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On the waning moon, what is a weight loss plot. Weight loss conspiracy: a powerful ritual to lose weight. Examples of conspiracies for weight loss

Any words spoken out loud have their own energy and radiate certain vibrations. Even thoughts that remain unvoiced, hovering in everyone’s head, determine the direction of life’s path. The problem of nutrition often has a psychological basis: a person rewards himself with tasty but unhealthy food, or compensates for the lack of love, attention, or can simply “eat up” emotional stress.

  • CONSPIRACY is a certain sequence of words, the set of which leads to achieving the desired result. Magical, magical power is easily explained from the point of view of a physicist. Conspiracies appeared thanks to “knowledgeable” people, endowed with supernatural powers. Using their abilities, they helped to recover from illnesses, get rid of misfortunes and failures, and also control the forces of nature to collect big harvest. Reinforced over the centuries by the energy of many people, conspiracies have enormous power. Vibrations from spoken words reach the Cosmos faster, and Higher Powers help to complete this or that task.
  • Prayer- this is a person’s appeal in thoughts or words to the spiritual mentors of the non-material world. Unlike other forms, it implies belonging to a religion. Faith in the Creator and his omnipotence allows you to feel under the protection and protection from various troubles and troubles. In prayer, the believer asks or thanks and accordingly promises to strictly observe the canons written in religious books. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are thousands of years old and adherents have long experienced the miraculous power of prayer. Asking to lose weight means wishing yourself health, longevity, and freedom from the temptation of gluttony. The main religions of the planet call for fasting and restriction of various foods throughout the year. The calendar is designed in such a way that a person can replace forbidden foods without feeling discomfort.
  • Spell- one of the ways to achieve what you want using ritual-magical speech. This appeal is forced. Depending on the strength of the energy field, a person can perform the spell ritual independently or resort to the help of professionals in magic. Thanks to such techniques, the human will obeys the spoken words.

Orthodox prayer

The appeal to the Creator should be meaningful, it is not a whim to remove 3 extra kilos. The awareness that the nutrition problem has become a threat to health and even life, and not an aesthetic inconsistency with accepted ideals. One of deadly sins– gluttony and inability to cope food addiction, makes a person a slave of his weaknesses.
  • Prayer can help you cope with overeating and lose weight by believing in yourself as the likeness of your almighty heavenly Father.
  • Strengthens the spirit a prayer spoken out loud or read mentally.
  • Regular repetition leads to stabilization nervous system, self-confidence regardless of circumstances and the belief that the Higher Powers are always with you.
  • You can pray to Jesus Christ to lose weight, Mother of God, guardian angels, patronizing saints (by name), or those saints to whom a person turned earlier.
  • Famous miraculous healings Matrona of Moscow helps to get rid of gluttony. This prayer is read in front of the image of the saint, with a lit lamp.


Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Satisfy my hunger with small food and melt excess flesh with holy water. Drop by drop the water will touch your lips, and the excess will gradually disappear. Let it be so. Amen.

  • You can read during the day, before and after meals, as well as when you feel hungry.

Rules for performing rituals

In order for all your plans to come true, certain conditions must be met:

  • Indicate the number of kilograms that need to be reset. You can determine the numerical value of your ideal weight.
  • When performing a spell/conspiracy/prayer, faith is crucial. Hesitation and doubt only delay what you want.
  • After the ritual, thoughts should be that weight loss has already taken place and the person enjoys the result obtained in the present tense. Imagining yourself with new proportions, experiencing joy, happiness from a beautiful, healthy body, emotional reinforcement helps make the dream come true.
  • Until the event takes place, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual..
  • You need to think about losing weight in a positive way, the more detailed and colorful you imagine how the hated kilograms are freeing the body, the faster all this will happen.
  • Don't dwell on the problem. Life is multifaceted and beautiful; you shouldn’t tempt fate and lament the weight you’ve gained. There are people with disabilities who find the strength to rejoice and be happy. We need to thank the Higher Powers for all the opportunities provided.
  • Believe in your capabilities engage in visualization (mental representation of the result) and affirmations (constant repetition of what you want).

Apple spell for weight loss

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • At the market or supermarket, stand in front of a basket of loose apples, think about your cherished desire and choose the most beautiful, red apple.
  • All undertakings are carried out for the growing month. There should be no one in the house during the reading.
  • Concentrating on what you have planned, say the words out loud:“The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Mother Earth, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I carry as much as I can, I will give what you take. An apple is round, an apple is red, help me, if there is too much, go away.”
  • Having torn off the stalk, eat an apple, representing the process of losing weight.

Comb ritual

  • Held on the first day of the month. As early as possible in the morning, you need to buy a comb and 2 wax candles (church candles).
  • Place a comb on the table and light candles in front of it. Draw the curtains tightly, sit at the table and, looking at the comb, imagine yourself slim and healthy.
  • The plot is read 3 times in a commanding tone:“Just as a comb combs out lice, so does the fat go away! As the nits evaporate, so does my weight! The pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets thin and prettier! Amen!"
  • Do not allow strangers or guests into the house after the ritual for 3 days.

Ritual in the steam room

  • In a bathhouse, sauna or bath, only the person performing the ritual is present. None extraneous sounds or noise should not be distracting.
  • Take place at dawn or dusk, stepping over the threshold with his right foot, say the words: “In a cassock, the monk walked along the road, read psalms, ate water and bread! The monk sweated on the road and lost weight! I wish I could sweat like that and lose weight! Amen!"
  • After a month, repeat all steps.

Conspiracy of soap for thinness before the bath

  • For the ritual, buy a white towel, unscented baby soap and a new linen washcloth.
  • Place soap in front of you and at dawn read the prayer:
    Soap, soap, wash harder,
    Soap, soap, wash quickly,
    I will rub my skin with you,
    I will then lose weight every time.
  • You need to use soap until your weight drops to the desired value..

Ritual for water

  • Select a clean source, collect water (1-2 l) and bless it in the church. Buy 12 candles there.
  • Divide the amount into 12 doses. Place a glass, light a candle and mentally imagine the result.
  • The recitation can take place at dawn or dusk, to the waning moon: “The water is wild, it flows here and there, don’t run, help me. Take my weight and run away with it, water, water, it’s not my problem, take away the trouble, I won’t find grief.”
  • Afterwards, put out the candle and drink water in one gulp.. Carry out the ritual every day, if you missed it once, start the cycle over again.

Ritual for honey

  • Combine honey with pollen in proportions 1:5. On the first day of the month or Monday at dawn, wash your face cold water and say the following three times:
    “Like a birch tree is thin, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin,
    Just as the winch is graceful, just as the little darling is sweet, so should I be slender!
    I’ll speak, I’ll put a spell on myself, I’ll treat myself to magic honey!
    This should happen this very moment!
    My word is law!
    My word is true!
  • Eat a teaspoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach., without drinking, concentrating on losing weight.

Green tea spell for weight loss

  • Drink green tea between meals, saying a spell each time.
  • Confidently command out loud: “I’m drinking tea, hot tea, let the fat will go away rattling. Amen".
  • If society cannot be avoided, then you need to read the plot quietly so that no one can hear.
  • Drink at least 2 cups of tea per day without sugar, sweets and honey.
  • This ritual is used for the month, starting from the waning moon.

How to make a talisman speak?

A stone corresponding to the zodiac sign can serve as a talisman. It should be wrapped in silk or velvet fabric and tied like a bag with red or golden thread.
  • The talisman is cast on the waxing moon, at midnight with the window open.
  • Take the stone in right hand bring it to your forehead and imagine yourself losing weight, then bring it to your mouth and read in a whisper:
    “I thank you, Lord, for everything you have done for me, help me resist temptation, let small food satisfy my body, I will no longer overeat the excess, which later became poison. I will stop the temptation before the Lord's touch. The power of the Lord will stop my hand and will not give me what is unnecessary and unnecessary. And I, Your servant (name), will be under Your protection, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to refuse excess food, excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from the earthly addiction of gluttony. Thanks to our Lord. Amen".
  • Put the stone in a bag and carry it with you, put it under your pillow at night.

How to read a conspiracy to lose weight on a full moon?

The mysterious satellite has a special energy that affects the Earth and its inhabitants. The Full Moon is a magical time when you can achieve all your goals.

  • Before performing the ceremony, you must proofread the text well. so that there are no hesitations afterwards.
  • The greatest strength is faith in achieving results.
  • The ritual is best performed on Monday or Friday. on which the full moon falls.
  • “As you, Mother Moon, decrease from this moment on, so my weight begins to melt, my fullness disappears. You, Moon, are declining and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin moon, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".
  • Speak words confidently and calmly in front of the open window, addressing the heavenly body.

    Finally, there is something that will really help you lose weight without these pills and everything else! For a long time I dreamed of something like this, so that the water would speak - and that’s it, you melt before your eyes. The plot is simple, the main thing here is to be able to concentrate and direct your thoughts in the right direction. And if this works out, then it’s no problem to cope with the rest! I’ve been drinking water for a week now and I’m already minus 1 kg. At this rate I will soon reach my ideal.

    Believe it or not, these conspiracies helped me. I've read it more than once, though. Both for food and for a bath with water. I just want to note that the attitude is very important here. Firstly, you need to believe that this will all help you, that you can handle everything. And secondly, you need to set yourself up for the appropriate state, as described in the article. Then everything will work out!

    Thank you very much, I'll try it. I'm sure I will succeed!

    Since childhood I was a complete child. At school I was often bullied for this reason. I tried to exercise many times, but it didn’t help much. I still lost weight very slowly. Over time, the desire to lose weight completely disappeared. But somehow, just for fun, a friend sent me a link to this conspiracy. “Only a miracle will help you, fat man!” - he said. I had nothing to lose so I tried. And it helped me! After quite a while a short time I began to weigh significantly less. And now I don’t look fat at all! I recommend this plot to anyone who wants to lose weight!

    For a long time I was a rather curvy girl, and I wasn’t very good-looking either. The guys just didn't pay attention to me. But one evening I came across a plot for weight loss and decided to try it. And I started losing weight! Not believing my luck, I did the same. And soon I began to get better and better! Now there's no end to the guys! Girls, I recommend these conspiracies! They make life better!

Any girl, at least once in her life, was dissatisfied with her figure and, following the path of least resistance, went on a diet. However, not everyone succeeds; willpower helps some to get rid of the hated kilograms, while others give up such torment already halfway through. A conspiracy to lose weight on the moon comes to the rescue. To do this, you do not need to exhaust yourself with physical activity and limit the consumption of your favorite foods; it is only important to follow all the rules of the magical ritual.

Dangerous but effective method

Practicing magicians and sorcerers claim that this spell will help you quickly lose weight up to 20 kg over a critical period of time. If you have an imminent upcoming event, a celebration, a long-awaited vacation, and there is no time left for dieting, you can safely trust this ritual. The only catch is that every powerful magic spell requires sacrifice, so be prepared that you may have to pay something. We can say for sure that no one will die and tragedy will not befall your family.

The ritual must be carried out in parallel to the waning Moon, because your weight will disappear in the same way as the night Sun melts to the size of the Moon. Those who have already tried this method and are losing weight warn you to pay attention to this, otherwise everything will go the other way around: The moon is growing - weight is gaining, and only the full moon can break this chain. The ritual is as follows:

  • wait until the evening, when the Moon is just beginning to rise;
  • go outside;
  • turn around to face her and start reading the magic words;
  • After reading them once, you can safely go home, the magic itself will begin to work.

Spell text:

“Like you, Moon, I want to decrease, I want, as the night passes, let tens of my kilograms disappear. I'm ready to pay whatever you want. My words are as hard as a diamond stone.”

Way to lose weight with water

IN in this case It is better to start losing weight on the fourth day of the week, because this day is ruled by the planet Jupiter, and therefore the result will be the most optimal. For the ritual you will need drinking water. Approach the ceremony seriously and hope only for a positive result; you cannot think about the bad, because the water very clearly copies the mood of the fortuneteller and everything can go in vain. Another important criterion is that the conspiracy is carried out when the Moon is waning, and in no case when the Moon is waxing.

On the chosen day, begin the ritual:

  • night is the best assistant in any magic, so the most suitable time would be the evening;
  • Take prepared clean, transparent water into the selected vessel - it is better if it is drinkable, because after the spell, you will need to drink it;
  • you need to say special words over the water: there are places in the text where you will need to insert those parts of the body where you most want to lose weight, for this you should think about everything in advance, prepare the spoken words in your head so as not to disrupt the magical ceremony;
  • After reading, you need to drink the charmed water all at once, so pour as much as you can handle.

“Pure water, let me quench my thirst with you. Morning and evening you wash me. I ask you to help me lose weight. I whisper for clean water, I beg for clean water, I’ll drink clean water and on my thighs... (body parts are called) I’ll lose the excess. Like a white dove I will become slender, graceful and beautiful. Accept my words and keep them."

You can repeat the ritual several times, even within a day or two weeks when the Moon is waning; if you want to eat, then before eating, perform the ritual, drink the charmed water and after that start eating. If during all this time you have not lost enough excess weight, and waiting a month until the Moon begins to wane again is too long, then you can simply change the words. A spell for the growing moon is also carried out with water and the following words are said:

“I conjure clean water, I ask for clean water, I will drink clean water, I will receive a slender, graceful figure. Accept my words and keep them."

The new moon will continue the weight loss that has begun.

Method with potatoes

A strong and quite effective way to remove excess fat from the waist, abdomen and other problem areas. All you need is ordinary potatoes. This ritual is performed under moonlight in the last phase of the waning of the Luminary. Magicians promise that the result will be quick and stable, and your lost weight will not return again. Also, some claim that all rituals performed on the full moon belong to African Voodoo magic, so wait until the Moon turns into the Moon, visible to the naked eye, and then begin the ceremony.

Rules of the ritual:

  • what kind of potatoes to take - for this, buy or find the largest root vegetable at home;
  • use a knife to peel it during the waning moon;
  • and again, with the same weapon, you need to carve a number on the potato with the desired kilograms lost;
  • at the moment of cutting, read the spell: “Take away, Moon, all the moisture, let these potatoes dry out and reduce their weight. Amen";
  • on next week The potatoes must be hidden in the house, in a dark, secluded place, and thrown away after seven days.

After you run out of potatoes, weight loss will begin.

Method with a mirror and candles

This type of ritual is also performed during the waning moon. Forecasts for future weight loss – loss of more than ten kilograms and their complete non-recovery. You will need:

  • calculate the full moon and begin the ritual on the first day after;
  • get a mirror cloth that would reflect you in full height;
  • buy a red candle.

In the evening, go to the mirror, light a candle and start reading the words:

“In this ocean, hunger is prohibited. It is not ordered to release him into the world, so that the servant of God (name) does not torment me. Terrible endless hunger, stop, open up in all four directions. Close my eyes, go to bed, don’t make me hungry. Just as darkness comes, so I do not know grief. Just as darkness comes, so the eyelids rest, hunger does not bother the body. It’s like my words are sealed. May it remain so. Amen".

After finishing reading the text, you should put out the candle with your fingers and put it under the pillow. Hands must be washed with soap, always under running water, and at the same time mentally read the words of the “Our Father” prayer. After everything you have done, go to bed quietly. In order to achieve a comforting result, you need to repeat this ritual every day throughout the entire period of the waning of the Moon.

Full moon method

For those who are active, so to speak, early risers, who want to become slimmer without going on strict diets, several types of spells are presented when a weight loss spell can be carried out during daylight hours. The ritual is quite simple, the only thing that is necessary is to wait for the period of the full moon and clearly pronounce the cherished words without hesitation. This method allows for frequent repetition of the ceremony so that the effect is more noticeable and tangible.

Action plan:

  • find a room in your house where you can retire, hang a mirror on the door, not necessarily a large one: for some, such a room with a pre-prepared mirror sheet is the bathroom;
  • take care of a chair and seven candles in advance;
  • light all the candles, place them on the chair in any order;
  • stay with your foot in the room;
  • turn your face to the mirror to see your reflection and, without taking your eyes off, peer into your body, imagining perfect figure: visualization helps send energy into space, and with this weight loss will begin;
  • run your palms over areas with fatty deposits and quietly pronounce the cherished words;
  • After reading, get dressed, put out the remaining candles and throw away.

Weight loss spell for the full moon:

“Like a smoldering candle under the full moon, my body takes on curves. It loses weight with faith in luck, the weight no longer burdens it. A wasp waist will appear without effort and tears. The moon is shining in the sky, and my body is losing weight. So be it. Amen".

Magicians advise repeating one more spell in succession to ensure success:

“What kind of moon I watch, what kind of candles are burning, this is the kind of figure I expect. The fat will melt and go to the dark kingdom. My past beauty will return. will become healthy body, the hated weight will be removed from the body. The moon is getting fatter, and I'm losing weight. So be it. Amen".

Within 13 days, the weight will begin to go away; if the result is insufficient, then repeat the ritual again next month.

Delicious rituals for weight loss

Practicing magicians insist that everything preparatory activities should be based on the phases of the moon; in no case should they be carried out on a waxing moon, because the consequences can be unpredictable. Let's look at a few delicious ways weight loss. Fruits are very often used in the menu of people losing weight, so you can kill two birds with one stone. Not only do they exist all year round, apples are also rich in vitamins and microelements and also have low calorie content.

Don’t skimp on the number of apples; before each fruit you eat, you will first need to say it:

“You tempted the first woman and gave her unprecedented strength. They dressed me in the same way. To be like Eve. So that I become graceful and flexible, like a willow tree. So that I never know hunger. I bite into the fruit of paradise and the fat goes away. Let it be like this every time I eat an apple.”

Second delicious product that will help you lose weight is honey. Just like apples, it is famous for its beneficial properties and is in full swing used in cosmetology. With its help, you will be able to overcome extra pounds and improve your health, improve the condition and color of your skin. For the ritual you will need very little honey, so that you will have enough for a whole month, using about half a teaspoon a couple of times a day.

Take all the honey, pour it into a vessel and quietly, slowly, say the spell over it:

“Get away all the heaviness from my body, get rid of everything unnecessary. I’m tired of walking around fat, I’m tired of living with great burdens. Go away on foot, by ship, by plane and never come back. I speak, I enchant myself, I treat myself to sweet magic honey.”

Starting in the evening of this day, before going to bed, eat honey with cool water, or dissolve it as if in tea. Excess weight will go away and your body will become toned.

Comb method

In addition to the comb, the ritual also uses the already familiar thin church candle. Which comb is better to choose? It is advisable that the comb be made from natural material. Do not try to perform a magical ceremony while the Moon is waxing, all for the same mysterious reasons for unpredictable results.

Wait until nightfall and light a candle, bring the comb to it and begin to read the spell:

After this, hide the comb under your bed for the coming night. In the following days, combing your hair with the specifically enchanted comb, you need to draw your desired image in your imagination. Picture in your head a slender, beautiful, graceful woman, happy with herself and her body, and the result will appear immediately.

Is it worth it or not?

Some are afraid of any magical actions, having heard stories from friends, frightened by children's horror stories. However, they are not as harmful and dangerous as, for example, medications. Let's look at the benefits of spells:

  • ease and accessibility - anyone, even without previous experience, can independently perform the ritual;
  • no material investments;

The desire to find a beautiful figure is commendable; now you won’t surprise anyone if a loved one refuses many meals and regularly goes to the gym. Particularly sympathetic are those people who cannot get rid of the fat hanging from their belly, no matter how hard they try. Whatever lengths they have to go to, they are even ready to perform magical rituals just to achieve the desired forms. Many people do not believe in magic, but at the same time they perform weight loss spell, just in case, what if it helps!

Oddly enough, conspiracies are still used in practice. Do they work? If you resort to magical rituals, you should know all their nuances so that the ritual does not cause harm. The fact is that rituals for getting rid of fat have been used for a very long time, and the term “weight loss” had a completely different meaning. The word “bad” meant bad, and such rituals were performed with the aim of harming a person. With the help of magic, you can subjugate a person or bewitch them. Many women who turned to a fortune teller to perform a love spell ritual did not get what they wanted. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a weight loss plot, the main thing is that they do not relate to black magic, otherwise the consequences of such a ritual can be catastrophic.

With the help of magic you can subjugate a person or bewitch him. Many women who turned to a fortune teller to perform a love spell ritual did not get what they wanted. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a weight loss plot, the main thing is that they do not relate to black magic, otherwise the consequences of such a ritual can be catastrophic.

Nowadays, rituals for weight loss are practiced, which have an energetic effect on the human body. The ritual should be performed by those who want to lose weight, but in order to achieve the desired effect, one must believe in success.

A conspiracy for, will only help achieve results, and if a person hopes to continue leading his usual lifestyle and lose weight at the same time, he is unlikely to succeed. Having looked for any ritual for getting rid of fat in the relevant sources, people think that all they have to do is carry it out and it will start working. However, there are so many reviews saying that conspiracies are a scam. The fact is that rituals act purely individually, and if one person got the desired result with their help, other people remain disappointed.

Rules for carrying out weight loss conspiracies

In order to carry out a strong ritual and achieve the desired effect of getting rid of fat, you need to comply with some conditions:

  • you need to pronounce the words of the ritual to get rid of fat in a quiet voice, slowly and monotonously (without emotions), calmly;
  • one must unconditionally believe in the power of the conspiracy in order for it to be effective;
  • perform a weight loss spell on an empty stomach, and it is advisable not to eat for more than 12 hours;
  • emotions are prohibited during the ritual (especially laughing);
  • the text of the ritual should be pronounced calmly, you should not stammer, since every word has a meaning, therefore better plot learn in advance; for those who have difficulty doing this, you can write it legibly on white paper and read it;
  • you should believe and think about the spoken words of the conspiracy, comprehend them, but in no case be interrupted or distracted, then you can easily remove fat;
  • the best days of the week for performing magical rituals are Friday or Monday;
  • It is more effective if the ritual to get rid of fat is carried out in a quiet place; if it is performed at home, it is necessary to ensure darkness and the absence of strangers;
  • all magical conspiracies are a sacrament, and even if after such a ritual the fat is gone, you cannot tell anyone about it.

Time for the ceremony

Every sorcerer will say that the time for performing a magical ritual has great importance, otherwise it may be wasted, or it may bring a completely unexpected result. That is, instead of fat disappearing, it is formed in new places.

The weight loss plot should be carried out on the waning moon; if there are other recommendations regarding the time and place of its reading, then the magician can be considered incompetent.

Any magic ritual will be effective at the moment when the energy collapses, and this only happens when the Moon is waning. A magical ritual is performed after sunset and until dawn comes.

Various conspiracies for losing weight

Vanga is known as a seer and sorceress, her predictions came true almost 100%, oddly enough, she is no longer alive, but the events she promised continue to come true. In addition to the title of prophetess global problems this blind woman became famous as a folk healer.

The seer advised:

  • Do not say negative words about your body, only then will it obey, the fat will melt away from simple self-hypnosis. It’s worth running such a program in your head. That is, self-hypnosis is a great thing, and it really helps.
  • When making a conspiracy to lose weight, you can come up with a ritual yourself, the main thing is to choose the right words, with the help of which an unprecedented emotional upsurge occurs.
  • It's all in the head, the right independent attitude will help you lose weight without dieting, the main thing is to love your body.

She talked a lot about weight loss rituals, believing that you can choose the words for them yourself, the main condition being faith in their effectiveness.

Conspiracy for weight loss from Vanga

From Vanga, a strong conspiracy to lose weight “went to the people”, with the help of which you can eliminate the feeling of hunger:

“In the ocean-sea, hunger sleeps on constipation. 3 whales do not allow him outside. The Lord’s servant (name) will not suffer from hunger.”

The spell for getting rid of fat from Vanga will be strong if, when pronouncing it, you imagine your new and desired body. It must be carried out at midnight on any day of the waning moon. Vanga advised women who wanted to lose weight to change their worldview; their problem, as she believed, was only this.

Conspiracy for weight loss from a Siberian healer

The well-known Siberian healer believes that a beautiful body is the result of the right thing. Special rituals, as many healers believe, can significantly help improve health. After all, words have great magical power.

A conspiracy from a Siberian healer for weight loss should be carried out in a bathhouse. Conspiracy words:

“A monk in a cassock walked a long way, read necks and psalms. He ate expensive prosphora and holy water and did not give in to temptations. He sweated on the way and was losing weight. Let me do the same: sweat and get slim! Amen!"

It is better to say these words in the steam room, and naturally at midnight. There is another way to get rid of fat: you need to read the prayer: “Our Father”, lying on the bed and looking at the Moon, which is waning, stroke yourself over the accumulated fat and wish that it decreases in the same way as the Moon wanes.

Conspiracy for weight loss with a candle

Candles have always been present in magical rituals and conspiracies. Prayers are performed using candles. To carry out the weight loss ritual, you need the following items:

  • candle;
  • mirror;
  • needle.

When midnight comes, you need to sit in front of the mirror and place 3 candles near you, on each of which write the amount of extra kg with a needle.

For it to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

  • the spell is pronounced 1 time per 1 candle;
  • a person who wants to lose weight should be reflected in a full-length mirror.

You need to light candles with the following words: “I light my candle - I get rid of fat. There is no place for him anymore in my life. Goodbye, evaporate, get out of my destiny. Let it be so".

Conspiracy or whispers?

Many girls believe that conspiracy and whispers are the same thing. The difference between these rituals is that the conspiracy must be carried out under certain conditions, and whispers are pronounced when an urgent solution to the problem is needed. In order for the whispers to work, it is enough to clearly pronounce the magic phrase.

If you follow these tips, whispers will be more effective:

  • the magic phrase must be whispered quietly and clearly;
  • you can whisper to yourself;
  • you must firmly believe in the words you speak;
  • follow all the rules that magicians advise.

Whisper on water for weight loss:

“The fat man walked along the grass, ate holy bread, sang merry songs, drank holy water and kept sweating. When the fat man came home, he completely lost weight and lost weight. So I (name) sweat in the bath, and I’m getting slimmer. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Do spells help you lose weight?

Despite the fact that the weight loss plot does not bring harm to anyone, a person using it may face the following problems:

  • if a lot of time has passed since the first ritual, and there was no result, there is no need to rush to repeat it, as this may cause the opposite effect;
  • when the word “khud” appears several times in the text of a ritual, you need to think about whether it is worth performing it, since this may lead to illness;
  • You should never perform a ritual of black magic, you may not be able to cope with the dark forces and then everything will go completely differently;
  • if the desire to lose weight is so strong that a woman decides to perform a ritual of black magic, she needs to roll back negative energy from herself, otherwise she may face irreversible consequences.

Any magic, even white, is accompanied by a release of energy. For the most part, conspiracies for weight loss do not bring negative consequences to the people who carried them out, since these rituals were invented by white magicians. White magic does not give negative energy in return for the desired results. In addition, the conspiracy to get rid of fat comes from the person who wants to lose weight and does not bring harm to anyone. Therefore, we can assume that there is practically no negative energy present in it, and the worst consequence of a conspiracy for weight loss will be the absence of a positive result.

Excess weight not only changes appearance for the worse, but also affects health. With the help of powerful spells, you will get rid of the hated kilograms, and your figure will become ideal.

If previously excess weight was considered a sign of wealth and solidity, now it is serious problem. Thanks to modern beauty standards, our idea of ​​the ideal body has changed significantly, and doctors have found that excess weight is dangerous to health. If you have at least once tried to get rid of extra pounds, then you know how difficult it is to do this. Constant feeling of hunger and heavy physical exercise sometimes debilitating to such an extent that we are unable to carry out daily activities. Experts on the site suggest you use effective weight loss conspiracies. Believe in their results, and during the waning moon you will be able to find a good figure.

Waning Moon spell with a candle

Waning Moon rituals are usually effective if you want to get rid of problems and difficulties. That is why during this period you can easily say goodbye to extra pounds, and a strong conspiracy will help you with this.

On any day of the waning moon, pour a glass of water and leave it on the window all night. In the morning, drink this water on an empty stomach, and before that say:

“The moon is waning, and my extra pounds are disappearing. Just as the queen of the night becomes smaller every day, so I will lose weight. Let it be so".

On the day of the ritual, it is advisable not to eat anything and drink only water. Such cleansing will be beneficial for your body and will significantly speed up the result of your conspiracy.

Water spell for weight loss

Taking a hot shower or bath is believed to speed up the weight loss process. It’s difficult to say whether this is true or not, but with the help of a strong conspiracy you will lose weight in the near future.

In the evening a week before the New Moon, take a warm bath and completely immerse yourself in it, before doing this say:

“Beautiful Moon, your plumpness suits you, but only spoils me, so save me from excess weight. Let me be beautiful, let everyone around me look at me and admire me. Let the water wash away everything unnecessary from me, and let me become slim. My words are undeniable."

After taking a bath, dry yourself with a towel and try not to talk to anyone for the rest of the day. You can repeat the ritual in the next period of the waning moon, but thanks to the result obtained, you are unlikely to have such a need.

Vegetable oil plot for weight loss

Every person who has it dreams of losing excess weight. However, it is very difficult for many people to pull themselves together and give up their favorite but harmful foods. Some are fans of fried food, cooked in large quantities vegetable oil. To carry out this ritual, you will have to get rid of the reason for the high calorie content of your favorite foods.

On the first day of the waning moon, purchase a bottle of vegetable oil and a pot of soil, which should always be stored on the window. Every day before the New Moon, pour oil into the ground and say:

“My excess weight will go away with the fatty oil. It will be absorbed into the earthling and will remain there forever. May I be the most beautiful, may men (women) fall in love with me at first sight, may other women (men) envy me. The moon is waning and my kilograms are going away».

After this period, get rid of the soil. You can simply throw it away or put it in a bag and bury it away from your home. The result of the conspiracy will certainly make you happy, and the attention of the opposite sex will increase sharply.

Sometimes people cannot lose weight only because they are unable to limit themselves in food, and that is why they wait a long time for a positive result. Of course, to get rid of excess weight, you need to pull yourself together and seriously take care of your body. And to do this without harmful fasting, use lunar diets. Eat right, be beautifuland don't forget to press the buttons and

13.12.2017 07:52

If you're struggling with excess weight, you've tried everything. possible ways, but they never found it...