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Who really is unsightly? Alexander Nevzorov: biography and personal life of a journalist. And what is the “adult” Nevzorov doing now?

Name: Alexander Nevzorov

Age: 61 years old

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 182 cm; Weight: 78 kg

Activity: journalist, TV presenter

Family status: married

Alexander Nevzorov - biography

This man has so many guises, and in each of them he reveals himself as an extraordinary personality. He is not only a publicist and journalist by profession, he is a director and producer, TV presenter and that’s not all!

Childhood, Nevzorov family

Alexander is a Leningrader, he studied at a special school that offered in-depth study of the French language. Alexander doesn’t remember his father, but his mother worked as a journalist. Nevzorov’s biography does not fit with the word “fatherlessness”; his father was replaced by a grandfather-general. Although the journalist himself still felt the lack of strong paternal support.

The boy grew up to be a fearless hooligan. Just remember how Alexander caught bats and slowly freed them from being locked in a tram. Grandfather always acted as a savior and never gave lengthy moralizing lectures. The street raised the teenager.


It so happened that Sasha loved to visit the Smolensk cemetery and make his way into the family crypts. One day, it was there that he had one of his fateful acquaintances. He met singers from the church choir. Possessing an ear for music and excellent vocal abilities, Alexander soon began to sing in church, study icon painting and serve as a novitiate at the monastery.

After school there was a literary institute and a theological seminary. Nevzorov got a job on television and tried to become a stuntman. The journalist's biography is full of useful meetings with useful and interesting people.

The literary critic T. Khmelnitskaya took the young man as her secretary. He was engaged in the selection of literature and made the necessary extracts from books. At this time he was already a member of the Writers' Union. Nevzorov considers his employer to be a teacher in the field of literature. The famous A. Lebed and L. Rokhlin introduced him to military affairs, N.P. Bekhtereva taught him the basics of the world and anatomy. The story was told to Alexander by L.N. Gumilyov.

A television

In the “dashing 90s” Nevzorov hosted the TV show “600 Seconds”. At the end of each issue, the journalist attacked with revelations of criminals and corrupt officials, bribery. This kind of information was obtained in different ways (it was lured out, exchanged, kidnapped, cunning, reincarnated, journalists went to great lengths). Alexander still works with some of his colleagues. The journalist was always in the hottest spots. This brought him to Vilnius in 1991, he created a very scandalous report, and the Lithuanian authorities counted him among their enemies.

The desire to get the latest news led him to participate in the coup d'etat during the Moscow putsch in August.

The young man himself admits that he likes to observe from the inside all the turning points and turning points in the history of the country. The journalist’s biography contains many places that are now commonly called historical: Karabakh, Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Transnistria.

Nevzorov - Director and stage director, etc.

The journalist made a film about the events in Chechnya with the self-explanatory title “Hell.” A few years later, a new work of Nevzorov’s screen creativity appeared - “Purgatory” (realistic, tough about Chechnya). Alexander is becoming a popular TV presenter; he hosted the programs “Days” and “Wild Field”, as well as a program named after the journalist’s surname - “Nevzorov”. Alexander Georgievich was appointed to the post of consultant to the governor.

But the authorities in the Leningrad region did not leave him for long; he was promoted to advisor to the Russian government. Currently, Nevzorov works as an adviser on Channel One. For three years, Alexander has devoted himself to the “However” program, which viewers remember from its host Mikhail Leontyev. Nevzorov is trusted to represent President Vladimir Putin in the 2012 elections. But my main hobby was writing. He has set up a school that provides courses on how to behave when being interviewed on camera.

Alexander Nevzorov - biography of personal life

Alexander's first marriage was short-lived; he was married to a woman who served as a singer in a church choir. A girl, Polina, was born, but after 10 years the couple divorced. The daughter stayed with her mother.

The father helped his daughter, now Polina Nevzorova lives independently. The father did not see and did not become acquainted with either Polina’s first husband or the actor Sergei Gorobchenko, who became her second husband. Alexander Glebovich remained indifferent to his new grandson, who was named after the famous journalist.

In the second marriage, the relationship did not work out due to the fact that work prevented the husband and wife from being together more often. Alexander was a good father to his wife’s son from his first marriage, Kondrat.

The journalist has been living with his third wife Lydia for twenty years. The fifteen-year difference between them does not burden any of the spouses. Nevzorov protects his wife, assigning guards to her. He is afraid for his beloved woman, since he once already survived an attempt on his life. Lydia understands that her husband is afraid for the lives of his loved ones. Alexander’s wife is a scientist who graduated from the art academy. Lydia helps her husband in everything; she gave him a son, Sasha, with whom her husband spends all his free time.

Hobbies of the whole Nevzorov family

Alexander observes animals, writes observation books. At his own horse breeding school, he lectures on handling horses. Nevzorov was in France, went to his friend’s horse farm.

Alexander Nevzorov is a famous Russian television journalist, host of the “600 Seconds” program.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born into a difficult family, his mother was a journalist and the daughter of a military man. According to his zodiac sign, he is Leo. Date of birth: August 3, 1958.
As a small child, he grew up without a father, and therefore to this day does not know what he looks like or who he was. When he was seven years old, he entered a linguistic school, where he studied French in depth.

Since childhood, he was attracted to journalism, and therefore, after graduating from school, he immediately entered the literary institute. Like all young people, he did not want to join the army, and for this reason stimulated a mental disorder.

Because of his peculiar character, he was expelled from the Moscow seminary. One day he became seriously interested in horse riding, after which he decided to become a stuntman. In the early 80s, he changed jobs several times; he was a literary secretary, screenwriter, museum worker, and even worked as a loader.

Beginning of a journalistic career

After a long and thorny path to journalism, he managed to become a television journalist in 1983. At the beginning of his career, he was an ordinary correspondent who reported. Four years later, he has his own program called “600 seconds.”

In 1989, he was included in the list of “The most famous Leningrad TV presenters in the world.” A year later, an attempt was made on his life, an unknown shot to the TV presenter right in the heart. Fortunately, the bullet did not hit any vital organs.
Despite the fact that Alexander was almost killed, the TV presenter did not give up his career. And he began to work even more actively, so in 1991 his first documentary about Lithuania was released. The film received positive reviews from critics.

Journalism and politics completely embraced Nevzorov, he was a participant in the informal movement and opened his own independent company “600”.
In 2000, he decided that it was time to get away from journalism a little, and began to actively engage in horses. In France he had a close friend, Mario Lubraschi, with whom he looked after the horses and the farm.

In 2004, with the help of a film crew and his own efforts, the world saw Alexander’s painting called “Horse Encyclopedia.” The plot of the film was based on the history of the appearance of these beautiful animals. Later, three more documentaries dedicated to the history of horses were released.

He has his own YouTube channel, all of his videos are dedicated to atheism. He has nothing against abortion, suicide, or euthanasia. He believes that it is time to stop teaching “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy” at school.

Personal life

Alexander married his girlfriend Natalia in the early 1980s. After a long, whirlwind romance, they decided to get married, and a few months later their common first-born, Polina Nevzorova, was born. Due to the fact that the TV presenter spent a lot of time on business trips, the marriage did not last long, and he left the family, completely breaking off relations with his wife and daughter.

In the 90s, Alexander met a young artist, Lydia, who was sixteen years younger than him. Soon the young people got married, and in 2007 a son was born. Now Nevzorov is completely satisfied with his personal life, and devotes all his time to his wife and son.

Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov - director, publicist, video blogger and hippologist scientist, former reporter and TV presenter of the famous Leningrad TV program of the late 80s “600 seconds”, included in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most rated television project, participant in military conflicts , State Duma deputy.

A novice in a monastery during the Soviet era, and later an author of harsh statements about religion, a supporter of the empire in the nineties and a defender of Ukraine, a critic of the Kremlin’s policies in Crimea and Donbass, practically a Russophobe today. He is recognized as a model nonconformist, opposing the prevailing norms of law and order.

Having changed many areas of activity, Nevzorov invariably achieved very significant success in each of them. He considers horses his true calling, being one of the most famous hippologists in the Russian Federation, the author of hundreds of articles and books devoted to the history, anatomy, physiology, and psychology of these animals.

Childhood and family of Alexander Nevzorov

Alexander was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. His mother, Galina Georgievna Nevzorova, was a journalist and raised her son alone. Father - Bogomolov Gleb Sergeevich - artist. My maternal grandfather was a state security officer and the head of the anti-banditry service in Lithuania from 1946 to 1955.

He graduated from a school with in-depth study of the French language and the Literary Institute. He sang in the church choir and later received theological education at the Moscow Theological Academy. He was expelled from the fourth year of this university of the Russian Orthodox Church due to the traditional nature of his sexual orientation (according to Nevzorov himself).

Nevzorov’s multifaceted activities: journalism and politics

During his youth, rich in risky adventures, he managed to be a stuntman, a loader, a museum employee, a literary secretary, and a screenwriter.

He became known nationwide in the late 1980s as a television journalist, creator and host of the highly social program “600 Seconds.” The viewer saw the host of the now iconic Leningrad TV program for the first time in the “Vzglyad” program.

In 1990, an attempt was made on Nevzorov. An unknown informant offered him interesting incriminating evidence, and during the meeting he shot Alexander in the heart area. The bullet, fortunately, did not cause significant harm to health - it did not hit the heart.

Nevzorov actively participated in political confrontations and crises in our modern history - in the State Emergency Committee (1991), in shootouts in Latvia in Vecmilgravis, the storming of the Riga Ministry of Internal Affairs building, pogroms of Baltic customs houses. In 1991, the Central Television showed a film from Nevzorov’s series of reports “Ours” about the riot police in Vilnius.

In 1993, he did not stand aside during attempts to forcefully seize a television center in Moscow with a demand for broadcasting and protection from the shooting of the White House. He sheltered fugitive members of the Vilnius and Riga riot police unit “Black Berets” in the Russian Federation.

Nevzorov participated in the wars in Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Iraq, Karabakh, and Chechnya. He received concussion and wounds and was a volunteer hostage of terrorists. He has many awards, in particular, the Order “For Personal Courage”, medals “Defender of Transnistria”, “Participant in Combat Actions in Chechnya”, “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”.

In addition to the film “Ours” about the events in Lithuania, Transnistria, Karabakh, Nevzorov presented the book “Field of Honor” in 1995, and also made films about the Chechen armed conflict - “Hell” (1995) and “Purgatory” (1997). He was a TV presenter of the programs “Days”, “Wild Field”, “Nevzorov”. The showing of the film “Hell” about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops on TV caused negative reviews from the public, who accused the author of bias.

Today he notes that he managed to come off such a powerful ideological drug, which he considers imperial nationalism. The evolution of his views occurred when he realized how dearly this empire was costing people. The Russian idea, according to Nevzorov, is beautifully packaged in words about kindness and spirituality, but always leads to a meaningless gray result and “the need to wrap other people’s guts around the tracks of our tanks.”

Nevzorov was an adviser to the governors of St. Petersburg (Vladimir Yakovlev and Valentina Matvienko), editor-in-chief at St. Petersburg TV, and was elected to the State Duma four times. In the period from 1994 to 1998, he was an analyst for Boris Berezovsky and a consultant to the Russian government.

Alexander Glebovich is an academician of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of his native city, an adviser to the General Director of Channel One, a full member of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists. Speaks three foreign languages ​​- French, Lakota, Latin.

Nevzorov's work with horses

Despite a life full of incredible events, a successful career as a politician and undoubted literary talent, Nevzorov considers his true purpose to be the field of activity associated with horses. His passion for these animals began with equestrian sports and stunts at film studios, and continued with the founding of his own higher school of horse training, Nevzorov Haute Ecole (“Ecole Schools”). At the Nevzorov School they strive to establish a dialogue with the horse and reveal its physical and mental capabilities, based on the principle of working with the animal without the use of coercion. Much attention is paid to the horse’s health, communication, and study of its abilities.

Alexander also hosts “Lessons in Atheism” on the Internet, being confident that there is strict Orthodox censorship on television, and the only place left for free discussion about religion is on the Internet.

Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

Nevzorov is married. His wife Lydia is a hippologist, writer and editor of school books. The couple has a son, Alexander. Nevzorov and his wife made a revolution in the minds of many people, completely changing the attitude towards horses as a meat product or a means of transport into a true understanding of their exclusivity, the presence of intelligence and kindness.

Alexander created a number of films about horses - “The Horse Encyclopedia”, “The Horse Crucified and Resurrected”, “Lectio Equaria Palaestra” and others, as well as books, including “Treatise on School Boarding”, “Equestrian Sports: Secrets of Mastery”.

Nevzorov supports Ukraine’s fight against the militias in the south-east of the country and considers the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation “looting.” According to the journalist, the Kremlin and the majority zombied by TV, and not the real Russia of Tsiolkovsky, Dobrolyubov and Pavlov, do not want to recognize the fact that Ukraine is a country with the right to self-determination.

Today we would like to introduce to your attention a bright person, a talented journalist and TV presenter Alexander Nevzorov.

The hero of our article is quite a versatile personality. Until recently, he was engaged in reporting activities. He is also known for writing scripts and practicing directing. He is a hippology scientist, politician, video blogger and much more.

Alexander Nevzorov has incredible charisma; he can easily lead people. His creative career was not easy. There were also difficulties along the way, which the journalist overcame thanks to his firm and strong character.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Nevzorov

The hero of our article is a fairly famous and popular person. Therefore, in addition to his creative work, many of his fans want to know his external parameters, namely, what is his height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Nevzorov is not a difficult question; it is enough to know the year and date of his birth. Through easy calculations we find out that the journalist recently celebrated his sixtieth birthday.

At his age, Alexander Nevzorov looks very good. As for his physical parameters, we note that his height is slightly more than 180 centimeters, and he weighs about 78 kilograms. His family and his favorite job help him keep himself in good shape.

According to his zodiac sign, the TV presenter is a bright, self-confident and purposeful Leo. And the Year of the Dog brought a strong core and loyalty to his favorite work into his character.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

Our hero’s hometown is Leningrad. He was born in the late sixties. Birthday is celebrated on August 3rd. His mother and grandmother were involved in his upbringing. The journalist never saw his father. That is why there is practically no data about him.

During his school years, student Sasha studied French in parallel with his classes. As a youth, he sang in the church choir. A little later, he decided to become a student at the Moscow Theological Academy, but still did not complete his studies, but was expelled. Later he received higher education at the Literary Institute.

He gained his fame as a television journalist in the late eighties. Then he hosted the program “600 Seconds,” where sensitive social issues were discussed. The public first saw him in the cult program “Vzglyad”.

The journalist also took an active part in the country’s political changes. It is known that in the early nineties there was an attempt on his life. The journalist also took part in military operations (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Chechnya, etc.), for which he received many awards and orders.

As for his personal life, it is known that the journalist was married three times and has two children. The first two marriages were unsuccessful. But he lives happily with his third wife to this day.

Thus, we see that the biography and personal life of Alexander Nevzorov is quite rich in various events. He is a versatile personality. He has a firm and strong character, thanks to which he copes with difficulties. Alexander Nevzorov has a large number of fans, and there are also those who do not recognize his creative and socio-political activities. Nevertheless, he leaves few people indifferent. Alexander Nevzorov has incredible charisma and even natural charm. He knows how to interest and lead people. Many note his resilience, as well as fortitude.

Family and children of Alexander Nevzorov

The hero of this article, Alexander Nevzorov, grew up in a single-parent family. His mother was also a journalist. But Alexander doesn’t remember his father. More detailed information about him is not available.

In general, the family and children of Alexander Nevzorov are quite an interesting topic for many. It is known that the TV presenter is married three times. He also has two children.

Alexander Nevzorov’s first family union was not initially strong. He met his wife Natalya in the church choir. At that time, the wife worked as a scientist in the manuscript department of the Orthodox Library. A daughter was born into the family union of Alexander and Natalia.

The second wife of the hero of our article was the actress Alexandra. The union itself did not last long. The couple separated without having any children together.

For the third time, Alexander Nevzorov married a woman named Lydia. It is known that she is sixteen years younger than the journalist. But no one was embarrassed by such an age difference. The connection began due to common interests - writing and hippology.

The marriage still exists today. The TV presenter himself notes that Lydia is his destiny. He is happy with her and thanks fate for their meeting. A son was born into the family union, who was named Sasha.

Son of Alexander Nevzorov - Alexander

As mentioned earlier, the hero of this article has two children. The son of Alexander Nevzorov is Alexander, the second child of the journalist. He was born in 2007 from his third wife, Lydia.

The parents were incredibly happy about the appearance of their son in the family. They put quite a lot of effort into raising little Sasha. He is now about eleven years old. He studies well and develops well.

Of course, it’s still quite early to talk about Sasha’s future; perhaps, growing up in such a creative family, he will choose the appropriate path. But still, you can be sure that his parents will do everything to make their son happy.

Daughter of Alexander Nevzorov - Polina

In the early eighties, the journalist had his first child. The daughter of Alexander Nevzorov, Polina, was born when the TV presenter was married to his first wife Natalya.

Alexander Nevzorov took great care of his little princess. He cherished her, pampered her and spent a lot of time with her. But when the girl celebrated her ninth birthday, the journalist decided to leave the family. At the same time, he stopped helping his daughter and no longer took any part in her upbringing.

Now Polina is married. Her husband is the famous actor Sergei Gorobchenko. There are only five children in her family.

Alexander Nevzorov has lung cancer

Just a few years ago, fans of the hero of our article started talking about a drastic change in the journalist’s appearance. This also applied to his figure - he had noticeably lost weight - and to his image.

Then rumors spread on the Internet that Alexander Nevzorov had lung cancer. However, there is no official confirmation of this diagnosis. Perhaps it was just a "duck". And yet, at one time the press was full of news entitled “Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich has cancer.”

Whether this is gossip or not is still unknown. The journalist himself does not comment on these rumors. But it is worth noting that Alexander Nevzorov has a rather harmful bad habit - smoking.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Nevzorov

Our hero is a fairly famous person. Therefore, it is not surprising that Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Nevzorova are very popular on the Internet.

Thus, on Wikipedia you can find a detailed biography of the journalist, his creative activities, plans, prizes and awards. All information is reliable and publicly available.

It is also known that Alexander Nevzorov personally runs a page on Instagram. Here he publishes the latest news, exhibits various photos and shares his creative plans. More than a thousand people follow his page.

Alexander Nevzorov is a famous person in the field of television. His main areas of activity are journalism, hosting television programs, directing, and writing scripts. He loves horses and knows Latin and Lakota.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Nevzorov

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Nevzorov - an excellent topic for discussion, in which all these equations are present, namely, Alexander’s height is 182 centimeters, weight seventy-eight kilograms, and based on Nevzorov’s date of birth, we can say with confidence that he is now fifty-nine years old . Recently, the journalist started running his own video blog. His life path, like that of any other celebrity, was difficult, and in some places even bumpy, but with each trouble the man’s character only hardened, changed and improved. As a result, Alexander was able to cultivate a strong inner core within himself, despite the fact that he was raised by his mother and grandmother.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

The biography and personal life of Alexander Nevzorov takes its origins from August 3, 1958 - after all, this is the date of his birth, the day when a new personality was revealed to the world. The boy was born in the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. All that is known about his father is that he is an artist, but Alexander’s mother is a journalist. Apparently his mother’s influence was so great that the boy decided to follow in her footsteps and continue her work, although in the end he achieved impressive results not only in journalism, but He also appeared as a nonconformist, and a model one at that, a television producer, teacher, and writer. In 1990, Alexander was attacked; he was shot in the heart area, but fortunately the bullet did not hit a vital organ.

Family and children of Alexander Nevzorov

The family and children of Alexander Nevzorov are an accomplished figure in life, which at the same time is also very eventful in its eventfulness. Because Alexander was married a little - not a little, but three times. With each of his new companions, he built relationships in a new way, trying to arrange his life as best as possible. It turned out that Alexander was able to find an almost perfect understanding only with his third wife, Lydia, with whom he is still married. The TV presenter also has two children: a son from his current union and a daughter from his first marriage. Previously, Nevzorov said that he is a vegetarian, but now he does not want to talk about it, or avoids talking about this topic on principle.

Son of Alexander Nevzorov - Alexander

Alexander Nevzorov’s son Alexander is a lovely boy, born in 2007, married to Nevzorov’s third wife, Lydia. Happy parents put their souls into raising their son. The boy has not yet reached his majority, but he has everything to be happy. His future is foreseeable and very soon his further vector will be indicated; most likely, having been brought up in such a creative and scientific family, the boy will choose the appropriate path for himself, and perhaps he will follow a completely different path in defiance of everyone and everything, as sometimes happens with the children of other celebrities . The important thing is that many roads and directions are already open to him; all that remains is to build a chain of actions to achieve the goal.

Daughter of Alexander Nevzorov - Polina

Alexander Nevzorov's daughter Polina, a girl, was born on October 9, 1981. Nevzorov treated his little blood with reverence, cared for her and cherished her, and Polina herself simply bathed in her father’s affection and care until she was nine years old. At that time, the television journalist decided to leave the family, thereby erasing his ex-wife and daughter from his life. The girl found herself in acting. Since 2008, Polina has been married to actor Sergei Gorobchenko, with whom they had as many as five children: three boys and two daughters. As time passed, father and daughter were never reconciled, Nevzorov did not even express a desire to meet his grandchildren, and he was not at his daughter’s wedding either.

Wives of Alexander Nevzorov - Natalya Nevzorova, Alexandra Yakovleva, Lidia Nevzorova

The man met his first chosen one, Natalya, strange as it may sound, but in a church choir, where they both were singers. From that moment, their mutual sympathy and attraction to each other began, which over time grew into a bond of marriage. And, although they turned out to be not as strong as we would like, the most important thing about them was the birth of their daughter Polina. Even though relations between relatives are currently cold and spoiled, blood kinship has not evaporated. The time will come and genetics will remind itself, especially considering that Polina is a mother of many children.

The TV presenter married for the second time to a woman named Alexandra, born in 1957. Alexandra, an actress and public figure, was born in the city of Kaliningrad. Their life together was perhaps the most fleeting of all his official unions, and, unfortunately, did not bring any reward, that is, no children were born in the marriage. What this marriage was like for Nevzorov himself remains unclear, but every man, especially one as thorough and deep as Alexander, simply must have his own secrets.

As for Lydia, the man still lives under the same roof with this woman. He is raising a son, named, apparently, in his honor. They have many common interests and hobbies, including: writing, hippology. Lydia herself was born on March 29, 1973 in the family of an artist.

Alexander Nevzorov has lung cancer

Alexander Nevzorov is sick with lung cancer - they are discussing this topic on social networks, everywhere on the pages of yellow publications, trying to find and cling to some important facts, but they were and are not there. For some reason, famous people are often often credited with non-existent children or non-existent diagnoses; the same thing happened with Nevzorov. However, it is quite possible that such rumors are spreading because Alexander smokes a lot? One way or another, fans of the TV presenter from time to time search engines with the following query: “Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich has cancer,” but even without receiving confirmation of this loud statement, they do not calm down for a long time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Nevzorov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Nevzorov are open information. The Wikipedia page (,_Alexander_Glebovich) is available for detailed study to all admirers of the man’s activities without exception. As for the Instagram page (, Nevzorov manages it personally, and quite actively, publishing short videos with answers to questions from his subscribers, or simply sharing news, interesting, deep thoughts, sometimes, of course, witty, due to his character. All his subscribers are simply crazy about the ability to convey their thoughts using words, so they actively comment on each of the video messages.