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Cook compote from Nezhin rowan for a child. Recipe for rowan compote. Red rowan preparations: video

Winter preparations can be not only tasty, but also healthy. This statement is true for rowan compote. Rowan compote is simply prepared, its taste is incomparable, and its content of nutrients is the highest among all canned analogues in your pantry. Why is this not an ideal preparation?

Black rowan compote for the winter


  • - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • water - 2 l.


Before preparing the compote, sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you: steamed, in the oven or in microwave oven. Simultaneously with sterilizing the jars, rinse and dry the sorted berries. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Now put the rowan berries in the sugar syrup and boil them until they begin to burst, then quickly strain the compote into sterile jars and roll up with sterile lids.

Before storing jars of compote, let them cool completely upside down, covered with a warm towel or blanket.

Red rowan compote

This simple recipe involves minimal heat exposure on the berries, so they will retain their integrity and supply of nutrients. By the way, compote from rowan berries, which is the name of the juicy red berries, is prepared in a minimum amount of time and does not require much effort.


  • - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • water - 500 ml.


Ripe, whole and dense rowan berries are thoroughly washed, dried and placed in dry and clean half-liter jars. Fill the berries with sugar and pour boiling water over them, then cover the jars with lids (but do not roll them up!) and place them in an oven preheated to 120°C to sterilize for 20 minutes. Carefully remove hot jars from oven, quickly roll up with sterile lids and leave to cool to room temperature before storing.

Rowan compote

The compote according to this recipe, due to preliminary blanching of the berries, has a rich color and a noticeable rowan aroma. If the sugar syrup turns out to be too concentrated for you, you can always dilute it with additional water.


  • rowan berries - 500 g;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • sugar - 450 g.


Place the washed and dried rowan berries in boiling water and blanch for 4-5 minutes. While the berries are blanching, put the water on the fire and bring it to a boil, dissolving the sugar in it.

Place the blanched berries in clean and dry jars and fill them with hot water. sugar syrup, cover with lids and place to sterilize in an oven preheated to 120°C for 20 minutes.

How to cook compote from rowan berries and apples?



Wash and dry the rowan berries and apples. Cut the apples into slices. In a saucepan, bring 2 liters of water to a boil and add sugar to taste (on average, a glass should be enough for lovers of not too sweet compotes). Add sugar, clove buds and a cinnamon stick to boiling water. As soon as the spices give off their aroma, remove the syrup from the heat and strain through a sieve. Return the strained syrup to the stove, add rowan berries and apples, and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Next, the drink can be strained and consumed, or poured into sterile jars and rolled tightly without pre-straining.

Rowan is a very common plant. Near middle zone its red clusters can be seen everywhere: on the edge of the forest, in parks, on garden plots. But the tree gained such popularity not only due to its decorative effect, but also due to its healthy and tasty fruits. And although in fresh They are not very suitable for consumption; they make excellent preparations for the winter. Using detailed recipes you can easily prepare delicious jam, healthy juice, sweet and sour compote and aromatic wine. After watching the video, all that remains is to pick the berries and get down to business.

Properties of rowan

These orange berries contain a lot of useful substances - vitamins, minerals, sugars, organic acids, essential oils etc. That is why rowan fruits have long been used as a food product and as a medicinal product.

To preserve fresh rowan berries for the winter, just dry them a little in the air, put them in trays and leave them in a room with a low temperature. So orange berries can last up to six months, without losing any of their properties, but only drying out a little and darkening.

Storing berries raw is, of course, good and quick, but, frankly speaking, not tasty. But to prepare real delicacies from rowan for the winter, you will have to work a little.

Advice. It is better to collect rowan after the first frost. When the berries are frozen, their bitter taste is lost.


Rowan jam takes a long time to prepare, but you can enjoy it all winter. For jam you will need:

  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook

  1. First the syrup is boiled. Cooling down.
  2. Rowan berries are torn from the branches and washed under running water.
  3. Cold syrup is poured over raw berries. Soak for a day.
  4. After a day, the syrup is drained and boiled.
  5. The berries are again poured with boiling syrup and again left overnight.
  6. In the morning, the berries are cooked in syrup and closed for the winter.

Rowan juice

Rowan juice, thanks to its beneficial properties, will help strengthen the immune system in the winter and spring and cope with colds. You can also use it just like that, as a tasty drink. There are two ways to obtain rowan juice.

I. Sugar-free option. The washed berries are placed in a container and covered with water. Cook until soft. If you want to preserve the juice with pulp, grind the softened berries through a sieve. If you need pure juice, pass it through a juicer. The resulting juice is poured into jars, sterilized and sealed.

II. Preparing juice with sugar.

  • rowan – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp.

Boil the rowan in water and discard in a colander. As in the above recipe version, the softened berries can be ground, or the juice can be squeezed out of them. The syrup is boiled separately and then poured into the resulting juice. Sweet drink poured into jars, sterilized and rolled up.

Rowan compote

Rowan berry compote will come in handy in winter as a tasty cure for colds, or you can drink it simply as a drink. To prepare rowan compote for a three-liter jar you will need:

  • Rowan;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.


  1. The berries are peeled, washed under running water and immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  2. Remove to a colander, rinse with cool water and scatter into jars. More than half of the container is filled with them.
  3. Add sugar to the water, stir and bring to a boil. This syrup is poured into jars of berries.
  4. Filled jars are sterilized and sealed.

Advice. Before preparing any preparations, it is advisable to immerse the rowan in boiling water and then rinse it with water. cold temperature. This neutralizes the tannins that give the berries their tartness.

Rowan wine

To prepare wine you will need:

  • rowan - 5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 1-2 kg depending on the desired sweetness;
  • raisins - 100 g.

Preparing wine:

  • The berries are peeled, immersed in boiling water and rinsed under a cold tap.
  • Then the berries are kneaded well.
  • The juice is squeezed out through a fabric bag.
  • The remaining pulp is placed in a large saucepan and filled with hot (60-80°C) water. Left in open form until cool.
  • Half the sugar and raisins are added to the juice and all this is mixed with the pulp.

Advice. Raisins can be replaced with unwashed (required!), crushed grapes. There is natural yeast on its skin that will cause fermentation.

  • The container is tied with a cloth and placed in a warm place. Stir regularly.
  • When foam appears on the surface of the liquid, that is, it begins to ferment, the wort is filtered and poured into a large bottle. The remaining sugar is poured in there. To ensure the absence of oxygen during fermentation, a medical glove with a hole previously made in one of the fingers is placed on the neck of the bottle. The glove should inflate and look like a raised hand.
  • The fermenting wort is left warm for 20 days.
  • When fermentation stops, the glove is deflated and sediment appears in the carboy. The cleared liquid is drained through a thin tube into another container. To taste, some sugar or alcohol is also added for strength.
  • The bottle is sealed and placed in a cool place. There it can stand for several months until the wine ripens.

The end result is a tart, sweet and sour wine of a yellowish color with a very pleasant aroma.

In addition to the above option, you can prepare rowan wine with the addition of apple juice. In this recipe, mashed rowan berries and juice squeezed from apples are taken in equal quantities. The rest of the ingredients are no different. Apple juice produces a golden-colored wine. There is absolutely no bitterness in it.

Attention! Rowan berries and products made from them are not suitable for everyone, since the substances they contain can increase blood clotting. Therefore, people who have had a heart attack, stroke or suffer from heart disease are not recommended to include rowan in their diet.

Perhaps some housewives will argue that red rowan is not the most suitable berry for winter harvesting and that there are many other, sweeter and tastier crops. But once you try one of the preparations in winter, you can forever remain a fan of this wonderful berry.

Red rowan preparations: video

The easiest way to enrich yourself with vitamins during the cold season is to cook compote for the winter. Without much effort, using just a few ingredients, you can prepare a healing drink that will diversify your home supplies.

Compote of apples, red rowan and blackthorn

A trio of the most accessible and healthy ingredients of the season, great for cooking healthy drink with a pronounced taste and rich ruby ​​color.


  • red rowan berries - 170 g;
  • - 200 g;
  • apples - 320 g;
  • sugar - 230 g;
  • water - 2.7 l.


Sort the sloe and rowan berries, rinse and blanch to remove bitterness. Cut the apples into slices, peel the seeds and place in a saucepan along with the thorn and rowan berries. Mix the ingredients with sugar, add water and boil until boiling. Carefully pour the boiling drink into a sterile container, roll it up and leave to cool, turning the jars upside down.

Red rowan compote - a simple recipe

To prepare compote, juicy and large rowan berries are selected, which easily release juice. Before making red rowan compote, the berries are blanched for several minutes and then dipped in cold water to remove the bitterness of the fruit.


  • rowan berries - 300 g;
  • water - 950 ml;
  • sugar - 230 g.


Blanch the washed and sorted rowan berries, then put them in a jar and fill with syrup. To prepare the base syrup, simply dissolve the sugar in hot water and cook until all crystals are completely dissolved. While still hot, the syrup must be drained, boiled again and poured over the berries, overflowing the edges of the jar. Roll up the workpiece and store it in the cold.

Red rowan compote must be present in the diet if there are problems with the immune system. This berry has a huge amount useful properties. Compotes are often made not only with these fruits, but also with apples or other components added to them. They help make the drink softer and more enjoyable. Children really like these “diluted” options. Adults are not against the usual recipe, just with rowan berries.

Quick berry compote

It is noteworthy that this recipe for red rowan compote can be used to prepare different berries. You just have to adjust the amount of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the products.

To prepare this drink, which will quench your thirst in winter, you need a minimum amount of ingredients, namely:

  • Directly berries. Their number is taken from the calculation of the banks. Some people like a thick drink, when there are more berries than liquid, while others add fruits only to the bottom.
  • Take 300 grams of granulated sugar per liter of water. If desired, you can slightly adjust this amount to your liking.

Making a quick compote. Let's not waste time

First, you should start processing the berries. For red rowan compote, take ripe, but not too soft fruits. The berries should not have dark spots. The berries are washed and removed from the branches. Although it should be noted that whole bunches in compote also look good, but in this case, washing the branches takes much more time, and as a result, the compote may acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. Therefore, it is better to spend time cutting the berries.

Red rowan compote is rolled into sterile jars for the winter, covered with the same lids. Therefore, the dishes can be immediately sent to the fire. Now you can do the syrup. Water is poured into the pan, the required amount of sugar is added and stirred. The syrup should boil. After five minutes, remove the pan.

Now you can take a small amount of water and boil it. The berries are thrown into boiling water and blanched for about three minutes, then immediately placed in prepared jars.

Now the future red rowan compote is poured with hot syrup. Infuse the drink for about ten minutes. Now you can drain the syrup again and boil it. They fill again, but now they roll up the jars.

The drink is allowed to cool. Now you can open it during the cold season and refresh yourself with vitamins.

Compote according to a Czech recipe

This recipe attracts attention with its name. In fact, preparing red rowan compote according to this recipe takes time. However, the result is very tasty.

To prepare you need to take:

  • Directly berries.
  • Liter of water.
  • A kilogram of sugar.

Many people also like this recipe because of its simple composition. The ratio of water and sugar for syrup is one to one. This is immediately and easily remembered by every housewife.

Making an interesting compote

To begin with, the berries are also processed. It is best to use fruits that have already been damaged by frost. Then the compote will come out sweeter and richer. It is also worth getting rid of the branches. The berries should be washed several times until the water becomes clear and free of debris.

Now place a pan of water on the stove. Take enough liquid to cover the berries. Leave the rowan in boiling water for five minutes, and then immediately transfer the still hot fruits into cool, but not ice water.

Now you can start preparing the syrup. For this preparation of red rowan compote for the winter, the drink is infused for a long time. This is how syrup is prepared. To do this, boil water, pour the required amount of sugar into it and boil. Boiling syrup is poured over the berries. You can use any utensils, but preferably not plastic ones.

This drink should stand for a day in a dark place. Now the compote, without the berries, is poured into a saucepan and cooked for about ten minutes. Now you should pour it into jars, and sterilize the jars along with the contents. The liter ones take about thirty minutes, and the three-liter ones take fifty minutes.

Berry compote with apples

Compote of red rowan and apples has long been appreciated by drink lovers. It is softer than one consisting only of berries. However, the benefits of rowan remain. The drink also has a pleasant color.

To prepare this compote you need the following ingredients:

  • Apples and berries. These ingredients are taken in equal proportions, that is, for one kilogram of rowan you need one kilogram of apples.
  • The same is true with sugar and water. One kilogram is needed per liter.

This recipe is quite quick. However, many people don’t like it because the compote needs to be additionally sterilized.

How to prepare such a compote?

To prepare, wash the apples; there is no need to peel them. However, they should be cut into several slices, removing the seeds, core and bad, bruised areas. The berries are also removed from the branches and washed thoroughly with cool water.

Now prepare the syrup. That is, boil water, add the required amount of granulated sugar, and when it is completely dissolved, remove from heat.

Now berries and pieces of apples are laid out in approximately equal proportions in the jars. The filling volume may vary. A third of the jar filled with the main ingredient is considered optimal. IN in this case We are talking about rowan berries and apples.

Now the stacked products are poured with syrup, which has just boiled. You can send jars of compote for sterilization. Small jars, about half a liter, take twenty minutes. For three-liter bottles - about forty minutes.

The finished jars should be wrapped in a towel and cooled. They are stored in a dark and cool place.

Chokeberry. Ingredients for compote

Chokeberry can also be used for drinks. Moreover, compote of red and chokeberry is tasty treat. It has a very interesting color and aroma. However, some people do not like it because of its specific rowan taste. However, this drink has no equal in terms of the amount of vitamins.

What is needed to prepare this drink? A few ingredients:

  • Half a kilogram of berries.
  • For a liter of water - half a kilogram of sugar.
  • You can also add a few slices of lemon or orange. A few thin circles per liter jar will make the taste brighter and sharper.

Not everyone likes this recipe, as its taste is quite specific. However, it’s definitely worth trying!

Preparing compote with two types of berries

The berries are removed from the branches and washed. You can mix them right away. It is best to wash such ingredients in a bowl of cool water. This procedure is carried out until the liquid becomes clear.

Now the berries can be immersed in boiling water for just a minute. This helps to reveal their taste and aroma, since the skin of the rowan is quite thick.

Now you can make syrup. Boil water, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Now take sterile jars. About a third of the berries are placed here. If you want to add lemon or orange, do it now.

Pour boiling syrup over the prepared berries, cover with a lid and place the jars in a pan of water for sterilization. The preparation time depends on the volume of the dishes, but not less than fifteen minutes. The finished compote has a dark, almost ruby ​​color.

Why do they like red rowan compote? Its benefits are colossal. It contains many vitamins that help fight colds. And black rowan helps fight high blood pressure. Therefore, this drink is loved by many.