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Reinstalling windows 7 bios. How to change Windows on an old BIOS. Reinstalling Windows via BIOS. Reinstallation process from flash drive

“We read the article, then watch the video lesson”

In this video tutorial and in its description in this article, I decided to show you how to reinstall operating system Windows in one of several BIOS or BIOS. First of all, I would like to immediately warn you that there are many types of BIOS or BIOS, and they differ, but the principle of operation still remains almost the same, but the difference depends on the manufacturers. For example, the BIOS of ASUS motherboards is based on code from AMI and the BIOS menu has blue symbols on a gray background, while other manufacturers use Award/Phoenix firmware, and so it has a blue background and yellow letters. Therefore, if your BIOS or BIOS is slightly different from the one on which I will show you the entire installation, and you suddenly did not understand something when entering the BIOS or BIOS, then you can always exit the BIOS using the Esc button to cancel the last action, if The installation has not started yet. Translate in Google Translator those words that you do not understand, then return to BIOS or BIOS and continue reinstalling.

And so let's get down to business.

To reinstall the operating system, you need to insert a boot disk with the operating Windows system and enable reboot. When we press the Delete button, or in some cases F2, we get to the BIOS or BIOS. Next, select the BOOT tab (in boot translation) and select Boot Device Priority there and press Enter, here is the picture:

Next, select the first line Boot Device (in translation boot device) and press Enter. We will have a window to select from which device we will load the operating system, we select CDROM in the window that opens or you can have DVDROM and press Enter here is the picture:

After we have selected the CDROM boot device in the first line, we must save the boot action by pressing the F10 button and you will see a confirmation window in which we press OK, here is the picture:

Next we will watch the actions in the video lesson. But I would also like to tell you right away that in many cases, in the Main menu in the BIOS, the settings are set in such a way that you do not even need to perform the above steps. And immediately after you inserted the boot disk and rebooted without performing any actions, you will see a menu similar to the one in my case in the video tutorial. So watch and remember.

NOTE: if we perform all the above steps, then after watching the video, below will show how to save the download steps already from hard drive without removing the boot disk from the DVD drive.

Watch the video lesson

The video tutorial shows the installation of Windows via BIOS and basic initial settings.

After successfully installing Windows, in our first case described above, you need to save the operating system boot on the HDD, or you can also say the hard drive of your computer. When saving to HDD, your operating system will boot from the hard drive rather than the DVD drive. So, let's begin. We reboot again and press the Delete button or in some cases F2, select the BOOT menu, select Boot Device Priority, and press Enter back in the same first line. In the window that appears, now instead of the CDROM line, select HDD, that is, hard drive and press Enter . The HDD should appear in the first line, then press F10 and confirm by pressing OK. Here are the next two saving pictures.

If you need to install Windows 7 from a flash drive via BIOS, then our article will be a great help for you.

Installing a new operating system on a computer is a fairly common problem that can arise due to the slightest malfunction of the system or the actions of an inept PC user.

This issue also became relevant in connection with the statement by official representatives of Windows about the suspension of technical support for the XP operating system.

Today, almost all users have completely switched to the so-called seven.

Our step-by-step instructions will help you quickly and easily bring your computer back to life.

Preparing the computer to reinstall Windows

Before you start working on new software, you need to properly prepare your PC. First you need to remember what important information is stored on your computer and save it to a portable storage device.

Particular attention should be paid to the local drive C, as this is where the largest amount of information is saved. Almost all users store their media files (photos, videos) in the “My Documents” folder or directly on the desktop.

These files are often located on the disk along with the already installed OS. You can also use the free space of another local drive to save information.

It is very important before reinstalling Windows to check whether there are drivers for the network card on the PC.

If you install new system via USB, and then it turns out that the distribution does not have drivers for the network card, then you will not be able to configure the drivers and Internet connection.

For your own confidence, it is better to once again make sure that the drivers are available. Also, be sure to check if you have drivers for your sound card, audio card, video card, etc.

Preparing a flash card for software installation

To install an operating system from a flash drive, we recommend following these rules:

  • The minimum size of the flash drive must be 4 GB. This is the amount of space required to save all important components and files;
  • Mandatory preparation of a Windows 7 distribution kit for recording and saving its image (*iso format);
  • Selecting a program to create a disk image.

Advice! UltralSO is considered one of the best utilities for creating a disk image. The latest version is on the developer's website

We install and run the utility on the PC, and then select a pre-selected disk image from it. Step-by-step instruction using the program will help you quickly understand all the intricacies.

  1. Launch

2. Now the main working window opens in front of you

3. Let's move on to recording the hard disk image

4. Now you need to connect the flash memory and enable formatting. When the flash drive formatting process is completed, you can start recording.

5. After recording is complete, the space on your flash drive will contain Windows, with which you will perform the reinstallation.

Comment! To create a flash drive for installing the system via BIOS, you can use the toolsWindows.

Setting up Bios to work with a bootable USB flash drive

One connection of the installation flash drive to the PC to install a new one software It’s not enough, you need to pre-set up your computer so that when you turn it on, it starts booting from it.

All settings are made in Bios. Any laptop or computer has a BIOS, which stores important settings, including the order in which devices should boot. It is this setting that we now need for further fruitful work.

To start the Bios, you need to hold or press a certain key on the keyboard when you turn on the computer.

You can find out which key we need from the information on the monitor. Typically these keys are Esc, Delete, F2. If you have entered Bios, one of the following screens will appear in front of you:

If your login attempt fails, restart your computer again and try starting the BIOS again. To make things easier for you, we have placed a table with the main options for enabling Bios.

Keyboard combinations for logging inBIOS depending on manufacturerBIOS

Basic key combinations for launchingBIOS depending on laptop and computer manufacturers

After you get into the Bios, you need to find the option that is responsible for loading devices. Usually it is in the menu and its name contains the word BOOT. Other options are not excluded; you may even have to look.

Here are some examples:

As a rule, selecting the main device to boot is done by pressing the arrows on the keyboard, although sometimes there are other control methods. If you can’t figure it out yourself, then refer to the help that appears in the BIOS.

In our case, the first boot device is a USB-HDD (there may be another name). After selecting it, you need to exit the Bios and save all settings using the Save and Exit Setup item.

After this step, the computer should reboot and we will move on to the main stage for which we are here.

Installing Windows 7 using a bootable USB flash drive

If everything was correctly written to the flash drive space, and the correct settings were made in the BIOS, then you will see the following message on the monitor screen, which says that you should press any key to activate the boot.

If there is no such inscription, then you will have to check your actions. To do this, go to Bios and make sure that the boot from flash drive setting is saved. If there are no errors in the Bios, then most likely you were unable to create a bootable USB flash drive and you need to repeat the whole process again.

If there is an inscription, then congratulations, your installation of the new Windows version via BIOS has begun. Some installation images, in addition to the operating system itself, also contain various additional programs, then you will have to select the required item from the menu.

It is also worth saying that some disks perform most of the settings described below by default. There is no need to worry about this, since all settings can be changed after the software installation process is completed.

A welcome screen appears in front of you, on which you select the necessary data. After the setup has been completed, click on the “Next” button, and then “Install”.

In a new window, the terms of the license agreement appear in front of us, which you, of course, read very carefully, and then agree by checking the special box and clicking the “Next” button.

The final stage of installation

In a new window you will have to select what type of installation we require. We need full type. Next, you will have to do a little work with the disk on which the new version of the software will be written.

To do this, select the required disk partition in the menu and click on the “Disk Setup” button, after which we start formatting.

We have already described how this is done above. Here you just need to change from USB-HDD to the name of your disk. This is a very easy action that should not cause you any difficulties.

Once the reboot is complete, Windows installation will continue.

  1. Enter names for the computer, laptop and users.
  2. Set a password, if necessary.
  3. Enter the name of the license key, if you have one (you can skip this step).
  4. Selecting security settings (“Recommended settings”).
  5. We set the date and time.
  6. We configure the network.

Thanks to these simple steps, you can install Windows 7 through the BIOS using a flash drive.

BIOS is a system program that is built into the computer chips. It ensures normal startup of the PC and system. In this article I will talk about how to configure the BIOS for installing Windows. These instructions are suitable for any operating systems.

Here I will only talk about how to install Windows from two types of BIOS - AMI and AWARD (Phoenix). These versions are the most common, but there are others. If you need to configure a BIOS version that I have not talked about, then write to me and I will create a separate article for you with instructions or add to this one.

But enough words, it's time to get down to business.

In order to configure the BIOS for installing Windows, you need to get into it. As a rule, entering the BIOS is done using the same method, regardless of the version. To do this, you need to restart the computer and click on the desired button while it boots.

In order to find out which button should be pressed to enter the BIOS, you need to pay attention to the inscription that appears after turning on the PC - Press “key” to enter SETUP (where the “key” is the same button that enters the BIOS ).

The following keys can usually be used to enter the BIOS: esc, del, ctr+alt+esc, F1, F2, F3, F10. I repeat – what exactly to press will be written in the message when you turn on the computer. You should press the key while this message is displayed; it is recommended to press periodically, every 3-5 seconds.

If you couldn’t get into the BIOS right away, don’t despair. Reboot again and try again. It will definitely work.

If we are installing Windows from the BIOS, then before setting it up it is necessary that there is a disk with the distribution in the drive or that a bootable USB flash drive is connected.

Installing Windows with AMI BIOS

With AMI BIOS, Windows installation begins by going to the “Boot” tab. To do this, you need to move the cursor using the arrow keys on your keyboard. The mouse does not work in BIOS.

Here you need to select the device from which the installation will be carried out: “CD-ROM drive” if from a CD or some USB device if Windows is installed via a flash drive. It should appear in the list when the bootable USB flash drive is connected.

When a device is selected, it must be moved to the first place. This is done using the “+” key on the keyboard.

Now you need to save the AMI BIOS settings for installing Windows. To do this, press the F10 key, agree with the message by pressing the “Y” key, and then press “Enter”. The computer will restart and boot from the specified device will begin.

Installing Windows with Award BIOS

Award, aka Phoenix BIOS, is also controlled by the keyboard arrows. In order to configure the Phoenix BIOS for installing Windows, you must select the Advanced bios Features item.

Then in the First Boot Device line you need to select the CDROM item if you are using a CD or USB device to boot, if Windows will be installed via a bootable USB flash drive.

In order for Award Bios to install Windows from the selected device, you must save. To do this, press F10, then “Y” for consent, and “Enter”. The computer will exit the BIOS and begin booting from the desired device.

How to set the BIOS to default

If suddenly you did something wrong in the options, and the computer began to work worse or does not work at all, then set the BIOS settings to default. Any version has such a button.

If you don't know how to set the default BIOS, check out its menu. The button you need will most likely have the word “default”. In AMI BIOS settings default can be done using the F9 key, and for Award BIOS you will need to press F7 to default.

In general, in order not to spoil anything, you should not climb into places you don’t know.

Boot menu

And a couple more words. On some computers, you can configure the device to boot the operating system without going directly into the BIOS. This is done through the Boot menu.

To get to the Boot menu, you should also pay attention to the messages when you turn on the boot, the required key will be indicated there. This is usually F8, F11, F12 or esc. After opening the boot menu, you can select the boot device.

This feature is not available on all computers.

Every user sooner or later faces the need to install an operating system. There is a myth that it is difficult to do this on your own, although in reality this is not the case. All you need is to have basic PC user skills and follow the simple instructions that will be discussed below.

Before installation

There are a number of points that you should take care of before starting the installation.

To do this correctly, first pay attention to the following:

  • select the desired version of the operating system;
  • decide on its capacity;
  • prepare the hard drive for installation;
  • take care of the drivers.

If you are reading this article, there will be no problems choosing the OS version - it will be Windows 7. But what about its bit capacity? How do you know which one is right for your PC?

You may encounter two types of systems:

  • x86 (32bit);
  • x64 (64bit).

What are their differences? 32-bit supports up to 4 GB random access memory, and 64 - from 4 GB or more. The performance of a 64-bit system is higher, so if specifications your PC allows this, you should choose it. Determining the amount of RAM on your computer is very simple - just right-click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop and the necessary technical data will be displayed in the window that appears.

Important! It should be taken into account that after selecting one or another bit depth, subsequently installed programs must be optimized specifically for it.

Now you need to think about where exactly the new operating system will be installed. Most often, drive C is selected for this. However, you need to remember that all data on the disk (including the desktop!) will be permanently deleted. All important files should be moved to another drive or copied to a flash drive.

Another important point is the drivers. Most often, they come bundled with the equipment on special disks, but if not, download them from the Internet in advance. You can find the necessary drivers on the official websites of manufacturers of video cards, network cards and other PC components. Why do you need to take care of this in advance? Because after installation, without a driver for the network card, it will not be possible to do this.

Video: Installing Windows 7

Creating a Disc

To start the installation process, you need a disk with Windows 7. If you have it, you can safely move on to the next step. If it is missing, you will have to create it first. You will need an operating system image, as well as a recording program. It is best to give your preference to “pure” MSDN assemblies that have not been heavily modified. Recording from an image is no different from working with a regular disk. This can be done, for example, with the UltraISO program.

To do this you need:

Installing Windows 7 from disk via BIOS

Let's move on to the main process. It starts with working with the BIOS - the basic input/output system. It is the installation via BIOS that scares novice users so much, but there is nothing difficult in handling it. For our task, you only need to perform a few basic manipulations.

BIOS setup

First you need to get into the BIOS:

The process itself

After restarting, the system will launch the inserted disk and the installation process will begin:

  1. when the window appears "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD" press any key;

  2. a window with the inscription will appear and the extraction of the necessary files will begin;
  3. Next, select the language, time format and keyboard layout, and then click “Install”;

  4. accept the terms of the license agreement by checking the appropriate box and clicking “Next”;
  5. in the new window select “Full installation”;

  6. indicate the partition where the new operating system will be installed;
  7. if the hard drive is not partitioned, create new partitions by clicking on the “Create” option at the bottom of the window and indicating their desired size;

  8. After a warning about deleting data in the selected partition and formatting, click “Next”.

Note! If you want to produce windows installation 7 from a formatted disk, then take care in advance of the safety of data that may be lost during this procedure.

The installation will begin, usually taking 15 minutes to half an hour. Upon completion, the system will prompt you to enter your username and password (optional), as well as set a hint phrase to restore them. Next you will be asked to enter the serial number, which is usually found in the box with a copy of the OS. If it is missing or the assembly does this automatically, skip this step.

There are still a few small steps ahead:

  • indicate “recommended” security settings;
  • your time zone;
  • network type.

This completes the installation and the system is almost ready for use, all that remains is to configure it.

Video: Installation and configuration

System Setup

The first step is to activate the operating system (if this did not happen automatically during the installation process). Do not forget about this, because after 30 days, annoying reminders will begin to appear informing you that the registration period has expired.

How to check if Windows is activated:

Drivers and programs

Next the most important step is installing drivers. Their absence can lead to incorrect display of graphics, incorrect operation of the computer and the inability to connect to the Internet. How to determine which drivers the system needs?

Windows 7 will often install a driver for the video adapter, so it won't be listed as unrecognized. Despite this, a driver for the video card is still needed, because without it it will not work at full capacity (which can be noticeable by the not entirely correct display of icons on the desktop). We install it from the manufacturer’s disk or downloaded it in advance from the official website.

Important! Do not forget to install the driver for the network adapter, because without it it will be impossible to access the network.

It is worth noting that all such programs are quite effective and can protect your system. For maximum effectiveness, it is worth changing the antivirus you are using from time to time. After installing it, do not forget to activate and update to get latest versions databases that can protect against newly discovered threats.

Now you can start installing the browser. Its choice also entirely depends on the user’s personal preferences. When a new search engine is installed, the first thing to do is update Flash Player, because without it it will be impossible to watch videos or listen to music on many resources. This can be done in a matter of seconds on the official website.

Using a freshly installed browser, start filling the system with new programs that no system can do without:

  • office applications ( Microsoft Office, OpenOffice);
  • archivers (WinRAR, 7-Zip);
  • programs for listening to music and watching videos;
  • useful utilities (CCleaner);
  • communication applications (Skype, Mumble);
  • other software you need.

Installing any operating system is a matter that requires a thorough and careful approach. Despite this, you should not be afraid of him. Just follow the simple instructions, and very soon your PC will be able to boast a new OS.


Every user sooner or later is faced with the need to reinstall the operating system. This can be done either from a disk or a flash drive. This process is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. This article will introduce you to all its nuances.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

The first “stop” on the way to the new OS will be recording it onto a flash drive from which the installation will be carried out. For this we need Ultra program ISO (or similar). Let's look at this process step by step:

Preparing for installation

Working with BIOS often seems confusing to users, but this is not the case at all. So, how to install windows via bios?

Important! Before running the installer, you need to make sure you have drivers for the new OS. They can be downloaded from the official websites of devices and other specialized resources.

Windows installation

After the reboot, the startup will start from the inserted flash drive, which will allow you to reinstall the system. Step by step it will look like this:

The installation process has started. During this process, OS files will be transferred from the flash drive to the corresponding partition of the hard drive. This may take some time (15-30 minutes). Do not turn off the power or remove the flash drive from the port.

Note! During installation, the computer will reboot itself several times - this is normal during the process.

At the end, the system will prompt you to specify a username and password to protect your PC, as well as a hint word to restore them. You can skip this step if you wish. This completes the installation. As you can see, reinstalling Windows from a flash drive is not at all difficult. All you have to do is follow the instructions in this article. Professionals recommend reinstalling the OS about once every six months to avoid problems with its operation, so be sure to bookmark this page.