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You need to wear tights for a special event. Should I wear tights in summer? What tights to wear in everyday life

Tights for legs are like makeup for the face: they can give you the perfect look, but they can also ruin the whole look if you make the wrong choice. When deciding what to wear with tights and stockings, and which model to choose, take the time to find what suits you. Today women have more freedom in choosing the type of tights for the office.

Color of stockings and tights for business style

Many business women have problems choosing the color of tights in a business style. The fashion for stockings and tights changes frequently. Is it worth pursuing it, sacrificing your taste? White tights may look stunning on the runway, but they are completely out of place in the office.

Nude office tights - best option, especially for conservative businesses.

It is best to choose a shade that is slightly darker than your skin color. When purchasing sheer tights, check the color on the inside of your wrist rather than the back of your arm, as the arm is usually darker than the leg. When dressing in light colors in summer, choose tights as close to your natural skin tone as possible. Don't buy tan-colored tights - they don't look good on your legs and can be very different in shade from the rest of the tan on your body.

What to wear with black, dark gray or blue tights? Such models also occupy an important position in the business wardrobe. They always look good with dark skirts and make your legs look slimmer. Remember just one thing: these tights must fit perfectly so that the color is evenly distributed throughout the entire leg and dark stripes do not form under the knee.

Matte black or dark tights are acceptable with shorter skirts and look great in winter. These tights really decorate the leg, especially if their color is in harmony with the color of the skirt and shoes. Opaque tights are suitable for casual wear and shoes. Always choose matte rather than shiny tights.

Stockings with sandals and open shoes

According to ladies' etiquette, it is not recommended to wear thick stockings with sandals or open shoes. It doesn't look nice.

With trousers, wear socks, knee socks or opaque tights that match the color of the trousers. If you have been wearing trousers with knee socks all day, and in the evening you are going to go out somewhere in a fashionable dress, then do not forget to take off your knee socks in advance so that the marks from the elastic band have time to disappear (the mark lasts for about three hours); Remember, as you age, these marks remain for a longer time than in your youth.

In a conservative business, tights are mandatory in the office, no matter how hot it is outside: bare legs are intimate, permissible only outside of work. After all, how often do you come across men in the office who walk around without socks? Many companies now produce tights that make the leg feel good in hot weather. But if it’s incredibly stuffy outside and walking in tights is unbearable, then there is another option: wear a pantsuit without socks. Of course, you must have a perfect pedicure.

In a non-conservative business, you can go without tights in the summer, as long as your legs are well-groomed. Don't forget about pedicure, hair removal and moisturize your skin well. You can also use tinting sprays that even out skin color, creating the optical effect of tights.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! With the onset of autumn, you want to use summer clothes for as long as possible. I also hope that this article will be relevant in spring, and even in winter, if you have a question about how to complement your look in a warm room. Therefore, I decided to talk about whether it is possible to wear sandals with tights, and how to look stylish at the same time. Many people are confused by this combination: we think it is inappropriate and there are still strong stereotypes that this combination is a sign of bad taste. But it is not so. Today I will dispel myths and change your opinion about pairing sandals with tights. I will share with you the secrets of successful combinations and try to protect you from the mistakes that many girls make who dare to wear sandals with tights. Are you eager to find out about everything as soon as possible? Read my article further!


Is it even possible wear sandals with tights? Of course you can, but subject to certain conditions. When we talk about such a combination, the first thought that arises in our heads is “Oh no, never! Sandals cannot be worn with tights; anyone who does this has absolutely no sense of style!” However, in Lately designers and fashion bloggers, celebrities, street trendsetters and fashion experts reassure us by offering interesting ideas. Even on TV (!), fashion expert and TV presenter Evelina Khromchenko gives valuable advice on wearing sandals with tights in the cold season. She recommends that fashionistas opt for dark tights, such as black ones, as they go best with black sandals. Thus, your legs will visually become longer and slimmer. In addition, black resonates perfectly with other shades. Evelina Khromchenko believes that it is best when the tights do not clash with the top of the set and seem to “merge” with the bottom. If they even say on TV that you can wear tights with open shoes, then now you definitely can 😜 Just let's do it correctly! Let's start with the mistakes they make girls in images with tights and sandals.


There are some taboos when wearing tights under sandals.

And here’s a great example of how not to wear sandals with tights for you to quickly and easily learn the basic rules. All points from 1 to 5!


So, let's take a closer look at which tights and which sandals can be combined with each other?

What kind of open shoes are acceptable in combination with tights?

  • Open toe shoes. Especially if there is also a strap. These are very “urban” shoes, so any type of tights will look stylish with them, but you need to be extremely careful with wool ones.

As for the types of shoes themselves, a lot depends on the style of the image and your wishes. You will look more feminine and graceful on high heel, wide heels or a glass. For bold looks, this season's trendy platform with wide straps in the style of the 90s is suitable. Shoes with thick heels and a toe platform look impressive, which, in turn, will add comfort to you when walking. Materials include suede, velvet, leather.

There is an opinion that colored tights make you look fat. In fact, they will make you look fat with the wrong color choice of shoes and clothes. If you decide on an orange or acid yellow color, white or milky color, print, texture or shine, then get ready to gain a little visual weight! And by focusing on gray, dark blue or burgundy with black shoes, you will get the opposite, “slimming” effect. When choosing the color of tights to match your sandals, pay attention to the other colors of your set. Let's say your choice fell on a red blouse, a green skirt and blue suede shoes. In such a situation, tone down the bottom and draw attention to the top by wearing tights to match the sandals. Indigo or cobalt goes well with ultramarine blue. Observe the saturation of colors and the warmth of shades, then you definitely won’t go wrong.
I would like to pay special attention to dark tights on light shoes. This option is possible if both colors are close on the color wheel, but slightly different in tone. For example, brown tights and ecru or beige shoes. Important point: make sure that the shades are equally warm or cold, since it is advisable not to mix cold and warm colors or combine them with caution.

And yes, be careful with white, pink, yellow flowers. Remember the rule of appropriateness: it is often better to look like an elegant woman than an aged schoolgirl.

For petite girls, it is important to remember the rule that shoes should not contrast with the color of their feet.

Well, this concludes my article and says goodbye to you until we meet again! Leave your reviews and don't forget to share with your friends on social networks! I love you all, bye!

With love, Maria Zelenkova

Girls, women, lovely young ladies! Do you know that even for tights there are special rules of etiquette, not only for table setting or business reception? If you didn’t know anything about them until now, it means they simply never made comments to you or whispered behind your back about your lack of taste. Are you starting to feel ignorant yet? Then we hasten to please you: today we will talk about the basic rules that every lady who is used to wearing tights should learn.

Rule No. 1: padded toe

You will probably exhale victoriously now and say: “We knew that you couldn’t wear tights with open shoes!” And, unfortunately, you will not be entirely right. There are many nuances to this issue. Here are just the main ones:

· Firstly, wearing tight tights (more than 20 denier) with sandals is categorically unacceptable. Does business etiquette require you to wear tights even on a hot summer day? Not scary. Choose thin models with a density of less than 20 denier, preferably even up to 15 denier. Moreover, try to choose flesh-colored products that will create a certain “haze” effect on your legs. Barely noticeable, thin tights without a pronounced toe - and even in sandals and a light dress you will remain spectacular.

· Secondly, it is prohibited to wear open-toed shoes and tights with a density higher than 40 denier and equipped with a padded toe together. Many will say that a thick toe is a brilliant invention of mankind, thanks to which a nylon product can be worn for longer than 1-2 days. This is true. However, in shoes with open toes, this addition looks extremely unesthetically pleasing. Just buy another pair of tights without a tight sock.

· Thirdly, when business etiquette requires a stylish and elegant outfit, and the toes of your shoes or ankle boots are open, but you want to look as natural as possible, choose tights without toes. Yes, such models exist, and they seriously make life easier for many young ladies, especially in the summer.

In all other cases, wearing thick tights with a strong toe is possible and even necessary, since a high-quality nylon accessory is complemented with such a detail precisely in order to make it more comfortable, as well as increase the service life of the product.

Rule No. 2: color scheme

IN in this case We can talk about rules endlessly. But you should not confuse the rules of etiquette with fashion trends, so we will list only the main points that a self-respecting lady should adhere to:

1. In no case should tights be different or stand out from the overall image, bringing the legs to the fore. This is especially true for business etiquette. Highlight anything, be it your eyes, lips, neck or even your décolleté. But if in your image only your legs in tights are visible in the foreground, it will look ridiculous. Try to choose a product that strictly matches the tone. For example, taking as a basis the shade of shoes or your own skin (in the case of flesh-colored tights).

2. There should also be no color discrepancies between the tights and the shoes. Remember that shoes, ankle boots, ballet flats and any other type of shoes should always be darker than tights. However, the “black shoes + black dress” ensemble requires only tights in the same color. Flesh-colored products will make an excellent combination with a lighter look. IN otherwise your silhouette runs the risk of being “clipped”, that is, visually separated by too different colors of shoes and feet.

3. Don't like boring colors? Tired of traditional beige and black nylon accessories? Manufacturers have long expanded the range of colors of their products. For example, in the online store "Tights-Mania" you can choose women's tights in the colors ambra (tan color), daino (light tan), chocolate (dark tan or chocolate), tobacco (dark brown), grey, éclair or ecru (delicate beige), visone (transparent beige), mouscate (brown with a mustard tint), glace (bronze).

Rule No. 3: pay attention to the texture

We have already said more than once that in business and office style, fancy tights that imitate stockings, lace mesh and similar textures are unacceptable. But at a party or any other event in a casual style, they will come in handy. But with a few caveats:

· Tights with imitation lace and a lace dress or an outfit with lurex, sequins and rhinestones are the height of bad taste. Remember: you need to highlight one thing. If you want to wear fancy tights, the rest of the outfit should be as discreet as possible.

· The little black dress, so beloved by young ladies, can be combined with fancy tights. But together with nylon accessories that imitate stockings, short dresses look vulgar. You can combine this outfit with tights with small polka dots, fine mesh items with a thin longitudinal seam, as well as laconic models with imitation tattoos.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that for office-style clothes it is better to choose tights with a matte silky structure. Leave the shine of lycra and lurex threads for an evening look or other social event.

Considering these rules, now you can create a look that will comply with the rules of etiquette, causing admiration among others.

Quite often we make mistakes that can be perceived by others as signs of poor taste or ignorance of the rules of good manners. Therefore, further we will talk about what tights should be worn and where, so that it is correctly perceived by others.

Correct color and density of tights

Flesh-colored tights are versatile; they can be worn and combined with clothes or shoes. This is an ideal option for work or office. Some companies even stipulate in the dress code mandatory presence tights, regardless of the time of year or weather. If it is very hot outside, you can choose ultra-thin tights 5-10 den. They are light and almost invisible on your feet. You should always take into account the natural color of your skin so that nude tights do not make your legs darker or lighter than your face, arms, etc.

Black, as everyone knows, adds slimness and can make legs look thinner, but it is important not to overdo it so that the legs do not look too bulky. The more delicate your shoes are, the thinner your tights should be and vice versa, we wear 40 den tights and more with “heavy” shoes.

Lace and openwork black tights are acceptable only if the overall look is quite calm and monotonous. Otherwise, they will look too provocative and vulgar.

We recommend wearing white tights only to those who have ideal legs – slender legs. By the way, they will be there if you want to add youth and freshness to your image. But this color is unacceptable in business style clothing.

Colored tights can add a bright accent to your look. When choosing these, you need to focus not on the style of clothing, but on the overall harmony of the entire image as a whole.

You always need to remember two rules:

  • tights must be lighter in tone than shoes;
  • Never wear tights when the shoes have an open toe or heel.
  1. Italy and Germany are generally recognized as the best manufacturers of tights. Give preference to tights made in these countries - you won’t go wrong.
  2. Pay attention to the seams. Poor quality tights have round seams that will show through the clothing. On more expensive tights, the seams are flat, and the waistband is at least 3-4 cm wide.
  3. When purchasing, check the tights for integrity.
  4. Notice the diamond-shaped insert in the middle that connects the two parts of the tights. If it exists, this indicates the quality of the product.
  5. Tights must be washed by hand. If you throw them at washing machine, then you must first place the tights in a special bag for washing delicate items, which will protect them from possible damage.

By following these simple rules, your legs will attract admiring and positive glances, and the overall image will be perfect.

The title of the topic immediately suggests that the question “Should I wear tights?” It's not even worth it. But really, in the territory where the majority of the Russian-speaking population lives, and this blog is aimed at them, with the onset of cold weather this question somehow disappears.

Many Western fashionistas stubbornly ignore tights (and designers too). I have always been in awe of British women in sandals on their bare feet, shaking on the street in line at a nightclub. Many American women do not have tights in their wardrobe at all. But our Eurasian realities are much harsher, and we still have to submit to them. Feet need to be kept warm, that's all.

If you stubbornly continue to hate this cute object of a woman’s wardrobe, then all kinds of trousers and jeans, high boots and maxi coats have been invented for you. But still...

But still, there are so many beautiful dresses and skirts in the world, and sometimes you so want femininity, and not only in the summer, that most women have tights where geographical conditions They involve covering most of the body during cold weather; they are simply necessary.

In addition, fashion designers have devoted Special attention tights this season: now on the catwalks tights are full of different colors and patterns. The latest collections can inspire even avid pantyhose opponents!

What tights NOT to wear

First of all, I would like to start with which tights are better NOT to WEAR. Because they are what a fairly large part of the Russian-speaking population wears. And they are terrible. And they can completely kill such a well-chosen outfit. And they are also capable of disfiguring even the most beautiful and slender woman.

Here they are, these monsters.

When you buy tights, make sure they are matte. Shiny tights not only look strange, but also disfigure and increase the volume of the leg, making it look like a sausage in a fancy wrapper. True true!

But we are not alone! Even Kate Middleton is guilty of this sometimes.

Read below in this article about what colors to choose for tights, but they definitely should not be the color of something greenish-gray-brown, which looks very lifeless. These tights are usually disguised as a tan. But in fact, this tan has a clearly unhealthy tint.

Tights should either be completely flesh-colored, not different from the color of your skin, or clearly not matching the color of a person’s skin, so that it is immediately clear that the woman is wearing tights, that is, this means colored options (black, gray, burgundy, etc. ). Although, if we are talking about nude tights, then the question arises, why wear them at all, it’s better without tights, with the color of your real skin. But I admit that such tights may be necessary for those who have a strict dress code in the office, allowing only nude or black colors. In this case, choose a truly corporal rather than a corporal-corpse option.

3. Desperate tan tights

The reason is the same as above. They look unnatural and not beautiful, believe me. Besides, it's terribly old-fashioned. You will never confuse such tights with a real tan, since your hands and face are very different from your legs in such brown tights. It seems that the upper half of one woman is placed at the feet of another, tanned....

4. Thin transparent colored tights

That is, with a small amount of money. Colored tights are good when they are thick. In this case, their color is rich and they can really serve as a wonderful addition to your outfit.
But transparent colored tights look really strange - the color as such is not visible, it is blurred, and at the same time the leg turns out to be an unknown shade. Looks unhealthy. In short, transparent colored tights are unlikely to flatter you.

What tights to wear in the office

I think it’s logical to start with those who are required to wear tights as part of their duty. In addition, not every tights.
In the office, the following colors are appropriate and safest (from the point of view of etiquette): transparent matte tights (to match the color of your skin - they are described above), when it seems that you are not wearing tights at all,

opaque dense matte black

and thick opaque gray and dark gray tights.

As for translucent thin black tights, from the point of view of etiquette, they are considered more elegant for the evening. During the day, thick colored tights (40 den and above) are appropriate.
See for yourself what is allowed in your office. If the dress code is not very strict, then such thin tights may well be present in your work wardrobe. They look very advantageous, as they narrow the leg due to the concentration of black along the contour of the leg, and a lighter middle.

If the dress code is not strict, you can also choose all sorts of dark colors of opaque matte tights: burgundy (photo below), dark blue, dark brown (not a semi-transparent tan, but a real, intentional, thick brown!!! ), grey, purple, plum, dark green, dark camel, etc.

What tights to wear in everyday life

Of course, you can wear all of the above tights for the office, especially the versatile black ones

And gray tights.

Thin black tights are also appropriate for a casual look if you pair them with more casual items.

You can let your imagination run wild and not limit yourself to anything (except common sense).

Colored thick matte opaque tights

In addition to the above dark neutral (one might say, basic) colors, for Everyday life Outside the office, you can choose brighter colors of tights.

It must be remembered that colored tights (except for black and other dark colors, of course) visually increase the volume of the leg. Therefore, when wearing bright pink or yellow tights, focus on some part of the body that you really like - emphasize your thin waist with a belt, for example, or use the neckline to highlight beautiful breasts, etc.

With colored tights you can create a monochrome set.

You can combine such tights either to match an item of clothing (with a skirt, for example), or an accessory (to match the color of a bag),

So play on the concept of color blocking, turning them into a bright addition to a set consisting of neutral or achromatic colors.

You can also create stunning color palettes by pairing colored tights with clothing in contrasting colors.

They will perfectly complement printed clothes. You can choose tights in one of the print colors, or in a contrasting color to make the look even more complex and interesting.

Printed tights (very trendy!)

Just like colored tights (see above), printed tights not only visually increase the volume of the leg, but also draw attention to this part of the body. These tights should be worn by those who are truly proud of their legs and would like to show them off in all their glory.
The safest way is to wear printed tights with a dress (or skirt) that is as simple as possible, allowing them to be the highlight of your outfit. If you're confident in your ability to combine different prints and colors into one look, then go ahead and try wearing these tights with a printed skirt or dress. If you do it right and combine these prints and colors into one idea, the effect will be amazing. .

Also, if you have thin legs and would like to visually make them more rounded, printed tights will help you with this.

Fishnet tights, like printed tights, can transform a very modest outfit. Since they are designed to play the first violin, it is best to choose clothes with a minimalist cut and calm neutral colors to combine with such tights ().

An unexpected and edgy option would be to style fishnet tights with clothes and shoes in a sporty style.

With a romantic dress you will create a distinctly feminine look. To prevent it from turning out too cloying, add men's-style shoes or rough boots.

Pair with a cropped sundress and a blouse for a playful preppy look.

And with a floral print dress and biker boots, you'll create a throwback to the '90s.

Openwork tights look interesting if they peek out from under the wide legs of cropped trousers.

One of the most feminine options for fishnet tights is speckled tights. Now designers are inviting us to discard all stereotypes and wear such black thin tights.

But you can wear them with something more colorful, adding semi-sports shoes to reduce the degree of exaggerated femininity and add a little dynamics.

Wool or cotton tights

Suitable for those who like warm and comfortable clothes. They can look stylish too!

What tights to wear when going out

If you are invited to some event (the opening of an exhibition, the premiere of something, or just a dinner party, party, etc.), then everything depends on the formality of this event. And, of course, it depends on your outfit and time of year.

In my opinion, the most successful universal choice is those black thin tights that beautifully narrow the leg. They always look elegant and sexy at the same time. Thick black tights look more casual.

If this is not a formal event, then you can rely not on a dress, for example, but on the tights themselves, choosing fancy openwork tights either with embroidery or sequins; the bravest ones can also pay attention to various metallic options. But the dress should be quite restrained and simple in cut (unless you are a virtuoso master of combining different prints and textures in one set).

How to wear tights

Do not forget about the appropriateness of combining tights with shoes.
If you wear stiletto heels (or any thin heels), then thin black tights will come in handy. They will look better than dense matte ones.
But thick, opaque tights look good paired with shoes with steady heels, as well as with men's shoes (loafers, brogues, etc.), rough shoes, ankle boots and boots.

Also, clothes made from lightweight materials do not require tights (unless the dress code requires it), but with skirts and dresses made of gabardine or tweed, tights just beg to be worn.

Should I wear tights with sandals?

One of the most popular questions. In fact, there is no clear answer to this. If you are conservative in your choice of clothes, and such a trick does not correspond to your style, then you definitely should not wear tights with sandals. If you are a true fashionista and are not afraid to experiment, then why not?

But, in this case, be careful: not all tights can be worn with sandals. These tights can be either thin or thick, but without a seam in the toe section.

Can tights lengthen your legs?

And how! If you want to pull off this trick, choose tights that match the color of your shoes and your legs will look endless.