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Limonov resigned from the committee on January 25. Egor Prosvirnin: why did Eduard Limonov leave the “January 25” committee? Ukrainian lard is the cultural heritage of humanity, they believe in Ukraine

Well-known oppositionist, writer and head of the “Other Russia” party Eduard Limonov announced his withdrawal from the union of national-patriotic forces “January 25 Committee,” whose leader is former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov.

In a blog on LiveJournal, Limonov quotes his letter to Igor Strelkov, which indicates the reasons for this decision

“Dear Igor Ivanovich!

Having familiarized myself with the document entitled “Temporary Regulations on the Committee of January 25,” I, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the “Other Russia” party, hasten to express to you my complete disagreement with the text of this document.

Firstly, it goes against all the agreements that were reached between us from the first days of the existence of the “January 25 Committee”. We agreed on a coalition, and you undertook to build a political organization.

Further. In my capacity as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the political party “Other Russia”, I am of course strongly against individual membership in K-25. It will be easy for you to understand why. Clause 2.3 of the Charter of The Other Russia states: “A member of The Other Russia cannot be a member of other political parties.”

Membership in Committee-25 naturally will entail the destruction of the organizations that initially agreed to join the Committee. “The Other Russia” cannot agree to voluntary suicide, so no, no, and once again no to your “Temporary Regulations”. This is the main disagreement you have raised. It is fundamental, therefore all sorts of small art like the fact that “The Committee conducts its work in accordance with the Decree of Nicholas II” and “the spirit of legislation Russian Empire" don't even matter.

By the authority assigned to me by the Charter of the political party “The Other Russia” (Article 4.3.2., p. 7), I declare the party’s withdrawal from the organization “Committee of January 25”. Based on the points I just made.

Igor Strelkov later noted that Limonov’s withdrawal from the “January 25 Committee” turned out to be in absentia, without any preliminary joint discussions, expressed regret over this fact, as well as hope that the chairman of “The Other Russia” will change his decision.

And here is how another founder of K-25, a futurist writer, commented on this event Maxim Kalashnikov.

“It is clear that Eduard Limonov’s resignation from the committee is a bad event. I am very upset by the actions of Eduard Veniaminovich. He was outraged by the draft regulations on the work of K2501. But this was only a project that could be improved. EL called this morning and asked him not to conflict, but to finalize the documents. But Eduard Veniaminovich was adamant. It turns out that Igor Strelkov also called him and offered to change the document. But - alas, alas.

It’s a pity, we’ll have to work without Eduard Limonov. The “January 25 Committee” is not disbanding; there is a lot of work. The situation in the country is not getting better. /…/ Squabbles and quarrels are not the best part of Russian political culture, but we will overcome this “tradition” by working together. This is not about personal ambitions, but about ensuring that the Fatherland does not perish.”

Eduard Limonov left the Committee; Igor Strelkov admitted that without the “Other Russia” the organization will degenerate into an association of nationalist-minded “right-wing” groups and small groups

The leader of the Other Russia movement, Eduard Limonov, said that he and his supporters are leaving the January 25 Committee.

He motivates his decision by his reluctance to participate in a purely political organization (and not the coalition mentioned earlier).

In a letter from Eduard LimonovIgor Strelkov says:

“Dear Igor Ivanovich!

Having familiarized myself with the document entitled “Temporary Regulations on the Committee of January 25,” I, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the “Other Russia” party, hasten to express to you my complete disagreement with the text of this document.

Firstly, it goes against all the agreements that were reached between us from the first days of the existence of the “January 25 Committee”. We agreed on a coalition, and you undertook to build a political organization.

Further. In my capacity as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the political party "Other Russia", I am, of course, firmly against individual membership in K-25. It will be easy for you to understand why. Clause 2.3 of the Charter of The Other Russia states: “A member of The Other Russia cannot be a member of other political parties.”

Membership in the Committee-25 will naturally entail the destruction of the organizations that originally agreed to join the Committee. “The Other Russia” cannot agree to voluntary suicide, so no, no, and once again no to your “Temporary Regulations”. This is the main disagreement you have raised.

It is fundamental, therefore all sorts of small art like the fact that “the Committee conducts its work in accordance with the Decree of Nicholas II” and “the spirit of the legislation of the Russian Empire” do not even matter.

By the authority assigned to me by the Charter of the political party “Other Russia” (Article 4.3.2., p. 7), I declare the party’s withdrawal from the organization “Committee of January 25th”. Based on the points I just made.”

“Since I was very ill,” writes Limonov, “members of the Executive Committee of the Other Russia A. Averin and A. Kolunov met with I. Strelkov and, having handed him a letter from the Chairman of the Party Executive Committee, received an answer, we quote the main one:

“I ask you to think about reconsidering your decision. This request is not my personal initiative, but the entire movement. We understand perfectly well that without the “Other Russia” our “Committee” will immediately lose most of its authority as a structure capable of really uniting everything patriotic groups and movements. Moreover, it will become just a union of nationalist-minded “right-wing” groups and small groups. And, apparently, its “agony” will begin."

Based on all the texts, the National Bolshevik must understand that in the Committee on January 25, the same “groups and small groups” that Igor Ivanovich mentioned prevailed, which we regret.

We will not fight for the soul of Igor Ivanovich Strelkov. Let him find his way."

Let us note that he wrote about the futility of the “January 25 Committee” Chief Editor“Russian People's Line” immediately after the establishment of the Committee: “As for the political prospects of the newly created “third force,” then, in my opinion, the “January 25 Committee” has no prospects. If only due to the fact that it brought together people completely different in ideological and religious terms. Well, what can be common between the militant atheist Maxim Kalashnikov, the Zoroastrian (as he called himself) Konstantin Krylov and the Orthodox Igor Strelkov? I don't understand how they can find something in common. What socio-political platform can they offer to society? Or what could be in common between the same Kalashnikov, who defends left-communist views, Prosvirnin, who speaks from a liberal-nationalist position, and Strelkov, who positions himself almost as a Black Hundred monarchist? How from this “compote” of religious and political views and preferences, a clear and interesting political platform for society may emerge, I cannot imagine.”

Organizations banned on the territory of the Russian Federation: “Islamic State” (“ISIS”); Jabhat al-Nusra (Victory Front); Al-Qaeda (The Base); "Muslim Brotherhood" ("Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun"); "Taliban movement"; “Holy War” (“Al-Jihad” or “Egyptian Islamic Jihad”); "Islamic Group" ("Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya"); "Asbat al-Ansar"; "Islamic Liberation Party" ("Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami"); “Emirate Caucasus” (“Caucasian Emirate”); "Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan"; "Islamic Party of Turkestan" (formerly "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan"); "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people"; International religious association "Tablighi Jamaat"; "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA); "Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian People's Self-Defense" (UNA - UNSO); “Trident named after. Stepan Bandera" Ukrainian organization "Brotherhood"; Ukrainian organization "Right Sector"; International religious association "AUM Shinrikyo"; Jehovah witnesses; "AUMSinrikyo" (AumShinrikyo, AUM, Aleph); "National Bolshevik Party"; Movement "Slavic Union"; Movement "Russian National Unity"; "The Movement Against Illegal Immigration."

For a complete list of organizations banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, see the links.

He himself reported this on his blog.

First thing. Here is the document that was sent today to the mail of the Committee members on January 25th.

Article 1. General provisions

1.1. “The January 25 Committee” (hereinafter referred to in this document as K25, the Committee) is a non-governmental, non-state, voluntary, self-governing, non-profit association created at the initiative of interested parties on the basis of common interests to achieve the goals specified in the Charter and the Political Declaration of K25.

1.2. The names “K25”, “K2501”, “January 25 Committee” and “January 25 Club” are equivalent.

Article 2. Fundamental Principles K25

2.1. The fundamental principles of the Committee's activities are established by the Political Declaration of K25.
Article 3. Legal grounds for activity

3.1. K25 operates on the basis of:
Art. 30 of the Constitution Russian Federation on the right of citizens to association,
Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations” in its current edition;
and in agreement with
The Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II “On the Improvement of State Order” dated October 17 (30), 1905, which guaranteed freedom of assembly and unions.

Second. Reaction to the above document by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the independent political party "Other Russia" E. Limonov:

Strelkov I.I.
from Limonov E.V.

Dear Igor Ivanovich!
Having familiarized myself with the document entitled “Temporary Regulations on the Committee of January 25,” I, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the “Other Russia” party, hasten to express to you my complete disagreement with the text of this document.

Firstly, it goes against all the agreements that were reached between us from the first days of the existence of the “January 25 Committee”. We agreed on a coalition, and you undertook to build a political organization.

Further. In my capacity as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the political party "Other Russia", I am, of course, firmly against individual membership in K-25. It will be easy for you to understand why. Clause 2.3 of the Charter of The Other Russia states: “A member of The Other Russia cannot be a member of other political parties.”

Membership in the Committee-25 will naturally entail the destruction of the organizations that originally agreed to join the Committee. “The Other Russia” cannot agree to voluntary suicide, so no, no, and once again no to your “Temporary Regulations”. This is the main disagreement that you have raised. It is fundamental, therefore all sorts of small art like the fact that “the Committee conducts its work in accordance with the Decree of Nicholas II” and “the spirit of the legislation of the Russian Empire” do not even matter.

By the authority assigned to me by the Charter of the political party “Other Russia” (Article 4.3.2., p. 7), I declare the party’s withdrawal from the organization “Committee of 25 January”. Based on the points I just made.

Third. Since I was very ill, members of the Executive Committee of the “Other Russia” A. Averin and A. Kolunov met with I. Strelkov and, having handed him a letter from the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the party, received an answer, we quote the main one:

“I ask you to think about reconsidering your decision. This request is not my personal initiative, but the entire movement. We understand perfectly well that without the “Other Russia” our “Committee” will immediately lose most of its authority as a structure capable of really uniting everything patriotic groups and movements. Moreover, it will become just a union of nationalist-minded “right-wing” groups and small groups. And, apparently, its “agony” will begin.

Fourth. Based on all the texts, the National Bolshevik must understand that in the Committee on January 25, the same “groups and small groups” that Igor Ivanovich mentioned prevailed, which we regret. We will not fight for the soul of Igor Ivanovich Strelkov. Let him find his way.

Strelkov immediately accused Limonov of collaborating with the FSB........

and received an answer

Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, early in the morning, accused me of falling under the influence of both the FSB and the Presidential Administration.

I won’t quarrel with Igor Ivanovich. I won’t convince him to abandon the FSB-apesh romance when explaining the simplest phenomena of life.

Let me just say that the matter is much simpler.
a document called TEMPORARY POSITION indicates that the plan of Igor Ivanovich and his entourage on the “January 25 Committee” has changed.

They decided to make the “Committee” a rigid nationalist association, that’s all. Hence the defiant black-monarchist tone of the Temporary Regulations." To disperse all those who are not our own.

“The Other Russia,” meanwhile, everyone knows, is a left-right party for over twenty years now.
That's why our paths diverged.

Eduard Limonov

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Donbass character

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22-01, 21:31

News of Novorossiya from 01/22/2020

● State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of the LPR. News. 21:30. January 22, 2020 ● Daytime | Evening news release. 01/22/2020, “Panorama” ● News on First Republican. Evening edition ● Results of the day from ANNA NEWS for January 22, 2020 ● “The main thing for 18.30 from 01/20/2020 ● NEWS.01/22/2020.GORLOVKA-6TV

22-01, 20:01

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First Republican TV Channel

22-01, 19:13

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22-01, 12:28

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22-01, 12:09

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22-01, 08:31

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The famous writer and public figure, leader of the “Other Russia” movement, Eduard Limonov, made a statement that he and his supporters were leaving the so-called. "Committee 25 January". He motivates his decision by his reluctance to participate in a purely political organization (and not the coalition mentioned earlier).

Strelkov I.I.
from Limonov E.V.

Dear Igor Ivanovich!
Having familiarized myself with the document entitled “Temporary Regulations on the Committee of January 25,” I, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the “Other Russia” party, hasten to express to you my complete disagreement with the text of this document.

Firstly, it goes against all the agreements that were reached between us from the first days of the existence of the “January 25 Committee”. We agreed on a coalition, and you undertook to build a political organization.

Further. In my capacity as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the political party “Other Russia”, I am of course strongly against individual membership in K-25. It will be easy for you to understand why. Clause 2.3 of the Charter of The Other Russia states: “A member of The Other Russia cannot be a member of other political parties.”

Membership in the Committee of 25 will naturally entail the destruction of the organizations that originally agreed to join the Committee. “The Other Russia” cannot agree to voluntary suicide, so no, no, and once again no to your “Temporary Regulations”. This is the main disagreement you have raised.

It is fundamental, therefore all sorts of small art like the fact that “the Committee conducts its work in accordance with the Decree of Nicholas II” and “the spirit of the legislation of the Russian Empire” do not even matter.

By the authority assigned to me by the Charter of the political party “The Other Russia” (Article 4.3.2., p. 7), I declare the party’s withdrawal from the organization “Committee of January 25”. Based on the points I just made.

Since I was very ill, members of the Executive Committee of the “Other Russia” A. Averin and A. Kolunov met with I. Strelkov and, having handed him a letter from the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the party, received an answer, we quote the main thing:

“I ask you to consider reconsidering your decision. This request is not my personal initiative, but the entire movement. We understand perfectly well that without the “Other Russia” our “Committee” will immediately lose most of its authority as a structure capable of truly uniting all patriotic groups and movements. Moreover, it will become just a union of nationalist-minded “right-wing” groups and small groups. And, apparently, his “agony” will begin.”

Based on all the texts, the National Bolshevik must understand that in the “Committee of January 25” the same “groups and small groups” that Igor Ivanovich mentioned prevailed, which we regret. We will not fight for the soul of Igor Ivanovich Strelkov. Let him find his way.

“Russian Spring” recalls that the “Committee of January 25” is an informal organization chaired by Igor Strelkov (leader of the Novorossiya OD), which included El Murid, E. Prosvirnin (“Sputnik and Pogrom”), K. Krylov, A. Kungurov, E. Limonov, M. Kalashnikov and others. The committee declares itself as the “Third Force” (besides the “protectors” and pro-Western “white-ribbon” liberals).

APPENDIX: the document itself, which so outraged Limonov and his associates.

Article 1. General provisions

1.1. “The January 25 Committee” (hereinafter referred to in this document as K25, the Committee) is a non-governmental, non-state, voluntary, self-governing, non-profit association created at the initiative of interested parties on the basis of common interests to achieve the goals specified in the Charter and the Political Declaration of K25.

1.2. The names “K25”, “K2501”, “January 25 Committee” and “January 25 Club” are equivalent.

Article 2. Fundamental principles of K25

2.1. The fundamental principles of the Committee's activities are established by the Political Declaration of K25.

Article 3. Legal grounds for activity

3.1. K25 operates on the basis of:

  • Art. 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the right of citizens to association,
  • Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations” in its current edition;

and in agreement with

  • The Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II “On the Improvement of State Order” dated October 17 (30), 1905, which guaranteed freedom of assembly and unions.

Article 4. Operating principles of K25

4.1. The activities of K25 are based on the following principles:

  • Voluntariness of participation.
  • Internal self-government. The committee determines its own internal structure, forms of activity and specific actions, within the framework established federal laws.
  • Legality and legality. The Committee carries out its work in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and in accordance with the spirit of the legislation of the Russian Empire.
  • Transparency. Information about the constituent and program documents of K25, its political position and public statements is open and publicly available.

Article 5. K25 symbols

5.1. K25 has approved symbols: emblem, flag.

5.2. [Emblem Description]

5.3. [Flag Description]

5.4. The right to use K25 symbols belongs to K25, regional structures of K25 and other structural divisions.
5.4.1. K25 may grant the right to use K25 symbols to other individuals and organizations.

Article 6. Membership in K25

6.1. Membership in K25 is voluntary and individual. Membership public organizations and other forms of collective membership are not permitted.

6.2. A member of K25 can be a person

  • who have reached the age of 18 years,
  • capable
  • sharing the statutory goals and objectives of K25,
  • taking part in its activities,
  • not a member of a party or other organization whose statutory goals and objectives significantly contradict the goals and objectives of K25.

Article 7. Admission to K25 membership

7.1. Admission to K25 membership is carried out on the basis of a personal application addressed to the K25 Founding Council.

7.2. The decision on admission is made by the Council of Founders no later than two months from the date of submission of the application.

Article 8. Rights and obligations of a K25 member

8.1. A K25 member has the right:

  • attend general meetings of K25;
  • make suggestions, comments, criticism, etc.;
  • take part in open voting on any issues;
  • submit documents with proposals, initiative plans, etc. to the governing bodies of K25;
  • be elected to the relevant subcommittees of K25 and carry out activities in them in accordance with the Regulations, Charter and Political Declaration of K25;
  • receive complete and timely information about the activities of K25 and its governing bodies, the current political position of K25 and other issues of interest to K25 members;
  • if authorized by the Founding Council to act on behalf of K25;
  • freely leave K25 at any time without giving reasons.

8.2. A member of K25 is obliged to:

  • comply with the principles set out in the K25 Political Declaration, these Regulations and other statutory documents of K25;
  • take an active part in the work of K25.

Article 9. Registration and accounting of K25 members

9.1. Official registration of K25 members is not carried out. Any lists of K25 members do not have official status, are exclusively private in nature and do not constitute documents confirming membership in K25.

Article 10. Termination of membership in K25

10.1. The grounds for termination of membership in K25 are:

  • Personal statement from a K25 member about leaving;
  • Failure to fulfill assumed obligations to K25;
  • Activities (including professional ones) that are incompatible with the K25 Political Declaration and cause damage to K25;
  • Joining an organization whose activities are incompatible with the K25 Political Declaration;
  • Non-participation in the work of K25 for 6 months;
  • Multiple gross violations of these Regulations, Charter, Regulations and other documents regulating the work of K25.

10.2. The decision to terminate membership in K25 in all cases, except the first, is made by the Council of Founders of K25.

Article 11. General meeting of K25

11.1. The procedure for activities, basic rules and procedures for conducting the General Meeting of K25 are established by the relevant Regulations.

11.2. Issues of the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of K25 include the preparation, consideration and adoption of public statements on behalf of the General Meeting of the Committee.

Article 12. Council of Founders and Leader of K25

13.1. The Council of Founders is a permanent collegial advisory and advisory body under the Leader of K25.

13.2. The Founding Council is formed by the Leader of K25 from among the members of the Committee.

13.3. At the time of approval of these Regulations, the Board of Founders includes:

  • Strelkov I.I. (Leader K25);
  • Kalashnikov M.A.;
  • Krylov K.A.;
  • Limonov E.V.;
  • Prosvirnin E.A.;
  • Razumovsky A.V.;
  • Khasanov E.O.

13.4. The personal composition of the Founding Council may be changed by decision of the K25 Leader.

Article 14. Subcommittees of K25

14.1. To solve the problems facing the Committee, K25 creates specialized and targeted Subcommittees.

14.2. The decision on the creation, reorganization or abolition, as well as on the composition of the Subcommittee, is made by the Council of Founders and approved by the General Meeting of K25.

14.3. Members as well as supporters of K25 can take part in the work of the Subcommittees.

14.4. The operating procedure, basic rules and procedures for the activities of the Subcommittees are established by separate Regulations approved by the General Meeting of K25.

Article 15. Control and Audit Commission K25

15.1 The Control and Audit Commission of K25 is a permanent collegial body of the Committee created to monitor the financial activities of K25.

15.2. The Control and Audit Commission is formed by the General Meeting of K25.

15.3. The operating procedure, basic rules and procedures of the K25 Control and Audit Commission are established by a separate Regulation approved by the K25 General Meeting.

Article 16. Ethics Subcommittee K25

16.1. The subject of the Ethics Subcommittee is to consider violations by members and supporters of the K25 Code of Ethics Committee, as well as generally accepted rules of relationships with each other.

16.2. The Ethics Subcommittee is chaired by the K25 Leader.

Article 17. Regional divisions of K25

17.1 The status and procedure for the formation of regional divisions of the Committee are established by separate Regulations approved by the General Meeting of K25.

Article 18. K25 supporters

18.1. A K25 supporter is any person who shares the goals and objectives of K25 and provides assistance and support in any form, including work in the relevant K25 Subcommittees.

18.2. A K25 supporter does not have any statutory obligations to K25, nor does K25 have any statutory obligations to him. He is not responsible for K25's actions, nor is K25 responsible for his actions.