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How to write a letter of recommendation. Sample letter of recommendation for an employee. Ace in the hole

“This is a fairly common practice when a specialist himself prepares a version of a letter of recommendation and then gives it to the recommender. The latter makes changes, if he considers it necessary, and signs, he believes Andrey Mesechko, PR director of the recruiting company Pride Consulting Group. - When composing a letter, you must take into account that it must contain the following elements:

  1. personal data (full name) of the candidate, the position in which he worked, duration of work (full name worked in the company... in the position... in the period from... to...);
  2. brief description of job responsibilities;
  3. description of significant achievements (during his work, the full name has proven himself to be... for example, a highly qualified specialist. Among his main achievements are... for example, increasing revenue, establishing..., launching..., launching... etc. );
  4. a brief personal description (full name distinguishes... for example, sociability, friendliness, ability to build effective relationships, integrity, etc.);
  5. indicating the reasons for leaving the company (optional), expressing regret about this (optional), expressing confidence in a further productive career and development of a specialist in a new place.
  • personal and contact information of the recommender (full name, company name, position, phone number, email address);
  • personal data of the specialist, his position in the company and the period of cooperation with the recommender;
  • range of issues for which the specialist was responsible within the framework of cooperation;
  • his professional achievements within the framework of cooperation, characteristics as a person;
  • the traditional final paragraph with regret that the specialist is leaving and wishes for further success.”

When applying for a signature or agreeing to provide a contact phone number, talk to the recommender about what he will answer if a representative of the company you want to work for calls. This is not a conspiracy, but a completely normal discussion, since at the time of such a call a person may not be ready for a conversation, is busy with work, business and, accordingly, forget to mention something important. “The legislation does not oblige employers to provide recommendations for resigning employees,” recalls Andrei Mesechko. - Moreover, if the specialist had a strained relationship with one of his colleagues or managers, they may refuse to provide this document. It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly establish relationships that were not built over a long period of time working in the company, so it is better to turn to those who can speak positively about the professional and personal qualities of the specialist.”

Ace in the hole

But just getting a recommendation is not enough - you need to use it on time. After all, if you talk about it prematurely, the picture may look like the applicant is trying to hide something, and if you delay, the right opportunity may not present itself.

"I wouldn't recommend sending letter of recommendation along with a resume - this can raise questions and doubts among recruiters and create the feeling that the candidate is making excuses in advance and is looking for outside support, warns Natalya Valdaeva, head of the banking practice of the recruiting company MarksMan. “It is better to send a letter upon request or at an advanced stage of negotiations.” “Of course, it is useful to have an electronic copy of the letter, but sending it along with your resume is premature,” agrees Andrey Mesechko. - It is enough to emphasize the readiness to provide recommendations in one form or another at the request of a potential employer.

It is also important to have the contact information of references and obtain their consent to provide it to the future employer. For example, if confirmation of the authenticity of a letter of recommendation is required or additional questions arise. When employing a foreign company, it is important to study and comply with the regulations of the country to which the company belongs.”

Letters of recommendation are not the main component of employment, but this does not mean that such a document will not be useful to you. When you start your search, you may not even suspect what kind of offer you will receive from employers. Therefore, it is worth stocking up in advance good recommendations to fully meet your career prospects.

Anyone who considers a letter of recommendation to be a relic of the past is deeply mistaken. Compiled in addition to the bare facts presented in a resume or test results, such a document will give the applicant a convincing advantage over competitors and can play a decisive role in finding a job. Let’s look in more detail at what content it should be and how to format it correctly. We will offer a sample letter of recommendation to an employee.

The letter can, in free form, comprehensively show the applicant’s professionalism, his unique abilities, attitude to work, and organizational talent. Most often, a letter of recommendation is required:

  • for a specific vacancy;
  • when promoting an employee to a managerial position;
  • when appointed to a position where unique abilities are required (for example, in the field of culture, art, journalism, information structures, etc.);
  • when hiring for legal, financial, tax, control authorities, where professional experience and special personal qualities are required;
  • to a student when sent to his first job or internship;
  • employees of service organizations and social services - if they are used to provide services at home.

Registration requirements

The document is not mandatory and has no established standards. But certain requirements for content and design must be observed, namely:

  • businesslike, informative style of presentation, “without water” and emotions;
  • specificity and objectivity in assessing knowledge and level of professional skills;
  • characterize those personal qualities that affect the performance of job duties;
    indication of reasons for termination labor relations with the applicant;
  • conclusions about why the employee is suitable for this vacancy or can be promoted to a management position;
  • the letter of recommendation is drawn up on the company's letterhead (if available) or on a standard sheet of paper. On the top right is the position, full name of the employer and the name of the organization where the vacancy exists. You can also write “to be provided at the place of request” if the applicant has not decided on his future place of work.

The recommendation should be approximately 1 page in length. At the end of the letter, the position, full name of the manager who makes the recommendation, his signature, seal and exact contact information are required: legal address, telephone number, email address. This will confirm that the letter is official, and not the applicant himself wrote it. If necessary, the new employer can clarify the information.


To be provided locally

Petrova Ekaterina Ivanovna, born in 1960, living in Zvenigorod, st. Moskovskaya, 5/16, passport number XXXXXXXXX, worked as a nanny for my son Ilya from 2016 to 2018, raising a child from 3 to 5 years old.

Petrova E.I. has a higher education Teacher Education and experience working in a preschool. In our family, she worked 5 days a week from 8.00 to 18.00. Her responsibilities included: caring for the baby, maintaining a daily routine (nutrition, educational games, walks, naps), preparing food for the child, cleaning his room.

Over the years, Ekaterina Ivanovna became Ilya’s favorite nanny and member of our family. She is distinguished by her caring attitude towards the boy, kindness, sincerity, pedagogical tact, and diligence. She performed all duties diligently and punctually. At the same time, she was engaged in the development and education of Ilya - she taught him to read, count, and constantly selected educational games. She knew how to captivate people with interesting things and calm them down with a favorite fairy tale.

The employment contract with the nanny was interrupted due to Ilya’s admission to the senior group of the kindergarten. He quickly adapted to the new conditions, as he had the necessary skills to care for himself and maintain a daily routine. Our family is grateful to E.I. Petrova. for caring and raising my son.

Full name, signature, signature transcript.

Semenova Lyudmila Dmitrievna,

Zvenigorod, st. Central, 12/7.

Phone, email address.


General Director of Horizont LLC

Dubtsova E.I., born in 1996, higher education, lives in Pskov, Zelenaya St., 12/3, worked as a reception secretary at Neftezavodmontazh CJSC from August 2016 to January 2019.

Her responsibilities included: registration of incoming and outgoing mail, timely delivery of documents to departments and divisions with the resolution of the manager, business correspondence, drawing up the director’s work schedule, preparing production meetings (folders with information, inviting participants).

During this period, she proved herself to be a responsible and efficient employee. She types quickly and without errors, has a business style for presenting the text of documents, has mastered the computer and electronic document management.

In the reception area he creates a working environment without fuss and unnecessary emotions, and observes official etiquette. This is facilitated by such personal qualities as friendliness, openness, discipline, erudition and high internal culture.

Actively participates in the life of the team and goes in for sports.

The reason for the dismissal was the applicant’s desire to improve his professional status.

CEO Company

"Neftezavodmontazh" Krasko I.I.

(signature, transcript of signature, seal)

Contacts: phone, email. address.


to CEO

LLC "Grazhdanproektservis" Volkov K.P.

Stechkina Tatyana Vasilyevna, born in 1980, lives in Tula, st. Nekrasova, 42/23, worked at SELENA LLC from June 2016 to August 2018 as an accountant.

Stechkina T.V. led questions wages, ensured the correctness of its accrual, controlled the primary documentation.

During the period of work, there were no cases of underpayment or overpayment of wages to employees, taxes and insurance contributions were paid on time and correctly. There were no complaints regarding this issue from team members.

This indicates that Stechkina T.V. competent, knowledgeable financier, a true professional in his field. Good computer skills and excellent mathematical and analytical skills.

She is characterized by diligence, punctuality, and efficiency. He enjoys authority in the team and has good organizational skills.

Can successfully deal with the management of the company's financial department.


LLC "SELENA" (full name, signature, seal)

Contacts: legal address, phone, email. mail.


Head of the Rudnyansky Department of Education

Annenkova Larisa Petrovna graduated with honors from Smolensk State University in 2018, majoring in mathematics and computer science. She has excellent mathematical abilities and was one of the best students in the course.

Has in-depth knowledge of the subject. She took part in the regional Universiade and took third place among mathematicians. During teaching practice showed good methodological preparation.

She plays the piano, actively participated in student life at the university, worked in a construction team during the summer holidays, and was elected commissioner.

By character - purposeful, sociable, quickly finds mutual language with teenagers, knows how to gain authority with them. By nature he is a team leader. Reads professional literature, works on himself.

Please take into account when sending me to work this characteristic Annenkova L.P.



Faculty of Smolensk State

University (full name, signature, seal, contacts: phone, email)


To the head of the construction trust

LLC "Grazhdanproektservis" (director P.P. Ivanov) has been our main design organization since 2003. As a partner, he completes ordered projects within the specified time frame with high quality.

The team of LLC employees works creatively, harmoniously, and with deep knowledge of the matter. Modern design solutions are constantly proposed, and shortcomings are promptly eliminated. This allows us to lead construction works rhythmically, keeping within the standards.

Head of construction trust

Full name, signature, seal.

Contacts: phone, email.

To the storekeeper

Savushkin I.P., born in 1995, secondary education, lives in Ivanovo, st. Internatsionalnaya, 8, from 2015 to 2019 he worked as the manager of the finished products warehouse of Avtokovriki LLC.

He proved himself to be a disciplined executive employee. Being a materially responsible person, he studied in detail the range of goods produced, competently prepared documentation for the receipt and release of products, and did not allow shortages and abuses.

Maintained perfect order in the warehouse in accordance with sanitary standards. Maintained business contacts with site foremen and sales service.

He took an active part in the life of the team and headed the volleyball team. A non-conflict person, reliable, enjoyed the respect of his work colleagues.

The employment contract with him was terminated at his request due to a change of residence.


LLC "Avtokovriki" Chernov G.B. (signature, seal, contacts: phone)

The letter can be composed at the place of request

To the teacher

Head of kindergarten No. 10 in Solnechnogorsk

Sanina Veronika Petrovna, born in 1994, lived in Zvenigorod, st. Chapaeva 27/15, worked in kindergarten"Fairy Tale" under my leadership from 2012 to 2018. Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology.

All these years she worked with full dedication, a creative approach to educational activities, and successfully applied modern methods of child development. She herself has a high aesthetic taste, is engaged in artistic creativity, and attracts children to it.

Her students constantly took part in exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts and won prizes.

Veronica Petrovna is a talented teacher, a sincere person who is open to communication, always shared her work experience with colleagues, and left behind a lot methodological developments, for which the team is grateful to her.

The reason for her departure was a change of residence for family reasons.

Sanina V.P. can work successfully both as a teacher of a preschool institution, and as its director or methodologist.

Parfenova D.I.,

Head of the kindergarten "Skazka"

Zvenigorod, st. Lenina, 25

Contacts: telephone, email address (specify).

To the lawyer

To be provided where required.

Andreev Yu.M., born in 1990, lives in Smolensk, st. Lenina, 32/5, worked at Stroymontazhservis LLC as a legal consultant from 2014 to 2019. Higher education, lawyer.

He studied the legislation in the field of architecture and construction well, carried out a competent examination of company regulations, contracts, and financial transactions. He constantly provided legal assistance to separate divisions of the company, traveling to the field.

When difficult situations arose, when resolving labor disputes, in economic courts, he delved deeply into the problem, found solutions beneficial to the company, and convincingly defended its interests.

He constantly studied legal literature and expanded his horizons. Showed initiative and made proposals to improve the work of staff.

In cases of violation of contractual obligations by partners, shortages, thefts, he comprehensively studied the issues and, if necessary, submitted issues for consideration to the court or investigative authorities.

Andreev Yu.M. inherent efficiency, diligence, decency in relationships with colleagues. Able to organize a team to solve assigned tasks.

The reason for terminating the contract is Yuri Mikhailovich’s desire to improve in his profession, to receive a more serious amount of work with appropriate remuneration. He is able to head the legal department and establish effective legal services for a large business or financial company.

General Director of LLC


Vavilov N.I., signature, seal.

Contacts: phone, email.

To the driver

To be provided where required.

Tatishchev E.N., born in 1994, lives in Zvenigorod, st. Zelenaya, 17/25, secondary education, worked as a car driver at ZAO Komintern.

Has good driving skills, has not had any accidents, and quickly navigates difficult situations, a high-class professional.

Always balanced, self-possessed, taciturn, polite and tactful with colleagues.

The reason for the termination of the contract was the statement of E.N. Tatishchev. in connection with the search for a higher paying job. Due to his technical training and driving skills, he can successfully operate a modern truck.

Director of JSC "Comintern"

Pugachev P.P. (Signature stamp)

Contacts: phone, email. mail.

Every person has to look for a job at least once in their life, and modern world you have to do this more than once. Find Good work not easy, since employers are demanding and selective, and competitors are not asleep. In such circumstances, it is necessary to use all possible tools that can persuade the employer to accept your candidacy. One of these tools is a letter of recommendation.

What is a letter of recommendation and how can it help with employment?

Letters of recommendation came to Russia from Europe, where they were in use several centuries ago. At that time, a letter of recommendation was actually used as a resume, and without this document there was no way to get a more or less decent job, not only in a government or commercial enterprise, but even a maid or cook needed recommendations to work in good home and with a decent salary. IN Soviet time The tradition of providing recommendations when applying for a job has changed. Recommendations have been replaced by characteristics that, in principle, can be considered identical to letters of recommendation in their purpose. IN last decades In Russia, the tradition of providing recommendations for employment is being revived. Having references (oral or written) allows the candidate to confirm to a potential employer that, firstly, his resume is truthful and, secondly, his past workplace was abandoned not due to conflict or dishonest performance of duties.

  • to the bank when applying for a loan or mortgage;
  • to a higher education institution to consider the possibility of providing a grant for study;
  • to government agencies to apply for benefits.

Recommendations can be requested verbally or in writing. The recruiter can receive verbal recommendations from the person specified by the applicant through a telephone conversation or in a personal meeting. Most often, the applicant himself should be tasked with preparing written recommendations in a timely manner. Most often, the applicant himself draws up this letter, and the manager only reads the already completed document, and then confirms with his signature that he agrees with everything stated.

My experience shows that in some companies even PR specialists are tasked with writing letters of recommendation. In this case, the employee should not leave everything to chance and hope that a kind PR person will write “as needed.” It is better to take the initiative and prepare at least a template of a text about yourself, even if you are deprived of the gift of writing. The PR specialist will correct punctuation and grammatical errors in the letter, the essence of which will convey what you need.

As such, there are no formal requirements for the preparation of letters of recommendation; however, there is a set of basic principles, the observance of which will facilitate the creation of the document and its subsequent use. A letter of recommendation should traditionally be issued on company letterhead. In a free business style, it tells about the employee and those qualities that he would like to highlight. At the conclusion of the letter, the signature of the person composing it, his surname and initials are placed. It is also necessary to indicate the position of the compiler and contact information (telephone and email address). It is also important to indicate the date of writing in the letter. Letters from ten years ago are unlikely to serve as a convincing argument for employment. The company seal may not be placed on such a letter if the seal does not exist in principle.

The letter must begin with a title, namely the words “Letter of Recommendation.” Further in the text you can reflect, for example, the following points:

  • confirm the fact that the submitter of the letter actually worked in the designated company during such and such a period of time together with the person who is now making the recommendation;
  • describe the employee’s job responsibilities, the nature of the work he performed, and his success in this matter;
  • characterize the employee’s professional qualities, achievements, promotions, thanks;
  • identify reasons for leaving;
  • formulate your recommendations and express your opinion about the person, his talents, skills and prospects for further professional development.

The letter is drawn up in free form

How to write a letter of recommendation in English and when it may be required

When writing a letter of recommendation in English, you must adhere to the rules of business English correspondence. If the letter of recommendation is drawn up in in paper form, in the header of the document you must indicate the contact information of the originator, as well as the date of compilation. The document itself can be printed on a printer, but the signature at the bottom of the page must be written by hand.

If the document is sent by email, you do not need to include a header, but in the subject line of the letter, be sure to indicate the full name of the candidate, the position for which he is applying, as well as the purpose of your letter. Contact information can be indicated at the end of the letter itself after the signature.

Otherwise, the requirements for the content of an English-language letter of recommendation are identical to the requirements for a letter written in Russian. The ideal length of a letter of recommendation does not exceed one page.

I had to prepare letters of recommendation in English for admission to a foreign university. To write my letter, I first looked at several examples of letters from the Internet, and then composed my own version. If your skill level English language is far from perfect, it is better to seek help from more knowledgeable friends and colleagues. In the future, when studying, mistakes in spoken language will be forgiven as a foreigner, but errors in the text of a letter of recommendation will not work in your favor at all.

As a rule, the letter of recommendation must be certified and signed by the manager on whose behalf the document is being drawn up. This could be the head of a department or branch, or the general director himself. Students may obtain a signature from the dean of the faculty or the head of the department for their letters of recommendation.

Strictly speaking, there are no specific requirements and rules for writing letters of recommendation, so it is difficult to make a mistake when writing such a letter. However, if we take into account that the purpose of the letter is to help a former employee find a job, following certain canons when drawing up a document, this goal can be either delayed or brought closer. Thus, a letter based only on personal impressions of the employee, but not affecting the professional qualities and relationships of the person with the team, is unlikely to help in getting a job offer. The recruiter cannot take into account a letter written by a person who has not had experience of direct interaction with the applicant. Thus, a human resources manager cannot provide an adequate description of an advertising specialist. In order for the document to influence the recruiter’s decision, it must be drawn up by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Recommendations in vaguely formulaic formulations will also be of little help to the HR manager of a future employer when making a hiring decision. A good letter should be short and to the point.

The presence of recommendations from former employers is not yet a guarantee of successful employment, however, in modern conditions, when searching for your dream job, you can not disdain any auxiliary tools. It is quite possible that well-written recommendations will be the decisive straw that will tip the scales in your favor when making the final hiring decision.

Having a recommendation from a previous place of work will significantly increase the chances of employment for a new position and will help to single out a certain candidate from the general list of applicants. However, it does not even guarantee 100% results. The information written in it will help the future manager evaluate the professionalism of the employee in the early stages.

This article will tell you how to write a letter of recommendation correctly. Sample forms and main points that must be voiced will be described in more detail.

A letter of recommendation is a document that describes a short letter; when composing it, you must adhere to a business style. To write it, you need a letterhead with the logo and contact information of the company. This document is signed directly by the manager, indicating a telephone number by which, if necessary, you can contact him directly to clarify or verbally confirm the data.

As a rule, such a letter is drawn up with the purpose of recommending an employee, telling about his achievements, professionalism, and success in his work.

If there is a recommendation from the place of work (the example is based on the experience of foreign companies), the applicant has more opportunities for employment in a prestigious job with a high wages and career growth.

Modern prestigious companies take the selection of employees very seriously, therefore, upon dismissal, by agreement of the parties, you can ask for a recommendation from the place of work. An example of the correct writing of this document:

  1. Title, depending on the enterprise (domestic or foreign).
  2. Full name of the company, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail) and field of activity.
  3. Full name of the employee, date of hire and dismissal.
  4. A complete list of the specialist’s job responsibilities and the results of his work.
  5. A brief description of personal qualities that directly influenced the achievement of goals.
  6. Reason for transfer or dismissal.
  7. Recommendation for a potential employer.
  8. Full name of the manager providing this information, his position, contact phone number and signature.
  9. Date of document creation.
  10. Availability of a seal.

Letter of recommendation. Sample for domestic enterprises

Pretesnaya Natalya Sergeevna worked at the company Gramadastroy LLC as a secretary from September 28, 2001 to January 1, 2010 under my direct supervision.

Her job consisted of performing the following duties:

  • accepting and sending documents;
  • compilation;
  • maintaining employee time sheets;
  • office work;
  • its preparation and registration;
  • organizing events;
  • registration and control of electronic document flow.

Over the 9 years of working together, Natalya has proven herself to be good. She was always efficient, hardworking, proactive and conscientiously fulfilled her duties. She enjoyed respect and authority among the team. Her main quality is the ability to properly organize and distribute work. This allowed her not only to complete assigned tasks on time, but to do her best work ahead of schedule. Also, its invaluable advantage is the organization of leisure time for staff.

Thus, I can recommend Natalya Sergeevna Pretesnaya for the position of assistant to the head of the technology department, as she has sufficient professionalism, knowledge and qualities that are necessary to perform this job.

LLC "Gramadastroy"

Foreign companies, in particular American ones, have their own requirements for the preparation of recommendation documents. They are designed as a cover letter, which is an addition to the resume.

Automotive concern "General Motors"

Ivan Leonidovich Sokol was hired by our company on December 14, 2002 as a project manager. During his work, he successfully coped with his job responsibilities, in particular, he managed projects, negotiated with partners, selected professional employees, and reported to his superiors on the progress of new developments.

During his work at the entrusted site, income increased by 8%, which can characterize him as an initiative, purposeful and competent specialist.

I have no doubt that Ivan Leonidovich Sokol will do an excellent job in a similar position and will contribute to the development of another enterprise.

As a rule, there is a certain list of positions where references are mandatory. This mainly applies to management.

Alina Stanislavovna Ivantsova worked at the Junior company as head of the advertising department from March 23, 2004 to November 11, 2012. Her personal qualities, such as self-confidence, initiative, communication skills, the ability to properly organize the work process, and determination, contributed to development of our company. It is worth noting that during her leadership the number of circulations increased by 25%. At her suggestion, new system developments were introduced, which increased the publication’s income and allowed it to expand significantly. Over 8 years of working together with Ivantsova A.S. the company found many new partners and significantly expanded the list of its advertisers.

I would like to especially highlight her focus on achieving high results, her ability to quickly and efficiently solve complex problems and find a way out of any current situation.

In some cases, university graduates are required to bring a letter of recommendation when applying for employment in a large company. This information can be provided directly educational institution, teacher or mentor.

Belaya Elena Anatolyevna entered the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics (MSHEU) in 2003 to the faculty foreign languages, Department of Turkish Language. During her studies, she proved herself to be a purposeful, responsible, proactive person, ready to learn and striving to achieve great success.

Participated in extracurricular activities, educational projects and often took on the task of translating texts.

While writing my diploma, I completed an internship at a prestigious foreign company, directly related to my profession. Characterized as an executive and responsible worker.


When leaving an enterprise, it is better to immediately ask for a letter of recommendation, since its presence can become an additional trump card when applying for a new job.