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How to cure nasal congestion during pregnancy. Why pregnant women experience nasal congestion at different stages, and how to treat such a symptom. Treatment tactics taking into account the cause of discomfort

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes important changes. One of the problems that expectant mothers face is nasal congestion. This happens for various reasons, but most often the body’s increased susceptibility to infectious diseases is to blame, because pregnancy is a real stress for the immune system.

If a pregnant woman experiences a runny nose, she should consult a doctor.

Why do pregnant women get stuffy nose?

To understand why your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist, therapist and otolaryngologist. Among the most common causes of this condition, doctors identify:

  • allergies;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • cold;
  • hormonal changes.

Runny nose due to allergies

You can understand that your nose is stuffy due to an allergic reaction by a number of signs:

  • a large amount of clear mucus is released from the nose, the woman often sneezes, and at the same time her eyes are watering;
  • or the nose, on the contrary, is very dry, and even rinsing the nasal passages does not allow one to cope with the discomfort that arises.

During allergies, a pregnant woman may experience a skin rash or itching. She may sneeze and complain of a sore throat. A preliminary diagnosis can be confirmed by taking a blood test. If there really is an allergic reaction, eosinophils will be elevated in the blood.

Allergies are one of the causes of nasal congestion in pregnant women

Rhinitis as a cause of nasal congestion during pregnancy

Rhinitis is a runny nose. It occurs in pregnant women who have contracted a viral infection or caught a cold. Rhinitis can also be a consequence of exposure to allergens on the body of the expectant mother.

Sinusitis during pregnancy

With sinusitis, the lumen of the nasal passages narrows, as a result, mucus begins to accumulate in the frontal and maxillary sinuses. This occurs due to severe swelling of the nasal mucosa.

If sinusitis is not treated in a timely manner, a bacterial infection may develop, and purulent inflammation will occur in the nose.

Sinusitis is dangerous for expectant mothers in the sense that it prevents the required amount of oxygen from entering the body. And during pregnancy, the woman and the fetus suffer in this situation, as they need an increased amount of oxygen.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy

Hormonal changes leading to nasal congestion during pregnancy

Nasal congestion during early and early pregnancy later often develops due to hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother. To create optimal conditions for fetal development, the amount of some hormones increases and others decrease. This does not go unnoticed - all systems and organs react, including mucous membranes.

Therefore, doctors often attribute a runny nose in pregnant women to hormonal changes. In this case, there is no need to worry about its appearance - immediately after the birth everything will return to normal.

Why does the nose not breathe during early pregnancy?

Many women complain about a stuffy nose during pregnancy in the first trimester. Since most expectant mothers at this time show signs of toxicosis, they perceive difficulty in nasal breathing extremely negatively - it seems to them that they have never felt more terrible in their lives.

A runny nose is often the cause of insomnia

Because of a runny nose, a woman does not sleep well at night and becomes very irritable. Against the background of rhinitis, headaches and dizziness may also occur, which further aggravates the situation. It is important not to take any rash steps here. For example, you cannot use any vasoconstrictor drops in an interesting position on your own. They can lead to fetal malformations and negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Before starting to use vasoconstrictors, the expectant mother should consult a doctor. Ideally, rhinitis in the first trimester should be combated only with the help of weak saline solutions based on sea salt. You need to understand that, although a runny nose is a very unpleasant symptom, it does not threaten the baby’s health, but medications that help reduce the manifestations of congestion can lead to irreversible consequences in the development of the fetus.

Nasal congestion in late pregnancy

A runny nose in the third trimester of pregnancy is often explained by an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body. It can occur shortly before childbirth, causing serious discomfort in the woman. But there is no need to treat it, since within one or two weeks after birth there will be no trace of nasal congestion. You just need to wait it out.

A doctor should select a medicine for nasal congestion for the expectant mother

If rhinitis is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, treatment should be carried out. A qualified otolaryngologist must select medications for the expectant mother.

If a pregnant woman has a stuffy nose - how to treat it

What to do if your nose can’t breathe during pregnancy? First, you need to immediately consult a doctor and tell him your complaints. Taking any medications without visiting an ENT specialist is strictly prohibited. It does not matter whether we are talking about the first, second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Below we present effective and popular ways to treat a runny nose in expectant mothers. But they should not become a guide to action. Before you start using any of them, consult your doctor.

Conservative treatment of runny nose during pregnancy

Saline solutions

The safest way to combat nasal congestion, which expectant mothers can resort to even before consulting an otolaryngologist, is to rinse the nasal passages with a solution of sea salt. Salt perfectly fights pathogens and removes mucus. After using it, breathing becomes easier.

Pregnant women can rinse their nose with a pharmaceutical solution such as “Salina”, “Marimera”, “Dolphin” and others. You can carry out the cleansing procedure using such compositions no more often than three to four times a day.

"Salin" for nasal rinsing

Balm “Star”

The well-known “Star” balm helps many women improve their breathing. It cannot be applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, but it can be applied to the skin of the wings of the nose. But here the expectant mother needs to be careful - in some people, “Zvezdochka”, containing a large amount of essential oils, causes allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it to fight a runny nose, you need to first conduct a test - apply a small amount of balm to your wrist.

It is important to understand that “Asterisk” does not treat the cause of a runny nose, but only alleviates its symptoms. It makes sense to buy it both for colds and rhinitis caused by hormonal reasons.

Nazaval spray for allergies

If nasal congestion is caused by allergies, Nazaval nasal spray will help. Its components do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, so there is no possibility of a negative effect on the fetus. “Nazaval” qualitatively protects the nasal mucosa from allergens. It creates a thin film on top of it that protects against allergens throughout the day.

"Nazaval" - a safe spray for allergic rhinitis

The drug can be used if the expectant mother is diagnosed with a pollen allergy, chemical substances, dust, fungi, dust mites, pets and birds. Doctors advise starting to use it if there is swelling of the nasal mucosa, frequent sneezing, itching in the nose, or difficulty breathing.

Antibacterial and antiviral remedies for the common cold

If a runny nose is of a bacterial or viral nature, its treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision. Usually in this case, the expectant mother is given antiviral or antibacterial medications. In no case should you choose them yourself, since they have a wide list of contraindications and side effects.

Vasoconstrictor drops

The safest vasoconstrictor drops for pregnant women are Nazol Baby (a children's drug). But this does not mean that you can buy it without consulting your doctor. Any vasoconstrictor composition is potentially dangerous, as it causes addiction and other negative consequences.

While pregnant, medications in this group can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and for no longer than two to three days.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of runny nose in pregnant women

For a cold, one of the symptoms of which is nasal congestion, the expectant mother may be prescribed the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • UV radiation of the nose;
  • UFO of the throat;
  • inhalations with different medicinal compositions (selected individually).

UFO procedure

If there is a nebulizer at home, a pregnant woman can inhale with saline or mineral water"Borjomi". Such procedures will not harm the fetus, and nasal congestion will go away faster.

Traditional methods of treating nasal congestion during pregnancy

Not all traditional methods Treatments for runny nose are suitable for pregnant women. Therefore, before using any of them, you need to visit a doctor and find out his opinion regarding the chosen method.

Most often, expectant mothers suffering from severe nasal congestion resort to:

  • Inhalation over a basin of hot water. You need to make a decoction of herbs that you are not allergic to, pour it into a convenient container, bend over it and cover your head with a towel. When you have a runny nose, you should inhale steam through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Instead of a decoction medicinal herbs can be dissolved in hot water a little star balm.
  • Warming the nasal passages with a hard-boiled egg. It is important to ensure that the egg is not very hot, otherwise you may get burned. You can use regular coarse table salt in the same way. It needs to be heated in a frying pan, poured into linen bags and applied to the bridge of the nose on both sides.
  • Treating the nasal mucosa with natural honey, pre-mixed with butter or any vegetable oil. It is important to remember that honey is a strong allergen, so the expectant mother should use it with caution only if she is sure that she tolerates it well.
  • Instill drops of lemon juice. To prepare them, you need to mix 12 ml of lemon juice, 20 ml of cold boiled water, ¼ teaspoon of table salt. The resulting composition should be instilled into the nose three to four times for five days.

Inhalations during pregnancy

With severe nasal congestion, many people resort to using Kalanchoe juice. It is recommended to instill 1-2 drops into each nostril three times a day. If the juice causes a burning sensation in a pregnant woman, she needs to dilute it with cold boiling water.

Breathing exercises for nasal congestion in a pregnant woman

There are special gymnastics that expectant mothers can do during pregnancy. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Close your left nostril with your finger and slowly draw in air through your right nostril.
  2. Remove your finger and exhale gently through both nostrils.
  3. Close your right nostril with your finger and draw in air through your left nostril.
  4. Exhale through both nostrils.

You need to repeat this exercise 15-20 times.

Another technique that can help is:

  1. Inhale and exhale through the right nostril (close the left one with your finger first).
  2. Inhale and exhale through the left nostril (close the right one with your finger in advance).

You also need to repeat this exercise about 20 times.

You need to do breathing exercises for a runny nose several times a day. In total it should take 15 minutes. The main thing is to observe the principle of regularity.

Breathing exercises improve breathing

How to avoid a runny nose during pregnancy - preventive measures

To reduce the risk of nasal congestion in early and late pregnancy, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • Do not contact people who are infected with acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, or colds.
  • Sleep 8-10 hours a day.
  • Eat well.
  • Do not visit places with large crowds of people (especially in autumn and winter).
  • If you are prone to allergies, limit contact with possible allergens.
  • Accept vitamin complex, appointed by a gynecologist.

If rhinitis appears, there is no need to attribute everything to hormonal changes. You should make an appointment with an otolaryngologist and take a blood test.

Often, many women experience a runny nose during pregnancy. Many try to get rid of it using pharmaceutical remedies, while others resort to folk remedies. However, this phenomenon should be treated not as an illness, but as a temporary inconvenience. Therefore, the best option is to wait until the runny nose goes away on its own. If nasal congestion does not allow you to sleep peacefully and soundly, and many anti-runny nose remedies are simply prohibited, then in such a situation there is really no time for fun. What to do and how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy?

Basic rules for treating a runny nose during pregnancy

Before you begin treating nasal congestion, it is necessary to determine the main cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. There are several reasons:

  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Viral infections.
  • Allergy.

When treating a runny nose, you should also remember that taking any anti-nasal congestion medication should only be done after consultation with specialists.
Without consultation, the expectant mother is allowed to use only saline solution for rinsing. It is worth noting that many pharmacy drops have restrictions and contraindications. For this reason, they are strictly prohibited, and self-medication in this situation is simply inappropriate.

The expectant mother should know one more important point: drops for a runny nose during pregnancy with a vasoconstrictor effect can be used for only a few days. If there is no improvement during this period, then the pregnant woman must visit a doctor.

Causes of runny nose during pregnancy

Since treating a runny nose during pregnancy is quite difficult, it is necessary to accurately understand the nature of the occurrence of this disease. In many cases, nasal congestion occurs in pregnant women due to their position. Often from doctors you can hear such a definition as runny nose during pregnancy or vasomotor rhinitis. According to doctors, this phenomenon occurs due to hormonal imbalances occurring in female body in this period. In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane is provoked by hormones. As a result, a runny nose occurs without fever or other symptoms of a viral infection.

Allergies are another cause of nasal congestion. Most often, this phenomenon manifests itself during the flowering period of a certain plant or in connection with the introduction of a completely new product for the body into the diet. It is worth noting that treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy in this situation is aimed at eliminating allergy symptoms.

If a runny nose is accompanied by fever, sore throat and cough, then we can already talk about a viral infection. People call this disease the common cold. With such a disease, a pregnant woman will have to endure an acute period and do everything possible to avoid complications.

Folk remedies against runny nose during pregnancy

Since pregnant women cannot get rid of a runny nose using conventional drugs from a pharmacy, you can use products prepared according to alternative medicine recipes. Basically, drops for runny nose during pregnancy are prepared on the basis of plant materials. Most often, apple, beet or carrot juice is used for instillation. Of course, we are talking about those juices that are prepared at home. Store bought won't work. The juice is instilled into the nose about four times a day, at least 6 drops.

A good remedy for a runny nose during pregnancy is chamomile infusion. It can be used to rinse the sinuses. In some cases, chamomile infusion is used for instillation. To prepare such a remedy, you need to pour a glass of boiling water into a few tablespoons of chamomile flowers, and then place everything in a thermos until it cools completely. This will allow the product to infuse.

Another traditional treatment runny nose is based on onion-garlic inhalations. Of course, garlic and onions can be replaced with menthol oil, as well as various infusions of medicinal herbs.
If nasal congestion occurs liquid discharge, then the juice of pinnate Kalanchoe will help cope with unpleasant phenomena. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the mucous membrane with the juice of this plant. During pregnancy, such a procedure is allowed no more than five times a day.

Since the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy is based not only on the use of various decoctions, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions in the room. Dry air in the room only worsens the course of the disease. This is why regular ventilation is so important. Acupressure also helps relieve nasal congestion for a certain time. Usually massage the outer base of the nose with your fingertips.

Thermal treatments for nasal congestion

During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to put mustard plasters on, as well as to hover your legs. However, any thermal procedures are undesirable. If you have nasal congestion, you can resort to local heat. So, how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy using improvised means? Any wool socks are suitable for these purposes. You can not only walk in them during the day, but also sleep at night.

You can use boiled eggs to warm your sinuses. Simply boil them and apply them while still warm to your nose on both sides.
You can also warm your sinuses with salt or sand. To do this, you need to heat the salt and place it in a cloth bag. The tightly closed bag should be applied to the nose. However, you should be careful when doing this, as you can get seriously burned. But how to get rid of a runny nose without risk? You can use a blue lamp for this. In the future it may be useful in case of illnesses of the baby.


The best method of getting rid of nasal congestion is inhalation. During pregnancy, these procedures are not prohibited. Cure a runny nose early stages Onion-garlic inhalations will help pregnancy. To carry out the procedure, you need to finely chop the garlic and onion into the teapot. Boiling water is poured over everything, and the patient breathes through the spout of the kettle, alternately with each nostril. When performing inhalation, you should also be wary of burns to the mucous membrane. Therefore, the infusion should not be too hot.

For inhalation, you can use menthol oil, as well as various herbal infusions. Every day you need to carry out 3 to 4 procedures lasting about five minutes. After such inhalation, nasal congestion practically disappears.

Comfortable conditions

When treating a runny nose, the following rules should be followed. First of all, fresh air circulation in the room is necessary. You need to ventilate the room as many times as possible. Of course, if nasal congestion is not caused by seasonal allergies to plants blooming under the window.

To make a runny nose during pregnancy less of a hassle at night, the pillow should be placed a little higher. Better yet, put the two together. This little trick will significantly reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane and allow you to breathe normally. Naturally, this will improve the quality of your night's sleep.


A simple massage will also help relieve nasal congestion without the need to use cold medicine. This massage is done quite simply. Gently massage the points located at the outer base of both nostrils with the tips of your index fingers. During the procedure, you can use some ointments, for example, the well-known “Star” balm or “Doctor Mom”. Apply medicines should be applied to the outer corners of the nostrils, to the bridge of the nose, and always to the temples and those points of the face where the greatest discomfort is felt. You can do this massage several times throughout the day.

What drops are allowed during pregnancy?

Alas, not all pregnant women can cope with a runny nose using folk remedies alone. Drops are the simplest and, of course, the most common way to treat a runny nose.
Many pregnant women unknowingly use almost any synthetic drugs available on the market. However, you should not act so thoughtlessly. It is better to spend a little time, visit a doctor and avoid the risk of harming the child. There are a number of pharmaceutical drugs that can be used when carrying a baby with the permission of the attending physician. So, how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy with medications?

You can purchase special saline solutions at any pharmacy. industrial production, for example, Marimer, Aquamaris and others. These products are based on sea salt with minerals. Such preparations are used to rinse the sinuses, which makes breathing much easier. It is worth noting that drops for a runny nose during pregnancy based on salted sea water are considered the most harmless. The dosage, as well as the duration of treatment, are not particularly limited. They are allowed to be used for nasal congestion caused by any factors.

Remedies for runny nose for colds

If a pregnant woman has a cold, then the doctor may prescribe a special herbal remedy to treat a runny nose. The most popular medicine is Pinosol. These are drops that contain essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, mint, as well as some vitamins and natural extracts. This composition perfectly fights swelling of the mucous membrane, having a beneficial effect on it. But when using such a pharmaceutical drug, it is worth remembering that any drops with a natural composition have side effects, including an allergic reaction. Therefore, the duration of treatment with such drugs is limited. You should not use such drops on your own to overcome nasal congestion. It is better to seek help from a doctor.

Often, a runny nose during pregnancy cannot be cured even with drops based on herbal ingredients. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe the drug “Rinitol EDAS-131” or “Euphorbium compositum”, which is similar in effect and principle of action. They are used to treat any swelling of the mucous membrane. However, in some cases they may not bring the expected effect, but in themselves are absolutely safe.

Prohibited drugs

The most harmful for a pregnant woman and quite dangerous for her child are nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect. They are prescribed only by a specialist after a thorough examination. This happens in special cases. Typically, such drugs are made on the basis of naphazoline and xylometazoline. They may also prescribe drops that contain antihistamine components. During pregnancy, products containing oxymetazoline are strictly prohibited. You should not use these or those drops on your own, as this can cause harm to the unborn baby. Any remedy must be prescribed by a doctor, indicating the exact diagnosis and dosage.

How to use nasal drops

If the above folk remedies do not help, then doctors usually prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs such as Galazolin, Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, Farmazolin and Nazik-spray. In this case, a woman should use them extremely carefully only a few times a day. Preferably in the morning and before bed. Basically, such drugs are used in the acute phase of a runny nose and exclusively in children's doses. The maximum course of treatment is three days. This is no longer possible, as there is a risk for the child.

The effect of vasoconstrictor drops

It is worth considering that such drugs narrow not only the blood vessels in the body of a pregnant woman, but also the capillaries located in the placenta, which in some cases causes fetal hypoxia.

In addition, vasoconstrictor drops can raise blood pressure and provoke spasms, which will only worsen the condition. After all, the swelling will only go away a short time and is formed again, intensifying several times. This will only make you want to bury your nose again. Therefore, you should not exceed the dosages indicated in the instructions. In addition, some drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect can be addictive. To prevent this, try not to use such means.


Of course, a runny nose during pregnancy must be treated in any case, since it is difficult to breathe not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby. Choose only safe drugs and methods to treat nasal congestion. At the same time, remember that a runny nose is a temporary phenomenon that passes quickly.

What is the cause of nasal congestion during pregnancy and how to deal with it?

A pregnant woman's body, due to reduced immunity, becomes more vulnerable to colds. But not all characteristic symptoms appear only against the background of a cold. For example, nasal congestion can often accompany most of pregnancy or, conversely, appear in the third trimester and disappear completely after childbirth.

Of course, this does not mean that the woman constantly has a cold. Let's figure out together, first, the reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Causes, characteristic symptoms

  1. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most common cause of nasal congestion is rhinitis, which appears against the background colds(read more in the article Runny nose during pregnancy);
  2. Also, the cause may be sinusitis, an allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen;
  3. The condition of a pregnant woman may be unstable and negative factors are manifested by possible headaches (read information on the topic in the article Headache during pregnancy), itching in the nose, difficulty breathing, sneezing, and sore throat.


  • If a runny nose occurs and is short-term in nature, goes away without complications, up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, it does not pose absolutely any danger;
  • But if rhinitis does not go away within several months, this threatens to delay the formation of the child’s organs. This can happen due to the fact that the fetus develops under conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • If nasal congestion is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, then it is dangerous for the fetus - it threatens miscarriage.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, another reason is added to those described above.

  1. During this period, hormonal changes in the body occur, the fetus grows, forms and requires more and more attention from the blood vessels (they dilate), estrogens and progesterones are produced in greater quantities. As a result, blood vessels dilate throughout the body and in the nose, including thereby provoking swelling of the mucous membrane and the appearance of a runny nose;
  2. This type of runny nose is called “hormonal” or “rhinitis of pregnant women” and does not pose any danger to the mother and fetus. Apart from nasal congestion, it has absolutely no symptoms (coughing, sneezing, sore throat).

Due to the release of hormones during pregnancy, a pregnant woman's sensitivity to various allergens may increase. A completely new allergic reaction may occur that you never thought of before.


  • During this period, a runny nose, which is caused by a cold (viral or infectious) disease, is much more dangerous than a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy - a child in the second trimester of pregnancy needs more oxygen (for more information about what happens to the baby, read the article Child Development in the womb);
  • If it is hormonal or allergic rhinitis, a woman can easily become infected with an acute respiratory viral infection by inhaling air through her mouth. The virus has the ability to infect the fetus. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the main reason, just like in the second, is hormonal levels (what this is is discussed above).

  1. As labor approaches, the volume of circulating blood increases. Medical statistics say that during this period, nasal congestion is noticed in 50% of pregnant women;
  2. The cause may be an allergic reaction or dry air.


  • A runny nose that occurs against the background of an acute respiratory infection and is accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, increased body temperature, headaches, and deterioration in the general condition of the mother can lead to premature birth.

Important! Under no circumstances should nasal congestion be treated independently with medications.

Most vasoconstrictors and corticosteroids are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy! These drugs easily penetrate the placenta and poison the fetus, which naturally has a detrimental effect on the baby and can have a negative impact on the labor activity of the uterus.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy?

It is clear that at the first sign of a runny nose, not a single pregnant woman will run headlong to the doctor. You shouldn’t definitely resort to self-medication, but you can help yourself. You can make your breathing easier with:

  1. Sufficiently humidify the air in the room using wet towels or you can use a special device - a humidifier (humidity should be at least 65%);
  2. Maintaining the air temperature in the room no higher than 20 degrees, constant ventilation;
  3. Drinking enough liquid (preferably plain warm water);
  4. Avoid all allergens;
  5. Elevate your head during sleep and rest, placing a pillow so as not to be completely horizontal;
  6. Frequently rinsing the nose with sodium chloride solution, saline solution or special pharmaceutical solutions (Aquamaris, Aqualor, Marimer);
  7. Carrying out inhalations with mineral water without gas (Borjomi, Eseentuki 4 or 17), sodium chloride solution.

When a pregnant woman experiences prolonged nasal congestion without any other symptoms, as we discussed above, we are talking about hormonal rhinitis. This condition cannot be treated at all; it will go away on its own within 1-2 weeks after birth.

To moisturize the mucous membrane and make breathing easier, you can constantly irrigate your nose with moisturizing sprays or saline solutions, which have absolutely no contraindications.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy

When treating nasal congestion, you can resort to alternative medicine.

Important! Many folk remedies for the treatment of nasal congestion are dangerous for the child, some of them contribute to prolongation of the disease and the appearance of complications.

The most common folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy:

  • Steam inhalations with herbs such as calendula, thyme, sage;

To achieve greater effect, you can add 1 drop of eucalyptus oil. You can also breathe in the steam from freshly boiled potatoes.

Important! These procedures are contraindicated at elevated body temperatures.

  • Rinsing the nasal mucosa with a salt solution;

Dissolve ten grams of salt (preferably sea salt) in one liter of warm water. Rinse your nose as often as possible.

  • Lemon nose drops;

Prepare phytodrops as follows - mix 25 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 40 ml of warm boiled water, 3 grams of salt (table, iodized, sea). Instill two drops 3-4 times a day.

  • Honey-cream mass;

Helps moisturize dry nasal mucosa. It is necessary to mix honey and butter in equal proportions and lubricate the nose periodically.

  • A mixture of onion juice, aloe, vitamin E;

Mix all ingredients in equal proportions on a cotton swab, apply the mixture and wipe the sinuses. Before use, drip Kalanchoe juice into your nose (it will clear the nasal passages by sneezing).

  • Oil drops;

Mix vegetable, sea buckthorn, and peach oils in equal proportions. While lying down, apply drops to your nose several times a day. Vegetable oil can be replaced with olive oil, and sea buckthorn oil with rosehip or rose oil.

Pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks, and it is very difficult, even impossible, to protect a pregnant woman from all sorts of illnesses and unwanted symptoms. The main thing is to pay attention in time to any changes that affect your health and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

When should you see a doctor?

If you have a runny nose during pregnancy that lasts more than three days, you should not put off visiting a doctor (general practitioner or otolaryngologist). Only he will be able to determine the true causes of a runny nose and nasal congestion, and prescribe treatment that will not harm either the mother or the child.

Naturally, if hormonal rhinitis is confirmed, treatment is not prescribed. General scheme Treatment depending on the identified causes is as follows:

  1. In case of allergic rhinitis, first of all, the allergen is identified and eliminated, drugs are prescribed that create a kind of barrier between the nasal mucosa and allergens (Nazaval spray);
  2. For viral rhinitis (against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection), vasoconstrictor drops (Nazol Baby), the use of which is not prohibited during pregnancy, are prescribed, as well as nasal rinsing (Humer, Marimer, Aquamaris);
  3. For bacterial rhinitis, it is possible to prescribe antiseptics (Miramistin, Zvezdochka balm) or carry out antibacterial therapy (modern antibiotics can kill bacteria without negatively affecting the health of the mother and child);
  4. In particularly advanced cases, it is possible to prescribe corticosteroids (hormonal drugs).

Any medications and folk remedies are allowed to be taken by a pregnant woman only in consultation with a doctor.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

Read also:

  • Asterisk during pregnancy
  • Runny nose during pregnancy
  • Herpes on the lips during pregnancy

Stuffy nose during pregnancy causes not only discomfort, weakness, headache and the inability to sleep normally. A lack of oxygen in the female body can have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus. And if you breathe through your mouth all the time, there is a high probability of quickly and seriously catching a cold. Therefore, there is no point in suffering and waiting for it to “go away on its own” after childbirth. It is better to try to cure nasal congestion during pregnancy using available means, remembering that most standard drops and sprays are currently contraindicated for you.

The first thing to do is to determine the nature of the ailment. The reasons may be:

  • infection or cold
  • allergy
  • a specific reaction of the body to pregnancy, defined as “rhinitis of pregnant women”

Acute cold rhinitis

If you have a cold or acute respiratory viral infection, you need to contact to the doctor, who will prescribe treatment according to your condition. However, you should read the instructions for all prescribed medications yourself. If the medication label says that its effect on pregnant women has not been studied, ask to replace it with another one. If it is marked “use with caution during pregnancy,” this is exactly what should be done, strictly observing the dosage and time of administration.

Sometimes the best help simple restoratives: drink plenty of fluids (if you do not have swelling), tea with raspberries or honey (however, in the second trimester of pregnancy it is better to abstain from honey, as it can provoke the development of allergies in the unborn child).

Hot baths, saunas, mustard plasters and even steaming feet during pregnancy are excluded, but switching to insulated slippers and woolen socks, on the contrary, is desirable. And most importantly: a cold during pregnancy in any, even the most career-important cases, cannot be carried on legs- warmth, rest, peace, regular airing - this is how this week should go for you, so that later you don’t have to sit with a sick child for months and run with him to doctors for years.

Actually to relieve nasal congestion For colds, pregnant women can:

  • pure onion juice moisten tampons or gauze flagella and hold them in turn for 15 minutes in each nostril - the remedy, of course, is harsh, but effective
  • onion juice, diluted with warm water in a concentration of 1:1, drop 5-7 drops into each nasal passage (can be repeated 2 times a day, prepare the mixture daily)
  • mix 30 ml lemon juice(one lemon), 50 ml of water, a teaspoon of ordinary salt - and also drip the resulting mixture 5-6 drops into each nasal passage (can be repeated 3 times a day, prepare the mixture once every 2 days)
  • drip 6-7 drops of freshly squeezed carrot juice into each nasal passage (can be repeated 4 times a day, change the juice daily)
  • add 5 drops aloe juice into each nasal passage, while massaging the wings of the nose with your free hand (can be repeated 4-5 times a day, refresh the juice every 2 days)
  • heated salt or sand pour into a small cotton package (for example, a sock) and keep on the bridge of the nose until it cools (ideally, repeat the procedure 3 times a day)

Pharmacy products

Among those sold in pharmacies, the drug is harmless for pregnant women. "Pinosol". The only thing to consider is that it cannot be used for allergic rhinitis. With infectious rhinitis, many also benefit from hot (but not excessive) onion-garlic inhalations, for which it is convenient to use an ordinary teapot.

For any rhinitis, the nose should rinse, even if it turns out poorly or the effect is short-lived. This can be done with solutions of chamomile, regular or sea salt, or special preparations - "Dolphin", "Aquamaris", "Humer". Pharmacy drugs are more convenient to use and differ from each other only in minor nuances of composition and subtleties of use - so you can take any one you like, and there is no need to consult a doctor.

Allergic rhinitis

If you have allergic rhinitis during pregnancy, you will have to give up most of your usual medications – including those for the nose. If congestion is truly constant and no procedures or air purifications help, drops and sprays based on xylometazoline. This substance is considered to be this moment the most harmless to the capillaries of the placenta of all vasoconstrictor alpha-adrenergic agents.

Despite the relative harmlessness, for the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women, the concentration of the active substance in the medicine is especially important - it should be small, or it should be prescribed children's version medicine, where it is a priori underestimated. The most famous of these drugs are: “Xylometazoline”, “Brizolin”, “Doctor Theiss Nazoline”. These and similar medications are sometimes prescribed for colds and rhinitis, if it is severe and presents real danger development of more severe diseases.

Rhinitis in pregnant women

This is actually the same allergic rhinitis, but only during pregnancy. Most doctors rightly believe that it is necessary to treat it with medication only in the most extreme cases. In the rest nasal congestion and other manifestations are best removed by other methods - regular nasal rinsing, improvement of the surrounding microclimate, strict adherence to the diet and the exclusion of possible allergens. If nasal breathing is difficult, it is also recommended to sleep on a pillow raised 30-40 degrees.


For any rhinitis (except infectious with fever), a nasal massage is indicated in the following sequence:

  • the depressions above the wings of the nose are massaged;
  • then the wings of the nose themselves;
  • then a point between the base of the nose and the lips;
  • then massage movements are made from the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose;
  • and, finally, the bridge of the nose itself is massaged.

The procedure should take 10-12 minutes, it should be repeated three times a day for moderate rhinitis and 4-5 times a day for severe nasal congestion. If you are prescribed medication for rhinitis, massage should be performed approximately halfway between appointments. medications. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can use essential oils , to which you are not allergic, or “Star” balm.


If nothing at all helps with nasal congestion, and the ENT and gynecologist are unanimous in the opinion that in your case conventional medications are unacceptable, you can go to a homeopath. But you need to choose a specialist who knows the specifics of pregnancy management. Oddly enough, this last chance helps many who turn to it. Although not immediately - homeopathy is not designed to achieve an instant result, but it often gives a good, long-term, permanent effect.

A runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion during pregnancy do not necessarily indicate a cold. Such troubles arise as a result of hormonal changes that a woman’s body experiences (especially in the early stages). Increased concentrations of estrogen and progesterone in expectant mothers increase the flow of blood through the nasal mucosa, which causes mild swelling. After childbirth, the problem resolves itself.

If your nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, something needs to be done, because the expectant mother breathes for two, and any discomfort harms the baby. Treat this symptom pharmaceutical drugs is strictly prohibited. But you can use safe home remedies that reduce swelling, make breathing easier, and help relieve congestion.

Tips for expectant mothers Breathing exercises Acupressure Traditional medicine

  • Products with vitamin C
  • Inhalations
  • Sea salt solution
  • Essential oils
  • Milk with honey
  • Foot baths
  • Ginger tea
  • Aloe juice
  1. Drink enough water daily to avoid drying out your nasal mucosa.
  2. For the same purposes, install air humidifiers in your house (especially if it’s winter outside and you use centralized heating). If you can't buy a humidifier, hang wet towels or containers of water on the radiators.
  3. It is recommended to do light exercises to improve blood circulation (this will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane). In the early stages, you can engage in jogging or fitness (if there are no specific contraindications).
  4. If your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, minimize contact with household chemicals, allergens and smoke so as not to aggravate the problem.
  5. When going for a walk, dress appropriately for the weather to protect yourself from rhinitis.

Breathing exercises

Daily breathing exercises will help effectively treat a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy. You need to do it like this: close your right nostril with your finger, slowly draw in air through your left nostril, exhale through both nostrils. Then repeat the same by closing your left nostril and inhaling through your right. Second exercise: you should alternately inhale and exhale with each nostril.

The duration of gymnastics is about 10 minutes every day. You will soon notice that this treatment has produced results and your nose can breathe much more freely.


Acupressure massage will help relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy. This treatment is based on the fact that stimulation of individual points on the face normalizes the circulation of lymph and blood in the area. respiratory tract.
So, you need to gently massage the following points for one minute: the bridge of the nose, the pit above the upper lip, the pit above the lower lip and the wings of the nose. Repeat the massage three times a day to completely get rid of the unpleasant problem.


IN folk medicine There are products that help safely treat runny nose and nasal congestion in pregnant women (both in the early and late stages). Choose the most convenient for yourself and enjoy it for your health!

To get rid of congestion and treat a runny nose, you need to eat a few teaspoons of grated horseradish every day (this does not harm the child). Many pregnant women also benefit from inhaling the scent of this product, because horseradish contains volatile substances with antibacterial and vasoconstrictor properties.

Products with vitamin C

Natural treatment can be achieved using foods containing vitamin C. Drink juice sauerkraut, eat citrus fruits, drink tea with lemon, and the disease will go away. Cabbage contains 30-60 mg of vitamin C, which is more than lemon. If it's blackcurrant season, you can eat this berry - it contains even more vitamin C.


The best way to relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy is to take inhalation. Pour hot water over the dried marjoram herb, lean over the bowl, cover your head with a large towel and inhale the steam through your nose. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Treatment can be repeated daily.

Instead of marjoram, you can also prepare inhalations from sage herb, eucalyptus leaves and pine needles. Each remedy helps quickly and is safe both in the early and late stages.

Sea salt solution

Sea salt treatment is extremely popular. Yogis are very fond of this method - they clean their nasal passages with this solution every day.

To prepare the medicine, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water. Suck the solution through each nostril alternately (5 times in one procedure), you will never have a runny nose or nasal congestion.

Another recipe for getting rid of the problem is to inhale with a solution of sea salt. To do this, take two tablespoons of the product per liter of boiling water.

Additionally, use other folk remedies to speed up treatment.

Essential oils

Try treating the problem with essential oils of mint, lavender, ylang-ylang, and juniper. Use them in an aroma lamp, or simply inhale them several times a day.

Milk with honey

At night, drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of natural honey dissolved in it. This drink normalizes blood circulation, facilitates breathing and fights colds.

Onions also help a lot. If you not only have a stuffy nose, but also have a runny nose or a cold, this product should be consumed orally (for example, as a bite with a sandwich).

To remove a rush of blood from the nose, use this treatment: at night, put on warm woolen socks, in which you need to put a few onion cubes. Try also inhaling the smell of this product. Additionally, use other folk remedies.

Foot baths

You can treat a stuffy nose with hot foot baths. The principle here is the same as in the case of using socks with onions: blood from the upper parts of the body (and respiratory tract) rushes to lower limbs. You can add mustard to your bath water, sea ​​salt or any essential oils.

Ginger tea

This drink will help not only ease breathing, but also treat toxicosis in pregnant women.


  • a piece of ginger about 5 cm long (or 3 tablespoons of finely grated root);
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • raspberry syrup.

Cut the ginger into thin slices and place in a saucepan. Fill with water and simmer the drink over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Strain the resulting tea through a sieve, add honey and raspberry syrup to taste. Drink warm several times a day.

With the help of aloe, you can treat many diseases, including nasal congestion. To do this, dilute the plant juice with boiled water (in equal proportions) and bury it in your nose several times a day.

How to relieve an angina attack at home using folk remedies? Folk remedies for headaches after drinking alcohol, what to do

A relevant phenomenon during the cold season, which occurs not only during pregnancy. Nasal congestion occurs when tissue in the nose becomes inflamed and swollen. As a result, breathing becomes difficult and a runny nose appears. During pregnancy, nasal congestion most often appears in the first place, after which it disappears without a trace.

Pregnant women with nasal congestion experience itching in the nose, which may be accompanied by sneezing and even coughing. Nasal congestion may also be accompanied by a headache. However, we note that some studies have confirmed that nasal congestion during pregnancy is hormonal in nature. The fact is that during pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is actively produced, which actually affects the increase in mucus and provokes swelling of the tissues in the nose. Naturally, this phenomenon should not be left to chance, although nasal congestion during pregnancy does not pose any danger to either the mother or the unborn baby. However, in order not to feel discomfort and prevent the development of rhinitis, which can cause complications in the ears or turn into chronic sinusitis, let's look at how you can relieve nasal congestion in pregnant women.

How to relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that any ailment should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, first of all, you should consult a specialist and identify the cause of nasal congestion at a consultation with a doctor. However, in many cases, nasal swelling and accompanying discomfort can be relieved with the help of traditional medicine.

At home, you can reduce the manifestation of nasal congestion during pregnancy in the following ways:

  • try to drink enough fluids and avoid coffee to prevent dehydration;
  • Make sure that the apartment has a normal level of humidity. If necessary, purchase special air humidifiers to reduce the load on the nose and prevent drying and irritation of the tissues;
  • avoid allergens such as tobacco smoke, chemical powder, etc.;
  • dress warmly in cold weather;
  • do exercises to speed up the blood and thereby relieve swelling in the nose.

As for home procedures that will help relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy, pay attention to the following non-drug treatment:

Breathing exercises

Close one nostril with your finger and take a deep breath in and out through the other. Repeat the exercise for the other nostril. Next, do the same exercise, but inhale and exhale through your mouth, while pinching your nostrils alternately.


Find a point on the bridge of your nose and massage it for minutes in a circular motion with your index finger. Next, move on to the points that are on the wings of the nose. Massage them with your index fingers, pressing lightly. After this, press on the hollow, which is located in the area between the nose and lips. There is a similar depression on the chin. The entire massage takes about 5-7 minutes and significantly relieves nasal congestion.

Warming up your feet

Put on warm socks, into which you first sprinkle mustard powder. This heating significantly reduces swelling of the tissues in the nose and alleviates the condition.

Healing elixir

Mix finely grated horseradish with apples and sugar and take two teaspoons a day to relieve nasal congestion and boost immunity.

Like these ones simple recipes and recommendations will help you quickly relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy without putting your unborn baby in danger. However, remember that some women may be allergic to mustard, so before resorting to self-medication, it is better to consult a doctor.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

A runny nose during pregnancy is not that uncommon. However, during this difficult period, not all conventional medications can be used to treat nasal congestion. And a runny nose itself can be more dangerous than usual. So what to do and how to get rid of nasal congestion during pregnancy: how to treat the disease, and what should not be used at all?

One of the most common causes of runny nose in pregnant women is hormonal changes in the body. Nasal congestion for natural physiological reasons often occurs in 3–6 months of pregnancy and goes away after the birth of the child. This is due to the fact that hormones provoke an increase in the amount of mucus in the nose; such a runny nose is not dangerous for the health of the mother and child, but it does cause some inconvenience.

There are other reasons for the appearance of rhinitis, including:

  • infection;
  • allergy;
  • adenoids;
  • displacement of osteochondral structures (septoplasty of the nasal septum is recommended)
  • benign and malignant tumors.

It is very important to consult a doctor before choosing medications and drops. Timely diagnosis will allow you to identify the real cause of the runny nose and choose the most effective means of treatment.

Why is a runny nose dangerous for pregnant women?

The most dangerous is rhinitis caused by viral diseases. Viruses can influence the development of the fetus, which is especially vulnerable to them during the formation period. internal organs. If infection occurs, the first person to be affected is nervous system future child.

In addition, nasal congestion makes breathing difficult, and lack of oxygen can negatively affect intrauterine development baby. At the first sign of a runny nose, you shouldn’t endure the inconvenience and hope that everything will go away in a couple of days. To avoid complications, you should consult a doctor.

Most drops and sprays for the treatment of rhinitis are vasoconstrictors. When used carefully, they act locally, but such a tiny dose is difficult to calculate. The desire to use drops when the nose is completely blocked is great, and it is not always possible to control the exact dosage. Too many substances affect not only the vessels of the nose, but also the entire circulatory system as a whole, including the vessels in the placenta. Namely, it is through it that the child receives all the necessary substances. This is quite enough to avoid using vasoconstrictor nasal drops during pregnancy.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are addictive and have a negative effect on the sense of smell with long-term use.

What vasoconstrictors can you use?

During pregnancy, nasal drops for congestion can be used only those recommended by the attending physician. This applies to any nasal drops and sprays, including vasoconstrictors. They can only be used strictly according to the instructions and do not exceed the indicated dosage or instill them more often than necessary (no more than twice a day). During pregnancy, children's Nazivin is often prescribed for up to one year.

Such preparations are made from sea water or saline solution and are considered “natural,” which only increases their popularity. However, in terms of their effectiveness, they are noticeably inferior to other means. The most that saline solutions (Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor, etc.) can do is moisturize the nasal mucosa and eliminate mucus. The effect, unfortunately, is temporary, since saline solutions have practically no antiseptic properties, which are most important in the treatment of rhinitis. Such remedies can only be used if the runny nose is not a consequence of infectious diseases.


This remedy for the common cold is herbal based; Pinosol contains essential oils (mint, pine, eucalyptus). The drug does not contain harmful substances, acts gently and effectively on inflamed mucous membranes, relieving swelling. Pinosol also heals injured mucous membranes; it can be used for ordinary and chronic rhinitis.

Pinosol should not be used if nasal congestion is caused by a bacterial infection, or if you have sinusitis.

People prone to allergies should approach the use of drops with caution. The duration of treatment should not be longer than 7 days.

It has vasoconstrictor properties, relieves swelling and inflammation, and facilitates breathing. Sanorin is available in several forms - in the form of drops, spray and emulsion. The emulsion lasts the longest; the drops retain their effect for no longer than a couple of hours. Used to treat rhinitis of various origins and prepare the nasal passages before examination. There is no data on the effect of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy, so experts recommend using Sanorin very carefully and in small doses.


Pregnant women should not use drugs like Tizin more than once a day. It is better not to use this remedy at all during pregnancy, the only exception being the acute stage of a runny nose when other remedies have failed. Tizin can be used only after consultation with a doctor; the specialist prescribes the dosage strictly individually, taking into account the patient’s health characteristics.


Used to relieve nasal congestion caused by an allergic reaction. Vibrocil can be used only in consultation with a doctor, despite the fact that pregnancy is not included in the list of contraindications. The product helps remove swelling and reduce the amount of mucus; it is usually used in combination with other antihistamines.

It is undesirable to use for the treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy:

  • Xymelin;
  • For nose;
  • Tizin;
  • Farial.

The listed drugs can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly observing the prescribed dosage. Absolutely contraindicated drugs include:

  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Fervex;
  • Fazin.

The prohibited list of remedies for the common cold for pregnant women includes all drops and sprays containing oxymetazoline.

How to relieve nasal congestion for pregnant women using folk methods

Herbs are very popular in folk medicine, so you should consult your doctor before using any recipes. Many medicinal plants have contraindications, are allergens, and the juice of some cannot be used in its pure form (onion, lemon, etc.). Here are some proven treatments:

  1. Onion and aloe. The juice of these plants has long been used to treat diseases, including rhinitis. To prepare the drops, you need to dilute the juice with boiled water and drip it into your nose 2-3 times a day, two drops into each nostril.
  2. Tea and soda. The tea-soda solution can be used as drops or for rinsing the nose; to prepare it, just dilute a mug of black tea with a spoon of soda. Drop into the nose no more than three times a day, dosage - two drops in each nostril.
  3. Vegetable oils. To prepare medicinal drops, a small amount of sea buckthorn, peach or rosehip oil is added to the olive oil base (ratio 20 to 1).

In addition to drops, you can use inhalations with menthol or eucalyptus oils. No less effective is rinsing the nose with decoctions of chamomile and sage. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

How to get rid of nasal congestion during pregnancy without medications: