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Is it necessary to go to a gynecologist after childbirth? When to go to the gynecologist after childbirth? When will the normal menstrual cycle be restored?

After giving birth, in the hustle and bustle of daily worries with a newborn, many mothers forget about own health, especially if in fact nothing bothers them. However, it is better not to postpone a planned visit to the gynecologist, because literally a couple of hours will help a young mother make sure that everything is in order with her health. Agree, it is better to prevent problems in advance than to deal with their consequences later.

When and where to go

A woman is warned about the need and timing of visiting a gynecologist after childbirth even within the walls of the maternity hospital. Usually It is recommended to visit a gynecologist 1-1.5 months after birth , at the end of the late postpartum period. Of course, if health problems arise, you should consult a doctor sooner.

: “If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen, the temperature rises, there are symptoms of lactostasis, there is discharge with an unpleasant odor, bleeding or suppuration of the suture, you should immediately contact the place of birth (in the first 6 weeks) or an antenatal clinic. Women in labor after a cesarean section, as a rule, come to the gynecologist at the site of the operation to remove the stitches. If this is not necessary, then 1-1.5 months after birth you should visit an antenatal clinic.”

So, if your birth went without complications and nothing worries you, then the first examination after birth is carried out by gynecologist at antenatal clinic at your place of residence or the doctor who observed you before the birth of the child.

Of course, emergency doctor visits for nursing mothers are not provided in district clinics, so plan your visit so that it falls between feedings of the baby. The actual appointment itself rarely takes more than 30 minutes, which cannot be said about the time spent outside the office doors in line.

What happens if you postpone your appointment?

Of course, we all visited the gynecologist more than once before pregnancy and regularly visited the treasured office for a long 9 months. However, after giving birth, many people have questions about the advisability of visiting a doctor. Actually, what is there to see there? Pregnancy is over, childbirth is also over, what problems may arise? It turns out that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

A gynecological examination after childbirth is not just prescribed so that the gynecologist checks your weight, blood pressure, or listens to a detailed story about your childbirth experience. Unfortunately, it happens that in delivery process and in postpartum period among women certain complications arise , and if they are not treated on time, they can develop into serious diseases.

For example, if after childbirth the uterus does not contract well enough, blood clots and placental debris may linger in its cavity and cause inflammation, and an enlarged uterus may indicate the development of endometritis.

Among the complications of the postpartum period the following main types can be distinguished :

  • postpartum purulent-inflammatory diseases (peritonitis, endometritis, obstetric surgical wound infections (infiltration);
  • venous (superficial thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis);
  • breast infections associated with childbirth (mastitis, abscess);
  • in the early and late postpartum period, one of the serious complications is bleeding.

Our g_s_k tells: “I think the sooner you go to the doctor, the better. I went after 2 weeks, the doctor prescribed me a small treatment, because... the uterus contracted poorly, and postpartum erosion was discovered.”

What to expect at your appointment

Many women who have recently given birth put off visiting a doctor not only because they are very busy or they have no one to leave the baby with. They afraid of painful sensations during the inspection.

Let's not hide it, it is quite possible, especially if the birth was natural, that you will have to endure several unpleasant minutes in the examination chair. However, if you do not go to the doctor at all and do not treat possible postpartum complications, they may become chronic , and dealing with them will be much more difficult.

Our mother HelenaRam tells: “I was at an appointment after giving birth, I was already preparing to clench my teeth in pain, and the doctor looked at me so carefully that it didn’t even hurt. He said everything is ok, come back in three months. So it’s not always as scary as we think.”

Before the examination, the doctor will definitely clarify whether the birth was natural or carried out C-section whether an episiotomy took place. The gynecologist will also check the condition of the walls of the vagina and cervix, it is important that after childbirth they take the correct shape. In case of any suspicions, for example, inflammation in the cervix (cervicitis), which often occurs in the postpartum period, the gynecologist can take a smear from the vagina and cervix.

Gynecologist at the Dobrobut clinic, Irina Valerievna Yarovaya, tells: “At the first visit to the gynecologist after childbirth, the doctor finds out how the postpartum period went, looks at the vagina, during colposcopy examines the cervix for erosion, and also gives recommendations on contraception during breastfeeding and restoring the menstrual cycle.”

Our YARULYA tells: “I went to my first appointment with a gynecologist two months after giving birth. True, after that I had been gone for two years already... And I wouldn’t have gone any further, but I had to go, without a gynecologist’s visa they didn’t want to close my sick leave. In general, as my therapist said, you need to love yourself, i.e. visit a gynecologist once every six months. So don’t delay going to the doctor, even though you don’t want to!”

In the hustle and bustle of everyday care for a newborn, many mothers forget about their own health. And in vain! Even if nothing bothers you, you should not cancel your planned visit to the gynecologist on your own. It is better to prevent in time all kinds of health problems that may sooner or later manifest themselves.

To the doctor!

Even in the maternity hospital, every woman is warned about the need to visit a gynecologist. Usually, a new mother is recommended to undergo an examination 6 weeks after birth.

The doctor usually recommends abstaining from sexual activity for the same amount (or a little more). However, some violate both the first and second prohibitions.

A visit to the gynecologist is postponed “until better times,” and abstinence lasts less than the doctor prescribed. Both are fraught with serious health problems. The most common of these is endometritis - inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium).

If you are putting off an appointment with a gynecologist because you don’t want to be separated from your child even for a few hours, remember that a healthy mother can give her baby much more care and love.

Taking notes

During your first visit to the gynecologist after giving birth, you may be confused, so it is better to write down all the questions in a notebook in advance. Don't forget to ask your doctor about contraception (breastfeeding mothers are limited in their choice of contraceptives), when to resume intimate relationships with your husband, when you can go to the gym or start doing housework. Feel free to ask any questions you have.

Source: Shutterstock

Believe me: you are not the first and you will not be the last to wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant if you are breastfeeding and when menstruation will resume. These are quite expected questions, and the doctor has had to answer them more than once in his practice. Yes, there are, of course, standard recommendations. Sexual activity can be resumed no earlier than 8 weeks after birth; the next pregnancy should be planned after 2-3 years; the best contraceptive method for nursing mothers is barrier (namely, condoms). But every case is individual. This is why you go to see a doctor to hear his recommendations for you personally.

Should you expect pain?

Some women put off visiting the doctor for another reason. They're scared. If the birth occurred naturally, the first examination after it in the chair may indeed seem quite unpleasant. But if postpartum complications are not detected in time, they will become chronic, and correcting the situation will be much more difficult: prevention is always more effective than treatment. To cope with fear, think that everyone goes through this, that it will only take a few minutes, and that your health is worth it.

If a woman experiences too much during the examination discomfort, the doctor may spray the birth canal with a painkiller.

How is the inspection carried out? Was the birth natural?

In this case, the gynecologist looks at the condition of the external genitalia and checks how the stitches are healing if you have had an episiotomy. It is mandatory to take a smear from the vagina and cervix. This test will help identify inflammation in the cervix (cervicitis), which often occurs during the postpartum period.

Also during the examination, the doctor checks the condition of the walls of the vagina and cervix. If the cervix is ​​irregularly shaped, it is usually because the stitches have come apart or the doctor missed a tear during delivery. In any case, stitches will need to be stitched again. Yes, it is a little painful, but it is extremely necessary, otherwise chronic inflammation of the cervix may occur, which leads to infertility.

After caesarean section

If the birth ended surgically, a visit to the doctor should also under no circumstances be postponed. And besides, mothers after a cesarean section have nothing to fear. For them, the examination on the chair will be the same as dozens of previous ones, to which one could already get used to over the past 9 months. Mothers of caesarean babies undergo an ultrasound in the maternity hospital, during which the condition of the uterus is assessed: they look at how it contracts, whether there are any clots or remnants of the placenta in its cavity.

In case of any problems, the gynecologist prescribes treatment. But, unfortunately, sometimes complications begin after discharge from the maternity hospital, when the doctor is not around.

If you have had a caesarean section, you need to take extra care of your health. Your uterus does not contract as well as those who gave birth vaginally, which means blood clots and placental debris can become trapped in the uterus and cause inflammation. In order for the uterus to contract faster, doctors recommend applying ice to the lower abdomen and breastfeeding the newborn as often as possible. Natural feeding stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which perfectly promotes uterine contractions.

! After a cesarean section, the risk of endometritis is significantly higher than after a natural birth.

For this reason, it is very important to monitor uterine contractions during the postoperative period. The doctor feels the body of the uterus and assesses its size. An enlarged uterus indicates the presence of endometritis. In this case, the patient is sent for a repeat ultrasound. After this she is assigned complex treatment with mandatory antibacterial therapy. Sometimes a woman has to do curettage. But do not be afraid, this procedure is done under anesthesia.

Also, for women who have found the joy of motherhood through a cesarean section, it is important to monitor their suture very carefully and carefully observe its hygiene.

  • try to wet the seam as little as possible, take a shower briefly and carefully;
  • forget about the bath for at least 6 weeks;
  • after a shower, lubricate the seam with brilliant green or iodine;
  • wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • Have a separate towel for wiping the seam.

Caesarean section, like any abdominal operation, is a serious test for the body. Sometimes, despite all precautions, operated mothers begin to have problems with women's health.

Woman at a doctor's appointment (photo: Fotolia)

Gynecologists advise immediately consult a doctor or even call an ambulance if you have:

  • painful sensations appeared in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding does not stop for more than 6 weeks or has become more profuse and acquired an unpleasant odor;
  • suppuration appeared in the suture area;
  • the temperature suddenly rose.

All these are alarm bells, harbingers of serious inflammatory processes.

To the hospital?

Unfortunately, some postpartum complications may require mommy to be hospitalized. Of course, I don’t want to part with the baby. But you have no right to risk your health: now you have double responsibility. By the way, breastfeeding can be established even after discharge from the hospital, provided that you regularly express milk.

If you gave birth under a contract, then in case of postpartum complications you can seek medical help at the same maternity hospital. There they are required to provide you with a free luxury ward for up to 7 days (most contracts stipulate this) and free treatment.

And even if the birth took place without a contract, then in any case, contact your maternity hospital, where they already know you and, to some extent, take responsibility for the health of the recent mother.

Nevertheless, there is still no need to be upset. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases, childbirth has a successful outcome. Therefore, after your first postpartum visit to the doctor, he will probably tell you that everything is fine with you. And you will return to your little man in a wonderful mood and, most importantly, with a calm soul.

Among the many questions young mothers have, doctors are often faced with when to go to the gynecologist after a recent birth. Let's try to answer it.

How soon after the birth of a child should I visit a female doctor?

First of all, it should be noted that the time of the first visit to the antenatal doctor depends directly on the method of delivery: whether it was a natural birth or a cesarean section.

So, if the birth was classic, i.e. proceeded through the natural birth canal and without any special complications, then in this case, a visit to the gynecologist after childbirth should occur when they return to their normal character. In other words, you can make an appointment with a doctor after the lochia stops (after 6-8 weeks). At the same time, the doctor examines the birth canal, assesses the condition of the uterine cervix and internal sutures (if any).

An examination by a gynecologist after childbirth, when a cesarean section was performed, is carried out literally 4-5 days after the mother is discharged from the hospital. It is worth noting that in such a situation, uterine contractions occur more slowly due to the fact that the uterine wall was incised and a suture was applied. Therefore, the doctor must periodically monitor the condition of the internal reproductive organs and assess the patency of the cervix in order to prevent complications ().

What does a postpartum examination of a woman by a gynecologist include?

Having figured out when to go to a gynecologist after a recent birth, let’s consider the features of the examination itself.

First of all, the doctor collects information: how the birth proceeded, whether there were any complications, how the postpartum period proceeds. If the woman has no complaints or questions, proceed to the examination in the gynecological chair. As a rule, the duration of the entire reception does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

The main biological purpose of a woman, no matter how cynical it may sound, is to reproduce healthy and strong offspring. You can’t argue with nature: it was she who entrusted women with this honorable and difficult responsibility for the demographic regulation of humanity. Therefore, a woman needs to treat her destiny with due responsibility, and for this, first of all, she needs to carefully monitor her health. Regular examinations with a gynecologist help to do this with greater efficiency: only a specialist can recognize the symptoms of an incipient disease in time and take measures to treat it.

The gynecologist, under whose patronage the woman was during all 9 months of pregnancy, must monitor the condition female body and after childbirth - thanks to this practice, the risk of developing various postpartum complications is significantly reduced.

It should be noted that according to existing rules, discharge from the maternity hospital occurs only if the mother and child feel well. Without a gynecologist's conclusion about the woman's satisfactory condition, discharge does not occur. However, unfortunately, some inflammatory processes and complications after childbirth may appear a little later, when the woman is already at home and is fully accustoming herself to the role of a caring mother.

Of course, there are no clear time guidelines for when you should see a gynecologist after giving birth. However, it is strictly not recommended to postpone a visit to the antenatal clinic for a long time. All the feelings, actions and attention of a woman who has recently given birth are directed towards the child, and therefore the first symptoms of the beginning inflammatory process in her own body can be ignored by her (it has long been known that the maternal instinct is always stronger than the instinct of self-preservation). To avoid serious consequences, it is better to play it safe and undergo an examination by a specialist in the first month after discharge from the hospital (unless, of course, there is a reason to do this much earlier).

Features of the first visit to the gynecologist after childbirth

However, recommended dates for visiting a gynecologist for an initial examination after childbirth still exist: they are calculated in accordance with the average statistical indicators of the dynamics of the recovery period (depending on the severity of the birth) and the development of postpartum complications. They can serve as some guidance in planning a trip to the clinic and undergoing an examination by a gynecologist. The timing depends on many factors, including how the pregnancy and the birth itself went, whether a cesarean section or other methods of obstetrics were used.

Bloody, brown and white discharge before period

The procedure, which includes taking an anamnesis and, of course, a visual examination in a gynecological chair, will not take much time, but will allow the doctor (and the woman herself) to get an accurate idea of ​​the state of her health at this stage of the postpartum recovery period.

Visit to the gynecologist after natural childbirth.

If a woman gave birth naturally and the passage of the baby through the birth canal did not cause major damage (tears), the first visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled as soon as the vaginal discharge takes on a natural appearance.

Unless, of course, there are no symptoms requiring immediate medical attention. As a rule, heavy bloody discharge, called lochia, becomes less abundant and acquires a yellowish-white color within 2-3 weeks after birth, practically stopping by the 6th week - it is not recommended to delay further examination and should, for the first time after discharge from the hospital, visit a gynecologist.

During the examination, the doctor visually assesses the condition internal organs women involved in the processes of gestation and childbirth: the walls of the vagina and the entrance to it, the shape of the cervix and its external parameters are examined. At the same time, a smear is taken, laboratory testing of which is also involved in the formation of a real picture of the condition of the woman’s body. In addition, during a visual examination in a gynecological chair, the condition of the sutures (if they were applied) is also assessed: the degree of healing, the absence of suppuration and fistulas, which can form if the suture breaks for some reason.

In the absence of any pathologies, the woman is given a date for the next examination; if there is the slightest suspicion of pathology, an additional examination is given.

First visit to the gynecologist after cesarean. When a child is born by caesarean section, the woman’s recovery period after childbirth is somewhat delayed, since here we are talking about a full-fledged surgical intervention. An incision in the uterus and the subsequent application of sutures to this place somewhat slows down the return of this organ to the parameters inherent in it before birth, and external sutures on the skin do not contribute to the rapid rehabilitation of the body.

How effective and safe is Lysobact treatment during breastfeeding?

There is no doubt that patronage in this case should be more dense - therefore, you should go to see a gynecologist after a caesarean section a few days after discharge, when the stitches are just beginning to heal. This period is dangerous due to the formation of fistulas and suppurations at the junction of the edges of the operated tissues: of course, it is easiest to eliminate them in the initial stages rather than deal with the consequences of such complications. Only a specialist can diagnose suture dehiscence or the onset of an inflammatory process in a timely manner, as well as take adequate measures to eliminate the pathology.

An appointment with a gynecologist in this case is not much different from an examination after a natural birth: taking an anamnesis, examination in a gynecological chair. However, due to some differences in the nature of obstetric care measures and the consequences of their impact, a woman who has undergone a cesarean section may be prescribed an ultrasound. Such a study is carried out in order to eliminate diagnostic errors when assessing the dynamics of uterine contractions. Besides, ultrasonography is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity or the presence of placenta residues (especially if an ultrasound was not prescribed earlier, before discharge from the hospital).

The purpose of visiting a gynecologist is health and reproductive longevity

It is no secret that giving birth and bearing a child is a fairly large load on the body and, unfortunately, the consequences of such a load can negatively affect the health and reproductive ability of a woman. Many factors that exist today are to blame for this: the environmental situation, the level of physical fitness, and the condition immune system.

According to statistics, in our time, rarely anyone can cope with a disease without the help of specialists, not to mention such complex processes as pregnancy, childbirth and rehabilitation after them. That is why a woman should not let the recovery process after childbirth take its course and ignore specialized help. It is imperative to go to an appointment with a gynecologist so that he can promptly stop the development of dangerous postpartum complications that can affect a woman’s reproductive functions. Moreover, such complications can harm her overall health, as well as negatively affect the development and health of the child.

Short periods: causes, diagnosis, treatment

A visit to the gynecologist soon after childbirth is necessary for a number of reasons: only after a medical examination is it possible to resume intimate relationships, play sports and return to a normal active lifestyle without any restrictions - and this must have the permission of a person competent in the matter women's health. In addition, by assessing the dynamics of the recovery processes, the gynecologist is able to determine the period of the first ovulation, when pregnancy can occur again. By following his recommendations, you can easily select suitable contraceptives (in our time, there is still a fairly widespread misconception that when breastfeeding it is impossible to get pregnant).

As mentioned earlier, there are no strict deadlines for visiting a gynecologist - there are only recommendations on when to schedule a visit to the doctor.

Throughout pregnancy, the woman is under constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. After giving birth, a woman’s visit to a gynecologist is necessary in the first few weeks. This is required to detect or prevent possible complications late postpartum period, the duration of which is the first 6-8 weeks after birth. If the birth proceeded through the natural birth canal and without complications, you can visit a gynecologist after the end of blood discharge (lochia). The appearance of lochia is associated with the formation of an extensive wound surface at the site of the separated placenta. Over time, the nature of these secretions changes. In the first 2-3 days they are bloody in nature, from the 3-4th day to the end of the first week the lochia become serous-sucrose (light pink, transparent), and from the 10th day they acquire a yellowish-white color. By the end of the second week, the lochia is very scanty, and at the 5-6th week, the discharge from the uterus stops and becomes the same as before pregnancy - in small quantities, light, odorless.

At the doctor's office

At the first visit to the gynecologist after discharge, it is necessary to answer in detail all the doctor’s questions: how the birth and early postpartum period proceeded, were there any complications (ruptures of the soft tissues of the birth canal - cervix, vaginal mucosa, perineum; postpartum endometritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane uterus).

At an appointment at the clinic, an obstetrician-gynecologist assesses the condition of a woman’s external genitalia, and also examines the vaginal walls and cervix. If stitches were placed on the perineum. the doctor visually assesses their consistency, since failure (dehiscence of sutures, which more often occurs against the background of infection) can lead to the formation of fistulas - communicating holes with neighboring organs (bladder, rectum). The cervix after childbirth may not form correctly and have no - correct form. Most often, this may be due to unsutured cervical ruptures after childbirth, as well as if the sutures placed on the injured cervix have come apart. This can lead to cervicitis - chronic inflammation of the cervix, as well as to the formation of ectropion - eversion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the vagina. In these cases, secondary sutures or plastic correction of the shape of the cervix may sometimes be required. This is also necessary because, along with the deformation of the cervix itself, the structure of its canal may also be disrupted. All these complications can ultimately lead to some form of infertility or miscarriage of subsequent pregnancies.

During the examination, the doctor will take a smear from the vagina for flora in order to exclude the presence of infection in the vagina, and if inflammation has already begun, prescribe treatment in a timely manner, thereby avoiding the spread of the process.

At the appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely conduct a manual examination of the uterus and its appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes). By feeling the body of the uterus, the doctor assesses its size, consistency, and mobility. Enlargement of the uterus that does not correspond to the period after childbirth, as well as its soft consistency (“flabby uterus”) and pain may indicate the onset of endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

If the delivery was carried out by cesarean section, then you should consult a doctor a few days after discharge from the maternity hospital, since after the operation the contraction of the uterus is somewhat slower due to the incision on the uterus and the sutures placed on it, which disrupt the structure of the muscle fibers, thereby thereby preventing its reduction.

Urgently see the doctor!

Here are some symptoms that should cause a young mother to immediately consult a doctor:

Increased body temperature. This symptom can also appear during a viral infection, but a woman after childbirth should be especially wary of it: in this case, it is necessary to exclude such a postpartum complication as endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa). Early diagnosis This disease is very important, since postpartum endometritis is subsequently one of the risk factors for the development of infertility. If a woman has had a cesarean section, then an increase in body temperature may indicate an inflammatory complication in the area of ​​the postoperative suture, as well as other complications of an inflammatory nature.

Changes in the nature of discharge from the genital tract. The appearance of copious discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as purulent or bloody discharge, indicates the onset of inflammation in the uterine cavity. Changes in the area of ​​the postoperative suture (both after cesarean section and after suturing the perineum). Swelling, thickening or redness, pain when touched, as well as the appearance of discharge from the suture indicate an infection.

The appearance of pain and cutting in the lower abdomen. These signs may indicate negative changes in the uterus, most often of an inflammatory nature.

The listed symptoms can appear in isolation, one at a time, or combined with each other, being symptoms of inflammatory complications of the postpartum period.

If the above situations occur, as well as other complications that require immediate intervention (often these are conditions associated with breast pathology), it is necessary to call “ ambulance“or contact the maternity hospital where the birth took place - this can be done within 40 days after birth. You can also contact the maternity hospital during those hours and days of the week when Women's consultation does not work.

Questions for the doctor

When visiting a gynecologist for the first time after giving birth, a young mother has many questions: how long after giving birth will the menstrual cycle resume? When can I resume after childbirth? sex life? How long after giving birth can I plan my next pregnancy? Let's briefly answer each of them.

The restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth is associated with hormonal changes in the woman’s body. The rate of restoration of the menstrual cycle varies widely and is consistent primarily with how the child is fed. If the child is completely natural, that is, breastfed, and receives breast milk on demand, at any time of the day or night, then menstruation often occurs only towards the end of the baby’s first year of life. But menstruation may resume before lactation completely stops. If the baby’s feeding is mixed from the very beginning, that is, the baby is simultaneously breast milk If the mother also receives artificial nutrition, the mother’s menstruation usually returns by 3-4 months after birth. And if a woman does not breastfeed at all, then the restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs even earlier, at about 8-10 weeks after birth.

Sexual activity can be resumed approximately 6-8 weeks after birth, i.e. when the discharge from the genital tract becomes the same as before pregnancy. It is also not recommended to begin sexual activity earlier because the cervix does not have time to fully form before this time and infection may penetrate through the ascending route (from the vagina to the uterus) and the development of endometritis.

A young mother should remember that re-pregnancy can also occur with an irregular menstrual cycle, which has not fully recovered after childbirth. This is possible because ovulation (the release of an egg from a mature follicle) is restored on average 2-3 weeks earlier than menstruation appears. Therefore, in order not to encounter the fact of an unplanned pregnancy, during the first visit to the gynecologist after childbirth, it is necessary to discuss the issue of postpartum contraception.

The minimum duration of the interval between pregnancies depends on how the birth and postpartum period proceeded. If the birth occurred through the natural birth canal and proceeded without complications, then a subsequent pregnancy can be planned 2 years after birth, i.e. about a year after finishing breastfeeding. This is necessary so that the woman’s body fully recovers after childbirth and prepares for a new pregnancy. If a caesarean section was performed, then the next pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 2-3 years later, which depends on the course of the postoperative period: on whether there were any inflammatory complications (postpartum endometritis, incompetent sutures on the uterus, etc.) , and on how the postoperative suture healed. Before this period, the postoperative scar on the uterus may not withstand the load of a new pregnancy and disperse. However, it is also not worth postponing the next pregnancy for more than 5 years, because connective tissue is formed in the scar, which is practically incapable of stretching, which can affect the course of a subsequent pregnancy.

In conclusion, it must be said that a young mother needs to contact a gynecologist in a timely manner to avoid postpartum complications. It is important to remember that a healthy and cheerful baby grows up with a healthy and caring mother!