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Prayer for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Spells for a bad back. To make bones heal faster

From osteochondrosis.


How to get rid of back pain forever.

Relieve back pain.

Relieve back pain.

Whip with a broom in the bathhouse and say:

Don’t tear, don’t break, but take your health from the devil.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

They read it with water or milk and give it to someone who suffers greatly from back pain. Helps immediately and for a long time.

God's word, pure deed
I speak to the servant of God (name),
all his duck, all his splurge
strong shoulder, strong hand,
his back straight, his whole body white,
the strength of his bones, the redness of his blood.
Trite lived, trite half-lived,
rub the joint, rub the half-joint,
rub the vertebrae, rub the cartilage, rub the tailbone.
You, duck, you, splash, from the back to the threshold,
from the threshold to the road, the road to the field.
To be there, to lie there.
Never be in (name's) back.
I will stand by my word,
for int, I don’t let them in.
Oak tables, brocade tablecloths,
baked pies, green wines.
Eat duck, drink splack.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.
From this hour on God's orders.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In an aspen grove they put a penny under a stone and say:

Stone, buy the pain from my back. Amen.

When leaving the grove, they don’t look back and never tell anyone about what they’ve done.

The hand doesn't ache
Doesn't stretch my leg, doesn't move my neck,
So for me, slave (name), all my illness will go away.
Bye to this rope

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

They float in the bathhouse and shout in turns. Master, then patient, and so 12 times:

I am not baptized with a cross, but rather whipped with a broom.
Get out, prick.
Get out, grind, pull, moan,
get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen.

They measure a person’s back with a rope on which the laundry was previously hung. You need to measure from the top vertebra to the tailbone. The excess part is cut off. During the bad month, they go into the forest, measure a branch with a rope and tie it to the branch at the same length. Then they say:

How is yours, branch, your back doesn’t hurt,
The hand doesn't ache
Doesn't stretch my leg, doesn't move my neck,
So I, slave (name), have all the illness
will pass.
Bye to this rope
People won't hang out their laundry to dry,
Until that hour my body will not ache.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After these words, go home, dear, don’t talk. Do not respond to greetings, do not enter the store.

When you enter your house (apartment), you can start talking. In a month, repeat everything again. And then a month later - the third and last time. Chondrosis will let you go for a long time.

Knead rye flatbread, to which add a pinch of dry mustard and rock table salt, whispering from time to time (3-5 times): It will be baked not in a frying pan, but on the back; You won’t get oil, but you’ll take away the pain; That is your business and glory. Amen.

Then place this flatbread on sore spot spine and fix it overnight, and if after 15-20 minutes instead of a pleasant warmth you feel an unbearable burning sensation, then remove the cake, rinse the area on your back with warm water and prepare another similar cake mixed with flower (preferably linden) honey. Do this once a day, at night. The course is a week.

Conspiracies for osteochondrosis

Prepare small (5-7 cm) sticks from birch branches, sharpened at the end like a pencil. For neck pain and cervical spine spine, take three sticks together and, lightly tingling your legs with them, say: Sticks-pleasers, take the pains, take them to the fast rivers, the blue sea. Let it be so! The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes, carried out 3-5 times a day.

Lie on the threshold and say three times: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Father, damask axe, remove my internal pains and sorrows, bone, veins, brain. Just as a damask ax does not hurt anything, so the servant of God (name) does not hurt or ache. Stand up, all the bones, veins, in their place. Just as a baby doesn’t hurt anywhere, his bones don’t ache, so the servant of God (his name) doesn’t hurt or ache anywhere. May my words be strong, sculpted, stronger than a gray stone and a sharp damask knife, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

You need to measure the person’s back with the rope on which the laundry was previously hanging. You need to measure from the top vertebra to the tailbone. Cut off the excess part. During the bad month, go to the forest, measure a branch with a rope and tie it to the branch at the same length. Say: Just as your back doesn’t hurt, branch, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t pull, your neck doesn’t move, so for me, God’s servant (my name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. After these words, go home, dear, don’t talk. Don't answer greetings, don't go into the store. When you enter your house (apartment), you can start talking. In a month, repeat everything again. And then a month later, the third and last time.

If a person has a tendency toward spinal disease, then during an exacerbation of the disease, place him on the threshold, place a worn broom on top of the sore spot, tap it with an ax and say three times: What are you doing? Ducks. Flog him in the right way so that it lasts forever.

At night, warm up a bag of salt and say the Lord’s Prayer three times. After this, apply it to your back or other sore spot and read the spell: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! I dissuade the influx day, night, counter, transverse, midday, midnight, water, interior, hourly, half-hourly. I am not dissuading the influx, the influx is dissuaded by Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the whole heavenly chariot dissuades it. I send the tributary to the sea, to the ocean, to the island of Buyan, to the white stone Alatyr: there they will receive the tributary of 77 fellows, one fellow locks the tributary with 77 locks, with 77 keys, sends the tributary to the Okiyan Sea, to the white fish: there for you, tributaries , live well, freely. You, flowers, will not bloom, you, tributaries, will not win back my death. Heaven and earth, the key! Amen!

For any applications to the affected areas, you must first whisper to them: Shel Chondrosis, sat down to rest. He sat and suddenly flew away to where wolves don’t howl, birds don’t fly, wild dogs don’t bark, and only witches carry their dung. That's where your Chondrosis flew away. Amen. They whisper three times. Course - up to 10 days. Treatment should begin on the waning moon, but in such a way that the final days fall on the waning lunar phase.

Cross the joint affected by osteochondrosis repeatedly and whisper for five minutes: Cross for illness; go, disease, into the red forest, there the blue demon is waiting for you. Amen three times for seven rains. Do this twice a day. Start on the waning moon. Course - 10-12 days. If necessary, repeat treatment after a week, regardless of the lunar phases.

Tapping the edge of any palm on the affected area, whisper sternly, peering closely at these coordinates, six times: I will chop, I will chop, I will chop! I'll hammer, I'll hammer, I'll hammer! I knock, I knock, I knock! I don’t scare you, because I know my business. For now it’s a whisper, then it’s a talk. True. Do this once a day at noon or immediately before starting any physical therapy session. Course - 10 days. Moon phases in in this case are not of fundamental importance.

This plot helps to completely cure a vertebral hernia. They read it in a heated bathhouse on the waning moon, whipping the patient with an oak broom: You hernia, hernia, get out of the servant of God (name). Come out without legs, without arms. Go out without a head, onto the bath shelves, into a hot stove, into a fierce fire, and don’t touch the servant of God (name) again. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. After these words, put the broom in the oven and leave. This needs to be done three times.

Another way. This spell can be used to treat any hernia in a child. On Wednesday after sunset, take right hand red rag. Circle it around the hernia counterclockwise and read the spell: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on earth are three relatives and keels, three vile inguinal hernias, the second, and the third umbilical hernia ache, gnaw, pinch and rush at all God's people. I will get up, blessing myself, I will walk, cross myself, put on a cross, and go out into the surrounding area. There I will find a stone hole, I will call the first sister: here you, hernia, live, here you, hernia, live. I’ll find a dry tree in the forest, call the hernia, my second sister: here you, hernia, should be, here you, hernia, should live. And I’ll kill the third sister hernia with a red rag. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Do this three evenings in a row, then burn the rag. 3*

Your knees hurt, your back or elbows don’t freeze at all, don’t cry, don’t cry, a roll will be given to you, and the roll is not a simple golden conspiracy, whisper it, soon you’ll be more cheerful, not snotty, not in pain

Joint pain, radiculitis, chondritis and arthritis - these are names that have been familiar to us practically since childhood. These diseases are Lately packs of medicines have become much younger; recommendations; sometimes all this can be not only a burden on the family budget, but also useless in terms of treatment. Along with drug treatment, you can also try alternative methods; conspiracies are included in this list of remedies. These spells should be used when you are slightly unwell or even when everything is fine with your health - to prevent future illnesses.

Conspiracy for osteochondrosis

Read on a waning moon for a piece of bread. Rub the sore spot with this piece, and then give the bread to the dog. Do this until you recover. It usually helps quickly if the disease is not very advanced.

Mother of God, I ask You to take away the illness from me and give it to the dog. Be my words strong, molding, tenacious to a piece of bread. Get rid of the disease from me, and stick to the food. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

In addition, copper coins, which should be stuck to sore spots with a plaster and worn without removing for a long time, are very helpful. Before sticking the coins, you need to clean them with chalk or tooth powder until a bright copper shine appears.

Speak to chronic osteochondrosis

They measure a person’s back with a rope on which the laundry was previously hung. You need to measure from the top vertebra to the tailbone. The excess part is cut off. During the bad month, they go into the forest, measure a branch with a rope and tie it to the branch at the same length. Then they say:

Just as a branch doesn’t hurt your back, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t pull, your neck doesn’t stiffen, so for me, God’s servant (name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After these words, go home, dear, don’t talk. Do not respond to greetings, do not enter the store. When you enter your house (apartment), you can start talking. In a month, repeat everything again. And then a month later - the third and last time. The disease will go away for a long time.

For joint pain

Such patients are treated in the house where they live. Place the patient in the place where he usually eats. Give him a piece of bread, let him eat it, and you read the plot against illness. When you read it three times, take what is left of his piece of bread. When you return home, crumble some bread for the birds. There is no charge at all for this treatment.

Holy relics do not hurt, but the bones of a servant of God will heal. Hands do not hurt, legs do not hurt, all joints and semi-joints, bones and bones and vertebrae do not hurt. Just as holy relics do not hurt, so they will not hurt the servant of God. Amen.

They say on a moonless night:

Aches, pinches, bone birthmarks, all joints and semi-joints, boots, boots, don’t creak, don’t hurt the servant of God (name), so that she doesn’t suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen.

Restore your body's mobility

Wash your face in the morning, saying:

Sun at sunrise, drowsiness at sunset. How strong is faith in Jesus Christ, so that I too will be strong and cheerful. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Spell for dislocated joints

Michael the Archangel rode through the mountains, through forests, across seas, along all roads. I drove onto a bridge, the horse stumbled, the joint went crazy. The horse stood up, the joint fell into place. The servant of God (name), all the bones, all the veins, all the half-veins, stand in place. Amen.

Spell to relieve back pain

Whip yourself with a broom in the bathhouse and say:

Don’t tear, don’t break, but take your health from the devil. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Heal your back with a spell

Lie on the threshold and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. Father, damask axe, relieve my pains and sorrows, internal, bone, veins, brain, like a damask ax, nothing hurts, doesn’t pinch anywhere, so the servant of God (name) doesn’t hurt or pinch anywhere. Place all the bones and veins in their place. Just like a baby, nothing hurts anywhere, no bones, no pinching, so the servant of God (name) doesn’t hurt or pinched anywhere. Be my words strong, molded, stronger than stone, a gray and sharp knife, damask, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. (3 times.)

Pain in the tailbone

Now about the treatment. Ask your loved ones to buy dark beeswax, flower pollen, and dormant (dead) bees. Melt the wax in an enamel bowl, adding two teaspoons of pollen and fallen bees. When the wax is completely melted, remove the bowl from the heat. Wait until the wax is at such a temperature that you can form a small cake out of it. Lie down on the flatbread so that it is near your tailbone, on your sacrum. You need to lie down until the cake has cooled completely. This procedure is done for several days in a row. Already on the second day there is significant relief. Do microenemas. Ingredients: 100 g water,

1 teaspoon chamomile 1 teaspoon pine kernels

Everything should be boiled, left for half an hour and, after cooling to an acceptable temperature, used for an enema. Relieves pain and heals a compress made from vodka and ants. Pour half a liter of vodka into a liter jar, and fill it to the top with forest ants (preferably large and red ones). After three days, strain the ant infusion and make a compress at night, placing it on the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx.

The result of treatment is always positive. It is advisable to have ant infusion in stock for those who have problems with joints and various bone fractures.

Conspiracy on a sick skeleton There is a crunch, he tripped on a bush, the bone went crazy, the pain was released.

I lock the bone frame with a holy key, a golden lock. The earth does not hurt, the water does not ache. Just as the sky does not suffer from illness, so the servant of God (name) will not become ill. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. While reading this plot, lightly press the place above the tailbone and spit three times over your left shoulder.

Spell for curvature of the spine (scoliosis)

You will need the first compressed herb. Moreover, to treat a man, the grass must be mowed by a young man, under 33 years old. To treat a woman, the grass is mowed by a young woman, under 20 years old. Men mow on men's day, and women on women's day. Freshly cut grass is carried away from the field in a bag, with the bag thrown over the back. If the bag is accidentally placed on the ground or thrown over the chest, the grass will lose its strength, and the one who carried the bag incorrectly will experience back pain. The brought grass is spread on the place where the person usually sleeps, saying:

How you grass stood and behaved, neither day nor night you did not get tired, so that the back of the servant of God (name) did not get tired, did not ache, did not suffer. Amen.

You need to tuck the same grass into your belt and walk like this from 12 to 24 hours.

For back pain

For back pain and to strengthen the spine, take four armfuls of hay from a barn on four sides, put the hay on the patient’s shirt and set it on fire with the words:

Barn you barn, take the duck from the servant of God (name). I’ll burn the sheep, I’ll take the duck. Amen.

Utin is back pain. The term of the masters.

For osteochondrosis

Move the aspen stick between the shoulder blades and say:

Oh, you aspen knot, you have no sorrows, no illnesses, no burdens, no aches, no burning sensations, no bruising. So my back wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t burn, it wouldn’t ache. Wherever the pain came from, go there, not once, not twice, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight and not nine. The ninth force drives the first, (name) frees me from pain and sorrow not nine, not eight, not seven, not six, not five, not four, not three, not two, not once. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages

Burn the stick immediately.

A spell to keep your bones from hurting after working in the garden

In the spring, after working in the garden, many people complain of aching bones and joints. To avoid this, do this. Having dug up the garden, bow to four sides and say:

Mother earth Niva, give me back my strength. I dug for you, I lost my strength in the field. The earth raised my strength, so let it give it back to me!

Having said this, add one more word: “Goodbye...” and immediately go home. Anyone who does this never gets tired or gets sick.

Conspiracy if a person “broke” his back (sciatica)

People who do heavy physical labor sooner or later get sick. Most often, loaders and athletes complain about a sore back. It is possible to cure a sore back and lower back, but after that you should still take care of your health and correctly calculate your strength. Women should not handle bags with heavy weights, because in addition to a sore back, most women experience prolapse or prolapse of the uterus. I'll give you good prayers, which will relieve pain in the back and lower back, and a prayer that will put the female organs in place.

Wheat spell for back pain

If someone’s back hurts for a long time and severely and they’ve tried all the remedies, then take an ax that no one has ever used to chop anything, hit it lightly on the wheat and say:

Just as this stubble is not afraid of anything, so my back is not afraid of pain and illness. As strong as this survivor is, let my back be strong, strong and not sick: for now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell for treating the lower back

Lie with your back on the threshold and let the oldest family member step over you. In doing so, read:

Speak, Lord, my splek. I, the servant of God (name), lay down on the threshold. A brave hand, a brave leg, a brave shoulder - Christian blood. A third of my veins, a third half-vein, a third a joint, a third a half-joint. On my spine, on my back, there is no place for a splice. You're splashed, your place is in the river, in the yellow quicksand. There they are waiting for you, there they are waiting for you, oak tables are laid for you, tablecloths are laid out, silk ones are laid out, wines are poured, green ones are poured, pies for you are sweet, baked, hare, liver, rolled. Get off the splice from your lower back, from your back, and go behind the oak tabletops. And let me go, servant of God (name). Mother of God, save us from filthy slander, free us: for now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Plot for very severe back pain

They read it with water or milk and give it to someone who suffers greatly from back pain. Helps immediately and for a long time.

With the word of God, with pure deeds, I speak to the servant of God (name), all of his duck, all of his strong shoulder, strong arm, straight back, white of his whole body, strength, his bones, red of his blood. Rub the veins, rub the half-veins, rub the joint, rub the semi-joint, rub the vertebrae, rub the cartilage, rub the tailbone. Amen.

You're a duck, you're a splash, from the back to the threshold, from the threshold to the road, the road to the field. To be there, to lie there. Never be in (name's) back. I stand by my word, I don’t let them in for information. Oak tables, brocade tablecloths, baked pies, green wines. Eat duck, drink splack. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. From this hour, by God's order. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Voodoo ritual on the back

They turn the dead man over with his back up. They draw three sevens on the back and sprinkle the ashes of three on top. different breeds trees, put an atame (knife) on top, pull it over dead body hands and take turns touching finger to finger, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumb. They read the spell by moving their lips three times. Then they wipe the dead person’s back with a cloth and place it at the foot of the bed where the patient sleeps for one night. Try not to make mistakes or stumble when reading the spell. This may harm the master.

Heaven and celestials, let the King of Vagi come from heaven and let four-day Lazarus, who was dead before his resurrection by God, walk nearby. Lazarus was dead, was from dead dead. And when he was dead, his body was dead. He lay spinning because he was dead. He didn't cry in pain because he was dead. Let (name)’s back not hurt like the dead Lazarus did when he was dead. And just as (the name of the deceased)’s back does not hurt, let (the patient’s name)’s back not hurt. And a thousand spears, a thousand clubs, a thousand darkness on the right hand will not destroy what I have said here. ABU, ALI, ULA, IH, ABASHI, IND, UR, KHALI. Amen.

How to get rid of back pain forever

In an aspen grove they put a penny under a stone and say:

Stone, buy the pain from my back. Amen

When leaving the grove, they don’t look back and never tell anyone about what they’ve done.

Conspiracy for vertebral hernia

Melt the incense bought on the third day after Easter in a cup. When it bubbles, put 12 candles in it and read the plot:

Three daughters of a bell-ringer and three sons of a sexton are coming. The bell ringer's daughters count the vertebrae of God's servant (name), and the sexton's sons will reprimand her for hernia. And may the Mother of God bless them for this work. Amen.

Pour the mixture onto a rag, tie the rag on your lower back (on the sore spot) and go to bed. They do this on a waning Moon.

Speak to the tabes dorsalis

With both hands, move through one vertebra of the patient on Sunday before sunrise and read 7 times.

Adam's ribs did not hurt or ache when they divided him in two. I divide your back into seven parts, into seven Adam’s bones, into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... (and so on until Sunday). Amen.

Conspiracy against dryness and thinness

If a person is dry or losing weight, slander the water in the bath during the new month. Wash the patient with this water.

Holy water, spring water, flowing, burning, washed meadows, and shores, stones, flints, and yellow sands, so that the servant of God (name) would not have dryness either in the head, or inside, or in the heart, or in the bones, or in the veins, neither in the red cheeks, nor in the clear eyes. It is I who speak, talk, drive, where the Sun does not shine and the wind does not blow, the rooster does not crow, there they wait and wait, sorrows, illnesses are accepted from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Speak "collar"

If you have seen a person whose neck resembles a huge inflated circle, which lies with a collar on his chest, then he is sick with a “collar”. Some people call this disease the “Judas Collar.”

To save a person from this, you should take: for a woman - a belt from a dress, for a man - measure the neck with something and put it on the dog for three days, after having said what you measured with. After three days, this measurement is taken from the dog, burned on the street, and the remainder of the burning leash is extinguished with their feet. They leave without looking back, silently and not very quickly, on the seventh day after Easter.

As Judas put on the leash, Judas could neither breathe nor sigh. The leash crushed Judas, the leash ruined Judas. Just as it is true that Judas choked and that the Lord resurrected him on the third day, so it is true that God’s servant (name) will remain alive. He will part with his collar. I lock it with the key, I close it with my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Spell for cervical arthritis

I don’t say or dissuade, Gabriel the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker dissuade. All the martyrs and great martyrs discourage it from aching, aching, pain, shooting, crushing, tormenting, vomiting. Not from my word, but from Archangel Gabriel and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Speak hump

Go where the bird barks, the fish bites, where the dumb man screams, where the dead live. I lock it with nine locks, nine keys, immaculate hands, and the mouth of God. The locks will not open, the keys will not be found. Word and deed. Amen.

After this, burn the branch without leaving the spot, and give a gift to the person who plucked the branch.

What to do if the hump grows

Lay the patient face down and take a knife with a wooden handle. Dip the handle of the knife into the water and hold the tip, stir the water counterclockwise. Then, with the handle of a knife, make forty crosses in the air above the patient’s back. Patients tell their feelings after this: it became easy to walk, the back does not strain, the aching pain stops. The back changes noticeably, the disease recedes.

The bones are lying in the field. Whoever collects those bones and puts them back together, whoever truly worships Christ, knows with His blessing, those hands straighten their back. And just as the Lord truly comes into the world, so truly the hump will come off the servant of God (name). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glory to the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Forever and ever. Amen.

Water is poured onto the intersection.

Spell from the hump for the waning month

You need to speak up as soon as you notice this grief, so that the hump does not grow further. Read only for the low month. They take the patient to the cemetery, place him near the new graves, take a towel, move it along his back from right to left (counterclockwise), read it 3 times, leave the towel there, and leave without looking back. They do not talk to the patient until he gets home.

God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. So my hump would go against the Sun, against the Moon, across all the hours of the day, across the morning and evening dawns, across all roads and paths. If I walked along a straight road, I would walk smoothly, okay, like the servant of God (name) was before you, lived before you. Get off your hateful hump, go to any grave, there are so many of them here. Walk across them, walk diagonally. From the servant of God (name) he leaps to the gravestones. Your side is alien, but his back is straight. Amen.

You can't let anyone know about this godmother sick.

Healing pain in the sacrum

Sorcerers call this disease utin. They place the patient on his stomach on the threshold: his head is in the house, and his legs are in the corridor, they take a blunt object that they used to work in the field, and make a movement as if they were flogging the patient. The patient's left hand is folded into a fig. The master says:

What am I rubling? - Utin fuck. - Rub a lot so that there are no centuries. Amen.

For lower back pain

From Kuzmikha's blow to Varvara; zvih, zvih, don’t be reckless, don’t walk on bones, don’t break bones, servant of God (name). Amen. Speak in the bathhouse, moving a broom along the lower back. Burn the broom.

Lightly tap across the sore lower back with the edge of your palm and say: What you chopped, crossed it, so that you chop harder, so that it doesn’t happen for the whole century. Amen.

They talk about the pin. This pin is pinned to clothing on the left side near the lower back:

Coil the snake, turn around the servant of God (name). Lie down on your waist, become a help, get off the road, fall, crawl away, take away the pain, take away the ailments. Amen.

Reduce back or bone pain to the stove

Open the oven door and place the patient on his knees in front of the oven. Take coals from the ash pit, draw crosses in front of the patient and say:

Oh, the furnace is so white, you don’t know any sorrow, no sorrow, no illness, no soreness, no aches. So the servant of God (name) would not have known, neither tricks, nor tricks, nor lessons, nor prizes, nor pinches, nor aches. At dawn Maryya, at evening dawn at Maremyan, at midnight at midnight at Agrafen.

A spell to stop your knees from cracking

Theafet rode on a horse through the dewy grass. His bones don’t pinch, don’t crunch, his legs and arms don’t hurt. So my legs and arms wouldn’t hurt, my bones wouldn’t bleed, they wouldn’t crunch. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for rheumatism

Take two old horseshoes, place one under the mattress at the patient’s feet, and the other at the head, so that the ends lie inward, and say:

Previously, they beat the ground, but now so that the servant of God (name) would be protected. Amen.

How to get rid of radiculitis using folk remedies

Don’t break the branches with the wind, don’t break the spear, don’t break the relics, the back, the lower back, the joints, half-joints, the bones, the half-bones, the knees and knees, the arms and legs, the whole human body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Read in windy weather.

A spell to stop your hands from hurting

The servant of God (name)’s hands hurt, her bones groan. Lord, have mercy on Your servant (name). She wouldn't moan or shed tears. Lord have mercy, take away the pain. Amen Speak on the full moon.

A spell to stop your feet from hurting

Bright angels, pure angels, cover the legs of the playful servant of God (name) with your wings, so that they do not ache, do not hurt, so that the joints do not creak. Amen. Read on the full moon.

Give me new slippers from the church. Light a candle for your health. When you return home, stand with your right foot on the threshold and say three times: The beast has four legs, the snake has none.

For aching bones

Buy a chicken carcass with paws at the market. Bury one paw under an aspen tree, and with the other paw circle the sore joints with the words:

Like this chicken without legs, so am I, God’s servant (name), without pain. You need to say this 13 times. Then give the chicken leg to the dog. If you do everything as I said, you will soon feel that your joints will stop hurting completely. The ceremony cannot be performed on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Conspiracy for meniscus displacement

If you have a bruise and your leg is swollen, draw a cross in the corner of the room with a knife handle and say:

The corner stands still, and you, my bone, stand, don’t whine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

You will need half a bucket of ripe wheat for the entire cycle of rituals. Pour some water into the pan, add 1 glass of honey. When the water boils, add 4 cups of previously washed wheat. After 1 minute of boiling, drain the water, and place the still warm wheat on the sore spot of the spine, reading the plot at this moment.

Bone fence, interior worm. Pull the salt, bonehead, go to the wheat. Peck her magpies, eat her crows. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While reading the plot, lightly press the area above the tailbone and spit three times over your left shoulder.

There is a crunch, I tripped on a bush, the bone went crazy, the pain was released. I lock the bone frame with a holy key, with a golden lock. The earth does not hurt, the water does not ache. Just as the sky does not suffer from illness, so the servant of God (name) will not become ill. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prepare a decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of motherwort into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil until 1/3 of the water has evaporated. Cool and rub the decoction into sore areas with the words:

Nettle grass, burn what is not mine; what you burn, you will take to the owner. Amen.

On the waning moon, when you take a steam bath, ask them to whip you on the sore spots with a broom. Taking turns with the broom massaging (healing you), you must loudly shout out the spell 12 times:

I am not baptized with a cross, but rather whipped with a broom. Get out, get out, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen.

Please note: you must say the spell word for word as written above, but the massager-healer must pronounce the spell like this:

I don’t baptize with a cross, but I fly with a broom. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan out from the slave (name) of the body, from the slave (name) of the deed. Out! Amen.

Perform the ritual monthly on the waning moon until the pain disappears.

Before you go to bed, hard boil an egg. Read the spell over it three times and, while the egg is warm, roll it along the sick person’s spine, repeating the spell 12 times. The patient should also repeat the words after you.

I am not baptized with a cross, but with an egg. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen.

Read the plot on the waning moon for a piece of bread. Then rub the sore spot with this piece and give the bread to the dog. Repeat the ritual until recovery.

Mother of God, I ask you to take away my illness and give it to the dog. Be my words strong, molding, tenacious to a piece of bread. Get rid of me, sickness, and stick to food. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Perform the ritual on the waning moon. Measure the length of the patient’s back from the top vertebra to the tailbone with a rope on which clean underwear was previously hanging. Cut off the excess. In the forest, tie a rope to a branch and make a hex. After a month, repeat the ritual, then again after a month.

Just as your back, branch, doesn’t hurt, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t strain, your neck doesn’t stiffen, so for me, the servant of God (name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pin the pin on the left side near the lower back and read the hex.

Snake, curl up, wrap around your slave (name). Lie down on your waist, become a help, get off the road, fall, crawl away, take away the pain, take away the ailments. Amen.

Lightly tapping the sore lower back with the edge of your palm, read the hex.

What he chopped, he crossed, so that he could chop harder, so that it wouldn’t happen for the whole century. Amen.

Do the slander in the bathhouse, moving a broom along the lower back. Then burn the broom.

From the sound - to Kuzmikha, from the blow - to Varvara, sound, sound, don’t be reckless, don’t walk on the bones, don’t break the bones of the slave (name). Amen.

Read the spell before going to bed three times with salt applied to your back. Repeat the ritual for three days, select the days of the waning moon.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I dissuade the influx day, night, counter, transverse, midday, midnight, water, interior, hourly, half-hourly. It is not I who dissuade the influx - Archangel Michael himself, Archangel Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the entire Heavenly chariot. I send the influx to the Okiyan sea, to the island of Buyan, to the white stone-alatyr. There are 77 young people taking in the influx. One fellow closes the tributary of the Okiyan Sea with a white fish: there, tributary, you can live well and in freedom. You, flowers, cannot bloom, you, tributary, cannot win back my death. Heaven, earth, key, lock. Amen.

Measure your lower back with a thread and tear it off so that the end touches the floor. Wrap the sharp ends of a new fork with this thread, then, while reading the hex, bury the thread in a secluded, deserted place, and give the fork to the poor.

Christ’s white body and lower back do not prick, so the slave (name) would not ache, prick, or hurt anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read this plot in front of an oak tree, in front of an oak stick or an oak board at dawn three times and three times at sunset. Repeat the ritual 9 days in a row, select the days of the waning moon.

Oak pillar, forgive and release the servant of God (name) from the tributary, from the hitka. Come out, tributary, come out, hitka, from the bones, from the relics, from the veins of the dead. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen. Holy water, damp earth, forgive the servant of God (name) from the tributary, from the hitka. Come out, tributary, come out, hitka, from the bones, from the relics, from the veins of the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then apply the oak board to the sore spot.

Read the curse on the wind on Wednesday.

Do not break, wind, branches, do not break bones, relics, back, lower back, joints, half-joints, bones, half-bones, knees and knees, arms and legs, the entire human body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lie down on the threshold and say a conspiracy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Father, damask axe, take away my pains, internal sorrows, bone, vein, brain. Just as a damask ax doesn’t hurt or pinch anywhere, so the servant of God (name) wouldn’t hurt or pinch anywhere. Stand up, all the bones, veins, in their place. Just as nothing hurts in a baby, no bones ache, so the servant of God (name) would not ache or ache anywhere. Be my words strong, sculpted, stronger than a gray stone, sharper than a damask knife. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On Thursday, use a birch, aspen or fir tree broom in the bathhouse to slap the patient on the back with the words:

You, a man of God, born by a mother, baptized in the church, ruined by labor, worn out by work. You have worked, you have labored, sent, sent, thought, guessed, I will whisper to you, charm you, born, prayerful, baptized servant of God (name). I will put you in your place, man of God, so as not to ache your back, not to drink the disease of red blood, not to dry out your white body, not to languish your cheerful heart. Rise up for yourself quietly, rise up for yourself lightly, stand in your place, on the holy chair, where you were born, where you were baptized, where the Lord punished you and sent you to the throne. There you should live, there you should be, there you should live out your life. Just as the damp earth does not ache, does not hurt and does not burn, so you, a man of God, born and baptized by your own mother, do not get sick or burn. Just as the damp earth will not move from its seats, so the slave (name) will not get sick. Amen.

On Sundays, during the waning moon, before sunrise, move all the vertebrae of the patient from top to bottom with both hands and read the plot 7 times.

Adam's ribs did not hurt or ache when they divided him in two. I divide your back into seven parts, into seven Adam’s bones, into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (and so on until Sunday). Amen.

In the bathhouse, whip the sick person with a broom and say:

Don’t tear, don’t break, but take your health from the devil. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the four corners of the barn, take four armfuls of hay, put the hay on the patient’s shirt and set it on fire with the words:

Ovin, Ovin, take the duck from the servant of God (name). I’ll burn the sheep, I’ll take the duck. Amen.

Make a curse on the water.

With God's word, with pure deeds, I speak to the servant of God (name), all his duck, all the strength of his strong shoulder, his strong arm, his straight back, his whole white body, the strength of his bones, his red blood. Go from the veins, from the half-veins, from the joints, from the semi-joints, from the vertebrae, from the cartilage, from the tailbone. Amen.

Make a curse on the water.

You, duck, you, splash, from the back - to the threshold, from the threshold - to the road, the road - to the field. There will be a duck there, there will be a spit there, but there will never be a duck in (name’s) back. I stand by my word, I don’t allow it into India. Oak tables, brocade tablecloths, baked pies, green wines - eat duck, drink splack. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. From this hour, from God's order. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In an aspen grove, place a penny under a stone with the words:

Stone, buy the pain from my back. Amen.

Place your hand on the sore spot, stroking it, read the spell three times.

Ignat has a house full of good things: shaking and fire, buzzing and buzzing, but the lumbago has not yet arrived here. Come on, while the shot is still intact, go to Ignat’s hut. They are waiting for you there! Amen.

On the full moon, read the hex.

Bright angels, pure angels, cover the legs of the playful slave (name) with your wings, so that they don’t ache, don’t hurt, so that the joints don’t creak. Amen.

Give the beggar at the church new slippers. In church, light a candle for your health. Standing with your right foot on the threshold of the house, say three times:

The beast has four legs, the snake has none.

Almost every person in his life is faced with various diseases of the joints or musculoskeletal system. In addition to application medications, it is recommended to carry out various rituals and ceremonies that will help cope with diseases. But at the same time, experts in the field of esotericism still recommend not using magic as a panacea, using spells and prayers for back pain. It is imperative to combine them with traditional methods of treatment and medical prescriptions.

To get rid of back discomfort and reduce the severity of symptoms of musculoskeletal diseases, it is recommended to follow certain rules when reading prayers and spells:

  1. When pronouncing a prayer or spell, you should speak quietly, without pronounced intonation; it is better to let it be a whisper. Pronounce each word clearly, and if water or any other ritual object is spoken, there must be aspiration. This way the enchanted object will receive more positive energy, and the ritual will be more effective.
  2. It is better for the rituals to be performed by a healthy person, a blood relative.
  3. It is very important to believe in the power of words and magical action.
  4. With the help of magic you can heal even a person who does not believe in it.
  5. Before using magic, it is recommended to pray to your guardian angel or patron saint.
  6. If a ritual is performed using water, after it is performed, pour the water into a deserted place so that no one accidentally steps on it and takes the disease with them.

By following these recommendations, you can quickly get rid of back problems. But keep in mind that it is impossible to protect yourself from them using magic. Also, if a person suffers greatly from pain, it is necessary to go to representatives of official medicine. In some cases, only medication or surgical treatment, without which a person will not be able to move independently. In such cases, magic is powerless.

Effective spells for back pain

An effective conspiracy against osteochondrosis for a person who is suffering from pain can be carried out using a simple pin. In order for the ritual to bring the desired result, it is spoken and fixed on the inside of the attire of the sick person. Traditional healers believe that such a talisman can not only cure, but also protect in the future from exacerbations of chronic ailments. To make the ritual for back diseases effective, read the following words on an open pin:

“Metal pin, take away your ailments, take away your pain. May the sick (name) be healed, healthy and happy. Let metal save you from pain and heal. May the magical words spoken and whispered by me come true. Key, lock, tongue."

Attach the charmed pin to your clothes and wear it without taking it off. When a person feels relief from his condition, remove the pin and bury him in a deserted place, whispering:

“I will bury you deep in the ground. I will bury my illness with you forever. Let it be so".

With spindle

When medicine is powerless, your back hurts and aches, and treatment pharmaceutical drugs helps only for a while, a spell for back pain using a spindle will help. Of course, acquiring such an antique item can be difficult. But you need to try, because such a ritual is very powerful. They whisper secret words during sunset. The patient should face the sun's rays, and the sore spot at the back is circled with a spindle and the text is recited:

“I will speak to the patient (name). The sun goes to sleep, leaves the earth for a while. But let the spinal ailment go away forever. Oh, you are a red sun, my dear brother. As you circle the earth, you will take my ailments with you forever. Let my words be strong. Nobody can break them. Lord, let your will be done. I will speak in holy words and ask for help from higher powers. Amen".

When saying a prayer, move the spindle along the back, from the back of the head to the tailbone. Next, the patient should lie down to rest. Hide the spindle in a secluded place.

For milk

This conspiracy is one of the simplest and does not require anything other than a glass of milk, knowledge of the right words and sincere faith.

The milk spell is one of the simplest.

To get rid of cervical, thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis, the simplest ritual is performed. You will need a glass of fresh milk. Place it on the table and read the following slander:

“I will speak milk with holy words and pure deeds. Let all the ducks go. From the back, neck, arms, legs, all over the body. Veins, bones, joints, vertebrae, cartilage. Everything is healthy, whole and strong. Amen".

In the bath

For lower back pain, you can also read a spell or good prayers that relieve pain. But they can only help if you sincerely believe in their power and have pure thoughts. You will need a birch or oak broom that has already served its purpose. Heat the bathhouse, lie down on the shelf. While stroking the sore spot with a broom, speak a conspiracy. While reading, imagine how this object takes away all the pain and ailments:

“I’ll stroke you, duck, and speak with a strong oak broom. Just as this strong broom does not break, so may your back, joints, bones, cartilage, and veins not break. Take with you, strong oak, all the pain and illness. Let it be so".

Then bury the broom in a deserted place. But you can’t take a steam bath if you have hernias, and if you have severe pain, it’s also not allowed. Rub the affected area with camphor oil after the bath. You also need to maintain secrecy. No one should know about the rituals performed, otherwise they will lose their power.

Prayers for pain relief

“I will speak the sacred water and drive away all ailments and pains. Now your back will not hurt, your heart will rejoice, your soul will become pure, your body will be free from suffering. The pain stops, all ailments go away, the back is healed from the hernia, and does not suffer from illnesses. Key, language."

For a hernia, charm your back three times, then carefully rub your back with the charmed church water. Very quickly the ritual will bring the desired results.

Venerable Agapit

This great martyr helps those people who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal and joint system. Read prayers before the icon of the saint:

“Jealous of God-bearing Anthony’s humility, like some kind of medicine, potion, you healed the sick, Reverend Agapit, thus convincing the doctor that he was unfaithful, you guided him on the path of salvation. Heal our illnesses too and pray to the Lord for those who sing your praises.”

If such a text is difficult to learn by heart, it is better to read it from a piece of paper, but at the same time very sincerely believe in the help of higher powers.

Great Martyr Panteleimon

To prevent back pain, there is another conspiracy, prayers to Saint Panteleimon. Whisper a petition in front of his icon:

“Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal my body and sinful soul, may I be healthy forever in my soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God I will bow, I will be able to spend in repentance and pleasing God and I will be honored to receive a good end my life. Helper and God's servant! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen".

With the help of such a prayer, pain relief will occur quickly. The vertebrae will no longer break and hurt. This saint will also help if there is a case of spinal curvature deformity.