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Window decoration Vegetables Fruits - tips and ideas. Features of the display of fruits and vegetables The most beautiful display of vegetables and fruits

For any store, fruits and vegetables are not only a popular commodity, but also a decoration of the sales area. Growth in consumption of this category in last years clearly correlates with the trend in healthy image life, which is just beginning to develop in our country.

This means that the demand for fruits and vegetables by customers in your store will only increase. How to sell this interesting product with maximum profit - read in this article.

Indeed, fruits and vegetables attract additional flows of buyers with their bright view, they focus buyers’ attention on themselves, and at the same time on the goods located around them, say merchandising experts from the American company Managementparadise. Retailers can leverage this feature of fruit aisles to create a positive overall store experience for shoppers.

Berries and fruits of different colors in one display increase impulse purchases.

Vegetables and fruits are a unique product for a retailer; they can be classified as impulse goods and FMCG at the same time . When coming to the store to buy the obligatory vegetables for borscht and salad, the buyer, as a rule, also buys something from the fruit assortment - this is how his consumer psychology works. Therefore, based on the global experience of retailers, to optimize customer flows, the fruit and vegetable department is placed on the right wall or in the center of the hall, closer to the checkout. For example, “Azbuka Vkusa” places fruit displays near the cash register. Research also shows that placing two departments - fruit and wine - in close proximity is successful, since these are complementary positions. However, you should not place vegetables and fruits next to juices and other soft drinks, as these are competing categories.

The principle of contrast in color and type of fruit in the display of vegetables.

Goods correctly laid out on shelves significantly influence consumer demand - this is an axiom known to all retailers. To give your customers a feeling of abundance in the store and its rich assortment, you need to place exotic tropical fruits on the top shelves. As for the display of fruits and vegetables in general, the principle of contrast in color and type of fruit is applied here. For example, how Auchan does this in the vegetable department. Measurements of consumer behavior show that combinations of fruits different shapes, colors and sizes also create a sense of variety and provide stronger purchase motivation.

When working with vegetables, do not forget to take advantage of the peculiarities of demand of Russian buyers. Thus, among vegetables, the most popular among Russians is the “borscht set” - potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets. Therefore, when zoning the fresh department, it is best to place them next to each other, surrounded by vegetables that are in less demand, but which can be a related product - greens, onions, garlic, celery root, peppers, tomatoes.

An interesting feature of the Russian consumer is the love for large fruits and berries.Surprisingly, large apples, even if they cost more than small ones, are more popular with our customers. Therefore, to attract attention, the center of the display of apples should be large fruits surrounded by smaller ones. Red is considered the most attractive color for apples among Russians. From a merchandising point of view, to attract attention to the department, it is also worth applying the principle of contrast in the display, alternating bright red fruits with green and yellow ones. Such an apple display will immediately attract the buyer’s attention, experts from the Infresh campaign guarantee.

Hypermarket "Auchan". Buyers respond well to variety in colors.

Retailers know many secrets of working with this category, which can significantly increase sales of the entire store. For example, during times of high demand for certain types of fruits and berries (December-January for tangerines, July for strawberries, etc.), it is recommended to place additional racks with these goods in the entrance area to the sales area and at the cash registers - this is a proven method will help you attract additional customer flows and increase sales.

In addition, you can provide the buyer with the opportunity to choose different volumes of the product if it is sold in packaging (for example, berries, tomatoes, onions, etc.). Also, buyers respond well to variety in colors - therefore, berries and fruits of different colors should be placed in one display, thereby increasing impulse purchases.

Hypermarket "Real". Buyers are willingly tempted to buy useful and inexpensive goods.

Place information on the sales floor about the benefits of consuming vegetables and fruits, methods of eating and preparing them. Stimulate the consumption of this group of goods - you will be surprised how willingly buyers increase their spending on fresh juice if they understand their benefits from it. A good example is the idea of ​​Real hypermarkets to place banners in the fruit sales area about the low cost of 5 types of fruits all year round. Buyers are willingly tempted to buy useful and inexpensive goods

Ordinary vegetables can skillfully decorate any display case. Some stores do just that, turning their vegetable shops into practically masterpieces of art. In addition to the vegetable shops that decorate their stalls, there are a large number of fairs and shows on the theme of agriculture, vegetables, fruits and flowers. For example, Harrogate Flower Festival, main feature which is the giant vegetable competition. Below you can see the most beautifully designed vegetable stalls in the world.

1. ICA store counter in Sweden

2. At the Puyallup Fair in Washington, USA

3. At the RHS Flower Show in Tatton Park

4. Vegetable display in the Zupen supermarket. Portland, USA

5. At the Washington Fair

6. Festival Agriculture in Derbyshire:

7. Puyallup Fair in Washington, USA

9. A cute vegetable stall at the Gateshead Summer Flower Festival

10. Greengrocer at the Chelsea Flower Show.

11. Greengrocer at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Trading vegetables and fruits is a fairly common business. With the right approach to business, a vegetable stall can bring good income. In this market segment there is average level competition.

Start-up capital

When thinking about how to open a vegetable stall, calculate future expenses. The amount of investment may vary depending on the size of the locality. To open a vegetable stall in the regional center you will need approximately 500 thousand rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  • for opening and legalizing an enterprise, obtaining certificates from various government bodies - about 10 thousand rubles;
  • for renting a stall – from 40 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of equipment: slides, refrigerated display case, scales, cash register - 50 thousand rubles;
  • for equipment maintenance – 2 thousand rubles per month.

To start, you can buy used counters and slides. Partial refusal of hired labor will help you save money. Take on the responsibilities of a buyer or seller. Additional staff can be recruited after the promotion of the outlet. This way you will get to know the market from the inside, study your competitors, and feel all the nuances of your own business.


Select the form of doing business: individual entrepreneur or LLC. An individual entrepreneur opens faster; maintaining documentation does not require special knowledge. Fines for violations for individual entrepreneurs are less than for LLCs. But there is also greater responsibility: in case of failure, you will be personally responsible for all debts and fines of your enterprise. Opening an LLC is a more expensive and time-consuming process. You will need an accountant to keep records. However, the presence of an authorized capital in an LLC guarantees the inviolability of your personal savings. In the event of bankruptcy, funds from the authorized capital will be spent to satisfy the claims of creditors.

After registration entrepreneurial activity you will have to obtain permission to open a retail outlet. The easiest way would be to open a stall in the market. If you want to set up a kiosk near a stop or metro station, you will have to obtain permission from the building and architectural department. You will also need opinions from inspection commissions of sanitary, fire, and trade services. Be prepared for all sorts of bureaucratic tricks. Study the laws so that representatives of various structures do not take you by surprise.

Choosing a location and premises

Before opening a vegetable stall, draw up a business plan. Calculate how many visitors per day you will need to serve in order for your expenses to pay off. Then go outside, stand near the future retail outlet and count the people passing by. If the number of passers-by significantly exceeds the number of your potential buyers, feel free to open a stall in this place.

Options for placing a retail outlet:

  • near the metro or stop. To attract the attention of passers-by, work on outdoor advertising;
  • in a residential area. The stall will be open for regular customers living in the neighborhood.

Don't forget about transport links. Vegetables will need to be delivered to the kiosk somehow, right? It will be good if you manage to rent a warehouse located near the kiosk. In this case, you can purchase vegetables in large quantities and deliver them to the kiosk as needed. We're talking about vegetables long-term storage. Perishable fruits will have to be purchased in small quantities. Conditions for storing products with a short shelf life can only be provided within the walls of special warehouse complexes.

Build a kiosk according to a good architectural design. No matter how much you want to save money, don’t discount your point of sale design.

The design can be ordered from freelancers. It’s very inexpensive, sometimes you can get it for just 500 rubles. It is best to use a specialized platform, for example, “I will perform”, where the process of interaction with performers will be simple and safe.

Modern buyers are accustomed to large counters, glass display cases, and good lighting. The purchasing process should be comfortable. Take care of the asphalt near the kiosk, equip a low stand for bags, and customer interest in your outlet will grow before your eyes.

Minimum equipment:

  • racks for goods,
  • counter,
  • chair,
  • cash machine,
  • scales,
  • small safe.

Work with suppliers and assortment

Try to find good suppliers. Make every effort to do this. Of course, you won’t be able to separate the “wheat from the chaff” right away. Therefore, purchase goods in small quantities. Over time, you will understand which partner is better to deal with. The ideal option is one permanent supplier who fully supplies your business with its products.

The following factors are important:

  • reputation of the supplier in your city,
  • origin of the goods,
  • taste qualities of fruits and vegetables,
  • availability of certificates of conformity.

Your main competitors will be points in markets and vegetable departments of supermarkets. Therefore, you must offer something different from the competition. Your vegetable stall will differ from a market outlet in terms of service and tidiness. The main advantage over supermarkets is the domestic origin of the products.

Offer your customers local tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, and pears. Find a dealer who specializes in the supply of berries and fruits from the southern regions. Complete the assortment with out-of-season bananas, oranges, and lemons. Add some exotic fruits. Offer your customers dried fruits, herbs, and juices. Place a small freezer with frozen fruit in your stall.


Is it worth opening a vegetable stall if you cannot personally control the process? No, it's not worth it. Vegetables and fruits are a business that you need to constantly keep in your hands. Once again, we strongly recommend saving on staff. Occupy at least one of the positions at your company. If you don’t want to trade, hire a seller and supply the goods yourself.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise personally handling deliveries. Some wholesalers offer goods with delivery. This option is not suitable for you. Having personally arrived at the wholesale warehouse, you can choose the product to your liking. In addition, delivery costs are often included in the price of the product. And they don’t just lay it down, but greatly increase it.

It will be good if at first you can personally control the trading process. The issue of control becomes especially relevant when the business goes beyond the family. Trading loves counting. No one will give you guarantees of the honesty of the hired seller. Therefore, try to be present at the point as often as possible. From time to time, trade on your own, replacing the seller at the stall. You may learn a lot about your employee from talkative customers.

Conduct re-registration periodically. Don’t skimp on your salary, otherwise no amount of inventory will help you. A person who earns little will still steal from you or “borrow” money from the cash register until payday. The best option remuneration - rate and percentage. This form of payment encourages the seller to work.


The minimum markup on your product will be 30%, the maximum – about 250%. When setting the price, do not forget that vegetables and fruits tend to spoil. According to experts, about 10–20% of produce spoils at a vegetable stall. This product can be sold at a 50-60% discount before it loses its marketable appearance. Finally, spoiled products will have to be thrown away. It is estimated that the payback period for a stall ranges from 2 to 6 months, depending on the season. In winter, fruits and vegetables are in high demand, so investments pay off faster. After promotion, the business will bring in about 50–100 thousand rubles monthly.

fruit are divided into: pomaceae fruits (apples, pears, quinces, etc.); stone fruit fruits (plums, cherries, cherries, apricots, peaches); berries (grapes, currants, strawberries, etc.); citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, lemons, etc.); tropical fruits (pineapples, bananas, mangoes, dates, avocados, carambola, etc.); subtropical fruits (persimmons, olives, pomegranates, feijoa, figs); nut-bearing (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, hazelnuts).

Fresh vegetables are divided into vegetative And fruit. Vegetative vegetables: tubers (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato); root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, parsnips); Brassicas (white cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, leaf cabbage); bulbous (onions, green onions, spring onions, shallots, garlic, etc.); greens (lettuce, spinach, sorrel, etc.); spicy flavors (dill, tarragon, coriander, fennel, etc.); dessert (rhubarb, asparagus, artichoke). Fruit vegetables: pumpkin (pumpkin, watermelon, melons, cucumbers, zucchini, squash); tomato (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers); pulses (beans, beans, sweet corn).

The technical aspects of organizing trade in fruit and vegetable products in a store are quite complex. This is explained by the fact that most fruits and vegetables have a short shelf life in the sales area, the need to determine purchase volumes as accurately as possible in order to minimize losses, the need for constant rotation of products, etc.

According to experts, 70-80% of sales volumes in the “Vegetables and Fruits” department come from 16 types of goods, namely: apples, tangerines, grapes, bananas, oranges, pears, lemons, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, greens, peppers, cabbage , carrots, onions. In addition to fruits and vegetables, the department may include: dried fruits, nuts, live plants, and plant care accessories.

In a standard supermarket, the “Vegetables and Fruits” department usually accounts for 5-8% of the retail space. The share of sales volumes of these products in the total turnover is 8-20% (Fig. 48).

The demand for various types of fruits and vegetables depends on the season, the level of effective demand of the population, what is bought in a given store, their consumption habits, competition and even days of the week (for example, approximately 45-47% of fruits and vegetables are sold from Monday to Thursday, 53-55% - from Friday to Sunday, also fruits and vegetables, which are quickly sold out, especially at the beginning of the week, and there are so-called “slow” products, for example, pineapples, which are bought, at best, once a week).

The department's marketing load is very high. The attractive appearance of fruits and vegetables, maintaining their quality, display and competent pricing policy for them are of fundamental importance and make a significant contribution to the formation of the store’s image. Because of this, the “Vegetables and Fruits” department is often placed in the first quarter of the sales floor, at the entrance to the store, in order to maximize customer attraction.

Rice. 48. in

The store can organize trade in both packaged and non-packaged fruit and vegetable products. A consumer's willingness to buy a packaged product depends on how much he trusts it quality.

To make a decision on the range of packaged and unpackaged fruit and vegetable products, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of such products (Table 13).

You should also pay attention to the following:

Only high-quality fruit and vegetable products are subject to packaging, since the reputation of the store is at stake;

The size of the package should be convenient for the buyer (for example, the use of large packages may lead to buyers refusing to purchase them), and it is also necessary to provide a certain variety of package sizes;

The packaging of products should be as close as possible to the time they are displayed in the store’s sales area; at the same time, the procedure for rotating fruit and vegetable products should be carefully observed; packaging of goods whose shelf life exceeds one day must have the appropriate mark;

The pricing policy for packaged fruits and vegetables should be carefully thought out, since inflated prices for such products can lead to a reduction in their sales volumes.


Unpackaged fruits and vegetables

Packaged fruit and vegetable products





The buyer has the opportunity to select each type of product individually

Large amount of losses during processing

Easier to rotate products

The buyer is deprived of the opportunity to select the goods individually

Provides flexibility in selecting the required quantity of products

It is convenient for the buyer to select goods, he does not get his hands dirty, does not waste effort on selecting or weighing products

The cost of packaging is added to the cost of products

Lower prices

More hygienic conditions for trading products

Sales volumes of packaged products directly depend on ensuring their high quality, consumer confidence and consumption habits

It is easier to organize a mass display of goods, which provides an attractive appearance

There is less likelihood of consumer complaints regarding the quality of products that they personally select

The rules and procedures for storing fruits and vegetables in store warehouses provide for the following:

During loading and unloading operations and processing of fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to prevent and not allow actions that lead to damage (wrinkling, crushing, etc.);

It is necessary to carry out constant rotation of all types of fruits and vegetables;

Fruit and vegetable products should be stored at the appropriate temperature (in refrigeration equipment or on racks);

Fruit and vegetable products stored in refrigeration equipment must be processed for no more than 1 hour;

Products that have reached (for example, tomatoes, peaches, melons, apricots, etc.) can go on sale earlier than products that are already stored in the warehouse.

In the process of organizing trade in fruits and vegetables, significant losses may arise due to:

Dehydration (shrinkage) of some types of fruits and vegetables;

Shortages during receipt of goods;

Excessive cleaning of certain types of vegetables; loss of products that arose as a result of improper handling during receipt, storage, processing, rotation;

Incorrectly determined volumes of purchase of each type of fruit and vegetable products, as a result - an increase in inventory;

Inaccurate selection of goods by buyers;

Excessive or insufficient display of them;

Incorrect pricing policy, etc.

General principles of demonstration fruit and vegetable products are as follows:

Allocate a display area to each type of product that corresponds to its sales volumes; provide large areas for displaying goods that are actively advertised and have high sales volumes;

Choose the right place to place each type of product on retail equipment, using color contrasts of fresh fruits and vegetables, mass display; place products of impulse demand along with types of goods that are in high demand; group related products in one place; place advertised products in prominent places on retail equipment;

Provide “hot” vegetables and fruits around the perimeter of the entire area allocated for displaying fruits and vegetables;

Maintain cleanliness and order in the department on a daily basis, which largely determines whether customers will develop the habit of regularly visiting the store;

Take into account the seasonal factor of consumption various types vegetables and fruits; regularly organize sales of fruits and vegetables;

Conduct regular rotation of all fruit and vegetable products;

Provide a sufficiently wide range of packaged and unpackaged fruit and vegetable products;

Create convenient conditions for the buyer to select goods, ensure the constant availability of packaging materials at the point of sale of fruits and vegetables;

Price tags for fruits and vegetables should be informative and accurate; It is recommended to use a corporate style, color and size for their design; to carry out promotions, it is necessary to use special price tags for promotions;

actively use POS materials at points of sale with information about the variety of varieties, selection rules; stimulate sales of certain types of fruits and vegetables through tastings; use advertising messages during national and religious holidays;

The price tag must contain all the necessary information (product name, price per unit of product, country of origin, etc.); grammatical and spelling errors in the design of price tags are unacceptable.

At competent layout products in the Vegetables and Fruits department, you can increase the influx of customers into the store and further stimulate the turnover of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables.

To attract additional customers to the store, you need to create a clear planogram for the vegetable department.

Understanding the features of literate displays of vegetables and fruits, you need to have an understanding of how these products were sold before the advent of the modern trading format. Have you thought about it? That's right! The main format for selling fruits and vegetables came to us from the ancient bazaar.

This sales format is still popular in many countries, including Russia. Based on the experience of market traders, we can improve the display of goods in a modern vegetable department

Let's look at what techniques market traders use:

  • One product name is laid out in a wide display
  • All goods are in bulk
  • Almost always on the market, goods are posted in the direct access of buyers (choose yourself)
  • Market traders display vegetables and fruits so that the stall looks rich and colorful.
  • Market traders ensure that their display items are fresh and beautiful.

Transferring these techniques to a modern basis, we get:

Compact display of vegetables and fruits helps to display the maximum amount of goods in a small area of ​​the vegetable department.

For counter stores, two options are typical: displays in the vegetable department.

Note that in the counter format, display in a regular store display with duplication of goods on the waist line, as well as on racks, for example, with mesh shelves, works perfectly. It is useful to duplicate the product on the front camber.

In this way, the array of product displays will be provided visually, and in addition, a clear organization of the department will be maintained. Inside the refrigerated gastronomic display case, vegetables and fruits are laid out in already packaged form (on a substrate), or in trays, we emphasize this individual approach to the client, give him the opportunity to choose goods and buy by weight.

Another layout option may be considered - a la market collapse.

But note that this option is good for stores offering products for Economy class.

If you have a supermarket or a medium-sized store, then it is best to install a refrigerated slide and camber. This department is traditionally located at the very beginning of the store, which stimulates the turnover of vegetables and fruits and has a positive effect on the overall level of sales in the store.

Rules for displaying vegetables and fruits on a retail display

To attract the attention of a potential buyer to a product display with vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to follow several principles of its design:

The product is placed in such a way that it is clearly visible as customers move and is divided into clear blocks;

The entire assortment is divided according to its type, that is, a vegetable zone, a fruit zone are visually formed, and the location of all types of greens and root crops is determined;

Perishable foods should be placed in a refrigerated area;

Products that should be sold in the near future are located at eye level of buyers;

To form a loyal customer relationship, the display must be beautifully designed, equipment and goods must be kept clean.

For decorating and zoning display space
Currently, many products are produced: wicker and plastic baskets, dummies of vegetables and fruits, artificial greenery for decorating walls and commercial equipment.

If the store is focused on the high or middle price segment, it is recommended to use a practical and mobile shelf system that allows you to make the most of retail space, has variable placement in the hall. If necessary, the shelf system can be supplemented with various modules or rearranged in accordance with the needs that arise when placing different types of goods. Therefore, the use of shelf systems allows you to flexibly change the product range and effectively adapt to customer requests.

An effective way to increase sales is thoughtful placement of price tags. It is necessary to take into account that price tags must be uniformly designed, and at the same time be large enough and bright, noticeable on different types vegetables and fruits.

When conducting sales in the fruit and vegetable department, you can use information systems. Thanks to their isolated placement, the information on them is well perceived by customers and helps them navigate the store’s assortment. The most commonly used information systems are hanging mount and A4 frames
to post information. The average length of such an information system is 2 meters; it is appropriate in self-service shopping areas to indicate prices above display windows. Information from the overhead information system is duplicated using a compact holder with a price tag on the edge of the tray or on the back line shelves.