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Children's TV Show Winner Has IQ Higher Than Einstein: What Questions She Answered. What IQ did Albert Einstein have? Famous people with low iq

15 September 2009, 11:36

The concept of intelligence quotient was introduced by the Jewish scientist of German origin W. Stern in 1912, who drew attention to serious deficiencies in mental age as an indicator in the Binet scales. Stern proposed using the quotient of mental age divided by chronological age as an indicator of intelligence. IQ was first used in the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale in 1916. Nowadays, interest in IQ tests has increased many times over, resulting in the emergence of many different unfounded scales. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare the results of different tests and the IQ number itself has lost its informative value. Intelligence quotient (English: IQ) is a quantitative assessment of a person’s level of intelligence: the level of intelligence relative to the level of intelligence of the average person of the same age. Determined using special tests. IQ tests are designed to assess thinking abilities, not the level of knowledge (erudition). IQ is an attempt to assess the factor of general intelligence. IQ formula. IQ = UM / XB × 100 where IQ is mental age, and XB is chronological age. For example, a person 20 years old, whose intellectual age is 22 years old, has an IQ of 22 / 20 × 100 = 110. That is, a child of 12 years old and a university graduate can have the same IQ, because the development of each of them corresponds to their age. The Eysenck test provides a maximum IQ level of 160 points. Each test consists of many different tasks of increasing difficulty. Among them test tasks for logical and spatial thinking, as well as other types of tasks. Based on the test results, IQ is calculated. It has been noticed that the more variants of the test a subject passes, the more top scores He shows. The most famous test is the Eysenck test. More accurate are the tests of D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer, R.B. Cattella. On this moment There is no single standard for IQ tests. What affects IQ Heredity The role of genetics and environment in IQ prediction is discussed in Plomin et al. (2001, 2003). Until recently, heredity was mainly studied in children. Various studies have shown heritability to be between 0.4 and 0.8 in the US, meaning, depending on the study, that between slightly less than half and well over half of the difference in IQ among the children observed was due to their genes. The rest depended on the child’s living conditions and measurement error. Heritability between 0.4 and 0.8 suggests that IQ is “significantly” heritable. Environment The environment influences brain development. In particular, an unhealthy, restricted diet can reduce the brain's ability to process information. A study of 25,446 people by the Danish National Birth Cohort concluded that eating fish during pregnancy and breastfeeding an infant increased their IQ. Also, a study of more than 13 thousand children showed that breastfeeding can increase a child’s intelligence by 7 points. Let me give you an example of the IQ of famous people. Sylvester Stallone - 54 Paris Hilton - 70 "regular blonde" (average) - 80- I don’t believe it (blondes are just like everyone else (I’m a blonde myself and my IQ level is above average))
Brad Pitt - 95 Daria Sagalova - 97 Britney Spears - 98 Bruce Willis - 101 Alla Pugacheva - 106 John Kennedy - 117 Angelina Jolie - 118
Barack Obama - 120 George Bush - 125
Jodie Foster - 132 Vladimir Putin - 134 Arnold Schwarzenegger - 135 Bill Clinton - 137 Hillary Clinton - 140 Madonna - 140 Richard Nixon - 143 Jayne Mansfield - 149 Jessica Simpson - 151 Jessica Alba - 151 Sharon Stone - 154 Alexander Solzhenitsyn - 159 Dolph Lungren - 160 Bill Gates - 160
Albert Einstein - 163 Linus Pawling - 170
Marilyn vos Savant - 186 Honore de Balzac - 187 A common joke is that IQ tests actually test a person's ability to solve these tests. Which is not far from the truth. Essentially, the test taker is required to solve certain tasks in a certain way. Than actually smarter person, the more alternative solutions to those proposed by the creators of the test he will be able to offer.

Among stars, those with a high IQ - an indicator of the level of intelligence - are not as common as among mathematicians or astrophysicists, and that is why they attract more interest.

The actor leads the star rating by a wide margin James Woods. His real fame came after his role as Max in the film Once Upon a Time in America. Wood was born into a military family, but his father died when the boy was 12 years old.

He always studied well and easily entered the Massachusetts technological university in Cambridge. Taking the usual IQ testing for applicants, he scored 180 points! According to IQ testing standards, a result greater than 170 automatically places a person in the “genius” category. Most university professors had an IQ of no more than 150. High hopes were placed on Wood, but to find mutual language James's terrible character interfered with the scientific community.

He argued with teachers, trying to prove his superiority by freely quoting primary sources, since he had a phenomenal memory. He simply despised his classmates for their stupidity, and they repaid him in kind. Studying was very easy for him and he devoted all his free time to acting in the student theater. And a few weeks before receiving his diploma, Wood dropped out of the university and went to conquer the Broadway theater stage.

A long and difficult acting career brought Wood both fame and money. But James Wood did not turn out to be a brilliant scientist.

It will come as a surprise to many that Dolph Lundgren with the external characteristics of a true Viking, looks very harmonious in action films - knows 10 languages: native Swedish, English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Finnish, Russian and Vepsian (the endangered Baltic-Finnish language which is still spoken in Karelia and Leningrad region).

    Dolph Lundgren graduated from such higher educational establishments
  • Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) - specialization in physics.
  • University of Washington (Washington, USA).
  • University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia) - Chemist, MSc.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA - chemical production engineer).
  • School of Dramatic Arts (New York, USA).

Intelligence is transmitted genetically, Lundgren's parents are scientists, members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

But he was unlucky with his health; he was a sickly and weak boy with allergies. But karate training changed him beyond recognition.

    Sports achivments
  • Black belt in Kyokushinkai karate, IV dan.
  • European heavyweight champion in Kyokushinkai karate 1980 and 1981.
  • Australian heavyweight champion in Kyokushinkai karate (1982).
  • In 1996, he was appointed captain of the US Olympic pentathlon team - Modern Pentathlon - shooting, fencing, swimming, show jumping (equestrian competitions), running.

So passing an IQ test with a score of 160 pales in comparison to Dolph Lundgren's other achievements.

Quentin Tarantino became a phenomenon in cinema. His films - "Reservoir Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", "From Dusk Till Dawn", "Kill Bill", "Inglourious Basterds" - are paradoxical, shocking, full of violence and specific black humor. Undoubtedly, Tarantino's originality and originality make him an outstanding director.

Tarantino's mother, half Irish and half Cherokee Indian, gave birth to him at age 16. The father was Italian. But the parents separated before Quentin was born. Mother remarried a local musician. The boy grew up in a bohemian environment; he left school at the age of 15 and went to work.

My first place of work was a movie theater where they showed porn. Quentin liked cinema since childhood, he watched a lot of films and television series, and the family often went to the cinema. Is it any wonder that a childhood dream of making films came true?

It must be said that the IQ result of 160 also belongs to Bill Gates, he was smart enough not to act in films, but to become the richest man on the planet (according to Forbes magazine - from 1996 to 2007 and in 2009).

MOSCOW, January 12 - RIA Novosti, Alfiya Enikeeva. The American William James Sidis, who died in 1944, had a record IQ: from 250 to 300. However, the expert in 40 languages ​​and the youngest student at Harvard (entered there at the age of 11) did not make any contribution to science. He worked all his life as a humble office worker. RIA Novosti looks into what IQ can tell about a person’s mental abilities and what the results of this test are for recognized geniuses.

Determine intelligence

The first IQ test was invented in 1912 by the German psychologist William Stern: a set of well-known problems and puzzles was supposed to determine the developmental potential of children. However, the tests that followed to measure mental abilities, including the questionnaire of the British psychologist Hans Eysenck, who made the very idea of ​​​​assessing intelligence popular, were intended rather for adults.

Today, most IQ tests measure a person's ability to analyze visual-spatial information, short-term memory and processing speed. In this case, the age of the subject must be taken into account.

The questionnaires are compiled in such a way that the average value is equal to one hundred points. A score below 70 is considered to indicate mental retardation, and people who score above 115 are especially intelligent. One can speak of outstanding abilities and even genius with an IQ above 140 points.

However, according to several studies, the results of such tests do not always reflect a person’s real intelligence. First, you can train yourself to solve the type of problems used in questionnaires. Secondly, assessments of the same person may depend on his physical and psychological state.

Slow thinking genius

In addition, all IQ tests are strictly timed. As a rule, questions must be answered in 30-60 minutes. However, it is known that Nobel laureate Albert Einstein, who invented the theory of relativity, thought rather slowly and in exams did not always manage to complete all the tasks in the allotted time.

Nevertheless, the IQ of an outstanding physicist is estimated at approximately 160 points. During his life, he wrote more than three hundred scientific papers, developed several fundamental physical theories - in addition to the theory of relativity, the quantum theory of heat capacity, the theory of stimulated emission, and Bose-Einstein quantum statistics. According to American sociologists, the scientist is one of the five most famous people of the 20th century.

Victory of the intellect over the body

Another outstanding physicist and popularizer of science, Stephen Hawking, had the same IQ as Einstein. He studied cosmology and quantum gravity, proved that the Universe obeys general relativity, and derived the laws of black hole mechanics. His books sold in huge quantities - for example, " Short story Time", which tells about the emergence of the Universe, the nature of space and time and black holes, was released in ten million copies.

The scientist worked hard all his life, despite a terrible diagnosis - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which turned him into a disabled person.

The smartest expelled student

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, considered one of the richest people on the planet, has an IQ of 170. The operating room he created together with his school friend Paul Allen Windows system Today it is installed on almost every computer. It was thanks to her that the computer became an item of mass use.

Moreover, Gates did not even graduate from university. In his second year, he was expelled from Harvard for poor academic performance, since he devoted all his free time to programming. But in 2007, the university administration awarded him a diploma higher education and even awarded a doctorate.

© AP Photo/Nati Harnik

© AP Photo/Nati Harnik

The scientist who turned down a million dollars

In 2010 Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman became the most talked about scientists of the planet. He solved one of the problems of the millennium - the Poincaré conjecture, for which the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of one million dollars, which the scientist refused.

In addition to the only solved problem of the millennium so far, Perelman also proved the theory of the soul in differential geometry, the geometrization hypothesis and several key statements in the Alexander geometry of spaces of curvature bounded below.

IQ level unknown.

© Photo: George M. Bergman, Berkeley

Incredible facts

We often talk about celebrities with high level IQ. We admire their intelligence, education and erudition.

Beautiful, famous and... smart.

They evoke sympathy not only thanks to its beauty , but also high intelligence.

What about those stars who are not brilliant and whose IQ level is not so high?

Celebrities with low IQ

Here are 11 stars with unacceptably low IQs:

1. Paris Hilton

The antics and phrases of this socialite have repeatedly confirmed her low IQ level.

2. Kourtney Kardashian

The representative of the star surname Kardashian was recently recognized as one of the stupidest celebrities.

3. Kim Kardashian

It seems like the rare member of the Kardashian family is highly intelligent. Kim Kardashian is no exception.

4. Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj has also been classified as a celebrity with a low IQ.

5. Nicole Scherzinger

Another star, more famous for her appearance, and not at all for her intellect, is Nicole Scherzinger.

Unfortunately, the former Pussycat Doll singer is rumored to be not very intelligent.

Stupid Celebrities

6. Jessica Simpson

In one of her interviews, Jessica's mother once stated that her daughter's IQ level reaches 160.

However, few believed this statement, given how funny Jessica puts words into phrases and how ineptly she conducts dialogues with journalists.

7. Britney Spears

The pop princess herself stated that her IQ level is 104. This is also hard to believe, because her relatives and friends have repeatedly said that Britney does not shine with intelligence.

According to rumors, Miley's IQ level can range from 100 to 130, with the number 119 most often mentioned.

However, this is hardly possible, given how stupid and ridiculous the star behaves in life, as well as in conversations with journalists.

9. Mariah Carey

How could Mariah Carey end up on the list of famous people with low IQ?

But this is most likely true. And although it is known from some sources that the sexy singer has an IQ of as much as 126, it seems that this is not true.

The numerous mistakes that the star makes in her speech indicate that she is not at all as smart as she would like.

10. Courtney Love

Once Courtney let slip that her daughter’s IQ level was much higher than hers. True, the star did not dare to voice her IQ level.

This week the finale of the TV show Children Geniuses was shown in the UK, and this time the show attracted Special attention. The fact is that a boy originally from Great Britain and the daughter of immigrants from Sri Lanka reached the finals. “I want to dispel stereotypes about girls,” she said, holding the competition prize in her hands.

Here are the questions William and Nishi received at the show's finale:

1. Arrange the letters so that the word makes sense: PARTAKCHIPA
2. In 2011, a synthetic trachea transplant was successfully performed using... what?
3. 411 + 854 + 156 + 625 = ...?
4. In what geological period did erect plants such as cucsonia appear?
5. If the half-life of a radioactive specimen takes eight days, what proportion of radioactivity will remain after 16 days?
6. 24 x 9 - 16 x 9 / 8 =...?
7. What is the name of the period of active expansion of the universe that occurred immediately after the big bang?
8. What is the name of the long, cigar-shaped clay mound formed by a descending glacier?
9. This process, beginning with the letter "C", represents the conversion of alkanes to alkenes.
10. Spell the word “neurohypophysis”.

(answers at the end of the article)

12 year old Nishi Uggalle(Nishi Uggalle) now lives in Manchester with his parents. Her dad works in cybersecurity and her mom works as an accountant. That day, they both sat in the front row of the show and were very worried about their daughter. The girl herself wanted to take part in the competition - and her ambitions extend not only to this competition. “I asked my dad, what if I win the competition, will he make me a nightstand for my trophies, right here, next to my bed?” Nishi says about himself. And, apparently, the bedside table should be of impressive size.

Nishi considers herself a Stephen Hawking fan; she read all of his books and decided to focus on physics, specifically the study of black holes. “If you ask who insisted on participating in the competition, it was not us, Nishi herself insisted,” says the girl’s father. “We just have to adapt to her abilities, to her ambitions.” In a separate round, the girl was asked questions on a topic that interested her - about black holes. To advance to the next round, you had to score 13 points by answering questions within 4 minutes. Nishi scored 16.

“My IQ is 162, Einstein and Stephen Hawking had 160, but that in no way makes me smarter than them. Even though my IQ is higher, there is still so much to do for our world and to understand our world that I don't think I can be compared to them before I do anything close to what they did."

Similar TV shows are held on one of the British channels every year - children aged 8 to 12 years old compete in their knowledge of natural sciences, mathematics, vocabulary, geography and spelling. This time, several hundred children sent in their applications, of whom the commission selected 19 applicants. Nishi even then stood out among the rest - she wanted to prove to the whole world that not only was she herself capable and smart, but that in general all girls were capable of much more than was expected of them. “I want to show that girls can win too and do whatever they want,” Nishi said during one round of the competition.

In the final, which Nishi and William qualified for, there were 10 questions that were asked to both contestants
“It was incredibly exciting to fight William for the win, it was a great fight. One of the reasons why I decided to take part in this show myself was to show how many stereotypes exist in society about girls, as if they cannot cope with subjects such as physics or mathematics. I would like to show everyone how far from the truth this is.”

In this video on English language You can see how Nishi passed the finals of the competition and a little about her life:

Answers to final questions:
1. Arrange the letters so that the word makes sense: PARTAKCHIPA

2. In 2011, a synthetic trachea transplant was successfully performed using... what?
Answer: Stem cells

3. 411 + 854 + 156 + 625 = ...?
Answer: 2046

4. In what geological period did erect plants such as cucsonia appear?
Answer: Silurian period

5. If the half-life of a radioactive specimen takes eight days, what proportion of radioactivity will remain after 16 days?
Answer: 25%

6. 24 x 9 - 16 x 9 / 8 =...?
Answer: 225

7. What is the name of the period of active expansion of the universe that occurred immediately after the big bang?
Answer: Cosmic inflation

8. What is the name of the long cigar-shaped clay mound formed by a descending glacier?
Answer: Gremlin

9. This process, beginning with the letter "C", represents the conversion of alkanes to alkenes.
Answer: Cracking (English - splitting off).

10. Spell the word “neurohypophysis”.

In our article we talked about a boy who bought his parents a house by the lake with the money he earned with his paintings.