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How to cook pearl barley porridge in water. How to cook pearl barley porridge - several ways How to cook porridge from pearl barley kus

Most often, pearl barley is included in soups, but is not prepared as a separate porridge. Housewives should not forget that this healthy product makes delicious, nutritious and budget-friendly side dishes. If you add meat or mushrooms to the cereal, you will be able to prepare a complete hearty lunch with pearl barley porridge. How to cook the cereal under discussion, and what additives it goes well with, is described below.

In order for the planned dish to turn out truly tasty, you need to know a few secrets of cooking it, as well as choose the right grains. The Dutch pearl barley variety is ideal for porridges. It cooks quickly and turns out soft and tender. But it is better to leave the classic varieties of the product for soups.

Approximate proportions

In order for the dish to have a pleasant crumbly structure, you need to carefully monitor the proportions of cereal and liquid. If the product was pre-soaked for a long time, then 1 tbsp. of the bulk ingredient, take 1 liter of liquid. When cooking without soaking, the amount of water should be increased by 1.5 times.

How long does it take to cook?

The exact cooking time for the porridge will also depend on whether the cereal was left in the water before the culinary experiment. If the housewife chose a long-term soaking approach (at least 6-7 hours), then the porridge will only take half an hour to cook. After this, she will only need to brew a little.

For short-term soaking (2-3 hours), the dish will simmer under the lid for 45-55 minutes. In this case, the heating of the stove should be minimal.

Pearl barley porridge as a side dish

The dish will be low-calorie if you cook it with regular filtered water. You will need to use 630 ml of liquid. Other ingredients: 1 tbsp. pearl barley, salt to taste, a piece of butter.

  1. The pearl barley is washed to clean water and left to swell overnight.
  2. The prepared product is poured with fresh liquid and cooked for 35 minutes. Salt and oil are immediately added to the container.

A tasty addition to the side dish is an assortment of cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes.

With added meat

The addition of meat will make the treat more satisfying and nutritious. For example, pork pulp. Ingredients: 650 g meat, 1.5 tbsp. pearl barley, onion, sour apple, carrot, salt, pork seasoning mixture.

  1. Pieces of meat with layers of lard are fried in a frying pan without oil. Enough of the rendered fat. When a golden crust appears on the slices, you can transfer them to the duckling pan.
  2. Chopped onions and thin sticks of carrots are sautéed in the melted fat. Lastly, small apple cubes are added to these products. The mass is salted and sprinkled with spices.
  3. Vegetables are transferred to the meat. Cereals pour out on top. The food is poured with water so that it is approximately 1 cm higher.
  4. Pearl barley porridge with meat will simmer until cooked (without a lid) for 60-70 minutes.

To make the treat even tastier, after time has passed, you should cover the duckling and send it to the hot oven for another half hour.

Recipe for cooking with stew

Instead of fresh meat, you can also use pork stew for the dish under discussion. One standard jar will be enough. Other ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals, 2 onions, 2.5 tbsp. filtered water, a pair of garlic cloves, 2 medium carrots, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Barley is soaked in water for 8-10 hours.
  2. In a deep cast-iron frying pan, the stew with all the contents of the jar is heated. Finely chopped onions, garlic and carrots are also sent there. The ingredients are fried together for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Soaked cereal is boiled for 10-15 minutes in salted water. Next, it, along with some of the water, is poured into a frying pan for frying. You can add salt to the dish.
  4. The treat languishes for half an hour under a closed lid.

Before serving, the porridge should sit for 15-20 minutes.

Barley with mushrooms

This version of the dish can become both a side dish and an independent lunch. Ingredients: 830 ml filtered water, 230 g cereal, 230 g fresh champignons, carrots, salt, onion, mushroom seasoning.

  1. The washed cereal is soaked for half an hour, after which it is sent to boil in salted water. It will take about an hour to prepare. The liquid should completely evaporate during this time.
  2. Chopped onions and carrots are sautéed until golden. It is best to cook them in butter.
  3. Mushrooms and seasoning are added to the finished frying. Together, the ingredients cook for another 7-8 minutes.
  4. The contents of the frying pan are poured into the pan with porridge. The treat is mixed well, salted and left to brew for half an hour.

You can improve this barley recipe. For example, add red bell pepper and/or tomatoes to the fry.

Milk pearl barley porridge

You should definitely prepare your own favorite dish of Peter I. It was pearl barley with cow’s milk. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals, 2 large spoons of butter, a pinch of salt, a large spoon of granulated sugar, 900 ml of milk.

  1. The pearl barley is soaked in cold water overnight. In the morning, it is washed well and boiled for 12-14 minutes in salt water.
  2. Next, the slightly boiled product is placed in a colander and added to boiling milk.
  3. The porridge is salted and sprinkled with sugar.
  4. After another 15 minutes, the container with the treat is moved to a water bath and simmered in it for 2.5-3 hours.

If the housewife has time to spare, you can increase the cooking time to 6-7 hours.

With Chiken

Goes well with pearl barley porridge and chicken. Ingredients: 280 g of cereal, 1-2 onions, 320 g of chicken, 2 carrots, salt, broth, garlic to taste and spices for pilaf.

  1. The washed pearl barley is soaked in cold water for a couple of hours.
  2. Small pieces of chicken are well fried along with chopped onions, carrots and garlic in oil. The mass is immediately salted and sprinkled with seasonings.
  3. The resulting roasted poultry and vegetables are transferred to the duckling pot. The prepared cereal is distributed on top.
  4. The products need to be filled with broth so that it is about 1 cm higher.
  5. The porridge will be cooked under the lid until the broth has completely evaporated.

Ready barley is seasoned with salt to taste.

Barley with pumpkin

It is best to take the vegetable fresh - without peel and seeds. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals, 1.5 tbsp. filtered water, 320 g pumpkin pulp, salt, onion, sweet pepper, 2 tomatoes.

  1. The cereal is soaked in water for 4 hours.
  2. First, onions and carrots (chopped) are fried in a frying pan, then they are cooked together with cubes of pumpkin, peppers and tomatoes.
  3. Vegetables are stewed until soft over low heat.
  4. Barley is boiled in salted water until fully cooked.
  5. All that remains is to transfer the porridge into the frying pan with the vegetables, stir and simmer the ingredients together for another 7-8 minutes.

You can add crushed garlic to the dish to taste.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

The “smart pan” will make the process of preparing the discussed “capricious” porridge a little easier. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals and 2 times more broth, salt to taste.

  1. The pearl barley is soaked in water for a couple of hours, after which it is transferred to the bowl of the device and filled with any broth.
  2. Salt is immediately added to the cereal. You can also add butter to taste.
  3. The dish is prepared in milk porridge mode.

With the specified proportions of liquid and dry ingredients, the treat turns out crumbly.

We remember pearl barley porridge as a viscous, not very pleasant-looking dish in the school cafeteria. We didn’t like it then and don’t strive to cook it as we grow up. In fact, pearl barley in water is a healthy and tasty product. The main thing is to know the correct way to prepare it.


If desired, you can add milk, jam, meat and other products to pearl barley cooked in water.

Traditionally, pearl barley is cooked in milk, but even in water, this porridge can be tasty, crumbly, and most importantly, light and low in calories (only 109 kcal per 100 g of porridge).

To prepare porridge you will need:

  • pearl barley – 1 cup;
  • water – from 1 liter;
  • salt, butter - to taste.

All the necessary ingredients for any dish can be ordered at Delivery within two hours, use the promotional code “website” for the first free delivery.

Cooking water usually requires 2–3 times more water than cereal.

Note! Barley boils very well and increases in volume almost 5 times. Take this fact into account when choosing a pan and measuring the amount of cereal for porridge.

Before cooking, be sure to wash the pearl barley. Do this in cold water, rinse well and rub the grains. This way you will get rid of the husks and films remaining after processing the barley. Drain the water and debris, add a new portion and wash again. Do this until the drained water runs clear. Well-washed pearl barley will become crumbly after cooking and will not be slippery or sticky.

On sale you can see already prepared pearl barley in bags, which you can immediately cook without first washing it of debris and husks. This is very convenient, and this porridge also cooks faster than regular barley.

Pearl barley porridge recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making pearl barley (with the addition of other products, using various kitchen utensils), but there are only two main methods: with or without pre-soaking. Pearl barley, which is produced from whole barley grains, is quite hard and tough and takes a very long time to boil. To speed up the process, many housewives pour water over the cereal overnight, which softens the structure of the product. In addition, porridges prepared in different ways taste slightly different.

With soaking

  1. Prepare the pearl barley by washing it thoroughly in cold water. Place in a suitable size pan and fill with water. Recommended proportions are 1 liter per 1 glass of cereal. Leave for 10 hours. Overnight, the pearl barley will swell and become soft enough to cook faster.

    Before cooking, rinse the cereal thoroughly and leave to soak overnight

  2. Pour the cereal into boiling water and start cooking. Don’t forget that you need to add salt to this porridge at the very end of cooking, so don’t add salt to the water yet. But a piece of butter will be useful: thanks to it, the cereal will acquire a pleasant, delicate flavor and will not stick together. True, oil will add calories to the dish.
  3. Cook the porridge, stirring frequently: this will make it easier for you to determine its readiness. This will take at least 20 minutes. Sometimes taste the porridge. When the grains are sufficiently boiled, add salt.

    Cook the cereal in boiling water, stirring constantly

  4. Remove the pan from the stove without removing the lid, wrap it in a towel or thick cloth, and leave to simmer for 15–30 minutes.

    Salt the finished porridge and add a little butter

No soaking

To prepare porridge in this way, you will need dry cereal, which you just need to wash. Before you begin, boil a full kettle of water and reheat it as needed as you go. You can add whatever you want to the cooked porridge: broth, milk, stew, meat or jam.

Pearl barley must be thoroughly washed before cooking.

    Pour boiling water over the prepared pearl barley in a saucepan so that the barley is covered by 2 centimeters. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for about 5 minutes.

    Fill the barley with water and cook for 5 minutes

    Drain the barley through a colander. Add boiling water again, cook for 5 minutes and drain the water. You need to repeat the procedure 6 times. At the same time, increase the amount of water so that the level rises by 1 cm above the grain each time, and the cooking time by 30 seconds.

    Drain the water through a colander or sieve, pour in the cereal again and cook several more times.

    For the last time, pour water to the barley level and add salt. At this stage, you can add the products you want to the porridge. Bring the porridge to a boil, stirring, and remove from heat.

    At the last stage, salt the pearl barley and add broth or milk to it if desired.

Video recipe for cooking pearl barley porridge in water

Alternative cooking methods

You can significantly save time and effort if you use modern household devices when preparing pearl barley porridge in water. It could be:

  • oven;
  • multicooker;
  • microwave;
  • rice cooker;
  • thermos.

Each method gives the porridge a special flavor.

"Glass" pearl barley in the oven

This old Estonian recipe is very popular. You will need clay or ceramic pots for baking in the oven and the following products:

  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • 2–3 glasses of water;
  • salt, sugar, butter - to taste.

Soak the cereal for several hours or overnight, then place it in pots and pour very hot water (boiling water) 2 centimeters above the grains. Do not cover dishes with lids. Set the oven to 220 degrees, and while it is still warm, place the pots of cereal. It will take 40 minutes to prepare.

Take out the finished porridge, add butter, sugar or salt to it to taste.

Barley porridge in a pot, cooked in the oven

Using the oven, you can cook regular porridge. Many housewives prefer to cook pearl barley porridge until half cooked, and then put it in the oven for 15–20 minutes to “cook.”

In a slow cooker

To prepare porridge in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • 3 glasses of water.

Other products are according to taste and desire.

Thanks to the multicooker, pearl barley porridge turns out tender and crumbly

  1. Prepare and wash the cereal, soak in cold water for 2 hours. If you don’t have much time, pour boiling water over clean pearl barley for 10 minutes.
  2. Place the soaked cereal, drain the water, and pour it into the multicooker bowl. Fill with water. You can add a little butter or just grease the bottom of the bowl with it.
  3. Set the “Porridge” or “Buckwheat” mode. The device itself will set the timer for the desired time.
  4. When the multicooker beeps indicating the food is ready, remove the lid, stir the contents and add salt to taste.

In the microwave

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • salt, butter.
  1. Washed cereals need to be soaked for several hours. Drain the used water, put the pearl barley in a regular pan, and fill it with fresh water.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook for no more than 3 minutes. Place the pearl barley in a colander or sieve and rinse.
  3. Place the semi-finished cereal in a heat-resistant bowl, add water, add salt, cover the contents with a lid and place in the microwave.
  4. Set the device to maximum power for 5 minutes. After some time, reduce the power to about 350 W and cook for another half hour.
  5. If the dish seems damp to you, add a little water and keep the porridge in the microwave for another 5 minutes. At the end of the process, add butter.

In the rice cooker

A rice cooker is a very convenient device designed specifically for preparing cereals. With its help, you can easily and quickly deal with pearl barley.

A rice cooker is an excellent device for preparing porridges.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  1. Wash the pearl barley thoroughly so that no flour dust remains. Fill with water and leave for a couple of hours.
  2. Allow the liquid to drain and place the cereal into the rice cooker. Fill with 3 glasses of water. Close the lid and set the “Cooking” mode. It will take 1 hour to prepare, if you did not soak the pearl barley beforehand - from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  3. After finishing cooking, leave the pearl barley for 20 minutes in the heating mode. After this, you can add salt and season the dish with oil.

In a thermos

This method is the simplest, it will require almost no effort from you. It is enough to rinse a glass of pearl barley, pour the cereal into a regular thermos and pour boiling water over it. 4 hours is enough for the crumbly porridge to be ready.

Even in an ordinary thermos you can prepare excellent pearl barley porridge.

This method is ideal for those who are too busy at work: they prepared in the morning, and at lunchtime they transferred the finished porridge from a thermos to a plate and added the necessary ingredients to taste. A hearty and healthy dish is ready!

As you can see, preparing pearl barley is not at all difficult. This dish can be tasty and beautiful if you put your soul into it and follow the rules. How do you cook pearl barley in water? Tell us about it in the comments. Bon appetit!


Pearl barley is a cereal obtained from barley grains. It is known to almost everyone, but many people believe that you can only make porridge from pearl barley, but it turns out to be very hard and tasteless.

In fact, dishes made from it can be delicious in their taste, the main thing is to prepare it correctly.

And thanks to its beneficial properties combined with its low price, pearl barley can easily compete for first place with such popular buckwheat and rice.

Pearl barley porridge can be considered one of the most useful products. Pearl barley is a whole grain, which means it retains more vitamins than crushed grain.

It also contains all B vitamins, vitamin A for vision, vitamin E antioxidant, D for bones and joints, PP for skin. The fiber contained in pearl barley improves intestinal function.

This porridge contains all the micro- and macroelements, as well as amino acids, necessary for the coordinated functioning of the body.

Scientists have isolated the antibacterial component hordecin from pearl barley. It belongs to the group of natural antibiotics and helps in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

Due to these properties, this food product is included in therapeutic diets and weight loss diets. Barley is included in the menu of children's institutions, medical institutions and the military.

Calorie content is 320 kcal per 100 g of dry cereal. The same amount contains 8 g of dietary fiber, protein - 9.3 g, fat - 1.2 g, and most carbohydrates - 67 g.

How long to cook pearl barley until done: maintain the proportions of water and cereal

The duration of cooking of this cereal depends on whether it was soaked or not, what dish is being prepared, and also what cooking method will be used.

Most often, the cereal is simply soaked for several hours. You can soak it in the evening to prepare aromatic porridge for breakfast in the morning. With this method, the cereal swells well, and you will need to cook for 20-25 minutes.

If there is absolutely no time and you need to prepare lunch as quickly as possible, then you can do without soaking. You just need to rinse the pearl barley very thoroughly under running water, then take one and a half liters of water per glass of cereal and cook for 3-4 minutes. Such actions will help get rid of flour dust, due to which the porridge can be excessively slimy. Then drain this water and add fresh water, in which the cereal should cook after boiling for about an hour.

In stores you can buy porridge in portioned bags. This pearl barley is already pre-processed in a special way, which allows you to preserve all the useful substances, but at the same time speed up the cooking process. The box with the product indicates the cooking time for the porridge, usually 20 minutes.

To add pearl barley to first courses, it is better to first boil pearl barley until ready using one of the methods described above, and add it to the soup five minutes before it is ready.

How to properly cook pearl barley with and without soaking

Pearl barley can be cooked in water, milk or meat or vegetable broth.

Pearl barley porridge on water: crumbly and viscous

  1. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the cereal in cold water, preferably running, or change the water several times.
  2. Fill the washed cereal with 1 liter of water for 6-8 hours.
  3. Before putting the porridge on the stove, you need to rinse it again. Then place in a pan of suitable size, preferably with a thick bottom.
  4. Boil water separately, then pour 2-3 cups of boiled water over the barley. Place on high heat, once boiling, reduce to medium. Cook for 25 minutes under a closed lid, after this time add salt, stir the porridge and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. Turn off the stove, but do not remove the pan from it for another 10 minutes. During this time, the pearl barley will sweat and reach readiness.

Barley with milk

Porridge cooked with milk turns out very tasty. This nutritious dish is suitable for children and adults, especially as a breakfast. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Rinse 250 g of cereal in several waters and soak for 5-6 hours.
  2. Pour the prepared pearl barley with milk, which you will need 4 cups, add salt to taste and add a couple of tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Place the pan over high heat until it boils, then reduce it to medium. Cook the porridge for 50-55 minutes.
  4. Add dried fruits, butter or nuts to the finished porridge.

There is a recipe for making porridge with broth. You can use vegetable, chicken, or beef broth. For a glass of cereal broth you will need to take three glasses.

We wash the pearl barley in advance and soak it in water for three hours. Then put the pearl barley into the broth and cook over medium heat until tender, about one hour. At the end of cooking, add salt and add spices as desired.

Quick cooking method

To prepare pearl barley quickly, you can use a regular thermos.

Place one glass of well-washed barley in it and pour two glasses of boiling water. After two hours, transfer to a saucepan and cook for 15-20 minutes. That's it, the crumbly porridge is ready, all that remains is to add salt, add sugar to taste and add butter.

If you don’t have a thermos, you can cook pearl barley quickly without soaking. To do this, rinse it, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:3, and leave for ten minutes. Then drain this water and add a new portion of boiling water, cook until tender.

Various technologies for preparing pearl barley

This porridge can be cooked not only on the stove. Modern housewives can prepare pearl barley in a variety of ways, which we will describe below.

Pressure cooker

This appliance cooks food under pressure. Thanks to this, the cooking process takes less time, and vitamins and beneficial microelements are preserved as much as possible.

To cook barley in a pressure cooker, you need:

  1. Put cereal and water in a ratio of 1:2. You can use milk instead of water.
  2. After boiling, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
  3. Close the lid and set the desired program.
  4. In 15 minutes, a fragrant and healthy breakfast is ready!


A multicooker makes the process of preparing porridge easier.

The cereal should be soaked for one to two hours before cooking. You can grease the bowl with butter before adding the cereal, this will improve the taste of the finished dish. Add a glass of pearl barley and 2-3 glasses of water.

The mode is selected depending on the model of the device: “Milk porridge”, “Buckwheat”. In any case, the selection of the mode is based on the cooking time, that is, one hour. You can cook in a slow cooker without pre-soaking, then you need to choose a longer cooking mode - 1.5-2 hours.

Video recipe for pearl barley porridge with stew.


In the microwave, barley is cooked at 400 W for half an hour. To do this, you will need special dishes for microwave ovens, in which you need to place one glass of pearl barley and two glasses of water. To cover with a lid.

It must be remembered that the container must be large enough, otherwise all the water will leak out during the cooking process.


In the oven, porridge turns out especially tasty if you cook it in pots. You can prepare pearl barley porridge with meat, for this you need:

  1. Pre-prepare the cereal by soaking it for several hours, or even better, overnight. Rinse well.
  2. In a frying pan, first fry the meat, cut into small pieces, then add onions and carrots. Fry for another 5-7 minutes.
  3. Mix cereals and meat with vegetables, place in pots. There is no need to fill them all the way to the top.
  4. Then pour in water or broth. There should be about 2.5 cm left to the top, since everything will boil during the cooking process, add salt to taste, add spices and bay leaves. Mix everything again.
  5. Cover the pots with lids and place in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. After the liquid in the pots begins to boil, you need to reduce the heat to 170 degrees. This porridge takes an hour and a half to prepare.

You can prepare mushroom pearl barley porridge by replacing the meat with oyster mushrooms, champignons, and wild mushrooms.

You can make pickles, soups, and many main courses from pearl barley: sweet porridges with berries and fruits, nuts, porridges with meat, stewed meat, and vegetables. This is an excellent side dish for many dishes and is very easy to prepare.

To do this you need:

There are recipes for making desserts from pearl barley. Here is one of them:

  • Rinse half a glass of cereal and soak for two hours.
  • Drain the water, rinse again, and add one glass of water. Cook over medium heat.
  • After 10-15 minutes, pour one glass of any fruit juice and cook until tender.
  • At the end, add a little salt, honey or sugar to taste, nuts and dried fruits.
  • Place in a beautiful bowl and top with berry jam.

Barley, if cooked correctly, is a very tasty porridge, completely undeservedly forgotten by many housewives. Thanks to many recipes for delicious dishes with barley, you can diversify your diet. Such food will not only be tasty, but will also benefit the body.

Pearl barley porridge is obtained by grinding barley grains, as a result of which only the husk and the top layer of grain are removed. This cereal has been known since ancient times, when it was widely prepared and eaten.

Now many people have forgotten about pearl barley and practically do not cook it, because they believe that this porridge turns out to be tough and completely tasteless. But that's not true. Let's take a closer look at the basic methods and recipes for preparing pearl barley porridge so that it turns out soft, tender and crumbly.

Useful properties of pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley rightfully belongs to healthy products, since it is a whole grain cereal, and therefore undergoes minimal processing, retaining all nutrients.

To benefit the body, pearl barley porridge must be eaten on a regular basis, since it contains the following vitamins:

  • group B– has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, calming it;
  • vitamin A– necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs;
  • vitamin E– acts as an antioxidant, it is also responsible for the condition of the nail plate and hair;
  • group D– promotes the growth and strengthening of bone tissue and joints;
  • vitamin PP– has a positive effect, improving the condition of the skin, preventing its premature aging.

Pearl barley porridge also contains other useful substances, microelements and macroelements, as well as amino acids.

For example, the fiber contained in pearl barley helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Hordecin - being a natural antibacterial component, allows you to cope with pathogenic microflora.

This cereal belongs to quite low-calorie foods, its calorie content is 320 kcal. Therefore, such porridge is often included as food when following a diet. Due to its beneficial properties, this product is included in the menu in children's, military and medical institutions.

  1. During cooking, this cereal can increase in volume up to 5 times. This should be taken into account when choosing a container for preparing porridge.
  2. It can be difficult to determine in advance the exact time for cooking pearl barley porridge, since many factors influence this process. Everything will depend on the quality of the grain, the utensils used for its preparation, as well as the cooking method. On average, the cooking process for this dish ranges from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  3. The consistency of the finished porridge will depend on the amount of water in which the cereal was cooked. If you want to make pearl barley porridge crumbly, then for 1 glass of porridge, you need to take 2 glasses of water. If you cook pearl barley in a larger amount of liquid, for example, doubling the volume of water, then it will turn out viscous and viscous.

Popular recipes

Let's look at the basic recipes for cooking crumbly pearl barley in water. Since this porridge is made from whole grains, it will take a long time to cook. Many housewives use the method of pre-soaking the cereal, leaving the pearl barley porridge in water for the whole night.

This cooking method can significantly reduce cooking time, since the soaked grain becomes softer and cooks faster.

Preparing pearl barley with pre-soaking

Rinse the cereal well under running water. Fill it with water in the ratio of 1 glass of porridge to 1 liter of water. The grain should stand soaked for about 10 hours; it is better to leave it to stand overnight. In the morning, drain the excess liquid, boil the water and pour out the porridge.

Prepare this dish from time to time, stirring from time to time and checking the degree of its readiness. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

When the porridge is cooked, remove the container from the heat and cover with a lid. It is necessary to wrap the pan in a terry towel or thick cloth and leave it in this state for another 15–30 minutes. During this time, the dish will be fully prepared.

Cooking porridge without soaking

The grains are washed well and placed in boiling water. In such a way that the water protrudes 2 centimeters above the level of the porridge. You need to wait until the pearl barley boils, and then reduce the heat to minimum. Cook the cereal over this heat for 5 minutes.

After this time, strain the pearl barley porridge through a colander. Again, pour boiling water over the cereal and boil for 5.5 minutes. This manipulation must be carried out 6 times. In this case, each time the amount of water should increase so that it protrudes 1 centimeter more than the previous time. Each time the cooking time increases by 30 seconds.

The last time, pour boiling water over the cereal, you can salt it and add a little oil. When the porridge is ready, remove it from the heat and strain.

An ancient recipe for making pearl barley porridge

After this, the pan must be placed in an oven preheated to 125 degrees. In the oven, the pearl barley porridge should simmer for another 30–35 minutes. Before serving, the dish is seasoned with vegetable oil.

There is also a standard recipe for making pearl barley porridge, when the grain is placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water and simmered over low heat for 1–2 hours. In this case, the cereal must be constantly stirred and ensure that it does not burn.

Now you know how to properly cook crumbly pearl barley in water and you can pamper your loved ones with a tasty and healthy dish.

You will learn more about how to cook pearl barley porridge from the following video.

Pearl barley is a simple, inexpensive and undeservedly forgotten grain by many. Meanwhile, it can become not only an excellent side dish for meat, fish, mushrooms or vegetables, but also the basis of many salads, appetizers and soups. What can I say, pearl barley can be very tasty, even if you just flavor it with a piece of butter and sprinkle with herbs.

A little about this cereal

It is no secret that many people now treat pearl barley with slight contempt, believing that porridge from this grain is prepared exclusively for soldiers. How unfair is this! It’s not for nothing that it got its romantic name from the word “pearl,” which translated from French means “pearl.” And if we take a closer look at its rich vitamin composition, then this cereal is rightfully a pearl among all the others.

It has everything to ensure that the human body is always healthy and the body beautiful. For gorgeous hair and clear skin, vitamin B, for strong teeth and bones, vitamin D, vitamin A will improve vision and protect against infections, and vitamin E will prolong your youth.

For those who don’t know, let us immediately explain that pearl barley refers to whole ground barley grains, and unprocessed crushed grains are called barley grains.

So, let's start cooking! The main thing is to cook the porridge correctly, and then you will become friends with it for a long time. Especially for those who cannot find the right approach to cereal, we will tell you in detail how to cook pearl barley in water. In the recipe you will find not only a detailed step-by-step description of the process, but also a photo.

Taste Info Second: cereals


  • pearl barley – 1 cup;
  • water for soaking cereals – 1 l;
  • water for cooking cereals - from 2.5 glasses (depending on the desired viscosity of the porridge);
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - to your taste when serving.

How to cook pearl barley porridge in water on the stove

It is not recommended to cook pearl barley in water without soaking, otherwise it will take a very long time. The cereal must first be soaked in water and then the cooking process will be halved.

First of all, measure out the required amount of cereal and sort it out, since even in the best factory packaging you may encounter small pebbles and debris.

Then pour it into a fine-hole colander or sieve and rinse thoroughly under cool running water. During the rinsing process, constantly sort the grains with your fingers. Next, place the washed pearl barley in a container of a suitable size and also fill it with cool water.

Leave the pearl barley in the water for at least 5 hours, ideally overnight. During this time, the cereal should increase significantly in size. After soaking, place it in a colander (sieve) again and rinse thoroughly. Now the clean and swollen pearl barley is ready for cooking.

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and add the cereal.

The proportions of water and cereal depend on the viscosity of the porridge you want to obtain as a result. For example, how much water do you need for a glass of pearl barley? For crumbly porridge, take 2.5 glasses of water; for porridge of medium viscosity - the ratio will be 1:3; for a very viscous messy porridge (many people remember it from kindergarten) - from 3.5 glasses to a liter of water.

Cover the saucepan with the pearl barley tightly and place it on the burner set to maximum heat. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to gurgle intensely, turn the stove to low heat and, without removing the lid, let the barley boil for 25 minutes.

When the specified time has passed, lift the lid: from above the porridge seems completely ready, the top of the cereal has already completely absorbed the water, but there is still a little liquid left at the very bottom. Salt the porridge to your taste (usually 1 teaspoon is enough), stir gently and return the lid to its place.

Simmer the porridge on low heat on the stove for another 10 minutes, then turn off the burner, but do not remove the saucepan from it yet, let it steam for 5-7 minutes, and the pearl barley porridge on the water will be ready!

It is better to serve pearl barley hot or warm. Season it with butter, perhaps also with a handful of herbs. Or serve the porridge as a side dish with meat (fish, mushroom) sauce and vegetables in any form.

The porridge will turn out especially tasty, and the grains will remain intact if you first lightly fry the cereal in a dry frying pan.

Pearl barley porridge is best cooked in a thick-walled container. Barley will turn out good in a double boiler or. But there is another interesting way, try it, and this porridge will forever become your favorite. In the morning, place the cereal soaked in the evening in clay pots and pour boiling water over it (the liquid level should be 2-2.5 cm above the cereal). Do not cover with lids and place in the oven, preheated by this time to a temperature of 100-120 degrees. After this, bring the temperature in the oven to 200-220 degrees and from this point leave for 40 minutes. Serve directly in the pots, adding salt or sugar and butter to taste.

You can cook porridge in a water bath. First, boil for 15 minutes, then place the bowl with the cereal in the bathhouse, wrap and evaporate for 30-40 minutes.

Not only does pearl barley make good porridge, you can cook many interesting dishes with it:

  • soup with dried mushrooms or;
  • porridge with chicken hearts or chicken and vegetables;
  • Christmas kutya;
  • or with ;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • perlotto (this is something like risotto, but not with rice, but with pearl barley);
  • barley cutlets;
  • barley with meat in pots in the oven.