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How to properly build a spiral staircase. How to make a spiral staircase. Modular spiral staircase on a central stringer

Choosing a staircase design for a private house or apartment with several levels is not an easy task. After all, it should be comfortable, reliable, fit naturally into the interior and not take up much space. Especially when space is limited. In this case, the most the best option there will be a choice of a spiral staircase. The material for its manufacture is most often metal or wood, but metal products are more durable and more sophisticated in design. Therefore, next we will consider how a metal spiral staircase can be made with your own hands.

What are the differences between spiral staircase designs?

The method of fastening the steps determines the design of the spiral staircase. The traditional type is cantilever, when the entire load is carried by a central support rod to which metal brackets are welded. The support is made of a pipe with a diameter of 5-7 cm with thick walls. The brackets can serve as steps or serve as the basis for further cladding.

A logical continuation of the cantilever type is the design on bolts. In it, the steps are connected to each other along the outer edge by steel rods - bolts and railing parts. From the inside, the edge of the steps is attached to sleeves, which in turn are put on support pillar. Thus, the load is distributed throughout the entire structure.

There are variants of spiral staircases without a supporting axis, where the power units are load-bearing beams - stringers or bowstrings. In the first case, the steps are located on support beams, in the second, they are mounted to them with their ends.

A good project is the basis of everything

The development of a spiral staircase project should be based on its safety and ease of use, therefore it is necessary to take into account some rules described in regulatory documents:

  • distance between turns (H 1), i.e. between the bottom step and the one above it - at least 200 cm;
  • comfortable step height (h) – 15-19 cm;
  • minimum step length – 80 cm;
  • the optimal line of movement along a spiral staircase lies approximately 2/3 of the width of the flight, so the depth of the tread on it (e 0) should be at least 20 cm, and at a distance of 15 cm from the central pillar - at least 10 cm;
  • The height of the rise of the step and the depth of the tread are interconnected by a relationship that must be fulfilled:

2h+e 0 =60…65 cm,

  • the ratio of tread thickness to step length should be within 1:20;
  • with a flight width of up to 150 cm, the staircase must be equipped with railings 90-100 cm high;
  • for safe ascent to the upper level, the dimensions of the staircase opening at each edge must be 10 cm larger than the diameter of the screw structure.

Having familiarized ourselves with the standards, we move on to calculations.

Note! Before starting design, determine the entry and exit points of the staircase, its angle of rotation and direction of rotation.

Next we will talk about a staircase on rails, which has a support pillar with a diameter of 76 mm, a step length of 1 m and a rotation angle of 270 degrees. The lifting height H (the distance between the finished floor at the lower and upper levels) is 3 m.

Radius along the lift line

R 0 =38+1000∙2/3=705 mm

Length of the stairs along the line of travel

L 0 =3/4∙2πR 0 =3/4∙2∙3.14∙705=3321 mm

We take the height of the steps h=190 mm. Then the number of steps:


Round to 16 and clarify h=3000/16=188 mm. More precisely, 15 lifts of 188 mm and one (on the first stage) of 180 mm.

The role of the last step is played by the platform on the upper level, therefore, we have 16 ascents and 15 steps.

Now we get the width of the tread along the line of movement e 0 =3321/15=222 mm, which corresponds to the standards.

We check this value for ergonomics: 2∙222+188=632 mm., i.e. Everything fits here too.

We calculate the length of the stairs based on the outer diameter and the width of the steps from this edge:

L=3/4∙2∙3.14∙(38+1000)=4489 mm., e=4489/15=326 mm

Let's determine the size of the landing, assuming that the thickness of the upper floor is 20 cm. Rising by 18.8 cm with each step, on the fourth the distance to the ceiling will be 205.6 cm. This means that the landing can only cover 4 steps.

The main dimensions of our stairs have been calculated. Using them we make a design drawing, which will be the basis for manufacturing.

Building a staircase

For axial support you will need a Ø57 mm pipe. with thick walls. It will be fitted with sleeves from the same pipe, but with a diameter of 76 mm. A profiled pipe 25x40 mm is suitable for the steps.

The progress of work is as follows:

  • We cut the sleeves. The cutting plane must be strictly perpendicular to the axis so that the density of the sleeves is maximized.

  • To ensure that the sleeves fit on the support axle without backlash or gaps, we will use 6 mm O-rings. rods - 2 for each sleeve, screwing them onto a thinner pipe.

  • We cut the rings, making a gap, and weld them at each end of the sleeve. Now, to ensure a tight fit, we use a router to sand the inside of the rings.

  • For the same and correct geometry of the step frames, we need a jig. We make it from chipboard, several bars and a pipe mandrel.

  • We put the blanks under the steps into the jig, mark the cutting lines, cut along them and weld everything into one whole. When finished, clean the seams.

  • Next we assemble the frame. We put the sleeves with steps on the central support and install the resulting structure on the prepared site. The lower part is concreted, and the upper part is attached to the ceiling.
  • We turn the steps at the desired angle, after which we weld racks made of profiled pipe between them. We fix the sleeves together by welding.

The staircase frame is ready. After priming and painting, the steps are sheathed and railings are installed. How easy it is to create a spiral staircase made of metal with your own hands, see the video below.

If the construction budget is as limited as the living space, the best solution would be to install a spiral staircase yourself. It takes up minimal space and is much more convenient than a folding attic ladder.

Advantages and disadvantages of making spiral staircases with your own hands

Before starting construction, it is still better to once again compare all the pros and cons of a spiral staircase, especially if you plan to self-installation. Otherwise, you can spend money on purchasing materials and tools without ultimately getting the desired result.

Pros of a spiral staircase

So, why can a spiral staircase be a good solution:

  • saving space - for the stairs you only need a circle with a diameter of 2 m;
  • saving on materials - fewer steps are needed than for a corner staircase;
  • saving effort - by reducing the number of elements, you can significantly reduce installation time.

Thus, a spiral staircase is suitable for people who want to maximize their living space by reducing the flight of stairs. Original appearance will give a small home a unique charm.

Spiral staircases were extremely popular in England in the mid-twentieth century. Even multi-story houses were equipped with such stairs to save space. At the same time, residents do not experience any inconvenience even now - all large loads are lifted through windows or disassembled.

Cons of a spiral staircase

Any design has disadvantages. Spiral staircases, which are often criticized, are no exception:

  • inconvenient operation - you will have to provide a backup option for raising large furniture to the upper floor;
  • difficulty in manufacturing - to build a truly beautiful spiral staircase, you need to have excellent carpentry and turning skills;
  • insufficient safety - if the steps are incorrectly calculated and selected, the stairs are extremely inconvenient to walk on.

Therefore, if it is impossible to lift a sofa or double mattress through the windows, you will have to abandon the spiral version of the steps. If construction skills are at an initial level, it is better to order ready-made elements, and this will increase the cost of construction. And to calculate a safe and convenient design, it is advisable to involve a professional so that you don’t have to suffer for years because of narrow and short steps.

For older people, a spiral staircase can become an insurmountable obstacle - the lack of two railings and high steps are not very comfortable. So, if several generations live in a house, it is better to sacrifice precious space, but think about the ease of movement of the elders.

Selection of design and material

Its comfort and safety will depend on the chosen shape and size of the staircase. For example, when constructing a narrow spiral staircase, it is worthwhile to avoid installing risers.

This will allow you to place your entire foot on the step, not only in the actual wide place, which increases the comfort and safety of the stairs.

Wood, metal or concrete?

In addition to aesthetic preferences, when choosing a particular material, you must also be guided by practical considerations. After all, no one will redo the staircase and it should serve as long as the whole house.

For large country cottages built of brick or concrete blocks, a concrete staircase is suitable. Of course, it will not be compact, but it will add originality to the interior. And to make it pleasant to use, it is advisable to make it no more than one turn and with a step width of at least 1.2 meters - so that two people can easily pass each other on the stairs.

Stairs with a metal frame are versatile and durable. They can be installed in both wooden and brick houses and even in light frames. Using wooden steps and railings in combination with forged fencing elements, the entire structure will receive a reliable, but light and openwork look.

All-wooden stairs are easy to construct - you don’t need welding skills to work with wood, and the only tools you need are a jigsaw, a grinder and hand saw on wood. By properly treating wood with antiseptics and regularly renewing the decorative coating, you can achieve a long service life. In addition, natural wood will add more comfort to the interior.

Ladder on bowstrings or stringers

This is the simplest option for construction in a small country house. The bowstring is a blind side element with selected grooves for the steps, and the stringer has the shape of a comb, on the edges of which the steps are placed. Often, stringers are mounted directly on the wall, thanks to which the steps of the spiral staircase receive two points of support - on the central pillar and on the stringer.

There is no need for additional supports or jibs.

Together with cutting grooves into the central column, this allows you to achieve high reliability designs with a minimum of material costs. This option is suitable even for a novice carpenter.

Staircase on rails

Bolster staircases are becoming increasingly popular. All thanks to the support-free design, which allows you to place the stairs anywhere, making them visually lighter and freeing up maximum space. The bolts connect the steps and railings, which are the load-bearing element.

Thanks to this, a rigid frame is created, and due to the lack of contact between the steps, the stairs on the rails do not creak or wobble.

Of course, this option is the most difficult to implement on your own, because you need to extremely accurately calculate the shape of the railing and fix it correctly. IN otherwise the steps will eventually begin to curve down the outer edge.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

Under no circumstances should you skip this stage and build a spiral staircase “by eye”. Even the trained hand of a master may not be able to cope, which will lead to dire consequences. So, it is necessary to take into account:

  • calculating the comfortable height of the riser of a spiral staircase differs from that of a marching staircase - the lower the height, the narrower the steps along the center line;
  • the number of steps is calculated based on the height of the turn, equal to 2 m;
  • The minimum width of the steps of a spiral staircase is 90 cm, while the area of ​​the entire staircase is equal to twice the width of the steps plus the diameter of the central pillar.

All other requirements for spiral staircases are the same as for marching staircases. You should not make the steps too narrow or resort to the “duck step” to save space. If there are children in the house, the railing posts should be placed two per step.

Schemes, formulas and drawings

For example, you can calculate the parameters of a staircase with a step width of 90 cm and a round central post of 20 cm. The diameter of the entire staircase (L) is equal to:
Length = 90 cm *2 + 20 cm = 200 cm.
The selected riser height is 21 cm. The height of the stairs is 290 cm. Thus, the number of steps (Ks) is equal to:
Kc = 290 cm / 21 cm = 13.8.
Having rounded the resulting number to 14 steps, you should reduce the height of the first or last step to 17 cm so that you do not have to make the upper platform raised above the floor level. The comfortable depth of the step along the center line should be 20 cm when descending, taking into account the overlap, and 30 cm when ascending.

The undeniable convenience of such a program is that you can view several options for stairs by entering different data. After all, the calculation is done instantly.

Making your own stairs

The first thing you need to decide when starting to make a staircase is whether you will only do the assembly yourself, or whether your carpentry skills allow you to start cutting out the steps and racks yourself. The first option is much simpler; you can assemble a staircase from ready-made parts in one day. The only catch is to find a good carpenter who can complete the order exactly according to the presented sketches.

Making a staircase “from scratch” is not something everyone can do. Just purchasing the right tool will take half the cost of all the blanks. But if difficulties do not frighten you, but milling machine It will definitely come in handy on the farm, you can get to work.

Preparing elements

After successfully testing the stairs, you can begin to cut the steps themselves from the selected material. Solid oak is best, but it is the most expensive material. As analogues, it is recommended to use ash, white acacia or maple. Beech is not suitable for steps - it is afraid of moisture and may not withstand active use.

Preparation of staircase parts consists of several stages:

  1. Steps of the desired shape are cut out from blanks. Manual router chamfers are removed, grooves are made for the load-bearing sleeves, everything is sanded, varnished and painted.

When all the elements are ready, you can proceed directly to the construction of the spiral staircase. The staircase is installed on the prepared surface from which the flooring has been removed. The upper opening is framed with metal corners or a wooden plank with plinths.

Assembling the stairs

The process of assembling the stairs itself will not take much time, the main thing is to follow the technology:

  • it is very important to set the central support pillar strictly vertically, otherwise the entire staircase will be mowed, and this is not so easy to fix;
  • the central post is fixed to the floor with anchors and, if necessary, filled with cement screed;
  • the main thing is not to burn the sleeve - the free part that does not heat the PVC must be unbuttoned;

Concrete spiral staircase

An alternative to a wooden and metal staircase can be its concrete counterpart. It looks very stylish, but massive. So it is only suitable for large rooms with free space.

Such a staircase is calculated according to the same principle as a regular spiral staircase with a central pillar. Only instead of a pillar, the diameter of the inner circle is entered into the calculation. The process of constructing a concrete spiral staircase is simple in theory, but quite complex in practice:

  1. Formwork for stairs and railings with mandatory reinforcement is installed. To do this, OSB sheets are laid along a given arc, and a reinforcing mesh is laid on them.
  2. Steps are formed on top. A particular difficulty with a concrete spiral staircase is to correctly and securely fix the spacers, which must withstand considerable weight and not disturb the geometry of the staircase.
  3. Pouring concrete begins with the railings in the direction from the lower platform to the upper one. If you fill the steps first, then when filling the railings the steps will be squeezed out. And so that concrete mixture did not flow down, a little concrete is poured at the junction of the steps and railings so as to close the gap.
  4. Filled steps and railings are pinned or vibrated to remove air bubbles from the mixture. After this, the surface is leveled. To move along a poured staircase, boards are placed on the formwork, which should not come into contact with the concrete surface.
  5. Like any concrete products, the stairs must dry completely, which takes about a month. In order for the concrete to acquire the necessary strength, the stairs are regularly watered with water and covered with film.
  6. When the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed. Now you can start smoothing out unevenness and decorative finishing.
  7. Concrete is a strong and durable material. Such a staircase will last a long time, but it will not be possible to make changes to the interior design without complete destruction. Therefore, before installing a concrete spiral staircase, it is better to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

    The construction process is clearly shown in the video, with detailed explanations of the formwork and reinforcement structure:

    In private construction, screw structures are often erected to rise to the second floor; they are very compact and can transform even the most modest interior. And most importantly, assembling a spiral staircase with your own hands is not at all difficult and is completely within the capabilities of anyone. To do this, you just need to know the design features of such structures, and mastering the installation technique will not be difficult.

    Features of a spiral staircase

    Before you make a spiral staircase yourself, you need to consider the main aspects associated with the features of this design. For example, there are a number of differences between similar products.

    First of all, the steps are arranged in a spiral, allowing the staircase to be placed more compactly. However, due to this, the ascent and descent become less convenient. The staircase may have only a slight curve, or it may extend high up, alternating turns.

    If we look at the design of a spiral staircase, from above it looks like a flower with petals that are arranged in such a way as to slightly overlap each other.

    Regardless of whether we are talking about a metal spiral staircase or a wooden one, a purchased model or a home-made one, all elements have a similar design. The central part of this design is the support, which acts as a guiding axis. It is to this that the steps are attached. They, in turn, are also radically different from the steps of ordinary marches, since almost each of them is a winder. This is reflected in the calculation methodology.

    The main structural element of a spiral staircase is the central axis

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Since you are planning to make a spiral staircase to the second floor, you should first weigh the pros and cons, because, despite its advantages, this model also has a number of disadvantages, which in some cases may seem quite significant.

    Advantages of screw design:

    • Compactness. Compared to a flight of stairs, it takes up minimal space, and it is more convenient to move along it than on folding or attached models.
    • Decorative. The spiral rise to the floor looks very impressive, especially if you use smooth transitions and soft curves.
    • Budgeting. Building a spiral staircase yourself is much easier and cheaper; it requires less materials.

    Disadvantages of spiral staircases:

    • Difficulty lifting loads. Due to the turns and limited space, carrying large objects becomes very difficult.
    • Less convenience. It is more difficult to move, especially downwards, along a screw structure. If design rules are not followed, not only comfort but also safety suffers.

    The main advantage of the screw design is its compactness

    Materials used

    In order for you to get a durable and aesthetic design, you need to select suitable materials. A spiral staircase is made with your own hands, mainly from wood or metal; most often you can find the following options:

    • wooden staircase;
    • metal welded;
    • forged metal;
    • combined.

    In the first case, exclusively wood is used. A beam with a cross-section of at least 100 mm can serve as a support. It is advisable to additionally fix the steps on the wall stringers. For a metal structure, channels or pipes, as well as corners or sheet metal for fastening steps. In the case where only a metal frame is created, wood or MDF overlays can be used for the steps. The combination of MDF and stainless steel looks quite good. For railings, the best option would be plastic, since it can be easily bent into a bent shape. Forged structures are considered the most decorative, but their cost is quite high.

    You can also use ready-made modular products. In this case, you will have a set of metal sections and finished wooden steps that need to be secured to support pipes and brought under the entrance to the floor.

    Varieties of spiral staircases according to materials of manufacture: wooden, metal, forged, combined

    Project calculations

    The most difficult part of the work is, perhaps, the development of the project, namely the drawings. Comfort and safety when using the structure depend on the correctness of the calculations. A do-it-yourself spiral staircase is worked out in several stages.

    First you need to determine the area available for construction and prepare drawings. The hatch to the second floor cannot be less than 2 square meters, there must be a free approach to the entrance. Then you should consider the number of steps and their location. Often, screw projects do not have risers, so you can make the steps slightly overlap each other in their narrowed part. At the same time, it is important to maintain a comfortable step so that a person can comfortably descend without clinging to the top step with his heels. Usually 11–13 steps are enough for a full climb.

    The degree of slope can be increased to 45 degrees. Be sure to think through the drawings for the location of the handrails. Since the usable area of ​​the steps is reduced due to the method of their fastening and the specific location, it is necessary to increase the minimum width of the stairs. For standard screw structures it must be at least 120 cm.

    Basic data and formulas for calculating a spiral staircase with a schematic representation of the structure

    Installation of support

    The first thing you will need to do is install the support posts. Since you have to make a spiral staircase with your own hands, in the case of constructing a metal frame you need to have the skills welding work. The wooden stand must be fixed with anchor bolts.

    In most cases, a combined spiral staircase made of wood and metal is built with your own hands. First you need to indicate the places where the steps are attached in the drawings. It is necessary to ensure that the support is sufficiently removed from the wall so that nothing interferes with further construction.

    If the spiral staircase is made only of wood to ascend to the floor, you additionally need to arrange lateral fixation of the steps. To do this, you can cut out stringers with your own hands and secure them to the wall and auxiliary beams. In this case, the design will be similar to a regular staircase with winder steps, but the turn will be steeper.

    Method of fastening a support for a wooden spiral staircase

    Installation of steps

    To make it convenient to move up the stairs to the floor, you need to correctly position the steps on the axis. Usually a frame is welded for them, precisely adjusted to the final shape. It is best to use corners for it. You can also simplify the situation and weld the support in the form of a straight plate. You can weld two corner metal profiles together in the form of an inverted T-shaped stand. Wooden or metal steps are subsequently attached to it. Thanks to this frame, it remains possible to adjust the size of the steps.

    A wooden spiral staircase, made by yourself, can have fastenings for steps on the axis, the wall, and also through the use of bolts, if you combine it with stainless steel.

    Scheme of mounting steps on the axis

    Fences and railings

    The final stage is attaching the fences. For spiral staircases, this is not only a way to secure less convenient movement to the floor, but also an additional way to decorate the structure. The most common option is to use thin metal tubes. This kind of fencing looks especially impressive if it is combined with forged inserts and bent wooden railings.

    Marking and installation diagram of railing posts

    When finishing a structure with wood, it is more appropriate to install wooden balusters. The main difficulty you may encounter is when trying to create a continuous, rounded railing. In principle, you can make bent products from wood, but to do this you will have to soak it for a long time and dry it in a special way. It is better to use imitation wood, namely PVC products.

    Now you know the basics of how to build a classic spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands. More accurate calculations and installation methods are determined individually for each project.

    A spiral staircase can be simply irreplaceable for the interior of rooms with limited space, or in cases where it is necessary to maintain a certain architectural style.

    The screw can be made of wood, metal, composites, or all of these materials in combination. This depends on the choice of the owners of the building, on the skills and capabilities of the craftsman, as well as on the general interior design of the room into which the created structure will fit.

    Since this type of staircase itself is not just a functional, but also a decorative element, it is suitable for almost any interior style. For example, a room made in a “rustic” country style would be perfect with massive steps, and for an interior in which the “modern” style predominates, you will need to purchase or order forged balusters or steps with metal “lace.”

    For each of existing options finishing, you can choose a design solution and the material from which the staircase will be made.

    Pros and cons of spiral staircases

    Like all interior details, spiral staircases have their positive and negative sides, which you need to be aware of when choosing this option for installation in a particular room.

    1. The advantages of this type of stairs include:

    • Compact design. Most often, this circumstance is decisive when choosing a staircase for small rooms. And if the room has a low ceiling, then the screw model usually visually makes it slightly higher.
    • Unlike marching staircases, the spiral model will not take up much space on the first floor and will not require a large opening in the ceiling, which means you can save useful space on the second floor.
    One of the main advantages of a spiral staircase is space saving
    • A spiral staircase is perfect as an additional, internal staircase, for example, if the main one is located on the outside of the building. The main staircase is necessary for lifting large objects, such as furniture and household appliances, to the top, and it will be difficult to do without a screw staircase in the winter.
    • By choosing this option, you can save not only on the area of ​​the rooms, but also on common cash costs. A spiral staircase is often much cheaper than a flight staircase - due to the smaller amount of materials required for its manufacture, as well as in some cases- due to the ease of installation.
    • This original element will give the interior exclusivity, which for many owners of mansions is also important, and sometimes even a predetermining factor.

    2. This design also has its significant disadvantages:

    • The main thing that can be attributed to negative points- this is the impossibility or extreme difficulty of lifting large objects along a screw structure.
    • If there is a residential, frequently visited premises on the second floor and the residents of the apartment have to go up and down the stairs several times a day, then this circumstance can have a bad effect on the building, and perhaps even on their well-being. Therefore, it is best to arrange bedrooms on the second floor, where they are not climbed so often, or, as mentioned above, you can have a main flight of stairs and a spiral staircase - as a decorative one.

    Main types of spiral staircases

    Spiral staircases come in several main varieties, depending on the design and fastening of the steps. But in all cases, the steps are attached radially with small turns of each step, forming some semblance of the thread direction of an ordinary screw, which is where the name of this staircase model comes from.

    If you look at the stairs from above, you can see a round or polygonal flight of stairs.

    • The latter is formed if part of the steps is fixed not only on the central pillar, but also on one or two walls. This type of staircase is placed in a narrow niche with limited space in the room or in a corner. In the figure above, this option is number one.
    • The second picture shows a view of the staircase in which the steps are cantilevered onto the inner central post.
    • In the third option, the steps are fixed to a support post and to bent bowstrings and a fence.
    Option without a central post at all - with bent bowstrings
    • In the last type of spiral staircase shown in the figure, the steps are fixed to the casing and supported on the other side curved railings.

    The steps are “accumulated” onto the central vertical post

    These are the main, most used types of screw structures, but there are others - more complex ones, which can only be made by professional craftsmen.

    Find out which system is better to choose from our new article.

    Screw design elements

    To understand how and which parts must be made for a spiral staircase, you must know what they are called, where they are located and what way are mounted. Therefore, before moving on to further actions, it is worth understanding this issue.

    1 — Stair steps.

    2 — The final upper platform of the structure.

    3 — Supporting post for handrails and balustrades.

    4 — The central cylindrical support pillar, which can be called the basis of the entire structure.

    5 — The cylinders that make up the central column.

    6 — racks for supporting the handrail and fastening the turns of the spiral staircase together.

    7 — Jumpers.

    8 — Helical handrail

    9 — Second floor fencing.

    In addition to these elements themselves, you need to know how they are connected in various structural units:

    • Node “A” is the connection between the central support post or crimp pipe of the staircase and the railing on the second floor.

    A handrail with a special through hole is placed on a screw or bolt fixed in the back of the support post.

    • Node “B” - shows the threaded connection of a section of the crimp pipe with a sleeve installed in the hole of the step.
    • Unit “B” - installation of washers and sleeves on the casing pipe, which performs a decorative and pressing role.
    • Node “G” is the connection of the support post with the base, which is fixed to the floor.

    Video: prefabricated modular spiral staircase “Dream”

    Prices for various staircase elements

    Elements of stairs

    Important nuances when calculating, manufacturing and installing stairs

    In order for the staircase to be comfortable and safe for ascent and descent, it is recommended that at all stages of work - during calculations, during the manufacture and installation of the structure - follow the recommendations and rules developed and tested by experienced specialists.

    • The width of the step in its middle, where people most often step when ascending and descending, is not recommended to be less than 200 mm.
    • The supporting central post, for safety reasons, should not have a diameter less than 50 mm.
    • It is not recommended to install risers on a spiral staircase, as they can interfere with the full placement of a person’s foot on the surface of the step. This can lead to your foot slipping and an accidental fall, and as a result, there is a high risk of injury.
    • Each turn of the staircase must have at least 11 ÷ 12 steps.
    • It is recommended to calculate the height of the turns of the structure taking into account the maximum height of the residents of the house; it is advisable to even take it with a margin of 100 ÷ 200 mm. If an incorrect calculation is made downwards, then in some sections of the stairs you will have to bend over so as not to hit your head. Agree that using such a structure will be extremely inconvenient.

    Calculation of spiral staircase parameters

    Before starting to manufacture staircase elements, it is necessary to carry out careful calculations, otherwise the design may simply be unsafe.

    The first thing to start with is a general drawing and calculation of parameters

    The passage width of a spiral staircase usually varies between 700 and 1000 mm.

    To understand how to correctly calculate the parameters, you can take average statistical data as an example. For example, the width of the staircase passage will be equal to 900 mm, its height is 2700 mm, and the diameter of the central support post is 300 mm.

    First you need to determine the overall diameter of the spiral staircase, in projection - top view. To do this, you need to take two passage widths of the stairs (900×2) and add the diameter of the support post to the resulting result:

    (900 × 2) + 300 = 2100 mm

    In this circle you need to inscribe another one, which will show the trajectory of a person walking up the stairs. The radius of the second circle will be equal to the sum of the radii of the supporting central post and the width of the staircase, divided in half.

    (900 + 150) : 2 = 575 mm

    Next, it is necessary to determine how many steps there will be in each complete turn of the structure. To calculate this parameter, you need to take the average width of the step. Since the usual width of this element for an external fence is 400 ÷ 450 mm, then approximately in the middle (along the trajectory of a person’s movement) you can take 250 mm for calculation.

    Then, the circumference of the movement path must be divided by the average width of the step.

    (2 × 3.14 × 575) : 250 = 14.44 pcs.

    In this case, rounding is done upward and the result is 15 steps.

    The next step is to find the height of the steps. For this purpose, the first circle is divided into 15 equal parts. It must be taken into account that the last and first stages of the coil should be located between each other according to the height of a fairly tall person, for example, 1900 mm. Adding to this parameter another reserve - about 100 mm. In addition, you need to take into account the thickness of the step, let’s say it will be 30 mm. The total is

    1900 + 100 + 30 = 2030 mm

    Further, knowing all the calculated parameters, you can easily find out the height of each of the steps (if, of course, their placement is planned at the same height interval). To do this, the height of the coil must be divided by the number of steps:

    2030: 15 = 135.33 ≈ 135 mm

    In order to find out the total number of steps in the staircase, you need its height - from the floor of the first floor to the level of the second, divided by the height of the step.

    2700 : 135 = 20 steps.

    Total for the entire ascent the ladder will make 20 : 15 = 1,(33) full revolutions, or describe a full turn and plus another 120 degrees.

    Use a winder or spiral staircase with a description.

    Manufacturing of structural parts

    support pillar

    For the supporting central pillar, metal pipes, concrete, brick and wooden pillars are used.

    Steps can be secured to metal, concrete or brick using elements welded to the pipe, couplings or bolts.

    It is much easier to attach steps to a wooden stand. For this, any methods can be used, from metal corners to wooden blocks installed vertically in the gaps between the steps.

    The stand must be strong and easily withstand the total weight of all structural elements and a large person with luggage located on the stairs. In addition, the central support pillar must be securely fastened at the top and bottom.

    The diameter of a stand made of metal (pipe) must be at least 50 mm, and that made of other materials - from 150 to 500 mm and even sometimes more.

    Making steps

    For the manufacture of steps, a tree with a dense structure is most often chosen - beech or oak, but other species are often used. However, it is better not to choose fragile wood, such as pine or spruce, as they may not be able to withstand the heavy load that falls on these staircase parts.

    • When choosing material for steps, you need to know that the thickness of the finished parts must be at least 50 mm, provided that the height of the stairs does not exceed 2 meters. If the overall structure is higher, then the thickness of the steps should be greater - at least 60 mm.
    • The material for the manufacture of parts must be moderately dried and processed. It is best to purchase an already planed board. If wood is dried unevenly, it can gradually lose moisture and become deformed, taking on the shape of a propeller or tray. The worst thing is if this starts to happen after the workpiece has been installed in the overall structure. Most likely, a deformed step will have to be replaced, otherwise it will “pull” other parts along with it, violating the overall strength of the assembly.

    Taking into account all these circumstances, and relying on the experience of the craftsmen, it is recommended to use glued wood for the manufacture of steps, which can be made independently, using bars of the required thickness. The panel of bars should have a length equal to the length of the step, and in width - accommodate two steps laid in the opposite direction.

    • The bars are assembled into a common panel, and it is very important to ensure that adjacent parts have a structural pattern of fibers directed in opposite directions. The bars are glued together and tightened using clamps, and in this position this assembly is left until completely dry.
    • In order not to constantly resort to measurements when making each part, it is best to make a step template, with the help of which the shape and size will be transferred to the prepared glued panels with very high accuracy.

    The template is made according to the parameters obtained as a result of calculations carried out in advance. You should definitely remember that after cutting out the workpiece, the steps will undergo final processing, so you also need to provide a certain allowance for it, about 5 mm, and make a template taking this amendment into account.

    • When using a template to transfer the shape of a step onto a glued panel, it is especially important to accurately transfer the size of the wide side of the step and the hole (if provided) under the counter. The correctness, ease and quality of installation of the structure will directly depend on the correctly transferred parameters. Naturally, it is equally important to accurately transfer other dimensions (the width of the middle and narrow parts), but they will not seriously affect the build quality.
    • Since the topmost step is a kind of platform that connects the stairs and the floors of the second floor, it has significantly larger dimensions.

    It can be marked and cut out using a template made for ordinary steps, only then slightly increasing the dimensions. The figure clearly shows the process of calculating and marking the upper step-platform on a blank panel glued together from bars.

    Sometimes the length of this element is increased so that the platform can rest with its wide side on interfloor covering, which will make the stairs more durable. In addition to the length, the width of this step is also made larger, which will improve its performance.

    • After marking the steps, they are cut out and then processed on special carpentry machines or finished manually.
    • If there are holes for mounting steps on a support post, then they are selected with a specially selected cutter, only after all the elements have been cut out.

    Several steps are stacked, securely fixed to each other on both sides, and then holes are drilled for the support. Using this “batch” method of cutting holes, you can obtain a more precise location, which will help in the future to facilitate the installation of the structure.

    Read the article yourself with detailed descriptions actions.

    Manufacturing of posts and balusters

    • To make racks, you must have laminated veneer lumber with a section size of at least 50 × 50 mm and lathe. You can, of course, install well-processed square bars in the form of racks, but round balusters with a certain relief pattern are traditional. If it is not possible self-made Such elements can also be purchased ready-made.

    • To ensure structural rigidity, the outer posts are shaped so that they can connect two steps at once - this is also necessary in order to eliminate the risk of the step turning on the support pipe.
    • It should be noted that baluster posts can be glued into drilled holes, secured on top of the steps with special fasteners, or put on and glued to the steps using cuts made in the lower part of the balusters, half of their cross-section.

    The calculation of the installation location of the balusters is clearly shown in the drawing below.

    Later, it will be necessary to mark and cut the top of the posts at the desired angle, which will depend on the slope and turns of the stairs.

    Stair railing

    Curved wooden railings look great on a spiral staircase, but making them yourself is a very difficult task. high level difficulties. So, the necessary details can be performed in several ways, none of which can be called simple:

    - sawing out individual parts of the railing from solid pieces of wood, and then assembling them together;

    — sawing out railings from bars glued together;

    — gluing an element made of thin wood veneer.

    Making bent wooden handrails is a task for real craftsmen

    To make a railing, you will need not only the appropriate material, but also a tool that provides the desired bend and at the same time fixes the bent element in the desired position.

    Therefore, in order not to waste time and effort on making bent handrails (especially without any special guarantee of success), they can be ordered from specialized manufacturing companies engaged in the production of complex wooden structures, including stairs and their components.

    The craftsman will determine on the spot what radius to make the bend, take all the parameters of the staircase and make a handrail, as well as a plinth, if it is also included in the project.

    The owner of the house will only have to install these elements on the staircase during its installation, although this work can also be entrusted to the craftsmen.

    If you need to save money on handrails made of wood, you can order them to be made from another material, for example, plastic, which perfectly imitates the textured pattern of wood. Another option for railings is a combined one, that is, made of metal and plastic.

    However, no matter what type of railing is chosen, its installation and fastening occurs last.

    How is installation done?

    • Having determined the installation location of the staircase, it is marked in such a way that the structure, designed to be installed at a certain distance from the wall, does not rest against it.

    If the structure will be fixed to the wall in a certain way, it also needs to accurately calculate the installation location of the central post and the shape of the opening in the ceiling.

    • The first step is to mark the ceiling, determining the center of the circle, which should later be cut into the ceiling and will subsequently serve as a passage to the second floor.

    Determination of centers - on the ceiling and on the floor
    • Having determined this point, using a plumb line it is accurately projected onto the floor. This mark will become the location for installing the support post.
    • Next, an opening of the desired shape is cut out in the ceiling, and its edges are immediately decorated decoratively.

    • The next step is the installation of the support post, if it is monolithic.

    If ready-made sets of spiral staircases are used, then their prefabricated parts - a support post, consisting of individual elements, and steps, which are immediately fixed to the post, are mounted simultaneously.

    An approximate diagram of such an assembly is presented above.

    If the steps will be mounted on a monolithic rack made of concrete or brick, then places are marked on it where special brackets are fixed using anchor elements or welding. The steps will be laid and attached to them.

    • If the stand has a large diameter and is made of wood, then to install the steps it is easiest to use bars that have the height of the distance between the steps, which will be obtained in preliminary calculations.

    The bars are fixed vertically to precisely marked places on the pole using powerful self-tapping screws. The size of the bars can be 30 × 50 or 50 × 50 mm in cross section. This fastening method can safely be called the simplest; the main thing is to prepare the required number of bars of the required sizes.

    • Under the first step on its wide side, you can provide a reliable stand on the floor from a larger block, which must be carefully processed.
    • The upper platform step is placed on the floors of the second floor and securely fastened.

    • Next, when all the steps are set, balusters are installed on them, but are not secured yet, since marks need to be made on them for cutting at the required angle, which will correspond to the slope of the stairs.

    It is easy to determine the angle of their cut; for this process you will need to make a simple template in the form of a triangle. How to do this correctly is shown in the diagram below.

    When all the balusters have been marked, they are carefully cut down, installed and secured to prepared fasteners (holes, tongues or grooves), but in addition to them, it is recommended to additionally fix the wooden balusters with glue.

    • Next, a handrail is installed on the balusters, which is secured to them using self-tapping screws, screwed at an angle. To avoid damaging the rack, you first need to drill a channel for the self-tapping screw with an appropriate drill (usually Ø 3 mm is used), and then a thin but fairly long self-tapping screw is screwed into this hole.

    Instead, some craftsmen use ordinary nails, however, given the fragile twisted structure of the staircase, it is still better to use self-tapping screws.

    • To make the structure more durable, you can fasten a wide twisted plinth along the entire length of the staircase, on its outer side.

    Having completed the installation of the staircase, you can proceed to its final finishing. You can cover it with paint, which will help fit the structure into the overall design, or you can use stains and colored or clear wood varnish.

    If you decide to make and install a spiral staircase yourself, then the main thing in this matter is to make the structure as comfortable, reliable and safe as possible, especially if the house is inhabited by elderly people and small children.

    If you lack experience and skills in such work, it is better to entrust this process to a qualified master. As a last resort, you can start installing a finished structure, a set of parts of which is made by professionals. In this case, you will need to accurately, down to the smallest detail, follow all the technological recommendations specified in the instructions that come with such a kit.

    Video: installation of a finished set of spiral staircases

    The spiral staircase is universal structure that connects floors. Basics advantage This type of structure lies in its compactness, as well as simple installation, which can be done practically to each.

    The construction of any type of stairs involves compliance existing standards, which ultimately help to obtain a durable and, most importantly, safe design.

    The number of steps in the future staircase will be directly related to her design features. Therefore, you should define the vertical elements to which the riser values ​​apply: width, height And length.

    To find out the height of the structure, need to measure the distance from the lower and upper floors. When measuring necessary remember that the thickness between two floors (floors) is also included in the value.

    That is, if the distance from floor to ceiling is 3.0 m, and the thickness of the ceiling is 30 cm, then to find out the height of the stairs, you need to sum up two indicators, and it turns out 330 cm. All other calculations will be oriented to the height of the risers.

    Recommend choose a height in the range from 15 cm to 20 cm, since a person will comfortable move along such stairs. To determine the number of steps need to divide the first value obtained by the second: 330:15=22 steps.

    Determining the tread

    Long-term practice shows that minimum width tread (in its middle part), convenient for moving up the stairs, equals 22 cm, A maximum value should not exceed 40 cm.

    Otherwise, the person will lose his step, and this will become reason fatigue. And the structure itself will occupy a lot of places due to its bulkiness.

    Calculate the twist angle

    This value is determined experimental way. For this need to measure the distance from the start and end points. The optimal wrap angle is considered 360°.

    Attention! The twist angle should be smooth, convenient and space-saving.

    Manufacturing stages

    You should start installing a spiral staircase only after completed all necessary calculations. This stage of work is considered the most simple, since it does not require special skills or special equipment.

    Manufacturing of the structure consists of the following mandatory stages.

    Installation of support

    The load-bearing part of the stairs should be located strictly vertical, so for accuracy you should use a level or plumb line. Preferably use a metal pipe with thick walls. This will give additional strength to the structure. Special bushings are equal in vertical height.

    To prevent deformation wooden products, horizontal parts and bushings laid with washers.

    Tips for installing steps:

    • when calculating the size, need to increase the size of the washers used, since otherwise the height of the structure will be significantly higher than preliminary data;
    • to give the structure strength, recommended lay the steps with a slight overlap and secure them with brackets;
    • installation should begin from the bottom step, placing the steps counterclock-wise in a spiral.

    Upper stage fastening

    The final ones The installation stage is the fastening of the upper stage of the structure to the ceiling. For this they use steel linings. If the ceilings are indoors reinforced concrete, the upper step is attached using dowels.

    If desired, only the handrails will remain, which will help purchase designs additional rigidity.

    Spiral wooden staircase- This is an easy-to-install design that anyone can make. Important follow several compulsory tips to help you design and install the structure.

    How to build a screw wooden stairs with your own hands, see below in video instructions: