All about car tuning

KVN sketch on the theme of student. A skit for student celebrations - “Student History”. The team “Burnt by Science” sings ditties

Room decoration:
There is an inscription on the door:
Come in, don't be shy, we welcome guests,
If they don't sit in the corners.
And may you enter this house for the first time,
Dance and you will get to know everyone.

Writings on the walls:
“Fools of all countries - unite”, “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a good mood.”

There are balloons hanging everywhere (you can put a note with a funny wish in each balloon, then distribute these balloons to guests), and funny faces. On one of the walls there is a gallery of caricatures (of famous actors, singers or friends). You can publish a wall newspaper with jokes, funny stories, etc.

Think about the composition of the jury in advance. Since the topic of KVN is related to German language, a German language teacher and a student of the language department must be present on the jury. You can invite a representative of the city youth KVN team, high school students. Discuss the evaluation system and criteria with the jury members.

A prize is awarded for first place (if there are many teams - for second and third place), the rest of the teams receive incentive prizes; certificates, letters of gratitude.

Progress of the game:

Teams are given a certain amount of time to prepare for each competition. While the teams are preparing, you can hold competitions with spectators.

We will open the holiday today,
Wind and rain are no problem for us,
After all, we waited a long time, let’s not hide it,
Our national April Fool's Day.
For a holiday, for general fun
We invited Laughter to visit,
Fun, Fun and Entertainment,
Just a joke, humor for fun!
Good joke
Start your day, friends!
A wise joke, a sensitive joke,
You can't live without it!

Hello, Dear friends! We are starting our holiday. All of you, of course, know why we have gathered here. That's right - we celebrate April Fool's Day. Do you know how this holiday was celebrated in Germany and Austria? In these countries, April 1 was considered an unlucky day. A person born on this day seemed to be unlucky in life. According to legend, on this day Judas, the traitor, was born, and it was on April 1 that Satan was cast out of heaven. They didn’t work in the villages, didn’t start new businesses, didn’t let livestock out of the stalls. Adults deceived each other, sending each other to carry out impossible tasks (for example, to buy mosquito oil from a pharmacist or merchant). But in Russia this day is associated with fun, jokes, and good practical jokes. On April 1, it is customary for us to make fun of our friends, to play pranks on them, which is what we will do today.

Now let me introduce you to our competent, highly respected jury:
(the jury members are being introduced).

First competition: business card.
The teams were given the task in advance to introduce themselves within 5-7 minutes. Mandatory condition: the business card must be in German.

The jury gets to work, and we continue. Of course, you all know that no KVN game is complete without a warm-up. So we have prepared a task that will help you “warm up”.

Each team receives cards with 2 tongue twisters written on them:
Schwarze Katzen, Katzen kratzen. Kratzen schwarze Katzen?
Fisch Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fisch fischt Fischer Fritz.

(Identical tongue twisters for each team).

Assignment: teams must pronounce tongue twisters clearly and quickly in chorus. The jury evaluates the children's phonetic skills.

Laughter is healthier for a person
What a good drug.
He who laughs goes to the pharmacy
He walks less often, they say.
A joke is appreciated for good reason,
And doubly good.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.
We continue our game.

Next task. The teams are given envelopes in which idioms and their Russian equivalents are printed on pieces of paper and cut into several parts. (For example, there are 5 people in a team).

Jemandem – einen - Floh – ins Ohr – setzen – each word on a separate sheet, - “sit in someone’s ear”;
mir – lauft – das Wasser – im Munde – zusammen – “my mouth is watering”;
sich etwas – hinter – die – Ohren – schreiben – “notch something on your nose”;
die – Haare – zu – Berge – stehen – “hair stands on end.”

Each team member must attach a word to their chest. Then everyone should stand in an order that matches the German idiom.
And our respected jury is ready to sum up the results of the first competition. (After each subsequent competition, the results of the previous one are summed up).

Captains competition:
Animals are drawn on sheets of whatman paper, with the faces cut out so that the captain could “insert” his face there. The captains are called to the stage, stand facing the audience, a poster unfolds in front of them and they, using gestures and German, must ask their team what kind of animal it represents.

For example:
-Habe ich lange Ohren? (At the same time he shows his big ears with a gesture).
Oder: -Lebe ich in Africa? U.S.W.

The jury begins to evaluate the captains.

As we already understood, you know German perfectly, and now we will test your creative abilities. Who is our funniest hero, the one with bells on his cap?
That's right, Petrushka. And in German? Hampelmann! Who remembers the poem about him?

Punkt, Punkt. Koma, Strich –
Fertig ist das Mund, Gesicht.
Korper, Arme, Beine dran.
Fertig ist das Hampelmann!
Hande, Fusse und ein Hut –
Ist der Hampelmann nicht gut?

Well done, remember the verse. But now we'll see if you remember what our Hampelmann looks like. The task is difficult: draw Parsley with your eyes closed. Each team draws in turn (with chalk on a blackboard or a marker on a piece of Whatman paper). The jury evaluates the originality and “technique” of the drawing.
Now we are convinced that you draw well.

And the next competition is a theater competition. So, the teams are invited to the stage, and I ask the captains to come here to me. They pull out cards with the names of well-known German songs written on them: O Tannenbaum,
Alle Vogel sind da, Drakula, der Hahn isr tot u.s.w. Assignment: dramatize this song without words so that the audience can guess what it is about.

So, we did drawing and theater too. But we forgot about sports! Let's fix this. This is where our final competition will help us. Now the teams will again receive cards with different kinds sports, but these are not unusual sports, but exotic ones. Teams must portray this sport, and the task of the audience is to guess. (basketball auf der Eisbahn - basketball on ice; Hurdenschwimmen - swimming with obstacles; Handball mit heisser Kartoffel - handball with hot potatoes; Sprunge auf dem Sprungstab - pole vaulting u.s.w.)

You live in the world, not knowing grief,
Let everyone be jealous looking at you.
Be cheerful, be...happy!
A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!
Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile -
We cannot live without a smile!

So, our game is over, and now we are summing up the results.
The results are summed up, awards are given, and the final word of the jury.
Thank you for being with us today. We hope you enjoyed it! See you again!

Competitions with spectators:
"Draw an animal"
5 people are called and cards are given to them. Without words, they must depict the animal that they got, and the rest must guess.

The presenter pronounces the word and raises a card with the sound at which the rhyme should begin. For example, the presenter says “Bank” and raises a card with the letter “D” - the audience must say “Dank”. King – Ring, Geld – Held, Land – Hand u.s.w.

"Fun Shopping"
The names of purchases are written in German on separate pieces of paper:
Das Kleid, die Brosche, der Kater, gekochtes Huhn, das Taschentuch, das Auto, die Seife, das Auto, die Nusse/ die Geige, der Hut, die Wurst, der Lauch, die Glasvase, das Schnupftuch, der Regenschirm, die Blumen , das Tortchen, der Senf, die Puppe.

And on other sheets of paper there is what you can do with these purchases:
I’ll iron it, attach it to my chest, pick it up and stroke it, tear it into pieces and eat it, put it in perfume and put it in my pocket, take it with me to the bathhouse, sit and go, chew it and eat it, play with it, put it on my head, I’ll fry it and eat it, put it in okroshka, put it on the table and admire it, wipe my nose, cover myself from the rain, smell it, enjoy it, spread it on bread, wash it and put it to bed.

Each viewer first draws out a piece of paper with a purchase, and then what he will do with it. You'll get funny combinations.

Comic questions for ingenuity:
1. What is the distance from Earth to Mars?
2. Two fathers and two sons bought two apples. Everyone had one. Why?
3. A father has 5 sons, each with 3 sisters. How many children does the father have?
4. There are 5 apples in the basket. They must be divided equally among the five boys so that one apple remains in the basket. How to do it?
5. What kind of dishes cannot be filled with water?
6. Which month is the shortest?
7. Where is the end of the world?
8. Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
9. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far?
10. How many peas can fit into one glass?
11. What is between the window and the door?
12. Who speaks all languages?

Humorous riddles:

1) What happens if you swallow your knife and fork while eating? (You'll have to eat with your hands).
2) To whom do all people take their hats off? (In front of the hairdresser).
3) What do elephants have and no other animals? (Baby elephants).
4) What kind of fabric can you not make a shirt from? (From the railway station).

There are many legends, many anecdotes and many stories about students. And some are true, and some are exaggerated. But our skits about students are stories from real life that happened to students in the cafeteria, in the dormitory, and anywhere. We have prepared funny skits about students for you, which you can perform at any holiday and for any occasion. Skits about students are what you and your teachers need to put you in a great mood.

Sketch about students

Scene – Student in the cafeteria

Student: Hello, are these pies fresh?
Barmaid: Which? These ones? (Points with finger)
Student: Yes, yes, these.
Barmaid: They're fried!
Student: It is clear that they are fried, but is it fresh or not?
Barmaid: Since it is clear that they are fried, then why ask whether they are fresh or not.
Student: To decide whether to buy or not.
Barmaid: And what did you decide, do you take it or not?
Student: So you didn’t answer whether they are fresh or not.
Barmaid: So I told you that they are fried.
Student: Do you think fried and fresh are the same thing?
Barmaid: Do you think that if they are fried, they are still fresh?
Student: So that means they are not fresh after all.
Barmaid: They're already fried!
Student: Okay, stop. Let's figure it out first.
Barmaid: Let's.
Student: I asked you about the pies, whether they are fresh or not.
Barmaid: I said they were fried.
Student: But they didn’t answer the question about the freshness of the pies!
Barmaid: Answered.
Student: How?
Barmaid: They're fried.
Student: But I need to know whether they are fresh or not, but about their friedness.
Barmaid: Do you think fried food is fresh?
Student: Do you think fresh and fried are the same thing?
Barmaid: And what do you think?
Student: I think it’s time to figure out whether your pies are fresh or not!
Barmaid: Let's figure it out.
Student: Let's! And you can speed up this process.
Barmaid: How?
Student: Answering my question, are the pies fresh or not.
Barmaid: I already answered: fried pies.
Student: But not fresh?!
Barmaid: Well, of course not fresh, how can fried food be fresh?!
Student: And, in this sense?!
Barmaid: Well, of course!
There is a pause, the student stands in thought, the barmaid looks at him.
Barmaid: Would you like these buns? (Points with finger)
Student: These ones? Do you have them fresh or fried?
Barmaid: Baked buns!
Student: Baked in the sense of fried?
Barmaid: Baked means baked. Bake them!
Student: Did you bake them the way you fried pies?
Barmaid: The pies were fried and the buns were baked!
Student: But were the buns baked according to the same principle as the pies were fried?
Barmaid: So, don't confuse me. Pies were fried and buns were baked. What might not be clear here?
Student: It’s not clear whether your buns are fresh or just as fresh as your fried pies?
Barmaid: What do pies have to do with it when you want to buy buns.
Student: I don't want to buy buns, I want to know what's fresh and what's not.
Barmaid: Our tap water is fresh.
Student: What about pies and buns?
Barmaid: And the pies are baked and the buns are fried! (Confused on purpose)
Student: But you said the buns are baked and the pies are fried.
Barmaid: In general, what do you care what’s fried and what’s baked?
Student: I don't care about that. I want to know what I can buy fresh from you.
Barmaid: And I want to know why you are fooling me.
Student: I'm confused.
Barmaid: Me too.
There is a pause again.
Barmaid: Maybe then, take some cookies?
Student: No, I probably won’t take it, in case it’s “baked” for you too.
The student leaves.
Barmaid: Strange, of course the cookies are baked, they bake them after all.

Scene - Student gets a job

A student comes to the labor exchange to get a job in his free time.
Student: Here, here, is it possible?
Exchange worker: Yes, yes, come in.
Student: Good afternoon, I'm talking about work for students.
Exchange worker: Okay, let's fill out the form.
Student: So, let's go.
Exchange worker: You are receiving higher education...
Student: Yes, I do.
Exchange worker: This is clear, what specialty?
Student: And in this sense, I didn’t understand right away. An economist by profession.
Exchange worker: So, this is good, it means you can work as a salesman or cashier.
Student: I can not.
Exchange worker: Why can't you?
Student: I can't count.
Exchange worker: How can you not count? You are an economist.
Student: Yes, I am an economist, but in theory, but in practice I prefer to spend rather than save.
Exchange worker: OK then. Let's continue. How ready are you to work?
Student: What do you mean how? For money of course!
Exchange worker: I mean schedule, time. Well, morning, afternoon, evening?
Student: Ah, in that sense. I just didn’t understand right away. So, in the morning I can’t sleep until lunchtime. I can’t do it at lunch either, you know, I just woke up and already go to work, and in the evening I have a lot to do.
Exchange worker: So your whole day is packed, but when do you study?
Student: When you're free!
Exchange worker: That is, never.
Student: Yes.
Exchange worker: Great, let's continue. Although you know, I already understand something, let’s move on from the questionnaire to the test.
Student: Great, let's move on, it will be faster.
Exchange worker: Our test is simple. Do you like sayings and riddles?
Student: Sayings and riddles? I love!
Exchange worker: I’m going to tell you a question now, and you answer it or continue it. And so: When friends don’t agree...
Student: Then there is no beer in the evening.
Exchange worker: Are you sure? Okay, then the next question is: Goose and pig?
Student: Of course, no one, it’s a goose and a pig. How can they be someone to each other?
Exchange worker: Amazing, you are my hero! Next: Fisherman's fisherman...
Student: But I don’t like this, I generally can’t stand these bastards. Throw it at me here.
Exchange worker: Okay, okay, let's move on: Alone in the field...
Student: Alone in the field you can get lost.
Exchange worker: Great! You really amazed me.
Student: Is it true? I am very happy. So, is there a job for me?
Exchange worker: Not yet, but I'll definitely pick something up. I'll call you as soon as there is a vacancy. All the best.
Student: Goodbye, I thought I could find a job. I am waiting for a call.

Ministry of Education and Science

Krasnodar region

State budgetary professional educational institution

Krasnodar region

"Krasnodar Polytechnic College"

KVN script

“Knock, knock... Who's there?

It's me, crazy Santa Claus!

Developed by a teacher

Zherebko T.V.

Krasnodar city


KVN script

“Knock, knock... Who's there? It's me, crazy Santa Claus!

1- presenter (boy) - Good afternoon dear friends!

2nd presenter (girl) - We are glad to meet you!

1- presenter - The club of cheerful and resourceful people opens a new season.

2-leading - Today we will joke, laugh, sing and have fun with our teams!

1- presenter - KVN! For more than 40 years, these three letters have become the emblem of a cheerful tribe of cheerful and resourceful, young and not so young, reckless and unpredictable, all those who love jokes and humor.

3rd presenter (girl running in out of breath) - Oh, I'm late, what's going on today?

2-leading – Well, what a confusion you are. Today we have KVN.

3rd leading - What is KVN?

1- presenter - KVN, It’s like the flu virus - everyone gets sick, but not everyone recovers.

3-leading - Where did this KVN come from?

2-leading - KVN was born in Moscow in 1961 and spread throughout the country!

1- presenter - It rolled and rolled and rolled.

3-leading - What have you come to?

2-leading - It has reached us.

3-leading - Who is that sitting in the hall?

1- presenter - Fans. Applause to the fans!!!

3-leading - Who evaluates KVN?

1- presenter - Dear jury.

2-leading - Today on the jury:

1. Harutyunyan I.G. – deputy Director of HR

2. Gerasimenko L.V. – head day department

3. Gurevich S.I. – philosophy teacher

4. Kislyak N.V. – teacher of biology and geography

5. Getman N.V. – physical education teacher

Applause from the jury!!

3-leading - Who participates in KVN?

1- presenter - Teams of students. Teams on stage

2-leading - National team ________________________________________________

Applause to the team...

1- presenter - National team ____________________________________________

Captain _____________________________________________________

Applause to the team...

3-leading - Who is the presenter of KVN?

1- presenter - Who, who? Of course, permanent presenter Alexander Maslyakov

3-leading - Where, where is he? And I really want to meet him and get his autograph.

2-leading - Well, I wanted a lot of things. Look, spring is outside the window.

3-leading - And what?

1- presenter - And what Kivin Maslyakova took to warmer climes.

3-leading - Isn’t this what we have?

2-leading - No, of course, we have the North Caucasus, and the warm regions are Sochi.

3-leading - It’s warm here too, the sun is shining!

1- presenter - And that’s why today our KVN is dedicated to spring, warmth, flowers…….

There's a knock on the door.

3-leading - Who's there?

There's another knock on the door.

Together - Who's there?

The presenters exchange glances - Who, who? What other Santa Claus? Has he gone completely crazy?

Spring is here, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the tulips are blooming!

Santa Claus comes on stage. In a traditional Santa Claus costume, with a bag over his shoulders,

Christmas tree in hands.

Father Frost Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health.

So I came to you again,

We will sing songs and dance.

Let's stand together in a round dance,

Let's meet nicely New Year!

1- presenter - Yes, that's for sure - crazy Santa Claus. The seasons are mixed up!

2-leading - Look around - spring is all around.

3-leading - Well, since you have come, come in, you will be a guest. Sit back and watch

KVN in its honor. And we are starting KVN. We invite the captains to the stage for the draw.

The music is the KVN Anthem. The captains go on stage, pull out numbers and

the game begins.

1- presenter - I would like to present to your attention the tasks of today's KVN.

1st competition: Greeting of teams “Business card” - time limit 5 minutes

2nd competition: Warm-up

3rd competition: Homework “From the life of a student” - time limit 10 minutes

4th competition: “Voice acting” (Voicing a film or cartoon in a modern way) – time limit 5 minutes.

Together - So, we begin!

2-leading - 1st competition: Greeting the teams “Business card”. Teams must introduce their team, its name, motto, and background music. Time limit 5 min

Summarize the results of the 1st competition.

3-leading - 2nd competition: Warm-up. I ask all teams to come on stage.

Warm-up questions: -

1. Why is there a brain drain in our country?

2. Why do our finances sing romances?

3. Who is the most dangerous in the world?

4. Why do people greet you based on their clothes, but see them off based on their intelligence?

5. Appetite comes with eating, and the mind......

6. Do the fruits of enlightenment contain any vitamins?

7. How much can a priceless gift cost?

8. Why do you like beautiful girls?

9. How many secrets do women have?

10. Who is a real colonel?

1- presenter (after all teams have performed) – We ask our esteemed jury to sum up the results of the 2nd competition.

2-leading – And now the most important and responsible 3rd competition: Homework

“From the life of a student” - time limit 10 minutes

1- presenter (after all teams have performed) – We ask our dear jury

Summarize the results of the 3rd competition.

3-leading – We present to your attention the most fun and unusual 4th competition: “Voice acting” (Voice acting for a film or cartoon in a modern way) – limit

Time 5 min.

1- presenter (after all teams have performed) – We ask our dear jury

Summarize the results of the 4th competition.

2-leading – Well, that's basically all. I think everyone liked how our teams performed.

3-leading – Agree, it was fun, positive and creative.

1-leader – We ask our esteemed jury to sum up the results of all competitions, and all teams to take the stage.

2-leading - The jury gives the floor to announce the winners.

3-leading – So the winner of today's KVN was the team ____________________

1- presenter - Certificates and prizes are presented by I. G. Harutyunyan, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management

3-leading – This concludes our KVN. All the best to you. Until next time.


A skit about students on Student's Day

Lesson through the eyes of a teacher (thumbnail)

There is a group of students on the stage and everyone is doing their own thing. Slowly the teacher opens the door and enters the classroom.
Teacher: Cough, cough, cough.

Students don't pay attention

Teacher: Hello! It’s me, your new teacher, my name is Ivan Petrovich.

Students: (all together) Ah, Ivan Petrovich...

Teacher: Where is your magazine?

Students: (all together) But we don’t have a magazine...

Teacher: By chance, is it not him?

The student takes out a magazine from under herself and throws it in front of the teacher.

Teacher: Thank you very much! Who do we not have today?

Students: (all together) We don’t have many today

Teacher: Where did they go?

Students: (all together) Let's go watch a movie.

Teacher: Why didn’t you go?

Students: (all together) Yes, we have already watched this film.

Teacher: Well, then let's check your homework.

Students: (all together) O-o-o... N-e-e-e-e-e

Teacher: Okay, okay, then let’s conduct a short survey.
Student sitting on the third desk: Oh, he's a sharper, did you see!

Students from the third desk are playing cards, and one of them runs into the other.
Teacher: Of course, excuse me, but please wake up the young man who is sleeping on the last desk.
Student from the third desk: No question.
He turns to the last one and hits the sleepy student in the forehead. The student comes out of sleep and wants to hit back at the person who hit him.

Teacher: It’s me who’s bothering you, Ivan Petrovich is a new teacher.
Awakened student: Ah, Petrovich...

Teacher: Tell me, please, how much is 500 plus 500?

Student: (thoughtfully) Liter! (answer occurs after the hint)

Teacher: Wow, what jokers you are! Sit down, I'll give you four.

Student from the third desk: What about me?

Teacher: You are also four.

Students from the first desk: (together) What about us!!??

Teacher: And for you, I give you an A. The end of the lesson will be in 44 minutes. Today I will let you go a little earlier. Only on the condition that you walk past the dean's office on tiptoe.
The educational process through the eyes of students.

Each of the students sits quietly, with their eyes on the floor. The teacher enters the classroom with a loud noise.

Teacher: Sit down! Get up! Sit down! Get up! Sit down! Two for inattention! (the student on the third desk sat down and got up at the wrong time)

Teacher: Who's not here today?
Teacher: Is Petrov not there? Two for Petrov!
Teacher: No mace?! Two Bulavinas!

Who is the leader of your group?! (student stands up) Well, you have a face! Two! And so, the check is underway homework. Hey, blond, did you solve ninety tests?!

Student: I haven’t decided.

Teacher: Two! And you, brunette?

Student: I decided.

Teacher: You're lying, yes! I copied everything from him!

Pointing to the student in the last desk.

Teacher: Well, then I’ll ask you! Tsk, I said! Hey, you're on the last desk, go to the blackboard! Alive!

The student comes out, trembling, stands at the board, spreading his legs and raising his hands up.

Teacher: Well, are there cheat sheets?!

Student: There are no cheat sheets.

Teacher: Perhaps there still is?!

Student: No, definitely not.

Teacher: Or is there?

Student: No.

Teacher: The student needs to prepare. Two!!! The end of the lesson will be in ten seconds. And so we'll have a little independent work. Whoever solves forty out of twenty problems will receive three. And all the rest are units! Time has passed! Collect leaves! Get up! Sit down! Get up! Sit down! Get up! And if again such impudence on your part, you will all go to the dean’s office and be left without a scholarship. Everything is clear to you.

Characters: R, a s k, a z h i k, Student, T sy g, a nka, S t a r s h e k u r s n i k, P r e p o d, a v, a t e l, Fairy, extras - 5−7 students.

Narrator. Once upon a time there lived a simple Student by first and last name... However, no one remembered them, because everyone simply called him Dunce...

A Student comes out to the musical theme “Market” from the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and waves his hands in greeting.

And he had 2 exams and 3 tests ahead. And also an empty pocket and the same stomach. And he was afraid of only one thing in the world, since they told him a fortune in his first year...

Gypsy comes out to the sound of the song “Long Road” and tells fortunes by hand.

Gypsy. Oh, my yacht! I see, I see: if you miss even one pair of lectures, inevitable trouble awaits you - expulsion from the fairy tale to the heroic squad, called the construction battalion... (Turns his back, showing the inscription “Curator”. Leaves.)
Narrator. But the wise senior students revealed to him a great secret...

The Senior Student comes out and puts his hand on the Student’s shoulder.

Senior student. Shout the cherished word the night before the exam, and great prosperity will come to you - an A!
Narrator. And, waiting until midnight with his friends, the Student shouted...

Students run out and in chorus, along with the main character, shout “Freebie!” to play the song “Chihuahua” by Dj Bobo.

But we heard back from the dean’s office...

To the same melody, the cry “Here you go!” is heard, accompanied by the display of a drawing of a blow from behind the screen.

There was nothing to do, he had to go to the exam. And there he is met by a magical and formidable creature - the all-knowing Teacher! The student sat quietly at the last desk, he pulled and pulled the cheat sheet, but couldn’t pull it out...

To a twist from the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures,” the Student pulls out crib sheets from all his pockets. The teacher turns around, trying to catch the Student, but every time he manages to hide everything at the last moment.

And he asked a fellow student for a simple hint...

A student crawls on his knees into the auditorium.

And she speaks to him in the voice of the Teacher...
Teacher. You should have prepared before!
Narrator. The formidable Teacher became even more angry than before and threatened him with transfer to the commercial department. "Yes! - thought the Student. “The study was simple, but it will become golden!” And then he called on his mobile program to help...

The sound of a cell phone dialing. The Fairy appears.

Student. What kind of Cinderella am I to you?! Quickly conjure up a five for me!..
Fairy. Hello, dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad?
Student. Are you deaf?! Cast your spell faster!
Fairy. Hello, dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad?
Student. Listen, are you stupid?
Fairy. Just me, my friend, demo version! If you want to take full advantage of all the features of the program, send an SMS with the code word to a short number...
Student. And I’ll format your entire desktop!..
Fairy. Goodbye, dear Cinderella!

The fairy runs away, protecting herself with her magic wand.

Narrator. And then the Student prayed, looking at the Teacher...
Student. We have an unequal duel: you have both seven spans in your forehead and five years higher education, but I only have a piece of paper and a pen that doesn’t write!..
Narrator. And then the formidable Teacher had mercy and allowed me to use the self-written notes.
Teacher. Notes to the studio!

To the music “Black Box” from the program “What? Where? When?" take out notes.

Narrator. And the student received the desired grade!
Student (joyfully). Five?
Teacher. No!
Student. Four?
Teacher. No!
Student. C grade?
Teacher. No!
Student (sad). With a minus?
Teacher. Yes!
Student (sadly lowers his head, but immediately raises it, smiling slyly). And a C is enough for me! (The Queen tune “We Are The Champions” plays.)
Narrator. And he began to live and live and chew gum and smoke bamboo until the next session...

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Student (me): Hello kids, girls and boys, mischief-makers and naughty girls! Let's go with you...
  • Excerpts from songs are played. What event or phenomenon in the life of a student in...
  • Characters: Narrator Kolobok Bear Fairy Cinderella Hare Baba Yaga Fox Grandfather Baba...