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Full body massage for wife. How to give a massage to your wife to give maximum pleasure? What should a man do to increase his partner's arousal?

Erotic massage is not just a therapeutic and relaxing procedure, it is a whole action taking place between two close people. Its goal is mutual pleasure, and we are not talking about sexual intercourse, which many seem to be an indispensable end to the session. Not every representative of the stronger sex knows how to give an erotic massage to a woman and enjoy the process. It's time to close this gap!

The right atmosphere for an erotic massage

With a little effort, every man can give his woman unforgettable moments, which will undoubtedly be appreciated and rewarded properly.

First of all, you need to be aware that intimate massage is a game, a kind of foreplay that does not tolerate haste and fuss, and requires preparation, endurance and love. And the professional skills of a massage therapist in this case are completely optional. The most important thing is the desire to please your soulmate, help her relieve stress after a hard day at work, diversify your relationship, and bring a little romance into it.

Before giving an erotic massage to a girl, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere. In the case of representatives of the fair half of humanity, this is especially important.

  • The light in the room should be dim and muted. Table lamp or sconces can be covered with translucent material, scented candles can be installed, and curtains can preferably be hung.
  • Light relaxing music (preferably a melody without words) will help you tune in to the right mood, throw away the day's worries and unnecessary thoughts.
  • The temperature in the room should be comfortable. The girl should not feel cold, but excessive heat is not conducive to romance.
  • The massage area must be equipped accordingly. Not every apartment has a massage couch, but you can do without it by sitting on the bed or on the floor. The surface should be moderately hard, but not hard, comfortable, wide, and not very high.
  • For massage you will need oil or cream to make the skin soft and supple.
  • Flowers, champagne and other romantic attributes are welcome, but not required.

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Erotic massage technique

There are a huge number of erogenous zones on the female body, located in different parts of it. Therefore, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​how to properly give an erotic massage to a girl in order to give her pleasure.

  • An erotic massage must begin and end with strokes. They will help your partner tune in to the desired wavelength, relieve possible awkwardness and tension, and “disconnect” from everyday life.
  • All movements should be soft, careful, as gentle as possible. There are no sudden jerks or transitions - the massage of one zone smoothly flows into the treatment of the neighboring area. The girl should not feel discomfort or experience unpleasant, painful sensations.
  • How to give an erotic massage to a woman? You should start with your feet. There are a large number of nerve endings concentrated on the heels and toes, so you should be very careful. Tickling and laughter can destroy the most romantic atmosphere at the initial stage. It will be very difficult to recreate the mood. Knead your feet with your fingertips, massage your partner's toes, applying light pressure and stroking.
  • You should pay attention to the ankles, and then you can move on to the calves. The leg muscles are constantly under load - rest and massage will not hurt them. You can apply a little more force, and then the pleasant warmth and relaxation in the leg muscles will be transmitted to the rest of the body, setting your partner up for relaxation. Gradually you can rise to the hips and buttocks. The movements are still the same: alternating stroking and rubbing. You can add light biting, gentle weightless kisses, and pats and spanks - here it all depends on personal desire and further goals.
  • The back is a special field for activity: there are many points on it that excite a woman. On the back, stroking, rubbing with fingers and palms, with the edge of the palm and light pressure with a fist would be appropriate. Twisting and rolling the skin under your fingers is best left to professional massage therapists. Replace them with caresses, gentle intimate touches. Turning a massage into an erotic game, in the process you can use feathers, pieces of ice to cool a hot body, and much more that your imagination suggests. Between the shoulder blades there is a very sensitive area that needs to be worked on properly.
  • The neck and scalp respond very well to touch. In these places you should limit yourself to light stroking.
  • Having invited the young lady to lie on her back, you should not immediately throw yourself on her chest and stomach. A hand massage would be appropriate: it will help maintain the level of arousal, preventing you from slipping into sex.
  • When moving to the chest, you should be careful. Not only is the skin in this place very delicate, but the effect is on the mammary gland, so at this stage the massage is more like petting. Everything that you are used to and that gives you pleasure is appropriate here.
  • Massage of the abdomen and genitals becomes the final stage. Erogenous zones are concentrated on the chest and abdomen, using which you can count on continuing the evening in a romantic style.

I should immediately note that I am not a lesbian, but the last time I received a mind-blowing orgasm at the hands of a woman, better than whom no man can know how to properly satisfy the needs of a representative of the fairer sex.

She pinched, pressed and stroked so skillfully that I simply did not have time to come to my senses. I think these girls will have an easier time with men, since it’s not at all difficult to excite and satisfy them. For a woman to get a good orgasm, you need to try, and every lady should now understand what I’m talking about. It would seem, well, what can give erotic massage for girl? Pleasant sensations, which boil down to the fact that a sweet feeling of relaxation spreads throughout the body like a hot sticky liquid. But at the same time, we should also not forget that a woman is essentially a continuous erogenous zone. And if a certain amount of effort is applied to one place or another, the effect will not be long in coming.

My therapist put the bottle on steam to plant cotton bags with a variety of herbs. The masseur, who was still hot, hit me from his heel to my neck and rubbed my arms one by one. Thai massage is perhaps the most distinctive because it uses comparatively more power.

Women from Bangkok showed how they underwent training. This is not a stunt show, and these women are not action films, not acrobats, just professional massage therapists with strong hands. After all, the body must be nourished and built up. The richer it seems that they beat and burn mercilessly. Of course, an experienced practitioner does none of this - carefully and systematically print specific hot spots to stimulate the flow of energy in the body. This is already a trace of traditional Chinese medicine.

Ah, I remember these moments, and trembling appears in my knees... Pleasant goosebumps in the back caused gentle movements of a pretty dark-haired girl along my back. She even gave me the option to choose a scent for the oil so I could relax as needed. I settled on citrus fruits, since the smell of oranges has evoked the most pleasant associations in me since childhood. I am sure that the girl herself received considerable pleasure from touching me. She did the erotic massage in a special way, perhaps with inspiration, switching from one zone to another. At first I sat in a Turkish position, and she massaged my shoulders and back from behind, sitting on her feet. We talked a little, but then the music absorbed my thoughts with pleasant oriental tunes. In general, it is worth noting that the atmosphere in this salon was very relaxing, which of course had a calming effect on me. When she kneaded the skin on my shoulder blades with her thin fingers, I realized how tense all my muscles were. And now they gradually relaxed, after which, out of nowhere, a pleasant excitement appeared in the lower abdomen. Either it was the atmosphere itself, or the half-naked body of my masseuse, but I so wanted to continue that I was ready to find a man to satisfy my passion. But everything turned out to be much simpler...

The basics of the oldest and most effective eastern system of healing in Thai massage are taught in schools along with other important disciplines such as anatomy. However, this science of teletherapy, influenced by Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda, has been evolving for centuries.

Thousands of people in Southeast Asia experience these conditions every day. Massage after long walking tours for tired legs. Solar head and shoulders. Full body massage when you no longer know what your lack of experience is. Then we head to neighboring Laos. Here the massage space and masses are no different from Thailand, but the methodology is different.

We know how to massage girls

After I lay on my back, the girl sat down at my feet and began to move her torso over my skin. She either pressed her breasts on my bent knees, then stroked my stomach, then sat down on my legs and massaged my feet. And at that time I simply felt bliss, as if my soul was leaving the ground. I admit that at first I felt somewhat constrained and insecure, but this feeling disappeared very quickly. So, meanwhile, my unwitting friend continued to do an erotic massage on the inside of her thighs. I don’t think it’s worth clarifying that I wasn’t wearing any underwear, which added to the feeling of insecurity and vulnerability. I was at the mercy of this flexible Asian woman who was doing wonderful things to my body. At the same time, between my legs it became increasingly wetter, as the internal organs secreted life-giving juice quite intensively.

Laotian massage is a mixture of Chinese and Thai massage. Since Thailand is not broken, this is also one of the good deeds. In addition to being bland, it's also a lot of trash and shock. Effective blood pressure. Here the environment for cosmetic procedures is all about style and comfort. Traveling in Southeast Asia, we were very pleased to see that there is a direct massage feel here.

In this part of the world, traditional foot massages are great, but not easy to get. The problem is that the barber sign on the door "massage" is usually sexual attractiveness, and it's almost exclusively for men. Ugly pussies even squint their eyes loudly if the foreigner doesn't understand what's going on in their classrooms. True, once in Beijing my guys offered a massage, or rather, erotic service and brazenly shouted at the door of the room. Fortunately, my husband was afraid of massage.

When I began to bend towards her movements, the girl moved on to more confident caresses of the clitoris and everything around. With her other hand she gently touched the nipples, as if rolling out a ball of dough. Probably only a girl is able to guess the desires of her “sister,” since she herself has felt something similar more than once. And the training is clearly noticeable here, since all her actions were skillful and confident. They say that a man's orgasm lasts only a few seconds, while a woman's flash has a longer duration, which is measured in tens of seconds. After my blissful moments, I convulsively squeezed my legs for a few more minutes, wanting to prolong this wonderful feeling. Well, my masseuse, meanwhile, gently rubbed my skin, which had some kind of calming effect for me. In general, everything around seemed somehow unreal, but I really liked all these sensations. It was like our little secret, you know, like what happens with children when they are up to something and don’t want adults to find out. Having thanked the girl, I got dressed and fluttered out of the erotic massage salon “Eromassage” like Venus, reborn from the foam of the sea. The smile didn’t leave my lips for a long time, but I’ve probably never experienced such a feeling of complete satisfaction...

So in China, it is normal to survive a few steps to find a relaxing massage. It's frustrating at first when the massage is just a scam and it's disturbing, then it starts to laugh, then it starts. These injustices can be tolerated in Hong Kong, where there are more different salon styles without any hidden meanings.

Coming back from the Asian house, the massage idea is not finished yet. Moreover, an eight-hour flight is not invisible. The hotel also offers the opportunity to relax. The therapist recognizes the white outfit. If the massage therapist is not busy, he is yours immediately. If he gets to the booked session, you will have to pay up to half an hour. Stay comfortable in one of the stylish waiting areas and enjoy a relaxing shoulder and neck massage.

For those women who have problems with orgasms, over seven years I have developed my own system of exercises and special erotic massage, so that a woman learns to have orgasms during sex. About this separately on the page How to get an orgasm

Many girls believe that talking about sex is shameful, and even more indecent with strangers. At the same time, they calmly meet strangers on the street, in theaters, on the Internet, and anywhere else, strike up relationships, and then engage in the same natural manifestation of sympathy, and sometimes simply satisfy a physiological need.

How much time is currently devoted to sex education? Nowadays people are so busy with “daily matters” that they don’t think about leading a HEALTHY sex life. Do many people know that it is sexual satisfaction that affects ability to work? Not everyone. And if it is known, then many do not really imagine how to spend free time with a loved one, getting the maximum result - both emotionally and physically. The reason for this is numerous stresses in everyday life, tightness, and insufficient attention to oneself.

Since a person has been given a body, it is unreasonable not to pay attention to it. It is wiser to listen to your physiological processes and learn to control them, rather than allowing them to control you. AND Erotic massage helps resolve this issue.

Whether you use this chance or not is up to you

P.S. Some people ask if I have sex with those girls who come for massages. The question is not tactful, incorrect, and is asked, as a rule, by young girls. Believe me, in order to sleep with someone, it is not at all necessary to engage in tactile creativity for an hour or even more! Anyway, after this there is no strength left for anything. It’s much more pleasant to meet someone in a club, on the street, on the Internet, no matter where, and after sitting in a cafe, then solve all the questions about the call of nature. If there is mutual sympathy between people, and it is destined to develop into something quickly or slowly, then it does not matter at all whether you are a model or a photographer, a taxi driver or a passenger, a doctor or a patient.

Many women, and not women - almost everyone, believe that such a massage is a veiled form of providing sexual services. Yes, unfortunately, Russian legislation forces salons of intimate and sexual services to operate under the guise massage parlors, saunas, and other recreational facilities

In fact, there is a big difference between real erotic massage for women and sex services. In this case, the man does NOT even undress, and all touches are done with his hands. In addition, such a massage therapist, having sufficient knowledge in gynecology, based on the results of a preliminary conversation, can refer a woman to a gynecologist if she suspects something not entirely normal. For example, discomfort during sexual intercourse, unusual discharge, and other and other symptoms that many women ask about on gynecological forums. In particular, I lead on VK

In contact with

Many women, like men, also want to receive an erotic massage. If you have a busy schedule and your beloved man is absent. Perhaps you should try visiting an erotic massage for women. Of course, in most cases, such massage is still rarely used in salons. But gradually the rules are changing, and many establishments offer to evaluate this type of service.

To begin such a massage, a woman undergoes water procedures and prepares her body for the male hands of a massage therapist. IN in this case This type of massage does not serve as a prelude to sexual intercourse. Since the woman herself chooses whether or not to ask a massage therapist to bring her to orgasm. As you understand, the main goal of the entire massage is not so much to excite, but rather to achieve relaxation of the body and complete bliss of the body.

This massage helps very well to achieve liberation and to know all your intimate parts. Erogenous zones that will be aroused by the touch of men's hands will help you receive additional internal stimulus to achieve results.

To get results, many women choose to have a guy do the massage. With strong, toned arms, I will massage your entire body from the heels of your feet to the ends of your hair. Every woman will be able to get unforgettable pleasure from such a massage. But there are also exceptions when a woman does not desire men and prefers the fair sex. In such cases, she must inform the administration of her choice in advance.

If desired, it is possible to massage a couple, a girl and a guy, or possibly two girls. In any case, no matter what massage therapists you choose, you must remember one thing before visiting the salon (or ordering massage therapists at home): your pure, tender, naked body, falling into our hands, first sweeps over the endless and bottomless ocean of feelings, desires and euphoria , and then ends up in Nirvana.

We hope you are interested this massage. You can read more about this erotic massage for women at the link

Perhaps you would like to see how erotic massage for women works. Then just watch this video and imagine yourself in the shoes of this woman.

Physical and spiritual bliss will be provided by an exciting and exciting erotic massage for women in Moscow. Visitors to the Twilight salon, as soon as they cross its threshold, will feel a relaxing, intimate atmosphere and plunge into a world of bliss and pleasure.

2 800 ₽

Massage for women - erotic massage performed by one or two masseuses.

They will be greeted by sexy young masseuses - beautiful, neat, well-groomed.

A guest in our salon will make her wildest fantasies and desires come true. After all, not all women can get a real orgasm from sexual contact. Experienced craftswomen will give the client a professional erotic massage. They will help a woman relax, find secret erogenous zones on her body, and enjoy touch.

Erotic massage for ladies is becoming more and more popular. And age does not play any role here. Young, inexperienced girls order it to reveal their sexuality. It is also necessary for mature women who want to experience fresh sensations. During the procedure, all wishes and personal characteristics clients are taken into account. They are guaranteed complete confidentiality and security.

Erotic massage technique for women

Nice masseuses will surround the client with care and affection. They know how to do an erotic, stimulating massage for women correctly. She will choose the program that suits her, it could be:

  • classic massage - stroking, vibration, light pinching, rubbing the skin. Pleasant warmth will cover the whole body, sweet energy spreads through every cell of the body;
  • erotic massage using palms and fingers, the girl pays special attention to the erogenous zones, stimulating them. The guest feels a passionate desire, the procedure ends with her complete satisfaction;
  • body massage - touching your skin with firm breasts and excited nipples, buttocks and legs will make you ascend to heaven with pleasure;
  • “Sakura sprig” - tender and reverent kisses of a young beauty all over a woman’s body. Not a single salon visitor will remain indifferent to such exciting technology;
  • massage of the labia and clitoris - it is performed at the request of the guest, it can be internal - with penetration, or light, gentle, but so pleasant. Ends with a passionate, bright orgasm.

The salon's craftsmen studied the technique of erotic massage for women. They always use aromatic oils to moisturize the skin and make the procedure softer and more pleasant. They influence the client’s erogenous zones, activating the release of happiness hormones, which promotes deep ecstasy. You can choose one or two girls for a massage. Any wish you have will be fulfilled.

Benefits for women from erotic massage

Come visit us on an island of heavenly pleasures, relaxation and bliss. After all, erotic massage for women, in addition to pleasure, provides enormous benefits:

  • will relieve negativity and fatigue, depression and your own complexes;
  • will charge you with bright sexual energy, the client will feel self-confident, become more attractive externally and internally;
  • improves blood circulation to all organs, has a positive effect on the hormonal system;
  • will allow you to learn the technique of exciting massage, which you can use with your partner;
  • will be an excellent prevention of aging, make the skin elastic and firm;
  • will increase physical sensuality, help in the fight against frigidity and anorgasmia.

If you want to order an erotic massage for women in Moscow, call us and come to the Twilight erotic massage salon. We will teach you to love your body and enjoy massage. Women leave us with a smile and eyes shining with happiness, full of temptation and sexuality.

Yoni massage - what is it? This is a procedure that helps beautiful female representatives strengthen the emotional connection with their lover. With the help of such a massage, you can make intimate relationships more comfortable, as well as feel the unearthly pleasure of intimacy.

Meaning of the word "yoni"

In Sanskrit, “yoni” means the female genital organ - the vagina. Literally translated, the word means “womb” or “place of birth.” The male sexual organ in tantra acquired a sacred name - lingam. Yoni massage (for beautiful ladies) and lingam massage (for strong men) are tantric techniques. They were at one time developed on the basis of Eastern practices. So what is yoni massage? And how to do it correctly?

Features of massage

Yoni massage is intimate rubbing for a woman, during which the partner creates an atmosphere of maximum relaxation and relaxation for the beloved. With soft movements, he puts the girl into a state of strong excitement and great pleasure.

This intimate massage can be used as one of the types of safe sex. Or as an excellent option for a wonderful pastime with a loved one, during which a couple’s relationship develops.

Experienced sexologists and massage therapists claim that such erogenous massage helps women overcome various problems in the sexual area. For example, those who have certain psychological barriers or traumas related to sex. Also, thanks to massage, sexual energy is released.

Purpose of yoni massage

Getting an orgasm with this procedure is not mandatory. The main goal of a yoni massage for a woman is to enjoy the yoni massage. As well as painless relief of spasms in the genital area, which helps improve blood circulation and lymphatic circulation. In this case, orgasm can be side effect, desirable and enjoyable.

Thanks to the intimate massage, the female representative absorbs the male energy of Yang, with the goal of reuniting with Yin. Girls who enjoy massaging the yoni area claim that in this way the integrity of everything is restored female body and its essence. So what is yoni massage and who should act as a massage therapist?


A massage in the yoni area should be carried out by a loved one, who during the massage acts as a massage therapist and specialist, but nothing more. Only lovers should get involved in this procedure. Because not even the most skillful and experienced massage therapist will be able to liberate and understand a partner, as his other half will do.

In order to conduct a session correctly, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the man and woman should be completely relaxed and not think about necessarily achieving any results;
  • the young man needs to understand for himself that he may not receive anything in return;
  • the session should be carried out by creating a quiet and cozy atmosphere; for this you can light candles or use an aroma lamp;
  • Before the massage, partners should take a relaxing bath;
  • movements should be as gentle and affectionate as possible, so that when massaging certain areas of the body, the partner can relax and receive true pleasure;
  • During the massage, you can use oil with aromatic additives, which should be slightly warmed up beforehand.

There are no special prohibitions in the technique. The only condition is that the female representative should be caressed in such a way that she gets true pleasure from the session.

How to do yoni massage?

Since the process is quite intimate, the massage session should be carried out very delicately and carefully. Yoni massage is divided into two stages. The first section includes gentle massage movements of the whole body.

The woman should be completely relaxed. The absence of tension is very important, since it is in this state that partners get the feeling that everything is happening naturally and by itself.

After achieving the desired effect, you can proceed directly to intimate massage, which consists of the young man working on each area of ​​the girl’s yoni during the massage. Moreover, this process involves not only external touches, but also internal ones.

How can you ensure that a representative of the fairer sex completely relaxes and has an orgasm during the second stage of yoni massage? What needs to be done for this?


During the procedure, in order to achieve complete relaxation of the partner, you can carry out massage movements not only with your hands, but also dilute the process with gentle touches and kisses. Partners should feel absolutely safe, trusting each other completely and completely.

The yoni massage technique is as follows:

  1. A representative of the fair sex should lie on her back, while placing one pillow under her head and the other under her buttocks. The partner is located at her feet.
  2. To relax a woman, a man needs to stroke the girl’s back and thighs for some time.
  3. After this, the lover should begin to lightly stroke the chest, abdomen and legs of the beautiful female representative.
  4. The next stage of the massage is stroking the upper part of the yoni, then the lower part. Movements should be circular and gentle.
  5. After this, you should insert your middle finger right hand in the yoni, and with the help of the big one to carry out influences from the outside. The intensity of movements during massaging should be selected based on the feelings of the beloved.

After a massage, representatives of the fairer sex, as a rule, experience a physical revival of the most intimate part of the female body to full life, which directly affects her spiritual transformation. A woman begins to feel filled with tenderness, patience and love for herself, as well as for the people around her. A beautiful seductress, capable of not only giving gifts to others, but also receiving true pleasure from life.