All about car tuning

Mental level of consciousness - definition, features and interesting facts. Log-log of My Soul: Mental noise Mental noise

For those who are annoyed by grammatical errors, I recommend not reading this text. So as not to get upset. Unfortunately, I have not yet learned to write without mistakes.

Yes, a person is so unique that he can get used to everything, and not just get used to it, well, actually grow together, and then passionately defend everything that he has grown to.

When I heard this story, I decided that it was a joke, but it was told by a girl who was a living participant in these events, and I have no reason not to trust her.
The narrator, on summer period went to work in Kid `s camp. The camp was located in a pine forest near the lake. The first shift was eagerly awaited. And so, the first bus of children arrived. The children entered the camp territory, they decided to immediately show them the surroundings, but then something strange began to happen. One by one the children began to faint. The doctor and nurse rushed from one falling person to another, not understanding anything. At this time, the girl who told me all this noticed that only those who entered the camp were falling, and those who remained standing near the puffing bus felt excellent. As it turned out, the children's lungs were so accustomed to exhaust fumes that the fresh pine air made everyone faint. This is how they worked for three whole shifts. The child turned pale - he went to the exhaust pipe, inhaled gas and seemed to be fine.
This story may seem very funny, but it was not so, because we are all in the role of these children. Only not the lungs, but our entire consciousness is clogged with mental debris, excuse me, noise.

How do we usually start our morning?
From a switched on TV, computer or some radio wave.
What do we do when we run from the apartment to the car?
Stuck to our burial ground, excuse me, our cell phone, we carry on endless negotiations with partners, children, friends, relatives...
What do we do at work?
We answer phone calls, we communicate with a bunch of people, deciding what can and cannot be solved at the same time.
What do we do when we return home?
The TV is waiting for us again, maybe social media with a bunch of information that we don’t know why.
And tomorrow, everything will happen again.
This background noise accompanies us every minute, we are so accustomed to it that, finding ourselves somewhere outside the city, we cannot sleep from the deafening silence. But there would be nothing terrible about this if we had not stopped hearing ourselves behind this noise. We have forgotten how to be alone with ourselves in order to simply reflect on the meaning of our own lives. But there is no reflection, and the meaning disappears.
One day, one wise man said: “In the bustle and noise, we forgot that we stopped doing the most important things: looking at the stars, meeting and seeing off the sun, silently looking into each other’s eyes, merging with the silence of eternity.”
We have forgotten how.
Mental noise has become a sophisticated drug for us. You just have to pay for it, not with money, but with the death of your own soul. Of course, this can be very beneficial for someone, because without a core, a person is no longer a person at all, but a puppet. And with puppets it’s always easy, they move where their master’s hand leads them.
But do we really need it?

We cannot change this situation for all people on earth, but for ourselves we can do it. Just once a week, you should turn off all phones, mobile and landline, and do not turn on the TV and computer. It’s better to spend this day in nature, but not in a noisy company, but alone with yourself.
The first couple of weeks will be difficult, it’s like giving up any drug, but once you are free from it, you will be able to see the world with different eyes. The choice is yours. I have already made my choice.

On the other hand, there are those with whom communication is established instantly, they literally “throw” mental images, gigabytes of information are packed into a few laconic phrases, it is voluminous, clean and easily perceived. Such a connection is very similar to telepathy, a person is understood from the first seconds, sometimes you don’t even need to speak, one glance is enough. Usually these are creative people - artists, musicians, experienced practitioners, or simply open and cheerful people whose perception of reality is neutral, dogmas are usually absent, or are given as a private opinion, and not the ultimate truth. Even just being silent with them is interesting and comfortable.

From personal observations I can say that a lot depends on the following factors:

1. Every person is a bit of an empath and telepath, and languages ​​themselves, within the framework of communication of souls in this and other universes, are usually used as “crutches” when telepathic contact becomes difficult or impossible for one reason or another*. Therefore, we listen not so much to the words themselves, but to the thought forms that are unconscious to us, but telepathically transmitted, because this method is embedded in our deep memory and is more familiar.

2. No matter how well-read and educated a person is, his daily mental activity determines the quality of his consciousness and the purity of his thought forms. We communicate not only with words, but also with images, so if thoughts in everyday life are confused or in chaos, then the energy message of speech will reflect this. No matter how well the questions and words of such a person are thought out, they will be difficult to understand due to the accompanying mental noise.

To some extent, we can say that if a person is strongly grounded (materialistic), communication occurs only through the lower energy centers, where imagery does not work, especially when it comes to purely “worldly” issues (sports, politics, food, etc.). When communicating with open and multifaceted people on more comprehensive topics (art, development, love), the connection occurs through the upper chakras.

3. Mental noise in the head (and sometimes outright garbage) is not only transmitted through speech, but also “phonates” throughout the entire field (including through words, actions, emotions, creations, etc.). Life itself becomes filled with chaos, reflecting the internal state in the external world. This chaos can be expressed in events, health, everyday life, family issues, etc.

4. Depending on what level of the reality pie a person usually works at, when moving to another level (when communicating with a more or less conscious being), the quality of the images that are transmitted through speech also changes.

5. The inability to formulate one’s thought, question, or simply explain oneself is directly related to a person’s reluctance to make an effort to express oneself in the world and often manifests itself in the form of various fears, dogmas and restrictions (checking the throat chakra would not hurt).

It is usually difficult for such people to immerse themselves in meditative states, because constant internal dialogue interferes, thoughts are carried away somewhere on their own, images jump, etc. The structure of consciousness is comparable to hundreds of simultaneously open browser bookmarks, operating system It just can't cope, it doesn't have enough RAM.

Of course, you can’t put everyone under the same brush; you may just be on a different wavelength and therefore it’s difficult for you to understand each other.

Brief conclusion:

Carefully control your words and thoughts, reduce your speech to its meaning!

This is especially important for all practitioners working with other people, and even more important for hypnologists. Because every word you say carries enormous weight, and the inability to express yourself concisely and ask questions will not only waste time in the session, but will also pollute the information flow.

UPD from comm.:

It is difficult to listen not only to those who have chaos in their heads, but also to negativists. No matter what kind and kind words such a person says, if there is envy, hatred, malice in your head (no matter to whom), you immediately feel it. Do you want to build a wall right away or go around it a kilometer away?

On the other hand, there are those with whom communication is established instantly, they literally “throw” mental images, gigabytes of information are packed into a few laconic phrases, it is voluminous, clean and easily perceived. Such a connection is very similar to telepathy, a person is understood from the first seconds, sometimes you don’t even need to speak, one glance is enough. Usually these are creative people - artists, musicians, experienced practitioners, or simply open and cheerful people whose perception of reality is neutral, dogmas are usually absent, or are given as a private opinion, and not the ultimate truth. Even just being silent with them is interesting and comfortable.

Much depends on the following factors:

1. Every person is a bit of an empath and telepath, and languages ​​themselves, within the framework of communication of souls in this and other universes, are usually used as “crutches” when telepathic contact becomes difficult or impossible for one reason or another*. Therefore, we listen not so much to the words themselves, but to the thought forms that are unconscious to us, but telepathically transmitted, because this method is embedded in our deep memory and is more familiar.

2. No matter how well-read and educated a person is, his daily mental activity determines the quality of his consciousness and the purity of his thought forms. We communicate not only with words, but also with images, so if thoughts in everyday life are confused or in chaos, then the energy message of speech will reflect this. No matter how well thought out the questions and words of such a person are, they will be difficult to understand due to the accompanying mental noise.

To some extent, we can say that if a person is strongly grounded (materialistic), communication occurs only through the lower energy centers, where imagery does not work, especially when it comes to purely “worldly” issues (sports, politics, food, etc.). When communicating with open and multifaceted people on more comprehensive topics (art, development, love), the connection occurs through the upper chakras.

3. Mental noise in the head (and sometimes outright garbage) is not only transmitted through speech, but also “phonates” throughout the entire field (including through words, actions, emotions, creations, etc.). Life itself becomes filled with chaos, reflecting the internal state in the external world. This chaos can be expressed in events, health, everyday life, family issues, etc.

4. Depending on what level of the reality pie a person usually works at, when moving to another level (when communicating with a more or less conscious being), the quality of the images that are transmitted through speech also changes.

5. The inability to formulate one’s thought, question, or simply explain oneself is directly related to a person’s reluctance to make an effort to express oneself in the world and often manifests itself in the form of various fears, dogmas and restrictions (checking the throat chakra would not hurt).

It is usually difficult for such people to immerse themselves in meditative states, because constant internal dialogue interferes, thoughts are carried away somewhere on their own, images jump, etc. The structure of consciousness is comparable to hundreds of simultaneously open browser bookmarks, the operating system simply cannot cope, it does not have enough RAM.

Of course, you can’t put everyone under the same brush; you may just be on a different wavelength, and therefore it’s difficult for you to understand each other.

Brief conclusion:

Carefully control your words and thoughts, reduce your speech to its meaning!

This is especially important for all practitioners working with other people, and even more important for hypnologists. Because every word you say carries enormous weight, and the inability to express yourself concisely and ask questions will not only waste time in the session, but will also pollute the information flow.

Just two months ago I began to become interested in the astral plane, read stories and many techniques for leaving the physical body. I decided that these are all people’s fantasies, and everything that they describe is generated by the brain in a very vivid dream. Well, to put the finishing touches on this, you had to try it on yourself! Preface.
Immediately discarding other people’s techniques, only taking some gadgets as a basis, I began to try to go to the astral plane. (as it seemed to me then) In fact, it was a meditation, a little more than three weeks passed after the first results appeared, and a couple of days later the exit itself.

Yeah, I thought, how distrustful I am of people. It only took one day to recompile my head, or rather my brain, to see the world and the universe in general. But today we are not even talking about the astral plane, but about how it affects our physical world and the “I” in particular. On the second day I began to notice a barely noticeable noise, squeaking, and ringing in my ears. After realizing that this ringing was coming from the astral plane, I began to wonder what it was? Let me make a reservation right away: I’ve never had pain, spasms of blood vessels, brain, etc. and so on. I haven’t been sick with anything like that, and if you also take into account that the ringing appears and intensifies only when you concentrate on it, then this discards the version of illnesses because In case of illness, the ringing and noise is constant!

From various teachings it follows that our “I” is indestructible, the size of which is ten thousandth the diameter of a hair. A self-luminous, blissful particle of God, a microcosm, your “I” located within you. The title is “Living Atom”. She is God's spark. Assemblage point (most likely). Philosopher's Stone. Here you need to understand that your “I” has nothing to do with all the bodies listed below, only what can control them and always exists.

Now, for the sake of completeness, it’s time to study our Russian nesting doll, that is, our bodies:

1 Physical – Body given to us forever. Roughly speaking - clothes for life in the Explicit World. Zhivatma recreates this body according to the Lepton body, both during the formation of the fetus and until old age. After all, old (star - star) means shining, not decrepit and wrinkled.

2 Essential– Has the shape of a ball. It consists of a large number of balls (peculiar organs of this body). It can be from 7.5 meters to several kilometers). It has different colors, which can be seen in photographs of people photographed through the Kirlian apparatus. Personally, this body seems to me like the etheric world of the person himself, which he creates around himself. After all, several kilometers can easily cover a small city.

3 Lepton– has the shape of a human body. It is also astral, but the root of the aster is a star, so it is wrong to call it that.

4 Mental – Body of the mind. The ball is 10-15 cm in diameter, inside the skull. Responsible for collecting information from the five senses of the physical body. It is the mind that analyzes the information received. Cultivated by the development of the mind.

5 Buddhic – Body of the intellect. The baggage of conclusions drawn. It is perceived as a halo around the head. Develops by the number of intelligent conclusions.

6 Devaconic – Body of a demigod. Body of the soul. It's a guardian angel. In Russians folk tales this is a good uncle, that is, the one who helps the hero throughout the entire story. For generous people it is huge, maybe several hundred meters in height. In cowardly people it is the size of a person himself. The soulless have none at all. It is cultivated by ethical and moral victories, that is, victories over oneself. The most valuable thing we can cultivate in this world.

7 Sathic (Sat-light)– This body, “I” receives after passing all exams on Earth. What is called a field form of life. When all six bodies are transformed into the sathi body. How it happened to Jesus when he became the light

Zhivatma receives the body of the star after the human kingdom, after acquiring the body of light. This body carries its organs (cauldrons), also called chakras, which are connected by energy flows, just as the organs of the physical body are connected by arteries and veins. The body itself is the matrix for the physical. That is, if the Astral body has become formless, then the physical body also loses its shape.

Russian people for millions of years called these cauldrons in their own way, so I will not use strange names like: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna chakra, these are the names of all 7 chakras. In fact, the list is far from complete.

Here are the Russian names from bottom to top:

Source– Located in the coccyx area. From there, energy flows out of a person into the Earth and new energy returns.
Zarod– Located in the genital area. Used to continue the Family.
Stomach- Human life.
Percy(chest) – Matters of the heart.
Lada(right shoulder) – Good thoughts. (conditional)
Lelya(left shoulder) - Unkind thoughts. (conditional)
Mouth– Connection of the spine with the cranium.
Chelo– Forehead (third eye).
Spring– On top of the skull, exactly in the middle. Located at the level of the skull bone. There the information of the Family, conscience descends into a person (a joint message with our ancestors-Gods)
Svetoch– Located a little higher, approximately at the level of the hair curl, this is a channel with the entire universe.

For your “I” there is no time and space. It is beyond matter because it is pure spirit. And it can be connected to any of our bodies. Initially it is connected to the physical, this is the standard in our world. Sometimes it happens in the body of the mind, and also happens in the leptonic body.

Having thought that after all, it is not the exit from the physical body that is the cause of this whistling sound (after all, many go to the astral plane, but there is no noise in the head), this is just its consequence, the reason is meditation. After a person begins to meditate and develop himself, he begins to hear, see, and even phantom smells of other worlds appear!

CORE Meditation Received from Heyoan.

First step: Hara alignment.
Direct all your conscious attention to the dan tien point, located 3-4 cm below the navel in the center of the body. Feel the power that resides there. Feel that the heat you feel is the heat of the hot molten core of the Earth. This is an overtone of the sound of the Earth that its core makes. Continue to focus your attention on this point until the heat becomes unbearable.

Now move your attention to a point located 7 cm below the jugular cavity. Here, at the haric level, is the “receptacle of the soul,” similar to a halo around a candle flame. The aspirations of the soul, its song, reside here. Do not confuse this point with the heart chakra. When you come into contact with the "seat of the soul", you may feel as if a ball is swelling in your chest. This ball has a perfectly flat round surface. This ball contains the aspirations of the soul.

Feel a straight line, like a laser beam, which, passing through the “seat of the soul” point, goes down through the Dan Tien into the pelvis, and then to the center of the Earth. Feel the power and calm that is present in the room when the charic lines of the individual and the group are in sync.
Focus your attention on the space above your head. Straighten your back. Keep your head up. Imagine that there is a thin thread running through your head. If you cannot feel it, then take a strand of hair from the top of your head and pull it upward, as if it were a thread from which your head is suspended. With your inner eye, take a closer look at the small “bell”, which is located at a distance of 80-100 cm above your crown. If your ESP is open, you will hear a high-pitched whistling sound..

As soon as you manage to direct the laser beam into the funnel mouth, you will clearly hear a click and a sound as if something is being sucked into the bathroom drain. Finding this bell is not very easy. It looks like a small whirlpool. When you find it, you will feel that you are moving into some other reality, into some higher spheres. If you go into this whirlpool, you will feel yourself abiding in God, in the highest being here and now. In order to do this, you must first put your physical body in order.

Feel that this thin ray, twice as thin as your little finger, passes through you and goes to the molten core of the Earth, connecting it with God. Feel the sweet singing in your chest and the beating of creative power in the Dan Tien area. At the same time, do not miss the feeling that the thread connects all the dots and goes into the molten core of the Earth. Feel this power. This is getting closer to completing your task. It is you who now, like a bridge, connects heaven and earth.

Now feel how synchronized the goals of everyone in the room with you are. The ray that passes through the middle of the room and goes through the floor to the core of the Earth is the charic line of the group. Feel the connection between your Dan Tien area and the Dan Tien group - this area is located in the middle of the room. At this level, your goals and the goals of the group of which you are a member are synchronized. This is where the goals of your group are synchronized with the goals of the even larger group of which yours is a member. component. This is how all countries on our planet will one day unite. This is a way of reconnecting with the silon and truth of a system that is within another system, which in turn is part of an even larger system. This is the key to the holographic structure of the Universe. You should not struggle or complain that your task is too difficult. She doesn't need to be like that. Because as soon as you put in order and align all your levels - core, aura, hara and physical body, you will instantly synchronize with the world and with yourself.

Second step: Light emanating from the core.

Now move your attention to the essential core - it is located 3-4 cm above the navel. Here is your true essence, which resides in the Universe outside of time and space, outside of desires and lust. In this place there is only you, you in your pure form, in the form of your immortal essence. There is no room for any needs here. There is no pain here. Here you are the creator. When you, as a creator, come out from the core of your being, you first bring creative energy to the level of the hara - the level of the Divine task. From the haric level you transfer energy into the aura, creating your personality, creating templates for the bodily level. From the auric level you transfer energy to the physical level to create life form for your body.

The creative force moves from one (the astral body) through the trinity (represented by the point above the head, the point in the chest and the dan tien point on the haric level) to the level of seven (the seven layers of the auric field) and into the infinite number of forms of the three-dimensional world. When you have completed one plane of creation, you will move on to the trinity that shines with the splendor of your destiny.

Let your essence flow strongly and inexorably from the core through the haric level into the aura. Let the light of the astral body pass through all levels of the energy field. Each level represents a state of being, human existence. Carry your essence through all levels of this existence. Then bring it into the physical world of your body, crystallize it in it, bring light into every cell of the body. You will feel health, joy and pleasure in your bodily life and in your work in the world. Your body, your personality, your life are all expressions of your Divine essence.

Thus the one becomes threefold, and then multiplies to seven; so open this week, break the seals from it, and you will know God in man. Look into every cell of your body. At the core of each of them you will find a structure very similar to the essence core - you will see tiny sources of light there, light that has penetrated there from the core of your essence. Healing is about helping your self to connect with the truth of your being. Don't expect more from healing.

When you feel pain or suffering, anger or fear, suspicion or greed, or oblivion in yourself or others, think about the core. Let the light come from there. Remember about the light in every cell of your earthly body. Remember your body. Unite its parts in immortal light, offer your body on the altar of eternal form. This light is the light of your core, your eternal essence, your God.

Your task does not come from feeling pain; it comes from the desire to create, from the flow of love, from the very center of your being, which may have fallen out of the core in its creative impulse, severed the connection with it and forgotten what and who it is. The only goal to achieve is to reconnect this connection, to help yourself remember who you really are. Your life task is to remember that original creative impulse and fulfill the task of creation in such a way as to receive the next task from the eternal source. Let your essence, your true Self, shine on all levels of your being. Let that initial creative impulse guide you through life.

Barbara Ann Brennan "The Light Coming"

A squeaking, ringing in the head is the buzzing of the pineal gland, a sign of receiving a communication channel with your Spirit. This is the so-called “Third Language”, the language of the Spirit, readiness for unpacking light information, readiness for in the form that will be most pronounced for you personally, this could be music, poetry, mathematical, culinary, breathing or other insights, healing practices, etc.

About the same thing - in “The Occult Anatomy of Man” by Manly Hall:
...In ancient times, the pineal gland was an organ of orientation, with the help of which people learned about the spiritual world, but with the advent of material senses and two eyes, they stopped using it and during the period of the Lemurian race it came to the state in which it is now located in the brain. It is said that children who in childhood repeat past periods of their evolution have some limited ability to use this third eye until the age of seven, that is, until the age when the bones of the skull fuse. This explains the semi-clairvoyance of children, who are generally much more psychic than adults.

It is believed that the pineal gland secretes a certain fatty substance called resin, just like the sap of the pine tree. It is assumed that this word has to do with the founding of the Rosicrucian order, who worked on the secretion of the pineal gland and sought the possibility of opening a single eye, for the Scripture says, “If thy eye were One, thy body would be filled with light.” The pineal gland is the tail of a dragon and has a small finger-like appendage at one end.

This gland is called Joseph because it is the father of the God-man. The finger-like appendage is called the rod of God, and sometimes the holy spear. Its shape resembles an alchemical evaporation vessel. This is a spiritual organ, which in the future is destined to become what it already was, namely, a connecting link between the human and the divine.

The vibrating finger at the end of this gland is the staff and scepter of the high priest. Certain exercises, as taught by the Eastern and Western secret schools, cause this small finger to vibrate and this causes a buzzing or buzzing sound in the head, which is sometimes very unpleasant, and especially if the person experiencing this phenomenon, as is often the case, does not understand anything in these experiences. The conclusion of all this is very simple, improve yourself

and the world will open up to you in its full spectrum, and if you ever hear this ringing in your head, know that many have already heard it and you are on the right path! Psychological noise is constant chatter that never stops.It is an internal conversation or internal monologue that is constantly happening in the mind.

This mental noise is like a noise that never stops, from the moment you wake up in the morning until the moment you fall asleep at night. Often it even prevents you from falling asleep.It is a kind of inner voice that constantly analyzes everything in your life, surroundings and people we know. It's the voice in your head that just keeps talking and talking.

The mind often repeats the same thought over and over again, like in a loop or like a recording that gets stuck. If it's a positive thought, then it's good. But too often it's negative thoughts or negative mental images that only increase stress, anxiety, anger or frustration. You absolutely don't need these thoughts.

Thinking is a useful activity necessary for solving problems, analyzing, comparing, studying, planning, etc. But too often, the mind wanders where it wants, occupies our attention with trifles, insignificant and useless, and does not think that it is wasting time and energy.

What is psychological noise and how to identify it:

1. Thoughts that repeat, like tapes that keep playing the same tune.

2. Remembering past, negative situations or visualizing fears over and over again.

3. Talking about the past or fearing the future. This prevents us from enjoying the present. The past is past and the future is a product of our modern thinking and action. The only moment that exists is now, in this moment.

4. Playful internal monologue that disrupts our peace and keeps our mind busy.

6. Constant analysis of our and other people's situations, reactions and behavior. .

7. Almost all involuntary thoughts and dreams are a kind of psychological noise. It is often a constant background noise that often intrudes into the center of everything we do.

When noise occurs too often, it is tiring and makes us lazy and impractical. Constant psychological chatter is a missed opportunity due to insufficient attention to what is happening around us.

The mind is a useful tool, but it also needs control. Wouldn't it be great if you could reach a state where you can think when you need to, how to solve a problem or make a plan, and then just turn your mind off after that?

Turning off consciousness is transferred to the state of the inner world. All spiritual traditions and teachings strive for this state, and which has great importance both for spiritual refuge, and for people who want to improve their lives.

Stop reading for a minute and see if you can stop your psychological noise. Just stop thinking, watch your mind and analyze what is happening.

You will see that you are thinking about stopping your thinking, which means that you are still thinking. After a few seconds, you will probably forget that your goal was to observe your thoughts, and your mind will continue with continuous mental activity. This shows how restless your mind is and how it lacks discipline.

Sometimes, on rare occasions, you may experience a short period of inner peace, without psychological noise. It happens involuntarily when your attention is completely absorbed interesting activities or when viewing a beautiful and inspiring landscape or image. At this time you will get a short glimpse into the inner world.

Turning off the psychological noise voluntarily, if you want to do it, will not be achieved by reading books. This ability is developed gradually and over a long period of training the mind through concentration exercises and meditation.

When talking about concentration, people often say that they are meditating but still cannot calm their thoughts. If the concentration of power is weak and the mind easily wanders from one thought to another, how can one meditate? Sitting down to meditate but letting the mind work, thinking and visualizing all kinds of things, that is not meditation. This is why it is so important to develop at least some degree of concentration before you begin to meditate.

When the power of concentration increases, a time will come when you will be able to meditate without words, mental images and thoughts. Then the inner world will gradually increase and deepen, firstly during meditation, and then in your Everyday life, while working, reading, talking, etc. This is a state of inner silence, but at the same time being completely awake and awake.

The psychological noise will stop naturally, easily. This condition will not make you unable to think. On the contrary, when you need to think, you will be able to think clearly. Your mind will become more alert, focused and powerful. You'll be able to turn off your thoughts when you shouldn't be thinking, or when you're done thinking, analyzing, and planning.

Most people, when thinking about an issue, seem unable to let go after reaching a conclusion or finding a solution. The mind seems to keep thinking about this topic again and again. It's like a broken record that never gets tired of repeating the same melody.

Turning off the psychological noise means that inner peace has arrived. This results in saving mental energy and time wasted thinking about issues that add nothing to your life.