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The best post-depilation products that slow down hair growth. Reviews. Effective disposal of unwanted hair growth on the female body. What slows down the growth of body hair

How to slow down hair growth - Internet search engines are literally teeming with similar requests. And all because women strive for beauty. Some are interested in methods for removing unwanted hair, others complain about the rapid growth of hair on their heads.

Today we will answer these questions - stay tuned.

From antiquity to the 21st century

In the 70s there was no concept of depilation. Full hair in the armpits, legs and bikini area was considered the norm. However, today's men and women do not agree with this. Girls try to shave everything off when they first appear at the age of 15. Well, that's right. Hair brings a lot of inconvenience. Increases the smell of sweat and spoils appearance.

The technique of removing leg hair was first mastered by women of wild tribes. The procedure was carried out using raw clay. The mud was applied to the surface of the skin, waited for it to dry, and then peeled off.

Yes, the method is not enviable. It even resembles waxing, which is still popular to this day.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of vegetation forever. But you can slow down the growth process.

Let's consider popular methods and means that slow down hair growth:

  • sugar paste;
  • liquid wax;
  • laser hair removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • razor;
  • depilatory cream;
  • folk recipes.

As you can see, there are a lot of products, but how quickly does hair grow after them and how long does temporary smoothness last?

First, let’s find out how epilation differs from depilation. Epilation is the effect of laser or other radiation on the hair follicle. The bulb becomes damaged or dies, increasing the chances of growth stopping completely.

A similar procedure, depilation, affects only the outer part of the vegetation, and helps to get rid of hairs for a certain period of time.

Products to slow down hair growth

If you are one of the patient types and are not afraid of pain, use the waxing procedure or sugaring (removal using sugar paste). These effects help pull out hair by the roots and slow down regrowth for 2 weeks.

In addition to the good news, there is also sad news. Such manipulations increase the risk of ingrown hairs under the skin, which often causes suppuration.

IN in this case To avoid painful acne, you can additionally use disinfectants like salicylic acid.

Most easy way– removal using depilatory cream or razor. But alas, the smooth skin effect will only last 2-3 days + irritation.

Folk recipes

Why should you use it? traditional methods– they are safe and made from natural products.

To slow down hair growth, you can immediately apply products specially developed by cosmetologists to the skin immediately after treatment with an electric epilator. These are lotions, creams, cosmetic milk. They will slow down growth, soften the skin and reduce irritation.

Or you can use natural products:

  1. lemon;
  2. turmeric;
  3. lemon juice with sugar;
  4. alcohol with iodine.

After the depilation procedure, cut a slice of lemon and wipe the problem area. You can also mix tea tree essential oil with juice and treat the surface of the epidermis. This will help avoid irritation, since the acid disinfects, and the tea tree temporarily slows down the development of new hair.

Turmeric is a yellow colored spice. A lotion based on this powder was invented by Indians. The only negative is that it may stain light skin. Therefore, test the component on a small area before use. Or use an alternative - turmeric essential oil. It costs about 200 rubles and can be used alone or in combination with caring creams.

Juice of one lemon + 150 grams of granulated sugar, dissolve in a water bath. The sweet and sour liquid is applied after depilation and after 10 minutes is washed off with plenty of warm water. It is advisable to use the following alcohol solution daily as a wipe.

To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • castor oil – 5 ml;
  • medical alcohol – 40 ml;
  • iodine solution – 1.5 ml.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wipe the skin twice a day.

There is also essential oils, slowing down hair growth. To do this, it is recommended to mix in equal quantities peppermint + tea tree essential oils.

The body's sensitivity to certain drugs varies from person to person. Choose a suitable method for yourself that will help you be beautiful without discomfort.

Is it possible to slow down the growth of hair on your head?

Slowing down the growth of hair on the head is usually desired by women who do not want to frequently visit hairdressers or wear short haircuts. But the head is the only place where it is impossible to stop the growth.

Every month, people grow 5 cm of hair and lose up to 200 pieces of hair every day. No amount of haircuts or head shaving affects growth. The number, thickness and length depend only on the genetic code and hereditary predisposition.

Rapid regrowth causes inconvenience for girls with colored locks, since they have to go to hairdressers more often, and coloring is far from a cheap procedure. Still, try to find a compromise - dye the strands in a color closer to the natural tone or create an ombre effect.

In conclusion, let’s reveal some secrets about curls:

  • they do not grow at night;
  • accelerate growth in the first half of the day;
  • like to comb their hair at night;
  • with age they shorten and thin out.

Therefore, love your hair, take care of it and do not try to artificially stop healthy development.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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The problem of quickly restoring unwanted hair on the body of women and men is considered the main and difficult to solve in self-care. Despite various methods removing vegetation, they still quickly reappear and cause discomfort.

But science does not stand still and this moment Special products have been invented that, although they do not get rid of this problem forever, can still make life much easier, thanks to the slowing effect of hair growth.

There are special concentrated samples that slow down the process of division and maturation of follicular cells, suppress melanogenesis and destroy keratin. After using these samples, the hair becomes significantly softer, thinner and lighter, so these products are especially recommended to be applied to areas of the skin after depilation.

A cream with a hair growth retardant effect after hair removal is a must contains inhibitors that interfere with normal physiological processes in the body.

Often such inhibitors are natural substances, they can be:

  • St. John's wort extract;
  • arnica;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • witch hazel.

Papaya and pineapple, from which proteases are obtained, are used as depressants. Some samples help neutralize sulfur, which is necessary for the body for the regenerative function of hair.

There is also a cream to slow down hair growth after hair removal, which, with the help of special enzymes - proteases, promotes the breakdown of proteins in the body, due to which it has anti-androgenic and anti-keratin effects, thereby destroying the hair roots.

Did you know? Human skin has up to 5 million follicles. Their number can change throughout life.

Also, such creams, in addition to the main active elements, contain additional substances that help soften and soothe irritated skin. Often these are natural ingredients:

  • beeswax;
  • soy milk;
  • grape seed oil;
  • jojoba oil.

Manufacturers achieve an antibacterial and healing effect with the help of allantoin and aloe extract.

How to choose a cream?

When it's time to choose one that will have a hair growth-slowing effect, it is not necessary to focus on the most expensive option, implying that it will have a better or longer effect on the skin.

An ineffective product can be purchased both in the mass market department and in the expensive department. cosmetics. Therefore, the most important thing when choosing is to pay attention to the components. The contents should suppress hair follicles, soothe and moisturize the skin.

Products of creams to slow down hair growth can be purchased in the online store at an excellent price and free delivery. Including such popular brands as Aravia inhibitor cream and creams from the Australian company Skin Doctors.

It is recommended to give preference to a more natural composition containing a minimum amount of chemicals. It is important to acquire well-known companies that have existed on the market for a long time, have a lot of positive feedback and recommendations among its clients.

You can pay attention to companies that produce inexpensive but high-quality goods that save not on the composition of the products, but on their advertising, due to which they are accessible to the entire population (for example, the company Aravia).

Instructions for using creams

The instructions for using such products are simple and do not require special skills. Let's look at how to use such creams on the legs, face and other parts of the body for women and men.


Aftershave creams are produced for men that can prolong the effect of smooth skin. To make the effect last longer, you need to apply a special product to the prepared (shaved) area of ​​skin as soon as possible.

As a rule, such creams can cope with skin irritation and inflammation after hair removal, so there is no need to use other aftershave lotions.

The cream should be applied not only after shaving, but also continued to be used every day. After two weeks of use the result will be even better, the hair will soften and grow much slower.


Women's creams do not differ much in application methods. The products are also applied to areas where hair removal has occurred. A small amount of cream is rubbed in carefully, using a massage motion, so as not to injure irritated skin.

You need to use the cream every day for better results. Over time, such a cream will thin and lighten your hair, you will not have to remove it as often as usual, and the procedure will go faster.

Features of using the cream for different parts of the body

There are some features of using the products in question for different parts of the body.

The skin on different parts of the human body is different, so any product must be used with caution. First of all, you need to check the cream that will be used for allergic reactions. For this it is necessary Apply a little product to your wrist and wait 10 minutes.

If nothing happens: there is no redness, rash or other possible manifestations of allergies, then the product can be used for delicate areas of the skin. Even if you have previously used the product for the skin on your legs, it is not a fact that it will be suitable for the armpit area, because the skin on your legs is rougher and more protected than in delicate areas.

Important! Some creams are intended only for a certain area of ​​use, as indicated on the packaging, so using them for other areas is strictly not recommended.

Men's creams should not be used by women and vice versa, because men's skin is very different from women's.

Does depilatory cream slow down hair growth?

There are special creams that are used to remove hair from different parts of the body. For their correct use, they need to be applied to problem areas, after a certain time they are removed with a special scraper.

Almost all depilatory creams are positioned as means to slow down hair growth. But let’s figure out whether depilatory cream actually slows down hair growth.

Of course, it is quite difficult to track the reality of the results of slower hair growth in girls, because this is an individual phenomenon that depends on the body.

A depilatory cream with the feature of slowing down hair growth is more expensive than without it. But it is not always the case. To ensure the likelihood of the expected result, you need to pay attention to the composition of the cream. If it contains components that slow down or destroy hair, then the likelihood of the desired effect occurring is naturally high.

But some unscrupulous manufacturers indicate this effect in large letters on the front side of the package, but in fact it is a deception. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a proven depilatory cream that slows down hair growth based on reviews and recommendations from friends or from popular trusted companies.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies that can cause the expected effect.

Let's look at some recipes:

  • You can significantly slow down hair growth with a decoction of Datura vulgare. Use 150 g of dope per liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. Apply the strained decoction to problem areas of the skin daily.
  • You can also use walnuts. It is recommended to cut young green nuts into several pieces and lubricate problem areas of the skin with them. This product copes with the task very effectively, and the result can be seen within three days after use.

Important! This procedure may stain skin brownish tint, so it is important to take this factor into account when using green nuts.

  • Freshly squeezed white grape juice or simply cut berries will help solve this problem. It is necessary to apply the product daily to problem areas, and the result will be very good.

The best remedies to slow down hair growth (examples)

The most effective and popular means for slowing hair growth are:

  • Cream "Arabia" (ARAVIA) is a professional product for slowing hair growth, containing papain, shea butter and allantoin. The contents are suitable for face and body. Recommended for use after waxing, sugaring and after using an epilator.
  • Spanish cream with daddy Cream Moisturizing and Hair Growth Inhibitor BYLY, which also claims to be a moisturizer.
  • Gel-cream for use after depilation Deep depilation with natural components - herbal inhibitors with a triple effect: stopping hair growth, moisturizing the skin, relieving irritation.
  • Lotion CORA to slow down hair growth, it can destroy the bulbous structure of the hair, which ensures their slow restoration and growth. Contains natural inhibitors. Recommended for use after hair removal.
  • Company Johnsons&Johnsons also has an effective body lotion that will help slow down the appearance of body hair. The composition contains active ingredients and also soy extract, which reduces the activity of the follicle.
  • Green Mama– a manufacturer of high-quality and effective cosmetics also has effective products in its arsenal. The main component of the cream is Ussuri hops, which, in combination with vitamin E, acts as a moisturizing, nourishing and retarding agent.
  • Oriflame for men has active, but not harmful to the skin, components. It is recommended to use immediately after shaving. Use for a month is guaranteed to slow down hair growth and help reduce hair loss.
Did you know? In the 16th century, it was customary to shave your hair to have a high forehead, and, for example, Queen Elizabeth I of England used a product that consisted of the blood of frogs and bats mixed with ash to slow down hair growth.

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To summarize, it is important to note that there are a very large number of products to slow down hair growth, which are in different price categories. To choose the product that suits you, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the body and carefully read the composition.

Every girl/woman at a certain period of life has a question about how to slow down body hair growth. After all, after using conventional methods of hair removal (shaving, depilation, hair removal with wax, etc.), they begin to grow back very quickly, and you want time to stop and the smoothness of your skin to please you for as long as possible.

On a par with modern means slowing down hair growth, there are folk remedies that can be used to increase the periods between hair removal/shaving.

Let's look at some traditional medicine recipes:

1. Folk cosmetology of India. We will need an Indian spice - turmeric. Turmeric is poured with a small amount of warm water so that a creamy mass is obtained. Then this mass is applied to the required areas of the skin and covered with plastic wrap (you can use cling film).

In addition to slowing down hair growth, turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties.

2. wonderful anti-hair growth agent is grape juice (white, preferably wild). They need to treat areas where hair growth needs to be slowed down.

3. Alcohol lotion. For this we need: 5 g of ammonia, 35 g of ordinary alcohol, 1.5 g of iodine and 5 g of castor oil. All this is mixed and the area with unwanted hair is processed 1-2 times a day.

4. For the next folk remedy we will need hyacinth root juice. To get the juice, you need to grate the hyacinth root on a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

Apply to skin morning or evening (once daily).

5. Walnut recipes:

– burn the nut shell, and pour the ashes with water (so that you get a creamy mass). Use the tincture after depilation/shave;

– put the walnut partitions in a dark container and fill with alcohol. It is necessary to insist for two weeks in a place protected from light. Use the tincture after depilation/shave.

6. Recipes with lemon:

– after each procedure to remove unwanted hairs, the body must be wiped with a slice of lemon;

– squeeze half a lemon, mix the resulting juice with 10 tsp. sugar, then heat and mix well. Apply to the body and wait, rinse with warm water.

7. Stir 2-3 tbsp. nettle seeds and half a glass of sunflower oil. Infuse in a glass container for two weeks.

8. Add 5 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. Datura herbs, put on fire and keep on medium heat for about 15 minutes. Cool, squeeze, store in the refrigerator. Use the tincture to slow down hair growth after depilation/shaving.

9. Don't forget about ingrown hairs:

– to combat them, you need to pour 1 glass of boiling water oatmeal, cover with a lid and let sit for 20 minutes. Then add 4 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. olive oil. Mix the resulting mass well;

– you can use natural coffee. Once you've made yourself some coffee, don't rush to throw it away; it's an excellent body scrub.

9. One of the most effective remedies for excess hair growth- hemlock tincture. It is used after mechanical plucking of hair or removing it using wax, a special patch, etc.

After mechanical hair removal, lubricate these problem areas with hemlock tincture once a day for a long time. Perhaps the hair will grow back, but there will be less of it, and it will be sparse and thin. In such
case, the procedure should be repeated.

But I would like to note that the result of one or another recipe affects everyone individually. One recipe will help some, another will help others. Therefore, you need to try everything and choose what suits you!

Jun 7, 2015 tigress...s

A woman always tries to look well-groomed, expensive and elegant. But often the perfect picture is spoiled by rapidly growing hair on the legs and bikini area. Slowing down hair growth in such cases is simply necessary, because the emerging “stubble” spoils the appearance and displeases its owner. Cosmetologists offer a number of means to combat hair growth and remove it from the body, but folk remedies will also be a good help. They are inexpensive and safer for our body.

Folk remedies

By using folk remedies It’s easy to slow down the growth of unwanted body hair, and most importantly, they do not contain chemicals, preservatives or dyes.

  • Lemon juice. Rubbing a cut lemon onto problem areas of the skin will help make the hairs thinner and impair their rapid growth.
  • Grape juice has a similar effect. We take several grapes, squeeze the juice out of them and apply it as a mask based on juice and pulp. Application is done every time after hair removal.
  • Turmeric also fights hair growth. To do this, dilute 2 or 3 tablespoons of the spice with warm water and mix. Apply the resulting paste to the skin after shaving it. Let it sit for half an hour, wrapped in plastic or cling film. Attention: the spice can stain the skin, so first test it on the skin.
  • Greens walnuts will help with slowing down hair growth throughout the body. Directions for use: Apply the fruit pulp for ten to twenty minutes after epilation. Caution: May stain leather. Do not overexpose to avoid getting burned.
  • Another application is exposure to ash from nut shells. To do this, we burn the shells, collect the resulting ashes in a container, mix them with water and rub them into the problem area.
  • Alcohol-based tincture of partitions. Take a handful of walnut partitions and add a small amount of alcohol. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 14 days.
  • Alcohol-based lotion to slow hair growth. To prepare it, take 2 teaspoons of ammonia, the same amount of vodka, 6 drops of iodine, two teaspoons of castor oil. Mix all the ingredients together and apply the mixture to problem areas 2-3 times a day.
  • Nettle infusion. This recipe will help slow down the growth of unwanted hair for a long time. Chop 30 grams of fresh nettle leaves and mix with 15 grams of its seeds. Pour 80 ml of corn oil on top of the slurry. We remove the pulp to infuse in the cupboard for 4 days. We apply the epilation field to the desired areas.
  • Mint based infusion. To prepare it, brew 40 grams of mint with boiling water (180 grams), let it brew for 3 hours. After this, add essential oils: 12 drops of rosemary oil, 7 drops of geranium oil, 7 drops of ginseng oil. Pour the solution into a container with dark glass. Apply the composition 3 times a day.

Selecting cream

You can find many products in stores and pharmacies, but each has its own direction of influence. Some act on increased nutrition of the skin, others relieve irritation and inflammation, and others affect hair growth after the depilation procedure. Using the recommendations, you can choose a cream to stop hair growth that will cope with the desired task and will not hit your wallet.

After hair removal, the skin goes through several stages of recovery: immediately after the procedure, it needs protection, then after a couple of hours there is a need for intense hydration, after which it is necessary to apply products to reduce hair growth.

First of all, we read the composition of the product. There should be no fragrances here; their presence provokes irritation. The best creams are those that contain natural ingredients and components that relieve pain. Alcohol in cream is a plus, not a minus. It gives an antibacterial effect. Don't forget about the hair on your head; it may need deep restoration.

It is better to choose two creams: the first moisturizes and nourishes, and the second improves hair growth. If you need to make the skin softer and additionally moisturize, then look for a cream with panthenol. This component will quickly restore the skin from minor damage received during depilation. The cream, aimed at inhibiting the growth of unwanted hair, does not have an immediate effect. The effect appears after prolonged use for several months.

Cosmetical tools

There are many products on the market that guarantee to stop hair growth, but not a single product provides 100% results. But most of them are really effective and show good results.

Such products have a delicate composition, so they are well tolerated by those with sensitive skin. Before application, be sure to read the instructions. Before applying the cream to the skin, you should conduct an allergy test on a small area.

The skin is steamed, cleaned and dried with a towel. After which they are applied to the skin with massaging movements, spreading in a thin layer. The first time it is applied immediately after the depilation procedure, and then every day 2-3 times a day.

To prevent hair from growing for a long time

To slow down the appearance of hair on the legs, bikini area, and armpits, it is recommended to change the razor to wax strips or pure wax. As an option, slower growth can be ensured by sugaring (removal of body hair with a special paste). The use of an electric epilator gives no less effect. These methods can help you get rid of hair for a period of 2 to 5 weeks. And the hair itself will become thinner and lighter.

The depilatory cream will retain the smooth effect for longer than 3 days, but it has a strong unpleasant odor. Therefore, many women refuse to use it. Action: dissolving hairs, splitting the upper edge of hair follicles.

It is not at all necessary to do photoepilation in order to get rid of unwanted hair. It is enough to prolong the effect folk recipes using peroxide, walnuts, herbal extracts, turmeric or other natural ingredients. Or use a number of cosmetics to combat hair growth. You can use these products in combination, which will enhance the desired effect. It is recommended to do the hair removal procedure itself with wax or sugaring paste.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients in accordance with procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

The growth of unwanted body hair is a problem that can be faced by women and men whose bodies produce too much male hormones. The presence of male hormones (androgens) in a woman’s body is normal, and these hormones are produced in small quantities in the body of every woman. However, it happens that due to hormonal imbalance, the level of testosterone in a woman’s body increases, which causes such phenomena as irregularity menstrual cycle or increased levels of facial and body hair.

Hypertrichosis (increased hairiness of various parts of the body: for example, back, chest, ears, face, etc.) in both women and men, can be regulated with both medicines, and with the help of various natural remedies and diet. However, there are cases when such increased hairiness can occur due to some congenital factors. Read more in the article: 10 hairiest people in the world.

Reduce unwanted hair growth in women

Step 1

If you are overweight, then losing a few kilograms can also solve the problem of excessive body hair growth. According to doctors, it is often overweight leads to hormonal imbalances, and, as a consequence, increased level vegetation on various parts of the body.

Step 2

Reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates you eat and opt for slow-digesting carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grain foods. Experts believe that insulin resistance may lead to increased hair growth in women. Eating large amounts of fast carbohydrates causes blood glucose levels to fluctuate dramatically, which can cause insulin resistance in some women.

Step 3

Consuming plenty of vitamin B6 can help reduce unwanted body hair. Vitamin B6 effectively breaks down starch, which helps regulate blood glucose levels. It is recommended to eat meat and fish, especially chicken, turkey, beef, salmon and halibut. Large amounts of vitamin B6 are also found in plant foods such as bananas, cabbage, red bell pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, watermelon and carrots.

Step 4

Vitamins and herbs in the form biological additives also useful for reducing body hair. For example, something like this herbal remedy like saw palmetto, can be consumed even in the absence hormonal disorders as a preventive measure. Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, reduces androgen levels in the body.

Reduce unwanted hair growth in men

Step 1

Consume enough calories to ensure all your body functions are performed properly. Dietary disorders and eating disorders in men (such as anorexia) can lead to increased body hair growth. Consult your doctor to find out how many calories per day are optimal for your body.

Step 2

Limit the amount of medications you take that may increase the growth of unwanted body hair. For example, a drug such as cyclosporine, which suppresses immune system, can lead to increased growth of unwanted hair. Phenytoin, an antiepileptic drug, may also have this by-effect. Steroids and iodine solutions can also cause increased body hair growth. However, even if you notice that your body hair is growing faster and thicker as a result of taking the above medications, you should not stop or reduce the dosage of these medications without the knowledge and indications of your doctor.

Step 3

Sometimes increased hair growth can be observed due to skin infections, for example, a type of dermatitis such as lichen. Check your body thoroughly for skin infections.