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The best medical institutes in Russia. Universities of the FSB of the Russian Federation and admission to them Rules for admission to the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Institute of the FSB

VMA named after. Kirov

Kirov owes its existence to the opening of a hospital for medical schools and educational theaters by Emperor Paul I in December 1798. Here, in that distant time, doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists began to receive medical education.

This is the first scientific, medical and educational institution in the country where Russian textbooks on medicine were published and where Russian professors received their education. In 1881, veterinary medicine and pharmaceuticals left the structure of the institution, and the Academy (and it was then that it received its current name, except, of course, the name Kirov, which was assigned to the university much later) devoted all its efforts to training military doctors, surgeons and especially for the military departments.


In the nineteenth century, great doctors worked within these walls, marking the era of development of Russian medicine - both practical and scientific. Among them are such brilliant doctors as surgeon N.I. Pirogov, who developed the basis of military field surgery, was the first to use anesthesia, plaster and postoperative nursing care for the wounded; The founder of Russian physiology, I.M. Sechenov, and S.P. Botkin, who created the largest therapeutic school, worked here.

Academician I.P. Pavlov, one of the first laureates, worked here Nobel Prize in medicine, V. M. Bekhterev is a famous neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, founder of psychotherapy. Here N.S. Korotkov came up with a method for measuring blood pressure. The wonderful composer A.P. Borodin studied and worked here, who wrote the opera “Prince Igor”, who considered music just a hobby and devoted himself entirely to scientific work.

Wars and WMA

The Russian-Turkish wars gave the staff of the Imperial Academy the necessary practice to make world discoveries in the field of military medicine. Professor S.P. Kolomnin was the first to perform blood transfusion in field conditions, surgeon N.V. Sklifosovsky used asepsis and antiseptics, N.I. Pirogov published his famous work on military medicine, which was the basis of the doctrine of modern military medicine.

During the war with Japan, N. A. Velyaminov used new surgical methods for diagnosis and introduced R. R. Vreden. The First World War was marked by massive epidemics of typhoid and cholera. Professors A. P. Dobroslavin, V. A. Levashov, S. V. Shidlovsky developed the method of military hygiene, and the works of V. A. Oppel, G. I. Turner and V. A. Ratimov became a new word in the development of surgery on the field battle. The overwhelming majority of the academy's professors supported the revolution of 1917; leading doctors put all their efforts into the fight against typhus, typhoid fever, cholera, and most importantly, they continued to work in their departments and clinics despite the terrible devastation and famine.

The Great Patriotic War

Two-thirds of the academy's professors and teachers went to the front in the first days of the war. Every tenth front-line doctor is a graduate of the academy. During this difficult time, Russian medical institutes took full responsibility for the rapid and high-quality training of doctors and nurses. Scientific work, however, did not stop: a blood replacement fluid was invented for the wounded who had lost a lot of blood, as well as original methods for treating frostbite. One hundred and fifteen dissertations were defended during the war, and all of them concerned military medicine.

The treatment of gunshot wounds, thermal injuries, and injuries began with great success; the university made a huge contribution to the development of transfusiology, neurosurgery, and cardiovascular surgery. All medical institutes in Russia are unlikely to be able to compare with the Kirov Military Medical Academy in terms of the effectiveness of their work, although they, of course, also tried very hard.

Five Heroes Soviet Union numbered among the academy's employees; many military commander-level orders have been received by graduates and teachers. Through their efforts, 90.6% of sick soldiers and 72.3% of wounded were returned to duty. A shining example of professionalism and courage. And every tenth graduate of the academy died in this war... The military medical institutes of Russia, and the Kirov Military Medical Academy among them, proved their devotion to their native country with the blood shed on the battlefields.

Academy today

Of the one hundred and twelve buildings of the academy's architectural ensemble, twenty-five have the status of an architectural monument according to the decision of UNESCO. The Academy is recognized as an institution of global importance. The historically established principle of training specialists, which remains leading to this day, is a real therapeutic and diagnostic process, where knowledge is acquired and practical skills are acquired, that is, at the patient’s bedside. Therefore, the academic clinical base is very extensive and diversified. Medical institutes in Russia often use this particular teaching method, if conditions permit.

Sixty-three departments function at the academy, thirty-four of them have their own clinical base. Seven thousand employees organize and conduct the educational process. Unlike civilian medical universities, here increased attention is paid to extreme medicine. Cadets participate in combat and field training conditions, during liquidation of the consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters. It takes into account all the features of the activities of military doctors in space, ground, missile forces, air defense, airborne forces, air forces, on surface and underwater ships. The military focus of training is provided by eighteen departments, where two centuries of experience in medical support for the army have been concentrated. According to all the parameters demonstrated by Russian medical institutes, the rating shows that the Kirov Military Medical Academy is in the forefront.

Technical support

The training center provides both field training for students and promotes research activities. The academy's library is truly fundamental; it is recognized as the largest medical library in Europe. Two computer classes in the library, one hundred and fifty thousand electronic publications only. Twenty-four lecture rooms with the latest multimedia equipment, much more than four hundred thematic and specialized training classes, of which forty-two are computer-based.

Medical institutes in Russia, the list of which is long and famous, are not all equipped with such modern and powerful equipment. Every year, about fifty students are awarded scholarships from the Government and the President of the Russian Federation, charitable foundations and organizations for high scientific and educational results. The Kirov Military Medical Academy is clearly the leader among universities that represent Russian medical institutes, as well as academies and universities.


The Military Medical Institute of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia has quite a long and glorious history, which dates back to the times when it existed as a separate faculty of the medical institute in the city of Gorky.

Previously, future doctors for the Soviet army and navy were trained here. And now the Military Medical Institute of the FSB of Russia is training specialists for the border troops, which, as is known, are under the jurisdiction of the FSB.

By shining on others, I burn myself!

This is the motto and the main commandment that many who graduated from the Military Medical Institute of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia have worthily carried through their entire lives. How many lives of officers and soldiers of our army were saved by them! And in 1995, the institute became a separate educational institution under the auspices of the NGMA (Nizhny Novgorod medical academy) and changed the name to "Military Medical Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation", or "Military Medical Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation".

The institute has eleven departments in three faculties. Residents of the city and region know and love the Military Medical Institute of the FSB of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod): its clinical base covers fifty-two medical institutions in the region and in the city, which belong to various organizations, such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations and , of course, the FSB. The total number of beds is also impressive: there are more than eight and a half thousand.


The Medical Institute of the Federal Security Service of Russia has trained more than seven thousand highly qualified specialists, who were taught by six academicians, fourteen professors, twenty-two associate professors, eighteen doctors and eighty-eight candidates of medical sciences, four senior research fellow. The state status of this educational institution implies excellent technical equipment.

Training is available on a contractual basis and is free. Students study part-time and part-time in the following specialties: dentistry, medical and preventive care. The institute is located on the Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment in the Red Barracks. Two centuries ago, gendarmerie companies and garrison soldiers were stationed there.

MSMU named after I.M. Sechenov

First Moscow named after I.M. Sechenov is the oldest medical university in the country. Founded in 1758 as the Faculty of Medicine of the Imperial University in Moscow. In the eighteenth century, the faculty had three departments, which produced only thirty-six doctors. But the most interesting thing is that twenty-six of them became doctors of medicine, seventeen - professors. In the thirties of the twentieth century, the faculty became an independent university - the First Moscow Medical Institute. In 1955 it began to bear the name of the great Sechenov, in 1990 it became an academy, and in 2010 it was already a university.

Now it is a state educational institution of higher education, which is a source of personnel for almost all branches of healthcare. Scientific and educational events are held here: training, recertification, advanced training of doctors and pharmacologists. There are ten faculties, there is a center that unites eight university clinics, a diagnostic laboratory, and a radiation examination department, where there are seven divisions. Every year, approximately fifty thousand patients are treated at the university.

For students and applicants

In addition to studying, students have something to do and where. There is an excellent library with unique books, with its own museum, where you can learn not only the history of the university, but also a lot about medicine. Three dormitories are well equipped with everything necessary, there is a sports complex, a vivarium, a publishing house and a volunteer center. You can stroll along the alleys of the botanical garden and relax in the Sechenovets health camp.

The form of training is full-time only. There are paid and free forms. Faculties - dental, medical, pediatric, pharmaceutical, medical and preventive, higher nursing education and psychological and social work. There are also courses at the Faculty of Pre-University Education. The institute also conducts training vocational education.


The Russian National Research Medical Institute named after N. I. Pirogov under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will mark one hundred and ten years since its formation next year, and during this time it has proven itself to be a highly professional educational institution, constantly occupying one of the first places in the ranking of medical institutes of the Russian Federation. The university provides graduates with the highest qualifications through a three-stage learning process.

This state institute offers thirty areas of full-time and part-time study: here there is therapy with dentistry, biochemistry with biophysics, as well as cybernetics in the service of medicine. Interns, residents, and postgraduate research specialists study here. Of all the doctors who graduate from medical institutes in Russia, graduates of this university are especially valued.

Technical equipment

It has everything you need for a full-fledged education: classrooms with high-quality multimedia equipment, medical institutions where students practice under contract, a library with about a million books, a reading room, a separate sports building with sections for martial arts, gymnastics and much more, a conference room, a first-aid post with massage rooms.

More than three and a half thousand students live in the dormitories, there are canteens and classrooms. The form of study at the institute is only full-time, you can study for a fee.
Faculties: medical, medical-biological and others (seven in total). Ten specialties are taught here.

People enter the AFSB either through family tradition or out of crystal clear romance. By the way, subsequently such “romantics” of our profession create family traditions. Let me make a reservation right away: for the most part, places in the investigative and counterintelligence faculties are signed up among their own. There is a small opportunity to enroll in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and ICSI ( at the FSB Academy: the best specialists in Russia are trained here information security ). I repeat: not very big. Those who speak rarer languages: French, Spanish, Chinese or Hindi have a chance to enroll without cronyism.

How to proceed

If an applicant is frightened by any difficulties upon admission, then there is no point in meddling with the authorities. Everything is clear here - you have decided, which means you act to the end. Let me give you some numbers: out of 150 applicants, 20 people make it to the internal exams.

The medical examination is a difficult test. Here everyone is on an equal footing, despite the fact that someone has a grandfather who is a general. By the way, during your entire training, medical workers check your health every six months. When I was studying at the Academy, a guy died during our daily jog - his heart stopped, unable to withstand the stress. It turned out that he was a relative of some prominent official in the authorities. There was a huge scandal, and from that moment on the selection criteria became even more stringent.

On a polygraph you are like a transparent sheet, your inner beliefs become visible to the personnel officer, as if in purgatory.

Therefore, it is important to be a patriot, to value the title of officer, to express this honestly and truthfully, without pathos. No joke, this is important. After successfully passing the polygraph, there will be a physical fitness test. The AFSB standards are not for weaklings - for the test you need to do 11 pull-ups without shortness of breath, run a hundred meters in at least 13.6 seconds, and cover three kilometers in 12 minutes. There is only one piece of advice here: if your hand reaches for a beer or a joystick in the evening, go run to the park or lift weights in a rocking chair.

A very sure step to prepare for additional tests— admission to courses at the Academy. This is a good preparatory school, but not always sufficient. For example, I, speaking German at a native level, worked hard with a tutor in foreign, Russian and social studies for two years. I wanted to do it for sure and threw all my strength into it. As a result, he entered the top twenty enrolled.

Education system

Already from the first year, my illusions about studying there began to dissipate. A freshman immediately feels like he is entering the system. You know that your ten years are already planned out. The first five of them you strain all your strength, study. The second five you repay your homeland for free and one of the best education in the world. It is not simple. You're either weak or you can handle it. I'm really proud that I had the chance to study here. The level of linguistic, mathematical, physical and legal training is unlikely to compare even with MGIMO and Moscow State University. Legendary personalities teach at the Academy, which, unfortunately, I cannot tell you about. Some of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia. Many subjects are taught in special classrooms from which nothing can be taken out - no notes, no pens. Everything they teach there is classified as “secret”. The Academy has very strong legal training. True, you need to be prepared for it yourself - during lectures, students usually write 30-40 pages.


It is known that the scholarship at the Academy is huge compared to civilian universities - about 15 thousand rubles per month. But please, there is no need to compare us with a citizen. In the AFSB, from 7 am to evening you are at work, doing hard work. This is a strong emotional pressure every day. In my opinion, our scholarship is even too small.

Features of the party

The girls at our faculty are special students. Intelligent, reserved, with excellent physical fitness.

Many find their soul mates here. For example, I got married as soon as I received my diploma. After receiving your diploma, you spend five years in the service of the Fatherland. From Moscow they are often sent to serve in Rostov and Volgograd. There is also service in hot spots. If we get lucky. It turns out that you can spend ten years side by side with your classmates. This happened to me: during this time I found faithful colleagues and devoted friends.

“In civilian life” they do not quite understand the concept of a “devoted heart.” With my friends, I experienced misfortune, poverty, and attended all their weddings. They have helped me out many times. If any of them have difficulties, I am ready to fly to their place of duty the next day.


Now the fate of my friends has developed differently. Some continue to serve, some moved to Alpha, some, like me, took up legal civil service. There were no problems with employment - with an AFSB diploma, they hired me for a good position even without an interview. Why didn't I continue my service? Disappointed in the system. Understand that 90% of the organs are incredibly worthy, patriotic, gifted people. They are the color of the country. But there are 10% of corrupt officials. This is probably true everywhere, but I couldn’t bear it.

Excerpt from the rules for admission to the FSB Academy

<...>Additional specialized entrance tests are conducted in the following subjects:

a) to the investigative faculty (streams of training investigators and specialists in operational activities), faculty of correspondence education (stream of training on the basis of secondary (complete) general education) IPOS:

  • Russian language (written);
  • social studies (written),

b) to the counterintelligence faculty (training streams of operational employees with knowledge of a foreign language) IPOS:

  • Russian language (written);
  • foreign language (written);
  • social studies (written),

c) to the counterintelligence faculty (stream of training specialists in operational activities who are proficient in modern information technologies) IPOS:

  • Russian language (written);
  • mathematics (written);
  • social studies (written),

d) to the faculty foreign languages Academies:

  • foreign language (written, oral);
  • Russian language (written),

e) to the faculties of ICSI:

  • mathematics (written);
  • physics (written).

Additional entrance examinations for full-time and part-time training streams are held in June-July of the year of admission, and for correspondence course training streams - in September of the year of admission. The schedule of entrance examinations is communicated by the Academy to the security authorities (departments) no later than 1 month before their start.




Head of the Institute of the FSB of Russia

(Nizhny Novgorod)

Major General S.M. Parshin


to the federal state treasury educational institution higher
Education "Institute Federal service Russian security
Federation (Nizhny Novgorod)" in 2019

I. General provisions

1. Rules for admission (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) to the federal state educational institution of higher education “Institute of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation(Nizhny Novgorod)" (hereinafter referred to as the Institute, educational organization) in 2019 determine the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, competition and enrollment of candidates for training streams in secondary vocational education programs, higher education in specialty and residency programs.

2. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, legal acts The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, regulating issues of educational activities.

3. The selection and referral of candidates for training at the Institute is carried out by the federal security service (hereinafter referred to as the security authorities) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the FSB of Russia regulating the procedure for selecting candidates for military service under contract in security agencies and the procedure for recruiting training streams educational organizations of the FSB of Russia.

The selection and referral of candidates to the Institute by other federal executive authorities (hereinafter referred to as departments) in their own interests is carried out in accordance with interdepartmental agreements.

When selecting candidates, security authorities familiarize them with the Instructions on the procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational organizations of the FSB of Russia, approved by Order of the FSB of Russia dated May 20, 2014 No. 277, and these Rules.

The candidate’s application (report) for admission to study at the Institute must indicate the code of the chosen stream of training, specialty, form of study, notes must be made on the candidate’s familiarization with these Rules, as well as on receiving this level of education for the first time.

4. The timing of the arrival of candidates for training at the Institute is determined in calls sent by the Institute’s personnel department to the security authorities that were involved in processing the candidates’ personal files. Travel to the Institute for candidates for training is carried out in accordance with the rules of military transportation.

5. For training at the Institute, candidates are accepted who meet the requirements for age, education, the results of a medical examination, professional psychological selection, level of physical fitness, who have passed the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting state secret, and checks related to ensuring the security authorities’ own safety.

6. The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined based on the results of meeting physical fitness standards.

The results of meeting the standards are assessed:

for candidates for training in training streams for secondary vocational education programs (from among civilians) and for higher education programs - full-time specialty programs in accordance with the Instructions for organizing verification of the level of physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract in federal bodies security service approved by order of the FSB of Russia dated April 14, 2016 No. 253.

candidates for training in secondary vocational education programs (from among those undergoing military service) and in higher education programs - residency programs in accordance with the current Guidelines for physical training in the federal security service.

Candidates pass physical training standards at the security agency or its unit. Checking the level of physical fitness of candidates sent for training by the Office of the FSB of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod Region is carried out by the security authority together with the Institute.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is assessed according to the “pass” or “fail” grading system. A “pass” grade is given to a candidate who has scored at least the amount of points established for his category for completing all exercises, subject to achieving the minimum threshold level in each physical exercise. IN otherwise The candidate is given a “failed” grade.

Documents confirming passing the standards (with results for each exercise) are attached to the candidate’s personal file.

For candidates for training, the initial medical examination is carried out by a military medical commission of the security agency at the place of residence (passage military service) candidate or the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia).

The security authority, in accordance with the requirements of legal acts of the FSB of Russia, forms the candidate’s personal file and sends it to the Institute within the time limits established by these Rules.

The Institute does not send the personal files of candidates who have not passed a medical examination, professional psychological selection, who have received a “failed” rating when checking the level of physical fitness, who have not passed a test related to ensuring their own safety by security agencies, as well as those who have been denied access to information constituting a state secret.

Personal files of candidates who arrived at the Institute after the established deadlines, as well as those completed in violation of established requirements, are returned to the security authorities or other departments that sent them.

7. To consider materials from personal files, organize entrance examinations and conduct competitions, the Institute creates admissions and appeal commissions.

The powers and work procedure of the selection and appeal commissions are regulated by the Regulations on the work of the commissions.

The chairman of the selection committee is the head of the Institute. The chairman of the appeal commission is a person authorized by order of the head of the Institute.

The selection committee may create subcommittees to review the personal files of candidates, check the level of physical fitness, as well as subject examination and other subcommittees.

The chairman of the selection committee appoints an executive secretary who organizes the work of the selection committee.

Meetings of the selection and appeal commissions are documented in minutes, which are signed by all members of the commissions and approved by their chairmen.

If candidates for training do not meet the requirements, as well as untimely submission of documents, candidates may be denied admission to entrance examinations and enrollment in the Institute.

8. Candidates who have committed a disciplinary offense during the period of entrance examinations, in competition list are not included and are sent to their place of residence (military service) in accordance with the established procedure.

II. Conditions, procedures and rules for admission to the Institute for training in the secondary vocational education program in the specialty “General Medicine”

9. For full-time training in the secondary vocational education program in the specialty “General Medicine”, candidates with at least a general secondary education are accepted.

The presence of education is confirmed by documents on education (certificate of secondary general education, diploma of secondary vocational education or diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary general education).

Receiving secondary vocational education under training programs for mid-level specialists for the first time by persons who have a diploma of secondary vocational education with the qualification of a qualified worker or employee is not obtaining a second or subsequent secondary vocational education again.

The conditions for admission to study in an educational program guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment from among applicants who have the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program.

10. The following are accepted for training:

citizens of the Russian Federation who have not undergone military service - aged 16 to 22 years inclusive;

citizens of the Russian Federation who have completed military service, and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under contract - until they reach the age of 24 years.

The age of citizens of the Russian Federation entering an educational organization is calculated on the date of their enrollment in education.

11. An application (report) for admission to study at the Institute is submitted no later than March 1 of the year of admission:

citizens of the Russian Federation, including those who have completed military service, to the security authority at their place of residence;

military personnel performing military service under a contract in security agencies - to the head of the security agency.

12. Personal files of candidates for study are sent by security authorities to the Institute before July 1 of the year of admission.

13. If personal files meet the established requirements, the Institute, no later than August 1 of the year of admission, sends calls to the security authorities for candidates, indicating the time of their arrival at the Institute to participate in the competition.

14. The final medical examination of candidates, with the exception of military personnel of other departments, takes place at the Institute during the competition period.

For candidates who have passed the initial medical examination of the Central Medical Examination Committee of the FSB of Russia, this medical examination is final.

Candidates who have not passed the final medical examination or additional professional psychological selection are not enrolled in training and are sent to their place of residence (military service).

15. If the number of candidates for training exceeds the number of allocated places, admission to training is carried out taking into account the category of professional suitability and the results of the candidates’ mastery of the educational program of secondary general education, indicated in the documents on education (qualifications) submitted by them.

The average score of a diploma of secondary vocational education, provided as a document of secondary general education, is calculated only in subjects of secondary general education.

In case of equality of points, persons with higher grades in the major disciplines: “Russian Language”, “Biology”, “Chemistry” have priority.

16. The decision to admit candidates to study at the Institute is made at a meeting of the admissions committee. The decision on admission is formalized in a protocol, on the basis of which an order is issued by the head of the Institute for their enrollment.

17. Candidates who are not enrolled in training are sent to their place of residence (military service) in the prescribed manner.

III. Conditions, procedure and rules of admission for continuing education in higher education programs - specialty programs in the specialties “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “Dentistry”

18. To continue studying in the training streams for higher education programs - specialty programs, male citizens of the Russian Federation no older than 27 years are accepted from among students who have completed four courses of civil educational organizations of higher education (hereinafter referred to as a medical university) in the specialties "General Medicine", “Pediatrics”, “Medical and preventive care” or “Dentistry”, by translation.

A transfer is carried out from a specialty program to a program of the appropriate level in the presence of the education required for mastering the specified educational program, in the absence of restrictions provided for mastering the corresponding educational program at the expense of budgetary allocations, if training in the corresponding educational program is not obtaining a second or subsequent corresponding education.

19. Students of medical universities who wish to continue their studies at the Institute must submit an application to the security authorities at their place of residence no later than March 1 of the year of admission.

20. Personal files of candidates for study are sent by security authorities to the Institute before July 1 of the year of admission.

21. If personal files meet the established requirements, the Institute, no later than August 1 of the year of admission, sends calls to the security authorities to admit candidates to entrance examinations, indicating the time of arrival at the Institute.

22. Upon arrival at the Institute to take the entrance examination, candidates submit a certificate of the period of study, which indicates the level of education on the basis of which the student entered to master the relevant educational program, the list and volume of studied academic disciplines(modules), completed practices, completed scientific research, grades obtained during interim certification and other documents confirming the candidate’s achievements (hereinafter referred to as documents).

Received documents are assessed within 14 calendar days for compliance with the requirements for candidates for training. Persons who have not submitted a certificate of study period upon arrival at the Institute are not allowed to further participate in competitive (entrance) tests and are sent to their place of residence (military service) in the prescribed manner.

23. Admission to study at the Institute is carried out based on the results of entrance tests conducted in the form of certification.

Entrance tests (certification) of candidates are carried out by the admissions committee from August 12 to August 30 of the year of admission and include:

determining the suitability of candidates for admission to the Institute based on health conditions based on the results of a final medical examination conducted by the military medical commission of the military medical service of the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region. For candidates who have passed the initial medical examination of the Central Medical Examination Committee of the FSB of Russia, this examination is final;

analysis of the level of academic performance for four years of study at a medical university (average score for 8 semesters of study based on the submitted certificate of the period of study);

re-assessment of the level of physical fitness.

If deficiencies are identified in the preparation of a conclusion on the professional psychological suitability of a candidate, he may be sent for additional professional psychological selection.

Candidates who do not pass the entrance examination are not enrolled in training and are sent to their place of residence.

24. Selection committee based on the results of entrance examinations and taking into account the average grade point for 8 semesters of study at a medical university, a competitive list is drawn up.

Candidates with the first and second categories of professional suitability are placed first on the competitive list, candidates with the third category are placed last.

25. When making a decision to enroll candidates for training, within 5 calendar days the Institute sends transfer certificates to medical universities, which indicate the level of higher education, code and name of the specialty to which the students will be transferred. The certificate is accompanied by a list of academic disciplines studied, internships completed, scientific research completed, which will be re-credited or re-certified upon transfer.

Upon receipt of a transfer certificate, civil educational organizations of higher education send to the Institute extracts from the order of expulsion from medical university in connection with the transfer and documents on previous education.

26. The conditions of admission guarantee respect for the rights to education and enrollment from among candidates with the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared for mastering the educational program of the appropriate level and appropriate focus.

IV. Conditions, procedure and rules of admission for higher education programs in residency

27. Admission to residency programs is carried out on the principles of equal admission conditions for all applicants and is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations separately depending on the specialty.

28. Graduates of the Institute who have completed training in specialty programs (hereinafter referred to as graduates of the Institute), military personnel of security agencies and other departments who, as a rule, will not have reached the expiration date of the contract for military service concluded by them for the duration of training ( training) and for 5 years of military service after graduation (training), the age limit for military service, positively characterized in service, not having outstanding disciplinary action and who have not violated the prohibitions, restrictions and obligations associated with military service, are fit for health reasons to enter the Institute, have a higher medical education, the presence of which is confirmed by a standard document on education or on education and qualifications, taking into account the qualification requirements for medical workers approved by the Russian Ministry of Health.

29. Admission to residency programs is carried out in the following specialties: “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Anesthesiology-Reanimatology”, “Pediatrics”, “Psychiatry”, “Neurology”, “Therapy”, “Oncology”, “Traumatology and Orthopedics” , “Surgery”, “Urology”, “Healthcare organization and public health”, “General dentistry”, “General hygiene”, “Epidemiology”.

30. Candidates wishing to enroll in training, before July 1 of the year preceding the year of admission, submit a report addressed to the head of the security agency about being sent for training.

31. Security authorities, in accordance with the established procedure, draw up and send to the educational organization the personal files of candidates for study by April 20 of the year of admission. Attached to the personal file is the candidate’s report addressed to the head of the Institute on admission to entrance examinations (attached), which indicates: military rank; Full Name; date, month and year of birth; name and length of service in the position held; information about the current level of education indicating the name and details of documents confirming it; information about qualifications indicating the details of the specialist’s accreditation certificate or an extract from the final minutes of the meeting of the accreditation commission on recognizing the applicant as an accredited specialist (for persons who have completed higher medical education programs in accordance with federal state educational standards of higher education); specialist certificate (if available); the specialty in which he wishes to study.

The report records with a personal signature that the applicant does not have a diploma of completion of residency or a diploma of completion of an internship (if the applicant submits a report on admission to entrance examinations for training in the same specialty that is indicated in the diploma of completion of the internship, or obtaining a specialty indicated by the applicant in the report , possibly through additional training professional program professional retraining).

32. If personal files meet the established requirements, the Institute sends notices of admission to the concerned security authorities no later than 15 days before the start of the entrance examinations.

33. Candidates arriving at the Institute must have with them the original document on higher medical education in specialty programs and an appendix to it.

34. The final medical examination of candidates, with the exception of military personnel of other departments, is carried out by the military medical commission of the military medical service of the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region during the period of entrance examinations.

For candidates who have passed the initial medical examination of the Central Medical Examination Committee of the FSB of Russia, this examination is final.

35. Entrance test programs for admission to residency programs are formed on the basis of federal state educational standards of higher education for specialty programs.

36. Entrance tests are carried out in the form of computer testing using test tasks, completed automatically by randomly selecting 60 test items from the Unified Database of Assessment Tools, formed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Test duration is 60 minutes. The test result is generated automatically indicating the percentage of correct answers from the total number of test items. The test result in points (1 point equals 1 percent) is reflected in the minutes of the examination committee meeting, signed on the day the test is completed.

At the request of the applicant, the test results taken into account are the results of testing passed in the year preceding the year of admission, as well as the results of testing conducted within the framework of the specialist accreditation procedure provided for in paragraph two of clause 4 of the Regulations on the accreditation of specialists, passed in the year preceding the year of admission, or in the year of admission.

37. The minimum number of points confirming successful completion of the test is 70 points.

38. During testing, its participants and persons involved in its conduct are prohibited from carrying and using technical means ( Cell phones, voice recorders, etc.).

39. Applicants who received a test score below the minimum number of points, who did not arrive for the entrance test without a good reason (including being removed from the place of the entrance test), are eliminated from the competition.

40. Based on the results of the entrance test, the applicant has the right to file an appeal with the appeal commission about a violation, in the applicant’s opinion, of the established testing procedure and (or) disagreement with the assessment of the test results.

41. Applicants who did not arrive for testing for a good reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) are allowed to be tested in groups or individually during the period of entrance examinations.

42. Applicants who started testing, but did not complete it for a good reason, reflected in the admissions committee’s report, have the right to take the test again, within the deadlines for the entrance examinations.

43. Applicants to residency programs can provide information about their individual achievements (Table 1).

Table 1

Criteria for taking into account individual achievements

No.Individual AchievementPoint awarded
1 Scholarship holders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation (if the scholarship was awarded during the period of obtaining higher medical education)20
2 Document on education and qualifications of the established form with honors15
3 Total length of service (work) in positions of medical workers during the period from enrollment in higher medical education programs:
from one year to three years in positions of medical and (or) pharmaceutical workers with secondary vocational education;10 points with the achievement weight increasing by 5 points for each subsequent three years of experience
from nine months to two years in positions of medical and (or) pharmaceutical workers with higher (higher professional) education;12 points with the achievement weight increasing by 5 points for each subsequent two years of experience
military personnel serving in the regions Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas, high mountains, desert and arid areas, from nine months10 points for the entire period of service in addition to the points awarded for the total length of service (work) in the positions of medical and (or) pharmaceutical workers
4 Availability of reports at scientific and practical conferences, congresses, conventions5
5 Availability of inventions, patents, published scientific works10

The maximum amount of points for individual achievements cannot exceed 100 points.

Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the total of competition points.

The amount of competitive points is calculated as the sum of points for testing and individual achievements.

44. Based on the results of entrance tests (taking into account individual achievements), the Admissions Committee creates competitive lists for each specialty separately for officers of the medical service and separately for graduates of the Institute, which are ranked on the following basis:

in descending order of the amount of competitive points;

if the sum of competitive points is equal - in descending order of the sum of competitive points awarded based on the testing results;

if the sum of competitive points and test results are equal - in the category of professional suitability;

The competitive lists contain the following information for each applicant: the amount of competitive points; number of points for testing; number of points for individual achievements.

45. Candidates recognized as unfit for admission to the Institute due to health reasons, or who did not appear for entrance examinations without a valid reason, who scored less than 70 points during testing, or who violated discipline, are not included in the competitive list and are sent to their place of residence in the prescribed manner ( military service).

46. ​​Persons who pass the competition are considered to have passed the entrance examination and are enrolled in residency by order of the head of the Institute on the basis of the minutes of the meeting of the selection committee.

47. All leave for those entering residency must be used in full before the start of training.

V. Procedure for filing and considering an appeal

48. Based on the results of the entrance examination, the applicant has the right to submit to the appeal commission a written statement (report) about a violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the test and (or) about disagreement with its results (hereinafter referred to as the appeal).

49. During the consideration of the appeal, compliance with the established procedure for conducting the admissions test and (or) the correctness of the assessment of its results is checked.

An appeal is not a retake of the admissions test.

50. The appeal is submitted by the applicant in person on the day the results are announced or during the next working day. In this case, the applicant has the right to familiarize himself with his work performed during the entrance test in the manner established by the educational organization. The Admissions Committee accepts appeals throughout the working day.

Before submitting documents and starting preparations for entering an educational institution, you need to decide for yourself that you are ready to connect your life with this structure.

Unlike civilian universities, they have a narrow prof. direction and after graduation it will be difficult to work in another field.

Admission to a civilian university is a choice of a profession, and admission to a university of the FSB of Russia is immediately a choice of a profession and, one might say, a place of work.

Preparation for admission

This is not to say that there are no difficulties with admission. However, if you have the preparation and desire, you can apply.

It is better to start preparing for admission at the beginning of the graduating class (grade 11). The first step is to contact the Russian FSB department at your place of residence with a statement of intention to enroll in an FSB educational institution, fill out a form and provide copies of personal documents (birth certificate, passport, military ID and diploma).

Based on the data and documents provided by the candidate, a check is carried out. All data is carefully checked.

An obstacle to access to the state. secrets and receipt will be: loved ones living abroad for a long time; relatives who were prosecuted; also if the candidate used drugs.

In addition to the check, a conversation is held with an employee of the personnel department of the FSB department, during which it is found out what motivated the candidate to join the FSB of the Russian Federation. If everything is in order with the interview and test, the candidate receives a referral for a medical examination (MEC), after which he is required to pass the physical examination standards. training (100-meter run, 3-kilometer run, pull-ups), which are assessed according to the “pass” and “fail” system.

After passing the test, you need to write an application to the selected university in early March. In it, the candidate must indicate: the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, the list of Unified State Examination subjects and additional entrance exams, and also sign that he is familiar with the admission rules.

Universities of the FSB of Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 14 educational institutions subordinate to the FSB of Russia.

These are the FSB Institutes in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. FSB Academy in Moscow. Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Kharabovsky border institutes of the FSB. Academy and Border Academy of the FSB in Moscow. Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Border Academy in Moscow.

Each university has its own list of faculties, some of which accept both boys and girls (faculty of foreign languages). Each faculty has its own subjects for which you need to take entrance exams.

You can enroll in full-time study. Without military service from 16 to 22 years and after military service up to 24 years. But correspondence training is available only to current security service employees.


When called by the University (in early June), candidates arrive to take entrance exams. First, they undergo a medical examination for the second time, after which they are allowed to take entrance exams. Physics exam common to all. preparation and one of the specialized subjects. Based on the results of exams and the EGE, the overall score is determined; admission is carried out on a competitive basis.

If a candidate does not pass the competition for higher education, he can go to study in secondary educational programs (the training lasts 2.5-3 years, after graduation he is awarded the rank of warrant officer and, if desired, he can complete his studies in absentia at any FSB University). If you don't pass the competition, you can try again in a year.

After graduation, the rank of lieutenant is awarded.

Work experience and length of service are counted from the first days of training. The first two courses count as a year in the army, after which the first contract is signed and a salary is issued, approximately 16,000 rubles.

After graduating from the institute, they are assigned to units for service. Excellent students are given the right to choose their place of service, so there is an incentive to be one. Military personnel are provided with a social package and free medical care. service, decent salary.