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Postcards from March 8 to organizations. A collection of original greeting cards for a sister or cousin on International Women's Day

March 8 is an amazing holiday with a centuries-old history. This is perhaps the only official celebration, the modern version of which is so strikingly different from its traditions during the USSR period. And it’s not just a matter of substituting facts or changing the mood of people themselves. International Women's Day has become completely different in principle. In years past, revolutionary women were promoted; today, on the same holiday, kind, gentle and timid mothers, sisters, wives and grandmothers are admired. Once upon a time they gave pots and pans as gifts, but today they download and send cool and funny postcards for free from March 8, 2018 with poems, inscriptions and congratulations. 50 years ago, work groups modestly congratulated colleagues, drank, had a snack and hurried home, but in our years they organize grandiose corporate parties with show programs, a wide buffet table and a lot of surprises. The changes are colossal and impossible not to track.

The best cards for mother from daughter on March 8, 2018

Initially, International Women's Day was organized to attract public attention to the problem of women's emancipation. Various kinds of rallies, protests, lectures and meetings were timed to coincide with the holiday, at which they talked about women who exceeded the plan at their jobs. But closer to the 50s, the intensity of work weakened and the celebration became downright popular. After this, it became completely customary to congratulate women of all ages and fields of activity. In the younger educational institutions On March 8, boys gave girls homemade goods, in universities boys congratulated girls with flowers, at home mothers received gifts, treats and the best hand-made cards from their husbands, sons and daughters. Some traditions have remained the same, but most of the nuances have changed. Today, the best cards for March 8, 2018 for mothers and daughters are not bought or made, but downloaded for free in one of our selections.

A selection of the best cards for mother from daughter on March 8

Original greeting cards for sister on March 8

"Externally" International Women's Day 50 years ago was as elegant as it is today. Women and girls took out the most beautiful suits and dresses from their closets, took out rare perfumes and cosmetics from chests of drawers, and put on costume jewelry and jewelry from their grandmothers' boxes. Even appointments at the hairdresser were made several weeks in advance, the line for beauty was so long. However, many representatives of the fair sex prepared for the holiday with less fanaticism. Today's wives, mothers, sisters and employees also strive to look fashionable and well-groomed, so that on the wonderful day of March 8th they deservedly receive compliments, Original gifts, flowers and cards. True, they now do without grandmother’s jewelry and outfits from a distant wardrobe. And congratulations are no longer so “Soviet”: instead of carnations and food packages, men prepare original greeting cards on March 8, 2018 for their sister, friend, co-workers and other important women.

A collection of original greeting cards for a sister or cousin on International Women's Day

Beautiful photo cards from March 8, 2018 to your beloved girlfriend or wife

IN Soviet times the best gift on International Women's Day, the default was something feminine. But, alas, we were not talking about eau de toilette or new lipstick, so long-awaited for every wife and beloved girl. The most typical gifts were kitchen utensils (pots, knives, frying pans) or household textiles (tablecloths, towels, napkins). Old people constantly joked about this, and modern youth, in principle, would consider such a gift an insult. It’s better to congratulate your beloved girlfriend or wife with a beautiful photo postcard for March 8th. Yes, the gift is not as valuable as a meat grinder, but it is much nicer than a set of clothespins. By showing such signs of attention, you can not only express admiration for the beauty and tenderness of female nature, but also once again confess your love. Besides, beautiful photos- postcards from March 8 to your beloved girlfriend or wife can be easily downloaded on our website at any convenient time.

A collection of beautiful photo cards for your beloved wife or friend for the holiday of March 8

Cool and funny cards for female colleagues on March 8, 2018

Since 1965, International Women's Day was officially designated as a day off, so in educational institutions and in work collectives they began to celebrate in advance. Most often - March 7. The working day began with a cycle of cheerful congratulations, in which all members of the team congratulated the representatives of the fair sex or, in fact, accepted these congratulations. During the lunch break, meetings were held to reward the most distinguished workers, and after that they organized a modest banquet for bosses, managers and ordinary workers. The scope of today's corporate events is often striking in its scale and originality. At parties dedicated to March 8, female colleagues are given the most unexpected surprises, gifts unusual gifts and present cool and funny postcards as keepsakes. They heartily congratulate both bosses, subordinates, and line employees. If there are too many of them, cool and funny postcards from March 8 to female colleagues in 2018 are sent in electronic format.

A collection of funny greeting cards for employees on March 8

Rare USSR photo postcards from March 8 to grandmother

In the USSR, the main celebrations for International Women's Day took place at home. And the first morning gift for every woman was the opportunity to sleep longer. The male half of the family took upon themselves the preparation of breakfast, shopping and cleaning up the house, so the hero of the occasion could sit back and wait for guests with flowers and congratulations without remorse. Our grandmothers will be happy to remember this worry-free “Saturday” day, and if the memories are lost in memory, rare photo postcards from the USSR for March 8, 2018 will help restore the gaps. The frames depicted on them will throw a ray of pleasant nostalgia into the heart of every granny, reminding them of cheerful events of youth, joyful moments of celebration with family. Download in advance rare photo postcards of the USSR from March 8 to your grandmother to give her a pleasant surprise on the holiday morning.

A collection of rare postcards from the USSR period to congratulate your grandmother on March 8

An indispensable attribute of March 8 in the Soviet Union was a beautiful postcard with an inscription. For printing houses of that time, greeting cards were considered the main way to maintain financial stability, so they produced their products that were beautiful and as varied as possible. Unfortunately, in subsequent decades the postcard lost its value and relevance, becoming the exception rather than the rule. But in last years Soviet postcards from March 8 with inscriptions came to life again in a completely different electronic format. In 2018, you don’t need to buy them or print them to order. All you have to do is choose the best one from a large selection and immediately send it to the recipient on a smartphone.

Unusual cards for March 8 with Putin (free download)

Yes, in every aspect of the women's spring celebration (both today and half a century ago) you can find common and different features: in congratulations, celebration traditions, gifts, family gatherings. But there is something in the modern holiday that definitely did not exist in the USSR, and could not exist - unusual postcards for March 8 with Putin! This type of congratulations on International Women’s Day appeared relatively recently and has already become popular among young people and older generations. See for yourself - check out our latest selection of unusual Putin postcards for free download by March 8th.

A collection of unusual greeting cards from V.V. Putin for free download for International Women's Day

Despite the abundance of all kinds of women's luxury items, postcards from March 8, 2018 are an excellent gift for mothers, sisters, beloved wives, grandmothers and colleagues. Funny photo cards with funny inscriptions, poems and congratulations can evoke a whole storm of emotions in the recipients. As well as freely downloaded USSR postcards with flowers, bows and symbolic eights.

  • Russians are actively preparing congratulations for March 8 for their female colleagues
  • Poems for employees on March 8

This holiday acquired the official status of “International Women’s Day” by decision of the UN in 1975, and since then it has been celebrated by the UN annually as the International Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace and is dedicated to a specific topic every year.

On this day, women from all continents, often separated by national borders or ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, have the opportunity to come together and remember a tradition that represents at least several decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

For your convenience, we have made a whole selection of articles dedicated to this holiday. On our website you will find beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose, short SMS and humorous poems. You can choose a congratulation to the teacher or teacher. Don't forget your work colleagues. And arrange all this in a beautiful postcard, or even better, a handmade postcard. Choose and congratulate!

Poems for employees on March 8

The most beautiful and most beloved
Women, beautiful, unique,
Congratulations on Women's Day now,
We wish you the best in life.

Be always loved and desired,
They are very affectionate and long-awaited.
In life - wonderful and bright emotions!
Happy holiday, women! Happy March 8th!

Beautiful, smart, important of ours,
On this spring holiday we wish you good luck
In everything that your life consists of,
Whatever your heart tells you to do.
So that there are free seats in minibuses,
May there be spring in your souls all year long,
So that your arrow tights don’t know
So that everyone at work always has time,
To prevent cutlets from sticking to the pan
And may you have a wonderful summer vacation,
So that cats sleep quietly under the windows,
And may all your dreams come true,
So that the tenderness of flowers and spring thunderstorms
You lived in you like poetry and prose in the world,
And let every day be a great mood,
May it be the kindest to you every morning,
And so that you rush to work quickly,
After all, we are waiting for you every day at the door!

Girls, we wish you great happiness,
Let the soul sing only a cheerful song!
Let them give you flowers not only on the Eighth,
Not on a holiday, but simply because you exist!

Let there be everything that the heart asks for,
May spring give everyone inspiration,
And every moment brings only joy,
After all, life is given to us all for pleasures!

With the spring March coolness
And with the subtle scent of mimosa
I congratulate you, colleagues.
Let everything come true in earnest.

Let there be only happiness in life,
In the family - comfort, love, warmth.
And in the wallet - bills crunch,
So that there is enough for a coat.

For diamonds, for delights -
For everything you want to have.
And smile, blossom,
So that the soul wants to sing!

For March 8, women colleagues in verse

Beautiful colleagues, our women
We respect you immensely
You are even more tender and beautiful
On the Eighth of March, on the day of spring!

Admiring you, today we will say:
There are no such beautiful ones anywhere,
Bloom in our team
And please us for many years!

Our female team is wonderful,
He's the best - you can't take your eyes off him.
We wish beautiful women
Enchant us, bloom!

And we will move all mountains for you
In the flow of everyday work.
We will fulfill all plans, reports,
So that you don't drown in them!

But seriously, we wish
Love, goodness and beauty,
Caring, devotion nearby
And dreams come true!

We are watching today
Overall positivity.
Congratulations on the Eighth of March
Nice group of women.

May faces always shine,
Let the problems go away -
We must strive for better
Difficulties to overcome.

The female part of the team
The gift is beautiful flowers.
May the holiday be beautiful
Let your dreams come true.

Dear women, our colleagues,
We would like to congratulate you on March 8th.
You bring us holidays every day,
Today, accept it from men.

Laughter, compliments, flowers, admiration,
Tenderness, smiles - that's all for you,
Best feats and achievements
We are happy to throw you at your feet.

Happiness, health and prosperity.
To everyone who has not met love, meet it.
For those who have already started a family -
More often, add romance to your everyday life.

Be with us always, everywhere.
You, like the air in spring, are good.
Mothers and grandmothers, sisters and daughters,
Men desperately need all of you.

March 8 wishes to female colleagues from men in poetry and prose

Dear women,
We want to congratulate you.
On an international holiday
We thank you all.

For a nice job,
For quality work,
But what about you, colleagues?
You work here.

Let there be happiness in your homes,
Care, cleanliness.
Let loved ones love
You are always welcome.

You, dear colleagues,
We are a male team
Congratulations on March 8
And we want to wish you
To always be loved
Treasured, cherished,
To be carried in your arms
And they couldn’t live without you.
Positive and good luck,
A sea of ​​joy without end,
We wish you feminine happiness
On this day we wish.

Dear colleagues, beautiful women and girls, Happy International Women’s Day! Let the emerald heavenly light illuminate all your work and life endeavors, let the stars illuminate your path and help you realize your plans, let the fountains of your ideas never dry up. A low bow to your beauty, warmth, touching smiles. Spring mood, women's happiness, men's care and understanding!

Our dear wonderful colleagues, on behalf of all the men of the team we would like to congratulate you on March 8th and wish you to be surrounded by special attention, magnificent flowers and incredible surprises!

Our charming colleagues! Our entire male team gladly congratulates you, dear women, on March 8th! We are proud to work with such wonderful professionals. And we want to wish women's happiness, passionate love, career growth and Siberian health. Always remain so feminine and delight us with your divine beauty!

Our beautiful women, happy March 8th! May the sun shine brighter for you, may flowers bloom for you. We wish you to be happy and wonderful. So that everything always works out for you, and what you want comes true.

March 8 wishes to female colleagues from women in poetry and prose

My wonderful colleagues, my dears, I congratulate you on March 8th. May this holiday of ours give us all inspiration and joy, may fate prepare wonderful gifts for each of us, and may our beloved men... pleasant surprises. I wish everyone to be deeply loved, I wish them to achieve great heights of success both in their activities and in their personal interests.

Happy March 8, dear colleagues,
Let it be in your life
Lots of joy and light.
Life is filling
Let the bright moments
And you always stay
Shiny like the stars in the sky.
Always just step forward
And don't forget to be happy!

Happy Women's Day, my colleagues,
Dear, beautiful,
Sunny, bright,
Everyone is so different.

I wish you happiness
Huge female
To make men lose their minds
Only from a languid gaze.

Dear colleagues, happy spring holiday,
May you be warmed by the light of joy, love,
We wish you success, inspiration today,
Spring warmth and mood to you.

Let your loved ones and relatives be nearby,
That they give only kindness from now on.
Prosperity and good days in life,
Happy life, loyal friends.

Today is our holiday, spring and bright,
We know each other through many years of work,
Let's congratulate our colleagues today.
Let grievances melt away like that white snow,

Let tears of happiness flow like a spring stream,
May the rain be less frequent and the sun be more frequent,
Let your career fly up like a bird,
Healthy children, millionaire husband!

Cool congratulations on March 8 to employees from the boss

With respect, I congratulate you on International Women's Day,
I wish you joy and good luck in whatever you want,
Love of success, prosperity, goodness, health - for centuries,
Let the vanity that saddens you be so far away,
And day after day you can easily give smiles to passers-by,
So that the positive is with you, in sadness - so that it is far away,
So that you don’t worry about anything in your life,
And let a man’s, always reliable shoulder be nearby!

Colleagues, congratulations on March 8th! I wish you, beautiful women, joy for every day, wonderful incidents, devotion, love, achievements and fulfillment. Beauty, spring, hope, confidence and chic desires!

Our wonderful colleagues, I want to congratulate you on March 8th! I wish you professional success, determination and that your feminine instincts never let you down!

Dear colleagues, happy March 8! I am truly excited to lead such wonderful employees! Always be sensitive, kind, mobile, successful professionals and wonderful, kind, gentle, soft and wonderful women! Peace and goodness to you and your families!

Dear colleagues, as a leader, I would like to express to you my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of March 8th. I wish you spring in your soul, health, desire and opportunity for change, joyful events and happiness.

Our dear colleagues,
I will be glad to inform you,
What are the privileges today?
Many, many will arrive!

I wish everyone today
Life, as if from heaven,
Our dear women,
You are so successful!

You are beautiful and healthy,
Keep it up, get ready
Happiness, joy, excitement,
Congratulations on March 8!

Official congratulations on March 8 to female colleagues in poetry and prose

I wish you well, good luck,
More light and warmth,
Everything that means a lot
May life be happy!

Let your wishes come true,
Let the salary go up!
I wish you to smile more often,
After all, spring brings joy to everyone!

On Women's Day I wish you warmth,
Only sincere words and confessions,
To make life happy,
Many good wishes come true!

May luck accompany you
So that you achieve your goals,
So that you, like flowers,
Together with this spring they opened up!

Happy International Women's Day
Please accept our congratulations.
May it bring happiness to your home:
Love, luck, joy and luck.

May your dreams come true
And all aspirations and hopes will come true.
Let it come from your feminine beauty
The world will be bright, colorful and gentle!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on March 8 and wish you great success in your business, a cozy atmosphere at home, peace and prosperity in the family, happiness and joy in your heart. All the best to you, dear ladies, confident positions in life and prospects in work.

Dear colleagues, on March 8th we bring you our sincere congratulations with wishes of love, spring in the soul, good health, happiness, and fulfillment of desires. May your loved ones always be near you.

Dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on March 8th. I sincerely wish you well-being and prosperity, constant success and prosperity in your activities, respect from colleagues and mutual understanding with employees, excellent work with full dedication and complete self-realization in life.

Dear colleagues, we would like to wish you to always be the center of attention on this spring day, may your femininity and beauty bloom and never fade, be loved, inspire and delight every day!

Happy International Women's Day
Please accept congratulations today.
Let joy shine in him
And only happy moments.

Let the renewal come
In business, in the family, and certainly
Success will come, and with it luck.
And only change is for the better!

Funny, cheerful and humorous congratulations on March 8th for a corporate party

The corporate party is going on cheerfully,
It is dedicated to the Eighth of March,
To all our female colleagues
We have prepared gifts
We wish the ladies more often
Go to cafes and spas,
We love them all very much,
They are all standards for us!

Charming my colleagues! At the corporate party in honor of the celebration of March 8, I want to wish the lovely women divine beauty, eternal youth, tenderness and femininity. Let your eyes always shine with happiness, love live in your heart, tenderness and kindness in your soul, and positive, joy and happy days in your thoughts!

Let women be in our team
Everyone will become a little happier.
May it be a wonderful day on March 8
Will bring success and many gifts.
May love always live in our hearts,
Let a miracle come into your life and let joy come.

On the Eighth of March congratulations -
Good luck, great joy,
Warmth, success and luck,
So let everything be fine.
And despite all, all worries
Let work bring happiness.

Today we celebrate the holiday with a team,
We praise women - beautiful and happy,
We wish that the gardens bloom in your souls,
Smiles, peace, happiness, fun, kindness.

At this corporate party
Congratulations to our women,
Ladies, dear colleagues,
We respect you very much,
Each of you is beautiful
A real diamond
Each has its own special charm
And enormous talent
We wish you good luck,
Be happy always
Let joy cover you like a wave,
Never be sad!

Short SMS congratulations on March 8 to a colleague (employee)

Employees! Colleagues! On a spring day
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
On March 8 - happiness, mood!
Good luck to you! We value you!

Colleagues, these days of spring
Dreams and dreams come true.
Happy March 8th to you!
Beauty to the eyes, love to the hearts!

Dear colleagues,
Spring holiday.
On the bright women's holiday,
Let your dreams come true.

Dear Colleagues,
Happy Women's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish everyone spring bliss
And the shine of beautiful eyes!

My dear colleagues! Happy March 8th, I sincerely congratulate you! Be feminine, loyal and infinitely in love!

Our colleagues are so beautiful
Our colleagues are so wise,
Congratulations on March 8th,
Let your dreams come to life!

Colleagues, on March 8th
I wish you bright everyday life,
Spring of delicious aromas,
Fulfillment of all desires.

Dear female colleagues,
We value you, love you, adore you.
Joy, warmth, loving bliss
On March 8th we wish you!

Our colleagues, women, girls!
Today we congratulate you on March 8th.
Let women's happiness only come,
Let spring excite and inspire!

Congratulations on March 8 to a female leader from the team in verse

Congratulations on March 8th
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that you can be as before
Cheerful and good!

So that you don't know how tired you are,
So that relatives are nearby,
May you always win,
Everyone forgot about failures.

So that your health only gets stronger,
So that flowers are given often,
Let bad luck disappear
May you live wonderfully.

Beautiful and smart, you are our boss,
And believe us, everyone in the team likes this.
We are with you on reconnaissance, and in battle, and on parade.
You just order - everyone is happy to fulfill it!

As a friendly team, we will follow you,
Through Stakhanov's work we will find the path to success!
We won’t talk about work for a long time,
After all, today is Women's Day - it's time to give flowers.

We congratulate you on March 8th.
We wish you good luck, joy, love, health.
Let your hopes come true, let all your wishes come true,
And may your life be filled to the brim with feminine happiness!

March 8th happens once a year.
The smell of mimosa is intoxicating, like anesthesia.
Congratulations on Women's Day today
And we wish you happiness, boss lady.

Captivating and sweet moments,
To shine with beauty and joy.
Your wishes and all your commands
We promise to perform honestly.

You will always support us, you will understand,
You will always meet us halfway.
Good luck in your personal life and work,
We wish you health and happiness.

Wishing you the eighth of March
We want health, a sea of ​​light,
Good luck and luck in life,
After all, there is no better boss in the world!

Let your dreams come true
Easy and simple, without difficulty!
We wish you to smile more often,
Always be positive!

Cool congratulations on March 8 to the boss from the team in verse

You are our poem,
Rate today
We congratulate you on March 8th,
As you wish
You are always the boss
Busy with work
But today,
I don't want to work
We want to wish you
On this women's holiday,
Always a lot of joy
And eternal good luck,
Smiles and happiness to you,
After all, this is the main thing for women!

You are our boss,
We respect you very much,
And, of course, more
Congratulations on the eighth of March.

They wrote a poem for you,
With wishes of happiness,
And we hope that with you,
Let's avoid any misfortune.

Today we are a poem
We'll give it to the boss
Happy March 8, Women's Day,
We sincerely congratulate you,
So that adversity never
Didn't come to the doorstep
So that there would always be love,
With words and without words,
What would life be like?
Always beautiful
Why would you bloom?
And every day
Let the fairy tale
Joy and happiness,
Fills your entire home!

Flattery is an ugly word
But today we don't need it.
We are proud to announce
We declare together:

Our boss is the best
The brightest, the clearest
Our boss is the best
The strongest and most beautiful.

We all came to you in droves,
They brought congratulations.
On this day, the eighth of March
We give you gifts!

And we wish that you
It was better than now
To your beauty
Never faded!

So that you remain slim,
They showed off at parties,
So that men pester
They didn't let you pass!

So that in your personal life,
Everything was great too!
Get in the mood
And hearty congratulations!

Congratulations on March 8 to female colleagues in verse

I send you my heartiest congratulations.

I wish you a happy life,

Work cheerfully, with inspiration.

Let your cheerful, ringing laughter

It will brighten up the dullness of our everyday life.

You are the best and keep it that way

After all, there are no more beautiful women in the world.

Thanks for your work,

Our dear women!

For your great concern,

Because nowhere are you more beautiful!

We congratulate you in the spring

We give you flowers and bouquets,

And we dedicate it to you from the bottom of our hearts

Our best verses!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

We wish you joy, excitement,

Always stay good.

Bloomed, loved and shone,

You are flying in the clouds with happiness.

So that you succeed everywhere,

In the family, in work and in business.

You are the decoration of the team,

It's so easy to work with you.

Attentive and patient

And there is no one better than you!

I don't feel like going to work in the morning,

But it is necessary. We walk through the snowstorm and drowsiness.

And there - the smell of coffee, smiles and laughter...

It's no sin to work with such a team!

Thank you, our dear stars,

For everyday life that becomes more beautiful with you.

For your positivity, kindness, beauty

We wish you to make any dream come true!

We would like to wish you miracles, good mood,

Success, prosperity, fun, luck,

Health, all the joys and magic,

Delight and happiness, love without end.

May Women's Day be long and bright,

Filled with surprises and chocolate,

Smiles, laughter, scent of flowers.

May everyone be fabulously happy on this day!

For a colleague dear

No other tone is possible,

How enthusiastically pleasant

Because you are beautiful

Your clear gaze warms the heart!

Be joyful, loved

And always irresistible!

Passivity aside today!

Today we are thinking about

Like women in our team

Better congratulate you on Women's Day!

We wish them this

So that from the heart and straight to the goal:

Wealth, wisdom, peace

And so that you succeed in your work,

Health so that it does not decrease,

Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes

And so that there is enough strength for everything

Forward many, many years.

Musical congratulations to colleagues on March 8

Cool congratulations to work colleagues on March 8

The eighth of March is not in vain

We celebrate it in the spring.

After all, women are always beautiful,

Like the sun and a forest flower.

Let the roses give their scent,

Let there be a lot of warmth,

And there will only be tears of happiness,

And everyone's dreams will come true!

Our fighting friends,

Let's forget everyday work,

After all, despite the snowfall,

Today is a girls' holiday.

We want you to always laugh

They did the job easily.

Without you, colleagues, there is nowhere,

So be happy always!

Colleague, I respect you!

On this holiday I wish you,

To advance your career

So that we can step forward boldly,

To make life wonderful

And love is terribly passionate.

Our team loves you,

Congratulations now!

I wish you optimism

Love and magnetism,

Good luck and wealth,

Don't give up on your dream

To be guarded by an angel

Cheerful and happy

Health and excitement,

I have a lot of respect for my colleague

I wish the boss appreciates you,

I want to wish you a lot of good luck,

May good luck come soon,

Let the spring morning be gloomy

And my head hurts from a hangover

(It’s not for nothing that at a corporate event

We congratulated yesterday).

But my husband washed the dishes

And the mimosa in the vase turns yellow.

Still a good holiday

Invented by Clara and Rosa.

There is still a lot of snow,

Spring, however, is outside the window.

I hasten to congratulate you, colleague,

Happy International Women's Day!

Success in your work and in life,

Comfort, sun and warmth,

Prosperity, joy and laughter.

Live happily until you're a hundred!

I don’t understand myself now,

What am I telling you?

Congratulations on spring day,

I give you a kiss.

With this kiss

Please accept your wishes:

Let this day turn

In a whole century of great love!

In a small department the light bulbs shine brightly.

The little blue receiver sings music.

Happy spring holiday, dear ladies,

The modest people of the department congratulate you!

With your appearance, life becomes brighter,

And the operators are dizzy.

In your dazzling feminine charm

Russian words are involuntarily forgotten!

So let's turn on the copper samovar,

Let the cream cakes melt on your lips...

Your unforgettable tender glances

Will forever remain in trembling hearts!!!

Congratulations for women on March 8 in prose (not in rhyme, in your own words)

Official lines for colleagues on Women's Day.

Our lovely and charming women. I congratulate you on the spring holiday - March 8th. We sincerely wish you good health, unfading youth and a lot of mutual love! May wonderful feelings warm your hearts, and may you always remain as unique as you are now. With all my heart I join all the congratulations that you have already received, and once again I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires.

We wish you a blooming spring mood, wonderful words and deeds, pleasant, memorable surprises. Dear women, you are wonderful creatures! Ease to you, tenderness, attention, warmth, care and kindness. You are precious gems in our lives. Love to you and all the best!

Today, all the most beautiful words are addressed to our charming colleagues. Today is your holiday – the holiday of spring! Dear ladies, I don’t have enough words to describe how glad we are to work with such charming creatures every day. Your freshness and youth inspires us to conquer new heights, and your wisdom keeps us from rash actions. Thank you for being with us and we look forward to a long and fruitful cooperation in the future. Happy spring holiday, dear ones!

Decoration of our team, dear ladies! Let me congratulate you on March 8th! You are all different, with your own characters, views and ways of thinking. But you are all united by the deepest love for your family and a responsible attitude to work. You have a sympathetic heart and great patience. We wish you to bloom day by day and give us charming smiles. From which you want to live again, love and reach incredible heights.

A wonderful woman works in our team! And today I want to congratulate you on March 8th! You illuminate everyone with your beauty and youth! Just when you appear, you immediately want to work as hard as you can! You deserve true love, which is what I wish for you!

Beautiful wishes for March 8 from male colleagues

The male half of the team

Congratulations on the spring holiday.

Colleagues, you are charming and beautiful,

How delicate, beautiful flowers!

Always remain the same.

All year round - summer and winter.

Live brightly, smile more often

And decorate this world with yourself!

I have a lot of respect for my colleague

And congratulations on Women's Day today.

I wish the boss appreciates you,

I noticed and opened a career path.

I want to wish you a lot of good luck,

Such that even a pen cannot describe.

May good luck come soon,

May you always be lucky in life!

Congratulations, colleagues,

Happy spring Women's Day!

We praise women forever

And today we drink to them.

Let your life be sweet,

May you be lucky in everything, everywhere,

May everything always be smooth

In relationships and in work!

I, colleagues, wish you happiness,

I put the cake on the table and put flowers.

I sincerely congratulate you on spring,

Women, love you, beauty.

And also health and good luck,

And you can make your husbands happy.

Happiness in life - so for everything, without giving up,

Divide your success into two.

March gave you the number eight,

It’s truly a sin to work on this day.

An unearthly “Thank you” from me,

Happy spring holiday, girls, everyone!

And it's impossible to describe

How glad we are again and again

Hearty congratulations to the women!

You are our joy, inspiration,

You are the incentive, but also the red light.

So stay so beautiful

You have been around for many long years.

May your loved ones appreciate you

Let husbands carry it in their arms.

We wish you patience

It is unusual to congratulate your female colleagues, mother and beloved grandmother with funny cards. We have selected the best pictures and photos with congratulations. They can be sent to in social networks, mms or instant messengers. Beautiful postcards from March 8, 2018 can be supplemented with poems or sent with personal wishes. These can be cute pictures with flowers or funny images. For example, fans of the president will certainly like greeting cards with Putin. But lovers of non-standard solutions will like Soviet postcards. The selected pictures can be downloaded or copied to your computer for free. If desired, they can be supplemented with thematic stickers and emoticons.

Beautiful cards from March 8, 2018 - photos, pictures, videos with wishes

Bright and beautiful photos and pictures can be considered the best background for greeting cards for March 8th. After all, they can depict bouquets of flowers and cute animals. You can send such pictures to all the women you know. You can find the most beautiful postcards with photos for March 8, 2018 among the examples we have selected.

A selection of postcards with photos, pictures and wishes in honor of the holiday March 8, 2018

For our readers, we have selected the best postcards with photos and pictures. They are complemented by sweet and touching wishes. You can send such congratulations with themed stickers and emoticons.

Video cards with wishes and photos for the holiday March 8, 2018

You can also choose beautiful congratulations on March 8th for women you know and colleagues from among animated postcards. Cool wishes with photos and pictures are perfect for sending on social networks. They will give their recipient a great mood for the entire holiday.

Funny cards from March 8, 2018 - a selection of pictures with inscriptions

Pictures with congratulations on March 8 can be either simply cute or really cool. Funny images with good wishes will give their recipient a boost of positivity. We recommend sending them with personal congratulations or ready-made poems. Our next collection will help you find such cool cards for March 8, 2018.

A selection of funny pictures and postcards with inscriptions for the holiday of March 8, 2018

A selection of funny pictures will help our readers to congratulate all the women they know on March 8, 2018 in an unconventional way. They just need to select the most interesting and funny pictures with wishes, inscriptions and send them to colleagues and friends.

Soviet cards with congratulations on March 8 - free selection for download

You can send not only modern, but also old Soviet postcards to women you know and relatives on March 8th. Simple and at the same time unusual pictures are sure to please every recipient. You can choose original Soviet postcards for the holiday of March 8th in the examples we have selected.

To make it easier for our readers to select good Soviet postcards for March 8, we have created a whole collection of pictures. You can download them completely free by clicking on the link below:

The most beautiful postcards of the USSR from March 8 - photos, pictures with wishes for grandmother

You can congratulate your beloved grandmother on March 8 in an original way with the best Soviet postcards. Cool and unusual pictures with wishes and inscriptions will help give her an unforgettable women's holiday. You can find photos of USSR postcards for March 8th to send in our small collection.

A selection of the most beautiful USSR postcards with photos for the holiday of March 8 for grandmother

The best greeting cards for March 8 with poems - a selection of free pictures

Every woman will be pleased to receive original congratulations on March 8th. For colleagues, sisters and friends, you can choose beautiful pictures with wishes from the images we have selected. The best greeting cards include the most sincere and kind poems about March 8 and lovely women.

How to download a free selection of the best greeting cards with poems for March 8?

The following selection will help our readers avoid wasting time selecting postcards with congratulations in verse for women they know. It can be downloaded in its entirety completely free of charge. To do this you just need to follow the following link:

Cute cards for March 8th to mother from daughter - a selection of the best pictures with wishes

It’s not difficult to please your beloved mother on March 8th if you choose the right congratulations for her. After all, with their help, the daughter will be able to express care, gratitude, and respect. For our readers, we have created a collection of the most beautiful pictures with wishes and inscriptions. We recommend sending such cards to your mother on March 8th to your daughters with personal wishes for health, happiness and success.

A selection of cute cards with best wishes for the holiday of March 8th for mother from daughter

Our readers will be able to choose the best cards with wishes for their mother in our original collection. In it we included the most beautiful and sweet pictures with inscriptions and good wishes.

Funny cards for March 8th with Putin for women you know - a selection of pictures

Many women listen with real delight to the speeches of our president. For true fans of Vladimir Vladimirovich, we have selected cool pictures with congratulations on the International women's day. The selection we created will help you find the best postcards with Putin for the holiday of March 8th.

A selection of funny cards for women for the holiday of March 8th with Putin

Ready-made collections of postcards will help our readers to congratulate all their female acquaintances and colleagues on the holiday of March 8th in an unusual and fun way. The collections can be downloaded or copied to your computer for free. In them we included the best and most beautiful pictures, photos with inscriptions and wishes. For grandmothers and mothers you can pick up bright Soviet postcards. USSR pictures with congratulations will certainly please representatives of the older generation. But funny cards with flowers will delight both your close friend and sister. For female work colleagues, we recommend choosing cute postcards for March 8, 2018 with poems or congratulatory pictures with Putin.

Work is an integral part of every person’s life, because sometimes we spend more time here than at home. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate female employees on the spring holiday. Don't know what to wish for? A non-standard congratulations on March 8th to colleagues will help out. This article will help you choose the right one.

The holiday of March 8 is a wonderful day for the entire gentle half of humanity. Women try to look especially beautiful, feminine and attractive, and men fussily choose gifts. And even if the weather fails, the breath of spring can already be heard around you and an elevated mood reigns.

Traditionally, March 8 is a day off, so everyone at work beautiful ladies congratulations the day before. Typically, offices host small parties or organize a festive tea party where beautiful ladies are honored. You can also give each woman a postcard with an individual congratulation.

If you have established friendly relations with your colleagues, write or verbally say the following congratulations on March 8:

Let me congratulate you on your holiday! We would like to wish you always a peaceful sky above your head, joy in your soul and patience. Let the morning begin with a smile and the evening end the same! We wish that every day turns from routine to festive!
On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on the most beloved holiday of all, all beautiful ladies! I wish that birds will always sing in your soul, that it will be warm and joyful. Let men carry you in their arms every day and not offend you, and let those around you always remember what hard work you do. I believe that you will cope with all your tasks and achieve your goals in life!

The bright 8th of March has arrived - the day when all men are at your feet! We would like to wish you career growth, pleasant cash bonuses and daily rewards for your enormous work! You are not only excellent workers, but also loving wives, caring mothers, wonderful mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, so we sincerely wish that your loved ones never upset you. Great mood, smiles and positivity in everything!
With all my heart and soul I congratulate you on the warmest and most spring day! This holiday always reminds us of how much you do for us - for this we bow our heads low to you. We would like to wish you good luck in all your endeavors, prosperity in family life, sincere laughter, female happiness. Love and be loved always!
A woman is always next to us men, in sorrow and in joy. Without you, our life would be uninteresting. Congratulations and wish you to always remain wise, kind, beautiful! Know that you can always lean on our strong male shoulder.

You can start your congratulations with the following messages: “Dear girls, dear colleagues”, “Charming colleagues”, “Dear women”.

Sincere and bright congratulations on March 8th will not leave any woman indifferent. It is not necessary to repeat the proposed options word for word - it is better to say it not so beautifully, but from the heart.

Congratulations on March 8th in official prose

Men usually get confused when they need to say a few nice words to women. And if you can still find suitable congratulations for family and friends, then you should be more careful with colleagues, because you can inadvertently offend a person.

Today, on this beautiful spring day, you are especially charming, because a happy smile never leaves your face. We cordially congratulate you and wish you to always remain as spiritual and beautiful. May your thoughts never be clouded by sad events, and may life present only pleasant surprises. Thank you for your talent and professionalism, intelligence and ability to understand a difficult situation. We wish that work will always be a joy!
I am very pleased that today I have the honor to congratulate you on behalf of our large team. You are our salvation in all difficult situations, a lifesaver in professional matters. Your support is especially important to us in difficult times. I wish you good health, women's happiness and joy!
On behalf of the men's team, we would like to congratulate you, colleagues, on March 8th! All the flowers from all over the world are for you today. Believe me, we really appreciate your work, although we don’t always talk about it. Dear colleagues, we wish you all the best, brightest and most cheerful on this day. Thank you for creating an atmosphere of support, mutual respect, love and harmony in your team. Let your life be filled with bright colors that will never fade. Happy holiday!

For us, you are a role model. We men sincerely don’t understand how you manage to make a career, take care of the house, be good wives and tender mothers. At work, you always show exceptional professionalism, for which we appreciate you. Congratulations!
Congratulations on a bright spring day! I believe that everything in your life will turn out the way you want! Let a cozy atmosphere always reign at home, and let your family and friends never upset you over trifles. I wish you financial prosperity, respect from colleagues, complete understanding with employees and inspiration!

If you formally congratulate employees, address them by name and patronymic. You can also use the word “colleague” or “dear colleague.”

You learned what wishes you can choose to congratulate all women on their official holiday. Don't forget about your colleagues: they will be very pleased to hear a few nice words.