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Chestnut tincture for weight loss. The healing properties of horse chestnut tincture, how to prepare it How to eat chestnuts for weight loss

Many people who monitor their weight and figure when choosing weight loss products prefer herbal remedies rather than pills and other chemically prepared drugs. From herbal remedies can be distinguished horse chestnut for weight loss.

In addition to weight loss, this plant is used to treat many diseases. Very often chestnut is used:

  • - at varicose veins veins;
  • - for cleaning vessels;
  • - with high blood pressure;
  • - high cholesterol.

The chestnut is a very tall tree with a powerful trunk and strong roots that grows in the Caucasus. The tree begins to bear fruit only after 10 years. Chestnut fruits are brown nuts, and on top there is a round green box with thorns. One such box often contains up to three nuts.

In Russia, horse chestnut is grown in gardens and various nurseries. Chestnut can also grow in an industrial area, although it will suffer from pollution. Today, chestnut is grown in Europe, India, Asia and America, where it is very popular.

Horse chestnut is not eaten, unlike common chestnut, the fruits of which are fried and added to salads and desserts. But at the same time, horse chestnut is more medicinal than regular chestnut, and it is its fruits that are used for treatment.

When using any plant material for treatment, collection rules must be followed. Horse chestnut ripens in October, when the fruits are harvested. The bark can be collected in the spring, and the flowers from May to September. Be sure to properly dry the raw materials in order for the therapeutic effect to be maximum.

Horse chestnut contains many different medicinal substances, as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which is why it has such wide range use.

In pharmacies you can find drugs, horse chestnut in different forms: ointments, tinctures. Each disease has its own form of the drug.

Losing weight with horse chestnut

Horse chestnut for effective weight loss and losing weight I use it very often. To do this, make a tincture from chestnut fruits.

  • The fruits are poured with plenty of cool water, sugar and sour cream are added. The tincture is kept for about two weeks in a dark place.
  • The main thing is that the fruits are at the bottom, for this you can put them in a bag and tie a load.
  • After the tincture is ready, take two glasses a day.
  • Application period is one month.

During the course, you can infuse chestnut fruits several times. To do this, after readiness, you need to drain the tincture, add water to the same fruits and add sugar. Thus, you can infuse the fruits many times, but it is better to add a few fresh fruits for effectiveness.

In addition to the fruits of the plant, you can use the bark horse chestnut for weight loss. To do this, the bark is poured with boiled cold water and insist for one night. After which you can apply it. To lose weight, chestnut flowers are also used, which are squeezed and the resulting juice is drunk.

The external uses of horse chestnut are very wide and varied. These can be creams, oils, scrubs. If you use horse chestnut externally in the form of a cream, then the juice of the plant is mixed with the cream. After application, wrap the body with film and leave for 15 minutes.

Such wraps are repeated several times a week. A scrub made from the fruits of this amazing plant exfoliates the skin very well, improves blood circulation, and creates a massage effect. This complex effect on the skin removes cellulite, making the skin smooth and toned.

U fat people suffering from excess weight, legs often swell. For edema, you can also use horse chestnut tincture. The tincture is used in the form of compresses on areas of swelling.

Contraindications and restrictions

It must be remembered that every medicine has side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before use, you should consult your doctor.

After all, losing weight in itself is stressful for the human body, since the body does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins. Moreover, if a weak organism is influenced strong remedy for weight loss, complications of many diseases may arise. Horse chestnut preparations should not be used for diseases of the digestive system and of cardio-vascular system. Besides sometimes horse chestnut for weight loss may cause allergies.

There is a drug on sale among weight loss products called Liquid Chestnut. In fact, this product is made from the guarana fruit, which also grows on the tree and the nuts themselves are covered in a capsule, like a chestnut. This name comes from the resemblance of guarana to horse chestnut.

Guarana is considered a strong energy drink, and drinks with this plant are often used to tone up and invigorate. These drinks can be used before physical activity or for insomnia. It’s no wonder that guarana is found in all energy drinks. IN in this case The weight loss effect is achieved due to the fact that guarana gives energy and strength, while reducing appetite. A person moves more, but he does not need food.

Despite all the attractiveness of drugs containing guarana, there are many contraindications. Since the drug is more energy drink, it puts a lot of stress on the heart and cardiovascular system. Accordingly, such a drink is prohibited for people with cardiovascular problems. The same goes for people suffering from high blood pressure and neurological disorders.

Guarana can, due to its stimulating properties, aggravate the situation. In general, such drugs should be used very carefully and in cases of extreme necessity, so as not to provoke existing disorders. This drink should definitely not be drunk by children, and, of course, by pregnant and lactating women.

If you choose between Liquid chestnut and preparations made from real horse chestnut, it is better to give preference to the second option. Since the second plant is medicinal, and not just invigorating, and is safer for health.

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Consult your healthcare provider
before using any means traditional medicine.

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Surely, many of us have heard at least once that in Europe edible chestnut fruits are actively used in cooking. For example, they boil, fry, bake and even prepare delicious desserts from them. But, probably, not many people know that ordinary horse chestnut helps get rid of extra pounds.

This discovery was made quite recently, but chestnut tincture for weight loss has already gained a reputation as an effective means of normalizing weight.

A weight loss remedy from chestnut fruits can be easily prepared at home. Here are a few ways:

1) Take 25 pieces, wash them thoroughly, cut them in half and wrap them in gauze. Pour 2.5 liters of water into a three-liter glass jar and lower the gauze bag. To ensure that the fruits are at the bottom of the jar, you can put a small stone, say, brought from vacation. Then add 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, close with a tight lid and place in a dark and warm place for 2 weeks. It is recommended to take the finished tincture twice a day, 1 glass before meals. The course of treatment is no more than 3-4 weeks.

2) We will need 25-30 g of horse chestnut flowers, which are poured into 0.5 liters. 20% vodka solution. To enhance the desired effect, use a glass container. The resulting substance should be infused in a dark place for a couple of weeks. Then filter the infusion through cheesecloth and take 20 drops three times a day after meals.

3) For the next method, 100 g of crushed fruits are poured into 1 liter of undiluted vodka. For 3 weeks, the jar with the future tincture should be stored in a warm, dark place. It is very important to shake the tincture at least once every two days. Take three times a day on an empty stomach, 40 drops per quarter glass of water.

4) Pour 100 g of crushed chestnut bark into 2 cups of chilled boiled water. Let it brew overnight, and then drink the strained product, 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day.

5) Squeeze the juice from the flowers and take 20 drops, no more than 2 times a day before meals.

It is important to remember that during the course of treatment it is necessary to adjust your diet, eliminating all unhealthy foods from it, alcoholic drinks, strong coffee and tea, baked goods and sweets. In this case, the optimal solution would be a diet containing lean meat, fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits, supplemented with active physical exercise and plenty of daily drinking (at least 1.5 liters per day).

The bark, leaves, fruits and flowers of horse chestnut are known in folk medicine for their medicinal properties. As a means of burning extra pounds, this plant has become popular due to its ability to enhance microcirculation of blood flows that warm the body, as well as neutralize congestion in the body, reduce appetite and stimulate metabolic processes.

In addition to helping in the fight against excess weight, chestnut tincture is used to prevent varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids and blood clots. It is often used in the treatment of bronchitis, chronic colitis, spleen diseases, and diarrhea.

Doctors recommend an alcohol solution infused with chestnut flowers for cases of leukemia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, liver problems, arthric or gouty severe pain, and shortness of breath.

Preparations made from different parts plants reduce blood viscosity, promote hematopoiesis, increase the tone of venous vessels, and stimulate antithrombic blood activity. Thanks to these important properties, the tincture is used in the treatment of a wide range of vascular diseases.


Like any other herbal medicine, chestnut tincture for weight loss has a number of contraindications under which it should not be taken at all, or taken with extreme caution. These include:

During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Serious cardiovascular diseases;

Violations menstrual cycle and the onset of menopause;

Atonic constipation;

Peptic ulcer;




Taking in parallel with other medications and biological supplements;

Individual intolerance (the appearance of nausea and heartburn during the course of treatment);

In any case, before you start using folk remedy You should definitely consult a specialist.

In 2019, a drug called liquid chestnut for weight loss entered the pharmaceutical market. The product stimulates the human body to quickly shed extra pounds. This product actually comes from the beans of the guarana plant, not our local trees.

Real benefits for your figure

Guarana is a climbing vine that grows in the Amazon Valley and produces fruits that resemble chestnuts in appearance. If you take a drug created on their basis, you can lose five or even seven kilograms in one month.

However, the drug cannot be purchased at pharmacies. Liquid chestnut for weight loss is sold in our area only through specialized websites on the Internet.

There is another option for using chestnuts from the fruits of the more familiar horse chestnut for weight loss. From this plant you can prepare healing decoctions with your own hands that will help you achieve your desired figure.

Moreover, you don’t have to wait until the fall, when numerous city streets will be literally strewn with chestnuts. There are recipes for weight loss, where the main ingredient of the decoction is chestnut flowers, which everyone can get in the spring or summer.

The effect of guarana and horse chestnut fruits on the body

The drug in liquid form contains a large number of different vitamins.

  1. It contains a high content of groups A, B and E.
  2. Guaranine component. This substance is similar to caffeine in its effect on the human body, but it is better absorbed gastrointestinal tract without annoying him.
  3. Liquid chestnut contains a stimulating component - theophylline. It has a strong diuretic effect on the body and also stimulates muscle function.
  4. It is noteworthy that black tea, which many of us start our day with, also contains small doses of this substance.
  5. But to work central nervous system Another component found in liquid chestnut, theobromine, has a positive effect. Thanks to it, people who start using this remedy for weight loss notice that their appetite decreases. Against this background, physical activity increases, and a person feels cheerful for a long time.

On websites selling liquid chestnut for weight loss, you can often find claims that this product can destroy fat cells. You should not believe this promising thesis, since no method, except plastic surgery, is capable of destroying fat cells.

As qualified doctors explain, the number of fat cells that are in the body of a particular person is determined at the genetic level. Their number can be reduced exclusively with the help of liposuction and nothing else.

When a person gains weight, fat cells increase in volume, and when losing weight they decrease in volume. But their number remains unchanged.

The components that make up liquid chestnut can stimulate rapid weight loss by accelerating metabolic processes in the body and stimulating an increase in energy consumption.

  • Therefore, it is important to use this property of liquid chestnut when you begin to actively engage in physical exercise, which will speed up the process of losing excess weight and help consolidate the results achieved.
  • When consuming liquid chestnut for the purpose of losing weight, you cannot do without a dietary nutrition system. Experts say that without going on a diet, you can lose just a couple of kilograms with this product. But we are not talking about losing five to seven kilograms of excess weight if you do not limit your diet.

The advantage of using horse chestnut-based weight loss tinctures is that they do not require spending money. Not only the fruits of this tree, but also flowers, foliage and even bark have long been famous for their healing effect.

For weight loss, chestnut tincture is good because it improves blood microcirculation, which allows you to warm up the body and remove stagnation in it, such as swelling. In addition, it suppresses appetite and normalizes metabolism, which also promotes rapid weight loss. The tincture can be added to creams for cosmetic wraps.

The nuances of preparing weight loss products with chestnuts

The ready-made drug is very easy to take. You just need to follow the instructions on the packaging of this weight loss product. All you need to do is take half a teaspoon of the powder twice a day with food or drink.

Mix or dissolve

Where can I add liquid chestnut?

  • Just mix the powder with any porridge. In this form, you practically won’t feel it.
  • As a second course, liquid chestnut also harmonizes well with vegetable or meat stew, and as a first course to add a remedy to it. weight loss will do any soup.
  • If we talk about desserts, then this drug can be added to low-fat cottage cheese and pour yogurt on top.
  • You can also mix it with fruit drink or smoothie.

If you don't like adding it to ready meals, then simply mix half a teaspoon of powder with a glass of boiled water and drink this mixture. And then drink low-fat kefir or drinking yogurt.

The powder can be added to various drinks. For example, you can drink natural juice, green tea or even mineral water with the addition of this product.

Be sure to ensure that you consume no more than one teaspoon of liquid chestnut with food every day. It should be noted that the teaspoon should not be heaped. This product contains a high concentration of psychostimulants, and therefore a large dosage of powder can be harmful to your health.

Prepare it yourself at home

To prepare traditional medicine at home, you can use the fruits, flowers and bark of horse chestnut. But for this it is important to correctly prepare these components of future healing tinctures.

  • Flowers should be cut from the tree in May, during their active flowering.
  • They should be dried on a clean cloth or paper, away from direct sunlight. Turn the flowers over periodically to ensure they dry evenly.
  • Horse chestnut fruits are usually harvested in September. They are also scattered in one layer on paper and dried for a month.

But tree bark should be harvested in the spring: after the trees are pruned. The bark needs to be cut into pieces and dried in a ventilated area. It is best to do this in the yard under a canopy.

Please note that to prepare an effective weight loss product, you should collect all the components from trees growing away from city streets. Trees absorb exhaust gases from passing cars and emissions from heavy industry, so you need to try to find the most environmentally friendly plantings of horse chestnuts.

You can buy horse chestnut in drops. This drug is sold in pharmacies and is relatively inexpensive. But many experts testify that self-prepared infusions of chestnuts with water or vodka have a stronger effect on the human body.

It is believed that losing weight with homemade tinctures is much faster and better!

Recipes for horse chestnut tinctures for weight loss

Home remedies prepared according to folk recipes, are useful because, in addition to losing weight, they can help normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce fat deposits in the liver and on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the swelling of the body goes away, which visually makes it slimmer.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques.

From chestnut peel

To prepare a product that effectively helps fight excess weight, you will need the following ingredients:

  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • chestnuts - 20-25 pcs.

In this case, you do not need the whole chestnut fruit, but only their brown peel.

  1. Cut the chestnuts in half and remove the skin. Do this before the fruits dry out, as cutting off the hardened top layer will be very difficult.
  2. You need to get 50 grams of crushed peel. This may require more chestnut fruits than indicated in the recipe, as it all depends on their size.
  3. Grind the peel into pieces measuring three to five millimeters.
  4. Fill them with vodka and keep them in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Don't forget to shake the container with the tincture a little every day.
  5. After two weeks, strain the tincture through clean gauze.

Chestnut tincture should be taken for weight loss within one month. If you need to achieve great results, it is acceptable to take it for a month and a half, but not longer.

  • For the first week, this tincture should be drunk diluted with water, three times a day, half an hour before meals. To do this, mix 30 drops of tincture with thirty milliliters of clean water.
  • In the second week, switch to more tincture doses. You need to drink it four times a day and continue in this mode until the end of the treatment period.

From whole fruits

There is another recipe for an effective tincture for weight loss. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • chestnuts - 25 pcs;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the chestnuts thoroughly and cut into halves. Place them in a bag made of clean gauze. Tie the bag and attach weights to it that prevent it from floating.
  2. Place it in a three-liter jar and pour clean water into it. The ideal option is melt water. It's easy to prepare on our own. Simply pour filtered water into plastic bottle and throw it in the freezer. When ice forms, remove the bottle from the refrigerator and let it melt at room temperature.
  3. When you pour it over the chestnuts, add sugar to the water and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Place the jar in a dark place for two weeks to allow the solution to infuse. In the future, you will need to take the resulting tincture twice a day before meals.

You need to drink one glass a day. The course lasts three to four weeks. Therefore, you will need to prepare another portion of the tincture in advance. During the treatment course, you will need to seriously limit your salt and sugar intake, which will help you achieve more impressive weight loss results.

According to another recipe for chestnut tincture, you will need the following components:

  • chestnuts - 20-30 pcs.;
  • vodka - 1 l.

Grind the fruits using a blender or meat grinder. You should have one hundred grams of mass. Fill it with vodka and place the jar with the contents in a warm, dark place. There it should be infused for three weeks. Shake the jar every two days to mix the contents.

The finished tincture should be taken diluted. To do this, add forty drops of tincture to 50 grams of water. Drink this remedy three times a day before meals.

Chestnut flowers

In spring, tinctures for weight loss can be prepared based on horse chestnut flowers.

Place 30 grams of chestnut flowers in a glass container. Separately mix vodka with water and pour this solution over the flowers. Place the jar in a dark place where it should stand for two weeks. After this, strain the liquid through clean gauze.

Take a solution of twenty drops three times a day after meals. The course of treatment lasts from three to four weeks.

From tree bark

This weight loss tincture is prepared much faster.

  1. To do this, pour one hundred grams of crushed dried bark into 400 ml of boiled and cooled water. Do this in the evening to allow the water to steep overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain the liquid with gauze and you can use the tincture.

Drink it four times a day before meals, two tablespoons.

In parallel with ingesting a weight loss product based on horse chestnut, you can make a cream based on it that has lymphatic drainage properties. It will help rid the body of swelling faster and improve skin tone.

  • The first step is to prepare a tincture of dried chestnut flowers.
  • Pour a tablespoon of flowers into a glass of clean water and bring to a boil.
  • Then put it in a dark place to brew overnight.

You can add a few drops of this infusion to your favorite body moisturizer and apply it to your skin as you usually do, morning or evening.

Contraindications for use

The use of liquid chestnut for weight loss has a number of contraindications, since its components can cause harm to people with certain diseases. In particular, it should not be used in the following cases:

  • ulcers;
  • liver pathology;
  • mental instability;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • experienced a stroke;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Like many other weight loss medications, liquid chestnut should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It should not be given to children under 18 years of age.

Hypertensive patients need to be careful with liquid chestnut, as it contains caffeine. People with diabetes should take similar precautions as this drug may cause an increase in blood glucose levels.

Before taking liquid chestnut for weight loss, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to harm your health. And while using it, monitor your well-being. Liquid chestnut can cause sleep disturbances, heartburn, nausea and diarrhea. If these symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop taking the drug.

Taking weight loss tinctures based on horse chestnut is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • atonic constipation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • diabetes;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • gastritis.

Despite the naturalness of chestnut tinctures, their use is also possible only after prior consultation with a doctor. At the first attacks of heartburn or nausea, the use of this weight loss product should be stopped. It is very important not to harm your health in the pursuit of slimness.

Yes, you will find a lot positive feedback for liquid chestnut for weight loss, but everyone’s body is different. Advice from a professional with medical practice will definitely not hurt you.

Both options for chestnut-based products can give good results, but it is important to take them correctly, strictly following the instructions. Don't forget about regular physical activity and diet, and then the real result will not be far off.

A tree such as chestnut has long been known for its beneficial properties. It’s hard to imagine, but plants familiar to residents of the post-Soviet space can help not only improve skin and strengthen hair. Chestnut is also used for weight loss. Its fruits can help you lose those extra pounds and prevent them from coming back. We are sure that you have heard that in some countries chestnuts are eaten and considered a real delicacy. Unfortunately, the fruits of trees growing in the CIS are inedible, although they contain a lot of useful substances. How then to use chestnut for weight loss? This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

The effect of chestnut on health and general condition

All varieties of chestnuts are rich in vital elements such as magnesium, iron and phosphorus. These minerals will help restore the body's strength and, as a result, speed up metabolism. The high calcium content will help activate a number of enzymes, as well as normalize the exchange of fluids at the cellular level, which will remove excess fluid from the body, remove swelling and burn fat. In addition to minerals, chestnuts contain vitamins A and B. In addition, these fruits, unlike other nuts, contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is known to lower cholesterol levels and restore kidney function. Thus, by eating chestnut for weight loss, you not only get rid of fat deposits, but also support the body, putting its work in order, get rid of the tendency to stress and strengthen the immune system.

How to eat horse chestnut

The fruits of horse chestnuts, those that we are used to seeing on the streets of our cities, are unsuitable for food. However, a tincture of them can be safely consumed for the purpose of losing weight, without fear for your health.

Making a chestnut drink at home is not difficult. You need to take 25 chestnuts and cut them in half. Build a bag from 3 layers of gauze, into which place the chopped chestnuts and a weight. The latter should not allow the fruits to float. Place a gauze bag with chestnuts in a container and fill it with two and a half liters of warm boiled water, add one glass of sugar. The container must be placed in a dark and warm place for 2 weeks. Drink 200-250 ml of horse chestnut tincture. twice a day for three to four weeks.

To get the maximum effect, you should follow some nutritional rules when consuming horse chestnut tincture. You should exclude alcohol from your diet, reduce your consumption of sugar, coffee and junk food. Remember to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Chestnut diet menu

Despite all their nutritional value, chestnuts that can be eaten are low in calories. Raw fruits contain only 160 kcal per 100 grams, when fried - about 180 kcal. Based beneficial properties And energy value chestnut, nutritionists came to the conclusion that such a product can be taken as a basis for very balanced diet. The chestnut diet involves losing weight from four to five kilograms in 7-10 days without a constant feeling of hunger. The chestnut fruits themselves are very tasty and you will hardly have time to get tired of them in a week.

The chestnut diet menu is as follows:

Breakfast: 200-300 grams of baked chestnuts, a small piece of black whole grain bread, ginger tea sugarless.

Dinner: 250 grams boiled chicken fillet(it is acceptable to use lean fish), vegetable salad seasoned with one tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil. For variety, you can stew vegetables or prepare a light vegetable soup.

Dinner: 200-300 grams of chestnuts, a handful of any berries, a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

During the diet, try not to consume alcohol, salt and spices. Remember to drink two liters of water a day.

To prepare baked chestnuts, make a cross in the shell of the fruit and place them in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. When the edges of the shell begin to curl (this happens after about half an hour), remove the chestnuts, place them on a towel, squeeze well and hold in this state for five minutes. Eating chestnuts is hot or warm. In this form, this delicacy has the best taste.

The chestnut diet will be much more effective if you supplement it with physical exercise, massages and body wraps. By the way, such a weekly diet includes a sufficient amount of protein, which will allow you to be active and not pounce on food after finishing the diet.

If you want to repeat the chestnut diet, you can do this in one and a half to two months.


Using chestnut for weight loss has its own nuances, so before you start using horse chestnut tincture or going on a diet, carefully study the contraindications.

Horse chestnut tincture should not be used if:

  • you have problems with your menstrual cycle;
  • you suffer from atonic constipation;
  • you have unstable blood pressure or any problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer;
  • you have diabetes;
  • you have an allergic reaction to groups of vitamins that are part of chestnuts.

The chestnut diet has the same contraindications. In addition, we strongly advise using chestnut for weight loss strictly within the time frame specified in the article. If you notice a deterioration in your health, nausea, dizziness or heartburn, then you should stop taking chestnut in any form.

Using chestnut for weight loss is one of the easiest and delicious ways achieve the desired result - to gain harmony, without causing damage to your health.