who want to radically improve their well-being in 2018 should adhere to the same lifestyle. Get out into nature on weekends and communicate more with friends outside the home. For those who are young and strong, the Dog highly recommends trying their hand at running long distances- up to marathons.

In addition to traditional medicine, use alternative and oriental medicine. They will help you get best results in disease prevention, healing, and maintain health at the proper level.

Lastly about food. Or rather, about safety at the table. The dog cannot tolerate sweets, alcohol, and, oddly enough, fatty foods. The named products may cause serious problems. You shouldn’t be afraid of the huge number of rules and requirements of the 2018 totem. The main trait of the Earth Dog is tolerance.

Business, work, career

This year you have a rare situation when you have a chance to conquer any career heights, and at the same time increase your status in society, become more influential, significant, and authoritative for others. Do not be afraid to take on more responsibility, because now your professional destiny is being decided in the most literal sense of the word. You can discover your true calling and confidently follow your heart. Moreover, you don’t even need to be particularly active, the main thing is not to interfere with circumstances, catch the wave that will come right to your doorstep, and boldly surrender to the flow of events.

From January to April, you will understand what you want to change in your work, and you will be ready for it. Next, it is useful to expand the area of ​​​​professional (and other!) knowledge. The best period for self-realization in your career will begin in August, you are simply doomed to success, it is only important to recognize your chance in time. It could also be an interview that you get into completely by chance. And the opportunity to suddenly start your own business, to become the one and only expert in your field. Moreover, you are not very inclined to obey now, which means be prepared for new position leader. Financial affairs will go well all year, and in November and December you will feel the results of your professional actions.