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Prayer to the great martyr barbarian from sudden death. Prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara. Prayer translated in Russian

When asking for rich suitors, they turn to the Great Martyr Barbara in prayer. Barbara was born (305-311) into a rich and noble family. The girl's mother died early, and the father devoted all his attention and care to his daughter. The pagan father, trying to protect beautiful girl from prying eyes and in order to protect her from the influence of Christianity, he built a separate castle for her, from which it was possible to leave only with his permission. Many noble and rich suitors asked for Varvara's hand in marriage, but she refused to marry. Then the father allowed his daughter to leave the castle, hoping that communication with her friends would change Varvara’s attitude towards marriage. But she chose a different life for herself, Varvara, and secretly from her father she accepted Christianity. For which she subsequently accepted martyrdom from the pagans. A sincere prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara helps her to get married successfully; the Great Martyr patronizes women and asks the Lord for a blessing for a happy life. Christian prayer Barbara the Great Martyr helps to appease your parents if they do not approve of your marriage.

What do they pray to Saint Barbara for?

On the eve of her execution, the martyr asked the Lord to help all the faithful Christians who prayed to her for help. Those who will ask for protection from unexpected disaster, sudden death who are afraid to die without repentance, they will all find help from Saint Barbara. The healing power of holy relics has been known among the people for a long time. A destructive plague struck Rus' many times, but it always bypassed the holy temple where they rested.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Saint Barbara's Day of Remembrance on December 17th. Many believers turn their gaze to her face.

How does Saint Barbara help?

At all times, her protection was sought by those who most often risk dying without repentance from sudden death. These were travelers, merchants, people of dangerous professions (miners, military men). The martyr is approached during a thunderstorm to protect Christians from lightning strikes. Saint Barbara is also considered the patroness of artisans.

The relics of St. Barbara have long been attributed miraculous properties. It was believed that they were able to charge other things with their divine energy. At the reliquary with the relics, believers kept their crosses and rings for a while, and then wore them on themselves like powerful talismans. It is known that Empresses Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna took off their expensive rings, replacing them with modest rings from the patron saint martyr Barbara.

For women in Rus' it was considered a great sin to wash, bleach or knead clay on the day of St. Barbara. You could only do handicrafts, but this was allowed only after a special prayer. On this day, housewives prepared dumplings with poppy seeds and cottage cheese, and young girls tried to tell fortunes. It was necessary to break out a twig of a cherry tree in the garden and put it in water. If it blooms at Christmas, then a successful marriage is possible this year. Also, according to folk superstitions, it was believed that whatever the weather was like on Varvara, the same would be the case outside on Bright Christmas.

Prayers to Barbara the Great Martyr

First prayer

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Martyr Christ himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His compassion, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless , in peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always remain in good health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous one in our saints The God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen

Second prayer

Most wise and all-fair saint of the Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Blessed are you, for the Precious wisdom of God has not been revealed to you by flesh and blood, but God the Heavenly Father Himself, like you, believe for the sake of the one abandoned, expelled and killed by an unfaithful father, received into His beloved daughter; for the corruption of earthly property, the inheritance of the flesh is freely incorruptible; the labors of martyrdom by the repose of the Heavenly One changed the Kingdom; glorify your temporary life, cut short by His death for His sake, with veneration, as if you have placed your soul from the faces of the Heavenly spirits, but keep your body, placed on earth in their angelic temple, by the angel of the commandment intact, honorably and miraculously. Blessed art thou, Christ the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, the despised Virgin, who desired to have the kindness of thy Caregiver, who through suffering, wounds, pleasure, cutting, and the very heads by beheading, like the dearest creatures, thou didst strive to adorn: so, like a wife, she is faithful to her head - to the husband, Christ, in spirit and body, united inseparably, saying: I have found Him, whom my soul loved, I held Him and did not forsake Him. Blessed are you, for the Holy Spirit has rested upon you, having been taught by the spiritual to reason spiritually, you have rejected all the spirits of wickedness in idols as destructive, and having come to know the One God the Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity.” You glorified this Holy Trinity in life and death through your confession and suffering; pray for me, my intercessor, as I have always been the triple faith, love and hope of virtue. This is where I venerate the Holy Trinity. Imam is the lamp of faith, but is devoid of good deeds of oil: you, wise virgin, give your suffering flesh, filled with blood and shedding wounds, like a lamp of yours, so that by decorating my spiritual candle, I will be honored for you in the Heavenly Palace. I am a stranger on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers; eternal blessings to the heiress and a blessed supper in the Kingdom of Heaven to the partaker, as in the journey of life, the Divine Meal of pleasure, and in the exodus from the world desired, vouchsafe me guidance; and when at the end I begin to lull you into the sleep of death, then touching my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the Angel of Elijah, saying: Arise, eat and drink: for by the grace of the Divine Body and Blood of the Mysteries I will be strengthened in the fortress of that food, the long path of death, even to the Mountains of Heaven : And there, through the three windows of the bathhouse, you first saw God the Trinity by faith, Him together with you face to face, so that I may be worthy to see and glorify Him forever and ever. Amen

Prayer three

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and through the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Prayer four

To you, as to the true source of speedy healing and many-wonderful healing, holy virgin Varvaro the Great Martyr, I am weak and fall ardently to your holy relics, praying: see the wounds of sin and all-body ulcers, see the infirmity of my soul, and this, with your usual mercy and Compelled by goodness, trying to heal. Hear the voice of my prayer, do not ignore the groaning brought by my damned heart, and hear my cry, for you are my refuge. The holy, consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, which you depicted with three windows in the paternal bathhouse, pray for me, a sinner and impatient servant of yours, that he may have mercy on me now and on the day of my death. Worship the Heavenly Father: may He raise me, bowed down and cast down by all my sins, to His praise, and may He always give me the grief of having a heart that is heavenly and not earthly. Pray to Christ the Son of God, who heard your suffering prayer in prison, but who is lazy in prayers, and in the despondency of many, like sitting in prison, will instruct me to quickly move along the path of God’s commandments and give me a fervent desire to pray unceasingly. Call also the Holy Spirit, the purity of the inexhaustible Source, in the suffering labor of thee, the pure virgin, who strengthens and protects from shame with His wings, as if I, too cold and unclean, will create a pure heart and renew the right spirit in my womb: moreover, let him call upon me and He will give me the opportunity to strive diligently in a pure life and strengthen me to do good deeds. I believe that all this is possible for me, O holy Great Martyr Varvaro, to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity: and if you desire, you are strong in helping me, for you have glorified God in your suffering lands. And we know, holy virgin, that nothing is impossible for you, unless you despise my tears and sighs: for this sake, to the honor of your holy relics, the miraculous race, I fall down and you, your soul abiding in heaven, worshiping, I dare to prayerfully say: may your ears be attentive to the voice my prayers. May your long-suffering body heal the many souls and bodies of my passion. May your head, bowed to the sword, give my head the water that cleanses sins. Let your powers, mercilessly tread, bind me to the love of God. Let your honest lips block my lips from idle talk and always open to proclaim the praise of the Lord. May your eyes, which see the Trinity light, see my good desire, as if I had turned away my eyes from seeing vanity, but always looked at heavenly bliss. May your hand be cut off and deign to always raise my hand to the Most High and not weave flattery with it. Your breast, mercilessly cut, may we be a strong pillar from the face of the enemy. Let your noses, which quickly pass with a bright light into the chamber of God to the Heavenly Bridegroom, make it so that I also walk in my footsteps for every good work: let the lamp of my feet be the light of my feet in every good work: let the law of the Lord be a lamp for my feet and a light for the paths mine. May your wounds free me from the wounds of sin. May your blood, shed many times in torment, cleanse my soul and body from all filth. Let your death not allow me to die without confession and repentance: for even if you are glorified in any goodness, but in this especially, like everyone who has hope in you and calls on you for help, he will escape death from insolence, and deliver him from the weaker and less accursed. , pure virgin, to the great martyr Varvaro, and through your all-powerful prayers grant me the right hand position of Christ the Son of God and hear the voice saying: “good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.” Amen

Barbara of Iliopol is a great martyr, whose face is depicted on the coats of arms of many cities. The prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara constantly sounds from the lips of both Orthodox Christians and adherents of the Catholic faith.

Holy patronage: who Saint Barbara helps and with what

Varvara patronizes women: helps pregnant women and women in labor, promotes successful release from the burden;

Icon "Holy Great Martyr Barbara of Iliopolis"

  • protects against sudden, accidental death without repentance;
  • helps you find happiness unmarried girls and protects women and spouses on the verge of divorce in preserving their marriage;
  • preserves crops in the fields;
  • protects against lightning strikes;
  • Helps overcome depression and sadness.

Those who bear the name of this saint in baptism can hope for special mercy from Saint Barbara. Of course, this does not mean at all that people with other names cannot pray to her, but the spiritual intercession of their heavenly patron has special power.

If Saint Barbara is especially revered in your family, you can pray to her for any of your needs, troubles, and sorrows. There is no strict definition of which saint is prayed to in certain cases. There are traditions of certain spiritual assistance from saints in some circumstances, but this does not mean that the saint will not hear you with another request.

What prayers to read

Varvara Iliopolskaya

Prayer for sudden death

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Passionate Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify God, wondrous in our saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer for women's happiness and marriage

Most wise and all-fair saint of the Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Blessed are you, for the Precious Wisdom of God has not shown you flesh and blood, but God Himself, the Heavenly Father, like you, for the sake of faith, abandoned, expelled and killed by an unfaithful father, has received into His beloved daughter; for the corruption of earthly property, the inheritance of the flesh is freely incorruptible; the labors of martyrdom by the repose of the Heavenly One changed the Kingdom; glorify your temporary life, cut short by His death for His sake, with veneration, as if you have taken your soul from the faces of the Heavenly spirits, but keep your body, placed on earth in their angelic temple, by the Angel of the commandment intact, honorably and miraculously. Blessed art thou, O Christ, the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, a disgraced virgin, who desired to have the kindness of thy caretaker, who through suffering, wounds, pleasure, cutting, and the very head itself by beheading, like the most precious utensils, thou didst strive to adorn: so, like a wife, she is faithful to her head - to the husband, Christ, united in spirit and body inseparably, saying: “I have found Him, whom my soul loved, I held Him and did not forsake Him.” Blessed are you, for the Holy Spirit has rested upon you, having been taught by the spiritual to reason spiritually, you have rejected all the spirits of wickedness in idols, as if they were destructive, and having come to know the One God the Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity." This Holy Trinity, Who glorified this Holy Trinity in life and death with your confession and suffering, pray for me, my intercessor, as I have always been the triple faith, love and hope of virtue, Here I honor the Holy Trinity. The Imam is a lamp of faith, but is indolent on good deeds; You, wise virgin, give your suffering flesh, filled with blood and flowing with wounds, like a lamp of yours, so that by decorating my spiritual candle, I will be honored to take you into the Heavenly Palace. I am a stranger on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers; eternal blessings to the heiress and a blessed supper in the Kingdom of Heaven to the partaker, as in the journey of life, the Divine Meal of pleasure, and in the exodus from the world desired, grant me guidance; and when at the end I begin to lull you into the sleep of death, then touching my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the Angel of Elijah, saying: Arise, eat and drink; as if by the grace of the Divine Body and Blood of the Mysteries I was strengthened, I will travel in the fortress of that veil the long path of death, even to the Heavenly Mountains: and there, through the three windows of the bathhouse, you first saw God’s Trinity by faith, Whom together with you face to face, may I be worthy to see and glorify Him forever. Amen.

Prayer for help

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and through the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for health

To you, as to the true speedy healing and many-wonderful source of healing, holy virgin Varvaro the Great Martyr, I am weak and I am running to your holy relics, falling earnestly, I pray: see the wounds of sin and all-body ulcers, see the weakness of my soul, and this, with your usual mercy and goodness forced, try to heal. Hear the voice of my prayer, do not ignore the groaning brought by my damned heart, and hear my cry, for you are my refuge.

The holy, consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, which you depicted with three windows in the paternal bathhouse, pray for me, a sinner and impatient servant of yours, that he may have mercy on me now and on the day of my death. Worship the Heavenly Father: may He raise me, bowed down and cast down by all my sins, to His praise, and may He always give me the grief of having a heart that is heavenly and not earthly. Pray to Christ the Son of God, who heard your suffering prayer in prison, but who is lazy in prayers, and in the despondency of many, like sitting in prison, will instruct me to quickly move along the path of God’s commandments and give me a fervent desire to pray unceasingly. Call also the Holy Spirit, the purity of the inexhaustible Source, in the suffering labor of thee, the pure virgin, who strengthens and protects from shame with His wings, so that even for me, cold and unclean, a pure heart will be created and a right spirit will be renewed in my womb: moreover, let him call upon me and give strive diligently in a pure life and strengthen me to do good deeds.

I believe that all this is possible for me, O holy one, lead me to the martyr Varvaro, to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity: and if you desire, you are strong in helping me, for you have glorified God in your suffering lands. And we know, holy virgin, that nothing is impossible for you, unless you despise my tears and sighs: for this sake, to the honor of your holy relics, the miraculous race, I fall down and you, your soul abiding in heaven, worshiping, I dare to prayerfully say: may your ears be attentive to the voice my prayers.

May your long-suffering body heal the many souls and bodies of my passion. May your head, bowed to the sword, give my head the water that cleanses sins. Let your powers, mercilessly tread, bind me to the love of God. Let your honest lips block my lips from idle talk and always open to proclaim the praise of the Lord. May your eyes, which see the Trinity light, see my good desire, as if I had turned away my eyes from seeing vanity, but always looked at heavenly bliss. May your hand be cut off and deign to always raise my hand to the Most High and not weave flattery with it. Your breast, mercilessly cut, may we be a strong pillar from the face of the enemy. Let your noses, which quickly pass with a bright light into the chamber of God to the Heavenly Bridegroom, make it so that I also walk in my footsteps for every good work: let the lamp of my feet be the light of my feet in every good work: let the law of the Lord be a lamp for my feet and a light for the paths mine.

May your wounds free me from the wounds of sin. May your blood, shed many times in torment, cleanse my soul and body from all filth. Let your death not allow me to die without confession and repentance: for even if you are glorified in any goodness, but in this especially, like everyone who has hope in you and calls on you for help, he will escape death from insolence, and deliver him from the weaker and less accursed. , pure virgin, great martyr Varvaro, and through your all-powerful prayers grant me the right hand position of Christ the Son of God and hear the voice saying: “good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.” Amen.

Brief Life

The girl was born in Iliopolis, now the territory of modern Syria, around 310. Her parents were ardent pagans. Father Dioscorus soon became a widower, but he loved his only daughter very much. In order to exclude her contact with Christians, he built a high castle for his daughter. Varvara was allowed to leave its walls only with her father's permission. Therefore, the girl saw all the beauties of the world only from the height of the tower.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara of Iliopolis. Icon, XIV century.

Having learned about God, Varvara dreamed of knowing Him. But Dioscorus wanted to get his daughter married as soon as possible. The girl resisted her father’s will, and so he decided to allow her to leave the castle for a while in the hope that, by communicating with her friends, the daughter would see a different attitude towards marriage.

One day Varvara met some city Christian women. They told her about the Creator of Heaven and Earth, about His earthly suffering and resurrection, about the Most Pure Virgin Mary. At the same time, an Alexandrian priest was in Iliopolis, disguised as a merchant. The girl asked him to perform the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on her, after which she made a vow to devote herself and her life to Christ.

Dioscorus increasingly began to hear excerpts of their Christian doctrine from his daughter’s lips, and one day, upon learning about her Baptism, he became furious. He brought his daughter to the mayor and publicly renounced her. The ruler of Iliopolis spent a long time trying to persuade the girl not to resist her father’s will and to renounce Christ. But she fearlessly denounced the idolater, for which she was beaten with the sinews of oxen and the bleeding wounds on her body were rubbed with a stiff hair shirt. By evening she was thrown into prison, but at night, during prayer, the Savior Himself appeared before her and wished Varvara to endure all the torment to the end, in order to soon find herself in His heavenly abodes. That same night, another miracle happened - all the wounds received from the day's torture disappeared and the girl's body was clean.

About other Christian martyrs:

The next day, the torment continued: Varvara was taken naked around the city, hung from a tree, her body was burned and tormented with iron hooks, and her head was smashed with a hammer. But the saint was strengthened by faith! In the evening of the same day, the martyr, by order of the city ruler, was beheaded by her father Dioscorus himself. But soon God’s punishment befell him - the man was pierced by lightning and his body turned into a handful of ash.

Important! The relics of the martyr are kept in cathedral Prince Vladimir in the city of Kyiv.

Rule of Prayer

1. Before starting to read the prayer, it is advisable to retire, light a candle or lamp, and stand in front of the icon of the Great Martyr Barbara.

2. Sign yourself with the Sign of the Cross and reverently begin to pray.

3. It is necessary to delve into all spoken words and thoughts with your heart.

Great Martyr Barbara

Before her death, the martyr prayed to God to allow her to protect everyone who would pray for intercession. The Lord heeded her prayers and to this day Christians offer prayers to Varvara not to die without repentance and Holy Communion.

In memory of Varvara Iliopolskaya, many temples were erected around the world. The most unique of them is located on a steep cliff at an altitude of 600 meters in Meteora. It is a complex convents in Greece.

The image of the great martyr, kept in the city of Samara, visited the orbital station.

Since 1995, the saint has been considered the patroness of the Russian missile forces.

For many centuries, an endless stream of believers has been coming to the image of Barbara. People reveal their souls, innermost secrets and desires to the saint in the hope of help and support.

These days, it is very good for people who especially venerate Saint Barbara and pray to her to go to church services, confess, and receive communion. Often in churches on the day of veneration of the saint, prayers for health are served with the reading of an akathist, where you can submit notes with the names of relatives and friends for church commemoration.

Video about akathist Varvara Iliopolskaya.

Once upon a time there lived a family, everyone was very friendly. The year was 317, and the city was Illipol. Every day the family gathered at the table, everyone told each other interesting stories, shared legends, listened to the experience of elders. One day happiness came to the house - a little girl was born, beautiful as a flower.

Time passed, the baby grew, her family loved her very much. And everything would have been fine, but only these people believed in the old gods. Some time later, the girl’s mother died, and her father took charge of her upbringing. Despite her dad's worldview, the girl grew up in the Christian faith. And then, she was executed by order of her father. Her name was Varvara. Now, she is a Saint, to whom they pray every day.

Prayer to Saint Barbara - when to read

Just before her death, the martyr prayed to the Lord God and asked that He always help those who sincerely believe in Him. After Varvara passed into another world, people learned about her sad story and began to pray to her. Today the Great Martyr is asked to ask:

  • successful marriage;
  • about family well-being and happiness;
  • about being healed from a terrible disease;
  • about preventing sudden disaster from occurring;
  • to always feel protected nearby;
  • about saving yourself from sudden death.

No matter what happens in Rus', no matter what the war, the temple where the relics of St. Barbara are located, all enemies and troubles pass by - this is a real miracle. The memorial day of the Martyr, which is celebrated by believers, is December 17.

Who should read the prayer to Varvara?

Initially, Saint Barbara was considered the patroness of all artisans, because during her lifetime she was very fond of needlework. Today, prayers can also be offered to her by those people who are afraid of suddenly dying - and there are a lot of them. The fact is that some professions are considered life-threatening. Every day people get up for work and leave, not knowing whether they will return or not. So, first of all, those who work in these areas should pray to Varvara:

  • traders;
  • sailors;
  • travelers;
  • miners;
  • miners;
  • military.

Prayer to Barbara the Great Martyr - text in Russian

“Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Passionate Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify God, wondrous in our saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen"

How to read a prayer

As in every prayer, there are a number of rules that cannot be broken. For example, reading a text should be sincere, slow, with every word thought through. You cannot quickly skim through the text without reading to the end or placing emphasis incorrectly. It is worth remembering that you are working with sacred scripture, and, therefore, you must keep in mind that you are not turning to someone, but to the Higher Powers.

If you believe in what you say, then God will definitely help you, guide you on the true path and never leave you in trouble. Also, the main rule that is important to remember is abstraction from bad thoughts. In other words, if there is a risk of not returning from work, then when reading a prayer, you cannot imagine that one day you will not come home. You always need to tune in and hope for the best, trusting the Lord God and Saint Barbara. It is best to learn the prayer rather than sight-read it.

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The name of Saint Barbara is associated with an old and sad story. In 317, a beautiful, healthy girl was born in the city of Illiopolis. She grew up in a rich and noble family, but this family believed only in the old gods. The girl lost her mother very early, so her father, Dioscorus, was completely involved in her upbringing.

The girl grew up and completely devoted herself to the Christian faith, which her stubborn father did not like. When the father’s attempts to convince his daughter were unsuccessful, he and other pagans executed her.

Since then, Varvara has become one of the most revered Saints in Rus'. Many girls come to the relics to read a prayer to St. Barbara for marriage, women ask for children, and people in dangerous professions ask for protection from harm. The relics in the eighth century were transported to the Kiev Cathedral of Prince Vladimir, where they remain to this day.

Prayers to Saint Barbara

Before her death, the martyr asked the Almighty to always help Christian believers who would treat. Since that time, everyone who asks the Great Martyr for a successful marriage, for family happiness, for healing of illnesses or for protection from sudden death, from unexpected disaster, all believers will find help and intercession.

The healing and miraculous power of the relics of the martyr was known to the people a long time ago. It is not surprising that how many times Rus' and Kyiv were completely destroyed and plundered, and the holy temple where the relics are kept avoided all troubles.

How does prayer to Varvara the Great Martyr help?

From the very beginning, Varvara was considered the patron saint of artisans, since the girl was very fond of needlework during her lifetime. But as time shows, prayers are often offered to Varvara for sudden death. Everyone who is afraid of dying without repentance turns to her with this prayer. These are often people who are associated with dangerous professions:

  • miners;
  • miners;
  • military;
  • sailors;
  • travelers;
  • merchants.

Prayers to the Great Martyr near her relics can charge various objects with divine power. Many people place their rings, crosses and other wearable items near the shrine with relics during prayer. Such items are then worn as powerful protective and miraculous talismans.

Prayer to Saint Barbara for women's happiness:

“Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Passionate Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify God, wondrous in our saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen"

God bless you!

Watch also the video about the life of the Great Martyr Barbara:

In the 4th century, a righteous woman of the true teachings of the Church of Christ, the holy great martyr, appeared in the city of Iliopolis. Memorable day in Orthodox Church celebrated on December 17th. Seventeen centuries protects and takes care of us saint, showing an example of true faith and love of God. The prayer to Varvara the Great Martyr will help every believer. What is known about her worldly life?

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Faith in God

The girl spent almost all her time alone, sitting by the window and watching the wildlife that surrounded her castle. One day she wondered who could create such a beautiful, breathtaking world. Her pagan teachers explained the creation of everything around her by the forces of wooden and clay deities in which they believed. The mentors also forced the young captive to believe this.

However, Varvara did not like this explanation. She resisted them, saying that some wooden and clay deities could not create anything like that, since they themselves were made by people. Varvara believed that there is a supreme Creator, one and all-powerful, who lives in its own being. And only in his strength and power to create the world, and endow him with such beauty. The girl was an example of understanding God with the help of his creations.

An offer of marriage

Dioscorus began to be visited by wealthy suitors who had heard about the girl’s unearthly beauty and wanted to take her as their wife. Dioscorus did not want to go against the will of his daughter, so he asked her opinion about marriage with one of the suitors. The girl responded with a decisive refusal and announced her reluctance to commit oneself with someone by marriage. The father was very upset by this, but he decided that his daughter behaved this way due to her youth and difficult character.

In order for his daughter to change her mind when communicating with other girls, Dioscorus allowed her to leave the castle whenever she wanted. This was exactly what Varvara wanted so much. The girl began to often go to the city, and during her father’s long departure, she made acquaintance with secret Christians, living in Iliopol. They told her about the Triune God, about the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary, about the sacrifice he made, and about many other things that the girl had never even known about before. These stories remained in her soul forever.

Baptism of Vari

One day the city was visited by a merchant on his way to Alexandria. Christian priest was in hiding under a merchant's mask. The girl asked him to perform a baptism ceremony on her. In addition, he expounded in greater detail the entire teaching about Jesus Christ. Varvara accepted this teaching without any objection. And I decided to completely devote myself and my life to serving God.

Varvara wanted to create an image of the Trinity, so she ordered that not two windows be made, as her father had previously indicated, but three. Upon returning home, Dioscorus decided to find out the reason for the change in the project, and his daughter told the whole truth about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Being a pagan, the father was simply furious, and attacked his daughter with a sword. Varvara was saved thanks to her flight and a cleft in the rock that inexplicably appeared in front of her.

Imprisonment and torment of the Saint

Her father was so blinded by pagan fanaticism that he could dull his parental feelings. By the end of the day he managed to catch his daughter. After this, he gave Varvara to the city ruler so that he could put her in prison. Poor Varya fell into the hands of bloodthirsty executioners. But the young maiden did not break before them, because she hoped and prayed to God. In the night The Lord himself appeared to her, who consoled the poor child and instilled hope for the speedy acquisition of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Varvara's heroism doubled. Another girl who believes in God openly declared this and took Varvara’s side. Having accepted the martyr's cross, they were beheaded.

Veneration of the Great Martyr in Russia

In 300 years Great Martyr Barbara moved to Constantinople, and from the 12th century they appeared in Kyiv. The daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium, who married the Russian prince Mikhail Izyaslovich, took them with her. They are kept in Kyiv to this day. The memory of the great martyr has been honored since the day of the baptism of Rus'.

She helps everyone who asks her for help. It especially helps those people who ask to be protected from unexpected death and are worried that they will leave the sinful earth without repenting. The Great Martyr Barbara also helps in other situations. Holy protects worshipers from accidental troubles. It was noticed long ago that the plague, which broke out very often in Russia, never affected those churches where the relics of the saint were kept. There are icons of the Great Martyr Barbara in every church. The Great Martyr is one of the most revered and beloved saints in Russia. Not everyone knows the history of Varvara’s worldly life and therefore believes that she is Russian. In addition, this name was previously widely known in Russia.

Built in her honor a huge number of temples. Almost every Orthodox family her icons hang. The Church of the Great Martyr Barbara was also erected in the Russian capital. It is believed that it was built in the 16th century and is located next to the Kremlin. The street where the church is located is named after it. Previously, Varvara was considered a trade patroness, and therefore she chose a place for the construction of a church in a massive concentration of shopping arcades.

What do they ask Varvara for?

Before execution Varvara asked God for help to all Christians who prayed for her. Anyone who is afraid of a misfortune that may come by chance, an unexpected death, or going into another world without repentance will find help and support from Varvara. Since ancient times, people have known about the healing power of holy relics. On the day of remembrance of Saint Barbara, many Orthodox Christians say a prayer and turn their gaze to her icon in hopes of healing.

Whom does the Great Martyr help?

Varvara is always asked for help by those people who do not want to die early, especially without repenting. These people were mainly:

She is often called upon when a thunderstorm rages, so that she can protect those asking from being struck by lightning. In addition, she is believed to be the patroness of artisans.

Many claim that the relics of the saint have miraculous properties. It is believed that the relics can charge other objects with their miraculous energy. Christians left crosses and rings near the relics, and then put them on themselves as a talisman. Empress Elizabeth herself took off her rings, replacing them with ordinary rings from the Holy Great Martyr Barbara.

During Rus', women committed a sin if they washed, bleached or kneaded clay on the day of Barbara. They were only allowed to do handicrafts, but they could begin to do this only after reading a special prayer. On St. Barbara's Day women made dumplings with poppy seeds and cottage cheese, and unmarried girls wondered their fate. In the garden, the girls broke off a cherry branch and put it in a jug of water. If it blooms on Christmas Eve, then a happy marriage may take place this year. Many of them read prayer to Saint Barbara for marriage. And the people are about healing the soul and body. Folk sign says: what the weather will be like on Barbara’s day, the same will be the weather on Christmas.

If you ask Varvara for help, she will definitely help. The main thing is to have pure thoughts and keep sincere faith in your soul. The saint will not refuse anyone's prayers. And if it seems that she does not hear you, then the time has not come for your help, and you should not despair. Important:

If you just learned about her and have never seen her icon, then you can look at the photo on the Internet.

Saint Barbara the Great Martyr