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Giardia in adults is treated with drugs. Symptoms and treatment of lamblia in adults. Natural herbal preparations against giardiasis

The disease manifests itself:

  • work disorder digestive system;
  • violation of general condition and poor health;
  • allergic reaction.

Infection with Giardia in adults can occur:

  • through the consumption of unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • contaminated water;
  • contaminated foods, poorly cooked, or when eating with dirty or poorly washed hands.

Treatment regimen and main medications

After the diagnosis has been carried out and the doctor has made a diagnosis, a long period of complex treatment from Giardia in adults, consisting of three stages:

Mandatory adherence to three stages of treatment is necessary to prevent the occurrence of severe allergic reactions due to the death of microorganisms and intoxication with their decay products.

First stage: elimination of intoxication

The main task of the first stage is to eliminate intoxication, improve intestinal function and enzyme secretion, and increase immunity. The duration of the stage is from two weeks to one month.

Drugs prescribed at the first stage:

  • Cholespasmolytics– No-shpa, Eufilin, Platifilin, belladonna and barberry preparations (relax the bile ducts);
  • choleretic– Allohol, Cholenzym, Karsil (eliminate bile stagnation);
  • cholekinetics— Magnesia, Mannitol (tones the gallbladder, relaxes the ducts);
  • enterosorbents– Polysorb, Smecta, Bilignin (remove toxins, reduce intoxication, improve general condition);
  • enzymes (to improve digestion)– Mezim, Hilak-forte, Festal, Creon;
  • antihistamines– Tavegil, Suprastin, Dexamethasone (to reduce allergic manifestations).

With the help of medications at this stage of treatment the following is also achieved:

  • restoration of functions of the hepatobiliary system;
  • improvement of bile secretion;
  • restoration of the functioning of the digestive system reduces intoxication;
  • normalization of bile secretion has a detrimental effect on lamblia.

The most effective antiprotozoal (aimed at getting rid of protozoa) medications:

  • – treatment for 5 days, taken 4 times a day;
  • Tinidazole - the therapeutic effect is achieved with a single dose;
  • Enterofuril - course up to 7 days, 3-4 times a day, maintaining equal intervals between doses;
  • - taken in a seven-day course up to three times a day;
  • – taken according to the scheme within 10 days;
  • McMirror - taken in a seven-day course up to three times a day;
  • Albendazole – take for 3 days and repeat the course after 21 days;
  • Ornidazole - take once in the evening. Its other name is tiberal.

Treatment of an acute form of Giardia lesions can be carried out in one stage simultaneously, but only under the supervision of a specialist in a hospital department, since a sharp deterioration in well-being may be observed due to very strong intoxication, sometimes even life-threatening.

The third stage of therapy for giardiasis: restoration of the body

During it happens:

This is achieved:

  • following a diet;
  • taking vitamins and multivitamins;
  • the use of probiotics in combination with prebiotics;
  • normalization of digestion with enzymes.

Elimination of consequences

Complications of giardiasis are:

  • intestinal disorders due to irritation of the intestinal walls (flatulence, change in stool character, abdominal pain);
  • stomach irritation (epigastric pain, heartburn, nausea);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • development of pathogens in the intestines;
  • the presence of constant allergic reactions.

To eliminate the effects of Giardia on the body of an adult, it is necessary:

The most effective of them and the most popular are:

Signs and symptoms of Giardia

Giardia in adults, symptoms and treatment depend on the form of giardiasis.

Giardiasis of the intestine occurs according to the following type:

  • duodenitis;
  • enteritis;
  • dyskinesia duodenum.

The intestinal form of giardiasis is manifested by symptoms:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • unstable stool (in adults there is massive diarrhea);
  • bloating, feeling of fullness;
  • fever;
  • loss of appetite;
  • heartburn.

If the treatment of giardia in adults has been debugged for a long time or it was not possible to diagnose giardiasis in time, then over time the person develops neurotic symptoms:

  1. feeling unwell, weakness;
  2. dizziness;
  3. heartache;
  4. fatigue;
  5. headache;
  6. irritability.

Due to the fact that Giardia is a foreign organism that settles in the intestine, lives and develops in it and releases toxic products for the human body, intoxication occurs.

Because of this, giardiasis may be accompanied by symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • rash and itching skin;
  • asthma and bronchitis;
  • rhinorrhea (watery discharge from the nose);
  • urticaria (manifested by the appearance of blisters on the skin, which disappear without a trace over time, and in some cases, Quincke's edema);
  • dermatitis, eczema;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids on both sides, manifested by redness, itching of the eyelids, a feeling of sand in the eyes, foamy (purulent) discharge).

When treating Giardia in adults, drugs cause their mass death, resulting in the release of toxins from dead cells, which leads to even greater intoxication of the body and exacerbation of allergic manifestations.

Symptoms of giardiasis in the liver

Once in the body, they penetrate into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract and there, by hematogenous route, they enter the liver, its ducts and the gall bladder.

Giardiasis of the liver is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • dyspeptic (nausea, vomiting, stool disorders);
  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the stomach;
  • presence of heartburn;
  • pain in the epigastrium and liver projection area;
  • change in sclera color (jaundice);
  • the presence of dark circles under the eyes;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • cheilitis (lip jams);
  • symptoms of general malaise and intoxication.

Therapeutic diet

At the entire stage of treatment, a patient with giardiasis must follow a special diet. At each stage there is a different list of permitted products.

What can you eat during the preparatory phase?

The first stage of nutrition is aimed at worsening the conditions for the reproduction of protozoa. The diet for the treatment of Giardia in adults is mainly aimed at eliminating carbohydrates, since carbohydrate-containing foods contribute to the rapid reproduction of these protozoa.


  • porridge (dairy-free), cooked in water:
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • oatmeal
  • fruits, vegetables in fresh, as well as purees;
  • dairy products(to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Fruit drinks and compotes without sugar from sour berries and fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • dried fruits and compotes made from them.

During the day, food should be taken steamed or boiled five or six times a day, divided into small portions.

The use of choleretic herbs such as:

  • birch leaves, as well as birch sap;
  • immortelle;
  • yarrow;
  • dandelion;
  • choleretic fees.

To do this, add to the diet:

Giardiasis is a disease that can affect anyone.

Compliance with simple rules of personal hygiene (washing hands), preparing food for consumption, ensuring there is enough food heat treatment, drinking purified water, following the rules of communication with pets, giving them timely vaccines and treating diseases - all this will help avoid infection with Giardia and further long-term treatment.

Protozoal invasion caused by intestinal lamblia and occurring with signs of a functional digestive disorder. The leading one in the clinic of giardiasis is gastrointestinal syndrome (nausea, abdominal pain, unstable stool, flatulence); intoxication, allergic, astheno-neurotic, hepatolienal syndromes can also develop. For laboratory confirmation of giardiasis, microscopic examination of feces and duodenal contents, ELISA, PCR, and analysis of biopsy material are performed. For the purpose of specific therapy for giardiasis, antiprotozoal drugs (metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, etc.) are prescribed; additionally - choleretic drugs, enzymes, enterosorbents.

General information

Causes of giardiasis

The source of the spread of giardiasis pathogens is an infected person, who releases mature Giardia cysts with feces into the environment. The epidemiological role of animals that are carriers of Giardia (dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.) cannot be excluded. Mechanical carriers of pathogens can be flies, cockroaches and other insects. Giardiasis infection occurs through the fecal-oral mechanism; water, food, contact and household routes. The leading factors of infection transmission are unboiled water, food, hands, common objects, soil contaminated with Giardia cysts. The infestation of the population with giardiasis is facilitated by fecal pollution of the environment, poor state of water supply, overcrowding of people, and low level of sanitary and hygienic skills of the population. Predisposing factors include age under 10 years, malnutrition and dystrophy, congenital anomalies of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal diseases with decreased acidity and enzymatic activity, previous gastrectomy, protein starvation, etc. A surge in the incidence of giardiasis is recorded in the spring-summer season.


Once in the digestive tract, Giardia cysts reach the duodenum, where they transform into vegetative forms. Here, as well as in the proximal jejunum, Giardia attaches to the epithelial villi, causing mechanical damage to enterocytes, irritation of the nerve endings of the small intestine wall, and disruption of the absorption process. The consequence of these processes is the development of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, enteritis), malabsorption syndrome, secondary fermentopathy, dysbacteriosis, chronic endogenous intoxication syndrome. Giardiasis can contribute to the chronicity of helminthiasis and other intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, yersiniosis). It has been proven that during the life of Giardia, they secrete a toxin that has a tropism for nervous tissue, which explains the inhibitory effect on nervous system. Due to sensitization of the body by protozoal antigens, various allergic manifestations can develop during giardiasis, especially characteristic of children with lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis.


Giardiasis can occur in the form of asymptomatic giardia carriers (25%), subclinical (50%) and manifest forms (25%). Depending on the leading clinical manifestations of manifest giardiasis, there are:

  • intestinal form, including functional intestinal disorder, duodenitis, duodenogastric reflux, gastroenteritis, enteritis;
  • biliary-pancreatic form, occurring with symptoms of biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis, reactive pancreatitis;
  • extraintestinal form accompanied by astheno-neurotic syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia, toxic-allergic manifestations;
  • mixed form.

Clinically pronounced giardiasis can have an acute and chronic course.

Symptoms of giardiasis

The intoxication syndrome during giardiasis directly depends on the massiveness of the invasion, the duration and severity of the disease. It can manifest as peripheral lymphadenitis, enlarged adenoids, and low-grade fever. Signs of central nervous system depression in giardiasis include irritability, fatigue, decreased performance, emotional lability, and bruxism. Children may experience tics, hyperkinesis, hypotonic crises and fainting states. Dermatoallergic manifestations include dryness and flaking of the skin, keratosis pilaris, urticaria with itchy skin, atopic dermatitis, etc. Patients with giardiasis often suffer from persistent blepharitis and conjunctivitis, cheilitis; asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Diagnosis of giardiasis

Clinical recognition of giardiasis is difficult due to the wide variety and nonspecificity of symptoms. Clinical manifestations of giardiasis are often explained by other reasons, and patients are treated by a gastroenterologist, neurologist, allergist, pulmonologist, and dermatologist for individual syndromes.

An objective examination of patients with giardiasis reveals pallor of the skin, coated tongue, bloating, enlarged liver, and pain in the mesogastrium. Using ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system and cholecystography, biliary dyskinesia with signs of cholestasis are detected. Changes in the hemogram are represented by eosinophilia and monocytosis. IN biochemical analysis blood, hypogammaglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and increased alkaline phosphatase levels are detected. Examination of stool for dysbacteriosis reveals changes in the intestinal microflora: a decrease in the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria, the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococci and streptococci, Candida fungi, etc.).

Treatment of giardiasis

The preparatory stage includes rational diet therapy aimed at creating unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of Giardia in the body. This diet involves the consumption of cereals, bran, vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil; limiting carbohydrates, mainly sugars. It is useful to carry out fasting days; tubages with mineral water, xylitol, sorbitol; taking choleretic and antihistamine drugs.

The medical stage of treatment of giardiasis is carried out with special antiprotozoal drugs (metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, nimorazole, albendazole, furazolidone, etc.) and usually consists of 2 courses. At the final, recovery stage, multivitamin preparations, enterosorbents, bacterial and enzymatic preparations, herbal adaptogens, immunostimulants, and herbal medicine are prescribed.

In the internal environment of the human body, Giardia can be found in two forms:

  • active (vegetative);
  • hidden (cysts).

Settling in the small intestine, Giardia feeds on everything that was intended for its owner. They multiply rapidly, which coincides in speed with the rate of cell division. Giardia in the form of cysts, entering the large intestine, is excreted from feces into the environment, becoming a source of more and more new infections.

In addition to humans, there are other objects that can become a carrier of an infectious disease:

  • Pets;
  • small rodents;
  • variety of cattle;
  • chlorinated water;
  • bodies of water contaminated with feces.

Canned Giardia in environment can live up to five weeks. Cysts can settle on soil, vegetable and berry crops, greens that grow in the garden - where they are spread by stray animals and children. Flies transfer Giardia on their paws to the entire nutrient medium, which is open to public access.

Giardiasis is a disease that is focal in nature. Very often, entire families, groups in kindergartens, and classes in schools are susceptible to infection.

The following classification of symptoms is found:

  • carriage of Giardia - without signs of disease;
  • predominance of the disorder at the local level: intestinal or hepatic form;
  • the predominance of general disorders: anemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastrodystonia;
  • a combination of several forms of manifestation.

Treatment methods for giardiasis

To completely get rid of settled Giardia and prevent relapses of the disease, a number of rules should be followed:

  • you cannot self-medicate giardiasis;
  • the drug must be selected correctly;
  • before using therapeutic agents, it is necessary to prepare the organs of the digestive system, and after treatment, undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy;
  • within 2–3 months after the end of drug treatment of the disease, it is necessary to observe the strictest preventive measures and especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the room;
  • Traditional medicine will provide additional assistance.

Taking medications without the preparatory stage of therapy leads to massive death of Giardia, and, as a consequence, to severe intoxication of the body.

Giardia cannot live and reproduce in bile. Therefore, when preparing the body to take medications, a course of medications is first prescribed: cholekinetics and cholespasmolytics. Among folk remedies, it is recommended to use egg yolks.

Diet therapy during the period of preparation of the body before the expulsion of Giardia consists of complete exclusion from the diet simple carbohydrates: fresh baked goods, pasta, foods containing large amounts of sugar. You should limit the consumption of milk, sausage, oatmeal and wheat cereals.


Giardiasis, like any helminthic disease, is a systemic lesion and requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Therapy consists of going through three stages:

  1. Preparation,
  2. deworming,
  3. recovery.

The first stage of therapy for lamblia

At the first stage, it is important to prepare the entire body as a whole and the digestive system in particular for taking medications to treat a specific disease.

For seven days it is necessary to consume large quantities of food rich in protein and fermented milk products. Try to avoid carbohydrates (exclude sugar, all sweets). The daily diet should consist of 4-5 meals a day. Medications at this stage include choleretic agents and cholekinetics.

Second stage of treatment

At the second stage of giardiasis therapy, the attending physician, based on test results, prescribes drug treatment. The drugs of choice are:

  • Chloroquine,
  • Furazolidone,
  • Trichopolum,
  • Tiberal,
  • Tinidazole,
  • Ornitazol,
  • Metronidazole.

The maximum time for taking these drugs is 10 days. Prescribed together with anthelmintic drugs medications, supporting the liver.

Medicines for the third stage

The third stage of treatment for giardiasis is restorative, aimed at creating impossible conditions for reproduction and secondary infection with giardia. Drug therapy helps restore the functions of the biliary tract, intestines, and liver. Appointed medications and means:

  • acidophilus,
  • Bifidumbacterin,
  • Pancreatin,
  • Festal,
  • Timogen,
  • Timolin,
  • Methyluracil.

To improve intestinal motility in adults and children, it is necessary to consume puree made from zucchini, beets, carrots or pumpkin every day. The menu should include rice and fermented milk products.

Therapy based on plants and herbs

Along with medicines, help in removing Giardia from the body will be provided by medications prepared from the leaves, roots and inflorescences of plants.

Birch buds and birch leaves

Pour a tablespoon of kidneys into one glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15–20 minutes. Leave for one hour. Drink half a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days, and 10 days off. You need to take three such courses to treat giardiasis.

Pour four tablespoons of birch leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place for eight hours. Drink 0.5 tbsp. l. 2 times a day for 10 days 15 minutes before meals. It is recommended to undergo three courses of treatment for giardiasis with breaks of 10 days.

Garlic, vodka and propolis

This medicine against giardiasis is only suitable for adults. For children - contraindicated due to the presence of alcohol. This composition is the most effective for removal from the body folk remedies Giardia.

Pass a glass of peeled garlic through a press, put it in a 0.5 liter bottle, add vodka and add 25 grams of propolis. Leave for seven days in a dark place. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The treatment course is two times for two weeks with a break of a month.

Pumpkin seeds

This method of folk therapy is used only in adults. There are two options for using seeds against Giardia:

  • chew the seeds and drink water;
  • crush the seeds, mix with a small amount of water and honey. Use the resulting mixture after getting out of bed, and an hour later you need to give a cleansing enema.

Infusion of herbs and linden

Dry the linden branches, burn until ash forms, add 0.5 tsp. honey and one glass of hot milk. Divide into seven servings. Take twice a day for four days.

Celandine dandelion and drooping lumbago

Infusions from these herbs are prepared according to the same recipe. One tablespoon of plants is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Heats up in a water bath and infuses for an hour. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. four times a day 15 minutes before meals for two days.

A decoction of lumbago drooping is prohibited for patients with gastritis and nephritis.

It is important to know that remedies for this disease prepared on the basis medicinal plants, in no case replace medications. You can use infusions and decoctions against Giardia only after consulting a doctor and receiving his recommendations on the use of medications.

Disease prevention

  • Wash your hands every time before eating and after visiting the toilet. node, communication with stray animals;
  • minimize contact with cats and dogs living on the street (they are carriers of Giardia);
  • sanitary processing of fruits and berries;
  • using bottled or boiled water for drinking and cooking;
  • taking a shower after swimming in open water;
  • mandatory (usually once a year) stool testing for worm eggs and the presence of Giardia cysts.

If Giardia is detected in any family member, classmate or in a kindergarten group, all contacts must undergo a control test for worm eggs. Prophylactic use of anthelmintic drugs is recommended.

Nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances, immune disorders, intestinal dysbiosis and stomach pain... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

Reading time: 5 min

These organisms, entering the intestines, begin to actively multiply and release toxins into the blood. Giardia cysts spread through the blood throughout the human body and penetrate all organs. When there is a large amount of waste products released from protozoan flagellates, intoxication occurs, the symptoms of which bother the patient.

Treatment of giardiasis in adults is aimed at increasing immunity and removing foreign agents from the body.

This infectious disease is widespread in almost all globe. Every year a large number of people become infected; unfortunately, not everyone goes to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment of Giardia in adults, hoping for independent recovery of the body.

Once in the blood, toxins negatively affect the human body. Patients often experience irritability, excessive emotionality, and tearfulness.

There are also external manifestations of the disease. The skin becomes pale, dry, spots and rashes may appear. The color of the sclera of the eyes also changes. If the course of the disease affects the liver, the skin color becomes yellow.

Since the immune system recognizes cysts and their toxins as foreign, a very strong allergic reaction can almost always be observed. There are also disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, this is a disturbance of appetite, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and impaired intestinal motility. The person quickly gets tired, sweating and swelling of the limbs are noticed. Such symptoms cannot but worry, they will definitely be noticed.

If a similar clinical picture is detected in an adult, you should consult a specialist.

This disease has common symptoms with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Only a complete diagnosis will help to correctly establish the diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe effective treatment in a timely manner.

How can you become infected with giardiasis?

You can become infected with these unpleasant diseases different ways. The fact is that cysts live outside the human body for about three months; they are found in soil and water.

The following methods of infection are distinguished:

  • with dirty hands. This is how you can get sick due to insufficient personal hygiene or poor handling of clothes, dishes, and other items of use;
  • through the water. If you drink untreated tap water or water from reservoirs. Simply boiling is enough and the Giardia cysts will die;
  • through dirty products. If vegetables or fruits are not properly processed, you can become infected with giardiasis. Special attention should be given to products in contact with the soil.

Flies are active carriers of cysts. Infection from pets is also possible. Moreover, the animals themselves do not get sick, but are only carriers of cysts.

No one is immune from Giardia, so you need to carefully monitor personal hygiene, the purity of water and food consumed by humans.

Diagnosis of giardiasis in an adult

Stages of treatment of giardiasis in adults

Treatment in adults is more aggressive compared to the eradication of this disease in children.

Treatment methods depend on the form of manifestation of the disease, the severity of the patient’s condition and his individual reactions to medications.

How to treat the presence of Giardia in adults should only be prescribed by a qualified attending physician. In the classical treatment regimen, three main stages can be distinguished. To begin with, the body is prepared. Since antigiardiasis drugs are quite strong and have their own specific administration, the patient first undergoes intoxication and restoration of the patient’s metabolism.

Preparatory stage continues until the body is completely cleansed. The patient follows a diet, takes medications that restore the functions of the liver and gall bladder. If the preparatory stage is carried out correctly, they are minimized possible complications. Its duration is about one month. But time can deviate both up and down. It all depends on the general intoxication of the patient.

Now it is important to restore immune strength. As in the first stage, the patient must follow a diet, take probiotics to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and antihistamines. With the right approach, giardiasis in an adult can be completely cured.

However, there is not just one correct method how to effectively treat giardiasis in adults. The doctor considers each individual case individually.

Features of stages in chronic disease

If the patient does not seek help in a timely manner, the disease may transition from the acute phase to a protracted chronic one. This course of the disease is more complex and much more difficult to stabilize. The treatment regimen does not change. The same three stages are carried out.

However, the patient's nutritional system is being seriously revised. You should completely avoid all simple carbohydrates. Flour and dairy products should also be consumed in small quantities. It is best to pay attention to boiled and baked vegetables and fruits. Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime. If your kidneys are functioning normally, you need to drink more fluids to remove toxins as quickly as possible.

In addition to nutrition, the patient must take choleretic agents, enzymes (improving digestion), and sorbents. A distinctive feature of the chronic course of the disease is a longer preparatory period. The body may also need a longer recovery.

Drugs used in the treatment of giardiasis

How to treat Giardia?

All drugs aimed at destroying Giardia can be divided into three groups.

To the first group include nitroimidazole drugs. Some of them are no longer prescribed because their low effectiveness has been proven (metronidazole).

To the second group nitrovuran drugs are included. Among them there are also drugs that are no longer used (furazolidone) due to frequent adverse reactions.

And in the third group is benzimidazole (albendazole). All these drugs have different release forms and different amounts of active substance. It should be noted that Giardia is very resistant to any medications, so most often for adults, two approaches to using the medication are used. The interval between courses is 7-10 days.

The selection of medicine is carried out only by a specialist who takes into account individual characteristics body, possible contraindications. Both the drug and its dosage are selected strictly individually. Along with the main medication, the patient must take antihistamines and sorbents.

You must strictly follow the doctor's instructions and take exactly the amount of medicine as prescribed. IN otherwise the disease will only subside for a while and become chronic.

You cannot take medications on your own. Constant medical supervision is required. The doctor who deals with this problem is an infectious disease specialist. You need to contact him first.

In addition to the main methods, you can use traditional medicine, but again, only after consultation with your doctor.

Giardiasis can occur in different ways; when classifying this disease, doctors distinguish two forms: acute and chronic. Chronic giardiasis is diagnosed when quite a lot of time has passed since infection (5-6 weeks). During this period, the incubation period and the acute phase of the disease pass. Chronic giardiasis in adult patients is often asymptomatic; in children, the clinical manifestations are much more pronounced. Knowing about them and how you can overcome protracted giardiasis, you can try to maintain your own health.

Let's talk about each group of symptoms in more detail.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic giardiasis

Abdominal pain with chronic giardiasis can be described quite accurately:

  • It occurs near the navel.
  • There are two types of abdominal pain depending on the intensity. In children, as a rule, they are paroxysmal in nature. In adults, the pain is moderate, cutting or stabbing.
  • Some patients experience rare pain, similar to the pain that occurs with appendicitis.
  • At chronic type infections, abdominal pain is often combined with symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder, bile ducts or liver ducts.

A simple examination of sick children or adults gives the doctor a very clear picture. He reveals the following characteristic symptoms: a yellow coating on the tongue, an unpleasant characteristic odor coming from the mouth, a slight enlargement of the liver.

Symptoms of chronic giardiasis on the skin

General intoxication of the body, provoked by chronic giardiasis, often leads to the appearance of skin manifestations. In babies, the skin becomes pale, the color of the epidermis becomes uneven (a jaundiced tint appears on the neck, sides of the abdomen, and in the armpits). Along the abdominal line, a white line is clearly visible, dividing the abdominal wall exactly in half. The skin on the palms becomes red, almost brick-colored, and constantly peels off. Often in children, chronic giardiasis is accompanied by a rash; it is nodular in nature, first appears on the neck, and then spreads to the shoulders, back and chest.

In advanced stages, chronic giardiasis leads to intense hair loss and the appearance of jams in the corners of the lips. Chronic giardiasis provokes the development of atopic dermatitis, persistent blepharitis, and attacks of suffocation (bronchial asthma). In children, allergic reactions are always acute, they are difficult to treat, and almost always lead to dangerous complications, such as angioedema, for example. That is why, if a combination of dyspeptic disorders and allergic reactions is detected, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help and immediately begin adequate therapy.

What can poor absorption of partially digested food lead to? The patient's body stops receiving nutrients. The result is a deficiency of almost all vitamins and minerals, constant weight loss, and the appearance of hypochromic anemia.

Is it possible to cure chronic giardiasis?

Analyzing the clinical picture of the disease, it becomes clear why it is so difficult to cure chronic giardiasis. There are several points to consider when drawing up a treatment regimen:

Elimination of chronic giardiasis in adults and children is a long process, consisting of several courses. Compliance with all instructions of the drawn up regimen, as well as the rules for taking prescribed medications - important point effective therapy.

Giardiasis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Once in the humid environment of the human body, Giardia begins to multiply at high speed. These microorganisms can exist in two forms: in the form of motile and in the form of cysts, both varieties are equally difficult to tolerate and can cause significant harm to humans.

Domestic animals are often called common carriers of the disease: domestic cats, dogs, cattle in the village. Also, a person with an infection can infect his environment, especially family members.

The danger of this disease is that Giardia, in the process of life, produces a lot of toxic substances that literally poison the body after they are absorbed into the blood. This provokes the development of other diseases and allergic reactions. If giardiasis develops in the liver, it can negatively affect its function.

The main cause of giardiasis infection is lack of personal hygiene. Cysts of microorganisms can reach humans from contaminated water, food, or after contact with infected animals. Therefore, most often this disease occurs in people who neglect hygiene, heat and hygienic processing of food.

Important! The speed of development of the disease and the severity of its symptoms depend on the state of the immune system and the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main symptoms of the disease may indicate other digestive problems, so after detecting them, you must be examined by a doctor to accurately determine the cause. Acute giardiasis can develop at different rates; it usually manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Violations in gastrointestinal tract, alternating constipation and diarrhea, the presence of bloating, other discomfort, abdominal pain.
  2. Nausea, sometimes vomiting may occur, there may be a noticeable lack of appetite, and the constant rumbling in the stomach is often annoying.
  3. The appearance of plaque on the tongue, pallor of the skin, and a painful appearance in general.
  4. Physical and mental weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome, chills, feeling of malaise, general depression, lack of desire and strength to do things.
  5. Skin symptoms, allergic reactions. Most often they manifest themselves as skin rashes, hives, itching, and other common signs of allergies.
  6. Inflammatory diseases of the eyes and other organs.

If Giardia affects the liver, painful sensations may occur in the hypochondrium; in rare cases, palpation may reveal that the organ is enlarged. Over time, the symptoms of the acute form begin to gradually disappear, but this does not indicate healing.

Important! In some cases, giardiasis occurs without symptoms.

If treatment for this disease is not started in time, over time it becomes chronic. In this case, the symptoms of the acute form appear only from time to time, otherwise the symptoms become less noticeable.

Chronic Giardia infection is dangerous due to the development of various complications. At chronic disease Dysbacteriosis, severe allergic reactions, eye diseases, and gastrointestinal tract diseases may occur.

Immunity is also greatly reduced, and vitamin deficiency is common. This causes symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, severe headaches, surges in blood pressure and pulse, and chronic fatigue syndrome. A person begins to get sick more often and easily catches various colds.

Even the most advanced cases of this disease do not lead to death. However, you should not hope that the symptoms will go away on their own; you should definitely consult a doctor.


Infection with Giardia rarely leads to life-threatening consequences, but can significantly affect the quality of life. An advanced disease can cause various disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract; dysbiosis, liver problems, diarrhea and constipation are common.

The main, most common test for identifying giardiasis is a stool analysis, which is the easiest way to determine the presence of giardia in the body. Cysts and trophozoites of microorganisms, if present, are usually found in its contents.


Treatment of this disease must be comprehensive. First of all, you need to get rid of the microorganisms themselves, followed by symptomatic treatment of conditions provoked by their presence. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of the lesion, the severity of the disease, and concomitant diseases. The following drugs are usually used:

  1. Antibacterial agents, antibiotics. They disrupt the metabolic processes of microorganisms, which leads to their death and elimination from the body. You need to understand that antibiotics are potent drugs, the irrational use of which can aggravate the situation. You must strictly follow the instructions. Typically, courses of antibiotics last from five to ten days, and repeat courses are rarely required. Most often, products based on ornidazole or mebendazole and their analogues are used.
  2. Various antihistamines and anti-allergy medications. They are prescribed when symptoms appear on the skin. Various drugs are used, preference is given to the latest generations of drugs.
  3. Enterosorbents, various drugs to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The infection often provokes eating disorders and digestive disorders; in advanced diseases, dysbacteriosis, these drugs are used.

In general, with the right treatment, signs of improvement will be noticeable within a few weeks of starting therapy. The main thing is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, rules of personal hygiene, and diet so that the disease does not recur and there are minimal consequences.

What causes Giardia?

Types of giardiasis

Symptoms of Giardia in humans are extremely varied and nonspecific. Signs of the disease depend on the form in which it occurs. Depending on the clinical picture and the nature of the course of the disease, the following types of giardiasis are distinguished:

  • Giardia carriage – symptoms of the presence of Giardia do not appear;
  • Giardiasis itself – multiple signs of the presence of Giardia in the human body are detected;
  • intestinal form of the disease - with this type of pathology, the patient develops symptoms of Giardia such as enteritis, duodenal dyskinesia, duodenitis, enterocolitis;
  • giardiasis as a secondary disease;
  • hepatobiliary form of the disease - signs of the presence of Giardia appear, such as cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia.

Often the incubation period for giardiasis lasts at least two weeks - it is obvious that during this period the disease does not manifest itself in any way.

The main signs of giardiasis

The symptoms of this disease in adults depend on a variety of factors:

In most cases (as evidenced by doctors' reviews), the clinical picture of giardiasis manifests itself in various malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To identify the disease and select the correct treatment for Giardia in adults, specialists can use the following symptoms:

  • the patient's appetite deteriorates, any meal is accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • the patient experiences constant discomfort in the epigastric zone - this can be heartburn, heaviness, pain, often a person infected with Giardia is bothered by belching;
  • constipation alternates with diarrhea and diarrhea;
  • in certain cases, worms cause rumbling sounds in the abdomen and lead to the formation of so-called “foamy” stools.

  • low-grade body temperature (fever is possible in some cases);
  • skin rashes (they can be varied - from simple hyperemia to eczema and acne);
  • attacks of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

If treatment for Giardia is untimely or incorrect, this disease gradually progresses from the acute form to the chronic stage. Giardia is often the cause of anemia and pathological weight loss. Read more about the clinical picture of the various stages of the disease below.

Symptoms of acute giardiasis

This stage of the disease most often occurs in children preschool age or in adults with weakened immune function.
The main signs of acute giardiasis requiring treatment include the following manifestations:

Side symptoms that serve as a basis for treatment of Giardia include the following characteristic signs:

  • feverish conditions;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • rashes on the epidermis;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Signs of chronic giardiasis

This form of the disease, which requires serious and long-term treatment for Giardia, is described by the following clinical picture:

  • intoxication of the human body;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • Treatment for Giardia also requires the following signs of malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, alternating constipation and diarrhea, impaired absorption of the intestines, painful cramping sensations that occur in the lower abdomen.

Patients requiring treatment for Giardia suffer from decreased appetite, they often feel sick, they experience constant weakness and malaise, they are plagued by pathological irritability, emotional instability, and often experience severe headaches.

Most patients with the chronic stage of giardiasis are diagnosed with pathological pallor of the facial skin; some patients complain of peeling of the epidermis on the palms. The limbs become covered with goose bumps and the lips become dry.

Among characteristic features Chronic giardiasis in adults can be identified by the following manifestations of this disease:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • intense baldness;
  • the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips;
  • periodic short-term increases in body temperature.

Signs of childhood giardiasis

The most typical manifestations accompanying childhood giardiasis include the following symptoms:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • regular ARVI;
  • persistent cough;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, which practically does not respond to drug therapy;
  • deterioration of attention and memory, fatigue, weakness, apathy;
  • skin rashes;
  • an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood.

Signs of different forms of the disease

Symptoms of intestinal lamblia may be as follows:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • the presence of pain in the abdominal area;
  • constipation, diarrhea and other types of intestinal disorders.

About Giardia in gallbladder The following clinical manifestations may indicate:

The most dangerous are asymptomatic forms of giardiasis in humans. Such worms are detected in one way - during a laboratory analysis of stool. IN in this case, if any symptoms of the presence of Giardia in the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract appear, they are extremely nonspecific:

  • headache;
  • general weakness, fatigue;
  • avitaminosis;
  • emotional disorders;
  • dryness and flaking of the epidermis;
  • metabolic dysfunction.

Symptoms of Giardia in the body of an adult

Giardiasis is a disease caused by the flagellated protozoan Lamblia intestinalis (pictured). It settles in the human small intestine, feeds on parietal juices and reproduces by pair division. Scientists have found that this process, which takes place inside the patient’s body, takes only 15-20 minutes. That's why for a short time Most of the intestine of an adult patient is affected. Most often, giardiasis is asymptomatic, but even if it does not manifest itself in any way, it still has a detrimental effect on the health of the infected person.

Considering all this, scientists have no doubt about the pathogenicity of protozoa. The presence of a certain clinical picture, a set of recognizable symptoms of a general malaise, forces one to make the right decision and prescribe adequate treatment.

The main symptoms of giardiasis

The clinical picture of giardiasis is multiform. It is difficult to find case histories that would equally list and describe the symptoms of giardiasis. That is why there was a need to collect together all the signs of the course of the disease and classify them, bringing them under a common denominator. Thus the following classification was born:

  1. Giardia carriage is a picture in which the presence of flagellates inside the intestinal tract does not cause pathogenic reactions (asymptomatic giardiasis).
  2. Clinically expressed forms: intestinal giardiasis, hepatobiliary form, giardiasis as a concomitant disease.

For description characteristic symptoms Giardia is interesting in clinically expressed forms. Let's focus on them.

Symptoms of intestinal giardiasis

The intestinal form of the disease in adult patients is diagnosed when most of the small intestine is lined with protozoa. The presence of pathological processes is indicated by signs of duodenitis, symptoms of enteritis and duodenal dyskinesia. The patient complains of:

  1. Severe heartburn.
  2. Constant nausea.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. Unstable stool (constipation alternates with diarrhea).

Carrying out some diagnostic procedures (ultrasound abdominal cavity, for example) makes it possible to identify symptoms characteristic of infection, such as hypotonicity and hypertonicity of the gallbladder spicter. And these are true symptoms of cholestasis. How such studies are carried out can be seen in the video.

Intestinal giardiasis manifests itself differently in patients of different age categories:

  • So, for example, if it occurs in two or three-year-old children, the clinical picture is dominated by dyspeptic syndrome and allergic reactions, but pain of various manifestations (and this is proven by numerous photographs) is almost always absent.
  • In children from four to seven years old, the intestinal form has both dyspeptic disorders and pain. Half of the patients have changes in the pancreas, and a third of patients have organic lesions of the duodenal zone. They can be seen not in the photo, but in the video, which allows you to get an endoscopic examination of the intestine.
  • In children aged eight to twelve years, pain symptoms are observed in 80%. In addition to the symptoms of dyspeptic disorders and functional changes in the pancreas, dangerous erosive defects of the intestinal mucosa are also noted.

This picture allows us to conclude that the clinical picture of the intestinal form of giardiasis changes with age towards worsening symptoms and pathological conditions. But what’s interesting is that between the ages of 19 and 24, the disease described appears in a person without visible manifestations. There are no symptoms of duodenitis or enteritis. But if left untreated, symptoms of neurotic changes appear in this case.

Treatment regimen for giardiasis in adults

The clinical picture of the disease can be observed both in severe form and in mild form, when signs of giardiasis do not appear at all.

The entry of the pathogen into the human body can occur in various ways. But, as a rule, a person becomes infected through direct contact with a carrier of the disease. Once in the human body, the protozoa are localized in the intestinal region, affecting the mucous membrane.

Of course, infection with protozoa is a very unpleasant fact, which manifests itself in tangible symptoms. For adults, treatment of giardiasis must be followed with the same care as for children to ensure complete ridding of the body from protozoa, says infectious disease specialist at the Moscow children's clinic Fantasy on Garibaldi-15, pediatrician Daria Sergeevna Makarova.

Symptoms of a chronic disease

The characteristic symptoms of giardiasis in adults and children of the chronic form manifest themselves as an intoxication syndrome, including:

  • dyspepsia;
  • constipation alternating with diarrhea;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • violation of the absorption function of the small and large intestine.

Based on observations, the clinical picture of the chronic form of the disease is accompanied by cramping pain localized in the abdominal area. Cases of dyspepsia are common. Appetite is sharply reduced. The general condition is accompanied by nausea, migraines, malaise, irritability and extreme emotional instability.
In addition, symptoms of giardiasis appear in adults and children in the form of severe pain under the right rib, which intensifies if the diet is not followed. Complaints from patients, especially women, at this stage include bitter dry mouth, as well as nausea and general malaise.

Pain in the epigastric zone, instability of bowel movements with rare pain around the umbilical region are observed. Permanent dizziness, a sharp decline in appetite and a coated tongue with a jaundiced coating are noted. Palpation of the epigastrium at the point of protection of the gallbladder area responds with sensitive pain.
IN general analyzes blood, especially in children, there is a high level of hemoglobin, which causes pale skin.

Chronic giardiasis in an advanced state manifests itself as intoxication of the entire body caused by waste products of protozoa. Often, symptoms of advanced giardiasis can manifest as flaky feet and palms, and the extremities are affected by goose bumps. In the corners of the lips, pockets with deep cracks often form. There is an abundance of hair falling out, fragility and peeling of nails.

Not a single case of death has been registered in the chronic course of the disease, even if appropriate treatment for giardiasis was not prescribed.

Symptoms of the acute form of the disease

An exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by sudden sharp pain in the middle and upper abdomen. Excessive accumulation of gases and flatulence often accompany giardiasis, the symptoms of which clearly manifest themselves at the time of exacerbation. The infected patient loses weight, suffers from diarrhea and severe digestive pain - dyspepsia. In children, there are frequent cases of infectious and allergic manifestations. Giardiasis, as a rule, affects adults with significantly weakened immunity. Moreover, the disease occurs more often in women and children than in men, according to reviews from doctors.

Characteristic signs of an exacerbation of the disease are a pronounced diarrhea syndrome accompanied by elevated temperature with significant damage to the small intestine, states infectious disease specialist D.S. Makarova.

Associated symptoms of acute giardiasis:

  • rash similar to those caused by rubella or measles;
  • vomit;
  • feverish condition;
  • sharp pain in the epigastrium;
  • anorexia.

Correctly diagnosed and timely treatment of giardiasis allows us to assume a favorable prognosis. In just a week, even children experience a significant improvement in their condition and recovery begins.
Absent treatment for giardiasis, as a rule, leads to the subacute stage of the disease, which causes chronic giardiasis.

Giardiasis is an infection that must be carefully diagnosed, especially in children, since its symptoms are very similar to other manifestations of other gastric infections. Therefore, there is a standard set of tests to identify the true disease, which must be taken if Giardia infection is suspected:

  • Serological blood test.
  • Coprogram - examination of stool for microbiology of masses.
  • Duodenal examination - blood is examined only in a patient over 10 years of age.

The result of the collected and studied data from the analyzes allows us to select the appropriate therapy for each individual case - for each patient, treatment for giardiasis is selected individually.

Drug therapy for the disease

As an auxiliary therapy, in addition to enzymes, hepatoprotectors are included in the treatment.

Stage two

  • Loratadine or Citirizine as anti-allergenic agents;
  • complex prescription of Allahol and Holosas - intended for the expulsion of bile;
  • activated carbon, Smecta or Polysorbate - included as sorbents;
  • the appointment of Festal and Pancreatin supports the activity of the pancreas.

At the second therapeutic stage in the treatment of giardiasis, a laxative is necessarily prescribed.

Stage three

At the final stage of the fight against giardiasis, the patient is prescribed adaptogens that correct the reactionary work of antibodies. At this stage, prebiotics and probiotics are prescribed to prevent the development of dysbiosis. The duration of the third stage can be more than three weeks, but this depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Preventive measures

Prevention of giardiasis comes down to the following simple measures:

  • Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • Avoid drinking tap water and water from wells or pump rooms.
  • Make it a habit to rinse well-washed fruits and vegetables with boiled water.
  • Avoid visiting bodies of water where swimming is prohibited.
  • Do not have pets without providing them with appropriate care.
  • If one person becomes infected during the treatment of giardiasis, all family members should take direct part in drug therapy to avoid relapse of the disease.

As preventive measures, as noted by numerous reviews from former patients, traditional medicine can be used perfectly.

Folk remedies for expelling protozoa

Traditional methods aimed at treating giardiasis include herbal decoctions and tinctures and, as noted by patient reviews, the most common food products:

  • a mixture of honey and plantain;
  • milk drink with garlic;
  • garlic tincture with vodka - implies the treatment of giardiasis in adult patients;
  • tar sandwich - especially effective in the treatment of giardiasis of the liver;
  • horseradish - an infusion of horseradish rhizomes.

In conclusion, it should be noted that all traditional methods, dedicated to the treatment of giardiasis, imply repeated use of drugs with the organization of short breaks between doses. As a rule, the drugs are taken for 2-3 months with intervals between doses of 10-12 days.

Skin rashes with giardiasis, their types: photo

The disease can be chronic, that is, have no symptoms, or it can be acute, when the disease actively manifests itself. Among the main signs of giardiasis, doctors identify:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • aching pain in the abdomen, especially near the navel;
  • bloating;
  • Giardia causes a skin rash;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • drowsiness, impaired attention;
  • pain in the head and dizziness.

Unexpected and unpleasant skin rashes can occur in both adults and children. This complication may occur due to the presence of foreign organisms in the intestines, for example, Giardia. This complication rarely occurs, but at the first sign it is necessary to take measures to combat the disease. The manifestation of giardiasis on the skin occurs for several reasons:

Considering these reasons, doctors come to the conclusion that food entering the body begins to be poorly digested. This violation provokes poor-quality processing of food in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to severe poisoning of the entire body. Improper functioning of the digestive organs provokes a powerful impetus for the development of allergic skin rashes.

In adolescents, lamblia on the skin provokes acne. A variety of pimples appear on the body of young children, which can easily be confused with dermatological diseases.

Important! If there are minor changes in the skin, you should definitely consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

How giardiasis manifests itself on the skin - photo of the disease

Most often, giardiasis on the skin provokes unpleasant rashes in children. This is due to the fact that the child’s body has a weak immune system, which cannot effectively protect a person. However, sometimes rashes also occur in adults. Protozoan microorganisms can cause a variety of allergic reactions. Doctors identify the main types of skin rashes.

This is the most common rash when Giardia is present in the body. It does not have clearly defined boundaries, and if not treated correctly, it can recur. The disease is always very difficult, as signs of a burning sensation appear on the skin, accompanied by itching, and the skin dries out and bursts. Dermatosis affects the elbow, groin area and areas under the knees. The rash causes a lot of discomfort for both children and adults, sharply reducing the quality of life.

These are skin rashes that often change color, eventually turning pinkish-brown. Each pimple is no larger than a needle pin, with a blister on top. The rash is very itchy, and disruption of the blisters leads to the formation of a bloody crust. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, the disease will develop into a chronic one. Sometimes rashes appear suddenly and then quickly disappear, but this is not a reason to stop treatment.

Small blisters filled with clear liquid inside. They cause itchy skin. Rashes appear and then quickly disappear, so they are often ignored. Such neglect can cause angioedema in children, which often leads to death.

Persistent blepharitis is a complication that causes inflammation of the eyelids. Infected people complain of a feeling of presence in their eyes foreign object. By the end of the day, foamy fluid accumulates in the corners of the eye.

With giardiasis, acne may appear on the patient's back or face.

Important! All symptoms and signs of lamblia on the skin of children are the same as for adults. It is important not to ignore rashes and consult a doctor promptly!

When will skin itching end during the treatment of giardiasis? The itching will subside over time as the patient recovers. The sooner a patient sees a doctor, the sooner he will receive the necessary treatment and get rid of the unpleasant consequences of giardiasis.

Toxocariasis in adults symptoms