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A complex of vitamins for muscle growth. Vitamins for gaining muscle mass. #2 Vitamin D

What vitamins are needed for weight gain

First of all, in order to gain weight, you need to figure out what vitamins you need. Based on this, after consultation with a doctor, you can formulate a diet, including foods with essential vitamins, or purchase special vitamin-mineral complexes at the pharmacy.

Vitamins needed for weight gain:

Vitamin Peculiarity What products contain
Vitamin A Responsible for cell growth and development. Helps gain weight, improves skin condition, improves immunity, provides sharp vision Fish oil, chicken eggs, meat, butter, liver, caviar, leader in content - carrots
Thiamine (B1) Provides redox reactions. You won’t be able to gain weight if you don’t have enough thiamine, because without it, food is poorly digested. Whole grain products, yeast, bran
Riboflavin (B2) Together with thiamine, it supports the functioning of biochemical reactions. Normalizes fat metabolism and work gastrointestinal tract Bananas, eggs, milk, beef liver, tuna, brewer's yeast
Nicotinic acid (B3) Is an active component in the formation of fats and proteins in the body Brewer's yeast
Pyridoxine (B6) Indispensable in the protein building process Potatoes, beef liver, chicken, sunflower seeds
Vitamins E and They have antioxidant properties. Reduces the amount of free radicals in the body. It is impossible to gain weight without these vitamins, since weight gain involves eating high-calorie foods. Because of this, the intensity of redox reactions increases, which leads to the formation of a large number of free radicals Vitamin C - citrus fruits, strawberries, rose hips, black currants.

Vitamin E - walnuts, vegetable oil, sunflower seeds

To activate tissue growth and form muscle proteins for rapid weight gain, in addition to vitamins, you also need micro- and macroelements:

  • phosphorus, potassium, zinc;
  • calcium, magnesium, iron;

Pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain

To gain additional mass, you can use special vitamin-mineral complexes that contain useful substances necessary for the body. Similar products are sold in any pharmacy or store. sports nutrition. When using supplements, do not forget about proper nutrition. To gain weight, increase your daily calorie intake by 200-300 units.

Examples of drugs for those who want to gain weight:

A drug Peculiarity
Hi Tec Vitamin A-Z The ratio of vitamins and minerals is specially formulated for rapid weight gain. The product increases performance, improves the condition of blood vessels, improves immunity, restores the retina, protects skin from ultraviolet radiation. Contains a number of vitamins (A, C, E, B, ). Minerals calcium, chromium, chlorine, copper. As well as zinc, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc. The drug is taken twice a day, one tablet after meals. Drink plenty of water
Mega Mass 4000 Performs a function building material for muscles. The drug contains a number of vitamins (B, C, E). And also creatine, zinc, phosphorus, iron, iodine, calcium. Proteins (milk, egg, whey). Provides the body with energy and calories. Suitable for strength training, ensures rapid recovery of the body after physical activity, stimulates the formation of protein in muscle fibers. I drink the product 1-2 times a day after training. To prepare the drink, you need to dissolve 150 g of powder in 500 ml of milk (fat content 1.5%)
Allmax Zma Restores tissue, increases strength, activates the opening of anabolic muscle zones. The drug contains vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc. It has an optimal ratio of microelements and is easily digestible. The recommended dose for men is 3 capsules before meals and 1 capsule before bed. For girls - 2 capsules before meals and 2 capsules - 30 minutes before bedtime

Among pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain you can also highlight:

  • Peritol, Riboxin, Prontal;
  • Potassium orate, Nutrizon, Cytomac;
  • Glutamic acid, Elevit Prontal;
  • Cytochrome C, Diabeton MB.

Before using drugs to increase weight, you should consult a specialist. He will take into account the characteristics of your body, determine the reasons for excessive thinness and help you choose the right products for you.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain

Manufacturers offer all sorts of medications to help you gain weight. One of the means to increase weight is regular brewer's yeast. They accelerate and restore metabolic processes, improve biochemical reactions in the body and stimulate weight gain.

Brewer's yeast contains:

  • B vitamins ( , , , , , );
  • macroelements (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium);
  • trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese);
  • fiber, protein, fatty acid;
  • enzymes, amino acids, glucose.

Brewer's yeast in autolyzed form is food supplement in the form of tablets or powder. This form of yeast is easily absorbed by the body. To gain weight with yeast, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • eat often, in small portions;
  • consume brewer's yeast after meals;
  • drink enough water (at least 2.5 liters per day);
  • combine yeast intake with regular sports (low physical activity will lead to the formation of fat, high physical activity will lead to muscle mass);
  • Use brewer's yeast for at least 1 month.

Tremors should be taken according to the instructions - three times a day, 3-5 tablets. For those who exercise intensively strength training, the norm is determined based on the calculation of 0.3 g of product per 1 kg of weight. After two months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Brewer's yeast contains easily digestible protein and essential amino acids that are involved in the formation and repair of tissue. Thanks to this, weight increases (if the drug is combined with regular training). At the same time, yeast provides the body with useful substances, improves the absorption of proteins, normalizes metabolism, removes toxins, stabilizes energy metabolism, increases immunity, promotes cell regeneration, increases performance and stimulates appetite.

The benefit of vitamins for weight gain is that they improve metabolism and help process food. Knowing what vitamins are needed for weight gain, you can create a suitable diet. There are also a number of special vitamin preparations that will help you quickly cope with the problem of excessive thinness. Gaining weight is more difficult than losing weight. To achieve your goal, you need to eat right, exercise regularly, avoid stress, follow a rest regime and adhere to healthy image life. Learn more about how to gain weight in the video below.

The process of building new or restoring damaged muscles is quite labor-intensive and requires careful monitoring of your lifestyle. You need to monitor your diet and regularly eat large amounts of protein and complex carbohydrate foods. In addition, muscle strengthening occurs only when physical activity, quite significant and regular. To speed up this process, make you feel better during exercise and increase overall energy, there are special muscle vitamins that are recommended for all people actively involved in sports, along with other special nutrition.

What substances do athletes need most?

What vitamins are needed for muscle growth? In short, almost everything is the same as for ordinary life, but in slightly larger quantities. But if we go a little deeper into the details, the most important vitamins for athletes are the following.

AT 12



Vitamins are reliable helpers for muscles during intensive training. Among their large assortment, you can choose exactly those that will affect the growth and strengthening of muscles, and also help their recovery after injuries.

Necessary substances for muscle growth

The process of muscle tissue growth depends on the correct balance of minerals and vitamins in the human body. They form muscle and bone tissue.

Height muscle mass impossible without eating protein foods. For complete absorption of protein, you need correctly selected combinations of nutrients.

Vitamin name Function Sources
Cobalamin (B12)Stimulates muscles, strengthens nervous system Animal products
BiotinImproves amino acid metabolism and aids energy productionYolk, liver, milk, soy
Riboflavin (B2)Part of the glucose metabolism cycle citric acid and fatty acid oxidation. Needed for protein absorptionLiver, almonds, seafood, soy
AImproves vision, participates in protein synthesis and glycogen productionMilk, carrots, eggs
EHas an antioxidant effect, protecting cell membranes, promotes muscle cell growthVegetable oil, nuts, herbs
CAntioxidant for muscle cell repair and growth, helps in collagen formation and iron absorptionSweet peppers, citrus fruits
Niacin (B3)Dilates blood vessels and participates in metabolismTurkey, fish, dairy products, nuts
DNeeded for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, for better muscle contractionLiver, low-fat milk
Thiamine (B1)Provides oxygen saturation, helping the formation of hemoglobin. Affects the growth of proteins. Needed for intense exerciseGreen peas, beef, spinach, nuts
Pyridoxine (B6)Necessary for the absorption of protein, helps in the utilization of carbohydratesAvocado, liver, nuts, chicken

Most coaches support the use of complex supplements in the daily diet, especially for competition preparation.


Protein absorption is accompanied by a large loss of calcium, which can lead to disruption of the entire mineral balance, so taking mineral supplements is necessary to build muscle.


Monitor the daily dose of minerals you take, as exceeding it is dangerous.

The importance of vitamins in bodybuilding

To build a beautiful, sculpted body, you need not only work in the gym, but also precise nutritional control.

The optimal number of correctly selected elements performs the following functions:

  • improve the absorption of protein and calcium;
  • participate in the formation of collagen;
  • increase muscle excitability;
  • accelerate the intensity of muscle contractions;
  • produce glycogen, which supplies energy for exercise;
  • protect cell membranes from frequent injuries during training.

With constant intense exercise, the body spends most of its reserves of nutrients, so it is necessary to take care of restoring their balance.

Types of vitamins

Scientists divide vitamins according to the method of dissolution in the body into water-soluble and fat-soluble. Two large groups have their own characteristics of reception and storage.

Did you know? Some vitamins are presented in several compounds, which are designated by adding numbers and called a group. For example, groups D or B.

Water soluble

These elements immediately dissolve in the aquatic environment once they enter the body. They are quickly absorbed and need daily replenishment.


Deficiency of the water-soluble group reduces the activity of the fat-soluble group.

Fat soluble

Elements of this type are “stored” in fatty tissues and are absorbed by the body gradually.


Due to gradual dissolution, deficiency in this group is much less common.

The best pharmaceutical drugs

You can buy vitamins and minerals in pharmacies and sports nutrition departments. Biologically active additives(dietary supplements) have unproven effectiveness and high cost, and special sports supplements may contain increased doses and lead to hypervitaminosis.

Important! Carefully read the instructions for the drug and check the daily doses of each element. Do not exceed the dosage without consulting a doctor.

The safest pharmaceutical drugs are those whose composition and quality are strictly controlled.

For muscle growth and strengthening

Oddly enough, the optimal balance of substances is contained in the Elevit Pronatal complex for pregnant women. The increased content of magnesium and calcium puts this drug above the universal Supradin complex, which is popular among bodybuilders.
The Vitrum complex is also suitable for building muscle mass; its composition contains all the necessary elements, although the amount of iron will need to be increased (for example, with red meat and liver). The proposed complexes have a fairly high price, so as an alternative, you can consider the products “Complevit” and “Duovit”.

For muscle recovery

Let's consider which drugs are best to take after an injury or heavy loads. In addition to the complexes mentioned above, they use products that accelerate cell rehabilitation and replenish energy costs:

  • carnitine;
  • lipocerebrin;
  • potassium orotate;
  • asparkam;
  • glutamic acid.
It is advisable to take vitamins twice a day (for breakfast and lunch), but not before bed.

Diseases caused by vitamin deficiency

A lack of vitamins in a person’s diet can cause serious diseases:

  • scurvy (sailor's disease)- occurs in the absence of vitamin C and is manifested by bleeding in various organs;
  • rickets and osteoporosis- accompany vitamin D deficiency and affect the development and strength of bone tissue;
  • myositis- characterized by inflammation of muscle tissue, which can provoke diabetes or an infectious disease;
  • tendinitis- associated with tendon tears and manifests itself as nagging pain;
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy- an extremely dangerous recessive muscle disease that blocks the work of all muscles and leads to complete dystrophy, loss of motor activity and even death.
Daily replenishment of vitamin balance - necessary condition strong and beautiful muscles. To achieve maximum results, get an individual consultation with your doctor before taking vitamins.

I'm sure you're well aware of the importance of protein and carbohydrate intake for muscle growth, but what about vitamins?

Perhaps many young athletes pay attention to the importance of taking vitamins in their daily lives. However, on many forums, hundreds of questions arise related to protein and creatine intake, while very little is said about vitamins.

In this regard, we decided to tell you about 10 the best vitamins for athletes and muscle growth in general:

During strenuous physical activity, the body is depleted and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals leave it.

Self confidence
Making sure our bodies have enough vitamins and minerals helps us maintain and improve our health.

Failure to maintain adequate levels of vitamins and minerals will interfere with normal performance in the gym, it will slow down your growth, and in some cases, can lead to more serious problems with health.

And now, about the ten most essential vitamins for muscle growth.


  • Provides carbohydrate metabolism and maintenance of nervous system tissue ( spinal cord and nerves that carry signals from the brain to muscle tissue).
  • Stimulation of muscles, with the help of nerve cells, is important step in muscle contraction, coordination and growth.
  • B12 is only available in animal products such as beef, chicken, fish, pork, etc.


  • Plays a critical role in amino acid metabolism and energy production from a variety of sources.
  • Bodybuilders who eat raw egg whites, get a substance called Advin. This substance blocks the absorption of biotin.
  • Sources of biotin are: egg yolk, liver, kidneys, pancreas, milk, soy and barley.


  • Actively participates in three main processes:

1) glucose metabolism, 2) fatty acid oxidation 3) hydrogen shuttling, through the Krebs cycle (known as the citric acid cycle, where certain molecules are broken down into energy in the form of ATP).

  • For bodybuilding, riboflavin is associated with protein metabolism. There is a strong relationship between lean body mass and a riboflavin diet.
  • Foods enriched with riboflavin: liver, almonds, soy nuts, seafood, milk and other dairy products, eggs.


  • Vitamin A improves vision.
  • It is important in protein synthesis (muscle growth!!!).
  • Participates in the production of glycogen (a form of energy for intensive body activity).
  • It has great importance in preparation for competitions
  • Power sources: there are many of them (see the link below and click the button at the very top, under the table of contents). What foods provide vitamin A? Please note that milk is mentioned once again. Of the five, milk is mentioned in four essential vitamins. What is this, a coincidence? I think not?


  • Being a powerful antioxidant, it takes part in the protection of cell membranes.
  • Restores and promotes muscle cell growth, directly dependent on healthy cell membranes.
  • The most common food sources containing vitamin E are various vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals.


  • Participates in sixty metabolic processes associated with energy production.
  • Nicotinic acid, in the form of niacin, causes vasodilation, which helps you look more vascular on stage. However, large doses of nicotinic acid sharply impair the body's ability to mobilize and burn fat.
  • Food sources containing niacin include turkey (the body uses the amino acid tryptophan to create niacin), dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts and eggs.


  • Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. If adequate muscle calcium stores are not available, you will not achieve full, tight muscle contractions.
  • Fast and powerful muscle contractions are provided by phosphorus. Phosphorus is also necessary for the synthesis of ATP.
  • Food sources: Skim or low-fat milk.


  • Essential for protein metabolism and growth.
  • It is directly involved in the formation of hemoglobin, which is a protein contained in red blood cells that provides oxygen to the working muscles of the body.
  • With increasing load and duration of sports exercises, intensive oxygen supply becomes increasingly important.
  • The more you increase the amount of exercise, its intensity and duration, the more thiamine you need.
  • Food sources of thiamine: green pea, spinach, liver, beef, pork, navy beans, nuts, pinto beans, bananas, soybeans, Goji berries, whole grain and fortified cereals, bread, yeast, brown rice bran and legumes.


  • It is the only vitamin directly linked to protein intake. The more protein you consume, the more vitamin B6 you need.
  • Vitamin B6 promotes protein metabolism, growth and utilization of carbohydrates.
  • Key foods containing vitamin B6 include avocados, nuts, liver, chicken, fish, green beans, lettuce, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, sea vegetables and bananas.


  • Enhances muscle cell repair and growth and is an antioxidant.
  • Participates in the formation of collagen, being the main component of connective tissue (connective tissue holds your bones and muscles together). When you lift heavier weights, you place stress on your muscular structure. If your connective tissue is not strong enough, you have a fairly high chance of injury.
  • Helps with iron absorption. With iron deficiency, the amount of oxygen contained in hemoglobin decreases, which significantly reduces muscle performance.
  • Dissolves very quickly in water. Since a muscle cell consists mainly of water, the larger an athlete’s muscle mass becomes, the more vitamin C is dissolved, and the concentration of this substance in the body’s tissues decreases. Thus, the bodybuilder's body requires a significant increase in vitamin C.
  • Helps in the formation and release of steroid hormones, including the anabolic hormone testosterone.
  • The main sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits and fruit juices.


  • So there you have it, the 10 most important vitamins for sports. If you are an athlete, you should eat a lot anyway, and the more of the above foods you eat to ensure that all these vitamins are regularly present in your diet, the less problems you will have.
  • However, if you feel your diet needs some support, you can take a multivitamin with your meals, but remember that you get your vitamins from natural sources always better. However, once you understand the critical importance of vitamin C in bodybuilding, you can benefit from its support in its pure form.
  • Finally, pay attention to how many times milk or dairy products are listed as the main source of the above vitamins. Therefore, three or four glasses of milk a day will definitely be beneficial for your body. If you are lactose intolerant, you may want to consider purchasing lactose-free milk, which tastes just like regular milk but is milk with a lactose-neutralizing ingredient added.

Do you want to quickly gain muscle mass or lose weight without using anabolic hormonal drugs? Unfortunately, you won't succeed. But a well-designed diet, intense training, good long sleep and legal pharmaceutical products will help you gradually achieve your cherished goal and maintain health, and most importantly, consolidate and maintain the results achieved.

List of approved pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilders

Preparations for gaining muscle mass

The drugs presented below for increasing muscle mass are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but do not have such a pronounced effect as the products used by professional bodybuilders. But before using them, you should carefully study the instructions, or better yet, seek the help of a specialist and progress through a well-designed diet and training regimen.

Methyluracil– this remedy is an excellent anabolic because it has an anti-catabolic effect and regenerates new cells well. This drug allows you to reduce recovery time between workouts. The medicine has virtually no side effects except for headaches and dizziness.

You need to take methyluracil 0.5 mg 6 times a day after meals.

Trimetabol– an excellent mass gainer with a strong anabolic effect. The syrup is aimed at improving appetite in children, improving the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. Athletes use increased dosages of up to 60 mg per day.

Syrup in such dosages has a strong effect on the central nervous system, and just one dose of an increased dose makes you very sleepy.

Thyroxine– a drug that helps improve metabolism and also affects tissue growth at the cellular level. It has a positive effect on metabolism and in particular protein metabolism. Affects the oxidative processes of the body.

The effect of the drug depends on the dosage. In small quantities, El-Thyroxine has an anabolic effect. In medium dosages, the effect of the drug is aimed at stimulating the central nervous system, and in large dosages it reduces the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

The drug is a hormone replacement agent in the treatment of such ailments as hypothyroidism of any origin, diffuse euthyroid goiter, and is also used in the treatment of Graves' disease and Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis. The optimal dose as a sports supplement would be 25 mg per day. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

The drug has a number of side effects. In large dosages, or with a sharp increase in dose, the drug causes a malfunction in the cardiovascular system in the form of tachycardia, arrhythmias, angina pectoris, as well as tremors of the limbs and even sleep disturbances. Taking the drug may cause an unreasonable feeling of anxiety and restlessness. Allergic reactions are possible.

You need to know that anabolic hormonal drugs can change the connection of levothyroxine with protein molecules, which increases the effect of the drug.

Vitamins and minerals

B vitamins

B1 thiamine; B12 cyanocobalamin; B6 pyridoxine- all B vitamins play a vital role in the metabolic processes of the body. Improves metabolism and appetite. Positive effect on the central nervous system. Often used by athletes of all sports in the form of injections. Folic acid(AT 9)– refers to vitamins that help strengthen the immune system and plays a role in protein metabolism. Directions for use: 1-2 grams 3 times a day before meals.

Asparkam– the drug is used by many athletes various types sports It has a positive effect on electrolyte metabolism, replenishes potassium and magnesium reserves in the body, which prevent disorders heart rate, and relieve muscle cramps. Asparkam does not have a direct anabolic property and its effect on the body is of an auxiliary nature, however, a sufficient amount of potassium and magnesium in the athlete’s body significantly increases strength and endurance. In bodybuilding, asparkam is taken in small dosages that do not exceed 200 mg per day. The dose should be divided into two or three equal parts and taken after meals.

Calcium glycerophosphate– the medicine replenishes calcium levels in the body and has a synergistic effect in anabolic processes. This drug is not used in sports because its effect is negligible in achieving sports results. The drug should be taken twice a day, 200-400 mg after meals.

Glutamic acid– is one of the most important non-essential amino acids, playing a role in protein metabolism and the construction of muscle fibers, and is involved in nitrogen metabolism. Glutamine enhances the secretion of growth hormone. The dosages of this amino acid in sports are very large, up to 10 g per dose.

Trimetazidine– the medicine maintains the level of ATP in the cell and supplies the cells with oxygen. The drug makes the body resistant to physical stress. Occasionally, athletes take it as a group. Maximum daily dose 70 mg.

Ekdisten– the drug is aimed at increasing the body’s performance. The drug is actively used by athletes during intense training. Athletes use the drug three times a day, 0.001 mg. Side effects occur in people with a weak nervous system in the form of insomnia and increased blood pressure.

Riboxin– this drug is also called vitamins for the heart. It improves performance of cardio-vascular system, promotes cell regeneration, and to some extent, precedes ATP synthesis. Many athletes take this drug as a preventive measure for cardiovascular system failure and as an anabolic agent, using it in combination with other drugs aimed at improving metabolic processes. In bodybuilding, the drug is taken in increased dosages, which reach 3000 mg per day and are divided into three doses.

Potassium orotate– is an anabolic non-hormonal agent. It affects protein production at the DNA level. The medicine is used for protein metabolism disorders. Helps increase appetite and tissue regeneration. There are frequent cases of athletes taking potassium orotate. The medicine is taken at a maximum dose of 500 mg 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid – one of the main vitamins that affects the body’s oxidative processes and the production of sex hormones. Is an aid that strengthens immune system. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 1 gram, which must be divided into two doses.
Vitamin complexes– vitamin complexes consist of a dozen vitamins and minerals. They are taken in a course lasting several weeks.

Fish fat– contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3, 6 and 9, which play an important role in metabolism and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Everyone should take fish oil. The standard dosage of the drug is 1000 mg, which is divided into two doses.

Leuzea maral root- a plant-based medicine, rich in vitamins and microelements, but today, pharmacological companies can offer a wide list of alternative products containing the same components as in the tincture of Leuzea root, but in a more convenient form. The dosage and method of administration depends on the form and dosage of the drug.

Hematogen- This is an excellent remedy for people who experience iron deficiency and suffer from anemia, as it contains albumin (easily soluble proteins) and iron. For athletes, hematogen is useful along with vitamin complexes and other auxiliary drugs, but does not play a special role in muscle development, since the amount of necessary components is small.
Drugs to increase testosterone

Plant-based preparations " Tribulus"– drugs that affect the production of endogenous testosterone. The medicine stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular arc. But in practice, its effect is so small that athletes do not notice any effect. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 1500 mg.

Pump-increasing drugs

Agapurin– a remedy that has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the ability to expand them. The drug reduces the number of platelets and promotes blood thinning. The drug has a positive effect on vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of myocardial hypoxia. The drug is aimed at improving blood circulation in peripheral vessels and supplying tissues with oxygen. The drug is used for circulatory disorders caused by various etiologies. The drug has a number of side effects that affect almost all systems.

The drug should be taken after meals with plenty of water. The standard dose of the drug is 200 mg, which is divided into three doses. The drug also exists in injection form. Injections dosage is less. It is 100 mg per day.

Means that improve blood supply to organs and tissues

Pentoxifylline, Piracetam, Trental– means aimed at improving peripheral circulation. The dosage of these drugs is prescribed by the doctor.

Vinpocetine– the drug improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Mildronate– the product removes waste products after intense muscle work and enriches the muscles with oxygen. An excellent aid for muscle recovery after intense exercise. Mildronate is added to various dietary supplements and sports supplements. The medicine is used in the treatment of heart failure (chronic form), cerebral circulatory disorders during withdrawal syndrome.

Side effects are extremely rare and manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions or increased heart rate.

Weight loss drugs and fat burners

Yohimbine hydrochloride– has energetic properties, it increases motor activity, increases peripheral blood pressure, enhances potency. Stimulates the central nervous system. The drug is non-toxic and is used by athletes as an energy drink. Yohimbine hydrochloride is taken three times a day, 1-2 tablets.

Guarana is an energy drink with a high caffeine content. It can be found in pre-workout complexes or fat burners. Dosages depend on the form of the substance used.

Carnitine– a means of transporting fat to muscles and during aerobic exercise, converting it into energy. Despite the fact that many novice athletes, having read information on the Internet, actively use the supplement, its effect is greatly exaggerated. Dosages depend on the form of the substance used and the purpose of administration.

Beta-2 agonists and Beta-2 locators- a group of drugs aimed at treating asthma, but are widely used in bodybuilding for “cutting” as powerful fat burners. Drugs in this group have a number of serious side effects, and their effect does not apply to all athletes. The most popular drugs are: clenbuterol, saltos, ketotifen. All of the listed drugs in this group are dispensed at the pharmacy with a prescription and contain derivatives of narcotic substances.


Safinor– a general tonic.

Caffeine, caffeine sodium benzoate– a drug aimed at improving attention and reactions. The drug is used as a central nervous system stimulant and its use in sports is useless, at least when taking the drug “solo”.

Aralia Manchurian– this adaptogen is often used in bodybuilding as an aid to increase appetite and a slight tonic effect, similar in effect to ginseng root. The drug is made from Araliaceae and has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Strongly reduces sugar and is used in the fight against diabetes.

Adaptogen is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, the daily dose of the drug is 50-100 mg.

While taking the drug, the following may occur: side effects, How:

  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • various allergic reactions.

Rhodiola rosea- one of the adaptogen plants that increases vital activity by influencing the central nervous system, affects the functioning of muscle fibers, and increases their strength. Stimulates immunity.

Ginseng tincture is a general tonic and adaptogenic agent. Capable of increasing endurance and strength. The tincture increases blood pressure and has a weak diabetic effect. Ginseng tincture contains a large amount of microelements and B vitamins. The drug as a sports supplement should be taken in a therapeutic dose of 15 mg 2 times a day.


Festal- This is a product containing pancreatic enzymes and affects digestion, and also reduces the symptoms of pancreatitis. In sports it can be used as an auxiliary means to improve digestion. Festal is usually taken 1-2 tablets before meals.

Cytochrome c– an enzyme that plays a role in cell regeneration. It is not used as a separate means in sports.

Antiestrogens and estrogen blockers

Anastrozole– belongs to the group of estrogen blockers. Anastrazole reduces estrogen production by 80%. The medicine is aimed at combating malignant tumors of the mammary glands. Widely used by athletes taking anabolic steroids. I take the drug in a dosage of 1 gram per day.

Tamoxifen– a drug from the group of antiestrogens, aimed at treating breast cancer. Athletes taking anabolic steroids often resort to tamoxifen during the post-course therapy phase. The substance, entering the target organs, takes up space on estrogen receptors, and thereby prevents the development of tumor processes. Side effects The drug is very serious, and there are often cases when athletes were forced to stop taking the medication after a few days of taking the minimum dosage of 5 mg per day.

Bromocriptine is a dopamine receptor stimulant with pronounced sedative properties. It is absolutely useless in sports, with the exception of the suppressive effect of prolactin, which can lead to the development of a benign tumor of the mammary glands (gynecomastia), which is a common ailment of athletes who resort to hormonal anabolic drugs. It also reduces the production of somatotropin (growth hormone), the amount of which affects the amount of testosterone, creating a balance. The lower the level of growth hormone in the human body, the higher level testosterone, and vice versa.


Methionine– an amino acid that plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the liver. Promotes cell restoration and improves metabolism. Many athletes include this drug at the stages of PCT (after a course of therapy) as a means of accelerating the regeneration of liver cells and normalizing metabolic processes. To cleanse the liver during PCT, bodybuilders take 4 tablets 3 times a day.

Carsil silymarin– a medicine aimed at treating liver diseases. Completely useless compared to modern medicines. It is contraindicated in bodybuilding, since silymarin has a fairly strong estrogen-like effect and converts testosterone to dehydrotestosterone.

Sugar-lowering drugs

Diabeton and Diabeton MV– the medicine is intended to combat diabetes in cases where lowering blood glucose through exercise or diet is impossible. Despite the fact that this drug is aimed at the synthesis of insulin (the strongest anabolic hormone), its action is not enough for the athlete to noticeably achieve results, but the risk of developing diabetes is extremely high. Athletes do not use this drug.

Metformin– a drug that lowers blood sugar levels. This drug is not used by bodybuilders. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Drugs that do not affect the training of athletes

Papaverine hydrochloride– an antispasmodic agent aimed at normalizing blood pressure of various etiologies. 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Phenibut- affects the nervous system and acts as a synergist sedatives. Has tranquilizing properties. Dosages are determined by the doctor.

Aescusan– has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, and is aimed at treating varicose veins. It is useless in sports, as there are stronger drugs.

Work schemes and courses of pharmaceutical drugs in bodybuilding

For weight gain

An excellent complex for gaining weight would be to take Trimetabola with B vitamins and glutamic acid. With such a complex, it is advisable to exclude fast carbohydrates and reverse Special attention for nutrition, it must be balanced. Despite glutamic acid, increase your protein intake. Alternate meat and seafood. Include in your diet dairy products and consume them before bed.

Scheme No. 1

  • Trimetabol - 30 mg one hour before meals before each meal. With this complex you need to eat at least 6 times.
  • Glutamic acid - 5-10 grams three times a day, between meals.
  • Vitamin B complex - taken in the morning after meals. There is no specific dosage; to gain weight, a therapeutic dose is sufficient, which is different for each complex.

The amount of protein when using these drugs should be consumed at least 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, and carbohydrates 3-4 grams per 1 kg of weight.

Course duration 14 days

Scheme No. 2

Another wonderful complex that can support an athlete’s body and even boost his immunity.

  • Riboxin 1000 mg 3 times a day after meals;
  • Methyluracil 6 times a day, 0.5 mg after meals;
  • Mildronate 2 times a day before training.

Course duration is 21 days.

When using these drugs, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. Minimum amount of proteins when used medicines there should be at least 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, and carbohydrates 3-4 grams per 1 kg of weight.

For weight loss

When losing weight, you should follow a low-carbohydrate, salt-free diet. To increase the transport of fats into energy, you need to take the following drugs:

  • L-carnitine, 1000 mg twice a day, morning and evening, or morning and before training;
  • Fat burners based on caffeine, yohimbine and guarana, taken before training according to the instructions, not exceeding the daily allowance;
  • Vitamin complexes. Especially important during periods of vitamin deficiency and poor diet. It is undesirable to use individual vitamins additionally to avoid overdose. The course of application is from 20-30 days;
  • Asparkam - necessary to prevent cramps, bone depletion, due to loss of calcium, which occurs due to diet. Take 100 mg twice daily.

The course lasts no more than 2 months.

To increase strength

When training for strength, energy drinks are suitable. The best option There will be pre-workout complexes that contain the following substances:

  • Yohimbine hydrochloride;
  • Guarana;
  • Caffeine;
  • Creatine;
  • Vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

Important! Avoid the substance ephedrine in pre-workout complexes and complexes for weight loss - similar to a narcotic substance, it negatively affects the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.


In achieving sports results, an athlete must follow several rules.

Firstly, he should get a lot of rest, since during sleep, recovery processes are launched in the body.

Secondly, meals should be varied and frequent, so that catabolic processes do not start in the athlete’s body.