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How to prepare fir cones with medicinal properties. How to use fir cones: medicinal properties and contraindications. Traditional medicine recipes

Colds, joint pain. It has always been very popular among the residents of Siberia. Cones were also considered a valuable remedy by folk healers, who prepared infusions, jams, balms and other remedies from them.

Conifer cones are modified shoots that ripen in the second year. It is then that, under the influence of dry wind, they gradually begin to open. But those who are interested in when to collect cones for the purpose of treatment should take into account that only young cones are used for treatment. They contain resin, which has a unique healing effect. Therefore, tinctures from cones are widely used for blood pressure, to treat diseases of the joints, bones, gastrointestinal tract diseases, respiratory organs, etc.

Products based on this component are also a fairly effective cure for. This quality has been scientifically proven, because experts have devoted separate large-scale studies to the study of such properties of cones. Currently, work is underway to create special tablet forms that are easy to use and produce a pronounced effect in the treatment and prevention of strokes.

The current situation with the incidence of stroke

Currently, the prevention of stroke and other vascular and heart diseases is a very important link in the fight for the health of the nation. After all, illnesses of cardio-vascular system widespread among people of different ages. According to statistics, strokes are recorded in 450 thousand Russian residents of different ages every year. About a third of patients die a month after a stroke. A third of people who survive this dangerous disease require extensive additional care and remain dependent on others. Another 9% experience another stroke within a year. If we evaluate the overall picture of the rehabilitation process after a stroke, the severity of this disease is clearly demonstrated by the fact that only 8% of patients after a stroke do not need additional help.

How to treat a stroke with pine cones?

Pine is a phytoncidal plant recognized by experts. Phytoncides - these are substances that produce a very powerful antimicrobial effect. They destroy pathogenic microbes and at the same time have pronounced tonic properties. Phytoncides also have a beneficial effect on the general condition immune system. During the summer months, a lot of substances beneficial to the body gradually accumulate in the cones. In addition to phytoncides, they contain a lot, essential oils , tannins . Precisely due to the presence of tannins in the cones, which have unique properties, they are used as a cure for stroke, and as an effective preventive measure. Researchers have confirmed that they contain new varieties of tannins that stop the death of brain cells in people who have suffered a stroke.

Immediately during and after a stroke, due to an acute disruption of cerebral blood flow, brain cells die very rapidly. Moreover, while the rehabilitation period passes, the process of cell death continues and even intensifies.

The use of tannin is justified by the fact that this substance can reduce cell death. Scientists have proven this by conducting a series of experiments on experimental rodents. If we consider the results of the experiment, then in mice receiving tannins, only 20% of brain cells died, and in those rodents that did not receive such treatment, about 70%.

According to the scientists who conducted this study, the whole point is that tannins are able to block one of the brain cells that determine the life process. This allows us to reduce the intensity of their death. And the tannins contained in pine cones act exactly like this. This is exactly the property of pine cones that scientists from California have confirmed.

However, those who plan to use such medications need to remember the following: if treatment and recovery after a stroke are being carried out, folk remedies can only be used after consultation with a doctor. After all, products prepared from pine cones have contraindications. So they cannot always be used and not for everyone.

Pine cones: medicinal properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties are due to the components contained in the modified pine shoots:

  • essential oil, which includes borneol, limonene, pinene, bornyl acetate, cadinene and other substances;
  • resinous acids;
  • bitterness;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • a number of vitamins (group B, A, K, P, C);
  • starch;
  • resins;
  • mineral salts.

There is a wide range of pharmacological effects, so treatment with pine cones is carried out for various diseases and conditions. The following effects of products based on them have been proven:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • blood purifying;
  • calming;
  • antiseptic;
  • insecticidal;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • distracting.

From a stroke

Treatment of stroke with pine cones is due to the presence of tannin in them, which stops decay neurons after a stroke. This allows you to prevent or stop development. An alcohol tincture made from pine cones is most often used for stroke. Using tincture of pine cones with vodka or alcohol is advisable, since alcohol can “reveal” the beneficial properties of tannins. Tincture of pine cones with vodka is also used as a means to strengthen blood vessels and the heart, for blood pressure, to strengthen memory, etc.

Traditional recipes for stroke also include the use of other remedies based on cones.

Against cough

In folk medicine there are also many cough recipes that are effective for lung diseases. It is advisable to use them when pneumonia . Sometimes such folk medicines are prescribed as part of complex treatment sick. The attending physician will tell you which recipes to use in this case.

For high blood pressure

Since products based on this component produce a hypotensive effect, it is used to normalize blood pressure. It can also be used for prophylactic purposes. To prepare the products, you can buy pine cones in the pharmacy chain. You can buy a ready-made infusion based on this component at the pharmacy.

For diseases of the digestive system

This remedy has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach and pancreas. The tincture is sometimes recommended for use when peptic ulcer . But it is important to take into account that with such treatment an exacerbation is possible. Therefore, before use, you should definitely consult a doctor.

For varicose veins

When veins are affected, nodes form, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, it is advisable to use tinctures internally, and also use this remedy for preparing medicinal baths.

Local treatment

This remedy is also used externally as an irritant, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and analgesic. The decoction is used to treat the skin when lichen , allergic reactions . Tinctures are used for rubbing for inflammation of muscles and joints. Decoctions and infusions are useful for gargling in inflammatory diseases.

As a rule, infusions and inhalations are prescribed to children for coughs. Children can be given jam from pine cones, the benefits and contraindications of which are the same as those of other products based on this component. There are different recipes for jam from pine cones, but a doctor should still give recommendations on how to take the jam.

Almost every recipe for pine cone jam is based on mixing pine cones and syrup. However, despite the fact that the beneficial properties of pine cone jam are undeniable, it is necessary to adhere to a strict dosage so as not to provoke allergic reactions. Since this product is quite tasty, children eat it with pleasure. But for those who take pine cone jam, the benefits and harms of this product must be taken into account.

To strengthen the body

You can also take such remedies as general tonics. They are able to restore the body’s defenses after infections, prevent the development, strengthen . Pine essential oil is useful to use as a deodorizing agent, because it perfectly disinfects the air.


Even folk remedies must be taken responsibly and correctly, taking into account all contraindications. Medicines containing pine cones should be taken with caution by those who have certain kidney problems. Those who are sick should not take alcohol-based products. hepatitis . Also, people with individual intolerance and those who are over 60 years old should not be treated with such drugs.

In any case, it is important to strictly follow the instructions when taking such products.

When to collect?

During the warm months, beneficial substances with medicinal properties accumulate in the cones. To treat stroke, green cones that have already formed are used. They are suitable for making tinctures. During the rehabilitation period after this terrible disease, already ripe cones are used, which have not yet opened, but they contain seeds.

They are collected from young trees that are 10-15 years old. As a rule, these are low trees, so collection is very convenient.

How to make vodka tinctures?

Before cooking, you need to carefully sort out the raw materials, wash them and fill them with vodka or alcohol from trusted manufacturers. Proportions in in this case the following: for 5 cones, pre-cut, take 1 glass of vodka or 70% alcohol. The solution should be infused in a dark place for two weeks. The jar needs to be shaken periodically. The more often you shake the container, the more rich and healthy the tincture will be. After two weeks, the product should be filtered and taken during treatment 3 times a day, 1 tsp. For prevention, drink the tincture once a day, 1 tsp. The course of treatment lasts up to six months.

You can also prepare an alcohol tincture with apple cider vinegar. To do this, you need to add 250 ml of alcohol to 5 cones. Leave at room temperature for 10 days. After straining, add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Use homemade vinegar whenever possible. This tincture should be drunk for six months, adding a teaspoon to tea.

Preparing the decoction

If taking an alcohol tincture is contraindicated for certain reasons, you can prepare a decoction. You need to wash and chop 5 cones, add half a liter of water to them, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Drink the decoction three times a day, 50 ml.

What are the benefits of fir cones?

The use of fir cones in folk medicine is practiced for various diseases. Products based on them are indicated for bronchitis , etc. Like pine trees, they produce an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. They contain vitamins, essential oils, and a number of biologically active substances.

They are used to treat almost the same ailments that are treated with modified pine shoots. It is also known that you can make restorative decoctions and infusions from fir cones. They also make jam from pine cones, the benefits and harms of which are the same as jam from pine cones.

The recipe for jam from fir cones is simple. The cones need to be crushed, then placed in layers in an enamel container, each layer sprinkled with sugar. After a week, when the shoots produce juice, boil over low heat for 40 minutes. No need to stir. The jam can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars. In this case, the resin that remains at the bottom of the container must be left and discarded. Jam is used to treat colds, for vitamin deficiency, and to strengthen the immune system. However, this remedy is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Other recipes are no less popular, in particular those using pine buds. Their medicinal properties are due to the beneficial components they contain. In most cases, the use pine buds in folk medicine it is associated with the treatment of cough. Pine buds are included in breast teas and various teas, as they produce a noticeable expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are also used to treat other diseases. Kidneys are also used for the treatment and prevention of stroke, because they contain a large amount of tannins. But still, cones are more often used for this purpose.

However, it is important to consider that they contain a large amount of turpentine. Therefore, when treated with kidney-based products, digestive disorders, allergic manifestations and headaches are possible. Decoctions of water and milk and tinctures of alcohol are prepared from pine buds. Decoctions are also used to prepare baths.

Widely known in folk medicine medicinal properties pine resin. This resin is mainly processed into turpentine and rosin. These components are included in painkillers, warmers and other products. Resin has anti-inflammatory, healing, antiseptic properties. Therefore, its local use is widespread.

In its pure form, cedar resin is most often used. Also, many sources describe the benefits of cedar vodka tincture, which is made from pine nuts. It has a positive effect on the functions of the reproductive and digestive systems, and also effectively affects the immune system.


Thus, remedies from the cones can be used as remedies for recovery after a stroke. They thin the blood, stop the process of death of brain cells, stimulate the restoration of speech and coordination of movements. But they should be used strictly according to the prescription and after consultation with a doctor.

Spruces are perennial trees from the Pine family, the growth area of ​​which is unusually wide. In the CIS countries they grow different kinds ate (35 in total). Almost everyone who bothers to look near their own home has access to them.

The plant is unique in its own way: an evergreen tree in which almost all components have healing properties. In folk medicine, bark, needles, buds, young shoots, resin and cones are used. Even official medicine recognizes and uses some of the medicinal properties of the tree. It is not for nothing that many anti-tuberculosis dispensaries and sanatoriums are located near spruce groves and forests, where the air is saturated with healing phytoncides.

Fir cones They are a storehouse of various healthy substances.

  1. One of the most high levels vitamin C (from those available for modern man products). Regular consumption of the vitamin mentioned above not only strengthens the immune system, but also prevents scurvy.
  2. Tannins improve blood clotting, increase vascular tone, destroy harmful microorganisms, and can act as medicine for minor food poisoning, they have a beneficial effect on the body in case of radiation damage.
  3. Essential oils tone and destroy bacteria.
  4. Spruce cones contain manganese, copper, aluminum, iron and chromium, which are rarely found in the required quantities in common foods.

Traditional medicine recipes

Decoction for respiratory diseases

It’s hard to imagine that fir cones arouse gastronomic interest in anyone: they are hard, like an extension of a branch. Only rare herbalists know the true value of these gifts of coniferous forests.

Before use, they must be prepared in a certain way. For infusion and decoction, fir cones are crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for several minutes.

The usual proportion is approximately one part to five (1:5), but only through trial and error can you work out the most convenient proportion that will bring you maximum results.

The resulting decoction is used to gargle and inhale for sore throat, bronchitis, and pneumonia. For sinusitis and persistent runny nose, an infusion of spruce cones is instilled into the nose.

Jam that restores immunity

Incredible but true: young fir cones serve as an excellent base for jam. The preparation of this drug involves the pine cones themselves, water and sugar.

The sweetness comes out thick, rich red, with a peculiar combination of astringency and bitterness. You can’t just eat this kind of jam with evening tea: despite the rather pleasant taste, it is very specific. At the same time, all the medicinal properties that ordinary spruce cones have are preserved. Serves to strengthen the immune system, prevent respiratory diseases, and has tonic properties.

Alcohol tincture of wide application

Green fir cones are needed for the tincture. The raw materials are infused for about a week in a warm and dark place.

Of all the folk recipes, it is the alcohol tincture that has the widest range of properties. It is used in disinfecting and anti-inflammatory dressings, and taken orally as a general tonic.

This homemade medicine improves the functioning of the circulatory system, absorbs harmful substances, and destroys E. coli.

Sometimes the infusion is used as one of the components of pine baths, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Lesser known recipes

  • If the cold has “gone deeper”, degenerating into bronchitis with complications or pneumonia, medicinal milk drink will come to the rescue. You need about 6 cones, which are boiled for 20 minutes in 2 glasses of milk. Then the liquid is cooled to a pleasant warmth, honey is added to taste, and drunk several times throughout the day. Fir cones transfer to milk the substances necessary to disinfect the respiratory tract and strengthen the body's defenses.
  • Spruce cones can be used to make syrup. It has a beneficial effect on the condition and cleanliness of the lungs during colds and during smoking cessation. To do this, young spruce cones are sprinkled with sugar and left for 7 days in a dark place. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat, poured into jars and rolled up. Take 1 tsp of spruce syrup. on an empty stomach.
  • The properties of the cones allow them to be used to treat joints and salt deposits. To do this, leave one spruce cone in a glass of boiling water in the evening, and drink half of the resulting infusion in the morning. In total, treatment lasts 30 days.
  • The simplest method of use, which does not require much time, is as a natural air flavoring. Gives you a pleasant deep sleep at night, and during the day - a feeling of vigor and increased performance. It is enough to place one cone on the nightstand at the head of the bed, and you will notice that your sleep has become calmer and you are less likely to wake up feeling tired and drowsy.


The use of fir cones in treatment, in particular tinctures, decoctions, etc., is contraindicated orally for people suffering from:

  • kidney diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer.

You should refuse any treatment folk remedies during pregnancy. In old age, special caution is required: some properties of spruce cones can negatively affect a weakened body.

Don't forget about individual intolerance. In order to make sure that it is absent, you will need essential oil of spruce or any decoction of it. Apply a drop to the back of your wrist and do not wash off for half an hour. If there is no irritation, redness, rashes or any other allergic symptoms, everything is fine.

Conifer cones are modified shoots that play a vital role in the life of a tree. They ensure cross-pollination, fertilization, and then seed development. The structure of the cone is quite simple. There is a central spine, and there are scales extending from it. Under the scales of male cones, pollen matures in special “bags”. The scales of female cones cover the ovules and later the seeds.

I have already written in more detail about the “blooming” of spruce. Those interested can get acquainted with this very spectacular process by clicking on.

After pollination, the male cones, having fulfilled their function, become unnecessary and fall off. A number of metamorphoses occur with female spruce cones.

Metamorphoses of female fir cones

Female spruce cones appear on the branches (foot) of the spruce around mid-May. They develop at the ends of those shoots that are two years old.

Most cones grow in the upper part of the tree's crown, even if the crown reaches almost to the ground. This is understandable - at the top the chance of “catching” pollen carried by the wind is much higher.

The female cones were eaten just emerging from the buds, about the size of a thimble. At this time, on the branches of the tree they stick up, like New Year's candles. The color of the cones is crimson or bright red.

Fir cones during "blooming"

After pollination, rapid and noticeable changes occur. The pollinated cone closes its scales. By releasing resin, it tightly clogs the passages between them. Changes color. The pinkish tint still persists for some time, but already in early June the buds turn green.

From the moment they appear until mid-summer, the cones grow rapidly. As they grow, their position on the branch also changes. From vertical they become drooping, turning their tops to the ground.

Young fir cones. The end of May. You can already collect.

The green color will be replaced by something close to violet, then turning into light brown. And already in August, “classic” fir cones - brown ones - hang on the tree. Their scales are still tightly closed.

In autumn, seeds ripen in cones. There is no need to stretch out this process for two years. Everything is accomplished in one season. But even at the beginning of winter, the cones on the spruce are still closed. Only in February - March, in dry sunny weather, do they open, scattering the seeds.

After the seeds fall out, the old cones hang on the tree with their scales open for a long time. Gradually they fall off.

Useful properties of fir cones

What substances are these? Like pine cones, they contain essential oil and release a huge amount of phytoncides. The content of vitamins is also significant, especially C and D. There are many resinous substances that make up spruce resin. And it is similar, and contains turpentine.

A good song, beautifully performed - in honor of the anniversary of the Great Victory. Moreover, the song performed by Vladimir Bunchikov and Vladimir Nechaev also contains words about our beautiful blooming spruce.


What are the benefits of green pine cones, medicinal properties and contraindications of these gifts of nature? The benefits of pine fruits will be discussed today in our article. The pine cone has found wide use in folk medicine.

A medicine based on them clears blood vessels of plaques and slows down the aging process of brain vessels. What are pine fruits made of, what substances heal and restore the human body?

Composition of pine cones

Green spruce cones are coniferous shoots that will become a full-fledged cone already after 2 years. The healing properties of the green cone are determined their composition.

Cones rich lipids, oleic acid and linolenic acid, monoterpene hydrocarbons, mineral salts.

Young cones contain bioflavonoids, tannin and other nutritional components.

It is also worth highlighting the significant diversity in the composition of coniferous shoots essential oils, thanks to which the medicinal properties of cones are so valuable.

For reference! Pine cones are one of the leaders in traditional medicine regarding the restoration of the human body after a stroke, namely its consequences.

List of vitamins and elements in pine cones

Pine cones contain various vitamins that different in their impact on the body and beneficial properties, namely:

IN 1Indispensable for the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system, digestive system, blood vessels and heart.
AThe normal level of this vitamin is the optimal tone of muscle tissue and normal functioning of the visual organs. With its deficiency, frequent ailments of an inflammatory and infectious nature can occur.
NEnsures normal functioning of the intestines, stomach, nervous and immune systems.
EEnsures the normal functioning of the genitourinary system and optimizes the body's metabolism.
UIt has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening and cleansing them, thereby increasing the elasticity of the tissue in their composition. Normalizes blood pressure and optimizes the balance of water-salt metabolism. It has antihistamine and antiatherosclerotic effects.
WITHHas a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems, hematopoiesis.

From the constituent minerals the following can be distinguished:

  1. Phosphorus. Has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the human body.
  2. Magnesium. Affects cerebral cortex activity, participates in the functioning CNS and peripheral nervous system, protects the body from various infections.
  3. Calcium. Has a strengthening effect on musculoskeletal system, as well as general strengthening effects on the body. Has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system.
  4. Potassium. Has a strengthening effect on immune system, participates in breathing processes, affecting the functioning of the lungs. Is an important component for health blood vessels and heart.

You can also isolate iodine, zinc, manganese, sodium, iron and many other elements in the composition of pine cones.

Accordingly, when preparing products based on them subject to certain rules, provides a beneficial effect on human health.

Medicinal properties of pine cones and indications for use

Medicine has long recognized tinctures, syrups, and extracts from pine cones as effective drugs. in the fight against:

  • Stroke.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Colds and viral diseases.
  • Arthritis.

Indications for use of pine cones

The bumps have positive impact on the human body:

  • Antimicrobial action - cones support immunity and help destroy harmful bacteria in the human body.
  • Calming action – magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamin B1 strengthen nervous system , and the esters contained in pine cones give sedative effect.
  • Blood cleansing– taking buds helps remove toxins from the body and has a positive effect on hematopoietic process.
  • Expectorant action– cones help clear bronchi and capillaries from excess mucus.
  • Choleretic effect– composition of buds activates the process production of bile, diluting it.

Please note that properly dried young cones have healing properties. They can be used as a basis for infusion, inhalation, and various healing baths.

When to collect pine cones and how to do it correctly?

As stated earlier maturation period The fruit of a pine tree lasts exactly two years. Cones appear on a pine tree in early spring and look green throughout all summer. However best time collection - May, deadline month of June.

When to collect stroke shoots? They are harvested much later, since the tannin ripens in the shoots only by September. In winter, you can use ready-made preparations.

What are the signs to choose cones for treatment? see table below.

Which bumps are suitable for treatment?

Treatment with pine cones is very effective, if you know which ones shoots must be collected. There are also General requirements to the fruit itself.

Male and female pine cones

In addition to the above mentioned signs, the escape should:

  • Be sticky– female cones become covered during growth resin.
  • Have relief– scales of female pine cones press tightly to each other, creating a relief surface, male cones smoother.
  • Be as useful as possible- for this you go to collect young shoots in May, and if the cones are necessary for the prevention of stroke - in September.
  • Be non-toxic- for this Not recommended carry out collection near enterprises, highways, and residential buildings. You can collect the most valuable specimens outside the city in forests.

Uses of pine cones very diverse, we will talk about this later.

Video on the topic:

The use of mature pine cones for tinctures and decoctions

What to choose: tincture or decoction of pine cones? It all depends on characteristics of your body. More often people are treated with a decoction, who are prohibited drinking alcohol.

To prepare the decoction you will need 5 pine fruits and half a liter of water. Chop the cones, add water and bring to a boil, then cook over low heat about 5 minutes. You need to drink this decoction according to one fourth glasses in the morning after eating. Decoction effective to support the immune system and cleanse blood vessels.

The tincture takes longer to prepare. You need to cut five cones and fill glass medical alcohol. Infuse in a cool, dark place two weeks. After taking 1 tsp. in the morning after eating.

A tincture of vodka and cones is popular in the treatment of stroke, in more severe stages of the development of this disease. In the initial stages, the tincture is ineffective.

Features of the use of pine cones for hypertension

What do green pine cones do for hypertension? If you take the tincture daily you will have:

  • liquefy blood.
  • blood flow recover.
  • Will pass headache.
  • Will recover elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

There are several recipes for this miracle tincture. We invite you to consider the most effective folk recipes:

  1. 1 glass, Apple vinegar - 1 tsp., green shoots - about 5 pieces. We chop the shoots, put them in a dark container and fill them with alcohol. We insist away from light in a warm room. Later 10 days strain and add apple cider vinegar. We take the tincture since morning on an empty stomach one tsp. during 6 months.
  2. You will need medical alcohol or vodka - half liter, red pine cones – 12 pieces. We cut them into small pieces, fill them with alcohol and move it all to a dark place on 10 days. Then strain and add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. You need to take medicine before bedtime. To improve efficiency recommended add a teaspoon of tincture to tea.

Options for tinctures from shoots to improve cerebral circulation

For stroke prevention useful alcohol tinctures. With the help of alcohol, properties are revealed tannin, which is the main trace element in the fight against stroke. There are several recipes for making tinctures.

We have selected the most effective ones for you:

  1. Tincture of shoots and apple cider vinegar. Five pour green shoots 200 ml. vodka - insist ten days. Then strain and add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Drink by 1 tsp. before bedtime, better together with herbal tea.
  2. Tincture of crushed cones. Take it 6 shoots and cut into small pieces, pour a glass of vodka, but you insist 14 days. Then you can strain and drink 1 tsp. once a day immediately after eating.

In addition to tinctures for stroke, you can prepare other remedies from pine cones.

Healing remedies from pine fruits for stroke

Let's talk about how to cook tincture of water, honey and pine fruit jam, and how to drink these healing potions.

  1. Water tincture. Cut into small pieces 6-8 green pine fruits, pour liter of water and set it to brew. After the broth boils, cook some more 20 minutes. Cool and drink three times a day 100 ml.
  2. Honey from pine fruits. Green shoots - 80 pcs. fill in 1 l. warm water and boil for about 20 minutes., then let it brew day. After a day, add kilogram of sugar and cook for about hours until thickened. Then add 7 drops lemon juice, place in sterile jars and store in a dark, cool place.

Useful video:

Recipes for making medicinal jam

Jam also helps effectively in the fight against complications after a stroke.

  • Recipe 1. On half liter you will need to wash the green pine fruits and boil them in two cups of water about 30 minutes. After picking up the shoots from the syrup, which is boiling, throw them into the syrup 1 kg. Sahara and boil for about 25 minutes.
  • Recipe 2. In this recipe it is recommended to use brownish buds, but not revealed. Boil syrup from 1 kg. sugar and 2.5 l. water. After the syrup boils, place it in it. 2 kg. green pine fruits, cook until the shoots open and the jam becomes thicker.

Step-by-step photo instructions for making jam:

Is it possible to eat pine shoots? Anyone who eats boiled cones can forget about colds. However, it is not recommended to eat more than 5 pine fruits per day.

Other traditional medicine recipes

Escapes have a positive effect on the entire human body, therefore they help cope with bronchitis and also have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

For bronchitis

For bronchitis will be effective decoction of pine fruits and inhalations based on pine fruits:

  • Decoction - add a liter of water 5 pine fruits and boil after boiling 15 minutes over low heat. Cool, take according 2 tbsp. l. children, adults one third glass no more than 4 times a day. Drink no more eight days.
  • Inhalation - take 8 pine fruits, cut and pour 1.5 l. water. Bring to a boil and simmer 3-4 minutes. Then pour it into the inhaler and breathe at a distance not more than 30 cm., If no inhaler– use a bowl and towel.

For joint pain

Cooking time - night. Needs to be filled two big old ones shoots with boiling water and cover with a lid, wrap the pan well and leave until morning. In the morning half an hour before meals take a decoction. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than two months.

When treating goiter

Grind the required amount of pine fruits and add alcohol. Insist 3 months, shaking occasionally. Then filter.

Drink 1 drop for the first three days and 5 drops for the next two weeks three times a day after meals.

It will be useful to view:

For thyroid nodules

It is necessary to insist 15 small pine fruits in 50 ml. vodka during 10 days. Consume according to 5 drops before meals three times a day.

For gastritis

You will need 100 gr. pour pine fruits 500 ml. alcohol and endure 2 weeks. Drink by 1 tbsp. l. three times in a day.

For frequent headaches

Cut the shoots into pieces and soak them in sugar. Layer the slices into jars 1.5 cm.

Cover the jar with a napkin and place it in the sun twice a day to thoroughly shake the jam.

It will be ready when the sugar has completely dissolved.

When are pine shoots contraindicated?

Contraindications to the use of pine cones

Despite all the usefulness of pine fruits, Not recommended be treated with them in the following situations:

  1. Impaired kidney function.
  2. Chronic hepatitis.
  3. Stomach problems.
  4. Allergy to pine needles.

The possibility of treatment with pine fruits during pregnancy, as well as children under 12 years of age, should be discussed with your doctor.


How did you find out that young green shoots are a very valuable gift of nature, which allows fight a lot of serious illnesses. However, you must be remembered that pine medicine can bring both benefit and harm to your health.

Spruce is a long-time assistant of traditional healers. The composition of herbal remedies may include various parts of the plant - needles, bark, cones, young shoots. For a long time, many recipes have been known from spruce cones to suppress microbial activity, to disinfect wounds, to improve the discharge of sputum and urine, to prevent scurvy and to generally strengthen the immune system.

Many recipes are carefully stored in home archives and used successfully. Official medicine has also recognized the therapeutic effect of using spruce cones in the treatment of certain diseases.

The chemical composition of fir cones has been sufficiently studied.

  1. Essential oils.
  2. Tannins.
  3. Bornyl acetate.
  4. Turpentine.
  5. Mineral salts, resins.
  6. Phytoncides.
  7. Succinic acid, vitamins C, K, E, PP.

It is thanks to such a rich composition that fir cones have gained wide popularity among traditional healers.


Fir cones have wide range healing properties: bactericidal (inhibit the growth of bacteria, both when used internally and in environment), it is not without reason that the air in the room where the spruce stands is filled with a pleasant aroma and is easy to breathe, as well as expectorant, diuretic, regenerating and hypotensive. Herbal healers value and love fir cones for their ease of storage and high healing qualities.

Folk remedies based on spruce cones

1. Jam. The most popular jam is made from spruce cones, excellent in the winter months.

Soak a kilogram of cones for a day. At this time, prepare syrup - 1000g. sugar per two liters of distilled water. Mix the syrup and swollen fir cones. Cook until they bloom completely. After sterilization, the jam is stored covered in the refrigerator. Consume twenty grams daily for general strengthening of the body.

2. Decoction. To treat sore throats and nasal discharge, a decoction of fir cones is useful - pour forty grams of the raw material into 250 ml. just boiled water. Simmer on fire for about thirty minutes. After filtering and cooling, rinse several times a day, and also instill five drops into each nasal passage.

3. With milk. For bronchitis: place six washed cones in half a liter of milk. Boil for twenty minutes. Cool to forty-five degrees, you can add honey. Drink several times throughout the day.

4. Syrup for help and bronchi, as well as for quitting smoking: rinse young cones and place in a saucepan, pouring them in layers with sugar. Keep in a dark place for seven days. Then bring the contents of the pan to a boil and simmer for about forty-five minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Take ten milliliters before going to bed.

5. For the treatment of bronchial asthma: take one and a half kilograms of green cones, pour three liters of distilled water. Boil for two hours. Pour a kilogram of sugar into the broth (volume one to one) Simmer for sixty minutes. After cooling and straining, the mixture is consumed three times a day, for a course of thirty days. Repeat after a fourteen-day break.

6. For sore throat, or tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract An infusion of their cones is used for inhalation: take the crushed raw material in a volume of one to five with water.

Simmer for thirty minutes. Hold for fifteen minutes. Strain through a cloth. For inhalation, use a product heated to eighty degrees in a volume of twenty milliliters per manipulation for adults. When rinsing, heat the infusion to forty degrees.

7. For arthritis and gouty joints: place the washed pine cone overnight in a mug of just boiled water (in a thermos). In the morning, pour the product into a container and drink half the volume. The second part is the next day. The course is thirty days, a break of ten days. To completely get rid of salts - three full courses.

8. Tincture of fir cones: put crushed cones into a three-liter glass container by one third. Fill with water up to the neck. Add two hundred grams of sugar. Wrap in gauze and place on the windowsill for seven days. Drain the resulting liquid into a clean container, and fill the remaining cones with water again. Add sugar again. After infusion for seven days and transfusion, the mixtures thus obtained are combined. After just five days, you can drink the tincture, fifteen milliliters twice a day. The tincture is useful for hypertension and the prevention of stroke and heart attack.

9. Tincture of fir cones with alcohol: place the prepared cones in a jar, sprinkling with sugar (one kilogram of raw material per half kilogram of sugar). Place in a dark and cool place for twenty days. Drain the juice and mix with half a glass of alcohol. Pour into a container with a lid. Leave for sixty days. Adults take a dessert spoon when coughing, and children take a teaspoon in tea.

10. To prevent premature aging, in the spring, when spruce cones bloom, they are collected and dried. Then shake out the pollen and take one gram before meals, three times a day.

11. To get rid of sand in the kidneys and gallbladder: Collect small green cones in spring. Fill the pan a third full, add water and boil for about five minutes. Drink one hundred milliliters of the decoction after eating food three times per day, the course is twenty days.

12. To get rid of it: place young spruce needles and cones in a large mug, fill it with alcohol on top. Place in a dark place for ten days. Then strain and drink twenty drops diluted with a mug of water, repeating the procedure three times.

Outdoor use

  1. Pine decoction for a bath - fill a ten-liter pan one third with fir cones, fill to the top with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for thirty minutes. Infuse the decoction for twelve hours. After filtering, the product is poured into the prepared bath. It should be taken for about twenty minutes. Helps with dermatological problems.
  2. After the bath, apply a fir cone to the steamed damaged skin - the wound will heal much faster.
  3. To increase the tone of the body, it is useful to massage the feet with fir cones, trampling on them.
  4. To relieve stress and overwork, inhale the aroma of pine cones every evening, holding them in your palms.
  5. For dry calluses and corns: prepare a bucket of spruce cone decoction, pour out two-thirds and add another half bucket of water to the volume. Boil, cool slightly and steam the legs for about thirty minutes.
  6. Fir cone ointment will help with arthritis, dermatitis, cuts and burns. Mix the crushed cones and resin in one to one volumes, add sunflower oil and beeswax. Apply to the affected area.
  7. If joints are damaged, rubbing helps: place ten young spruce cones in a clean container, add alcohol on top. Leave for seven days. If the liquid has darkened, it must be drained. Rub the affected joint morning and evening.
  8. For pain and crunching in the joints: chop six young fir cones and combine them in a container with half a liter of alcohol (vodka). Leave in a dark place for twenty-one days. After straining, combine twenty milliliters with ten grams of honey. Apply the product to gauze and apply it to the affected joint. Then it is insulated with a plastic bag and a woolen scarf. Keep the compress all night. Repeat until pain and crunching disappear.


No matter how harmless fir cones may seem, products based on them can be harmful to the human body. Their use should be avoided in case of severe liver and kidney diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, and in old age. Consultation with a specialist to determine indications and contraindications for therapy with fir cones is required.