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Maximum deposit in Sberbank for individuals. Sberbank deposits. "Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit “Top up”

The minimum amount is 1 thousand rubles. Terms vary from 3 to 36 months. The maximum interest rate is 4.5% per annum. Interest payment every month. You can also choose capitalization. If the amount increases, the rate will increase. You can top up by 1000 rubles or more. Partial withdrawal is not possible. Important: If you open this deposit through the Sberbank Online service, the interest rate will be increased (up to 5% per annum, depending on the term).

Sum Term / Interest rate
from 3 to 6 months. from 6 to 12 months. from 12 to 24 months. from 24 to 36 months. 36 months
from 1 t.r. 3.85% 4% 3.8% 3.75% 3.7%
from 100 t.r. 4% 4.15% 3.95% 3.9% 3.85%
from 400 rub. 4.15% 4.3% 4.1% 4.05% 4%
from 700 rub. 4.35% 4.5% 4.3% 4.25% 4.2%
from 2 million rubles 4.35% 4.5% 4.3% 4.25% 4.2%

“Save” deposit

All types of deposits in Sberbank of Russia, like the Save deposit, are aimed at minimizing losses from inflation.

The opening amount is 1 thousand rubles or more. The interest rate reaches 5% per annum. Capitalization or interest payments will be made every month. There is no possibility of replenishment or partial withdrawal. Important: If you open through the Sberbank Online service, the rate will be increased (max. 5.5% per annum).

Sum Term / Interest rate
from 1 to 2 months. from 2 to 3 months. from 3 to 6 months. from 6 to 12 months. from 12 to 24 months. from 24 to 36 months. 36 months
from 1 t.r. 4.8% 4.15% 4.35% 4.5% 4.4% 4.35% 4.3%
from 100 t.r. 3.95% 4.3% 4.5% 4.65% 4.55% 4.5% 4.45%
from 400 rub. 4.1% 4.45% 4.65% 4.8% 4.7% 4.65% 4.6%
from 700 rub. 4.3% 4.65% 4.85% 5% 4.9% 4.85% 4.8%
from 2 million rubles 4.3% 4.65% 4.85% 5% 4.9% 4.85% 4.8%

“Manage” deposit

The minimum amount for opening is 30 thousand rubles. It is possible to withdraw monthly to a bank card or capitalize interest. The terms of the deposit include: auto-renewal, replenishment and partial withdrawal. Max. rate - 4.2% per annum. Important: If this deposit is opened through the Sberbank Online service, the interest rate will be increased (up to 4.7% per annum, depending on the term).

Sum Term / Interest rate
from 3 to 6 months. from 6 to 12 months. from 12 to 24 months. from 24 to 36 months. 36 months
from 30 t.r. 3.55% 3.7% 3.25% 3.15% 3%
from 100 t.r. 3.7% 3.85% 3.4% 3.3% 3.15%
from 400 rub. 3.85% 4% 3.55% 3.45% 3.3%
from 700 rub. 4.05% 4.2% 3.75% 3.65% 3.5%
from 2 million rubles 4.05% 4.2% 3.75% 3.65% 3.5%

Deposit "Pension Plus"

This type of deposit is intended for pensioners. The minimum deposit is 1 ruble. The deposit period is 3 years. Interest capitalization or payment will be made quarterly (to a bank card or current account). The interest rate on the deposit is 3.5% per annum. The terms of the deposit include: auto-renewal, replenishment and partial withdrawal.

Sum Term Interest rate
from 1 rub. 36 months 3.5%

One of the most popular ways to save money today is a bank deposit. Among investment instruments, bank deposits are considered the most reliable, thanks to state deposit insurance (DIA). If the deposit amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles (or the currency equivalent of this amount), then if the bank’s license is revoked, the agency will pay you the deposit along with accrued interest.

Many banks offer the population to increase their savings, but tricks when concluding contracts, secret commissions, and sudden changes in tariffs become real pitfalls. Therefore, Sberbank has been and remains a reliable and popularly recognized Russian bank.

The line of deposits from Sberbank is divided into the following categories:

  • Time deposits:
    "Gift a life"
    "Multicurrency Sberbank of Russia"
    savings account
  • Online deposits:
    Save ONL@yn
    Top up Online
    Manage Online
  • Deposits for settlements:
    "On demand of Sberbank of Russia"
    "Universal of Sberbank of Russia"
    "Pension plus"
  • Savings certificates.

We will try to compare Sberbank deposits and choose the optimal solution for preserving your finances. Precisely preserving, and not increasing income, as banks often claim. The interest rates offered by the bank for deposits, unfortunately, only cover inflation and do not generate income. However, the emergence of high-yield savings certificates, which Sberbank so actively advertises, allows us to invest our savings today, but first things first. The first parameter of deposit profitability is its interest rate.

TOP interest rates: we get maximum income

13 time deposits, 2 permanent deposits and savings certificates - this is the collection of deposits at Sberbank.

Today, the TOP interest rates on ruble deposits of Sberbank are as follows:

  1. Savings certificate from Sberbank – up to 8.8%;
  2. Online deposit “Digital” – up to 7.7%, with the opportunity to increase the rate using a promotional code (to receive it, you must complete a survey on the VKontakte social network in the official Sberbank group);
  3. Deposit “Replenish Online” with an interest rate of 7.28% (including interest capitalization).
  4. “Replenish Online” – with an interest rate of 7%.
  5. “Save” – 6.75%.

Special conditions apply to deposits for pensioners: regardless of the opening amount, Sberbank offers maximum rates to persons of retirement age on “Save”, “Replenish”, “Manage” deposits and their online analogues.

But a high interest rate does not mean that income at other rates will be lower. The effectiveness of the interest rate consists of parameters such as capitalization and account replenishment. And the higher the deposit opening amount, the more significant the dividends will be.

Saving wisely: criteria you should know about

So, a high interest rate is not the only condition for high income on a deposit. An equally important profitability criterion is the capitalization of interest. What is capitalization? Speaking in simple language, this is the automatic addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount. That is, interest in the next period will be accrued for the deposit amount plus interest for the previous period. We conclude:

The more often interest is capitalized, the higher the return on the deposit.

This means that if capitalization of the deposit occurs every month, then this increases our income. Let's consider Sberbank deposits taking into account interest capitalization:

  • Deposits with monthly capitalization:

Replenish Online, Save, Top Up Online, Top Up, Manage Online, Manage, Savings Account and Give Life.

  • Deposits with quarterly capitalization (every three months):

Social, Multicurrency of Sberbank of Russia, Pension Plus, Universal of Sberbank of Russia, Demand of Sberbank of Russia.

The Sberbank line includes deposits without capitalization, with accrual of interest at the end of the term:

International, Digital, Savings certificate.

Such an important parameter, indirectly related to capitalization, as account replenishment also affects the profitability of your deposit. Such parameters as account replenishment and cash withdrawal are important for those who are not sure that they will not have to use their savings. Let's compare Sberbank deposits according to these two parameters.

Contributions can be divided as follows:

  • Savings (no possibility of replenishment, no partial withdrawal);
  • Savings (with replenishment, but without the possibility of partial withdrawal);
  • Settlement (with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment);
  • Demand deposits (you can also deposit and withdraw money).

Despite the high interest rate, savings deposits are often not profitable if terminated early. Savings deposits with monthly capitalization are a fairly attractive investment product. Demand deposits have the lowest rates, so they will not bring high income. Current deposits have decent rates and allow you to manage your funds without losing interest.

At Sberbank, according to the specified criteria, profitable deposits are:

Replenish Online, Replenish, Manage and Manage Online.

The Social, Multicurrency and Pension Plus deposits could become leaders in terms of the given parameters, but unfortunately, the frequency of interest accrual is lower.

If we talk about multi-currency deposits (International and Multi-currency Sberbank of Russia), choose them only if you understand currency fluctuations well. Otherwise, you risk losing your savings: not everyone is able to correctly guess the moment of transferring funds from one currency to another.

Let's summarize:

Deposits Top up Online and Top up are the most profitable savings deposits of Sberbank based on the totality of the considered parameters without partial withdrawal of funds.

If you have savings that you will not need in the near future, savings deposits are best suited: “Savings Certificate”, “Save” and “Digital”.

Among the line of settlement deposits, the leaders are “Manage OnL@yn” and “Manage”.

Rates on online deposits from Sberbank are significantly higher than similar ones opened in the branch, which means that the leaders in the race are:

Replenish Online, Manage Online, Digital. And they are joined by the widely advertised Savings Certificate from Sberbank thanks to its attractive interest rate.

Let us dwell on such a product as a savings certificate in detail. A savings certificate is a valuable, unregistered bearer paper with an increased interest rate. The reason for the increased rate on the certificate is the lack of DIA insurance. Therefore, as a financial management tool, a certificate is not the most convenient solution. Money loves diversification: to reduce possible risks, invest in different types deposits, including savings certificates.

Opening a deposit correctly: step-by-step guide

It’s easy to open a deposit in Sberbank, contact the branch or open it yourself using online banking or an application.

How to open a deposit at a Bank branch

  1. Take the required amount and passport. Pension certificate or other documents (for example, about guardianship).
  2. Have you already decided on the choice of the required contribution? Fill out an application for its opening. Contact a Bank consultant if you have any questions.
  3. When signing up, carefully read all the clauses of the contract, do not hesitate to ask questions.
  4. Are you a foreign person? Present your migration card, residence permit or permit to stay in the Russian Federation.
  5. After completing all the documents, you will have a copy of the agreement with the bank and a savings book in your hands - find a suitable place to store them.

How to open a deposit remotely?

  1. To access Internet banking, obtain a login and password for access at a branch or ATM.
  2. Log in to Sberbank Online, via a computer or an application on your phone.
  3. Select “Deposits and Accounts” from the menu.
  4. Select “Open a deposit”, fill out the application
  5. Wait for a notification that the deposit has been completed. An open account will always be available to view the status of your funds.

Close cannot be prolonged: competent termination of the contract

When concluding an agreement with the bank, check the possibility of automatic prolongation (extension) of your deposit. For example, a Savings Certificate has a specific issue date and must be collected on time. More often, deposits can be renewed many times: but the terms of the agreement will be valid exactly on the date of its renewal.

Have you decided to close your deposit? We will answer the most popular questions from Sberbank depositors:

  • Opened a deposit online?

Then you can monitor its expiration date through the Sberbank Online application. For deposits opened at the branch, the date can be found in the agreement papers;

  • Did the deposit closing date coincide with a weekend and the bank is closed?

You can easily withdraw your savings on the next working day;

  • What documents should I bring with me?

Apart from your passport, nothing is required. You can take a copy of the contract just in case.

To store or not to store: the rules of a practical investor

So, thanks to the simplicity of registration, a bank deposit has been and will be the most in an accessible way saving savings. Finally, a few recommendations for future Sberbank depositors:

  1. Analyze the bank deposit market, look for profitable offers.
  2. Good rates are usually offered by banks before long ones New Year holidays, in December and summer, during holidays.
  3. Look at the rate and frequency of capitalization of the deposit; it’s good if the deposit can be replenished. Try not to choose deposits without capitalization or at least monthly interest accrual.
  4. You can open several deposits on different terms. This will increase your chances of transferring funds without losing interest when more favorable offers from Sberbank appear.
  5. Master Sberbank Online: half the legwork, higher interest rates, easier to manage your finances.
  6. The deposit must not exceed the amount of DIA insurance.
  7. During a crisis, open long-term deposits with the possibility of replenishment and the maximum interest rate, because when the situation stabilizes, there will no longer be such offers.

The most profitable and profitable deposit in Sberbank in 2019: read how to choose and open a deposit with the maximum interest rate.

Sberbank, perhaps, primarily attracts depositors with its reliability. It's no secret that opening deposits individuals in Sberbank is one of the most reliable ways to invest money in 2019. Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia in terms of the volume of individual deposits and ranks first in ratings in terms of assets, equity capital, and many others.

You can open a Sberbank deposit not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another big city, but even in small towns, since there are a lot of bank branches.

Of course, many small banks offer depositors higher interest rates on personal deposits. But in the line of Sberbank deposits today you can also find deposits with fairly high interest rates. So let's consider what is the most profitable deposit in Sberbank in 2019.

The highest interest rates on deposits in Sberbank 2019

Like many banks, Sberbank has deposits for regular and premium clients. Of course, the latter are a little more profitable, but due to the large initial deposit amount and a number of other requirements, not everyone can take out premium deposits. We will return to them below, but for now we will consider the most profitable deposits from the basic line that any client can open.

Sberbank deposit from February 1, 2019 “Catch the benefit”: conditions and interest

Deposits "Big plans" and "Without a passport" of Sberbank with a rate of 7.4%

Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2019 today

Sberbank deposit “Catch the benefit” in 2019 for individuals and pensioners

This is a seasonal offer. Like most similar promotional deposits, “Catch the Benefit” has an increased interest rate, but very limited options for managing funds in the account. You can apply for it at a bank branch, via the Internet or at an ATM only until March 31, 2019.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partially withdrawing money without losing interest.


  • Duration: 5 months, 1 year, 1 year 6 months;
  • Currency: Rubles;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: not provided;
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided;
  • Capitalization: not provided;
  • Interest accrual: at the end of the term.

Interest rates

5 months 1 year 1 year 6 months
7,1 % 7,5 % 7,65 %

1. The most profitable deposits from the basic line

So, to arrange any basic deposits in Sberbank at the highest interest rates You will need a computer or phone with an Internet connection, or at least an ATM. This is important because when opening a deposit at a Sberbank branch, the depositor will be offered standard conditions and interest rates for deposits of individuals. And when opening deposits in the Sberbank-Online Internet bank, an ATM or a self-service device, the interest rate is higher!

Sberbank deposits with increased interest rates for ordinary clients in 2019 are called: “Save Online”, “Replenish Online” and “Manage Online”.

1.1. Sberbank deposit with an increased interest rate “Save Online”

This is an online deposit for reliably preserving your savings and receiving a guaranteed income.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partially withdrawing money without losing interest.

Terms of deposit

  • Duration: 1 month. - 3 years
  • Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided
  • Interest accrual: monthly. The accrued interest can be withdrawn or transferred to the card account.
  • Capitalization: provided. The accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in subsequent periods.

Interest rate:

in rubles dollars Euro
from 4.20 to 5.75% from 0.2 to 2.0% -

1.2. Deposit “Replenish Online” of Sberbank in 2019

A replenishable deposit for those who prefer to save and regularly deposit their funds using the convenient and reliable Sberbank Internet bank.

(+) Plus: it is possible to top up your account.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.

Terms of deposit

  • Duration: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Deposit amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Minimum contribution: cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars, non-cash - unlimited;
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided;
  • Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

in rubles dollars Euro
from 4.75 to 5.30% from 0.4 to 1.6% -

1.3. Sberbank deposit “Manage Online”

Online deposit for free money management with the ability to use part of the funds without losing interest.

(+) Plus: it is possible to replenish your account and partially withdraw money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: low interest rate.

Terms of deposit

  • Duration: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Deposit amount: from 30,000 rubles / 1,000 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided. Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars; Non-cash - unlimited;
  • Partial withdrawal: provided up to the minimum amount of the minimum balance without loss of accrued interest.

Interest rate

in rubles dollars Euro
from 4.15 to 5.00% from 0.3 to 1.5% -

The most profitable Sberbank deposit in 2019: how to apply

To open an online deposit with a higher rate, you need to connect your computer or phone to the Internet, and then:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online and select the “Deposits and Accounts” section.
  2. Select the menu item “Open a deposit”.
  3. Read the terms and conditions for placing funds, select a suitable deposit and click: “Continue”.
  4. Fill out the application: select the debit account, the deposit amount and the deposit period.
  5. Click: “Open”.

2. The most profitable deposits for premium clients

Sberbank deposits for premium clients are even more profitable than online deposits. But, unfortunately, not everyone can open them. Only owners of the Sberbank Premier / Sberbank First service package can make these special deposits.

Their basic conditions (possibility of replenishment, withdrawal, interest accrual, etc.) are the same as those of their analogues from the basic line. The only differences are in the minimum down payment amount and interest rates.

2.1. Contribution "Special Save"

Deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package.

Basic conditions

  • Duration: from 1 month to 3 years
  • Without replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal

Interest rates

in rubles dollars Euro
up to 6.20% up to 2.70% -

2.2. Contribution "Special Replenish"

Replenishable deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package.

Basic conditions

  • Duration: from 3 months to 3 years
  • Amount: from 700,000 rubles / 50,000 dollars.
  • With replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal

Interest rates

in rubles dollars Euro
up to 5.65% up to 2.30% -

2.3. Contribution "Special Manage"

A spending deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package.

Basic conditions

  • Duration: from 3 months to 3 years
  • Amount: from 700,000 rubles / 50,000 dollars.
  • With replenishment
  • With partial removal

Interest rates

in rubles dollars Euro
up to 5.35% up to 2.2% -

How to apply for profitable premium deposits from Sberbank

First of all, you need to become a premium client of the bank. To do this, you need to sign up for a package of services “Sberbank Premier” or “Sberbank First”, which, by the way, allow you not only to open deposits on special conditions, but also give clients a number of other advantages. To use the premium package of services for free, you must have more than 1.5 million rubles in your Sberbank accounts.

The procedure for registering special deposits is the same as for deposits from the basic line, described above. You can open premium deposits both at a bank branch and online via the Internet.

Conditions for early termination of Sberbank deposits

In any unforeseen situation, if clients need money ahead of schedule When the deposits expire, you can always get them.

Early termination of deposits of the “Save”, “Replenish” and “Manage” groups is carried out under the following conditions:

1. For deposits for a period of up to 6 months (inclusive) - at an interest rate of 0.01% per annum;

2. For deposits for a period exceeding 6 months:

  • during the first 6 months of the main (extended) term - based on an interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
  • after 6 months of the main (extended) term - based on 2/3 of the interest rate established by Sberbank for this species deposits on the date of opening (extension) of the deposit.

In case of early termination of deposits, interest is recalculated without taking into account monthly capitalization!

The most profitable deposit in Sberbank today in 2019. conclusions

Judging by the interest rate, the most profitable investment Sberbank (in addition to seasonal deposits) is “Save Online” for ordinary individuals or “Special Save” for premium clients. But they cannot be replenished!

This means that if you intend to save money, then it would be most preferable for you to make a deposit with an increased rate of “Replenish Online” or “Special Top Up”. But you won’t be able to withdraw money without losing interest!

This means that if you plan to withdraw part of the money from the deposit at any time, then the “Manage Online” or “Special Manage” deposit will be the most profitable for you.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is reducing rates on deposits in rubles.

The most profitable deposit in Sberbank today

  1. If we evaluate the interest rate, then the most profitable Sberbank deposit (in addition to seasonal deposits) is “Save Online” for ordinary individuals or “Special Save” for premium clients. But these deposits cannot be replenished!
  2. If you intend to save money, then it would be most preferable for you to make a deposit with an increased rate of “Replenish Online” or “Special Top Up”. But you won’t be able to withdraw money without losing interest!
  3. If you plan to withdraw part of the money from the deposit at any time, then the “Manage Online” or “Special Manage” deposit will be the most profitable for you.

Below you can find out the new deposit rates for today (as of 03/19/2020)

Pension Plus deposit

  • Payment of interest - quarterly to a current account or to a bank card account
  • Capitalization - quarterly according to client's choice
  • Special conditions - the deposit is opened upon presentation of a pension certificate
  • Replenishment is possible
  • Partial withdrawal possible
  • The minimum minimum balance is equal to the minimum deposit amount
  • Early termination on preferential terms - income for the actual storage period Money in the deposit is accrued based on the interest rate established by the bank on the date of opening the deposit
  • Auto renewal is possible

Contribution Give Life

  • Payment of interest - quarterly to a bank card account
  • Capitalization - quarterly at the client's choice
  • Special conditions - 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount for each expired three-month period is transferred to the Gift of Life Fund
  • Replenishment - no
  • Partial withdrawal is not possible
  • Early termination on preferential terms - 2/3 of the rate after 6 months of deposit storage
  • Auto renewal is possible

Deposit Top up

Betting table

In rubles

from 3 to 6 months.from 6 months up to 1 yearfrom 1 to 2 yearsfrom 2 to 3 years3 years
from 1,000 ₽4,1 4,4 4,3 4,25 4,15
from 100,000 ₽4,25 4,55 4,45 4,4 4,3
from 400,000 ₽4,4 4,7 4,6 4,55 4,45

In dollars

from 3 to 6 months.from 6 months up to 1 yearfrom 1 to 2 yearsfrom 2 to 3 years3 years
from 100 $0,01 0,55 0,75 0,45 0,35
from $3,0000,1 0,65 0,85 0,55 0,45
from $10,0000,15 0,7 0,9 0,6 0,5
from $20,0000,2 0,75 0,95 0,65 0,55
  • Capitalization monthly according to client's choice
  • minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars;
  • Partial withdrawal is not possible
  • Early termination on preferential terms:
  • if the deposit amount does not exceed the maximum amount (the deposit amount at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times for deposits whose amount at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation is less than 100,000 rubles / 5,000 dollars, the maximum amount is 1 million rubles /$50,000);
  • An increase in the rate is possible if the amount increases or upon presentation of a pension certificate
  • Auto renewal is possible

Deposit Top up in the name of the child

Table of bets in rubles

3-6 months6-12 months1-2 years2-3 years3 years
from 10004.10/4.11 4.40/4.44 4.30/4.39 4.25/4.43 4.15/4.41
from 100,0004.25/4.27 4.55/4.59 4.45/4.54 4.40/4.59 4.30/4.58
from 400,0004.40/4.42 4.70/4.75 4.60/4.70 4.55/4.75 4.45/4.75

Table of bets in dollars

  • Payment of interest monthly to a bank card account
  • Capitalization monthly according to client's choice
  • Special contribution for children

Special conditions:

  • You must present a passport or other identification document and the child’s birth certificate;
  • A parent/legal representative of a child can open a deposit;
  • from the age of 14, the child receives partial access: he can independently replenish the deposit and withdraw accrued interest;
  • at 18 years of age, a child can fully manage the funds on deposit;
  • Full withdrawal of money before the child comes of age is possible only with the permission of the guardianship authorities

Replenishment is possible, but there are restrictions:

  • minimum amount
  • 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars;
  • for non-cash replenishment the minimum amount is not limited

Partial withdrawal is not possible Early termination on preferential terms:

  • if the deposit amount does not exceed the maximum amount (the deposit amount at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times; for deposits for which the amount at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation is less than 100,000 rubles / 5,000 dollars, the maximum amount is 1 million rubles/50,000 dollars);
  • if the amount is higher than the maximum deposit amount, then interest is calculated on the principal amount based on 2/3, on the difference between the deposit amount and the maximum amount - 1/3 of the interest rate on the deposit in effect on the date of its opening or prolongation
  • An increase in the rate is possible if the amount increases
  • Auto renewal is possible

Contribution Save

Contribution Social

Deposit Manage

Calculate your deposit income online

When the question arises: which bank to invest money in, many individuals and pensioners give preference to Sberbank, which is very correct, because it is one of the most reliable banks in Russia. Let's consider the existing and most profitable offers for the above-described categories of persons for 2016 in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara and other cities.

Deposits of individuals 2016 Sberbank

Sberbank offers a wide range of deposits that differ in interest rates, which in turn are influenced by factors such as:

  • deposit term (for example, for 3 months, 6 months, up to 1 year or up to 3 years);
  • its size;
  • currency (that is, it will be in rubles, dollars or euros).

Proposals are also divided into those that involve capitalization of interest or its absence. There are also replenishable options and those with the ability to independently manage.

It is impossible not to mention that this organization works both with rubles and foreign currencies, and accepts deposits in precious metals. What can I say, the latter (that is, impersonal metal accounts) are very popular today due to such advantages as:

  • the ability to calculate income according to the price of precious metal on the market;
  • free account opening and maintenance;
  • no mandatory payment of VAT when carrying out transactions with precious stones;
  • speed of performing the necessary operations (this work takes no more than 10 minutes).

Profitable Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2016