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For the reason that it is. For the reason that. Symptoms of hormonal disorders

For the reason that


Syntactic constructions beginning with the conjunction “for the reason that” are distinguished by punctuation marks (commas). In this case, the first comma is placed between the parts of the conjunction (before the word “what”).

...And he loved his daughters more than all his wealth, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury - for the reason that he was a widower and had no one to love... S. Aksakov, Scarlet Flower. “But,” continued the foreigner, not embarrassed by Berlioz’s amazement and turning to the poet, “it is impossible to send him to Solovki.” for the reason that he has been in places much more remote than Solovki for more than a hundred years, and there is no way to get him out of there, I assure you!” M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “for the reason that” is in other dictionaries:

    for the reason that- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    For the reason that- conjunction Used when attaching a subordinate part of a complex sentence, which contains a causal justification for the action of the main part; because, due to the fact that, since. Dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000...

    for the reason that- see reason; for the (simple) reason/not that in the sign. union. Because, because... Dictionary of many expressions

    What to do if the new mobile number previously belonged to the bank debtor- Today, you can often encounter a situation where, after purchasing a new number, mobile phone it turns out that it previously belonged to a bank debtor. At the same time, the new owner of the number begins to regularly receive calls to his phone... ... Banking Encyclopedia

    Due to- conjunction Used when attaching a subordinate part of a complex sentence with the meaning of a reason (determining the action of the main part), corresponding in meaning to the following: since, due to the fact that, for the reason that. Dictionary… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    due to- see communication; in sign. union. For the reason that, based on the fact that. I was thinking about the situation in connection with the fact that I was going to leave... Dictionary of many expressions

    Because- BECAUSE, places. adv. and allied sl. For the reason that Mr. Why are you angry? Yes, it’s all the same. I don’t have time, I can’t come. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I Know What You Did Last Summer (trilogy characters)- The template card for this article is not completed. You can help the project by adding it. “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer” ... Wikipedia

    Something about how Wal-Mart came in- South Park episode Something about how Wall Mart came Something Wall Mart This Way Comes ... Wikipedia

    Something about that- Something about how Wall Mart came Episode South Park Something about how Wall Mart came Something Wall Mart This Way Comes ... Wikipedia


  • Mayakovsky time. Every page is either an elephant or a lioness, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. There are many books for children about zoos and menageries. The poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky could become one of them - the poet wrote down the first stanzas on the pages of a guide to New York...

Why do dishes with golden patterns spark in the microwave?

Yes, when we bought a microwave, we were also warned that under no circumstances should we use dishes with a gold rim, since the “golden” paint on the dishes contains metal, and under the influence of microwaves, electric discharges occur in the metal, as a result of which the dishes begin to spark.. ...That’s probably why..There are special dishes for microwaves, it’s better to use them....

Bottom line: there should be nothing metal in the microwave so that there are no electrical discharges, or you will be left without your microwave.

Why do certain dishes spark in the microwave oven?

Sparking occurs due to the fact that some cups or plates have gold metallized rims that contain metal particles. The spark appears at the first moment, then disappears. At this time, the rims are heated, where microcracks appear in the thin layer of metallization that are not visible to the eye, then the sparking immediately stops. After such treatment, such dishes will subsequently behave normally, like ordinary ones. For this reason, it is not advisable to use plates or bowls consisting of lead crystal and ceramics with a glaze that contains metal. This is dangerous because, first of all, it can lead to damage to your dishes, and possibly to damage to the microwave. Of course, I haven’t tried it with crystal, but with plates that have rims, everything really went away after a little crackling.

It is probably better to use special dishes for the microwave, and not conduct experiments))).

Why dishes with golden paint does it spark in the microwave and why is it dangerous?

Well, the sparking itself is not at all dangerous for you - it is just an external manifestation of abnormal operation of the microwave. Sparking is microdischarges that occur in a saturated electromagnetic field between the microwave emitter and the metal of the cookware, electrified under their influence. The emitter may, of course, be damaged, but not immediately - a fairly long exposure is required. But it gets on everyone's nerves...

And the violations in its operation when any metal object is placed inside it are:

In uneven heating of the glass (ceramic) dishes themselves and the metal elements present in it or applied to its surface - they behave differently when heated, expand to varying degrees from this heating, which as a result can lead to the destruction of the dishes, often directly in the oven (the same problem awaits opaque glass and ceramic dishes, the material of which may not be intended for heating in the microwave;

The ability of metal utensils to reflect the flow of microwaves directed at it, which leads to a concentrated effect of microwaves on individual sections of the walls and bottom of the oven, and this can even lead to through burning of the walls or bottom (I once saw how, after cooking food in a microwave twice in a metal the bowl in the bottom of the oven formed a neat ring-shaped through burnout, and it had to be thrown away).

For cooking or heating food in the microwave, use only transparent dishes, preferably specially designed for microwaves or dishes made of special ceramics, also for microwaves. The trays for these ovens and ceramic frying pans for them are made from such ceramics.


Why do dishes with golden patterns spark in the microwave and why is this dangerous?

Sparking due to Foucault currents.



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Translation of "primarily for that reason" in English

See examples containing especially because
(2 examples with alignment)

">especially because

Other translations

In practice, this decision deprived the application for amparo of meaning and effectiveness primarily for this reason that the Constitutional Court “took no action regarding the request for interim measures.”

As a result of that decision, her application for amparo has become pointless and ineffective, especially because the Constitutional Court failed to act on request for interim measures.

Especially because the Constitutional Court failed to act on request for interim measures.">

This warning alone is not enough effective tool in combating the discriminatory practices described above, primarily for this reason that such discrimination belongs to the category of problems of a cultural nature that require a change in the mentality of the entire society.

In this case, the legal notice has not proven an efficient instrument in doing away with this discriminatory practice, above all because discrimination is a cultural issue that requires changes in the mentality of a society.

Above all because discrimination is a cultural issue that requires changes in the mentality of a society.">

As a result of these discussions and numerous exchanges of views between members of the Committee and the Organization, we have come to the conclusion that this organization meets the basic criteria for granting this status, primarily for this reason that it carries out a large number of activities in the humanitarian and health sectors.

We concluded, following numerous discussions and exchanges of views between the Committee members and the organization, that Hadassah satisfies the basic criteria for the granting of consultative status, particularly through it many humanitarian and medical activities.

Particularly through its many humanitarian and medical activities.">

The fact that medical experiments are allowed to be carried out on prisoners has been a source of serious concern since the Nuremberg trials. primarily for this reason that amnesty is sometimes offered to prisoners as an incentive.

The permissibility of medical experimentation on prisoners has been an issue of serious concern since the Nuremberg Trials, particularly concerning offers of amnesty as incentive.

Particularly concerning offers of amnesty as incentive.">

At the country level, however, it is often difficult to integrate child protection issues into broader development frameworks, primarily for this reason that they are not directly related to the Millennium Development Goals.

However, at country level, incorporation of child protection in wider development frameworks is often difficult, especially since it is not the direct subject of the Millennium Development Goals.

Especially since it is not the direct subject of the Millennium Development Goals.">

The governing body expressed its deep regret regarding this information, primarily for this reason that this would limit the ability to communicate technical and substantive information to new Parties to the Convention and to those Parties that do not have the ability to work in English.

The Steering Body expressed its deep regret about this information, especially as this would restrict the ability to convey technical and substantive information to new Parties to the Convention and to those not able to work in English.

Especially as this would restrict the ability to convey technical and substantive information to new Parties to the Convention and to those not able to work in English.">

These doubts arose due to the fact that stock speculators did not realize the real scale of the debt of the countries concerned, primarily for this reason that until now short-term debts have not been included in official debt data.

Our world is full of mysteries that seem unsolvable. The mystery of Roswell, the mystery of the Kennedy assassination, giant inscriptions in the Nazca desert, what really happened to the Dyatlov group, where the crew of the Mary Celeste went in the Bermuda Triangle and many other questions remain without a final answer and decoding. This often happens for the reason that people are afraid to strain their logic and analyze the facts, which are abundant in the public domain. Something subconscious inside us, some mental blocks, do not allow us to see the obvious, but forces us to see only what is generally accepted.

But it is human nature to strive to find out the truth, sometimes bitter - isn’t this what girls who read their boyfriends’ emails and text messages strive for? And sometimes the truth is not just bitter, it is terrifying.

I thought about this recently when, together with my son, I watched a cartoon that rightfully occupies a place in the “Golden Collection of Soviet Animation”, which was watched by more than one generation of Soviet children. Surprisingly, none of them, including me, saw in him anything other than the generally accepted interpretation of events. Until this very moment. But Pechkin doesn’t seem to see anyone except Uncle Fyodor, isn’t it strange? This is another small touch that brings us closer to understanding what is happening.

The first question from newcomers addressed to Pechkin is very typical:

– Are you from the police by any chance?

The newly arrived company is excited solely by this; obviously, they have no interest at all from law enforcement agencies, although it would seem that there is nothing to be afraid of for a cat or a dog. This is a very significant fact, complementing the reluctance of Uncle Fyodor’s parents to contact the police with a statement about the missing child.

Reassured by the fact that Pechkin belongs to the Post Office, Uncle Fyodor announces his desire to subscribe to the Murzilka magazine, obviously neglecting the prospect of receiving a new issue in a few years or never receiving it, which is even more likely. Uncle Fyodor does what any little boy his age would do, but is he sincere? Is he trying to confuse Pechkin?

And here we return to the question that worries us - why Uncle Fyodor, having gone on the run, headed specifically to Prostokvashino. Has he ever been here before? Of course the answer is yes. It was his activity at Prostokvashino during his last visit that may have been the reason why the village residents chose to leave their usual habitat. But did everyone manage to escape?

Despite the fact that no one lives in the village except Pechkin, Uncle Fyodor waits until nightfall. This is his true goal and the viewer, of course, is not disappointed.

I believe that we should forget about stereotypes and try to understand what the author wanted to tell us about, guided solely by logic and common sense. And accept the truth that remained hidden from our consciousness for many years, get answers to a riddle that for some reason no one saw.

So, unfading soviet classics- "Three from Prostokvashino".

What is this cartoon really about?

The story begins simply - a certain boy comes down the stairs and chews a sausage sandwich. Right on the stairs, the boy meets a cat “living in the attic,” “which is being renovated.” Let's remember these key words, they are very important for understanding the essence of what is happening, we will return to them later.

A conversation between a boy and a cat in itself is not something unusual for cartoons, although as a rule, animals talk to each other in them, and not to people. But there are plenty of exceptions - for example, Russians folk tales, in which talking frogs, hares and bears operate. But this cartoon is not a fairy tale at all, as we will soon see.

From the dialogue with the cat, a funny thing emerges - the boy’s name is “Uncle Fyodor”, which makes the viewer think about the question - why is a small-looking boy called so adultly - “uncle”? And if he is an uncle, then where is his nephew? What happened so brightly in the past that the prefix “uncle” was firmly attached to Fedor? I used to wonder about this question too, but was not ready to know the answer. But he is here - before my eyes. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Uncle Fyodor lives with his mother and father, no mention of other relatives, especially his nephew. It seems that this topic is painful for this family and is simply passed over in silence.

Uncle Fyodor brings a new friend, a cat, home from the “attic that is being renovated.” The parents do not approve of their son's behavior, and Uncle Fyodor immediately goes on the run. Such street boys in the Soviet Union were skillfully sought out by law enforcement agencies and immediately put on a register, sometimes psychiatric. It’s strange, but Uncle Fyodor’s parents are in no hurry to contact the police, which poses a new mystery for us: why don’t they do this?

Meanwhile, Uncle Fyodor and his new friend, the cat Matroskin, arrive in the village of Prostokvashino. Why did the boy choose this particular locality? Is this an accident or a deliberate step? We will soon get the answer to this question, but first we will figure out what this village is like.

"Prostokvashino" is a strange and, I would say, scary place. No one lives in the village - you can’t hear the roar of cows, the crowing of roosters and other sounds inherent in Soviet villages. All its inhabitants suddenly left the village, moving “across the river.” Let's take a look at this frame - this is where the residents of Prostokvashino moved to. Leaving the warm houses with half-kitchen stoves, vegetable gardens, and household chores, they packed up and left the village in a hurry, preferring to private houses the dubious pleasure of living in standard high-rise buildings on an island in the very middle of the river.

Unerringly orienting himself in complete darkness, Uncle Fyodor goes into the thicket of the forest and there, guided only by noticeable landmarks and animal instincts, in a matter of minutes he digs up a hefty chest. Uncle Fyodor comes up with ridiculous explanations for this - he says to the cat and dog that this is a “treasure”; to Pechkin, who came across on the way back, he declares that there are mushrooms in the chest. Even a primary school student who has read Tom Sawyer and Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” knows that treasures are looked for in a completely different way than Uncle Fyodor did. Uncle Fyodor knew what he was doing and was guided by a clear and precise calculation.

What's really in the chest? Valuables taken from the residents of Prostokvashino at gunpoint during his last visit to the village? Or is there the corpse of his unlucky nephew, who went with Fyodor into the night forest and met his fate there? Is this why they began to call Fyodor “uncle”? Perhaps, but this is only one part of the answer.

How did Pechkin end up in the forest at night? He is chasing a little jackdaw. Judging by the conversation, the little chick is seriously ill, and Pechkin proposes to “take him to the clinic for experiments.” This phrase can cause nothing but a smile. There is no clinic nearby and there cannot be; it would be good if it was an abandoned morgue for those whose bodies were found and not buried in chests.

Uncle Fyodor is not surprised when he hears the word “clinic” and declares that he will “cure the little jackdaw and teach him to talk.” Uncle Fyodor has no doubts about the illness of the little jackdaw. And at this very moment we receive an unexpected answer to the question - is what is unfolding before our eyes a fairy tale or not? Of course not. Being in a fairy tale, the little jackdaw would already be able to talk, like Totoshka and the crow Kaggy-Karr in the Magic Land. But the little jackdaw can't.

It doesn’t matter what Pechkin himself did in the forest at night. It is important that after the conversation with Uncle Fyodor he twirls his finger at his temple. Pechkin understands that the boy is mentally ill.

And we understand that, like the little jackdaw, neither the cat Matroskin nor the dog Sharik can speak. Their voices simply sound in Uncle Fyodor’s head, he communicates with them as with real friends. And this is where it gets really scary. Uncle Fyodor is seriously and possibly terminally ill. The period of remission of his mental illness ended at the very beginning of the film, when the cat living in the “attic” appeared. “There’s something wrong with the attic,” and a second personality appears—the cat Matroskin. Either that day Uncle Fyodor forgot to take pills or give an injection, but he went on a rampage. The “Attic” requires serious “repairs,” but Uncle Fyodor does not understand this at that moment and runs, runs away from the house. Uncle Fyodor wants to thereby protect mom and dad and save them from the fate of their nephew, and possibly their aunt and uncle, who also most likely did not have the chance to escape on the island in a panel high-rise building.

Uncle Fyodor wrote in a farewell note “I love you very much.” “But I also love animals very much,” he added then, making it clear that he was no longer alone. Uncle Fyodor doesn’t want to write directly, although he knows very well that his parents won’t go to the police.

And Uncle Fyodor’s parents openly discuss his inclinations and the puzzle gradually becomes complete. Dad says that Uncle Fyodor would like to have “a whole bag of friends at home.” This is Uncle Fyodor’s true inclinations - to hide children in a bag or, say, in a chest. Speculation about the fate of the “nephew” is no longer just guesswork. Fyodor’s mother does not think that we should give up on her son’s mental illness. She fears for her life and bitterly says “then my parents will start disappearing.” And we understand that Fedora’s “aunt and uncle,” natives of Prostokvashino, did not make it to the new panel housing, but went missing, like his “nephew.”

Fyodor’s mother is hysterical, he convinces her husband that the boy must be found before he does anything wrong.

Dad agrees. Naturally, going to the police is not an option - in this case, you can be jailed for a long time, so Fyodor’s parents decide to publish a “note in the newspaper.” And its text tells us a lot. In the note we see a photograph and height - twenty meters. The age is not indicated, and here we understand that this is no coincidence. Uncle Fyodor simply looks like a little boy and, by subscribing to the Murzilka magazine, he is simply masking his true age. He is at least 18 and he may well be responsible for his actions, unless, of course, a psychiatric examination declares him insane.



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Translation of "this happens for the reason that" in English

Other translations

By its nature, corruption is hidden, and although measures designed to uncover this secret appear to be inherently violative of human rights, most often this happens because because they are applied selectively, leading to discrimination and bias.

It was simply because more Somalis sought asylum.">

According to a survey recently carried out by the Finnish Social Insurance Institute, this happens because the reason is that mothers prefer to fully use the parental leave provided to them by law, or fathers believe that mothers are better able to cope with child care.

According to a recent review by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution, the reason for this is that mothers prefer to use the whole parental leave entitlement themselves, or that fathers consider that mothers are better suited to look after children.

The reason for this is that mothers prefer to use the whole parental leave entitlement themselves, or that fathers consider that mothers are better suited to look after children.">

This is because disaster response is a priority that is embedded into the legislative system, so the system can be refocused as the risk/benefit balance changes.

This is because disaster response is a priority that is embedded into the legislative system, so the system can be refocused as the risk/benefit balance changes.">

This happens according to reason that the crisis afflicting current international political relations was caused largely by the persistence of complex political and historical dilemmas that continue to interact within the system international relations, based on the views formulated by the Allies before the end of the Second World War.

That is because the crisis afflicting current international political relations has been caused largely by the persistence of complex political and historical dilemmas that have continued to interact within a system of international relations based on visions formulated by the allies before the end of the Second World War.

That is because the crisis afflicting current international political relations has been caused largely by the persistence of complex political and historical dilemmas that have continued to interact within a system of international relations based on visions formulated by the allies before the end of the Second World War. ">

This happens according to reason that there is no generally accepted international standard for appropriate road signs indicating petrol stations selling these types of fuels, indicating the location of petrol stations selling these types of fuels.

Suggest an example

Other results

It was only because those resolutions were never implemented.">

This happens because The reason is that the Nash equilibrium for such systems is not necessarily optimal.

That is because the Nash equilibrium of such a system is not necessarily optimal.">

This may be because the State is not a party to it or because the high threshold for application of the Protocol has not been reached.">

It either happens if the session key has not already been generated or if the session key validity has expired (in this case the IFD must re-run a mutual authentication process to set a new session key).">

Distortion of information happens according to reason that the assessment of the situation made "on the ground" by the police is usually the only way determining the severity of injury, which is indicated in road safety databases.

Misreporting occurs as "on the spot" assessments by police have commonly been the only method used for determining the injury severity grade that is entered into road safety databases.

Occurs as "on the spot" assessments by police have commonly been the only method used for determining the injury severity grade that is entered into road safety databases.">

Although it is not yet possible to say with certainty that the spread of the disease in these regions will happen according to the same scheme as in Africa to prevent it dire consequences challenges that Africa is already facing may require swift and effective action.

While it is not yet certain that the spread in those regions will follow the pattern observed in Africa, rapid and effective responses may be required to avert the devastation that Africa is already experiencing.

Follow the pattern observed in Africa, rapid and effective responses may be required to avert the devastation that Africa is already experiencing.">

However, this is not happens according to The simple reason is that, given the prevailing accumulation trend, the current account surplus, amounting to about $850 billion in constant prices over the past 30 years, has not been converted into investment.