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Patriarch Kirill is a crime boss. How they make propaganda against us (one example). Is it simple similarity?

September 23rd, 2015

Users of the Ukrainian Facebook segment suggested that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' is in fact none other than the late crime boss Vyacheslav Ivankov, nicknamed Yaponchik.

“Did Jap really die of peritonitis? I look at the Patriarch of Russia, and I think... Is it a coincidence?... Jap’s body was not shown to anyone, and Kirill appeared in public after his death,” writes a resident of Zaporozhye under the nickname Igor Valentinovich.

To support his theory, the author attaches several photographs of Yaponchik and the patriarch, pointing out the similarities between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the former leader of the Moscow criminal clan.

The assumption looks rather strange, since no one has ever questioned the fact of Ivankov’s death from peritonitis on October 9, 2009. The authority figure died in a private clinic at the cancer center on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow. “The Jap” was never able to recover from the assassination attempt, which occurred on July 28, 2009 in Moscow. On the night of September 13-14, Ivankov experienced clinical death.

Patriarch Kirill, on the contrary, is alive and became widely known even before his election to the Patriarchal throne on January 27, 2009. In 1994, then Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad began hosting the spiritual and educational program “The Word of the Shepherd” on Channel One.

They say that Yaponchik came out of prison and began to pester everyone with his thieves' laws. The youngsters took him and shot him. However, these are just rumors.



APPEAL to the Investigative Committee of the State Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation . We demand the immediate issuance of an arrest warrant for Mr. V. Gundyaev due to the fact that he is the organizer and head of a criminal gang of attackers, which illegally persecutes and eliminates undesirables, terrorizes believers, destroys centuries-old traditions, engages in theft on an especially large scale, and actively interferes with Justice and freedom of speech in Russia. Gundyaev is extremely dangerous for society and the entire country. Stop the bandit and murderer in the cassock and hood of the patriarch!

“The Patriarch killed himself, but he himself is to blame,” Kuraev and MP falsely testify

Just the facts. At the 80th year of his life, Patriarch Alexy IIbrutally murdered in his residence on the night of December 5th. N The previous day, he had repeatedly expressed his distrust of the conclusion from the US military department about the authenticity of the “remains” of the Royal Family. On December 4, I served Liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin and a prayer service in the Donskoy Monastery, then went by car to Peredelkino. According to those around me, h felt great. His participation in the Russian People's Council was planned for December 5.

4.09.2009, Portal- Credo. ru Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, entered on September 4 in his bloginto a correspondence polemic with a famous Russianactor Stanislav Sadalsky, asserting in his interview with Sobesednik that Patriarch Alexy II died a violent death. And making it clear that the current Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church MP is somehow involved in this. According to a Portal correspondent, Credo. Ru, commenting on Sadalsky’s reference to the protodeacon’s own statement about concealing the true circumstances of the Patriarch’s death, Fr. Andrey writes: “I did not mean to kill the patriarch.”

Of the two initial versions of Alexy's death II (car accident and heart attack) the archdeacon recognizes the version of a heart attack as partly correct: “As such, a heart attack would not have killed the patriarch. It just happened in the most inconvenient circumstances for help...” At the same time, it admits that: “It is possible that there was no attack at all. It’s just that an elderly man, during some turn or sudden movement, lost coordination of movements for a second - and fell. But as he fell, the back of his head hit the corner of a chair. And this angle broke the vein.”

The archdeacon also reports that on the walls of the room in which the Patriarch was at the time of his death, there were "bloody traces from his hands." The professor testifies that Alexy II he himself created the conditions that prevented him from helping: “The matter was in the internal chambers of the Patriarch, which he himself locked from the inside at night. The doors are double, the sound insulation from the rest of the building, where the nuns are bustling about, is complete. No one heard the Patriarch’s groans. Even the guards didn’t have the keys to his chambers.”

According to Fr. Andrey, the doors of the patriarch’s chambers were broken open only at 8.30, after which Alexy’s body was discovered II In bathroom. Explaining the lack of a clear official version of the death of the Patriarch, the protodeacon lists possible confusion: “It is clear that the prosecutor had many questions. Why wasn't there a panic button in the bathroom? Why was an elderly and seriously ill man with a pacemaker alone? Why didn't the security have the keys? How could I be nearby? Shouldn't it be accompanied by upholstered and high-impact furniture? Why didn't the nun-housekeeper immediately inform the guards? It is clear that it was difficult for the Patriarchate to say that the Primate faced death... in the restroom."

“What would be quite normal for an ordinary person is perceived as a scandal when applied to the patriarch. And schismatics outside and within the church would happily lament about the “death of Arius.” In this regard, the version about the death of the Patriarch as a result of an accident, which was actively disseminated on the day of his death, Fr. Andrey calls it “camouflage”. By the way, there was DDP. The patriarch's car and his driver actually got into an accident: a KAMAZ flew towards them in the classic way. The driver died. And the patriarch had to be “dealt with on the spot,” already in his chambers. The body of the driver, crushed by the KAMAZ, practically without a head and without both legs, was then placed in a coffin for the “funeral service.” Otherwise, it is simply impossible to explain his complete and sudden “disappearance.” But where did they put the body of the patriarch? Only Kirill Gundyaev knows this. Surely there is something to hide? RAY.

Speaking about the protection of the late Patriarch, Fr. Andrey Kuraev explains: “These are professionals from the FSO. They are simply tactful and did not consider themselves to have the right to impose on the Patriarch the standards adopted in their department.” (the “professionals” are good. The result of their professional activities is clearly evident. RAY )

Sadalsky's political argument that Alexia II could have been killed for refusing to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and accept their dioceses into the Russian Orthodox Church MP - the protodeacon refutes the fact that the position of the Patriarchate on this issue did not change with the arrival of Patriarch Kirill. " The death of the Primate of the Church always has a political echo - notes in conclusion Fr. Andrey . “But the death of the Patriarch is not always a consequence of the policies he pursues.” For questions: where the patriarch’s personal driver and the nun on duty, Philareta, disappeared, and where the patriarch’s head and legs disappeared from the coffin at the Funeral Service in the KhHS– there was no answer.

“The chambers were filled with blood, and there were even handprints on the walls...”

Newspaper "Tomorrow"writes: “As insider sources reported, the sudden death of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, perhaps not coincidentally, coincided with the publication of the results of a genetic examination to identify the remains of Nikolai II, held at one of the Pentagon’s military medical centers.” Allegedly, this is why the information that initially appeared about a certain accident involving a car in which the Patriarch was returning to Peredelkino on the evening of December 4 was quickly blocked, asking journalists not to disseminate this version, and subsequently it was officially denied. In the same way, the version about Alexy’s “severe and prolonged illness” was relegated to the background II . As is known, the day before the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, who has repeatedly expressed his complete distrust of the authenticity of the “remains” of the Royal Family, served the Liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and a prayer service in the Donskoy Monastery, felt great; His participation in the Russian People's Council was planned for December 5. So, questions for the Investigation:

1 . Why is there still no medical report on the death of Patriarch Alexy II? All the controversy and everything “maybe this, or maybe that”- from the lips of possible murderers, - the medical examination decides. Why isn't it being done? We don't even know the time of death; All we know is that the guards broke down the door to the patriarch’s chambers at 8:30 am on December 5th. But excuse me: when did death occur: December 4th or 5th? After all, this is fundamentally important to know. However, no one specifies this, and it is simply unheard of.

2 . Why have the films of the external and internal surveillance cameras of the patriarch’s chambers not been made public yet? Where are they?If the cameras were turned off, then please tell us: who did this and for what purpose? After all, only a criminal could do this. And this means that the crime is carefully planned and prepared in advance.

3. Where is Patriarch Alexy’s personal driver?(Alexander Dmitrievich Fedotov is alive, which means his replacement, Vladimir Mikhailovich Ivanovsky, disappeared) and where did the nun on duty disappear?who was constantly with him, day and night?They disappeared without a trace since December 5, 2008, and no one still has information about their whereabouts. It was also not possible to find any information about them in the media or on the Internet.

4. Why Patriarch Alexy II was the funeral service performed with your face covered?In violation of all the rules. If he “had a vein on the back of his head broken, according to Mr. Kuraev’s explanations, then why did they have to cover his face?

5. Why did the appearance of the body in the coffin during the farewell in Peredelkino and during the funeral service in the KhHS differ sharply?There are a lot of photographs and video documents that clearly prove this. In the coffin during the funeral service, the person’s head and legs were completely missing.

Also: the patriarch's hands were NOT his hands. And not the hands of a man, "died as a result of heart failure." Many who knew Patriarch Alexy well during his lifetime II indicate "their black color" "swollen and dislocated phalanges" “lack of characteristic freckles” and even... oh “uncut, dirty nails.”

6. Why did Kirill Gundyaev behave so strangely and speak wildly about the deceased in a television interview on December 6?Kirill was clearly inadequate: either drunk, or so exhausted after some kind of orgy; did not control his statements and did not seem to understand at all where he was, what he was doing, because LIVE he allowed himself open hateful statements against the deceased. This interview shocked the Russian people with its unprecedented cynicism, “rational” approach to the death of a person and, in essence, was the self-confession and self-exposure of the killer.

7. On December 1, an article by Vasily Lepsky, reprinted from Kommersant-Vlast, appeared about the transfer of priceless shrines from the Kremlin’s royal collection to the MP, and on December 4, the main witness to this transfer was killed. Isn't it a strange coincidence? By the way, the journalist also went missing.

During the funeral of the patriarch there were mass cases of epilepsy.

Will we ever find out who was buried instead of the patriarch and what the FSB did with his body?

Where is he buried? When did he even die?

From the statements of readers on the Portal forums - CredoRu :

December 22, 2008 archim. Arseny on the Portal forum Credo. ru The strange death of the patriarch is discussed persistently and persistently, while there are so many versions of his departure from life. We are not to blame, the patriarchy is to blame: there are too many untruths, too many contradictory interpretations by the patriarchy of events related to the death of the patriarch that are completely beyond logic. Everything that I read in the press and heard in the media completely contradicts one another, and this very fact gave rise to such controversy surrounding the death of the patriarch.

Indeed, the Patriarchate is telling lies, taking advantage of people’s religious illiteracy, that “ monks are buried with their faces covered" This is not true. The farewell procedure, everywhere and always, involves only a completely open face in order to exclude hoaxes and frame-ups during the funeral. This is the funeral norm accepted all over the world. When saying goodbye, people should see who they are burying. I think no one will dispute this fact. As for high government officials (to whom, it turns out, the patriarch also belonged), they are buried ONLY with their faces open, in order to exclude any idle gossip about who was buried. Patriarch Alexy the First (Count Simansky) generally lay with his face open. My friend was next to the coffin at that time and saw it clearly.

I myself have been serving the Lord in the Holy Church since the mid-70s; How many dead people he prayed for during this time, two thousand or more, only the Lord knows. However, they all had open faces, and with a clearly defined silhouette of the toes and face. Only victims of terrible road accidents or terrorist attacks are buried with their faces covered. That is, only in the case when the sight of the deceased can frighten or cause shock in random passers-by or children.

So, what happened to Riediger, in generalborders on something terrible and scary. I did not see any pronounced relief of the toes or the face (which was generally covered) at the funeral of the patriarch, although I have photographs taken at close range. And this is only possible if the appearance of the deceased is distorted beyond recognition. If the best in the world, Russian make-up artists, failed to restore it! For heads of state and dozens of bishops to say goodbye to the deceased with their faces covered is completely incomprehensible to the mind! And it’s not clear - it’s contrary to common sense. If the patriarch’s face was not revealed during the farewell ceremony, then this indicates that he passed away in some terrible way. Which one exactly? Whether it was an accident, or a shot from an explosive bullet, or a grenade explosion, I think we will never know about it.

Returning to the question of who exactly could organize this, I can only say one thing, it is unlikely that any government services have anything to do with this - firstly, Ridiger was a “brother” to all of them and supported any of their antics, he was simply they need it, they would never go to eliminate it, secondly, they have such wide opportunities and means that they could take it out of life in a natural and unnoticeable way for others. Without noise and scandals.

In this case, it was likely that forces operating had limited capabilities in choosing their means. Either some maniac or madman acted, and people are simply afraid to admit that they failed to ensure the safety of the protected facility. It is also possible that the threads stretch deep into church intrigues, because it is not for nothing that some of the highest officials of the MP were so active immediately after the death of the patriarch.

Sincerely, yours + Arseny

December 22, 2008 on the Portal forum Credo. ru Lege Artis . There is still no official medical report on the causes of death of Patriarch Alexy, signed by the Commission of at least three doctors. It is not reported where and under what circumstances he died. There is not even a date and time of death. Obviously, the one who is now impudently rushing to the patriarchal white doll was interested in the death of the patriarch. All these “falls”, the pre-election PR campaign, the ostentatious “Divine Services” for the press, the nervousness and chaotic statements of high-ranking patriarchal officials, the search for the enemy, the aggravated conspiracy theories - all indicate that there is no smoke without fire. But there is nothing secret that would not become obvious.

12.12.2008 Victor

In the XX century, various kinds of heretics, infidels, and Jews who crucified Christ were present at the Liturgy. However, he began serving in this post with a meeting with New York rabbis - and ended his earthly existence with them.

13.12.2008 L. Gumerova.

Why be surprised if ecumenism, this heresy of heresies, is their banner? Let everyone be equalized: whoever serves Christ all his life and bears the Cross for Him, and the Jew, and the Buddhist, and whoever comes to their club to chat about the brotherhood of peoples and drink and eat. The death of the patriarch should probably reveal a lot now, and people will begin to wake up from this dope. Let everything not be in vain, and most importantly: not as they intended.

12.12.2008 Svyatoslav

I completely agree. This whole heretical episcopacy is not pleasing to God. And the temple itself is all in atheistic symbolism, it is not our temple and not God’s. This is the temple of the Antichrist. We also visited there before, on the so-called. Alexy’s “funeral service” for the atheist Eltsin, and the main Freemasons of the world. Everything is desecrated.

12.12.2008 Alexander

During the funeral of the patriarch, there were mass cases of demonic possession, etc. "epileptic." True grace never makes a person feel bad (see the lives of the saints). The KhHS was not only desecrated, but was originally built as a concrete remake, a temple, a mausoleum for the ambitions of the patriarch and Luzhkov. The fall of Kirill and the mass death of bishops during the funeral of the patriarch are the most discussed topics in church circles. You see how many patriarchs wriggle like a snake, this is their pain point.

9.12.2008 Vasily. Article forum: " The Patriarchal Locum Tenens, Metropolitan Kirill, called for laying wreaths at the tomb of the Patriarch, “without stirring up anyone with conflicts and enmity.” During the funeral service, the Metropolitan lost consciousness.” Kirill I was in the altar for about 50 minutes and after two injections from the doctors several times I tried to get up again, put on a miter and tried to go out onto the sole. But he was so stormy that he couldn’t even get up from his chair. He was in a semi-conscious state for about 20 minutes. I say this as a living witness who was at the altar all this time. Then the archbishop was literally dragged thereAnastaia Kazansky, who also lost consciousness and was revived right in the altar on the floor. A total of 5-6 bishops: (Vasily Zaporozhsky, 76 years old; Vladimir Kotlyarov, 80 years old; Kornily Estonian, 80 years old; Pankraty Solovetsky or Valaamsky and a couple of little-known ones were in the altar - literally firewood. Putin and Medvedev have seen enough of our rulers falling off their feet like sheaves...

Organized crime under the guise of "church".

Other facts of the criminal activities of Kirill Gundyaev, the head of the mafia structure of the MP.

The person who ordered the persecution of believers in Suzdal and Vladimir is the criminal authority V. Gundyaev.

It is necessary to conduct an investigation into flagrant cases of violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in Suzdal and Vladimir, accompanied by a gross violation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens of Russia on its territory. In the cities of Suzdal and Vladimir, civil servants, employees of law enforcement agencies and the administration of these cities (the head of the Vladimir territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency V. Gorlanov and others) organized criminal persecution ( criminal harassment ) and persecution for their faith, even to the point of threatening the health and life of law-abiding citizens, indigenous residents of Russia.

It seems incredible, but it is precisely on the part of civil servants, employees of the state apparatus, the court and the prosecutor's office of the cities of Suzdal and Vladimir, whose professional and official responsibilities include the protection and defense of the rights and freedoms of honest citizens of the Russian Federation, that a planned, organized policy of brutal persecution is carried out at all levels, persecution, all kinds of humiliation, persecution and physical destruction of people.

All this suggests a criminal gang of enemies of Russia and the Russian people (organized crime) operating in one of the central regions of the country ).

The long-term litigation for the property and churches of the ROAC has now ended in the illegal seizure and actual expulsion of believers from their churches, built literally from ruins with their own hands. These are completely illegal decisions. It is necessary to completely abolish them and punish everyone through whose fault these criminal acts occurred. They caused irreparable damage to the national, cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia and led to the suffering of thousands of innocent people.We draw the attention of readers on the facts of criminal activity and on the personality of citizen Vladimir Gundyaev. In our opinion, it is he who is the main “customer” of all this organized persecution and the head of the criminal gang.

Citizen Vladimir Gundyaev since the early 90s engages in illegal activities: criminal scams, money-grubbing, usury, theft of state and people's property. As a monk and bishop, he is directly prohibited from owning property by the Charter of the Church. He made his initial capital by trading in humanitarian bibles sent to the Russian people as a gift from the Vatican.Gundyaev is connected with the entire criminal world of Russia, in particular, with the famous criminal bosses Sergei Mikhailov (nickname “Mikhas”), Vladimir Kumarin (nickname “Kum”), as well as with the notorious “Yap”, Vyacheslav Ivankov, and moreover, he is their mentor.

In July 2008, priceless relics from the royal treasuries of the Kremlin were handed over to him personally.; Patriarch Alexy was a witness to this transmission II . On December 1, 2008, an article by Kommersant newspaper journalist Vasily Lipsky appeared on the Credo Portal demanding a report on where the shrines are now and why no one has seen them.Of course, Patriarch Alexy asked the same questions to Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk. 3 days after this article, on the night of December 5, 2008, Patriarch Alexy was brutally murdered at his residence in Peredelkino.

The circumstances of his death are actively hushed up and distorted. There is still no official medical report; The Russian people do not even know the time of his death. The funeral service in the KhHS was openly mystified: the body of a non-Patriarch Alexy was placed in the coffin II , as clearly evidenced by numerous photographs and videos that were distributed throughout the world and caused an ongoing wave of indignation among the world community. Besides, The patriarch's personal driver and the nun on duty, who were always with Patriarch Alexy, disappeared.Nobody knows what happened to them.

In the summer of 2008, then Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk, traveled abroad, and the royal shrines of the Kremlin, a historically unique and most precious property of the people, could well have been taken abroad for sale.The fact remains: they were handed over to M. Kirill, in front of many witnesses, but no one ever saw them again and no one knows about their specific whereabouts.

On October 13, 2006, Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal and Vladimir was also attacked by a bandit in his own residence in Suzdalon Teremki Street, 2. They beat me on the head, tortured me, rolled me into a carpet, trying to strangle me. Miraculously, he survived, but he had to go through many ordeals related to his critical health condition. Before this, he was repeatedly brought to trial on non-existent trumped-up charges.

Violence, cruelty, and murder in churches today have become almost commonplace.

9 March 2008, the rector of the ROAC parish in the name of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God in Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory, priest Alexy Gorin, 1959, was killed. birth. The circumstances of his death do not exclude the ordered nature of this brutal murder. Under still unclear circumstances, the former sisters of the Marfo-Marina Monastery died. But the fact is: August 5, 2009in the Tver region, Likhoslavsky district, village of Vladychnya, citizen Natalya Moliboga secretly went in the cemetery where four sisters of the monastery are buried, who ended their lives in the village of Vladychnya. Without informing the village residents about this, she dug up the graves of the sisters and took them to the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent in Moscow. The sisters are not glorified and these burials are civil.

Residents of the village of Vladychnya who visited the cemetery were shocked by such blasphemy.Patriarch Alexy II categorically objected to disturbing the ashes of the deceased sisters of the monastery. In fact, the remains were exhumed. The question is: why?

It is known that Natalya Moliboga alsoshe also encroached on the grave of Father Mitrofan Serebryansky, former spiritual mentor of the Monastery and personal friend of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Romanova. People have already dubbed her “grave digger.”

The people of Gundyaeva practically destroyed the Marfo-Mariinskaya Monastery to the ground, that is, historically completely destroyed.The legitimate abbess, Mother Elizaveta Kryuchkova, was expelled from the Monastery. Her lawyer Mikhail Seroukhov was subjected to a gang attack in Moscow on October 26, 2006: he was beaten and ended up in the hospital with a concussion. The folder with documents disappeared.During the trial, legal consultant of the Patriarchate K.A. Chernega was forced to admit that the Patriarchate made a mistake by indicating inaccurate passport details of nun Elizabeth. The other two lawyers didn't even know that Doctor of Laws is an academic degree.

The outright threats and complete incompetence on the part of the MMO lawyers made a strange impression. No one was able to answer the question: why was Mother Elizabeth dismissed from her position?It is quite obvious that criminal structures ended up in the Abode. Millions of funds from the Monastery were stolen, the children's health resort was sold. A shopping center and a parking lot are being built on the territory of the Monastery for the personal enrichment of Vladimir Gundyaev.

In June 2009, Gundyaev’s people (citizen Mikhail Donskov, Natalia Moliboga and the wife of oligarch Vasily Anisimov Ekaterina) banditically attacked the Church of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem and contrary to the will and will of the holy martyr, Grand Duchess Elizabeth, contrary to the opinion and prohibitions of the abbess, temple employees and believers , desecrated her tomb and illegally took possession of part of the relics.This act of vandalism in a holy place caused and continues to cause outrage and sharp condemnation of the general public around the world.

It is necessary to stop this criminal lawlessness, the flow of murders and violence against honest and law-abiding citizens of Russia, who are not only unlawfully deprived of property, strength and health, but their fundamental rights are trampled: freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and life itself.This completely contradicts not only the articles of the Basic Law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or the Criminal Code of Russia, but also the elementary norms and rules of the human community in general.

Crimes against the people of Russia must be suppressed by law. Criminals and thieves must be convicted and brought to justice. They must suffer the penalties due to their illegal actions.Russia has guarantors of execution and respect for the laws of the Russian Federation and law and order on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Russian people and the world community expect immediate action from them, if at least some kind of power still exists in Russia.

Some information about the criminal activities of gr. Gundyaeva.

In the mid-90s, a scandal erupted related to the publication of the fact that M. Kirill was selling imported cigarettes that he received through the channels of humanitarian aid from the Church. Based on customs documents, journalists established that the cigarettes were supplied by Philip Morris Products Inc. The cigarettes came from Switzerland, from the city of Basel, Güterstrasse, 133.All references in customs documents are to a certain “agreement on humanitarian assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church” dated April 11, 1996. On the same customs documents it was indicated: “Manufacturer: RJR Tobacco (USA). Seller: DECR of the Moscow Patriarchate,” warehouse address: Moscow, Danilovsky Val, 22, Danilov Monastery.

In addition to excess profits from the sale of cigarettes, it turned out that M. Kirill, through the DECR headed by him, is engaged in the trade in alcohol, tourism, precious stones, oil, etc. At the same time, the companies founded by M. Kirill disappear after some time, which allows him to issue refutations, and new ones appear in their place.

A number of commercial enterprises are registered to Lydia Mikhailovna Leonova, the daughter of the cook of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU (who is called the illegitimate wife, and sometimes the sister of the Metropolitan), more precisely at her home address in Smolensk. Also, according to information received in the media in certain years, M. Kirill owns real estate in Switzerland, and there are billions of dollars in his bank accounts in the USA and Europe. In Russia, he (together with his former deputy, Metropolitan Kliment) established the Peresvet bank.

Considering that the bishop’s enormous money practically did not benefit the Church, all this information, which had been in the media for many years, created a corresponding reputation for M. Kirill: the reputation of a person serving not God, but mammon.It should be noted that all of the above activities of M. Kirill contradict church canons. A bishop is a monk, and a monk is forbidden to have both property and a family. In addition, canonical rules prohibit clerics from giving money on interest, and generally receiving interest in any of the existing ways , including through banks. Russian believers are not Pharisees, and if M. Kirill were the owner, for example, of a private house and a car, and not “factories, newspapers, ships,” no one would blame him for this. But here as they say

I am slightly impressed by what I read on some resources on the Internet... People have an ineradicable love for myths and legends. Sharing...

Jap and Patriarch Kirill - one person

It turns out that there is a topic being discussed on the Internet that the crime boss Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik), who died as a result of an assassination attempt while leaving a restaurant, and our Patriarch Kirill are one and the same person. I’ll say right away that this information “grows legs” from Ukrainian sources.

Jap and Patriarch Kirill, similarities

The basis for comparison is external similarity.

Plus they provide information that Kirill became Patriarch, and Vyacheslav Ivantkov (Yaponchik) was mortally wounded at the same time. And there is one at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

I’ll immediately say that I like Patriarch Kirill, his words and speeches help me. I consider Kirill a strong leader, if one can say so about the Patriarch. I like Kirill’s style of speech, the intensity and expression with which he addresses people. It is thanks to Patriarch Kirill and today’s politics regarding the church that in the summer of 2017, millions of my compatriots and residents of other countries were able to venerate and venerate the particle in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I already wrote - this cannot be overestimated. It gave many people strength and hope, which is a lot.

But I'm a little shocked by the discussion of similarities. On many sites they are seriously trying to make an external comparison between Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) and the Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill. I admit that there is an external resemblance.

We can probably say that Patriarch Kirill looks like Jap, the photos provided are adjusted to one angle. And what? I myself constantly remind everyone of someone. Sometimes some people completely unceremoniously start - oh, and you know, you look like... (and begin to list - artists, singers, someone's aunts, nieces, acquaintances). This is even annoying, but we are not talking about the ethical side of these comparisons with similarities. We have already discussed that there are some similarities between individuals on earth. Then, my opinion is this: why would there be any reason to give rise to gossip? If necessary, any person could have plastic surgery, and there wouldn’t even be a hint of it.

Is it true that Patriarch Kirill is Jap

I admit, I’m embarrassed to even write about this. But what’s more unpleasant is how certain figures relish this topic. There is an important detail that refutes the fact that Patriarch Kirill and Yaponchik are the same person. This is a voice. I have one hundred percent ear for music. I listened to the interview with Yaponchik carefully, at different volumes. Yaponchik and Patriarch Kirill have different voices. And timbre, and accent, and style. It is obvious.

External similarity is obviously present here too:

  • Patriarch Kirill and Isa Munayev (former Chechen combat commander, participant in the war in eastern Ukraine (from the Ukrainian side), died in Debaltsevo in 2015
March 8th, 2015

Actually, there are many links on the Internet on this topic, whoever has written about it, from Deacon Kuraev to Stas Sadalsky:

This is almost a recognition for future generations, isn't it?

I was interested in the words of A. Nevzorov in his interview on Echo this week:

O. Bychkova – In the history of modern Russia, all murders are mysterious. Because 20 years have passed since Listyev was killed and nothing is still clear.

A. Nevzorov – Yes, everything is clear there. There, simply no one will stir up that pile anymore, because in fact, both the customers and the performers have all been dead a long time ago. And there is, for example, the death of Ridiger, Alexy II, where not even a criminal case was initiated. Where was it released with such soft brakes, besides, I will tell you as an anatomist that in order to crush the posterior ear vein by hitting a toilet or some hard surface, in a small room, you need to hit this hard surface 15 times, and each time do this with increasing force. Because it is very well protected, and it has, as anatomists know, such unpleasant slipperiness. And there wasn’t even a criminal case. And no investigative experiments or anything at all.

Here's more about it:

About how the High Priest of Putin’s Reich, Patriarch Kirill, amassed his billion-dollar capital on speculation in tobacco and alcohol and oil (exempt from taxes and excise taxes) in the dashing 90s, how he, the head of the gangster empire of the Russian Orthodox Church, eliminated and liquidated his competitors, many have already written. Yes, yes, in those same dashing 90s, about which he once put it this way:

"The fact that a huge role in correcting this the crookedness of our history(the dashing 90s) were played by you personally, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I would like to thank you. You once said that you work like a slave on the galleys, with the only difference being that the slave did not have such a return, but you have a very high return.”

All patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, including the current one, are KGB officers:

During the criminal tobacco war of the 90s, the winner of which was the future Patriarch, and then the head of the shadow business of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Gundyaev, many people were killed, including Zhirinovsky’s assistant Gennady Dzen, a bandit from Smolensk, the head of Roscontractpostavka, and another his assistant, Alexander Frantskevich. Zhirik himself also took part in this war. In those years, Gundyaev was assigned the thieves' pogonyalovo "Tabachny", but now he is more often called by another nickname - Lyzhneg, because he loves to go skiing in the soulless geyrop country of evergreen porters of Switzerland, where he has his own villa, to which he flies on his own plane .

Materials from the KGB archives, studied in 1992 by a parliamentary commission headed by dissident priest Fr. Gleb Yakunin, revealed that most of the church hierarchy had ties to the secret police.

62-year-old Kirill Gundyaev bore the code name "Mikhailov", and Filaret was identified as agent "Ostrovsky". It is suspected that Kliment worked for the KGB under the pseudonym "Topaz".

Metropolitan Filaret, appointed Metropolitan of Minsk in 1978, was the head of the Department for External Church Relations in the eighties. In 1989, this powerful structure was headed by Metropolitan Kirill.

At the beginning of 1992, a commission of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Russia officially drew the attention of the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church to the “deep infiltration of intelligence agencies” into the Church, which “represents a serious danger to society and the state.” That same year, meeting with Moscow State University students, Kirill asserted: “The fact of a meeting between the clergy and KGB representatives is morally indifferent.”

In addition to the villa in Switzerland, the Tobacco Ski-Patriarch has palaces in Peredelkino, in the Danilov Monastery, in Gelendzhik, next to Putin’s palace, and a penthouse with a terrace in the House on the Embankment - overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior:

And the former right hand of his Eminence - Bishop Victor (in the world - Pyankov) now, having stolen, lives in the sinful States as a private person. Surely he indulges in fasting and prayers and, as Zhvanetsky said, “he’s terribly sorry.”

Read more in Novaya Gazeta, and also or see for yourself:

Since then, Gundyaev’s palace near Gelendzhik, for the sake of which a protected forest of red and other unique trees was cut down, has long been built. This is how the main priest of Russian morality lives:

Kirill’s residence, which occupied the entire territory from the sea to the highway, not only “gnawed off” half a kilometer of public shoreline and road, but also blocked people’s last opportunity for safe access to the forest and cemetery. Now they need to make a detour not a kilometer long, but three kilometers (!), one of which is along the highway.

This road was called “The Road of Death” because people die on it.
And all so that someone could stick out their belly and no one could see it.

When the Rev. Comrade came from Gebnya. Gundyaev, who replaced Alexy II, who was killed by him, the area of ​​the residence increased 10 times (!), and 12.7 hectares of the State Forest Fund, covered with relict Pitsunda pine, were transferred for development, cutting down and complete fencing of the church, which were to be built up, cut down or fenced off THE LAW PROHIBITS IN PRINCIPLE.

Read about how the community tried to fight against all these lawlessness for many years, it contains a lot of details, links, photographs and documents.

The Patriarch still loves not only to teach people about life (well, for example: “ It is very important to learn Christian asceticism... Asceticism is the ability to regulate one’s consumption... This is a person’s victory over lust, over passions, over instinct. And it is important that both rich and poor possess this quality"), but also to brag about corruption and brand corrupt officials:

Asceticism is a good thing, especially when your fortune is 4 times greater than that of Rottenberg Sr. and 8 times that of Rottenberg Jr., and this does not even take into account the cost of the almost billion-dollar palace in Gelendzhik.

Such an ascetic Caudla...

P.S. As the famous philosopher Boris Paramonov writes, what Patriarch Gundyaev has in common with the spiritless geyropa is not only that he skis there, like Pastor Shlak. As it turns out, the patriarch himself is:
“We could talk about similar scandals in the Russian Orthodox Church. But here Deacon Kuraev has already said a lot. Except to remember that Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad was a homosexual, which everyone knew about, even my church-going mother-in-law. The current patriarch was with him, as they say in church language, “a night cell attendant” or, as it is written in Wikipedia, “performed the obedience of a personal secretary.”

Through various companies (including those using benefits provided by the church) and intermediaries, Patriarch Kirill at various times tried to enter other markets. For example, in the oil industry in the second half of the 1990s. It is believed that this business brought him the largest income, but it is not known exactly what.

In 2000, Vladimir Gundyaev began to deal with seafood - caviar, Kamchatka crabs, shrimp. From this he earned about $17 million.

He was also involved in the mining of Ural gems, the establishment of banks, and the purchase of shares and real estate.

Another of his businesses was related to cars. But all that is known about this is that he, as the ruling bishop of the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church MP in the Kaliningrad region, participated in an automobile joint venture in Kaliningrad. His business team included Archbishop Clement (Kapalin) and Archpriest Vladimir Veriga. They also gained fame as participants in the “tobacco” scandal.