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What spells can you do for Easter? Easter spells for prosperity and health. Conspiracies during Holy Week and after Easter

Folk doll "Easter". Master class with step by step photos.

Buzmakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher at MADOU " Kindergarten No. 88" Berezniki, Perm Territory
Target: Creation of a folk Easter doll from fabric.
1. Expand children’s knowledge about the culture of the people (traditions, holidays);
2. Develop the child’s creative abilities through creating crafts:
3. Develop fine motor skills child.
4. Strengthen the technical skills of twisting fabric and decorating a doll.
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators, additional education teachers and all interested and attentive parents. The work can be completed by children from the preparatory group with the help of an adult.

Easter- loved and respected by all Orthodox holiday, it was always bright and long-awaited in spring! Easter festivities lasted a whole week, and people, wearing their best clothes, went to church, blessed and forgave each other and, of course, gave gifts. The most desired and significant gift on this bright holiday was an egg - a symbol of the birth of a new life and Easter itself. The eggs were not only painted, but also painted, creating beautiful patterns. The whole Easter week was full of fun and joy. They glorified Jesus Christ, and in all Orthodox churches sacred liturgies were held. The ringing of the bells could be heard throughout the area, and everyone could climb the bell tower to ring the bells. That bell ringing bewitched and cleansed souls, giving everyone hope for a bright life.
It is customary to prepare for Easter in advance; on the eve of Easter, Orthodox Christians gather for prayer in churches and the blessing of Easter food. These are special dishes that are prepared only once a year - Easter colored eggs, Curd Easter and Easter cake. A very interesting Easter tradition is colored eggs. In ancient times, the egg was an object of worship for people. In ancient times, many peoples believed that it symbolizes the mystery of life, an endless chain of births and deaths. Nowadays eggs are painted in all the colors of the rainbow, but the most common color is red. Our ancestors firmly believed in the magical powers of the color red - a symbol of life.
Close people were given Easter treats and gifts: special Easter souvenirs - painted things and objects with Easter symbols and special Easter dolls: Verbnitsa, Easter and Easter Dove.
In the old days, the Easter doll was made for Palm Sunday a week before Easter. The doll was placed on the window, showing that they were waiting for the Holy Resurrection, and also on the table with Easter gifts. Such a doll could be given as a gift instead of an egg, which meant great honor. The dolls were kept in a place of honor, visible, but not accessible to strangers. The Easter doll symbolizes a woman who goes to illuminate Easter cakes and eggs. The doll's face and hands must be red; there is a gold cross on the face, it symbolizes Christ. The doll holds a candle and a bundle, which symbolizes a bag with little beads. Easter doll is powerful amulet for your home. Be sure to make yourself such a doll, it will bring you health, purity of thoughts, light and prosperity.

- square of red fabric 28x28 cm;
- dense fabric intended for twisting, size 45x37 cm;
- scarf 28x28 cm;
- overskirt 40x17 cm;
- underskirt 25x30 cm;
- apron 10x15 cm;
- square of fabric for a knot 12x12 cm;
- belt;
- braid, ribbons, threads, cotton wool or padding polyester;
- a small candle.
The doll's height is approximately 20 cm.

Fold a rectangle of thick fabric in half.

We twist the strip into a tube. Fold on both sides so that the cuts are hidden inside.

We tie the tube approximately in the middle.

The end of the tube along the fold of the fabric will be the bottom of the doll’s body, and on top we put a lump of padding polyester or cotton wool to form the head.

Cover the top of the tube with padding polyester with a square of red fabric. We form the head and tie it with thread.

Let's make hands. We bend the corners of the fabric inward, then fold the sides of the fabric over each other and fold it in half.

We make palms. We tie the handles with thread, stepping back 1.5 cm from the edge

We lift the front end of the red fabric and place a piece of padding polyester to the doll’s neck to form the chest.

For greater stability, we tie a petticoat made of thick fabric to the doll. To do this, fold the rectangle in half. We thread the thread inside.

We attach it to the doll's waist with the cut back.

Tighten the skirt at the waist.

We fasten the skirt at the top.

We add braid, ribbons or lace to the upper skirt and sew the sides.

We put the skirt on the doll, gather it in and tie it around the waist with thread.

You can also sew braid onto the apron. It would be good if the apron was red or decorated with red braid.

We tie the apron and hide the cut underneath.

On the doll's face we form a cross from braid, narrow ribbon or thread.
First we tie the braid at the back.

We wrap the braid over the head. Cut off the end of the braid. We hide the ends of the braid on both sides under the thread on the neck.

We apply, tie or sew a braid to the top of the head, this will be an imitation of a warrior.

We tie the doll's head with a beautiful scarf.

Place a lump of padding polyester or cotton wool in the center of the square patch. You can put crackers or cereals in the bag: buckwheat, rice, wheat. This is a symbol of prosperity.

We tie a knot for the doll with a thread.

We tie a knot to one hand of the doll with a ribbon, and a small candle to the other.

The elegant Easter doll is ready for the holiday!

An Easter doll is a powerful amulet for your home. Be sure to make yourself such a doll, it will bring you health, purity of thoughts, light and prosperity.
Such a talisman doll was an unusually beautiful and expensive gift for this bright holiday. The doll was carefully kept. Happy holiday everyone.

Many have probably heard that healers and healers treat the Easter holiday and the Holy Week preceding it with special respect. It is believed that these days conspiracies and magical rituals have special powers. These days, with the help of conspiracies and faith in the Lord, you can cure hopelessly ill people, protect your family from all troubles with amulets, and even improve your financial situation.

For success in business:

On Holy Saturday, go to each window and, opening it, say:

“Nedolya, go away! Success, come, fly, r.b. (name) don't forget! Let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen"

How to pray on Easter to be healed?

There is a special prayer that helps even the hopelessly ill. It is called “From Three Deaths” and should be read on the eve of Easter.

I am posting a miracle, an effective prayer. Whoever reads it at Easter, it saves him from three deaths. They read it with respect and faith.

This prayer helps even the hopelessly ill. They read it on the eve of Easter, until the bells ring, at home, on their knees.

“In the name of the Father, the eternal Creator, in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and endlessly. Amen. Under Tsar Manuel Komnenos. At his golden laurel, Luke the Holy One served the Lord Bot. On the eve of Easter, the saint, in the golden monastery. Hodegetria, the Mother of God, appeared to two blind men. She brought them to the Blachernae Temple. Angels, cherubim, seraphim sang, the blind before mother Hodegetria received their sight. This is the prayer of the holy Rutsy Pisa VVli. All 40 saints blessed her. Truly! The Lord Himself said: “Whoever reads this prayer before Easter will, with the help of it, escape from three deaths.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer-amulet against illnesses:

If an adult or child is constantly and severely ill, do the following for Easter. Pour holy water brought from church into a small bottle. Place the pectoral cross (consecrated) of the person you want to heal into it and read the prayer 3 times:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes his face with water, his illnesses will be washed away. I collected that water and gave it to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Take out the cross, put it on the owner, and sprinkle water three times on his forehead. Sprinkle the frequently ill person with enchanted water 3 times a day throughout Easter week. And keep the bottle near any icon.


Bell ringing has very strong cleansing energy. This is confirmed even by scientists who conducted special studies.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that all evil spirits are afraid to death of the ringing of bells. Therefore, during the Easter gospel, it is good to remove all negative programs from yourself, including damage.

This is quite simple to do, since you do not need to perform any special rituals. When you hear that the bells are ringing in the temple, you just need to read the plot 3 times:

“As these bells ring, they speak of the good news, how firmly the temple wall stands, so firmly the ringing of the bell destroys corruption, returns it to the dark abyss. The bell rings, the evil and dashing word destroys the ringing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father” prayer to yourself 3 times.

In addition, ringing bells helps alleviate the suffering of sick people. Having heard the sounds of the bell, you need to go into the church, light a candle for the health of the patient and, crossing yourself, read the plot 3 times:

“Lord, deliver God’s servant from diseases of body and soul. With the ringing of a bell, glorifying You, remove filth, blackness, lameness and aches. Amen".

Conspiracies for health.

If, at the first strike of the church bell, you cross yourself and say:

“Christ is risen, and the servant (name) is in good health,” even a seriously ill person recovers. Girls of marriageable age and widows say: “Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. Amen".

A towel (towel) consecrated on Easter is used in the treatment of various diseases - it is used to wipe a sick person. Take a new, white towel for this.

Conspiracy against diseases.

Collect thin white skin from a birch tree, brew it at three o’clock in the morning and add three pinches of wood ash, salt and shells from eggs boiled for Easter. Over all this, read the spell, and then give the patient a drink.

“Just as on Easter Sunday, on Easter, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so the servant of God (name) is given healing and deliverance from illness. Amen".

Spell for bone pain.

On Monday of Holy Week you need to buy a bar of soap. At the same time, they don’t take change and don’t say thank you. When you bring soap into the house, you need it to be held in the hands of an “innocent” person, preferably a child. It can be a man or woman who has not yet been married. Then take this soap and wash your hands with it. When washing your hands, you need to say a spell:

"Like soap from my hands the Water of God washes away,
So let all the illness
It is disappearing from my body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy for arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism.

Those who suffer from arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, and so on, need to stand on the threshold of their home on Tuesday of Holy Week and say the prayer three times:

"Lord God, help!
Holy Mother of God, bless!
I reprimand
From all the joints my pain,
I drive away my illness with holy prayer.
Get the disease out of my hands and my feet.
Cross my pain, my threshold.
Be you, my words,
Strong and molded,
There's a grip on my body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

On the waning moon, melt the incense bought on the third day after Easter in a cup. When it bubbles, put twelve candles in it and read the following plot:

The bell-ringer's three daughters are coming,
Three sons of a sexton.
The bell ringer's daughter of the servant of God (name)
The vertebrae are counting
The sexton's sons will reprimand him for his hernia,
And the Mother of God let them
He blesses us for this work. Amen.

After this, pour the incense and wax onto a rag, tie it on your lower back (on a sore spot) and go to bed.

Conspiracies for diseases.

There are wonderful prayers for various diseases, but you must have an egg left from Easter and willow branches left from Palm Sunday. When consecrating a willow, you must ensure that not a single branch falls to the ground. Otherwise you may get sick.

They touch the sore spots with willow branches and say:

"Saint Paul waved the willow,
(name) drove away the pain from me.
And how true it is that people honor Palm Sunday,
It is also a holy word that my pains will go away.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Easter egg spell for pain:

They roll an Easter egg over a sore spot, saying thirty-three times:

“Christ is risen, trampling down death through death.
People praise the Lord
And God’s words drive away my pain.


A spell for treating joints on Maundy Thursday.

"Like Thursday salt melts in water,
So let the bone disease disappear.
Maundy Thursday, come to my doorstep
Cleanse me, servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

A spell for health during Easter week.

On Thursday after Easter you can also improve your health. You need to look into the container with holy water so that you can see your reflection, kneel over the water and read:

"Whose face was reflected in the water,
Togo would have been pacified.
Go, sick, to Marya Prodovik,
Get engaged to her, but don’t get engaged to (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen."

After this, pour the water under the tree.

Spells for beauty and health.

For beauty and health, on Maundy Thursday they wash themselves with gold or silver. Gold or silver is placed in water. On Maundy Thursday.

For beauty and attractiveness, you need to get up very early on Maundy Thursday, throw a silver coin into the water, wash yourself with the enchanted water, and dry yourself with a new towel. Conspiracy words:

"I will wash myself with silver water,
I will cover myself with a golden robe.
How people love money
So let the whole world love and love me."

There is also a beauty spell that must be read on Wednesday of Holy Week. Look out the window and read while looking at the sky:

"Lord, Almighty God,
Created everything from nothing!
Bless and cleanse my body,
May your work be holy and strong.
Like the heavenly body, nothing hurts,
Doesn’t whine, doesn’t tingle and doesn’t burn with fire,
So my bones wouldn’t hurt,
They didn’t whine, they didn’t ache, they didn’t burn.
The water of God comes down from heaven,
My body is being cleared of illness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

“I walked, servant of God (name), dear, I came out to the deep blue sea,
Face to joy, back to grief.
The queen whitefish swims in the blue sea,
No one in the world can compare with her beauty and health.
The queen's eyes are glassy,
Her fins are tin,
The head is golden, and her soul is bast.
She doesn’t hear her own or anyone else’s pain,
The sea water sways and rocks her,
She doesn't know any illnesses.
If only I (name) didn’t know about illnesses,
I never got sick or suffered.
For now, for centuries, for all bright times. Amen."

Be sure to leave a candle from Good Friday. It may be useful in the future to get rid of acne. You need to take this candle, measure it with a harsh thread, cut off the thread, speak, burn the thread and the candle. Conspiracy words:

"Like a harsh thread will burn, it will free my face from a pimple. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Easter spell for a seriously ill patient.

If you have a seriously ill person in your house or in the hospital, you should definitely go to church on Easter, say Christ with the priest, and exchange eggs. With this egg you need to go up to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, cross yourself and say:

"Mother Theotokos - Christ is Risen!
Most Pure Mother of God, come with me
To my home, to celebrate Easter with us,
God's servant (name) to heal."

After that you have to go home without talking to anyone. At home, feed this egg to the patient. Usually, this patient lives another year.

Conspiracy against tuberculosis.

On the third day of Easter you can treat tuberculosis. To do this, they go to the cemetery with an Easter egg and find the grave of a deceased person with the same name as the patient. The patient must kiss the egg and say the following words:

"Saint Magdalena took the egg,
She gave it to the Lord.
Somehow the testicle is smooth, without a blemish,
So that (name)’s lungs would become clean,
Smooth without a blemish,
Without pain and without illness.
Forever and ever. Amen."

They don't talk to anyone until they get home. You can't look back.

Alcoholism conspiracy:

To reprimand a person for his love of drunken things, on Easter they cut the Easter cake into twelve pieces, which are then placed on twelve graves with the same name as the patient. Before each grave they bow and read a special spell:

"Christ is Risen!
You, a dead man, don’t get up, don’t drink wine.
So don’t get up forever, don’t drink wine,
But don’t let God’s servant (name) drink.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Next, put 12 candles in the temple (temples) for the repose of 12 dead, placing each candle to pronounce the surname and ask for forgiveness for the concern. Also light 12 candles for the health of the person you are helping. It is better to do everything on Easter day, but you can do it in the next 3 days.

Drug addiction conspiracy:

To reprimand drug addiction, it is necessary to consecrate three Easters and, after the all-night vigil, divide each into exactly nine parts. After this, find 27 graves with the same name as the sick person, place Easter on them and when leaving say:

“As I cut, cut off the Holy Easter,
Dividing it into 27 pieces, 27 graves,
So I cut and cut
In the name of the holy and wonderfully living Easter
And the Lord Jesus Christ from God's servant (name) his illness.
And how can these dead hands not rise,
So that the servant of God (name) would not be drawn to the intoxicating disease,
May his soul be peaceful and calm,
Without craving for the intoxicating, indifferent to the intoxicating,
How calm, humble and indifferent this dead man is.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

During the Easter service, hold a handful of wheat on your chest.

Returning from church, sprinkle grain at your doorstep with the words of a love spell:

“There were so many candle lights in the church,
I have so many suitors.
How many grains are there in a handful?
I have so many suitors.
Key. Lock. Language.

For good vision, you need to wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say:

“How people look at the icon,
So my eyes would look good, eyelid after eyelid.”

To get along with your boss and colleagues at work, to seem more beautiful to them than the sun.

On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

"Christ is risen!
And I am the red sun to the whole world.
Sweet honey, salty salt,
The most praised!

Spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a colored egg over it. The day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your work area with it.

For the respect and favor of influential people.

Get up on Easter before everyone else in your family. Wash first and say, wiping your face and hands:

"Christ is Risen, and I am in mercy to heaven.
My shadow is higher than heads with crowns,
Higher than houses with columns.
How people love Easter cakes,
So they would give me love and affection
All the mighty of this world for the sake of my Angel.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From quarrels in the family:

At this time, healers lectured people against quarrels with relatives, helping to improve relations in an unfriendly family. To do this, on the third day after Easter, a special spell is read twelve times in a row.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless with a happy Easter,
Clean days, joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
John the Apostle, John the Theologian, John the Baptist,
John the long-suffering, John the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, St. George the Victorious,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for the common path of the servants of God (names of the warring parties).
Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage.
His holy army,
With invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Get pregnant on Easter.

Advice for those families who want to have children. On Easter, Saturday evening, go to church for service. When the priest says for the first time: “Christ is Risen,” quietly say your desire. Do not go home until Easter is celebrated. Stay in church all night, pray and ask God for help.

Spells for good luck and wealth.

There are many ways to attract good luck on Easter and Bright Week. For example, to attract money they go to church on the third day of Easter. You need to be the very first of the parishioners. They light a candle at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and say:

"How to this cross people are walking,
So let big money come to me.
Now, forever and endlessly."

There is such a ritual for good luck at Easter.

You need to break the first egg laid on Easter into a ceramic cup with the words:

"Be the egg in me, and luck be with me. Amen."

Drink the egg immediately. The Lord will give you his mercy - good luck will accompany you all year.

In order for you to have money, you need to count all the money in the house on Maundy Thursday. Then the money will definitely attract other money.

In order for happiness and prosperity to reign in your home, you need to give the first egg that you painted for Easter to the youngest in the family. At the same time say to yourself:

"As long as people paint eggs, until that very time the saints will not forget our house. The key, the lock, the tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

With the help of Easter cake you can achieve the respect of people. Leave a piece of the blessed Easter cake that you used to break your fast, and wear it on you for nine days, after speaking first. and then eat it, soaking it in milk. Conspiracy words:

"How with love the people in the temple held the Easter cake, to the Saints by God's word They blessed, so would I, God’s servant (name), receive them with love, Bow down as soon as I come out, And get up on my feet.”

For material prosperity, it is necessary for the family to periodically ask each other on Maundy Thursday: “Is money being kept?” Answer: “They are underway, they are underway, there is nowhere to go!”

For good luck, for success, against misfortune, on the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday, a bundle of salt is placed in the oven. Even before sunrise, they take him and carry him to any water (river, well, lake), throw salt into the water and say:

"They don't weave sandals from salt,
They don't weave a path out of salt,
No one considers salt an enemy
Nobody wishes any harm.
They don't shoot her, they don't flog her,
They don't beat her with sticks or whips.
No one judges salt, no one kills,
Nobody wishes death or damage to her.
So would it be for me, God’s servant,
To be, like Thursday salt, invulnerable,
Invincible neither by beast nor by man.
And be my words molded, And be my deeds strong.
Alatyr is as strong as a stone.
Like a bath leaf to the bare bottom of the sculptures.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen Amen."

If you are haunted by failures and emptiness in life, if you have been wished bad things, you need to kneel down on Maundy Thursday, open the lid, look into the darkness of the cellar and say loudly:

“Just as you can’t see the mouth of a cellar, you can’t get hurt by bad words.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever. Amen."

You cannot light a light, a lantern, or a candle.

On Easter, you can read a talisman that, like an invisible shield, will protect you from all life’s adversities. To do this, stand next to the temple and count those who will come out of the gate. When exactly forty people come out of the gate, cross yourself and say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Mary carried Christ,
She gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water,
She taught prayers, saved, protected,
And then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, wailed,
She suffered together with her dear Son.
Jesus Christ rose on Sunday
From now on His glory will be from earth to heaven.
Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us,
He graciously accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me
From all troubles now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Whoever reads the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos on this day will never sudden death won't die. God's mercy will save him from all troubles, he will live a long and happy life.

"The cross is the guardian of the entire Universe.
The cross is church beauty.
The cross is a power for churches.
The cross is a true statement.
Cross - glory to the angels.
Cross of Christ in three folds,
Dream of your servant (name) From the Trinity of the only begotten
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Help, Lord,
Defeat enemies with devilish evil thought.
Glory to your cross,
We bow down, Lord,
And we glorify Your Holy Resurrection.
Save me, a sinner, your servant (name),
Always and now
And ever and ever. Amen. Your Rod.
Bedtime Holy Mother of God
In Bethlehem city,
Wonderful month of March
In God's church, behind the throne.
And the Lord came to her and said:
“My Mother Mary, Most Holy Theotokos, are you sleeping or not sleeping?
Do you hear or don’t you hear?
What do you see in your dream?
Awaken from sleep to supreme glory,
And invincible here
In the next century, grant
And even endless joy.
No sorrow, no sighing, but eternal life.
We glorify the Holy Trinity and Mother.
We magnify the Lord my God Jesus Christ,
Always and now
And ever and ever. Amen."

Prayer from thieves on Good Friday.

There is very strong prayer from enemies, which must be read only on Good Friday:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
King Herod fights, fights,
She sheds blood, spares no one,
Doesn't let anyone down.
Against evil man
There is a Great Sagittarius - God the Father!
Our Lord Jesus Christ has the sun as a bow,
The month is an arrow.
There is something to shoot.
The Lord will not allow anyone to offend me.
The Lord God is ahead of me,
Our Lady is behind
With them I'm not afraid of anyone.
With them I am not afraid of anyone.
And you, my villains, are enemies,
You have a knitting needle in your tongue.
Red-hot pincers in fangs,
And in the vile eyes of the sand.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Easter spell for good trading.

“As on a holiday the temple is full of people,
So let my shop be full of them.
Who will enter my shop?
he will take all my goods.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Trading will go well.

A conspiracy for human mercy.

For human mercy, before Easter, you can go to the temple, bow and say:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As the people gather today for the Bright Holiday,
How many Orthodox Christians will come to the temple today:
Cross yourself, look at the gilded crosses,
Admire the eggs and baked Easter cakes,
- So that they would look and admire me
Old women and old men, old and young men,
Ancient old women, widows and young women,
Red maidens, youths and young women,
Small guys, small girls.
We looked. looked, admired
They were surprised at my beauty.
I would seem to them dearer than red gold,
Lighter than white silver,
She walked as a paw and entered into mercy.
Wherever I step, there I will find love and mercy.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen Amen."

A spell against trouble for Easter.

People have always turned to God's mercy for help. On this great Holy holiday Easter When you hear the bell ringing, you need to cross yourself and say:

“Christ is risen! Just as they don’t chew a bell or weave a braid from quinoa, so that I (name) will not have grief and trouble all year. Amen.”


They roll themselves with an Easter egg, then take it into the thicket of the forest and leave it under a tree that has two trunks.

"Mary walked along the bone bridge, the Mother of God walked, propped up with a fish bone. In the middle of the bridge, three angels met her. The angels asked, exclaimed, asked: what are you talking about, Most Holy Intercessor? I’m going to help the servant of God (name), I want to take from his body remove the damage. I will heal him, I will heal him, I will fence him with an iron fence. Saint Yuri - St. George the Victorious, help me, help me to heal, have mercy, free the servant of God (name) from damage. Be my word, firmer, stronger than damask steel, stone, any constipation ; go, evil, disease, get out of my conspiracy. There is a lock in the sea, a bracket under the threshold, and the key for the enemies in the mouth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The third egg that you are given for Easter is not eaten, but rather taken to the cemetery on Parents' Saturday. With this testicle, someone can settle scores with you.

The last week of Lent before Easter requires a particularly strict fast. The Thursday before Easter is considered Maundy Thursday. On this day, you need to count all the money three times, so that later the money will be “flowing” all year.

Of course, all preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs must be completed before Easter Sunday. On Easter morning they wash themselves with water left over from Maundy Thursday. It’s good to put a silver thing or a spoon in it, or maybe a coin. This type of washing will bring beauty and wealth.

Spell against damage:

On the holy holiday of Easter, bring prosphora from church. Cast a spell on her, almost touching your lips. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

“May our house be holy, blessed,
Every hole, every crack,
With doors, with windows,
with side logs,
There is a stone fence around our mansion
With green tint.
Who built this fence - the Angels of the Lord.
They will speak to the servant of God (name) from corruption.
From great trouble, from the gravestone,
from the burial ground.
Neither the first man nor the last will spoil it,
Not on the church, not on its fence, not on the icon.
Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near the cemetery.

How to ask forgiveness from a deceased person:

If you feel guilty towards a person who has already died, and during your lifetime you did not have time to ask him for forgiveness, then you can do this on Easter. You need to come to this man’s grave and read the Lord’s Prayer three times.

and "May God rise again."

After reading the prayers, immediately ask for forgiveness. In the old days they said that the dead on this day hear every word addressed to them.

Surely everyone knows well how important the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is for Orthodox Christians. And many people, on the eve of the Great Day, try to attract happiness and good luck to their home, to protect it from evil forces and destruction. There are many different conspiracies and amulets that help bring good luck into the house and take away misfortune. In our article we will talk in more detail about these important aspects of the holiday.

Spells and amulets for Easter

It has long been believed that prayers have very strong energy and help people get rid of illnesses or attract good luck. Therefore, all conspiracies and amulets for Easter have a much stronger impact on a person’s well-being. Most holiday sacraments are performed on Maundy Thursday. On the same day they chant salt, read prayers for good luck and against all possible diseases and misfortunes.

To attract money to the house at Easter, they read charms to attract wealth. Most often, before the Great Day on Saturday, before sunset, they take a large coin and slander them: “In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. How people wait Happy Easter Just as they go to God’s temple, so would money flow like a river to me, God’s servant (name). All saints, all with me. Amen". After this, you need to carry the spoken coin in your wallet for a whole year.

Among the existing conspiracies and amulets for Easter, the most popular are those against illnesses. To protect yourself and your family from illnesses, you need to take a little white thin skin birch, at three o'clock in the morning, brew it, adding three pinches of salt, ash and eggshells from dyes. While preparing the drink, you should recite the spell: “Just as on Bright Sunday, Easter, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so the servant of God (name) is granted healing and deliverance from illness. Amen." The resulting drug can be given to the patient to drink for speedy healing.

To ensure that comfort, prosperity, harmony and love always reign in your home, you can give amulets for Easter. As a rule, they are made by hand. Cute Easter bunnies, egg pods with baskets full of Easter cakes and dyes are made from fabric without using a needle. Such amulets are usually given to relatives and friends.

One of the most successful periods for performing magical actions are church holidays, so Easter conspiracies and rituals for good luck are simply “doomed” to success. These days they get drunk enormous power, since people themselves, being in a single religious impulse, with their prayers give birth to a powerful energy message and a positive charge

It is very important that at Easter nature is reborn from winter and its biological and energetic connection with people becomes especially strong. Our ancestors understood this very well, who created various rituals and conspiracies especially for this time of year, which were carefully passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day.

Ritual for the egg

Spells for painted eggs are very popular at Easter, considering the power of these rituals.

  1. Take the colored egg with your left hand (showing that you are “speaking” with your heart) and recite the following curse on it:

    “A bright egg, an Easter egg, a blessed egg, break all my troubles and overcome my failures, spread the good news, bring good luck to my house.”

  2. Take this egg and take part in the Easter ritual “egg fight”.
  3. If in the first “battle” you win with your “magic” egg, then you have already attracted good luck to the house.
  4. The more eggs you can break, the luckier you will be this year.

Conspiracy to "dye"

Conspiracies made for Easter last for exactly a year, and if you want to attract good luck during this time, do the following ritual:

  1. Boil 7 eggs on Thursday or Saturday (in onion skins or oak bark).
  2. Say the following conspiracy for each of them (that is, you need to say it 7 times in total):

    “I will go, blessed, over the threshold, crossing myself. I will go to a distant kingdom, in that kingdom the Most Holy Theotokos sits on a gilded throne, looking with her eyes at Saint Joseph. Just as the Orthodox people are waiting for Easter, so luck would have waited for me (name), and the house would not have been crushed. The key is my words. Amen".

  3. After church service on Easter, go to the cemetery and place eggs on 7 different graves of strangers.

With this ritual you will bring good luck and success into your home in large and small endeavors.

Painted egg ritual

A simple but very effective ritual, for which you will need one colored egg and a candle.

  1. Take a boiled egg and apply a cross pattern on it.
  2. Light a candle, place three drops of wax on the center of the cross and say:

    “Just like this wax accepts a spelled egg, so luck comes to me, it comes into my house, closes the door behind itself and doesn’t run out of here.”

  3. Put out the candle and save this stub until next Easter, placing it near the icon.
  4. The egg must be dedicated in the church along with the rest of the gifts and eaten during Easter Sunday.
  5. Collect the shells and bury them under a tree growing near a window or at the entrance and read the “Our Father” prayer.

The magic of this ritual is very great, so when you feel lucky, be sure to go to the temple, light a candle to the Holy Mother of God or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for hearing your prayers and requests.

Easter cake conspiracy

Many rituals include Easter cake spells, and since this is one of the most important symbols of the holiday, such rituals are always distinguished by their enormous energy power:

  1. Knead the Easter cake dough by saying the following words over it:

    “Christ gave away everything he had and bequeathed it to others. I treat everyone to these Easter cakes and wish good things to all our neighbors. So let everything that is rewarded by me return to me a hundredfold. May good luck come to me in business and protect me from troubles and failures.”

  2. Bake as many small cakes as possible from the dough.
  3. After the church service, distribute them to as many people as possible.

When pronouncing Easter spells and performing all rituals, do them with pure thoughts and a good mood. Only sincere, sincere generosity can return, like a boomerang, to the repayer. And at the same time, he will attract good luck, thanks to which he will be able to solve all his affairs.

Easter candles

Rituals that use candles are very successful, and Easter rituals are no exception:

  1. Buy two candles and read spells over them - one for good luck, the other for bad luck.

    “Bright Easter, come, bring good luck to the house of your servant of God (name), I give you a candle.”

    And the second:

    “Bright Easter, come, take away the misfortune from the house of your servant of God (name), I give you a candle.”

  2. First, light the “bad luck” candle and tilt it over a bowl of water so that the wax drips into the water. When the candle burns out, pour the water and wax into a jar and close it with a lid.
  3. Do the same with the second candle.
  4. In order not to mix up the jars, tie the one into which the water is poured “for good luck” with a beautiful red ribbon.
  5. Take the jars to the service and every time, instead of saying: “Amen!” repeat:

    “The candle brings good luck, and takes bad luck away from home!”

  6. Then pour the “bad” water under the dry tree, repeating three times:

    "Failure, go away"

    and under the blooming beautiful tree pour out the “good” water, repeating three times:

    "Luck, come."

Like other Easter rituals, this ritual lasts for exactly a year.

Ritual with two candles

Good luck bag

This ritual can be done on any day, but if you do it on Easter, it will be especially successful.

  1. Sew two pieces of fabric (green and red) into a small bag,
  2. Tie the white string into it.
  3. Place three spoons of salt, three spoons of poppy seeds and three spoons of rose petals into the bag.
  4. Add 3 yellow and 3 white coins to the “mixture”.
  5. Read any conspiracies you know about for wealth, luck and love.
  6. Then read the general plot 3 times:

    “Business is behind, love is ahead, luck is in the middle.”

  7. Bless the bag in church along with Easter products and hang it by a string somewhere in the house (so no one can see).
  8. Once a week, take it off, knead it in your hands and repeat the general spell three times. Next Easter the contents of the bag can be changed.

Spellbound thing

At Easter, there are spells for certain things that will serve as talismans that bring good luck. Such rituals can be performed on any thing that has been in the property of a person for at least six months.

  1. Take the item and place it on the tray.
  2. Next to it, place a broken piece of Easter cake and some “dye”.
  3. Light a candle and read the following words:

    “Just as a squirrel wore a fur coat and didn’t take it off, so this (name the thing) would bring me good luck. Today, tomorrow, always! Let it be so! Amen".

Invisible shield

If you want luck to envelop your home like a shield, protecting you from life’s problems, perform the following ritual:

  1. Stand near the temple 5 minutes before the end of the service
  2. Count how many people will come out of its gates.
  3. After the fortieth person, sign yourself with the sign of the cross three times and say the following words:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary bore Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water, taught prayers, saved, protected, and then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, lamented, and suffered together with her dear Son. Jesus Christ rose again on Sunday. From now on, glorify Him from earth to heaven. Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us, graciously accepting our prayers. Lord, hear me too, save me, protect me from all troubles now and forever, give me luck in my worldly, pure affairs, I don’t ask for strength in sinful ones. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

  4. After this, distribute alms to everyone sitting near the temple.
  5. Go to the cemetery and place candies and “colors” on 7 graves.

This ritual will help protect the house from negative energy, and for a whole year it will serve as a powerful amulet for it.

These are the Easter rituals that will bring good luck to your home. But they must be done with a pure heart full of good thoughts, otherwise they will be ineffective - white magic and the energy of such a bright holiday rejects any negativity, so don’t even try to “do” such things, don’t take it upon yourself.

In our minds, Easter is strongly associated with Easter cakes and colored eggs (krashenki). But it turns out that this bright celebration also has other integral symbols!

Fragrant elegant Easter cakes, snow-white Easter eggs, bright multi-colored dyes, lambs made from dough - all these are dishes served during the Easter celebration, which we are familiar with from childhood. True, we do not always think about the fact that the traditional delicacies listed are symbols of faith. As significant as the light of the Holy Fire or the Easter candle, patterned Easter eggs and delicate spring flowers - hyacinths, daffodils and primroses.

Expensive egg for Christ's Day

The egg is one of the most ancient symbols of nascent and ever-renewing life, as well as the resurrection of Christ. According to legend, the first Easter egg was given by Mary Magdalene to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. The Savior's disciple came to the palace to tell the good news. According to the custom of those times, mere mortals certainly had to make some kind of gift to those in power. Mary Magdalene, once rich and noble, now had nothing, and she brought only one egg to the palace, handing it to Tiberius with the words: "Christ is risen!" The emperor did not believe the woman: “How can anyone rise from the dead?! This is impossible, just as it is impossible for a white egg to turn red.”. This is where a miracle happened: the egg actually turned red, like the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.

For Easter, we prepare not only painted eggs, but also Easter eggs, on which sacred patterns are applied. Such a painted egg becomes a talisman and amulet of the family.

Lamb of God

In many countries around the world, Easter is associated with the image of a lamb. IN Western Europe he is often depicted on Easter cards: a lamb, a cross and the Latin inscription “Agnus Dei” (Lamb of God). The lamb symbolizes the great sacrifice of Christ: for the sake of our life, he accepted death.

We bake a figurine of lamb from dough and decorate the festive table with it.

Easter and Easter cakes

A fragrant, airy Easter cake, or delicious Easter, is another important symbol of the holiday. It is believed that its prototype was artos - bread that is blessed and placed on the lectern in the church on the first day of the great celebration. And the Easter cake that flaunts on our table is not only a tradition, but also a special sign: in this house the doors are always open for the Savior, He is remembered and awaited here.

By the way, we often call Easter cakes Easter cakes. In fact, Easter is a special dish made from cottage cheese. It is prepared in the shape of a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher, and Easter cakes are baked from yeast dough.

To the living God - fresh flowers

The Resurrection of Christ is a joyful holiday; along with spring, our souls awaken. Therefore, it is not surprising that flowers have become one of the symbols of Easter. First of all - hyacinths and daffodils. By the way, in the old days they were called Easter lilies, they decorated icons and the Easter table.

Another flower that you can’t do without at Easter is the white carnation. According to religious symbolism, carnations are the flowers of Christ. By the way, they are still used to decorate many temples. A garland is assembled from 33 white carnations (according to the number of years of Jesus’ life on earth) for the shroud (in memory of the shroud with which they wrapped the body of the Savior after removing it from the cross).

Holy Fire

On the eve of Easter, people wait with bated breath for a miracle - the appearance of the Holy Fire. Surprisingly, it has been happening for thousands of years. The church ceremony of the Holy Fire begins approximately one day before the onset of Orthodox Easter.

Pilgrims gather in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to see with their own eyes the descent of the Holy Fire. Everything that the fire brings is taken out of the temple. A lamp filled with oil, but without fire, is placed in the middle of the bed of the Life-Giving Sepulcher. Pieces of cotton wool are scattered throughout the bed, and tape is laid along the edges. Thus prepared, after inspection by the Turkish guards, and now by the Jewish police, the Edicule (chapel over the Holy Sepulcher) is closed and sealed by the Muslim key keeper.

A procession of hierarchs of Easter-celebrating denominations enters the temple. The people inside are patiently waiting for the patriarch to emerge with fire in his hands. The prayer and ritual continue until the expected miracle occurs.

It must be said that in different years the wait lasted from five minutes to several hours. Before the descent, the temple begins to be illuminated by bright flashes of the Holy Light, small lightning flashes here and there. From a hole in the dome of the temple a pillar of light descends from the sky onto the tomb: Christ is risen!

Within 3-10 minutes, the ignited fire has the properties of not burning at all. You can see how parishioners literally wash themselves with this fire: they rub it over their faces, hands, scoop up handfuls of it - and it does absolutely no harm and does not even singe their hair.

And soon lamps are lit from the Holy Fire all over Jerusalem. The fire is transported on special flights to Cyprus and Greece, and from there throughout the world, in particular to us.

Candle light

The tradition of placing a large candle at the altar during the Easter night service exists in all Christian countries. It is from this that all other lamps in the church are then lit.

This ritual originated in the 4th century AD, with the main candle being a symbol of Jesus Christ, and its sacred flame a symbol of the Resurrection. The light of a burning candle represents the sacrifice of Christ, who gave his life for the sake of the people.

In the old days, people took home candles with holy fire in order to use them to light the hearths (by the way, this custom still exists in many Orthodox churches).

Easter Bunny

More and more often we see funny Easter bunnies (rabbits) on the windows of our stores, sometimes with a cart full of paints. The first mention of this character dates back to 1682. Georg Frank von Frankenau wrote about the hare in his treatise “On Easter Eggs”.

Many scholars derive the English name for Easter, Eastern, and the German, Ostern, from the name of the spring goddess Eostre, whose symbols are the egg and the hare.

There are different reasons for the appearance of the hare in Easter symbolism. They even remember that this is a lunar animal, and the holiday falls on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox.

By the way, one of the ancient legends about the goddess Moon tells about her faithful messenger - a hare. One day, the Moon, observing the lives of people, took pity on the old mother who had lost her son, and decided to resurrect the young man. She sent the hare to her inconsolable mother with the good news: her son will rise again. The hare came running very quickly, but on the way he forgot what exactly he had been instructed to tell the poor woman. The moon, angry, punished the long-eared one - he was forever left with a cut lip.

One way or another, the fluffy bunny has long been considered the one who is able to convey the good news faster than others, and is also a symbol of fertility and fertility, and therefore the continuity of life. His presence on the Easter table promises prosperity and a good harvest.

Easter tree

One of the symbols of the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ has long been the Easter tree, which personifies the Tree of Life, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, standing in paradise.

In our country, the Easter tree was made from willow branches, which were decorated with multi-colored ribbons, Easter eggs and bird feathers. By the way, until the 17th century, during the procession of the Russian patriarch, an Easter tree decorated with artificial flowers and fruits - the “royal willow” - was always carried on firewood.

Want to decorate your home for the holidays? Place several branches of willow or fruit trees in a vase and dress them up as your imagination tells you.

Easter amulets

Buy any even number of Easter candles in the church, twist two of them together (you can prepare dozens of such spirals - for the whole year). Light and read the following plot 9 times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Is on God's temple seven domes, and on those domes there are seven golden crosses. I will come to the temple with my feet and cross myself with my hands. Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God, take crosses, golden keys, close the evil tongues of my enemies with them. Lock their teeth, lips, hands, feet, throw the keys to the deep bottom so that my enemies never get these keys, don’t destroy my soul, don’t break my body. My prayer is the first, my enemies are the last. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You will see that very soon your business will improve!

You can also make a money talisman “Wick”. Buy a long white candle for Easter. Take the wick out of it, light it on both sides and quickly say 3 times:

“Fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things”.

Then extinguish the wick with your fingers moistened with saliva and put it in your wallet.