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How to advertise a massage correctly. An example of opening a massage parlor - a business plan with calculations. How to attract massage clients to private massage therapists and office owners

Advertising massage parlor- this is a task, the optimal solution of which is possible only by using a competent and professional approach. First of all, when advertising a massage studio, it is necessary to take into account several main factors, including specialization, city population, target audience and, of course, the feasibility of a particular type of advertising.

Point design


In general, setting up a massage parlor does not require any special measures or the application of certain rules. However, you will need to take into account the direction of the salon, for example, if Thai massage is performed in the rooms, it is better to decorate the facade in the appropriate colors, for example, red and black, if the emphasis is on therapeutic massage, soft, pastel shades are better suited.


Outdoor advertising


If you can afford to install a billboard, you should carefully consider what kind of inscriptions and images on it will attract the maximum number of customers. At the same time, you need to try to make the poster itself original and memorable. Thus, advertising for erotic massage salons often uses humor or inviting pictures, for Thai massage - colorful images, for therapeutic massage - pictures that evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.


Groups on social networks

It is also worth creating a salon group in the most popular in social networks. However, in order for as many potential clients as possible to visit the community or page of your salon, you should advertise your profile on larger platforms with a large number of subscribers from the city where the salon is located. Groups on social networks, like a website, can be used to publish information about the salon, services provided, artists, promotions, discounts and special offers. If you cannot get the required initial number of subscribers, you can turn to special exchanges, where for a very small fee you can attract people who will join your group and repost on their page (you must make sure that the pages of such group members are not fake and have a sufficient number of friends and subscribers, from 100 people).

Printable advertisement

Leaflets and flyers

Distributing leaflets is especially relevant at the time of opening, when you need to create a main client base, inform residents of a particular city (if the salon is located in a small town) or metropolitan area about the start of your massage studio. However, when choosing information for leaflets, it is worth considering the specifics of a given business. Unlike flyers for restaurants, clubs, and gyms, flyers for a massage parlor should be more informative and contain information about what the effect of a particular type of massage will be and in what cases massage is necessary for medical reasons.

Business cards

It’s definitely worth handing out business cards to clients and simply interested visitors mentioning the salon’s address, contact phone number and website. This will serve as a small but factual reminder of your massage studio.


It is worth offering visitors booklets with detailed description services, procedures and specific benefits from them. Such “guides” are likely to be read while traveling on the subway, buses, and while waiting, and will increase the likelihood that the client will remember to return to the salon. You can also create a special promotion to attract new visitors. So, you can offer the client to distribute several booklets to friends and relatives, and upon presentation of them, give a discount to both new visitors and the person who brought new people to your salon. Whether new clients will become regulars will depend on the quality of the services provided and, of course, your price list.

Publications in magazines

The advisability of such advertising will depend on many factors. So, if you pay for the promotion of an article about massage with a link to your salon in a serious publication, your salon must have more than a substantial advertising budget and be located in the capital. It makes no sense to advertise a salon located in a city with a population of 100 thousand people in Cosmopolitan; moreover, such advertising will cost you almost more than renting a room, renovating it and purchasing equipment. Publishing in local publications is advisable if you are sure that they have a sufficient number of readers from your potential target audience.


Carrying out price promotions

Carry out various promotions, give discounts when ordering and paying for several massage sessions at once, make “bring a friend” discounts, as described above, and this is guaranteed to retain old clients and attract new ones. Be sure to inform as many people as possible about this: for example, if you are holding a large-scale event, it would be advisable to pay for advertising in large communities on social networks and organize the distribution of flyers. If the promotion is regular and not so large-scale, post information about it on your website, in the VKontakte group and on, etc.

What advertising methods do not work for a massage parlor?

  1. Advertising on radio and TV. Such advertising will be at least somewhat justified only if your salon opens in a small town and is advertised on city resources that do not charge a colossal fee for an announcer ad or a ticker. IN otherwise you risk spending a lot of money on creating videos, texts for the radio, and regularly airing them in the media. The likelihood that this investment will pay off is almost zero.
  2. Some large-scale outdoor advertising tools: illuminated displays, video boards, advertising on transport, banners. If your salon’s budget allows for the development of a billboard layout and its “publication,” this will be quite enough. Other measures require significant investments but bring little benefit.

Hello, dear readers! Coolest article today! The idea is to highlight the issues and problems of microbusiness in the region massage services I had it a long time ago. Not knowing the intricacies of this issue, I turned for professional advice to one of our readers, who has been engaged in professional massage for many years and at the same time is the owner of several massage parlors. I prepared questions for him and based on them an interesting article turned out. We present to your attention our material.

Important Preface

A massage business is a type of activity in which the business entrepreneurial qualities and organizational skills of the business owner, combined with the fairly high professionalism of the massage service provider, are important.

If we talk about the massage business from ZERO, then it is immediately necessary to identify a number of points.

What should be understood by the initial condition “from scratch”?

If you are an absolute zero in the profession and decide to start your own business, then leave this idea. Burn out. The best thing to do in such a situation is to focus on professional growth and qualifications. Train yourself as a hired employee and build your client base. This requires some time and, possibly, money to complete additional training programs. In a word, invest in yourself first, and then think about business.

A young ambitious businessman for whom massage services are his first business project, in my opinion, will most likely be disappointed. This type of business has its own characteristics related to the field of application (medicine, sports, cosmetology, spa, etc.), features legal regulation, seasonality of demand, etc. In addition, the project of a separate massage room is unlikely to be promising. In a starting business project, you need to focus on a network of several offices, or on a separate salon. This requires quite serious investments. The second problem is personnel selection. The opening salon must have sufficiently professional staff and a competent manager. Good specialists cost the appropriate money. In short, you can’t get away with minimum wage here. So, we won’t talk about this in our article.

A possible option is investing in an account, for example, on the p2p principle. But this is a different business.

Taking into account the above, I believe that only a potentially competitive person can open a massage business from scratch (with minimal investment). He must not only produce the service itself with high quality, but be able to adequately present it on the market and sell it profitably. In this case, it is more correct to talk about “self-employment”. With certain aspirations, you can develop into a full-fledged business.

So, the decision has been made. Where to begin

Take a piece of paper and formulate the IDEA of your business in the form of a drawing or summary text. Reflect on the following questions:

  • office location.
  • what massage services will be provided, will there be a specialization (for example, therapeutic massage, cosmetology, SPA, etc.), or will a wider range of services be expected (then which?);
  • potential consumer of the service (age, gender, social group, income level, etc.)
  • proposed organizational and legal form of business.

It is better to open an office in existing specialized institutions: medical centers, sports clubs, bath complexes, beauty salons, etc.

Firstly, these organizations already have a sanitary and fire certificate, and also a medical license, and you only need to draw up a lease agreement correctly.

Secondly, these institutions have good traffic, and some visitors will definitely be interested in your services.

At the initial stage, you can do without an office at all if you provide massage services to clients at home or office. Some of my friends do exactly this. True, more often this is not a business, but rather a part-time job.

However, this option has existed for a long time and has its advantages, especially when working with corporate and “family” client groups. Disadvantages include instability of income at the start without a good client base and loss of time on travel.

Substantial shipping costs may apply. They are sometimes associated not only with the operation of the car, but also with the possible need to purchase it.

Then write a DESCRIPTION.

Draw a rough diagram of the office and auxiliary premises (if any), determine the set of inventory and equipment, and the need for preparatory work. Here, indicate the corporate style and features of the interior.

Marketing research

Competition assessment.

Having decided to open a business, you probably said to yourself - So what? Why not me! Not bad, but not enough.
Identify your closest competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. After this, honestly answer yourself the question of why you are better than your rivals. Find at least 3-4 objective advantages. If you cannot do this, then postpone your idea until better times.

Advertising strategy.

Massage services are classified as personal services for a reason. The best advertisement will be your professional reputation. It will spread by word of mouth. Whatever one may say, this is one of the effective ways of advertising, especially for small cities.

Don’t forget to notify your regular customers, loved ones, friends, colleagues, especially those who regularly refer clients to you that you are opening your own business. Please provide communication methods and contacts, as well as the address of the new reception location.

Purchase handout flyers and invitation business cards in advance. This tool is especially effective in the hands of your grateful patients. We have many wonderful people who, inspired by the results of your work, will ask permission to give your contact number to relatives and friends. If you not only allow, but also provide such a client with business cards or flyers, he will begin distribution with greater initiative.

Various branded little things with a logo and contacts are quite attractive to customers: pocket calendars, key rings, pens, notepads, magnets. Give them to your clients as gifts. Customers often take them and keep them for a long time. At the right time, these souvenirs will remind you of you.

The Internet helps a lot. Especially if you are young and active on social media. networks and on various forums. Availability of at least a simple business card website, page on social networks, etc. will become a mandatory attribute in a situation where you plan to start or specialize in field services.

Feel free to provide information about yourself. It is clear that we love with our ears, but if real evidence is presented to support the words, then this is only a plus. Place copies of educational documents, diplomas of achievement, awards, and photographs in your office. On the website, create a resume about yourself, your experience and competence. Make an album there for photo and video materials. It’s good if the site has a reviews page.
This is your professional pride.

Near your office, if possible, set up a small information stand for your potential visitors. Indicate your full name, work schedule (days and hours of reception), contacts for pre-registration. It is advisable to place several business cards there. At the stand it is possible to place a short summary about your professional competence, provide information about the types of massage services and their costs.

Almost every specialist has creative or socially active people among his clients. Many of them will definitely invite you to their concert, creative meeting, an exhibition, a meeting of a club of mothers or vigorous athletes. Don't hesitate, be sure to go. Most likely, your client will introduce you to guests in public, or at a cocktail party. You will leave this meeting with several new clients.

Sales promotion methods.

In this component, there is no need to rush and organize loud promotions, such as “We are open, the first session is free, the rest are 50% discount.” However, a correct and well-thought-out sales promotion strategy creates conditions for the formation and expansion of a customer base.

When starting your business, incentivize those who work for your business. First of all, these are “propagandists” from among colleagues, related staff and grateful clients. At the start, reasonable family and corporate discounts pay off. Later, connect a bonus program for regular customers. Bonuses for repeat clients for pre-registration and for prepayment of half or the entire course work well.

At the same time, do not try to give discounts and bonuses to everyone. First, determine for yourself who should be considered a regular customer, who should be a repeat customer, who should be given a “family discount,” and in what situation we can talk about corporate service. It would be better if all this was attached to your price list, placed in a visible place in your office, reflected on the website, in handouts.

Immediately stop those who start talking about discounts right away. Charity is a necessary thing. But do it of your own free will, and not under the coercion of others.

Organizational planning

Having started independent practice, you need to clearly understand the entire scope of work, duties and responsibilities. At the start, it is very important to decide on the work schedule, support and support of the business.

Work schedule.

Set appointment days and hours. Try to stick to your chosen schedule from the very beginning. Remember that maintaining a work-rest schedule is the key to longevity in the massage profession.

Organization of recording.

Divide the record into the current one (within the current working week) and preliminary (for subsequent periods). Determine recording methods and means of fixing it. To pre-register, be sure to fill out the form feedback with the client to clarify the necessary information.

At the initial stage, to organize this work, it is enough to make a file cabinet, get a diary and a cell phone. The card index allows you to record clients, analyze the structure of applications (gender, age, problem, etc.), distribute clients into categories: primary, repeat, permanent, etc. Analysis of the file cabinet gives grounds for reflection on the prospects for business development. Keep a small registration card for each patient. Please indicate your full name. h.m.g. birth, contacts, date and reason for initial treatment, technique used, number of procedures and results. Record all subsequent requests on the same card. Place the cards in alphabetical order in folders.


Make a list of what you need Supplies, establish the procedure for their acquisition. Make purchases with a small margin.
If the office is rented, then immediately clarify the cleaning procedure. Cleaning is usually included in the terms of the rental. Do not forget that general cleaning should be carried out weekly. Most likely you will need to pay extra for the cleaning lady, or do it yourself.

Business support.

Your business may need consulting on tax reporting, finance, and legal issues. The market for these services is replete with offers. All you have to do is choose the option that suits you.

An important digression.

It is necessary to point out the ethical aspects of business, namely issues in relationships with clients.

  • Develop a strategy for behavior and communication with clients.
  • Be neat, friendly, friendly.
  • Do not establish familiar relations.
  • Do not give reasons for flirting, resolutely stop all such attempts.
  • Do not allow your dignity and professional reputation to be humiliated.
  • Don’t be shy about turning the insolent person out the door.

Business registration

The tax base depends on many factors. In our business, not all expenses can be reported, even the rental of premises. I think this is the optimal tax regime. In general, there is an excellent article about the choice of taxation.

Initial Investment

To open a massage parlor, capital costs (initial investment) are required. These include: the purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory, start-up expenses for advertising and other start-up expenses.

There is no point in dwelling on the list of necessary inventory and equipment. It is covered in almost every massage textbook. However, the main attribute of the office will be the massage table. There is a great variety of them. To begin with, it is better to purchase a folding table. It will be indispensable if you are planning on-site or corporate services. Prices for such tables vary widely. A fairly high-quality folding table can be bought for 12-15 thousand rubles. About the same amount will need to be spent on the rest of the furniture: desk, a couple of chairs, a screen, a wardrobe, a rack for creams, towels, sheets, a treatment clock.

Other start-up costs include the purchase of a working cell phone (the option is a recommendation), a diary for recording clients, the production of account cards, and the purchase of comfortable work clothes and shoes. You can budget about 5 thousand rubles for this.

Thus, we summarize and we get that to open your own account you will need from 30-35 thousand rubles.

This is not entirely from scratch, but it is quite an affordable amount. At the same time, there is always the possibility of maneuver and savings. Even with a not very successful start and a stable minimum attendance, it will be possible to return the invested funds in 3-4 months.

Financial and production planning

Based on the chosen work schedule and type of massage services, determine the approximate number of visitors and the monthly revenue of the office.

Different types of massage require different procedure times - from 20-30 minutes. up to 1.5 – 2 hours. When planning, it is wise to set an average duration of 60 minutes.

Divide the number of working hours by the average procedure duration to obtain the average number of patients per day at maximum load.

Calculate the average check.

This indicator can be determined in two ways:

  • take the average value from your price list;
  • take the average value of the 2-3 most popular services according to your observation.

The second option is more preferable.

Now we can determine revenue at 100% load by multiplying the average number of visitors per day by the average check and the number of working days in the month.

For a more accurate forecast, seasonality must be taken into account. The peak in demand occurs in the spring, when people begin to prepare for the beach season. In summer there is a decline. In autumn, demand increases (the gardening season ends), and in winter, the demand for massage is at average levels.

In the first month of work you can count on 3-4 clients per day, in the second and third months – on 5-6 clients. The total time to reach the planned indicators directly depends on the contractor. Reaching a stable figure of 7-9 people per day can be considered quite successful.

Determine your monthly costs.

The cost structure can be divided into four main groups:

  • costs of renting premises and utilities;
  • costs of providing and maintaining business;
  • mandatory payments (taxes, Pension Fund, etc.);
  • other costs.

Rent and utilities will be the main monthly expense. There are a great variety of rental options. This could be a fixed monthly payment, a certain percentage from each client, etc. When concluding a lease agreement, pay attention to the procedure for payment of utilities, provision of cleaning services, and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological regulations. regime and fire safety. It will be good if the terms of the contract take into account your business start and provide for reduced rates in the first 2-3 months. Don't hesitate to talk to your potential landlord about this. If you have a choice of several options, also do not hesitate to say so during negotiations.

Avoid the conditions of “let’s start like this and then we’ll see.” They might look at you later and make you regret opening an office. The result of the negotiations should be clear terms and prospects for you, as well as a fixed, transparent rent amount, without hidden additional payments.

The costs of providing and maintaining a business will include expenses on advertising, the purchase of consumables (creams and oils, consumable soft equipment). When planning field work, consider travel costs.

If there is a need to attract additional personnel or consultants, then plan funds to pay for their labor.

Obligatory payments.

This includes paying taxes and...

Other operating expenses.

Here you need to take into account both planned expenses (for example, delivery drinking water to the office) and unexpected expenses. They are therefore unforeseen because it is difficult to predict them in advance. In general, when planning, it is best to allocate a certain percentage of revenue to this expense item, say 5-10%.

So now we have three main indicators:

  • start-up investments;
  • planned revenue;
  • monthly costs.

Now you can assess the prospects of your independent business by calculating your net profit.
In our case, it will be determined by the difference between income and expenses. Compare your findings with your current financial situation. If you see prospects and feel confident in yourself, then you can start.

I'm deliberately avoiding specific numbers., because starting conditions depend on a variety of factors, features of the local market for massage services, demand, client solvency, specialist qualifications, etc. Only general schemes and calculation methods are indicated.

Personnel control

Now let's talk about how to monitor the masters so that they do not steal clients into their pockets.

Yes, indeed, such a problem exists. It is connected, in my opinion, with the lack of normal labor organization and production control, unformed traditions of corporate ethics, and the absence of progressive labor incentive programs.

Sometimes the personal qualities of both the employee and the employer come into play. When hiring an employee, from the first day it is necessary to explain his job responsibilities, working hours and regulations, corporate style and ethics standards, the procedure for recording his work, filing reports, and financial discipline. For each type there must be forms of control. Complex methods can be used when several components of work activity are checked at once. For example, you can simply go in and check your presence at the workplace. Or you can invite an employee with a log of procedures performed per shift, client registration cards, BSO forms (if the massage therapist himself accepts payment) or invite an administrator for financial reconciliation. Such procedures should be fairly regular, then they are not perceived as something extraordinary.

At the same time, excessive control and unreasonably harsh punishments for violations create nervousness among conscientious workers. On the contrary, this situation encourages “leftist” lovers to search for even more sophisticated ways of putting your money into their pockets.

Analyzing my activities, I can confidently say that “leftism” cannot be eliminated at all. But it can be reduced to an acceptable size through legalization, calling it new forms of material interest and bonuses for the employee. For example, allow an employee, upon achieving certain indicators, to take one “personal” approach and allocate specific time for him. He will still drag one of his own even without your permission. Don't prohibit employees from accepting gifts and money from grateful clients and don't impose your "local taxes" on them.

The second way is to develop partnerships with employees. Only equal and mutual focus on results gives the desired result.

The combination of these two methods can form a good team and lead your business to success.

Minor possible changes

Speaking about the massage business, we should talk about possible future “prospects”.

Today, massage can be provided as a medical service (medical massage), as well as a physical education and health service (OKVED code 93.04) and a beauty salon service (OKVED code 93.02)

From January 2016, the new OKVED 2 should come into force.

The wording of physical education and health services will change.

Code 96.04. Physical education and health activities.

This grouping includes: activities of Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, weight loss and weight loss salons, etc.

This group does not include:

  • activities of massage parlors, see 86.90;
  • activities of health centers, fitness clubs, bodybuilding clubs and gymnasiums, see 93.13

Code 86.90. Other activities in the field of medicine.

This grouping includes:

  • human health activities not performed by hospitals, doctors or dentists;
  • activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists or other nursing professionals in the field of optometry, hydrotherapy, massage, occupational therapy, speech therapy, foot care, homeopathy, manual reflexology, acupuncture, etc.

These types of activities can be carried out in medical organizations operating in enterprises, schools, nursing homes, and other organizations, as well as in private consulting rooms, in patients' homes and in other places

This group also includes:

  • activities of dental auxiliary personnel, such as dental therapists, school dental nurses, and dental hygienists, who may work independently or under the supervision of dentists;
  • activities of medical laboratories, such as x-ray laboratories and other diagnostic centers; blood research laboratories;
  • activities of blood banks, sperm banks, organs for transplantation, etc.;
  • activities for transporting patients by any medical vehicles, including airplanes.

These transportation services are provided in case of a serious patient condition.

  • 86.90.1 Activities of sanitary and epidemiological service organizations
  • 86.90.2 Activities of forensic medical examination organizations
  • 86.90.3 Activities of massage parlors
  • 86.90.4 Activities of sanatorium and resort organizations

This grouping includes: medical care provided by medical organizations (sanatorium-resort organizations) for preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes based on the use of natural healing resources in conditions of stay in health-improving areas and resorts.

86.90.9 Other activities in the field of medicine, not included in other groups.

So, it is now assumed that massage in our country is exclusively a medical service. Accordingly, everyone will need to obtain a medical license. This is quite difficult and expensive.

It is noteworthy that the Introduction of the OKVED Code coming into force contains the phrase:

OKVED 2 is based on harmonization with official version in Russian Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (Version 2) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev.2) by storing codes (up to four characters inclusive) in OKVED 2 (from NACE Rev.2) ) and the names of the corresponding groupings without changing the scope of concepts.

I wasn’t too lazy and looked at the official translation.

869 Other activities to protect human health. See subgroup 8690.

8690 Other human health activities.

This subgroup includes: human health activities not carried out by hospitals or physicians or dentists, activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists and other paramedical personnel in the fields of optometry, hydrotherapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, foot care, homeopathy, manual therapy, acupuncture, etc.

These services may be provided in health centers such as those operated by companies, schools, nursing homes, labor organizations and societies, in residential health care facilities other than hospitals, as well as on-site premises at the point of service, in patients' homes or in other places. These services do not provide medical treatment.

This subgroup also includes:

  • the activities of dental auxiliary personnel, such as dental therapists, school-based dental nurses, and dental hygienists, who may work separately from, but under the periodic supervision of, the dentist.
  • activities of medical laboratories, such as:
    x-ray laboratories and other diagnostic imaging centers
    blood analysis laboratory.
  • activities of blood banks, sperm banks, organ banks for transplantation, etc.
  • urgent transportation of patients by any type of ambulance transport, including air. These services are often provided within ambulance services.

This subgroup does not include:

  • manufacture of artificial teeth, bridges and removable dentures by dental laboratories, see 3250
  • transportation of patients without the use of equipment and personnel to provide emergency care, see subsections 49,50,51
  • non-medical laboratory testing, see 7120
  • carrying out food hygiene inspections, see 7120
  • hospital activities, see 8610
  • medical and dental practice activities, see 8620
  • activities of institutions providing nursing care, see 8710

As you can see, the text is quite different, so it is incorrect to talk about “...without changing the scope of concepts.” The original text talks specifically about therapeutic massage and says nothing about massage parlors.

In addition, it should be taken into account that in Europe, physiotherapists, reflexologists, manual therapists belong to the category of paramedics, for the most part they study in physical education and sports educational institutions, or in courses like VTCT Level 3 - 5.

The original contains one key phrase: “These services do not provide medical treatment” (c).

In practice, this means that this type of activity is not licensed. Anyone wishing to engage in such practice, in addition to solving tax issues, must take out civil liability insurance. When applying for such insurance, the level of education, documented qualifications, progression in CPD (continuous professional development program), work experience in the specialty, and membership in a professional community are taken into account.

In NACE Rev.2, where can you find massage parlors that do not provide therapeutic massage services?

Here it is: 9609 Provision of other personal services not included in others

This subgroup includes: activities of Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, weight loss and weight loss salons, massage parlors, etc.

Thus, the proposed innovations do not correspond to established international practice. On the contrary, they contradict it.

In general, I agree that order should be established in the field of massage services. But instead of finally deciding on the profession of a massage therapist (not to be confused with a massage nurse), creating competitive conditions and a transparent market, we are following the path of prohibitions through classifying massage as an exclusively medical service.

Where it leads?

Nothing good will happen!

Many massage specialists simply will not be able to officially practice their profession, especially in private practice. A medical license requires a secondary medical degree. education and experience in the specialty “medical massage”. Specialists with physical education education, who are much better prepared for such work than doctors, will not be able to obtain the license required under the new rules.

As a result, many will have to change the sign, become “traditional healers”, and be cunning in terminology and wording. This will confuse the situation even more. Both professionals and consumers of the service will lose.


But these amendments are only possible and it is not a fact that everything will be so bad. In any case, the business is interesting, profitable and there is room for development. If you have questions, ask in the comments. We will not leave anyone unanswered.

On the one hand, today there is a huge demand for massage services. On the other hand, a large number of courses, flexible work hours, good pay and usefulness of the business create close competition among private craftsmen. There is a lot of demand and a lot of supply in this market. Competently writing sales texts for massage advertising is to build a springboard for a dizzying rise in sales of your office or studio.

Price issue. There are only 2 answer options, or “ Yes", or " No" To increase the likelihood of a correct answer, experienced copywriters write several packages of tariff plans.

  • The first package of services is the cheapest. It has a number of disadvantages that a person is forced to put up with.
  • Second– the most optimal, brings 80% of the profit and is singled out as a bestseller.
  • Third– the most expensive, but comparable in value to the second. Its main task is to show the contrast that the optimal package is not so expensive.
Let's look at how to write beautiful texts for massage advertising with examples taken from real advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. For clarity, I’ll exaggerate a little. So,
  • Write a short text for a massage master without water. Otherwise it loses its meaning.

Badly : Our qualified technicians will provide you with professional assistance. You will be pleased with the beneficial results.

Fine : We specialize in anti-cellulite massage. The skin acquires tone, elasticity and rejuvenation, and the fat layer becomes thinner.

  • Don't talk about yourself, talk about the benefits. Nobody likes narcissism, but everyone likes the result. Here's a nice example:

Badly : Our craftsmen constantly improve their skills and win regional competitions.

Fine : Our therapeutic massage at home perfectly helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, paralysis of the limbs and recovery from injuries. And also for intestinal diseases, respiratory tract and problems with blood circulation.

  • Empty words. Avoid cliches and bureaucracy without supporting facts: “ With us you will receive the necessary highly qualified and professional assistance», « we are pleased to offer you services», « We look forward to fruitful cooperation" The water is poured by stock market copywriters who write text for the sake of text for 30 rubles/kilosign. Be more natural. Here's a good example:

Badly : We provide inexpensive massages. The price for a professional massage performed by our specialists depends on various factors.

Fine : The cost of a general massage at home... rubles per hour session. The price of express massage is… rubles in 10 minutes.

  • "Creative" design. I exaggerate for clarity.

Badly : UsL Oogie m A S saZh is Ta .

Fine : Massage services.

  • Heading. This is a text showcase. I wrote in more detail on this topic in the article about the article about 4U headers.

Badly: Massage is a real panacea for stress, tension and the best armor against an unfavorable environment.

Fine: Rejuvenating sculptural facial massage in a salon or at home in Moscow.

Now let's move on to examples of texts for an invitation to a massage.

Example of a massage advertisement on the radio (Time duration: 1 minute 20 seconds)

(Relax music plays) They will help you relax after a hard day at work, get yourself in order for an important meeting, relieve stress after an intense workout, and recover from illness. magic hands Zebra massage therapists.

Gentle therapeutic and sports massages. Massage of almost any part of the body:

From back pain, heaviness in the legs, aching neck, buzzing in the head. Thermal wrapping, cupping massage, vacuum massage, lymphatic drainage massage, anti-edema, stiffness and hernia massage, hydromassage, anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks, hips, thighs, abdomen, sculptural facial massage. Against salt deposits, osteochondrosis, scoliosis with elements of manual techniques. With nourishing oils and creams. Massage internal organs, with needles, stone massage, Chinese, traditional Thai massage…

10 secrets on how to write the best texts for massage (based on the undying classics):

  1. Get to the most important things first. The best advertisement for a massage salon or a private therapist at home should be short. The first 3 paragraphs of the text should be loaded with interesting (profitable) information as much as possible. And if you want to create a competent advertisement for massage services in Direct or AdWords, then you need to fit everything into 70 characters. Isn't this art?
  2. Be specific. Kipling's six faithful servants will always work - What, Where, When, Who, How and Why. They are the ones who will help to close all the client’s objections and convince him of the need for a high-quality therapeutic therapy session. This is why advertising in the Question-Answer format is so popular. The more detailed you can describe the service, the more you will sell.
  3. And God loves a trinity. Repeat the most important idea in the ad 3 times in different wording. So that it is certainly clear to everyone.
  4. Write in the present tense. It's as if you're already having a session.
  5. Specify the price! A buyer who does not know the price tends to exaggerate it.
  6. Promotion“Order a back massage and get a neck massage as a gift” will work much better than “half-price back massage.” Since the largest attendance of health enthusiasts is on weekends and in the evening, it is best to hold promotions on weekdays during the day. Even the wealthiest client is happy to hear about a discount. Although she is like a rug for him as a gift when buying an apartment.
  7. Gift certificates and promotional codes also increases the effectiveness of the ad, increasing the volume of word of mouth several times.
  8. Write about yourself only towards the end of the story. When you have already interested the person enough.
  9. It doesn't matter how long the ad ends up being.. The main thing is that it should be read simply, freely and clearly.
  10. Call to action. This is the culmination of a selling text. Give your visitor a clear message by answering the question: “What’s next?”

Example: texts for advertising massage on the Internet and social networks

Sedentary work in one position? Are your muscles sore after intense workouts? Or does your back just hurt? Welcome to my table!

Therapeutic massage is better remedy for a good mood, positive attitude and well-being. Improve muscle tone, disperse lymph or lactic acid, straighten a joint, relieve spasms, remove salts, toxins, waste and excess fluid, get rid of spasms, swelling, adhesions, scars and seals, improve the flexibility of ligaments, recover from injuries.

Without bruises, stretch marks and ruptures of blood vessels (blood mesh). Order a back massage and receive a hand massage as a gift. Make an appointment right now!

For reposts - from me personally, sincere gratitude and pluses for karma, and from my cat - affectionate murmurmur

Order texts for massage advertising from a copywriter

Beautiful words alone cannot do it. The main income comes from regular customers, not one-time passers-by. Exceed expectations a little - people feel when they are genuinely cared about. Hack work is a validated coupon, and taking it for a second time on the tram of successful sales is quite stupid. And ordering texts for advertising massage from a copywriter means talking about the service beautifully, briefly, honestly and clearly.

You spend money on copywriting once - and it will work for many months and years on any media. The sooner you contact us to order a text for a massage, the faster the flow of clients will increase.

PS: Yes, and don’t forget about the keys. The old SEO and newfangled LSI have not yet been canceled.

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Comments 16 comments

How much do your services cost? I work at clients’ homes, how to present it, briefly and succinctly.

Hello Dmitry!

How to write a competent ad
and advertising?

Hello Dmitry!
My name is Olga. massage therapist since 2011
I have my own massage parlor.
I want to increase the flow of clients!
How to write a competent ad
and advertising?

Olga, answered the email.

Hello, Dmitry, I would like to know the prices for your services, I want to order an advertisement. Thank you.

Olga, answered the email.

Good afternoon I have a massage parlor in Krasnoyarsk, I need to increase the flow of clients. I need competent preparation of advertising posts and advertisements. Please write if cooperation is possible

Ekaterina, answered the email.

Hello. I do massages in Belgorod, I created a website and I need texts for the website and an advertising post on VK for publication in other groups. How much will you charge for the job?

Kirill Lavrov responded by email.

I wonder how you wrote it? Massage advertisements have been blocked on Avito for 2 years.

Apparently not everyone is blocked, I went in today and saw a lot of advertisements for massage parlor services.

How to attract clients for massage

Today we will talk about how to attract clients for a massage, be it a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In times of crisis, finding and maintaining a customer base often becomes a challenge. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many beginning masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent them from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 3 ways will help you start a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to attract clients to your massage parlor quickly and reliably.

    Gain experience in a specialized salon

Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. We're not just talking about salons - this also includes yoga clubs, spa centers and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you immediately get clients, you can earn a reputation and accumulate your own base.
In addition, when working in a salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. After gaining experience and forming a core of loyal clients, you can move to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

Look for your first clients among your friends

It sounds dubious, but many people start with this - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this is how you will earn your first money, again experience, and accumulate social proof.

Ask colleagues and partners for help

The point is this. If, for example, you know a hairdresser, then ask him to recommend you to his clients who express an interest in massage or could potentially come for a session. This kind of offline “affiliate program” can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep it?

Having settled into a new business and received your first loyal customers, you should think about retaining them. Of course, the main advice here would be first-class service and work conscientiously. But there's something else.

    Increase your appointment and remind clients about available hours

The fact that you should collect the email addresses of all your clients is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do this. Then, at the beginning of each week, look through the salon/office schedule and send information about available hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

Always offer additional sessions

Suppose I came to you new person and he liked the massage. Tell us how many more sessions will be needed to eliminate the problems, offer an approximate schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the master.

Call your contact database

People who stop going to classes should be attracted with discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it’s better to call them and offer them in person. This way you will get the most out of your customer base.

How to open a mini chain of massage parlors and earn a lot of money? you will find out in the detailed business plan

    01/21/2016 Business ideas / Business ideas 2016 / Business ideas for women / Business ideas from scratch / Home business / Fashion Beauty Health / Service industry

But the massage business is not only about high income, constant demand and quick payback (in just 3-6 months). This is also fierce competition.

Of course, if you live in a small village, it will be easier. But in Moscow and other large cities, entrepreneurs have long realized the profitability of this business idea and therefore new salons are opening more and more often.

How to open a chain of massage parlors? How to leave competitors behind and make money? Read in our material!

Fears of entrepreneurs - paperwork

The first thing that scares away novice entrepreneurs is headache with documents. Where to go and what to apply for? In fact, everything is much simpler. Although massage is classified as a health procedure, you do not have to obtain any licenses or permits from the Ministry of Health. You will only need a license if you decide to provide massage therapy or manual therapy. Permits are not required for cosmetic and restorative massages.

Documents for opening a chain of massage parlors:
1. certificate of registration legal entity;
2. organizational agreements;
3. permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire service.

To implement a business idea, you need to legitimize your entrepreneurial activity. Select the legal form of the enterprise. You can open a massage parlor as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

The second fear of aspiring entrepreneurs is where to find professional massage therapists? If you don’t know anything about massage, you won’t be able to conduct interviews. The solution is to look at detailed profiles on popular specialized message boards for massage in Moscow. There are already photos of masseuses and massage therapists, types of services provided, a story about yourself, and the price of the work. All you have to do is choose.

How to choose a room for a massage parlor

Where should a massage parlor be located? It depends on the target audience. If you are willing to provide medical massage, location is not that important. People are ready to go to the other end of the city to improve their health. But, as statistics show, only 30% of clients visit a massage therapist’s office as prescribed by a doctor. The remaining 70% come here for their own personal reasons - to relax and have fun. Of course, they will be more willing to choose a massage parlor nearby. In this case, the location is important (it is better to open the salon in the center).

When choosing a room for a salon, it is important to consider the area. To calculate it correctly, you need to know the number of people making up the working staff, and also include space for the reception and administrative rooms. In accordance with SES standards, 8 m2 should be allocated per person.

The optimal number of massage therapists is up to 5 (from the point of view of economy). The average area for a salon is up to 100 m2.

To save money, you can organize the work of two specialists in one room of 12 m2. Married couples or girlfriends often agree to joint procedures. If there is no need to save money, give each massage therapist a separate room.

What to buy for a massage parlor

The next step to implement the business idea is to renovate the premises, purchase necessary equipment and materials.

What you will need:
1. medical massage tables (the number depends on the size of the salon);
2. portable couch (if you plan to provide home-based services);
3. table, sofa or chairs for the reception room;
4. racks for oils and other massage accessories;
5. washing machine;
6. towels.

To make clients more loyal to you, put a TV in the salon, offer to look through current glossy magazines or drink tea. These expenses are optional. But every little thing builds your positive image.

Where to find professional massage therapists

The main rule of the massage business is carefully selected staff. No amount of magazines or tea and cookies can keep customers if the salon employs inexperienced massage therapists who don’t know how to do anything.

You can view profiles of professional massage therapists in Moscow on popular message boards. The specialists' work experience, education and salary wishes are indicated here. All this data is important to you. An experienced massage therapist can serve up to 10 people in 1 working day, and a beginner – no more than 4. Your profit directly depends on the skills of the staff.

When you select several massage therapists, decide on work patterns:
1. hire several craftsmen who work in shifts, replacing each other in turns;
2. invite a massage therapist when the client makes an individual order (make an appointment in advance).

To implement a business idea and open a massage parlor, you will also need the services of an administrator, accountant and cleaner. At first, you can reduce staff costs and do all the work yourself.

How to attract clients to a massage parlor

So, the money is spent. We paid for rent and renovation of the premises, bought equipment and supplies. The main question is how to make money and now cover all expenses? Clients will bring money. You just need to attract and retain them.

Free and effective method to gain the attention of customers - to launch word of mouth.

Each satisfied visitor to your massage parlor can bring several more people by telling them how well the massage therapists work. Chain reaction you can run it yourself. To do this, you need to motivate your clients. For example, offer them a discount on their next session for referring friends.

All standard types of advertising work in the massage business: distribution of flyers, advertisements on the street and on specialized sites. Advertising in the media is worth highlighting separately. Experts have differing opinions about its effectiveness. The advantage is a large audience reach. But the problem is that this type of advertising is the most expensive. Often the money invested does not pay off. Therefore, it is important to seek the services of a professional agency and do high-quality advertising.

Economical business idea - mini-salon

Don't despair if you have a modest initial capital. You can start your own business with minimal investment. You only need a massage table and a license (if you personally do medical massage).

IN Lately Mini-salons are gaining popularity in Moscow and other cities. Essentially, this is a massage in your home.

The legislation does not prohibit such activities. You just need to register with the tax service and register as a private enterprise.

If you are planning to set up a mini-salon in your own home, prepare a separate massage room, shower and toilet for clients. The first visitors may be your acquaintances and friends. To attract more people, leave advertisements in newspapers and on Internet forums, create your own website, and launch an advertising campaign.

If it is not possible to receive visitors at home, a mini-massage salon can be set up in a rented room. Where there is traffic of potential clients.

Rent a room in a beauty salon, hairdresser, or health center. You will have to purchase equipment and supplies yourself. But you will save on repairs and advertising.

Massage business without investment

The business idea of ​​organizing a massage parlor is universal. Even if you don’t have the funds to open your own salon, you don’t have the opportunity to set up an office at home, you have nothing to pay for renting a room in some center - you can still earn money. How? Provide massage services to the client's home.

What you will need to buy: a folding massage table, disposable towels, several creams and a robe. There are still costs. But they are extremely small when compared with the costs that are needed to open a chain of massage parlors.

A business idea for providing outcall massage services is beneficial for several reasons:
1. can be combined with other work, increasing your income;
2. convenient for clients - you don’t even need to leave your home;
3. savings on renting premises, repairs, etc.;
4. You can develop a business with minimal investment.

Find a few regular clients who live nearby and save your time further.

Erotic massage services

If you are a courageous entrepreneur and are not afraid of provocative decisions, the next business idea is for you! We offer to organize an erotic massage salon.

First, let's uncover all the doubts and myths. Some believe that erotic massage parlors are undercover brothels.

This is partly true. Such activities are not at all prohibited by law. And unscrupulous entrepreneurs take advantage of this. But it should be noted that there are elite erotic massage salons that monitor their reputation and do not provide any intimate services. We will consider a completely legitimate business.

Erotic massage is a type of relaxing massage that includes Thai massage techniques, “sakura branch” and others. The difference is that in in this case Special attention focused on erogenous zones.

The business plan for organizing an erotic massage salon will be almost the same as the plan for opening an ordinary massage parlor.

But there are some nuances:
1. It is important to create a special relaxing atmosphere in the room. The office should not remind medical institution.
2. Select polite massage therapists with a pleasant appearance. A specialist must inspire confidence in clients.
3. You will need the services of a security guard. This will help avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings (for example, harassment of masseuses).
Maintain a clean reputation and provide professional services. This is the path to success.

How to deal with competition in the massage business

The business idea of ​​opening a massage parlor is profitable; the money spent pays off relatively quickly (within six months). But there is a problem - competition. There are especially many massage parlors in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities.

There is an exit. A competent marketing strategy will help you leave your competitors behind.

Follow the recommendations:
1. Set reasonable prices for people with different income levels. Conduct promotions with discounts for pregnant women, students, and pensioners.
2. Choose a convenient location; there should be parking nearby. It’s great if competitive salons are far from yours.
3. Install a bright sign with a memorable name. If this is an erotic massage parlor, avoid vulgar words.
4. Monitor customer needs and what services are in demand. Nowadays anti-cellulite and relaxing massage is especially popular.
5. To develop a business idea, regularly conduct an advertising campaign. As many people as possible should hear about you.
6. Think over a customer retention scheme. Cumulative discount systems for personal cards are effective.

Massage business for those who are not afraid of difficulties. The business is profitable. When the first massage salon becomes a success, open a whole chain of salons using the same principle. Go to the federal level. And then you can sell your franchise, as many successful businessmen do. Don't be afraid of obstacles, overcome them boldly. You will succeed!

I bring to your attention a video that perfectly shows the essence of an erotic massage session. Enjoy watching!

Attracting clients for a massage therapist

Use social networks

Write in the status “ I am a massage therapist" Better yet, create yourself a group or a separate advertising profile on a social network. Carry out promotions in a group. For example: " repost the post and get a massage for free" Be sure to consider aesthetic standards when creating a profile on social networks: no nudity, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. All photos and videos are strictly relevant, emphasize your professionalism. Try to use beautiful photographs in a neat office. It is better if these are photographs with your participation.

Make gift certificates

For short, free procedures, for example, “cervical-collar area.” It’s not difficult - make a request for “gift certificate template” in search engines in the “pictures” section. Print it out, write in your name and the name of the procedure, then distribute them to your friends and acquaintances. Indicate the expiration date - this will encourage you to use them quickly.

Register in several massage therapist directories

For example, massage therapist.rf and others that you can easily find in search engines. Fill out your profile in the catalogs with as much detail as possible. The more information about you can be found on the Internet, the more likely it is that the client will contact you. By the way, many directories offer assistance in promoting your profile for little money.

Massage therapist business cards

massage business cards

Be sure to print yourself business cards with your design or ours (download the layout) or take ready-made nameless ones from school. It's quick and inexpensive. 100 business cards will cost no more than 400 rubles. They should be distributed to everyone and told that you are a massage therapist.

If you have a personal car

So, you have your first clients.

Now let’s look at how to keep them and force you to advertise by word of mouth.
When working with a client, be sure to find out the needs, take into account the typology, do not standardize patients and do not carry out the same procedure for everyone. Be sure to consider contraindications for massage for each client. Act in accordance with the outcome the patient wants. If the massage is performed for the purpose of body correction, be sure to take photos before and after the massage course and give them to the client. Then, when the form is lost, the client will see how good he looked after the massage and will return to you again. Make recommendations for maintaining the patient’s general health: what kind of exercise to do, what kind of exercises, what healing herbs drink and the like. Show a sense of humor, cheerfulness, and confidence. Remember: it is better to please the client the first time than to massage him so that everything hurts the next day. This will increase the likelihood of repeat business and being recommended.

Maintain a customer database

Preferably, in a special, so-called CRM system, record the dates of visits, procedures and set reminders when you need to invite clients to your place again. Collect email addresses from your patients and send out periodic newsletters with tips on health, sports, etc. so that clients don’t forget about you.

Provide bonuses when purchasing procedures in courses.

For example: “upon payment full course massage, facial massage as a gift.” Develop popular packages for the client. For example, “facial massage + head massage + face mask.” The complex should be cheaper than each individual procedure. Already working with a client, ask if he would like to increase the procedure from 60 to 90 minutes for an additional fee.
Give a discount to clients depending on the time of day, since the main clients will make an appointment in the evening, give a discount to those who want to come during the day. Develop promotions, for example, “bring a friend and get a free head massage.”

Finally, do not forget to constantly increase your knowledge base, study, attend additional courses, seminars, master classes, and trainings. By learning new techniques, you can expand the range of services that you can offer your client. Remember: the quality of a massage therapist’s work directly depends on his knowledge and experience.

The article was written based on materials from the sites: xn—-7sbbibdntwehi3abbz0b.xn--p1ai,,

Today we will talk about how to attract clients for a massage, be it a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In times of crisis, finding and maintaining a customer base often becomes a challenge. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many novice masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent them from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 5 ways will help you start a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to attract clients to your massage parlor quickly and reliably.

1. Gain experience in a specialized salon

Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. We are not just talking about salons - this also includes yoga clubs, spa centers and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you immediately get clients, you can earn a reputation and accumulate your own base.

In addition, when working in a salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. After gaining experience and forming a core of loyal clients, you can move to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

2. Look for your first clients among your friends

It sounds dubious, but many people start with this - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this is how you will earn your first money, again experience, and accumulate social proof.

3. Ask colleagues and partners for help

The point is this. If, for example, you know a hairdresser, then ask him to recommend you to his clients who express an interest in massage or could potentially come for a session. This kind of offline “affiliate program” can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep it?

Having settled into a new business and received your first loyal customers, you should think about retaining them. Of course, the main advice here would be first-class service and work conscientiously. But there's something else.

1. Increase your appointment and remind clients about available hours

The fact that you should collect the email addresses of all your clients is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do this. Then, at the beginning of each week, look through the salon/office schedule and send information about available hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

2. Always offer additional sessions

Let's say a new person comes to you and he likes the massage. Tell us how many more sessions will be needed to eliminate the problems, offer an approximate schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the specialist.

3. Call your contact database

People who stop going to classes should be attracted with discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it’s better to call them and offer them in person. This way you will get the most out of your customer base.

Of course, to promote massage services, attract new clients and build a contact base, you need a landing page. Internet marketing tools are extremely effective for small and medium-sized businesses. Our Landing Page Store has one template that is perfect for a massage parlor or private practice. You can buy it