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About softening evil hearts. Prayer of the Seven Shot Mother of God “Softening evil hearts. Situations in which turning to Our Lady will help

For our readers: softening prayer evil hearts With detailed description from various sources.

There are a great many images of the Holy Virgin depicted on icons and copies of them; one of the most revered and famous is the “Softening of Evil Hearts” icon, also called the “Seven Shot”. Today it is revered as miraculous, and the prayer to soften evil hearts is used by believers as a petition for recovery from serious illnesses, elimination of anger and intolerance, cure for serious infections, and the granting of peace and tranquility.

Iconographic information

The icon depicts the Mother of God alone. Moreover, there is a difference between the icons “Softening Evil Hearts” and “Seven Shots”.

Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

In the first case, the Virgin is pierced by swords located three on the right and left, and the seventh at the bottom.

In the second, the Virgin Mary is pierced by arrows, three on one side and four on the other. Swords and arrows are a prototype of the deep sadness that the Great Benefactor carried in her soul all her life.

Finding an ancient icon

The following has long been known about the first glorification of the “Seven Shot” image. A peasant from one of the districts of the Vologda province suffered for a long time from pain in his legs and limped badly, it was very difficult for him to walk and the man’s body was very relaxed. He was treated for a long time by many healers and healers, but nothing helped him. But only the Mother of God was able to restore his lost health.

Icon "Seven Shots"

One day, while he was sleeping, a commanding voice was heard, telling him to climb the church bell tower, find there the ancient icon of the Mother of God and pray earnestly before it. Only then will he be granted the desired healing from a serious illness. The peasant came to the temple twice, talked about the “night order” and tried to fulfill the decree given to him in a dream vision, but the church servants did not believe him and did not let him into the bell tower. The third time, seeing the persistence of the sick lame man, the servants went to meet him: the disabled man climbed the belfry and immediately found the icon. It lay in the dust by the stairs and the bell ringers, not noticing the shrine under their feet, walked straight on it, as if on an ordinary board. The icon was immediately cleaned of dust, washed of dirt, and a prayer service was served. The peasant, who prayed earnestly during the service, soon received the cherished healing.

Prayer Rules

The prayer to soften evil hearts is one of the most powerful prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. In order for this to happen as quickly as possible, it is necessary:

“Softening Evil Hearts” (“Simeon’s Prophecy”)

  • come to an Orthodox monastery;
  • place a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ;
  • apply your lips and forehead to the Holy Crucifix;
  • go to the “Softening Evil Hearts” or “Seven Arrow” icon, light a candle and read a prayer (you can pray in your own words).

Useful articles:

  • How to pray correctly
  • What is a prayer rule

You can pray at home in front of the icon. To do this, you need to purchase a candle in the church, light it during prayer and ask the Queen of Heaven for help in business and intercession before the Lord for the bestowal of Divine Grace.

Prayer before the icon

“Softening Evil Hearts” icon of the Mother of God. Gallery of icons of Shchigra.

According to a long-established tradition, before the face of the Holy Virgin, they pray for their enemies, to soften hostility between people and to bestow a sense of mercy.

Troparion, tone 5:

Prayer 1

Prayer 2

O who will not please Thee, O Blessed Virgin, who will not sing of Thy mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us perishing in evil, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace against those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You extend Your love to us, if the world persecutes us - You accept us, give us the blessed strength of patience - to endure the trials that happen in this world without grumbling. Oh, Lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but pray, O Blessed One, Thy Son and our God, may he pacify their hearts with peace, but let the devil - the father of evil - be put to shame! We, singing Thy mercy towards us, the evil, the indecent, will sing to Thee, O Most Wonderful Lady of the Blessed Virgin, hear us at this hour, those who have contrite hearts, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Important! Your desire will be fulfilled only if it does not contradict the Commandments of the Lord and if it is the Will of God!

The myrrh-streaming miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is kept on the Maiden Field in Moscow, in the Church of the Archangel Michael. The celebration of the icon, also called “Simeon’s Prophecy,” takes place annually on August 26 and on the Sunday of All Saints.

Video about the akathist to the Mother of God in front of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts.”

Sometimes problems fall on a person’s shoulders and it seems that it is impossible to cope with them. It has been proven that prayers help overcome all difficulties and hardships. What kind of prayer should be read to the seven-arrow icon?

In these cases, people resort to the prayer of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts.” For many, such prayer is a help; the Almighty will always guide you on the right path, you just need to turn to Him. The appeal to the seven-arrowed Mother of God has enormous power, this prayer can not only instill hope, but also enlighten a person. ABOUT

will definitely help you cope with all physical difficulties and mental experiences. The prayer to the seven-arrow icon is said in front of the image of the Mother of God, who holds seven swords in her hands.

A little about the text of the prayer itself

There is only one version of the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts,” written in Russian. The structure of the text is small, and it is quite possible to learn it by heart. The prayer should be read slowly, without rushing. You should pronounce every word and think about it.

It will be good if, after the reading, a believer stands for a couple of minutes in front of the icon and thinks about what worries him and shares it with God. Every word in the text of the prayer is aimed at preserving peace around the believer, so that there is no struggle and discord in the family, so that everyone is healthy and happy.

What exactly does the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” help with?

The face depicted on the icon is the Virgin Mary. There is no one next to her, as we are used to seeing. The image shows that the Mother of God is pierced by seven swords and arrows. This number is not accidental, because previously seven denoted the “completeness” of everything that exists in the world.

The prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” to the seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God is considered one of the most powerful. The face of the Virgin Mary symbolizes all the grief that she experienced during her life. Swords and arrows are weapons that pierced her soul and still hurt. But there is another explanation for the image of the Virgin Mary: the number seven denotes all the mortal sins of man, which cannot be hidden from the Mother of God, because she can easily find out about any of them.

Also, prayer to the seven-arrow icon is a salvation from loneliness, when your soul is very bad, lonely and you really want to talk to someone, ask for advice. Anyone who wants to turn to God with the thought that they need help and a hint on what to do next can turn to the seven-arrow icon at home with the prayer that is intended for it. After some time, the person does right choice or the step that he had talked about the day before with the Mother of God, standing in front of her face.

Text of the prayer “Softening Hearts”

Troparion, tone 5:

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.



Miracle after reading the prayer

Believers know exactly what this icon of the Mother of God looks like. You can purchase the Holy Image at church shop and hang the image of the Virgin Mary at home. Also, there are many incredible examples of healing that defy explanation. Only the Lord God knows how it really happened.

  1. In the Vologda province, one peasant was healed who was limping very badly. Everyone thought that a little more and the man would stop walking altogether. The men turned to healers and healers, but all to no avail. My legs hurt even more than before. Once a peasant heard in a dream the voice of the Lord, who told him to come to the bell tower of the Ionian Theological Church. The voice said that this is where the man’s salvation lies. The next day, the peasant was there and found an inverted icon of the Mother of God near the church. Bringing the face of the Mother of God to sacred place, a prayer service was recited before the man, and before everyone’s eyes a real miracle happened: the lame peasant stopped stumbling and began to walk normally. After this incident, the man, before hanging the found image on the wall, made sure to read a prayer to the seven-arrow icon.
  2. In 1830 there was a religious procession around the city of Vologda. They held an icon of the Mother of God in their hands. With the help of her miraculous and healing powers, a very terrible cholera epidemic was stopped. From that day on, people believed even more that the prayer to the seven-arrow icon and the very face of the Mother of God is a miracle, hope and faith for everyone. Then the meaning of the seven-arrow icon and the whole deep meaning of the prayer to it were revealed to people.

What prayer should you read when you hang a seven-arrow icon on the wall in your house?

Before hanging the seven-arrow icon and starting to read the prayer, you need to thoroughly wash and clean the place or room where the icon will be located. Holy Mother of God. Then, you should turn to the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” before the icon ends up on the wall.

This is not just an icon, but a real amulet for any apartment. After the reading, the house will no longer be visited by evil people with bad intentions and those who are often jealous of your happiness. It is recommended to hang the seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God opposite the main front door, reading a prayer and thinking only about good intentions. The Virgin Mary will see everyone who enters the apartment. This is extremely important if you really want to protect yourself and secure your home.

Why are non-believers often disappointed in the miracle of healing?

Many people tend to think that prayer is a pill that can cure any human condition. After reading the text once, you should not hope that all troubles and adversities will be resolved at that very moment, and that the sick will be healed of deadly diseases. It will not happen.

It’s all about sincere faith in God and the dialogue the believer has with the Mother of God after reading the prayer “Tenderness of Evil Hearts.” You need to pray every day, attend church more often and talk to God, even while walking down the street. Until a person believes in God, until he allows the Almighty into his heart, there will be no result. And if there is a conversation with God, it is also important to know all the commandments and in no case sin. Thus, a prayer to the seven-arrowed Mother of God will be miraculous only if the believer stops constantly thinking about the bad and evil, opens his heart and lets faith into it, and repents of all previously committed sins.

What to talk to Our Lady about?

A believer, knowing the text of the prayer by heart, knows exactly in what cases it needs to be read. What is the text of the prayer about and how to talk to God?

  • about protecting the heart from anger;
  • about the health of all relatives and friends;
  • about curing envy and hatred;
  • about asking for good luck in business and new endeavors;
  • about cleansing your own soul.

A conversation with her should be in a quiet environment, when a person has nowhere to rush and has something to talk about with the Mother of God. Prayer should always be read from a pure heart, you should not think about something bad and unpleasant. You can ask both for yourself and for other people - for example, for your family, for your children, for your loved one. “Softening evil hearts” is already the beginning of a conversation with the Mother of God, and as soon as the believer finishes saying a prayer with the words “Amen”, you can tell what worries, haunts and constantly sits in your head. The Lord God always hears those who ask for help from a pure heart without evil thoughts, and guides each and everyone on the true path.

Today even doctors confirm that Orthodox faith- this is incredible support and support, especially for those who are seriously ill. After all, how many cases exist when a person was between life and death, and only faith in the Lord God saves and gives hope. Doctors say that prayer always contributes to a speedy recovery and uplifting of spirit: people believe that they will soon get better. Having been healed, they begin to sincerely believe in God, believing that this is not the merit of doctors and expensive drugs, but the will of the Almighty. The prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” is very powerful, so every believer is recommended to read it as often as possible. Cherish in your heart the love of God and hope for the best.

Listen to the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts”

Prayer to the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Troparion, tone 5:
Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.

To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, Let us call You: Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” helps people protect them, stop any evil that threatens a person and family. They also pray for their enemies in front of this image.

Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

Prayer to the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” - text

O much-sorrowful Mother of God, softener of evil hearts and superior to all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O who will not please Thee, O Blessed Virgin, who will not sing of Thy mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us perishing in evil, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace against those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You extend Your love to us, if the world persecutes us - You accept us, give us the blessed strength of patience - to endure the trials that happen in this world without grumbling.

Oh, Lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but pray, O Blessed One, Thy Son and our God, may he pacify their hearts with peace, but let the devil - the father of evil - be put to shame! We, singing Thy mercy towards us, the evil, the indecent, will sing to Thee, O Most Wonderful Lady of the Blessed Virgin, hear us at this hour, those who have contrite hearts, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Troparion, tone 5:

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.


To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, let's call you T:

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

In the Christian host of Saints and Great Martyrs, the Mother of God occupies a special position. Gracious and Merciful, the Virgin Mary listens to the suffering, not ignoring their suffering and prayers. There are many miraculous icons of the Mother of God, to which prayers of the same name are offered. One of the most powerful of these icons is the “Softening of Evil Hearts,” or “Seven Arrows.”

But how does the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” help? What should we ask the Mother of God for? What are the rules for reading a prayer? You can find answers to these and other questions about the miraculous icon and the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” in our article.

How does the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” help?

The image of the Virgin Mary in world Christianity has always been identified with Universal Mercy, Motherly Love and Purity. In the presence of the Mother of God it is impossible to be angry, hostile and commit anti-human crimes.

As for the icon “Softening Evil Hearts,” prayer to this image helps in the following cases:

  • Enmity and civil strife on national grounds;
  • Troubles at work;
  • Serious quarrels with relatives and loved ones;
  • Mental and physical illnesses;
  • Bullying a child at school;
  • Unreasonable outbursts of anger and hysteria;
  • In case of discord between legal spouses or lack of mutual understanding with children;
  • The appearance of a strong and irreconcilable enemy in the immediate environment.

The Mother of God with a pierced heart pacifies the anger growing in human souls. She awakens mercy and conscience in enemies, and helps quarreling friends and enemies make peace in the near future. Being the embodiment of Mercy, the Virgin Mary contributes to the revival of compassion even in the most callous or immature human minds, and the power of the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” is immeasurably great.

What should you ask for?

The Merciful Mother of God heeds any requests if they are presented with due respect and reverence before Her Holiness and the Greatness of the One God, the Fruit of Her Womb.

However, in the process of praying “Softening Evil Hearts” it is recommended to ask:

  • About protecting yourself and your loved ones from enemies and envious people;
  • About awakening good feelings and repentance in the hearts of those who wish you harm;
  • About help in raising children and finding common language with offspring;
  • About love and peace;
  • For the forgiveness of all past sins and help in abstaining from future sins;
  • On the relief of suffering in case of physical illness;
  • On enlightenment of the mind in case of mental illness;
  • About solving corporate and personal problems with superiors and staff at work;
  • About protection from the negative influence of dark magicians and psychics;
  • About a child’s successful education without the oppression of teachers and classmates.

But the main thing you should ask the Mother of God for in the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” is that She pray to the Lord God for you. Only the Virgin Mary is able to appease God in His Wrath, especially if your past sins are strong.

Prayer Rules

When reading the prayer of the Seven-Shot Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” you should follow a certain set of rules:

  • The prayer text should be read in a quiet voice or whisper, but in a confident tone;
  • Before and after reading, make the sign of the cross three times and bow to the floor. You can read the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” while kneeling;
  • Read the canonical text of the prayer. Some errors and allegories are allowed. Then you can formulate a personal request to the Mother of God;
  • It is recommended to read the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” in the evening;
  • During prayer, your thoughts must be pure. Wish goodness, health, love and prosperity even to your worst enemies. Thus, you will deserve special mercy from the Compassionate and Merciful Virgin Mary;
  • You need to pray with an open heart, a sense of reverence for the Saints and endless reverence for Them. It is important to remember that without sincere faith, a prayer service, no matter how strong it is, will not work.

Important! IN Lately so-called “audio prayers” are becoming popular. In fact, the person praying does not read the prayer text, but listens to it on the recording. In the case of the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts,” you should not do this, since in this case there will be no direct appeal to the Mother of God.

What prayer should you read when hanging the Seven Shot Icon in your home?

Before installing the Seven-Arrow Icon in the house, you need to read the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts.” First, in the room where the icon of the Mother of God will stand, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning - and so thoroughly that not a single speck of dust remains. The prayer of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows is read until the icon appears on the wall. You can pray during the process of installing the icon.

“Semistrelnaya” should be located opposite the front door. Thus, everyone who crosses the threshold of the house will be available to the Eye of the Mother of God. She will be able to protect the house from uninvited guests with malicious intent. Envious people, enemies and ill-wishers cannot enter the room where the Mother of God of Seven Shores is located. On the threshold of the house, such people will begin to feel nauseous, and at the sight of the icon they will feel an irresistible excitement and a desire to leave.

Text "Softening Evil Hearts"

The reading of the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” is divided into 3 stages:

  • Troparion:

“Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.”

  • Kontakion:

“To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy , let us call You: Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.”

  • Prayer:

“O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have brought to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

After reading these canonical texts, you can turn to the Blessed Virgin with requests of a personal nature.

Historical information and secrets about the icon

The “Seven Arrow” Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also called "Simeon's prophecy." The roots of this name are connected with the prophecy of Saint Simeon, who, holding the Baby Jesus in his arms, predicted His painful death on the cross, and that the Soul of the Blessed Virgin would be pierced by 7 swords, as She would see the suffering of her Son. Therefore, on the “Seven Shot” the Virgin Mary is depicted with seven blades aimed at her chest.

The very image of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” has its origins in the iconography of Southwestern Rus'. At the same time, there is a North Russian version of “Seven Shots” - unlike “Softening Evil Hearts,” the “Seven Shots” never depicts the Eternal Infant.

There is a lot of evidence associated with "Semistrelnaya" miracles. In particular, at the beginning of the 19th century, when the Blessed Icon was in the Church of St. John the Theologian near the Toshni River, one peasant from the Kandikovsky district was seriously ill. The man was limping, his legs hurt, and no one and nothing could help him. But one day the peasant had a dream in which a gentle female voice told him that if he climbed the bell tower of the church, found the image of the Virgin Mary among the old icons and prayed to it, he would certainly be healed. For a long time the monks did not let the man into the bell tower, and when they let him in, the peasant discovered that the image of the “Seven Shot” had been mistakenly built into the staircase. The monks were horrified by this involuntary blasphemy - all this time they were walking on the face of the Mother of God. Together with the peasant, they prayed for the Grace of the Virgin Mary, and were forgiven, while the devout peasant was completely healed of his lameness.

Another miracle of “Semistrelnaya” associated with the cholera epidemic in the Vologda province in 1930. The terrible disease subsided only when the famous icon was carried in a religious procession, offering the prayer “Softening Evil Hearts.”

Third miracle happened during the Great Patriotic War in the south of the Voronezh region. The icon “Softening Evil Hearts”, found by the lieutenant of the Italian mountain units Giuseppe Perego, pacified the hostile ardor of the Nazi soldiers, and until the end military operation they did not harm any of the civilian population of the region. This miraculous icon, now known as the “Don Madonna,” is still kept in Italy and serves as a prayer for Italian soldiers who died in the war.

Among Orthodox believers, a tradition has taken root to call the Mother of God by the name of icons - for example, the Seven-Shot Mother of God. A separate prayer is actually written for each image - taking into account its historical characteristics. But at the same time, the Mother of God remains alone.

Prayer to the Mother of the Seven Shots

The Mother of God deserved such widespread veneration during her lifetime. The first Christians loved her very much, recognizing the unique spiritual height with which she was distinguished from childhood. “Seven Shots” very well reflects the difficult fate that awaited Mary during the divine plan to save people.

The image belongs to a rare type in which the Virgin Mary is depicted alone, without the Child or saints. In this way, her feelings are emphasized and brought to the fore. When the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the young Virgin and announced that she would be the one who would give birth to the Savior, it was unexpected. Mary read about this girl in the Holy Scriptures and dreamed of only being her servant. But it turned out that the honor goes to her.

She agreed to everything the Lord wanted. And this is not only an honorable duty that made her known to the whole world, but an enormous burden of torment:

  • watching the Son die on the cross;
  • to take down His body from the cross and bury it;
  • to remain on earth for many years without Him.

Therefore, they pray to the Seven-Arrow Mother of God, who softens the most evil hearts, when support is needed in trials. The image helps to reconcile those who are in a quarrel and calms the bitterness in their souls. You can improve family relationships: reconcile differences between husband and wife, children and the older generation. After all, the Immaculate Virgin is also part of the heavenly family, of which all Christians are members.


The icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” shows the moment when suffering, like sharp swords, pierces the heart of the Blessed Virgin. This moment is well described in the Gospel: the wise prophet takes the little Christ into his arms. Thanks to God's illumination, the pious elder Simeon was able to understand who was in front of him. Then he predicted to the Virgin Mary that she was destined to suffer a lot. Her consolation was prayer, the belief that God is good.

Was it easy for a young girl to travel on foot for many hundreds of kilometers? She was pursued by the soldiers of King Herod, the family was destined to go to an unfamiliar country to save their Son. And this is just the beginning of the tests. How did the Virgin Mary feel when Christ left her to go to a sermon? After all, She knew how it had to end. Not a word of protest or irritation escaped her lips. Neither despondency nor condemnation were characteristic of the one whom the Lord chose.

Suffering is depicted in the form of swords that pierce the tender body from different sides. There are two types of execution, on both the number of weapons is seven. Their position differs slightly, but the image itself today is considered identical, only it can also be called “Simeon’s prophecy.”

  • The head of the Blessed Virgin is tilted to the right.
  • She holds her hands in front of her at the levels of her heart, either with her palms folded or pointing to her wounds, sometimes her hands are crossed as a sign of submission to the will of God.
  • The Mother of God is wearing a red omophorion, completely hiding the figure, except for the hands. It is red in color which signifies suffering.

The image “Seven Arrows” shows the Mother of God during her suffering. But you should pay attention that at this moment her face is filled with wisdom and silence, although sadness is visible in her eyes. Prayer became her refuge, faith gave her strength.

Role Model

Much can be learned modern women from a simple Jewish girl Maria. Did she demand jewelry from her husband, constant attention from her son, and recognition of her uniqueness from those around her? But she is smart, educated, beautiful and worthy of all praise. But her destiny was prayer and work for the glory of God. And not because someone forced her - her heart called her to it. The Mother of God in the “Seven Arrow” icon also stands before God. Her head is slightly bowed, her hands are in a prayer gesture.

Her face is not distorted by a cry or despair, although her heart is pierced with seven arrows. True, they are traditionally depicted as double-edged blades. Apparently, the icon painter wanted to emphasize the special severity of the suffering that the Most Pure One endured. Indeed, for her fragile heart, any sin seems an unbearable burden.

The Mother of God, as she is depicted on the “Seven Arrows” icon, still gives her prayer to people today. She is also hurt by our sins. Even though Christ is already in heaven, sitting next to the Father, her soul aches for all Christians. The offended, the abandoned, the destitute - everyone will find shelter and protection from evil hearts.

What to pray for

What can console you in a difficult situation, when it seems that there is no way out, strength is running out, and there is no bright spot in sight? The prayer of the Seven Shot Mother of God will make us remember that there is another world invisible to us. There are completely different laws and suffering helps to find imperishable treasures. It’s not in vain that they are sent by God - through pain we cultivate patience, courage, and learn to pray. Even if they were sent to the Most Pure Virgin, then what can we say about other people who are spiritually much less perfect.

The “Seven Shot” Mother of God is also venerated in catholic church. Only there the image has a different name, although the composition is the same. Through prayers, many miracles happened around him over the centuries. Before her death, the Mother of God promised not to leave the earthly world in her care, which she constantly proves with miraculous help. Many sick and disadvantaged people find protection in her. Such is the power of national love. But you should not forget the Lord in your prayers, because it was to Him that Saint Mary dedicated her entire life from the very cradle.

Text of the prayer to the Seven Shot Icon

Troparion, tone 5:

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.


To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, Let us call You: Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.


O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Listen to the prayer to the Seven Shot icon

Prayer of the Seven Shot Mother of God - read and listen was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

The prayer addressed to the Seven-Arrow Mother of God, “Softening Evil Hearts” (other names: “Seven-Arrow”, “Simeon’s Prophecy”) is aimed at pacifying and calming warring people. In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Simeon’s Prophecy” they pray for their enemies, asking them to soften their hearts. The icon of the Seven Shore Mother of God also helps to alleviate mental anguish, overcome hostility in relationships, and instills mercy in people's hearts.

You need to pray to the Most Pure Mother of God in front of her icon “Seven Arrows” (“Softening Evil Hearts”) using the following texts:

Description of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts” (“Seven Arrows”)

The face of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” is very similar to the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, therefore both of them are united by the name “Seven Arrow”. The difference between them lies in the arrangement of the arrows:

  • in the “Seven Shot” the arrows that pierced the heart of the Mother of God are located on two sides: three on one side, four on the other;
  • in the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” the arrangement of arrows is as follows: three on the left, three on the right side, one on the bottom.

On the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” the Most Pure Mother of God is depicted alone, with her heart pierced by seven swords (arrows). Sometimes there is also a variation where the Most Pure Virgin is painted with the Child Christ on her lap. Seven swords (arrows) are a symbol of the prophecy given by Saint Simeon the God-Receiver in the Jerusalem Temple during the Presentation. He predicted that the Mother of God would face many trials, sorrow and grief at the sight of how her Son would suffer. The swords were not chosen by chance: they mean bloodshed.

The number 7 itself is endowed with a symbolic meaning. In the Holy Scriptures, 7 is a sign of completeness, an excess of something. In the case of the icon, this is the fullness of grief and heartache that befell the Blessed Virgin Mary during her earthly life, the fullness of her sorrow. The Mother of God suffers not so much because of the torment of Jesus Christ, but because of the seven deadly human sins that pierce her soul. Thus, swords (arrows) also act as a symbol of sinful passions.

The origin of the icon of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God (“Softening Evil Hearts”)

The icon of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God is extremely revered among believers. The Vologda region is considered the birthplace of the icon. Initially, she stayed in the St. John the Theological Church, which was located on the banks of the Toshni River. This river flows not far from Vologda. One curious legend has been preserved about its origin.

A legend tells about one peasant from Kadnikovsky district, who for many years suffered from an incurable lameness. One day he had a dream in which the Divine voice told him that his illness would be healed if he found an icon of the Most Holy Mother of God in the bell tower of the Theological Church, prayed to it with faith, and asked for healing.

The peasant came to the temple, told about his dream, asked to be let inside the bell tower, but the clergy refused to fulfill his request, and so on 2 times. The man came a third time, and his persistence and perseverance took their toll. The peasant was allowed to climb the bell tower, and he immediately found the image of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God.

The icon served as a stair step, and the bell ringers simply walked along it, not suspecting anything. Horrified by the accidental blasphemy, the clergy thoroughly cleaned and washed the image, brought it into proper shape, and then served a prayer service, during which the peasant prayed earnestly. Immediately after this, a miracle happened: his illness subsided, he was completely healed. So Orthodox Church found another icon - the image of the “Seven Arrow” Most Pure Virgin Mary.

The image of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God received particular fame in 1830, when a cholera epidemic was raging in Vologda. Residents of the city held a religious procession around the city walls, led by the icon. After this, the disease subsided, and soon the epidemic stopped completely.

The miraculous icon disappeared from the Church of St. John the Theologian after the fateful year of 1917. Since 1930, no services have been held here. The parish resumed its activities in 2001, but the icon of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God has still not returned to its homeland.

In what cases should one turn to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts”?

Reading strong prayer in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”, you can achieve improved relationships between family members, between relatives and loved ones, between husband and wife, between children and their parents.

The “Seven-Arrow” Mother of God is able to protect from outbursts of anger, anger and irritation (both our own and other people), from other people’s intolerance. An icon helps with any enmity between family members or society. The Mother of God is also approached with prayer during military operations: she is asked for protection from enemy attack.

In detail: the prayer of the Virgin Mary with seven arrows - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the site for our dear readers.

There are a great many images of the Holy Virgin depicted on icons and copies of them; one of the most revered and famous is the “Softening of Evil Hearts” icon, also called the “Seven Shot”. Today it is revered as miraculous, and the prayer to soften evil hearts is used by believers as a petition for recovery from serious illnesses, elimination of anger and intolerance, cure for serious infections, and the granting of peace and tranquility.

Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

In the first case, the Virgin is pierced by swords located three on the right and left, and the seventh at the bottom.

In the second, the Virgin Mary is pierced by arrows, three on one side and four on the other. Swords and arrows are a prototype of the deep sadness that the Great Benefactor carried in her soul all her life.

Finding an ancient icon

The following has long been known about the first glorification of the “Seven Shot” image. A peasant from one of the districts of the Vologda province suffered for a long time from pain in his legs and limped badly, it was very difficult for him to walk and the man’s body was very relaxed. He was treated for a long time by many healers and healers, but nothing helped him. But only the Mother of God was able to restore his lost health.

Icon "Seven Shots"

One day, while he was sleeping, a commanding voice was heard, telling him to climb the church bell tower, find there the ancient icon of the Mother of God and pray earnestly before it. Only then will he be granted the desired healing from a serious illness. The peasant came to the temple twice, talked about the “night order” and tried to fulfill the decree given to him in a dream vision, but the church servants did not believe him and did not let him into the bell tower. The third time, seeing the persistence of the sick lame man, the servants went to meet him: the disabled man climbed the belfry and immediately found the icon. It lay in the dust by the stairs and the bell ringers, not noticing the shrine under their feet, walked straight on it, as if on an ordinary board. The icon was immediately cleaned of dust, washed of dirt, and a prayer service was served. The peasant, who prayed earnestly during the service, soon received the cherished healing.

Prayer Rules

The prayer to soften evil hearts is one of the most powerful prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. In order for this to happen as quickly as possible, it is necessary:

“Softening Evil Hearts” (“Simeon’s Prophecy”)

  • come to an Orthodox monastery;
  • place a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ;
  • apply your lips and forehead to the Holy Crucifix;
  • go to the “Softening Evil Hearts” or “Seven Arrow” icon, light a candle and read a prayer (you can pray in your own words).

Useful articles:

  • How to pray correctly
  • What is a prayer rule

You can pray at home in front of the icon. To do this, you need to purchase a candle in the church, light it during prayer and ask the Queen of Heaven for help in business and intercession before the Lord for the bestowal of Divine Grace.

Prayer before the icon

“Softening Evil Hearts” icon of the Mother of God. Gallery of icons of Shchigra.

According to a long-established tradition, before the face of the Holy Virgin, they pray for their enemies, to soften hostility between people and to bestow a sense of mercy.

Troparion, tone 5:

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.

To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, let's call you T:

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Prayer 1

O much-sorrowful Mother of God, softener of evil hearts and superior to all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O who will not please Thee, O Blessed Virgin, who will not sing of Thy mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us perishing in evil, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace against those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You extend Your love to us, if the world persecutes us - You accept us, give us the blessed strength of patience - to endure the trials that happen in this world without grumbling. Oh, Lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but pray, O Blessed One, Thy Son and our God, may he pacify their hearts with peace, but let the devil - the father of evil - be put to shame! We, singing Thy mercy towards us, the evil, the indecent, will sing to Thee, O Most Wonderful Lady of the Blessed Virgin, hear us at this hour, those who have contrite hearts, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Important! Your desire will be fulfilled only if it does not contradict the Commandments of the Lord and if it is the Will of God!

The myrrh-streaming miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is kept on the Maiden Field in Moscow, in the Church of the Archangel Michael. The celebration of the icon, also called “Simeon’s Prophecy,” takes place annually on August 26 and on the Sunday of All Saints.

Akathist to the Mother of God in front of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts.”

If you have come to this page of the site, it means that you have already heard about the existence of a very powerful prayer to the Seven Arrow Icon of the Mother of God. This prayer is a real talisman against troubles. Seven arrows mean seven dangers that await us every hour on the road of fate. The prayer to the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God is considered a real amulet and powerful protection from demonic misfortunes. You need to pray in silence with lit candles and peace of mind. The Mother of God of Seven Arrows helps the person praying to maintain his faith in the soul and health in the body.

Orthodox prayer to the icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows

Oh, Lady Mother of God of Seven Arrows. May the arrow of sadness, sorrow, languor, persecution, illness, anger and temptation not pierce me. Protect me from sinful thoughts and unrighteous deeds. Intercede before me in God's Kingdom and drive away bad people. Let it be so now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. This prayer text, addressed to the Seven-Shot Mother of God, should be read when getting ready to travel or sensing an invisible danger on a difficult path. Another strong prayer addressed to the icon of the Seven Shot Mother of God. It helps to get rid of the evil eye and spoiled deeds. Oh, Lady of God, Mother of Seven Arrows. Like seven flying arrows, so there will be no thoughts of the mourners, damage and the evil eye will not stick, and the evil villain will not cause damage. On the road or in the field, at night or during the day, do not weaken your protective powers and save me from demonic attacks. Let it be so now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. The icon of the Mother of God shows her grief after the death of her son Jesus Christ, the arrows that pierced her symbolize the sins of mankind, because of which Christ was crucified. This suggests that she sees all the sins in the soul of every person, when, after realizing them and confessing, people turn to prayer to soften the hearts of their enemies, the Heavenly Intercessor always hears and helps believers. The image of the Mother of God, depicted on the icon with seven swords, is very popular among believers. Even in ancient times, a large number of legends were known about the healing power of this image. Therefore, it is not surprising that the seven-arrow prayer of the Mother of God is used quite often to help in difficult situations. The first healing occurred with one peasant, who in a dream was told by a voice to find this relic and pray in front of it. Later, the icon saved an entire city from death, and this was in 1830 in Vologda. At that time they had a cholera epidemic, nothing helped until they turned to the saint. This icon has the following image - the Mother of God, painted on canvas, pierced by 7 arrows or swords. Appeals to her are read on many occasions; the Seven-Shot Prayer has always helped those who ask. This image is a good amulet for a house or a person from all the evil that surrounds it. To protect your home from bad guests, place the icon opposite the front door so that it can see the eyes of those entering. Before hanging the icon, be sure to read the prayer. It has been proven that people with bad intentions will stop visiting this place. The ancient Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God reminds a person of the need to be vigilant towards his sinful nature, teaches patience and love for enemies. It is considered very useful to turn to an icon in difficult times, when thoughts about revenge appear in the soul. Now you know that there is a strong prayer to the icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows.
Read it with unshakable faith in your soul and the hope that nothing bad will happen to you.

More prayers:

The prayer addressed to the Seven Shot Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” (other names - “Seven Shot”, “Simeon’s Prophecy”) is aimed at pacifying and calming warring people. In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Simeon’s Prophecy” they pray for their enemies, asking them to soften their hearts. The icon of the Seven Shore Mother of God also helps to alleviate mental anguish, overcome hostility in relationships, and instills mercy in people's hearts.

Text of the prayer of the Seven Shot Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

You need to pray to the Most Pure Mother of God in front of her icon “Seven Arrows” (“Softening Evil Hearts”) using the following texts:

Description of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts” (“Seven Arrows”)

The face of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” is very similar to the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, therefore both of them are united by the name “Seven Arrow”. The difference between them lies in the arrangement of the arrows:

  • the “Seven Shot” arrows that pierced the heart of the Mother of God are located on two sides: three on one side, four on the other;
  • in the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” the arrangement of arrows is as follows: three on the left, three on the right side, one on the bottom.

On the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” the Most Pure Mother of God is depicted alone, with her heart pierced by seven swords (arrows). Sometimes there is also a variation where the Most Pure Virgin Mary is painted with the Child Christ on her lap. Seven swords (arrows) are a symbol of the prophecy given by Saint Simeon the God-Receiver in the Jerusalem Temple during the Presentation. He predicted that the Mother of God would face many trials, sorrow and grief at the sight of how her Son would suffer. The swords were not chosen by chance: they mean bloodshed.

The number 7 itself is endowed with a symbolic meaning. In the Holy Scriptures, 7 is a sign of completeness, an excess of something. In the case of the icon, this is the fullness of grief and heartache that befell the Blessed Virgin Mary during her earthly life, the fullness of her sorrow. The Mother of God suffers not so much because of the torment of Jesus Christ, but because of the seven mortal human sins that pierce her soul. Thus, swords (arrows) also act as a symbol of sinful passions.

The origin of the icon of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God (“Softening Evil Hearts”)

The icon of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God is extremely revered among believers. The Vologda region is considered the birthplace of the icon. Initially, she stayed in the St. John the Theological Church, which was located on the banks of the Toshni River. This river flows not far from Vologda. One curious legend has been preserved about its origin.

A legend tells about one peasant from Kadnikovsky district, who for many years suffered from an incurable lameness. One day he had a dream in which the Divine voice told him that his illness would be healed if he found an icon of the Most Holy Mother of God in the bell tower of the Theological Church, prayed to it with faith, and asked for healing.

The peasant came to the temple, told about his dream, asked to be let inside the bell tower, but the clergy refused to fulfill his request, and so on 2 times. The man came a third time, and his persistence and perseverance took their toll. The peasant was allowed to climb the bell tower, and he immediately found the image of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God.

The icon served as a stair step, and the bell ringers simply walked along it, not suspecting anything. Horrified by the accidental blasphemy, the clergy thoroughly cleaned and washed the image, brought it into proper shape, and then served a prayer service, during which the peasant prayed earnestly. Immediately after this, a miracle happened: his illness subsided, he was completely healed. Thus, the Orthodox Church acquired another icon - the image of the “Seven Arrow” Most Pure Virgin Mary.

The image of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God received particular fame in 1830, when a cholera epidemic was raging in Vologda. Residents of the city held a religious procession around the city walls, led by the icon. After this, the disease subsided, and soon the epidemic stopped completely.

The miraculous icon disappeared from the Church of St. John the Theologian after the fateful year of 1917. Since 1930, no services have been held here. The parish resumed its activities in 2001, but the icon of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God has still not returned to its homeland.

In what cases should one turn to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts”?

By reading a strong prayer in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” you can achieve improved relationships between family members, between relatives and loved ones, between husband and wife, between children and their parents.

The “Seven-Arrow” Mother of God is able to protect from outbursts of anger, anger and irritation (both our own and other people), from other people’s intolerance. An icon helps with any enmity between family members or society. The Mother of God is also approached with prayer during military operations: she is asked for protection from enemy attack.